Dear J. {James B Barnes x OC}

By Nemy101

9.9K 463 418

"To my Dearest J...." "To my Sweet O...." A story about two old souls finding their way through the 21st ce... More

Introduction & Synopsis
Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty-One.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three.
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five.
Chapter Twenty-Six.
Chapter Twenty-Seven.
Chapter Twenty-Eight.
Chapter Twenty-Nine.
Chapter Thirty.


190 8 13
By Nemy101

(I was gonna wait... but I simply can't... so here goes the finale... or is it?)


-10 Years Later-
Christmas Day.

"MOM! SAMMY WON'T GET OUT!" Cora shouted as she slammed the bedroom door.

Odette groaned as she made her way to the bottom of the steps. She stared up them to see Sammy staring at her.

"Samuel Grant Barnes! Come here and leave your sisters alone to get dressed!" She said sternly as Avery walked out of his room. He shook his head as he lifted Sammy into his arms and hauled him downstairs.

"Thank you Av. You look very handsome for just Christmas dinner" Odette said as she sniffed around him. She cut him a side eye, "Are you wear after shave?"

Avery shook his head, "Mom. Come on. I'm sixteen now, I wear aftershave and want to look nice for dinner." He said before taking a piece of ham off the plate and jamming it into his mouth.

Bucky rounded the corner as he eyed Avery with suspicion. He smirked as he ruffled Sammy's sandy blonde hair and kissed Odette's cheek.

"Dad. Stop doing that to my hair! Now Av has to help me fix it!!" Sammy exclaimed as he stomped up the stairs.

"SAMMY YOU'RE NINE! YOU FIX IT!" Avery shouted as he followed him up the stairs.

Bucky chuckled before Odette snapped her head in his direction. "Why is Avery dressed so nice and wearing cologne and aftershave?!" She whispered harshly.

"Because honey. His pretty friend is coming to dinner." Bucky replied before also taking a piece of ham. "Delicious as always honey. I'm gonna go set the tables. CORA! SAGE! COME HELP!" Bucky yelled as the girls groaned before walking down the stairs.

"Coming dad!" They groaned as they smiled at their mother. Odette hugged them and kissed their heads quickly before sending them on their way into the dining room with Bucky.

She glanced around the house and smiled. 11 years of memories made in this house, 4 kids, 2 animals and a whole lot of love lined these walls. Not long after the girls were born, Samuel Grant Barnes was conceived. He was the final addition to the Barnes household and he brought everything full circle.

Bucky finally retired and committed his time to his family. Odette published the book that was given to her the night of their engagement and it took off. Everyone loved the story and wanted more, which is how Odette spent most of her time when she wasn't going to games, recitals or school programs. She spent everyday the same way, and she wouldn't change it for anything in the world. She got to watch her kids grow into the amazing people they are now.

Avery was now 16. He was a straight A student with a knack for writing. He was a family boy, who loved his siblings and his parents more than anything. He was funny and smart, charming and handsome. He wasn't Bucky's birth child but looking at the two of them together, you would swear that he was.

Cora and Sage, now 10 years old, were two different girls with the same face. Cora was outgoing and bold, whereas Sage was timid and introverted. Cora loved dance and choir, while Sage loved books and art. The only thing that was similar other than their looks was their love for each other and how much they protect each other.

Now Sammy, freshly 9 years old. He was bold, brave and fearless. He tested every limit that was every set for him. He loved to run and go fast, he liked action movies and shooting arrows with Papa Clint. He loves his momma and protects her from everything. He is Bucky's twin for sure, those blue eyes that kill and the smile that makes your heart melt.

She loved each child as they were and never asked them to change. She adored all of their quirks and different personalities. They each were so special, and had their hidden talents that made them wonderful.

"Mom... you okay?" Avery asked as he stood in-front of her. "You zoned out again..." he said as he placed his hand over hers. She smiled as she nodded.

"I'm fine dear. Want to help with the rolls? I gotta finish the potatoes." She asked as she moved towards the bowl of boiled potatoes that waited to be mashed.

Avery moved beside her as he placed the rolls on the pan before putting them in the over. He then moved towards the pasta bowl and started adding the ingredients that had been placed beside it for Mac and Cheese.

"Cooking is your hidden talent Av. You're so good at it. Making your momma proud." She said as she added the milk and butter to the potatoes.

"I've spent countless hours watching you in here. I've picked up a thing or two from the best cook I know." He said as he mixed up the noodles.

They continued to work in silence until Bucky and the girls joined them. Sammy took up the official taster job as they made everything. He of course, approved everything they were handing him to try.

"HELLO!!" Steve shouted from the front as the girls took off to meet them at the door. Sammy toddled behind them to greet James.

"IN THE KITCHEN!" Bucky shouted in response as he walked the bread bowl to the table.

Sharon walked into the kitchen as the girls laughter filled the house. Avery greeted her as he took the bags from her before carrying them into the living room.

"Everything smells amazing. You always do such a good job!" Sharon exclaimed.

"Most of this was Av. He's quite the cook, he helped me several times completely took control over the kitchen." Odette replied as she walked towards the dining room before another loud voice entered the room.

"THE PARTY IS HERE!" Tony boomed as Avery suddenly appeared in the kitchen making himself busy.

Morgan filed in behind him and smiled at Av. "Hi Avery. Merry Christmas." She said as she stood beside him.

Odette watched as her son became a cherry tomato. His face flushed as she opened her arms for a hug. He quickly wiped his hands and held her flush to him. He softly ran his fingers over her brown hair, Odette knew that move.

"Hi Tony how are you?" Bucky asked as he directed the attention away from the two in the kitchen.

"Great. Where's the liquor?" He asked before a slap hit his back.

"Mom said no drinking today. Avery's my friend, calm down. Come help unload the car." Morgan snapped as she walked towards the door.

Odette turned to Bucky who was staring as Avery looked down to the floor, defeated. They locked eyes and smirked before they continued to move throughout the house as everyone arrived.

As they sat down to eat, Odette noticed Avery's distance from Morgan as he wedged himself between Sam and Steve. Conversation flowed as normal while everyone sat together and discussed their other holiday plans. Kids chatted about Christmas lists and Santa. The men talked about work and the latest car model while the women talked about the usual, their husbands and their children.

"Morgan is seeing someone. Tony is on edge about it, saying she is too young to be seeing anyone. But, she's so happy." Pepper said causing Odette to turn to Avery who was ushering plates to the kitchen.

"Avery honey, why don't you come help me with the gifts? We will worry about dishes and food later." Odette said as she walked into the living room, not giving him much choice.

Avery followed behind her as they entered the living room, his mom was sitting on the couch eying him carefully.

"Come sit with me baby." She said as she patted the couch. He sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair, taking a seat beside her.

"Mom is this about Morgan? Cause dad already asked me. We are just friends. That's it" he stated as she watched his face shift at the word friends.

She smiled as she patted his hand. "Sweet boy, I just wanted to sit with you for a minute. But if you ever need to talk about that situation, I am here. You know that." She said as he glanced at her awkwardly.

They sat in comfortable silence as they waited for everyone to file in the living room. Avery took the initiative to hand out gifts to everyone as they sat around. Odette watched him closely, he purposefully handed Morgan's gifts to Tony.

"Hi baby. I feel like I haven't seen you at all today." Bucky said as he sat beside her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

"You have, but the holidays make everything blurry. I missed you." She said as she kissed his cheek.

Avery came and took his seat beside Bucky as they watched the younger kids open their gifts. They always went from youngest to oldest, it's been tradition since Avery was adopted.

"Okay Morgan, your turn." Sam said as he smiled over to Avery who sunk back in his seat.

Everyone watched quietly as she picked up her gifts and opened them. She smiled at each gift she got from everyone and spread her thanks.

"This one doesn't even have a tag on it! What if it isn't mine?" She asked as she slowly started to unwrap the paper.

Her eyes got big as she opened the box. She looked around the room to find the gifter, but she couldn't figure it out.

"What is it Morgan?" Tony asked.

She pulled out a stethoscope, it was baby blue her favorite color. On it was engraved her initials as she admired it closely. She continued to pull items out of the box, baby blue scrubs and crocs. A lanyard with her name printed on the side. And a notebook, she opened it and smiled.

"To Future Dr. Stark,
It's a great day to save lives"

"Who did this?" She asked as she smiled, clutching the notebook close to her chest.

No one spoke up. But somehow, Odette knew who it was.

"I did it." Bucky spoke up as he smiled, covering for their son.

She squealed as she stood up to hug him tightly. "Thank you so much! I love it! All of it! How did you know I planned on being a Doctor? The only person I told was Av."

"I overheard. Figured our future family doctor needed a few essentials." Bucky chuckled as she sat back in her seat.

Now it was Avery's turn.

He sat forwards as he opened his gifts, thanking everyone as he received various items from books he wanted to clothes.

"Wait! I forgot one! Be right back!" Morgan said as she skipped out of the room and ran back with a box. "This one's from me!"

He smiled as he waited for her to sit back in her chair. She nodded as she waited patiently for him to open it. He slowly opened the box as a huge smile broke out across his face. He pulled it out into view and Odette could've cried.

"I figured that the future writer needed a good laptop. Too many ideas in that head that need to be put on paper for everyone else to read. There's more!" She said excitedly as she urged him to go on.

He placed the laptop carefully on his lap as he pulled out several notebooks, pens and pencils, highlights and sticky notes. He smiled as he pulled out each item.

"One more thing..." she said as she pulled out a small box from behind her.

He leaned forwards as he took it from her hands. He opened it slowly and grinned as big as the ocean. He turned it to his mother and father as he beamed over it.

"Kachow" was engraved into a bar that was on a chain for him to wear. He immediately put it on as he stood to hug her.

"Thank you Mor. I love it. So much." He said as he gave her a right squeeze before sitting back down.

After everyone opened their presents, they split up for the night. Avery and Morgan headed for the kitchen as they cleaned together, insisting that Odette take a break as she took Sammy up for bed.

"Goodnight sweet boy. I love you forevermore" She said as she walked out of his room.

"I love you forevermost" he whispered as she shut the door.

She smiled as she walked back downstairs to tell the girls it was time for bed, but they had already beat her to it. Cora and Sage kissed their mom and dad before they headed upstairs. Avery hugged the girls as they tried to wiggle out of his arms. They giggled as they headed upstairs.

"MORGAN! Come on!" Tony shouted from the door.

Odette moved into the living room to give them some privacy and blocked Tony from the kitchen. She chatted him up about getting together for new years. He planned on throwing a party at his house. Before long Morgan joined her parents with tears in her eyes.

"Merry Christmas Mr and Mrs Barnes." She said before heading outside. "Thank you for everything" she said before heading towards the car.

Odette and Bucky locked eyes again before saying goodbye to the rest of their family before finally locking down the house. They both sighed as they made their way upstairs, exhausted from the long day. Bucky stopped in-front of Avery's door before Odette pulled on his arm.

"Come on honey. He will talk to us when he is ready. We have to trust him." She whispered as she headed into the bedroom. Bucky sighed as he followed behind her.

They slid into bed as they cuddled against each other. Bucky spent every night this way, in bed with her, holding her close and never letting her go.

"We did it baby." She whispered as she nuzzled into his chest, soaking in his warmth.

"Did what baby?" He asked as he continued to rub circles around her back.

"We found happily ever after. It's here. It's us. And it all started with a letter... who woulda thought."

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