Da TrishDire

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Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
#MDAVASO (36&37)


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Da TrishDire

Marina: Ma
Her.mother: Marina my baby
Marina: Ma Gaza is alive...he’s here at the house
***she said panicking***
Her.mother: what are you talking about....don’t tell me you’re seeing ghosts now Marina
Marina: why would he be a ghost mama....he disappeared he hasn’t been declared dead yet
Her.mother: you know what I mean man....wait Tsakane is calling me hold on
***Gaza came back and he stood there looking at Marina who immediately dropped the call shaking***
Gaza: where are my clothes?
***she swallowed hard***
Marina: i....i put them safely the spare bedroom
Gaza: why
***her phone rang and it was her mother...she just let it ring***
Gaza: aren’t you gonna answer that
***she slowly answered the call***
Gaza: loud speaker
***she slowly put it on loud speaker with her heart beating fast***
Marina:’re on lou....
Gaza: shhh
***she swallowed hard***
Marina: hello ma
Her.mother: Tsakane uri Mdu was there and he met him is it possible....are you sure its really him Marina
***she said with a shaky tone***
Gaza: yes its me
***Marina’s mother froze then the call dropped and Gaza chuckled shaking his head***
Gaza: yah neh......anyway tell your mother, my aunt and your baby daddy that I said let the games begin
***Marina frowned***
Gaza: tell them they should have had me killed instead
Marina: wh...what.... what do you mean by that....what are you trying to say
Gaza: im giving you a month to vacate my house Marina...only a month since you bore me a son because if not I’ll be dragging you out like the trash you are right now  
***her lips shook***
Marina: Gaza wait ummm...look I love you and we can go for marriage counselling and fix sorry...i’ll stay away from him....please don’t do this im begging you
***he looked at her annoyed****
Gaza: out of community of property....remember.....a month Marina... a month or I’ll get physical and we both don’t want that
***then he walked to the door***
Marina: Gaza wait.... can we talk about this please im begging you
***she tried to grab him as tears ran down her cheeks but he shoved her off and she staggered back almost losing her balance and he walked out***
Marina: no no...ooh my God no....this is not happening
***she said with her hands on top of her head***



***Jabu finds his son sitting outside in the back patio lost in his thoughts and he sighed and sat next to him....he cleared his throat feeling nervous ***
Jabu: can we talk
***Sbu just nodded looking down and Jabu sighed rubbing his palms together***
Jabu: I neglected you not because I don’t care but because I was ashamed and I thought you see me as a failure
***Sbu didn’t say anything***
Jabu: I couldn’t save your sister Sbu and its killing me inside
***Jabu swallowed hard so did Sbu***
Jabu: ....all I wanted was to give you a family...a mother and a warm home and when she changed I became in denial and I hoped she would change back to the Amo I fell in love with but...
***his breath shook as he sighed***
Jabu: im sorry I failed you buddy....i failed you with your biological mother and now with sorry you lost your little sister and I wasn’t there for you
***Sbu started sobbing silently***
Jabu: I love you buddy and you mean everything to me.... you’re the only son and child I have now....i learned to be a father ka wena sorry I wasn’t there for you but im here now....and I’ll fix myself and be better for flopile blaen ( I messed up bad) and as parents we will flop here and there but that doesn’t mean we don’t care or love you...we are human and there’s a saying that says  to Air is human and to forgive is haarde mfanaka ( im sorry my boy)
***He pulled him to his chest and held him tight as he let out a loud sob grabbing on to his shirt tight....tears ran down Jabu’s cheeks as he consoled his son***
Jabu: we gonna be ok I promise buddy....we gonna be ok
***He said with a breaking voice and Sbu just cried holding on to his father...after some time he calmed down and is left with hiccups and sniffs but he didn’t move from his father’s chest***
Sbu: I don’t blame you thaima
***he sniffed***
Sbu: ....i just needed you....she broke us and now she died without saying sorry for failing you especially me....i saw a mother in her papa....i once even fought with my biological mother because she insulted her....she made me taste having a loving and caring mother and a warm home then she also took that away from me....i can’t even ask her why now....
*** He sniffed wiping his snort and Jabu swallowed hard and Sbu sobbed again***
Sbu: im hurting papa....its hurts so bad.....i miss Lile and her laughter
Jabu: I miss her too buddy.....alot....we gonna be ok...with time we will be ok wankutlwa ( you hear me)
***Sbu nodded as Jabu wiped his own tears***
Jabu: lets stop these crying sessions cause if people see us we will lose our street cred
***he said and chuckled and Sbu got off Jabu’s chest and he chuckled lightly wiping his own tears then they heard a car driving in then plus or minus minutes later doors opened and they closed again***
Sbu: I in trouble for....
***he couldn’t even say it***
Jabu: leave that to me...don’t even think about and your uncles have everything under control ok
***Sbu nodded***
Jabu: but your punishment is still waiting for you
***Sbu swallowed hard.... the door opened and in walked MJ followed by Ray and Ray looks annoyed ***
Ray: I should’ve requested an Uber for you...fool 
Mj: stop hating Big know you love all this hotness....
Ray: f*tsek nxa!!!
***MJ laughed***
MJ: daddy is home!!!!
***he shouted as he walked further in using crutches and Sbu quickly got up as his face lit up as he walked inside***
MJ: come to daddy my son
***he said opening his arms with a huge smile on his face and Sbu laughed shaking his head...he went to him and they hugged tight....Jabu also walked in and bro hugged with Ray***
Ray: you good
Jabu: ke mnate  ( im good)
***Ray nodded and he looked at Sbu who’s now talking to MJ looking alive again***
Jabu: re ovile....i think re tlo ba grand ( we talked.... I think we will be alright)
***Ray nodded***
Ray: but I still need to whip his a$$ for the stunt he pulled
Jabu: he knows
Ray: good....where’s Heath
Jabu: he said he’s going to Castiel’s house....Cass wore his R53 000 suit and he’s not happy at all
***Jabu chuckled***
Ray: im not even gonna ask
MJ: King J
***they hugged***
Jabu: mfanaka...dintshang....and then wena... leoto? ( my are you...and you... the leg?)
MJ: eish was a street prank gone wrong.... mxm my ancestors failed me big time
Jabu: what
***Sbu laughed***
MJ: aah mxm....bros some people have no sense of humour see bros my friends and I we dey do prank where one of them walks passed me and bumps into my shoulder by mistake and he doesn’t apologise you see.... and as he walks away I dey grab sand from where he stepped and put it into a calabash tied with black and red cloths in front of people and so we see their reactions.....
***he shook his head dramatically***
Mj: mxm bros I chose to be the undercover wizard can you imagine ....and bros ahh mxm.....we chose the wrong section of the town to do this ooo
***he shook his head and raised his shoulders and he snapped his fingers and folded his arms dramatically ***
MJ: bros... mxm the beating I got before I  managed to escape .....hei Chineke..... I swear even my lazy ancestors cried for me ooo..... bros i don suffer....i ran and climbed over some tall wall and when I landed on the other side I broke my leg
Ray: strained your leg stop lying mumu
MJ: Big Ray I beg....this is my story ah ah...can’t you let me tell it the way I see fit
Ray: with lies
MJ: you might see it as a lie but to me it’s the truth ooo  cause I was there and here is the proof
***he said showing him his leg***
Ray: I give up with you mxm....Jabu lets go talk somewhere....his story changes every time he tell it to a different person and now I don’t even know which one is the truth
***Jabu laughed following Ray***
Jabu: ntwana later
MJ: I’ll tell you the rest of the story later
Jabu: sho
***Sbu wiped his tears still laughing cause he knows what really happened to MJ***
Sbu: so they don’t know you sprained your leg when you jumped over a wall after your girl’s father almost caught you two doing the deed
MJ: shhh are you want me to get a beating of my life
**Sbu laughed***
MJ: but bros...she dey sweet well well  but her bad breath and stinking armpits made me cum within 6 strokes....mxm
***Sbu laughed***
Sbu: lies she was just too tight for you to handle
MJ: bros fine girls also have body odour ooo...dont be fooled by big nyash and big milk storages some smell bad but we soldier on cause when Owoh is up and he wants to enter you even lose your mind a bit.... but the truth is virgins are a no no for me from now on....hei....those creatures will turn you into a two minutes noddles ooo then tell their friends about how weak you are
***Sbu laughed....he’s glad MJ is here...he admitted to himself***
MJ: Anyway lets leave that one..... tell me you punched that fool that left you there alone
***Sbu sighed***
Sbu: I haven’t seen him
MJ: don’t worry im here and we will show him his mama... mxm fool....but let me heal first....i need to kick him on the nuts with my good leg
***Sbu chuckled shaking his head and they went to the kitchen***
MJ: where is the Mamiwata of the house...the obodo ibo...the fine fine mama that my broda used Juju to get or else she wouldn’t even look his way
***they both laughed***
MJ: im kidding....its true love....the kind of love I also want
Sbu: yeah me too...anyway she went shopping with the kids
MJ: mmmmh she dey fine that would swear she bathes in milk from a cow that went to private school
***Sbu just laughed ***
Sbu: you’re crazy man
***he continued to laugh***


***Moera is at a restaurant enjoying her meal while reading her favourite novel Mamiwota when suddenly someone stands in front of her....She lifts her eyes thinking it’s her waitress and boredom suddenly engulfs her when she sees that it’s just Stevens***
Steven: if it isn’t the mighty Moera Rapula
***Moera rolls her eyes***
Moera: go bother someone else RG im not in the mood
***Stevens chuckled and he pulled a chair and sat down***
Moera: RG I don’t have the strength to be going back and forth with you assomblief....not today
***he sat back and looked at her***
Stevens: is it the fact that you’re trending or its something else
***she frowned looking at him***
Moera: what do you mean by me trending....trending where
Stevens: ooh she doesn’t know...eish
***he laughed***
Stevens: well apparently you have a crush on your twin’s man, the sangoma and you’re even starting to develop hatred for her or its already there....apparently you’re jealous and you envy her....its  all information from a source close to the family
Moera: W..what....
***she said in a whisper with her heart beating fast 
Stevens: what’s with that Shangaan’s d*ck cause it can’t be his looks...i mean he’s dark...i mean there’s nothing handsome about a dark skinned need to be fair in colour to be seen from afar you see
***Stevens said as Moera went online and she found that she’s being tagged by her Facebook followers to a post posted by a famous gossip site where a story is written about her....even notifications from Tweeter and Instagram floods in as she enters their apps ***
Moera: ooh my
Stevens: so is it also want that Shangaan boy
***he laughed***
Stevens: yah neh the muthi he’s using must be strong
***she quickly took out some money from her purse and put it on top of the table and she stood up grabbing her bag, phone and car keys and she rushed out leaving Stevens laughing.... She hid her face as she rushed to the parking lot and she opened her car and got in fast...

She locks her doors and breathed out....she took her phone and went online again and yep she’s trending....she reads the post and the part that got to her the most is when the writer said she’s always been jealous and envious of her twin and that she’s always been the black sheep of her family....the writer went on to write that she’s even dating married men and she washes her punani with muthi to make men not leave her and to always come back for more.... she decides to stop reading and she goes to the comment section and they are grilling her and calling her all sorts of names.

Tears fills her eyes as she continue to read the comments....Some comments caught her eyes cause they posted that they already heard the recording and they can’t believe she said all that with her own mouth.....She decides to deactivate all her social media accounts and she sat there crying.....After her crying session she wiped her tears and tried to think of who would sell such story to those had to be someone who’s got nothing to lose, someone close to her enough to record her....

Her mind went to Alphalette but she dismissed the idea cause that would mean he would deliberately hurt Masai and he won’t do that especially now that she’s in hospital....Her mind then went to Mpande and she quickly dismissed the idea cause to her he’s a boring Zulu guy with a bad dressing style and he doesn’t even look like he knows what a gossip page is....or maybe he recorded the whole hospital scene but she dismissed the idea again cause that would mean hurting Masai and it looks like he also cares about her so no not him....she bit her lower lip and closed her eyes as her heart broke into pieces, her reputation is ruined “ she thought”...Her eyes quickly opened wide and she took her phone and dialled her friend Selina’s numbers and they rang unanswered....she dropped the call and dialled her again and it said call waiting....she waited a bit then she dropped the call trying to calm herself down ***
Moera: oooh let it not be you Selina....let it not be you
***she said as her heart raced as her mind went to the day they were drinking and she said some stuff she shouldn’t have to her***

Selina: ai she’s busy calling me now
Stevens: I hope you can handle her cause she’s crazy that one
Selina: well im not scared of her
Stevens: mmmmh if you say so
Selina: anyway how was her reaction
Stevens: she was shocked obviously
***Selina laughed***
Selina: it was about time someone put her in her place mxm....she always thinks she’s all that khante nope she’s not....she’s just a jealous person who thinks the world owes her something mxm
***Stevens chuckled***
Stevens: and you sound like a jealous fake friend...ooh my bad.... you are
Selina: she didn’t faint or feel dizzy or something
Stevens: I told you she just up and left
Selina: mxm ooh well as long as she knows that she’s trending and her secret is out then im good
Stevens: you do know she’s gonna know its you right
Selina: im not scared of her mina
Stevens: ok....just be ready cause you know she can be ratchet if she wants
Selina: that makes the both of us shame
***Stevens chuckled***
Stevens: alright ratchet girl
***Selina laughed***
Selina: so when will I see you again
***she said seductively and Stevens made a disgusted face and he got annoyed immediately ***
Stevens: you’re not my type Selina...even your name says it all, it sounds like some filthy woman from the streets of Alexandra with a phuza face and missing front for your p*ssy....b*tch you gave it to me freely that’s why I didn’t decline it....
Selina: askies...what did you just say....
Stevens: you are excused...never call me again
***He then dropped the call and blocked her numbers then he deleted them clicking his tongue....His mind went to Masai laying on that hospital bed and his heart ached....That day he saw her laying there something moved in him....he realized that he still loves her and maybe even more....he realized that he made a mistake by hurting her like that and now that he’s realizing his mistakes he’s gonna make sure he wins her back....This time he’s gonna treat her good and make her happy and even have a relationship with her son cause even if he hates to admit it, that boy is his nephew whether he likes it or not....

He knows the only person that can make him achieve winning Masai back is her twin Moera....He doesn’t know as of yet how he’s gonna play this out but he knows he will find a way***
Stevens: where there’s a will there’s a way Stevens....Masai is gonna be yours again and this time you gonna be a better man for her
***he nodded staring into space then he called a waitress***
Waitress: good day sir would you like to order something
Stevens: yes sweetness but first clear this up then bring me the menu
Waitress: oooh she left...
***she said seeing the money....She took the money and the dishes and she walked away and Stevens sighed***



***Gaza just spoke with Alphalette and now he’s checking up on Tshimo before she sleeps***
Gaza:  you sounds down what’s wrong...
***Tshimo sighed***
Tshimo: spring cleaning but eish...Gee
Gaza: what’s wrong mama
***he said sitting up with a frown on his face***
Tshimo: I found out that my ex the married one was gunned down assassination style at his home
Gaza: ooh is it?
***he said with a bored tone and he laid back again on the bed***
Tshimo: bathong Gee
Gaza: what....he’s an ex that hurt you and played with your heart so I don’t feel sorry for him...let him rest in hell
Tshimo: what about his wife and kids
Gaza: they are alive a swi’re surviving without both parents and siblings at least they have a mother
Tshimo: wow...just wow
Gaza: ok ke.....shame condolences to them mama...time heals so va ta va kahle  ( they will be ok )
Tshimo: yho yah neh
Gaza: or you want me to donate some cash to them?...i can do that....i don’t mind
Tshimo: on to the next topic assomblief
***he chuckled***
Tshimo: ooh yah...heh....well apparently the  new doctor at the hospital is missing...well his family reported him missing and the police came to work to question the staff about when they last saw him
Gaza: is it
Tshimo: mmmmh I mean he’s new and for him to disappear for days without contacting anyone and taking anything with him means he’s really missing
Gaza: mmmmh
***she sighed***
Tshimo: shame his family must be worried and I heard his patients are also worried about him
Gaza: sounds like you’re worried about him too
Tshimo: he seemed like a nice could tell by his flirtatious ways that he’s a player but he was kind and fun to be around...i mean almost all the ladies at the hospital including nurses wanted him
Gaza: are you included on that almost
Tshimo: bathong
***she giggled and he clenched his jaws closing his eyes a bit***
Gaza: well he better remain wherever he is then
Tshimo: that’s not nice Gee
Gaza: well im not a nice person in just nice and kind to those who matter to me
***She sighed...she’s experiencing another side of Gaza and she wasn’t sure of how to handle it....but she can’t complain cause technically she doesn’t know much about him or his personality***
Tshimo: ok Mr not so nice person
***Gaza chuckled***
Gaza: don’t be like that a man and I can’t sympathise with someone who’s interested in you
Tshimo: ummm why not....don’t I deserve some action nyana in my life bathong....i also want to get married and have kids gape im not getting any younger Gee
Gaza: you’re still young mama...marriage and kids will find you not the other way around
Tshimo: you don’t understand Gee
Gaza: trust me I do and I’ll make sure you have all that
Tshimo: huh?
Gaza: don’t worry you’ll get it one day...anyway let me catch some shut eye....we will talk tomorrow morning ok
***she sighed***
Tshimo: ok good night
Gaza: sleep tight mama
Tshimo: shap
Gaza: shap
***they ended the call and Gaza sighed....he got out of bed, put his phone under the pillow and he grabbed his car keys and another phone then he left***
*** The man got out of the car and locked it the he looked around and it was quiet....he fixed his shirt,  cleared his voice and he spoke a few words to check if his voice changed too and yep it changed too...he then took out his phone and made a call***
Marina: hello
Man: hey its me he gone
***she frowned***
Marina: who’s phone are you using
***he sighed***
Man: a new one anere xeghora xa wena ( your big bully) stepped on my phone
***she sighed***
Marina: ummm ok let me open for you
***she opened for him and he walked in then he knocked on the door and Marina opened and there stood Mdu and she moved so he enters ***
Marina: Where is Mikateko
Mdu: who??...ummm eish mxm this stress is gonna be the death of me
***he cleared his throat***
Mdu: she’s with Ma
***she sighed and went to sit down***
Marina: he made me put him on loud speaker while I was talking to ma
***she sighed again putting her hands on her face feeling emotional***
Marina: he’s alive and he’s really here....i don’t know how to handle that and hala he’s saying I have a month to leave this house
Mdu: and I think you should
***she raised her head and looked at him with a frown and he cleared his throat and sighed then he sat down next to her***
Mdu: think about looks like he has been keeping tabs on us....he knows we are together and he may be back for revenge....maybe he’s giving you a way out cause you bore him a male child so I think you should get out while still in one peace...if you cant do it for us then do it for your....ummm our daughter
Marina: I don’t mean to offend you but i still love him Mdu...he’s my husband the father of my child
***Mdu clenched his jaws but the he breathed out calming himself***
Mdu: and he almost killed us and this time around he might succeed....if it’s his money you’re worried about don’t guys are married in community of property so you won’t leave empty’ll leave with half off his wealth and we will start life somewhere far and live happily....think about it please
***she looked away avoiding his eyes because he doesn’t know the truth...not even her mother knows they are married out of community of she regrets it big time but that time she was so in love with him that she wanted to prove her loyalty and dedication to stupid of her “ she thought” ***
Mdu: move out please don’t provoke him.....a man scorned like he did is dangerous ....enough about all let me make you feel good....let me decrease your stress levels
***he said brushing her bare thick thigh***
Marina: now its not a good time Mdu
Mdu: it is...we are both stressed Marina.....lets offload so we can think clearly
***he said bringing his face closer to hers and she waited for the kiss on her lips but nope it didn’t come instead he went to her neck and kissed it instead...she moaned and he stopped then he got up and pulled her up as she looked at him confused and he pulled her to the bedroom....

He pushed her to the bed and she looked at him confused again laying on her back and he got between her legs and pulled her underwear off and he threw it on the floor then he pulled his track pants along with his briefs and he stoke his thick and long pitch black monster that has a pink tip and he directed it to her hole ....He pushed the tip in and Marina moved as it blocked her hole***
Marina: Mdu...
Mdu: shhh...relax
***he pushed the tip inside forcefully and Marina moved back screaming and the tip slipped out....he pulled her back and held her still***
Marina: its painful Mdu
Mdu: you need to relax so it doesn’t hurt Marina
***he said annoyed***
Marina: did your d*ck grow in always enter without trouble Mdu now why is it painful....
***she tried to take a look and Mdu pushed her down***
Mdu: you’re turning me off now....can we just enjoy this....wena relax so it doesn’t hurt
***she sighed and tried to relax as he pushed his d*ck inside...he forcefully pushed half of it in and she cried as it is painful and he started to move....she clenched her jaws grabbing the duvet tight and he increased his speed...he went on for three minutes f*ck*ng her hard***
Marina: sh*t Mdu slow down...ahhh
***she said as all his d*ck went in and she felt like he was poking her womb.....and he didn’t listen to her instead he increased his speed ravaging her nunu.....tears ran down on the side of her face as the pain was unbearable then out of the blue he grabbed her thighs so tight digging his nails in her skin and he released his semen inside of her...
Mdu: mmmmh…sh*t….
*** he grabbed her waist this time and he continued to move as if he didn’t just come now having no mercy on her punani....he opened her legs wider and went in and out of her fast and deeper***
Marina: f*ck Mdu slow down its painful….you’re hurting me please
***she said crying***
Mdu: you’re a big girl now so take it
***he said as he continued f*ck*ng her with no mercy....he didn’t even care about her cries and her begging him to slow down.....her mind went to Gaza and how he used to punish her through rough sex whenever she messes up and she shook the thought off as Mdu flipped her over and she laid on her stomach and he pulled her ass up and into the wrong hole he entered and she jumped trying to get away from him but he held her tight***
Mdu: where are you going
Marina: Mdu since when do we do this
Mdu: since spicing things between us Marina...can we just enjoy this...please....we are both stressed so just let loose and explore
Marina: Mdu not with that hole!!
Mdu: fine
***he pulled her closer and slammed in her punani hole and she screamed and he went hard on her....she tried to move away but he’s holding her tight as he f*cks her hard going in and out of her breathing heavily....she now felt pain missed with pleasure so she starts moaning enjoying herself when suddenly his d*ck slips out and “Mdu” pushed it roughly inside her b*tt hole and she  jumps screaming out in pain but he holds her tight and continues to f*ck her b*tt hole fast groaning***
Marina: Mdu stop....stop....yho mmaweee....Mdu its painful...stop wa ni dlaya ( you are killing me)
***he didn’t stop instead he went deeper and he came inside of her and he pulled out immediately and slid back into her punani hole and he continued to f*ck her as she cried with her now burning and bleeding b*tt hole***
Marina: Mdu...
Mdu: sh*t this is what im talking about....
***he said as he hit her g-spot and she moaned loud and he continued to tap it and she called out his name as she chased her own orgasm....he went on and on and her walls inside shrank and squeezed his d*ck as she released screaming with pleasure.....her body shook and “Mdu” went on f*ck*ng her through her orgasm chasing his own happy ending***

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