Never underestimate me!

By MullinLiam

18.4K 339 52

Izuku Midoriya. Thought to be a quirkless boy and to have comitted suicide suddenly returns. During the event... More

Darkest hour brings forth the greatest light!
The Strife's rejoin the fight!
"I'm Izuku Strife and this is my story!"
The start of Endeavors end
Shoto heals as the Girls learn Izuku is in pain.
Punishment and Mitsuki's aid πŸ‹
Izuku vs Endeavor! Mitsuki's kink πŸ‹ πŸ‹!
πŸ‹9th joins Izuku!πŸ‹
Strongest Hero vs AFO pt 1!
Strongest Hero vs AFO pt 2
Bridge Between Worlds! πŸ‹IzumomoπŸ‹
Ultimate Soul! Midoriya's End!
Nejire's Wounded Savior! A Soul's Worth!
Mirio's Final Fight!
Submitted for 2023 Watty's

Fuyumi arrives as evidence begins to mount.

1.1K 22 10
By MullinLiam

     I wakes up after having slept peacefully through the night for the first time in a very long time. "Huh that was unexpected." I said as I opens my eyes to see Mitsuki asleep on top of me. "As was this but meh details." I cuddled Mitsuki until a knock on his door sounded. "That too. C....oh shit. Gotta do something." I began to shake Mitsuki a bit waking her up. "Oh morning Izu." I held my finger over my lips. Then pointed at the door. "Oh. I should get dressed." I nodded as Mitsuki left to the bathroom. I got up and decided "Oh well. Lets see who grants me their presence this fine morning. Going to the door I opened it up revealing Momo Jiro and Ochaco. "Oh. Hi girls. What brings you three here today?" I say with a smile. To which all three just looked at each other then up and down the hallway. "Can we come in Izuku. It's about Ochaco here." Making Ochaco nervous. "Really? First day back. Really?" Ochaco shook a bit. "Hey it wasn't me okay?" I looked next door. Sighing I let them in. "So.....precisely how did this go about?" He asked as Ochaco grumbled. Momo spoke up. "Umm actually kind of a funny story. You see Todoroki glared at me after Momo said he lost the girls bet....." Izuku looked down and sighed.... "Then Jiro here also said that he'd lose the next girls bet we were making." I looked at them and blinked as Momo and Jiro began to sweat a bit. "Do I want to know?" Jiro blushes but spilled the beans. "Mina wanted to bet on who had the biggest dick in the dorms!" I blink. "You didn't did you?" Momo began to whistle. "Traitor! Anyway what happened next?" Ochaco blushed "w-wait you both already you know?" I froze Momo looked from me to Jiro they both looked at Ochaco. "Know what?" Ochaco blished very deep. "Had sex!" I laughed. "Uh no. Not saying I am not sexually attracted to any of you girls but no I have not had sex with anyone." All three blushed. "Dude. You uhh you mean you might be sexually atrracted to one or some of us?" I smiled before trying to be coy. "Maybe. Thats for me to know and...." Mitsu exited the bathroom. "Yeah you three and the frog girl for sure. Most likely though all the girls in 1A!" I sigh as they become blushing sweating messes.

    "Thanks Mitsu. Not helping." Then Momo and Jiro stopped and got confused. "Wait....why were you in his bathroom?" Mitsuki smirked. "Oh its simple I was waiting in there to sneak peeks at him showering before I jumped his bones and well you three showed and started talk....." While the girls each had full bodied blushes I spoke. "She wanted to give Rei a chance to sleep alone as she got distracted with helping me with a lesson plan and by time saw the clock it was already really late." Jiro narrowed her eyes. Then looked at Mitsu who just sat there mouth open. "Oh my." She said as Mitsu blushed and I sighed. Momo and Ochaco looked confused. "Well first umm to answer your question we didn't have sex with Izuku or see his dick. We however did prank the hell out of Kaminari. And by the end we discovered Todoroki lost the next two girls bets. Both dick size and umm best kisser." I groaned then looked up. "Wait really?" Jiro and Momo blushing just nodded before Ocha blushed. "Wait so somehow you know he's both? Wait does that mean you two kissed him? Did he kiss back?" They blushed as I spoke. "The answer to all three is yes." Ochaco blushed "C-could I test that theory?" Mitsu laughed before patted my shoulder. "Just kiss her Izu." I looked from Ochaco to Mitsu. "What....why?" Mitsuki giggled. "Think about it. If 3 girls decide you're the best kisser then the odds of you losing are way smaller." Ochaco looks at Mitsu wide eyed as Jiro and Momo deadpan like really? I sigh. "Well logically speaking you're not wrong there. Okay Ochaco stand up." She stands looking nervous as the others do too all watching. I stepped forward and leaned in as Ochaco started breathing heavier for some reason and kissed her on the lips making her moan instantly. After a minute I break the kiss as Ochaco's knee buckles and she sits back down. "Damn.....that was amazing!" I look around the room. "Well that's 4 in support of you." Ocha then looks up at Mitsuki "Wait four? Whose the other girl?" Mitsuki laughs. "I never said 4 1a girls in support did I?" She says with a wink "Though I had first crack at them lips of his if ya wanna know." Ochaco had steam pouring out as Momo grabbed the camera. "Okay Ochaco watch this and you'll figure out what we meant by him winning biggest dick too." I blink before speaking "Whoa wait. First before hitting play she needs to know the whole thing cos some words involved may make her jump to conclusions." Jiro and Momo looked at each other then me confused. One explanation later a very red Ochaco with steam coming off her sat between identically red Jiro and Momo before as they both mumbled. "Oh yeah. I forgot that part." I blinked as I looked at them both and facepalmed. "Sigh just hit play." One video later and all four girls went from blushing hard to laughing at Kaminari to blushing harder still to laughing the asses off losing their collective she.

     Still confused though Ochaco asked "But when did you see his dick?" I sigh. "They didn't. They saw the bulge and felt it during the hugs. I guess its big as before they left Momo kept whispering about it forgetting I can hear almost anything in this entire dorm. Plus umm Momo and Jiro what praytell were you two doing awake breathing heaving and moaning for in your rooms?" Mitsuki was done. Ochaco was on the ceiling as neon red Momo and Kyoka looked from each other to me. "Try not to think about it!" They said before I laughed as I realized. "My bad. Sorry for getting you both so excited yesterday I guess." They then looked back to Mitsu who finally recover after I caught Ochaco and sat her back down. "Sooo whats the real reason she stayed in here last night?" I groaned. "Wait." Clicked the sound proofed then we explained the prior nights events. ""Oh my!" Said Momo. "Holy fuck dude!" Went Kyoka while Ochaco actually asked a question. "Wait I thought you weren't ready to date?" I looked from here to Kyo to Momo to Mitsu. Mistuki spoke first. "Who says we're even in a relationship?" I nodded. The three looked at each other confused. "I'll explain Izu. Okay you three. What we did was just that. Physical action. I know he is not ready for a relationship. I have no problem helping him relieve stress because I love him. He may not be able to reciprocate said love but doesn't change how I feel. Hell I wouldn't even mind if he did that same stuff with you three." I turned into a living strawberry and the three did as well. Mitsuki finishes. "As long as you three understand that he is not ready for a relationship. I ain't dumb okay I see the googly eyes and blushes and looking when he isn't looking. Plus 9th here isn't exactly able to hide her emotions." The three look at each other as if in silent conference. I looked up. "But again why?"

    "Izu. It's obvious how you feel even though you're not ready. Mentally and emotionally you think you're not ready but I am not young. I can see how your body responds to them when near them. You may have one of the best shells out there but there are still cracks in it." I nod "I see. Well I trust you and them so I see no reason not to believe you Mitsu." I hear Momo "Pfft really that easily?" I nod as I point from my ears to Mitsuki's heart. "Oh yeah. Anyway. I'm fine with that if you two are?" She says still blushing as Kyo and Ochaco look at one another thinking. "Okay. So deal is we can do physical things like that but no pushing Dekiru-kun here into a relationship until Mitsuki says he's ready right?" Asks Ochaco as Kyo and her look at me and then Mitsuki. "Yes. Take it or leave it girls. Both at same time say "DEAL!" I blink a few times. "Again. Surprised but okay. Now how did Todoroki tell you two she was the 9th?" I ask as Ochaco grumbles and pouts. "Rudely thats how." I sigh. "Details please?" Momo spoke next. "Well after we uhh spilled the beans about you and your uhh member. We may have teased Todoroki about 'well since you grabbed his ass during the party just go pull down his pants and see for yourself' and he got mad and....." Ocha groaned. "I asked if he really grabbed your ass it felt....and he got madder.... " Momo finishes the explanation. "At first he said something funny. 'Like an ass how else would one feel?' And Ochaco here mentioned something you did when you met his mom and Todoroki tried to smart off to you nice comeback by the way it was gold dude." I smile and reach out my fist as we fistbump. "Ochaco said Todoroki mouthed off saying you had weird face and eyes. And you leaned in close to his mom and asked her if you had a weird face and eyes and she agreed with Ochaco that they're both perfect. Which well we agree right Kyo?" Kyoka nods vigorously as Ocha says "then the part where he made his mom pass out saying he didn't want a dad that was his age.....he got very mad and yelled at the three of us and said. 'Just for that 9th no more guard detail find someone else to protect or protect you from me' which was so mean and not to mention loud!" I sighed. "Did anyone else hear?" They shook their heads as I nodded and sighed before I turned of the sound proofed. I stood up and walked to the door opening it as Mina, Melissa, Toru, and Tsu stood there panicking. "Sorry soundproofing. Important talks of things. What is weirding you all out?" They all spoke at once I raised a hand. "One at a time. Please."

    They looked at each other then all pointed to Toru who sighed. "We think Kaminari is dead. Ida went to check on him and he was frozen with a scared expression on his face and his pants and boxers torn. We did not want to see that. Side note he lost the bet." I nodded. "Which bet the dick or kiss one?" They all blinked. "Wait what? How did you know about both of those?" Asked Melissa as I looked at the the four in my room and back at them. "Apparently because I won both. I'll go wake up Kaminari. You head in and chat with these four as I deal with real man." I walk off hearing the 4 new member of class Izuku's bedroom is conference room and walk to Kaminari's room.

     As I get there I walk in and all the boys are sitting there. I smirk. "Wow did you all really have to gangbang his asshole like that? I'm not sure but I think that calls for like detentions at least." Todoroki looks at me with a scowl. "No. Dude what the fuck? Ida found his dumb ass like this. Is he dead? I hope he's dead. If not can we send him home and see how long until he is dead?" I look at Todoroki and groan. "Uhh how bout no. Also you and I need to have a talk about saying things not meant for others ears. Look out gotta wake up real man. I'd plug my ears if I was you gonna get loud gauging by his face."

    I cast the spell and the loudest bloodcurdling scream is unleashed. "Well good morning princess. Why were you sleeping with your dick and ass hanging out?" Kaminari looks up to see me and begins to push himself back. Only for his door to open revealing Mitsuki, Jiro, and Momo with vicious snarls as Kaminari screams again before the rest of the girls show up. "Uh hello ladies. Didnt I say wait in the room? Meh oh well. Hey real man. Girls say you lost the biggest dick n best kisser bets. Now for gods sake man cover that pathetic excuse for a dick up and start explaining yourself. Did you invite boys over last night? You didn't get pregnant did you?" Kaminari yells at me a lot before I speak again. "Okay loud much. Also if me or whatever girls you speak of did such a thing why lie? Secondly name the girls?" Kaminari took some breaths. "You tied me up in your room and your fiances old bitch, rich bitch, and flat bitch raped me with dildos you sick fuck!" The boys look at me as I quirked a brow then turned around as some of the girls blushed like mad. "Okay let's see if I can figure this out. You were caught after apparently group sex with men. Your initial reaction is to 1. Accuse me of tying you up. 2. Claim I have fiances. 3. Declare you were raped. And D. Call the three supposed rapists bitches. Am I hearing you properly real man?"

    He snarls and then takes a few deep breaths. "I mean I woke up. Was tied up in your room. Mitsuki Bakugo, Momo Yaoyorozu, and Kyoka Jiro your fiances were there in lingerie. Told me they was gonna rock my world. Then I told them I was gonna be best they ever get. You came in super pissed. Then called them your fiances as you all kissed and you was grabbing Mitsuki Bakugo's ass and tits. Then you threatened me as Momo did something. You walk outta my line of sight. Both Mitsuki and Jiro had massive spiked dildos with old blood stains on them and MOMO FUCKING FILMED IT. Mitsuki ripped off my boxers and pants. Placed the dildo to my ass and I black out waking up here."

     I laugh hard before turning around. "Miss Ashido I thought I said no alcohol last night?" Mina looked around the room before back to me "Yeah and I did as you asked." I sigh before turning to Real Man again. "Then Real Man you got a lot of explaining to do because I ain't in a relationship and none of those three seem to be the type to do that. Wait.....oh I remember now. Midnight came over after saying she found you in the courtyard with some men zipping up and laughing so she brought you back here. Really now real man can't even admit you sucked and got fucked by men so you blame three innocent women and me?" Kaminari stares at me as I hear cackling fill the room and everyone points at Kaminari.

    "Now real man. You have a few choices here. Give me the names of your boyfriends so I can punish them though sex with you seems punishment enough. Or admit you're lying and leave school grounds immediately." He growls. "But I ain't lying. Momo filmed it. Go to his room. There is a tape." I sighed. "Momo hand me the tape from my camera please." I play it and its a video of me and Eri having nightmares. "Now real man. I enjoy a good joke as much as the next fellow but I am getting annoyed here. I have been patient but I swear to god if you don't do as asked I will tie you up and make you watch as I have sex with all the girls in this school." The boys blink before looking at me. "What?" They blinked again. "How is that punishing him?" I shrug. "I dunno sounds like I would enjoy it." As all the girls start laughing. I sigh. Snap my fingers producing sparks. "This is tiresome boy. Ladies please either turn around or be prepared to lose your lunch at the tiniest member of 1A or former member. Get up boy. Get changed. Grab your shit and leave. If you refuse to do so I will be calling your mother and then marry her so I get to be your daddy and punish you at home." Boys again look at me. "Again sounds like you just making sexual jokes at his expense." I look at them "and again. I do not care as sounds like I would enjoy it." Kaminari raises a fist. "Oh please do. I went easy on you Kaminari. People make a hole." I reach forward and snatch him by his throat. And lead him out the doors to heights Alliance. "How far do you live from UA? Oh that's pretty far. What's the address. Oh I see. Well enjoy the flight boy." I say as I rear back ready to throw him before we hear a cough behind us.

    "Oh hey Nezu. This boy was dressed like this because he apparently had sex with a bunch of men last night and is spreading rumors about me, auntie Mitsuki, Kyoka Jiro, and Momo Yaoyorozu. I'll take bets on how many miles I can throw him." Nezu sighs. "Mr. Kaminari while I don't care about the sexual actions of a teacher or adult. I will not be allowing you to turn my school into a sex den. Care to explain yourself?" Same explanation as before. "Oh I see. So in otherwords you're lying to get back at the teacher who expelled you and still have your penis and buttocks hanging in the breeze. Sigh. Get him to his room Aizawa and get him dressed. Do not listen to anything he has to say." Aizawa grumbles and wraps him in his cloth and before leaving asks him "so why so pervy with that little thing between your legs?" Making everyone cackle with laughter. "Also I will be paying your mother a visit to discuss your perversions and sexual dependence on men real man. If one thing leads to another you will call me daddy or no allowance!" The girls cackle as they run out of breath. "Wow was it something I said?" Nezu laughs a bit as he walks up. "Will you and Todoroki please get Miss Himura as Fuyumi himura arrivibg soon. I shrug and give a thumbs up as we walk to Mitsuki's room a gaggle of kids dying laughing behind us.

    As we get near I grab the scruff of his neck and pull him to my room activate the soundproof and locking my door. "Not even a full day and you gave up her name Shoto?" He pales as I continue "Listen dude I don't care if I win some stupid contests on best kisser or dick size. But I will not be having you place another student at risk especially Miss Uraraka. Am I perfectly clear?" He starts to nod. "Good now let's go speak with Goddess Rei or wifey dearest and go meet your sis okay son?" I say with a smirk." He blinks. "Oh you rat bastard!" I laugh as I keep going. "That's adopted orphan thanks now come on kiddo. Or do I need to bend you over my knee?" He grumbles. "You're doing this because I got mad and was rude to the girls huh?" I smile and nod and turn off the soundproofer as I open my foot to exit. "Oh plus it's fucking funny. Let's go the goddess awaits." He stumbles before knocking on Mitsuki's door.

    Rei opens it up and blushes a bit as she looks down and notices her cleavage is out "Aww look Shoto your mom is trying to please your new dad who is your age?" She coughs and stumbles a bit. "Sorry just he messed up and I'm punishing him a bit. Well gorgeous goddess of ice Rei can you please put those marvelous weapons of mass destruction away and we shall escort you to princess Fuyumi." She blushes more and nods as I hear Shoto grumble. "Thank You Miss Rei. We shall await you here. Also for sleepwear that's a 10/10." She giggles as she walks inside and closes the door.

     "You're having fun doing this aren't you?" I look at Shoto and blink. "Complimenting your beautiful lovely mother in an effort to annoy you as punishment for what you did? Yes yes and so very much yes. Is it working?" He sighs. "Obviously. Just all I ask is not to do that around Fuyumi. Please?" I sigh before smirking at him. "Fine I will do that with Fuyumi as well. Wow Shoto you must really wanna be family to me. Does someone have a crush?" I say as I send a text to have Mitsuki meet us with Eri at the doors

     Rei opens the door as we turn around. "Wow. Even like that stunning. Alrighty goddess shall these lowly mortals escort you to thine daughter on high?" I say as I stick out my arm she wraps hers aroound it before winking at me and pulling mine between her breasts. "Why yes tho if Prince Shoto gets too handsy with you again feel free to kick him in the rear." Hehe oh yes. Rei caught on this while hilarious making me force my blush at bay. "Well I must say I never expected that out of Shoto. It must be because I won the girls bet on most handsome in the dorm. That or he has a crush on lil old me." I say as Rei giggles. "Aww does little Shoto have a crush? But you said he was your new dad. That's weird Shoto." Rei and I giggle as we hear behind us. "Please let me die. Earth open up and swallow me now. Anything but this!" I smile as I wink to Rei. "That can be arranged if you do not remove your hand from my rear end kiddo. I am a spoken for man after all you said so yourself." Rei snorts. "He's got you there Shoto. Eh lighten up. Alls fair in love and war at it were. Though I think I have some advantages over you in this." Says Rei winking at me. I giggle as I look back at Shoto. "Yeah especially in the chest and rear regions. Sorry Rei but Shoto sooo doesn't maintain any feminine quality. I mean I guess his face but right now it's blushing so I can't tell." Rei laughs loud. "Oh my making him blush are you? Shoto you do have it bad don't you?" We walk past the girls as they all listen in. I smile as Mitsu, Momo, Kyo, and Ocha know something is about to happen.

     "Why such a splendid day ladies of class 1A thanking you for the votes of confidence on the bets. Have you met my wife Rei and our adorable son Shoto? Wave to them Shoto. Now that's just rude young man. Wave the whole hand not just one finger. Oh really. Wanna see something funny ladies? Rei he stuck his tongue out at me." The girls are all laughing as Rei looks back "Oh my and all while still holding your rear. Shoto that is not how proper women act. Shall we have Miss Yaoyorozu get the dress I picked out for you this morning?" Shoto looks on in dread and disgust as the girls are all dying. Hehe. "That's right and we wanted to show your sister her brothers favorite thing about living with mommy and his new daddy. How sad she shall be. Tsk tsk tsk so disappointed Rei where did we go wrong with the boy?" Rei looks at me in mock exasperation. "I believe it is a new rebellious phase dear. Soon as that sweet Mineta boy he spoke of so foundly returns he should perk right back up to normal." Shoto begins to gag as the girls stare wide eyed. "Ahh that's right. Remember the story of their first date Rei?" She giggles "Why yes. Plus that saucy little dress he wore was so scandalous. But be honest Shoto why give it up on the first date like that?" Shoto looks to the girls pleading for aid. "That's right I remember now. That was when he showed up with that weird limp and complained about training or some such excuse." Says Momo as Shoto looks on with a betrayed look on his face. "Oh yeah. Remember when my parents caught them during that concert?" Said Kyo with a toothy grin. Ocha smiles great big and Shoto pales and shrinks. "Not to mention that time I accidentally misheard him when I knocked and instead for come in he said.....well a lady doesn't say but he had all this white stuff all over his face and squealed about it being a gift from Mineta from beyond the grave." THUD I look down to see a passed out and green Shoto. I sigh. "Well. Nice KO Ochaco. Can someone report his sudden turn of the weather to recovery Girl or help him to his room please?" I say as Rei gives a thumbs up to Ochaco who beams.

      "Anyway while Todoroki thinks over what he did shall Mitsuki, Eri, and I escort you to see Miss Fuyumi?" I say as Eri comes running up. "Wow papa gave me lots of mamas!" I freeze. As all the girls blush. "Umm Eri aunties. Aunties Eri." I say as Eri beams. "Aunties mommies either way they're all beautiful. Now lets go meet princess Fuyumi." I glare at Mina. "This is your fault isn't it miss Ashido." who tries sneaking away. Sigh. "You better pray I can get this squared away with Eri without hurting her feelings Miss Ashido."

     I say as the girls all glare at her. I listen to them all berate her the entire time we head to meet Fuyumi. "Sigh. She's gonna be very disappointed again when we get back to our room." Rei nods. "I understand Miss Ashido likes to play with love but you clearly aren't ready for that and toying with your daughter about you getting a girlfriend or girlfriends so she thinks she finally has a mom is rather cruel is it not? Does she just not understand or not care?" I sigh. "I explained a bit about why I am the way I am but I guess I need to give the full story to her. Or just have Mitsuki handle her. Buuuut I don't want Recovery Girl mad at me." Mitsu scoffs. "As I said Izu. Its good to speak on the past but if that girl hurts you or Eri no force on earth can stop what I will do." Rei smiles "Need help with dishing that one out if push comes to shove Mitsuki?" Mitsuki laughs. "That'd be appreciated hehe."

We arrive and I open the door for Rei as she sees a sad Fuyumi who looks up at her before her eyes open wide and a huge smile spreads across her face "MOOOM you got out the hospital. How?" Rei smiles as tears start to fall but she doesn't speak just points to me. "Hello Fuyumi Todoroki or rather Himura or would Fuyumi work either way its a pleasure to meet you here." I say smiling. Eri pokes my leg as I look down she raises her arms and I bend down to help lift her up. "Wow she's just as pretty as Rei. Huh papa?" I smile a bit. "That she is. Now Under which way would you prefer I refer to you?" Fuyumi blushes a bit "P-papa?" I look from Fuyumi to Rei who giggles. "Okay then weird choice but I'll roll with it. Lets be on our way papa." Mistuki giggles then slaps the back of my head as Eri glares at me as Fuyumi pouts. "Sorry was trying to make you laugh not get beat and scary faces thrown at me. Nice pout though. Yes I am Eri's adoptive father." Fuyumi blushes a bit before saying. "Um no problem heh. Uh Fuyumi or Himura whatever floats your boat." I smile and nod as I lift my hand and quirk a brow. "Well I'll show you what floats my boat as it were when we start heading to the dormitory. Admiral Eri steer us ashore there be pirates in these waters!" Eri giggles and Fuyumi smiles as we head back to 1A dorms.

     "By the way Miss Fuyumi." I say pointing my hand at a kid trying to sneak up on a girl. "This is what floats my boat" as I cast water sending a huge torrent slamming into the boy. "I call it water." I say as she laughs. "Dang. You don't take kindly to pervs huh?" She asks as I wink at Rei and Mitsu. "Ask Shoto about his boyfriend Mineta sometime." They begin cackling as Fuyumi looks confused. "Wait you mean Shoto is.." Rei speaks up before Fuyumi can finish. "Who knows with that boy. He messed up and revealed the identity of one of the guards assigned to protect me and you to other members of the class so he and Izuku here are not exactly on good terms at the moment. You'll understand when we reach the dormitory." Fuyumi blinks. "Did you just call him ..." I laugh. "If you want you can call me Izuku as well. All the girls I have met since the USJ have that right. Except for during class. Also you as well as Miss Rei here will be joining my materia class." Fuyumi still confused Mitsuki speaks. "My nephew Izu here is rather informal. He hates standing on formalities preferring to just let people call him what name they feel like. Well Except one person but he isn't here now. Honestly nephew your explanation made it sound like..." Covers Eri's ears "Makes it sound like you're a manwhore or something." Making Rei giggle and I look on blinking a few times. "That's a bad thing I take it?" Fuyumi laughs a bit then looks "Oh. He really doesn't know?" I sigh before giving a quick summary to her. "Apologies Miss Fuyumi. I spent nearly every day since I turned 4 either being abused beaten made fun of or people attempted to kill me due to my quirklessness. Until my new parents the Strifes rescued and adopted me that is. I don't even know 10 people alone that I have received positive reinforcement or things such as hugs from. Heck I had pushed auntie Mitsuki here away because I was so distraught at how she would take the news of her sons bullying abuse and near murders of me. So from 7 until 10 I was 100% alone. From 4 to 7 I only had auntie Mitsuki and her late husband. If at times I seem behind in either an emotional or common knowledge aspect I do apologize and hope you will bear with me until I adapt to such things." Fuyumi looked on in shock. "B-but the wa..." I look at her blinking. "All in due time Miss Fuyumi." She looks at me for a second. "Okay but least tell me how you did that." I smile. "Magic" she snorts before looking at Rei and Mitsuki. "Wait really? Dude that's awesome." I smile. "Thanks miss Fuyumi. Hopefully I can teach you three magic. Also there is a crossover student. Melissa Shield is in both the hero course and the materia/magic course. She will be the first quirkless hero to ever graduate from UA." Fuyumi whistled at that. "So I take it if you're quirkless you can 100% learn magic? But if you have a quirk it is unknown?" I smile as I open the door to the dorm. "Bingo. Goddess Rei give Princess Fuyumi her prize. Wait Eri what were the prizes again? Oh that's right Eri hugs." I say with a smile as I hold Eri out for Fuyumi who smiles as she wraps Eri in a hug. "Wow Eri are you a professional hugger? She asks I laugh. "See she gives the best hugs. Made some of the girls upset when they heard that as they were teasing me. Apparently losing to a 5 yr old in any arena is "uncool yo" meh semantics. Ahh let us find Shoto then we all head to my room so I can ensure complete privacy."

    We walk up to Shoto's room and I knock on the door. "Yeah hang on." We hear as he opens the door. Slamming it soon as he sees my face. "Well that's just rude. Hehe Mitsuki will you take Eri to mine and her room please?" Mitsu laughs as she does as asked. "Shall we continue from where we left off Miss Rei?" I smile as Fuyumi feels a shiver up her spine. Rei speaks up. "Now Shoto your new daddy and I need to talk to you. And no its not about you being caught having sex with that sweet Mineta boy." Fuyumi blinks a few time before cackles madly. "Shoto when did you get a boyfriend? Daddy here never mentioned it." Shoto growls from inside. "Not you too sis?!?!" I laugh. "That depends my boy. Care to accompany us to my quarters were we can discuss this in private or shall you have your mother make you wear dresses daily for the remainder of your time here?" Shoto snarls as he opens the door and we begin to head out. "Oh Rei why is your hand on my ass? Wait no. Dang it Shoto stop trying to make your mother jealous." Fuyumi and Rei giggle before Rei speaks up. "Oh I don't know dearie if he makes me too jealous you may enjoy it." I blush a bit as Shoto gags Fuyumi cackles. "Oh by all means then as you were Shoto. I swear if you get daddy laid tonight I'll get you the special horsey you asked for this morning. Something about comes with a handle you sit on for guaranteed safety in case of falls." Fuyumi and Rei cackle as Ida had walked by before turning red and walking back into his room. "Remember Shoto safety first." Shoto whimpers. "I would pay a million yen to be struck by lightning now!" I wink as I hit him with a thundaga followed by curaga. "Pay up. Daddy needs to take mommy on a date tonight?" Rei laughs her ass off as Fuyumi was flabbergasted. "Wait? What just happened?" I look at her "Magic. Ahh we're here. Please step inside everyone."

      After we get inside I take out my clicker sound proofing the room. And having Mitsuki cover Eri's ears. "There now we can speak with no one outside of this room able to hear a word. Shoto I swear for someone with a genius intellect have to be a fool. To reveal the 9th OFA user to your classmates like that. Do you know why we never told the class?" Fuyumi was amazed at the sudden change in my attitude. "Because there is a suspected traitor amongst the students. That means Shoto you came very close to signing the death warrant to one Ochako Uraraka cos they made fun of you over a childish set of bets. I am not here for love and that crap. I am here to teach you all. To protect you all and to train her to surpass the symbol of peace. Do you understand now why what you did cos some girls wanted to make you feel jealous of stupid bets like most handsome biggest dick or best kisser in the dorms could severely damage not only this school but cost the life of a promising young student?"

     Shoto pales as he stumbles a bit. Rei was lit. "Wait. That is why you revealed her name? Cos 3 stupid ass bets Shoto? Let me guess. Winner was Izuku in all 3 and you got jealous cos of something dumb you said yesterday right?" Fuyuni too was angry. As smart as Shoto is to do that over some childish bets was dumb. "Wait what did he say yesterday?" I sigh and explain the days event of the 9th meeting Rei and Shoto. Then Shoto saying my face and eyes were ugly and weird I asked Rei she blushed said they were perfect too just like the 9th and Shoto misunderstood saying he didnt want a new dad that was his age making Rei pass out. "Ouch. Hence the daddy mommy jokes?" I nodded as I glared at Shoto. "Now you will listen here boy. I will teach you. I will train you. I will protect you and your mother and sister. I will tear down Endeavor's empire. But what I will not do is stand here and act fine when you risk the life of another classmate for absolutely no reason. Especially that one's life. She has the one thing Ass Might could have given me to save me from hell but refused because I am quirkless. That destroyed me. You think you have problems Shoto Todoroki my parents had to take shifts to ensure I didn't keep trying to kill myself for months after Ass Might my one hope for support in a world that had saw fit to kill me turned around and did the exact same thing to me. You have your siblings yet only people I had from 4 to 7 were two. After that I had no one. Hell Mitsuki's son 6 times would have killed me and my own mother woukd have as well. Simply because Mitsuki wished me a happy birthday stabbed me in the damn lung with a smile threw me out which should have killed me and walked away. Over a happy birthday wish. You are angry over being created to be a weapon. I am angry over being born in the first place in a world where nearly everyone has seen it fit to try and either kill me themselves or make me kill myself. I don't handle emotions well. But if you betray my trust and Ochaco dies for it I will make what I did to Overhaul seem light to what I do to you. This is your one and only warning with me. Actions have consequences that we cannot foresee." I say as I apologize for my anger and grab Eri to sit on the bed as mother and sister point out how stupid he was.

      Mitsu sits beside me. "I knew you were holding it in Izu but man." I sigh. "Ochaco is my friend. A true friend Mitsu. I don't have many friends let alone true friends. If he slipped up and the wrong person found out and Ochaco dies......" Eri hugged me. "It will be okay papa. Hope prince Shoto learns." I sigh as I walk uo after his family stopped berating him. "Understand this Shoto Todoroki. I have very few friends. Let alone true friends. Ochaco is that for me. The first friend, First true friend I had in over a decade I am a very leniant man. I will let you boys and girls get away with a lot. Unless it has consequences in one or all of you dying. I do not hate you nor do I wish you harm. I truly wish to be friends. But to be friends trust is needed. I have trusted you with someone dear to me. Please do not make me regret that trust. Besides I played no part in them decided of their own accord to tease you other than treated them nicely with respect. They don't know the real you Shoto. So instead of showing them an angry rebellious child. Show them the you from before that scar. We both know he's in there. You build up the barrier of anger and hate to protect that young kind boy. Let them in to see that Shoto Todoroki. Not the one built up to rebel against his old man. They're good people Shoto. One person may be bad but not all of them are. You just try being a kid. I'll handle the adult stuff."

      I turned around and before I walked back to my bed. "Show me Shoto Todoroki that it is possible to return from the darkness of anger and hate so I can return for those I care for. Teach me this so all of you meet the real Izuku." I set Eri down and head to the bed as Mitsuki and Rei sit on either side of me. Eri walks up and smiles at him. "Papa hates to get mad Prince Shoto. People were always mad with papa. But I learned that with my papa when he gets mad he is afraid for the life of someone important to him. Papa doesn't show fear like me or your mom or sister. Papa shows fear by getting angry not for himself. No papa doesn't care if he himself gets hurt or dies. I see his eyes his real eyes. He shows fear by being angry in defending or protecting others. He was so angry when he fought birdy overhaul. He used everything. Papa never uses everything because he is afraid of that part of himself." Shoto lifts his head. "I am sorry Eri. Everyone. I messed up and it was so dumb. I will do better. To save the old Shoto and teach you Izuku that returning from darkness is possible for people like us. I will never mention the 9ths true name to anyone ever again without your express permission. No matter how teased or even tortured I get. You are right Eri that he doesn't get angry without a good reason. But also he had that entire time to actively do to me what has happened to him. To use his power to make me feel weak and useless. I have power but your papa has power so mighty no one on or from Earth can topple it." I smile. "Nah surely I ain't that op yo. Mitsuki contact the 9th. Tell them to come to my room. I will deactivate the sound proof no one is to mention her name and the 9th without the sound proofer on. Its the only way we can protect her. Its time she learns the risks as well. God she is gonna slap me for not telling her."

     A few minutes later Ochaco knocks on the door. I let her in and we explain everything. She begins to tear up. "I wish I could have told you sooner. But had I then we'd have had more issues. I didn't even get the clicker until yesterday after picking up real man to expel him. So I literally had no way of telling you that wouldn't have risked your life. I am truly sorry Ochaco Uraraka." I say with a bow. As we walks forward. Expecting a slap I was confused by the hug. "Um she's hugging me right guys?" They all nod. "Um why?" Slap "Very explanatory thank you Mitsuki." She grumbles before explaining. "She is scared Izu. In most people's case she is reacting how you are supposed to." I nod as I ask. "Now what am I supposed to do?" Slap thwack. "Doubly explanatory Mitsuki and Fuyumi. So I am supposed to slap the back of her head? I think I feel a genital shot coming if I do that." Sigh "Hug her back Izu!" I blink. "Oh yeah. That actually makes perfect sense now that you say it out loud." I giggle making Ochaco giggle too before I hug her back. " knew the whole time? You just wanted to make her laugh?" I look at Shoto. "What is this laughter you speak of and where is the dress you mother picked out for you? Hehehehe. Sigh on a serious note Yes Shoto I knew. But if a beautiful girl is crying in your arms and you do not make her smile there'll be hell to pay. Or least that's what Mitsuki tells me. From what she said I'd rather keep my appendages as appendages. Ya know?" Ochaco smiles and laughs a bit more. "You did that first day we met too. You just sat there letting me cry before making me laugh. Soon I laughed so much I was able to stand and move forward. You can stop the act of emotionless you have put up today ever since we told you about what Momo and Kyoka learned."

     "I would but there are children present. Namely Shoto Todoroki. I mean have you seen his conspiracy boards. I think I even saw one about you being my mother or something Ochaco." Shoto flinched. "Uhhh you saw that one?" I chuckle before saying emotionlessly. "It was right in the middle of your room in bright neon lights. If you're trying to hide it that's the dumbest place to put it bruh." No one could see it cos I am facing the window but Ochaco felt it. The tears I shed while hidden behind a shield of jokes. Mitsuki noticed my breathing and figured something was up so she escorted them out and Eri went along with them. I fell backward landing on the bed as Ochaco landed on top of me. "It's fine Izuku. I'm not mad at you and I am not going anywhere." She said as I let out slow quivering breaths. I sighed. "Its far from fine Ochaco. Far from fine indeed. I thought I had moved past the way I hide my anger. I thought my anger was not gonna be that bad. But I nearly killed Shoto. With his family Eri and Mitsuki in the room. Over a stupid set of bets and teasing he was too immature to let get past him." I sighed as the tears fell. Ochaco held me and asked if I was going to be okay. "I do not know Ocha to be honest I am barely held together. Everyday I have to put on an act. I don't know how much longer my shield will hold." Ochaco looked at me and asked. "Would it be alright if I slept here with you and Eri to help you stay calm?" I don't know why but I nodded my head in agreement. Unsure of how I could handle my anger and fear. But I couldn't deny her request. Wondering if it would help me.

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