Straight 'A' Student

By srosee2000

45.6K 350 53


Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 3

2.8K 29 3
By srosee2000

It had been a few weeks into the semester and Summer and Avery had gotten into a groove that allowed them to spend ample time studying and with their boyfriends. They had midterms this week which means they had been hitting the books really hard. Chase studied with them often times and when there was free time, Darren joined them.
They had two more midterms before the week ended then Susanna and Spencer, Summers parents, were coming to visit for the weekend.

"Hi baby, here you go" Chase said setting a coffee down on the table and kissing Summer's cheek.

"Thank you very much".

"Are Avery and Darren coming?"

"Yea, they're on their way back. Let's do dinner or something tomorrow since my parents will be here all weekend" Summer suggested.

"Yea, we can do dinner. Do you not want me to meet them?"

"I don't mind, I thought you wouldn't want to. It's only been a few weeks".

"I do want to".

"Okay" Summer smiled before the door opened.

"Hi" Avery said sitting down as Darren sat her bag down next to her chair.
He didn't go to graduate school but he and Avery had met in undergraduate at a football game between their schools. She had caught his eyes and his friends pushed him to go talk to her, so from there they started going out.
Darren worked as a real estate agent so he had time to spend with them.

"You brought lunch, thank you very much" Summer said as Darren sat a fast food bag on the table.

"You're welcome".

"What are you studying for?" Avery asked.

"Coding. I'm definitely failing this shit".

"Don't say that babe. You know it" Chase told her as she started to eat and smiled at him.

"We'll see. I can't study anymore right now" Summer groaned, eliciting a laugh from the group.

"What time do your parents get here?" Avery asked.

"Uh 3 on Friday".

"Do you have to pick them up?"

"Nope. Spencer Young is a renting a Bentley and if I ask nicely enough I'm sure we can take it".

"I knew I loved that man the second I met him" Avery said excitedly.

"You're rich like that?" Darren asked.

"The Young's have built quite a life for themselves. I'm sorry babe, but if Susanna ever moves on I'll have to leave you" Avery told him as Summer laughed.

"Shut up" Summer told her.

"So what's he like? You think he'll like me?" Chase asked Avery.

"Spencer. I think he will, he's a cool guy. Now Susanna, you'll have a harder time with at first".

"And she's a lawyer?"


"Stop it, Avery. They're both gonna like you" Summer said kissing his cheek.


After spending all day yesterday studying the material, Summer felt pretty confident. She finished with a quarter of the time left then went to get herself some lunch. She stopped at the campus square with all the restaurants and got some chick fil a.
She had one more midterm tomorrow morning, software analytics, then her parents would be on their way.

"Come in" Connor said looking up from his laptop.


"Ms. Young, how can I help you?"

"I um wanted to see if you had any supplemental resources for lecture six".

"I'm sure I do, let's see" he said searching through his laptop as she passively looked around his office.
Majority of it was bookcases filled with books. Mostly books about IT, software, engineering, and technology. Then there were some nonfiction books as well but she didn't pay much mind to the topics. There was a couch and a coffee table off to the side as well and a computer bag sat on it.

"Here we go, sorry about that" Connor said bringing her attention back to him.

"It's no problem" she said as he stood and went over to a printer.

"I do hope this is not your first attempt at studying, Ms. Young" he said turning and handing her the papers as she stood up too.

"Well I'm not crazy. I've been studying for weeks. Just figured for my last stretch I could focus on what's hardest for me".

"I see. Oh, if you need more you can take this book. Uh, this chapter lays it out pretty well" he said book marking a page and handing that to her as well.

"Thank you Dr. Griffin".

"You're welcome" he said before he started to walk around the desk again. He wasn't surprised or bothered when her arm reached out and barely touched him so he stopped.
"I've seen you looking at me in class" he said with a very small smirk that she barely caught.

"Well you're the professor. I look at you when you speak".

"You know that's not what I'm talking about" he said.
She didn't answer but she watched his eyes migrate to her lips as they twitched. She wanted to say something but couldn't.

In an instant he stepped forward and planted his lips on hers. Her eyes closed and her instincts took over. She took his shirt in her first and pulled him closer and let his tongue slip into her mouth.
They were both brought back from the engulfing kiss as his phone rang. He stared down at her for a second then reached past her waist to grab his phone off the desk. She let out a shaky sigh of relief but she couldn't deny that she was irritated he got a call right now.

"Hey baby, what's up?" He asked as he answered the phone and Summers eyes widened while she listened to his words "um, I thought you were coming in tonight. No it's no problem, I just planned to work late tomorrow. Yea, don't worry about it. Okay, see you tomorrow night" he said before hanging up and turning back to Summer.

"You're seeing someone?" She asked as he slipped his phone in his pocket.

"So are you".

"Okay, but you kissed me and you have a whole girlfriend".

"Well she just doesn't intrigue me and for some reason, Summer Young, you do".

"So that's what you do, you just stay with someone you have no interest in until you find something better".

"I didn't say I have no interest in her but you can't tell me you felt nothing in that kiss".

"I can't do this. I'm not that kind of girl and I just- I can't" she said walking past him.

"Okay" he said leaning against the desk before she turned back to him.

"Okay? That's all you're gonna say?"

"I respect your point of view. What else do you want me to say?"

"I- I don't know" she said, but that was a lie.

"Good luck with the studying, Ms. Young. And you can return that book whenever. Feel free to read through it when you get some time, it breaks down some crucial main points of the job if you're interested" he said and she titled her head in confusion about how he easily went back to talking to her professionally. Especially after what just happened.

She stopped herself from replying because she knew what would come out and she was right, this wasn't like her at all. She nodded and smiled before leaving his office and heading back to her dorm.

Avery was still gone when she got there so she grabbed a snack and sat down in front of the tv. Usually studying gets her mind off of something like this, but the only thing she actually needed to study right now reminded her of Connor. Clearly that wasn't going to work.


Summer spent all morning reviewing, fearful that the second she saw him everything she knew about the class would disappear from her mind and be replaced by that senseless stupid kiss. When she finished the test she put it up at the front of the class and left without so much as a facial expression. She couldn't handle that right now.

"Hi, you're back. How did it go?" Avery asked as Summer went into her room.

"I think it went really well honestly. Just glad those are over".

"Yup, that felt more stressful than last semester".

"Exactly" Summer agreed and they laughed together.

"Wanna leave now?".

"Let me change into something comfortable then we'll go. I mean we're going right to their hotel anyways" Summer said then went to her room.

They knocked on the door to her parents hotel room and waited for it to open.

"Hi, you two" Susanna said excitedly pulling them into a hug.

"Hey mom".

"Hi Susanna" they each said respectively.

"Where's dad?" Summer asked.

"He's in the shower, should be out any minute though. So, how did your tests go?"

"They went well, felt pretty confident about them".

"Same" Avery agreed.

"Good. So Avery, after this academic year is over you'll be graduating, correct?"

"Yes ma'am, finally".

"Congratulations honey" she smiled before the door to their room in the suite opened.

"Hey, you been here long?" Spencer asked as he hugged them.

"No. How are you dad?"

"Good. We missed you both".

"How sweet, we missed you too" Summer laughed.

"So dinner tomorrow is just with you and Chase honey or are you joining us as well, Avery?" Susanna asked.

"No, I won't be there. I have this work thing to go to with Darren" Avery asked.

"Okay, nice".

"Hey dad. So I was thinking that after dinner Chase and I can follow you guys back here and then take the Bentley to pick up Darren and Avery" Summer said.

"You have more plans?" He asked.

"Not technically, but we'll figure out something to do".

"We mainly just wanted the car" Avery added.

"Fair. Yea, why not. Just be careful" Spencer said pouring himself a glass of scotch.

"Thank you".

"Mhm. Chase, am I gonna like him?"

"Yes dad, we talked about this already" Summer rolled her eyes playfully.

"I vaguely remember but I haven't liked your last four boyfriends".

"That's because you don't try to like them".

"That's not true. If they were likable guess where they would be".

"Oh fine. Well Chase is super nice and he and I have fun and he's got a plan in life, which you like. I think if you try you'll like him".

"You like him?"

"Yes, dad. A lot".

"I will try" he said and she nodded.


Avery had already left so Summer was in the apartment alone while she got ready. She put on a blue dress that went to her thigh and had spaghetti straps and a cutout under her boobs but it didn't show anything. Simple.

"Hi babe" she said answering the phone.

"Hey, I'm pulling up".

"Alright, I'll just come down" she hung up then grabbed a clutch and a light cover up since it was little chilly tonight.

"You look beautiful" Chase commented as she got in the car and leaned over to kiss him.

"Thank you handsome. My parents said they're on their way already".

"Okay good. I had a shot of vodka" Chase laughed.

"Babe, it won't be that bad. I promise. Plus we're gonna go out to drink afterwards" Summer said before he nodded and grabbed her hand.

She was nervous of course but definitely for a different reason. She was nervous she might let something slip, how could she not, it's been on her mind since it happened. The way he looked at her, the way his tongue moved against hers, the way he smelled even. Every second of that kiss clouded her mind throughout the day. Hopefully the drinks tonight would help.

"Hi. Sorry we're late" Summer said kissing her parents cheek then Chase shook Spencer's hand and pulled her chair out.

"You're fine. We weren't here long".

"Long enough for your father to get wine" Susanna teased.

"And it's damn good wine" Spencer said pouring Chase and Summer a glass each before speaking again "so Chase. Is it your second year as well?"

"Yes sir. I'll be graduating in May".

"Congratulations. And your plans after that?"

"Get my foot in the door of my fathers company. Work my way into a good position over a couple of years and then settle down, start a family" he said and Summer took a subtle gulp of her wine.
'It's getting kind of toasty in here' she thought to herself.

"Solid plan".

"What kind of company does your father run?" Susanna asked.

"It's a brokerage firm. I plan to work my way up through the software and development department until he retires then I'll take his place".

"Okay, I see".

"Um, Summer tells me you both have pretty impressive jobs. Engineering and law, correct?" 

"Yea. Just as demanding as they are impressive though" Spencer said before calling the server over.
"Can we have the steak platter for the table. Uh bring me an order of every side. Anyone want something else, a fish or something?"

"Can we try the branzino, split it with me honey" Susanna said to him.

"Right and the branzino as well, make it two orders. You two can try it as well" Spencer said to Summer and Chase who nodded.

"How did you meet, if you don't mind me asking" Chase said when it was just the four of them again.

"I was interning with the lawyer that represented the state against his old boss. Pretty much got him put out of business" Susanna started.

"I was a low level technician and still in school so I needed that job but I realized I didn't give a shit about that. I asked her to dinner that night she won the case and I asked her to marry me three years later on the day" Spencer finished as Susanna smiled, she loved that story and always would.

"That's very sweet".

"Summer honey, we're thinking about going to grandmas for Thanksgiving. You don't  have to come but she wants you to" Susanna said.

"I'll think about it. I spoke with her last week".

"How was she?"

"The same. Her and grandpa are on another trip".

"So their retirement is going smoothly" Spencer laughed jovially. He always found it amusing that Susanna's parents didn't quite like him but were perfectly fine using his money. Susanna found it annoying.

"Anyways just let us know ahead of time if you're coming" Susanna said getting back to the topic.

"I will".

"Big family, Chase?" Susanna asked to segway into another topic.


"I will bring it back tonight" Summer said as Spencer held out the keys to the Bentley.

"Okay. When you get here just give the valet the ticket for your car then have them park ours and tell them our room number".

"Okay. Thank you" Summer said kissing his cheek then she and Chase got in the car. Summer called Avery who said they were at Darren's so that's where she headed.

"How was dinner?" Avery asked getting in the car before Darren.

"I think it well" Chase said.

"Me too, they seemed like they really like you" Summer agreed.

"Takes a weight off my shoulders. How was your work thing?" Chase asked.

"It went well. These things are pretty pointless" Darren laughed then they continued to the club to get drinks.


"Hi, I'm so sorry. The flight was delayed twice because of the weather. So irritating" the woman said as Connor put her bags in the car and turned to kiss her quickly.

"It's okay. How was the trip?"

"Good. I'm just glad I'm home".

"Mhm. We can go out for dinner or takeout".

"Takeout please, I'm so tired".

"Got it" Connor said opening the door to the passenger seat for her.

Connor and Barbara have been dating for two weeks. She was attractive and he enjoyed being with her but he wasn't lying to Summer. She wasn't intriguing, they barely had intelligent conversations, they shared very few of the same interests. But what Summer said kind of stung, about him moving on just because he found something better. It made him sound much more shallow then he was. He moves on so quickly because a long term relationship was not what he wanted right now.

Nevertheless there was some truth to it. Summer was better. He wasn't sure how he knew it yet, but he did. He would catch her studying him during lecture. Her charming green eyes caught his every single time, then she would blush, try to hide it, and turn away.

Connor tried to ignore it for the first few weeks, he really did. He knew the line he couldn't cross, he was her professor, but each day he drew closer and closer, until he crossed it. He knew it wasn't right so when she said she couldn't do it, he didn't try to argue. Maybe it was saving the both of them from all the trouble.

"Takeout is ordered" Connor said as Barbara came out of his room, drying her hair in a tshirt of his.

"Great. I missed you" she said straddling his lap then he grabbed her waist.

"Is that right?"

"Mhm" she moaned as she kissed his neck "I can show you" she smirked before going to her knees on the floor.
Connor knew she was predictable but she was good at it so he wasn't complaining.

He leaned his head back against the couch as she moved her hand along his length. He moaned as her tongue rolled around his tip.
He put his hands into her hair and looked down at her.

"Fuck. Just like that" he moaned.
Her tongue travelled along his dick as she put her hand at the base of it. When she reached the top again she wrapped her lips around it and moved her head up and down.

After a little while he was ready to bust. She had put all her effort into it and his moans were so intoxicating to Barbara. He stood up and turned so her back was against the couch and he was standing over her.

She quickly moved her hand along the length of it until he let out a long groan and his cum spilled into her mouth. Her tongue slightly moved back and forth as his tip rested against until he finished. Connor looked down at her while she swallowed it and a smile spread across her lips before he bent down to her level.

"I'm gonna shower, my cards in my wallet" he said then kissed her and walked off.


"Oh my god" Chase moaned as he came, filling up the condom while Summer moved her hips back into him.

She turned over and he bent down to kiss her. Their make out lasted a couple of minutes before he moved next to her. They caught their breaths for a second then he got up to throw away the condom and lay back down.

"Holy shit, that was good" Chase said wrapping his arm around her shoulder while she laid her head on his chest.

"Mhm. Are you staying tonight?"

"No, I've got plans in the morning with some friends".

"Okay. I think I'm gonna go see my parents before they leave".

"Alright. I'm glad I got to meet them".

"Me too".

"I guess next time will be my parents".

"This isn't a tit for tat, I don't have to meet your parents just because you met mine" Summer laughed.

"I know and I wanted you to meet them last time, but they're really specific about who I date and right now, I don't want that stress".

"You don't owe me an explanation Chase, whenever you're ready" she smiled.

After Chase left she got up to shower and watched a little tv before dozing off.
She wasn't sure what she was gonna do about the Connor situation. Thinking about it was doing her no good but trying not to think about it made her think about it even more. Every time her lips touched Chase she got a sudden flashback. She hated to admit it to herself, but it just didn't compare. Something about the kiss with Connor held more passion and lust, probably because it was scandalous, but she craved it.


"Good morning" Summer said as Avery dragged her feet to couch after just waking up.


"What time did you get home?"

"Like 3. How was your night?".

"My night was good, the usual. He kissed me" Summer blurted out as a look of confusion settled on Avery's face.

"Chase? Okay, good for him".

"Not Chase. Dr. Griffin".

"Excuse me, Dr. Griffin the professor? Your professor?" Avery fully sat up now, the news shocking her awake.

"Yes and I kissed him back and I can't stop thinking about it".

"Why not? Did you like it?"

"Yes. Way more than I should've of course and I know that makes me such a shitty girlfriend but I can't help it".

"You kissed your professor. Well do you like him or something? Like what's going on?" Avery asked.

"I don't know Ave. It's like I'm drawn to it and that makes me curious and god I'm so horrible".

"Well first, I can't blame you. The man is hot. Second, you can't actually do anything".

"Because he's my professor, I know" Summer nodded.

"No, Summer. Because of Chase".

"Well of course. I don't even want to go back to class" Summer groaned leaning on Avery.

"Was it good?"

"It was so good Ave, he kisses like it's gonna save your life".

"Like pussy-soaking good".

"Avery" Summer laughed.

"I was just asking. Well?"

"Yes. But the worse part is he has a girlfriend. She called while it was happening".

"That's not the worse part, you can avoid it happening again now that you know".

"Trust me, that doesn't help".

"So you're gonna break up with Chase?" Avery asked.

"No, I like Chase. I told Connor it wasn't happening again".

"Okay. Could you think what having sex with your professor would be like".

"Please stop it" Summer laughed.

"Sorry. So Darren thinks we should go to his parents for Thanksgiving".

"Oh yea, you don't want to go?".

"Well when we broke up the first time, I guess he didn't tell his family. Then his sister called one time and I was mad so I ranted about everything and called him a shit ton of names. I haven't talked to any of them since".

"Do they know you're back together?" Summer asked.

"Yea. Darren said he told them".

"Well that's a start".

"I know but it's still nerve wracking".

"You'll be okay. Chase said I could meet his parents next time".

"You haven't met them?".

"No, remember last time he said he wasn't ready for me to meet them".

"Why not?"

"Because they're 'specific about who he dates', that's what he said".

"Ew, I hate parents like that. He's kind of pussy for not letting them meet you just because of that".

"He said next time. Trust me I'm not in any rush to meet parents" Summer laughed.


Connor looked up from his laptop as he heard the door to his room close.
He lived in a very open, modern penthouse. There were three rooms and two bathrooms. His room and the master suite was down a hallway on one side of the penthouse and the guest rooms and bathroom were down a hallway on the other side. The kitchen, living room, and small dining area sat in the middle.

"Good morning" Barbara said from the kitchen, pouring a cup of coffee.


"What are you doing?"

"Work. Come here for a second" he said.
She put her cup and went to sit on his lap.

"You could've woke me up if you were horny" she smirked as she kissed his neck.

"Cute, but I'm not. We're breaking up".

"What?" She asked sitting back.

"Yea" he said grabbing her waist and lifting her up.

"Why Connor?"

"It's just run it's course. I'm sorry".

"Run its course? Are you fucking serious" she yelled.

"Barbara, you're great really but I just-".

"Don't give me that 'it's not you it's me' bullshit Connor. Is this about some other bitch?".

"No actually, it's not" he slightly laughed at the truth in it.

"Is this funny to you? You're an ass Connor" she yelled then stormed back to his room to get her stuff.

"I'm sorry Barbara" he said as she started walking back through.

"Fuck you" she yelled, flipping him off and slamming the door on her way out.

He was being truthful, it wasn't about Summer. Not entirely at least. Take Summer out of the equation and Barbara still didn't interest him very much.
He spent most of the day doing work he would inevitably be behind on tomorrow.


"Hey, Chase is picking me up after class" Summer said grabbing her bag and walking towards the door of their apartment.

"Okay. Just text me when you're with him".

"I will" Summer said before leaving for her second class of the day.

She put on her AirPods and made the walk to her building. She cursed herself for not being earlier as she looked up from her phone to see Connor on the stairs, holding the door open.

"Thank you" she said.

"You're welcome, Ms. Young" he smiled and she rolled her eyes, that was clearly teasing.

"I hope you had a good weekend with your girlfriend".

"I'll let you know I don't have a girlfriend since you're so invested".

"Oh, good for her".

"It's good for someone" he said meeting her eyes quickly then she continued walking as more students reached the stairs.

She sat down, wiped her sweaty hands on her jeans, and pulled out her iPad.
She listened and took notes but sometime halfway through the class she zoned out and let her mind wander a little. She was still listening and note taking of course but his words were mesmerizing. More specifically, his voice. Every syllable and tone ran through her and made her more drawn in. When class ended she walked right to the door and he laughed to himself at her purposeful attempt not to make eye contact with him.

"Hi babe" Summer leaned over and kissed Chase.

"Hey, how was class?"

"Not too bad. Pretty straightforward topic, nothing special".

"Good. I ordered lunch so we'll go pick it up".


"Oh also, I talked to my mom after class this morning. They'll be here the weekend before Thanksgiving so I was thinking we do dinner or something with them if you're up for it".

"Yea. That sounds good".

"Are you sure baby?"

"Yes Chase. I wanna meet them".

"Okay good. Did you decide if you were going to your grandparents?"

"Yea, I think I am. Avery is going home with Darren and since you'll be gone, I would be here by myself".

"Alright then" he smiled, grabbing her hand and driving off.

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