War for Cybertron (Male reade...

Galing kay Zeroknight115

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Story takes place during the Netflix adaptation of War for Cybertron. An ex Decepticon now turned Autobot hel... Higit pa

Siege: Part 1
Siege: Part 2
Siege: Part 3
Siege: Part 4
Siege: Part 5

Siege: Part 6

534 27 11
Galing kay Zeroknight115

The final chapter of the Siege arc. Hope you all enjoy this chapter. I apologize in advance for any grammar errors.

Thanks you all for 8.1k reads. I didn't think this book would honestly be a hit but I'm glad all of you liked it.

Allspark Valley

Legions of undead Cybertronians swarmed the Allspark team. No matter how many they took down, countless more arose from the dead and proceeded to attack the team. At this point the Autobots were struggling, most if not all of them were exhausted.

Prime punched an undead Cybertronion in the head, permanently terminating him. Hound kicked one to keep some space from him and Prowl resorted to following Y/N's example of blasting these undead nightmares. Y/N who was using his blaster against a horde of the undead turned to see how Clutch was doing. In the distance he saw Clutch holding his own against the undead. Moonracer, unable to fight was an easy target for the undead Cybertronians. It was Clutch's job to ensure Moonracer survived the attacks.

Not being aware of his surroundings, Clutch was grabbed out of the air by a pair of undead servos by his wings. Moonracer took notice of this and rushed towards Clutch's aid. She punched the undead Cybertronian with her good servo and proceeded to free Clutch. Unfortunately one of Clutch's wings was ripped off, making him unable to hover properly. Dozens of undead Cybertronians started to swarm both Clutch and Moonracer, Moonracer saw this and grabbed Clutch. She tried to make a run for it but saw that she was surrounded on all sides. Moonracer's spark sank and immediately started to panic, Clutch beeped frantically but still tried to shoot any undead Cybertronians that got close to him and Moonracer with his turret whenever he had a good opening to shoot. Fortunately he was able to take down only two but that wasn't enough.

Moonracer: HELP!!!

Clutch: *Frantic beeping*.

Optimus and the others heard both Clutch and Moonracer's pleas for help,  all of them saw a numerous amount of undead surrounding them. Jetfire tried to use his jetpack to get to them but was also surrounded by dozens of the undead who prevented him from flying. If he tried to get a small amount of air distance from the ground, one simple undead bot would be enough to try and take him down and keep him grounded. Prowl and Hound were backed to a corner and couldn't push through the undead legions. Optimus held his ground but was unable to make any progress thanks to the undead legions still pushing through towards his position. Y/N heard their pleas for help but was busy with many undead bots also rushing him. From a distance he could still hear their cries for help.


In a fit of rage, Y/N's visor turned red and proceeded to yell a war cry that got the attention of many if not all undead Cybertronians. Y/N grabbed the nearest undead bot by the helm and crushed it with extreme force. He grabbed the body and threw it at a group.   Y/N transformed into his tank form and shot a barrage of missiles in the air. These missiles exploded mid air and out of them small explosives rained on the hordes of undead, luckily none of the explosions were near his teammates. A number of explosions terminated a sheer amount of undead. Those that survived the explosion were rendered immobile or crippled, Y/N took the opportunity and rammed through them in his tank form. Any undead that stood in his way were quickly annihilated with his dual cannons or crushed beneath his tank form. The others saw Y/N's rampage which helped them get a footing over their aggressors.

Y/N managed to reach both Clutch and Moonracer but saw three undead Cybertronians who were about to harm them. Moonracer tried to walk backwards but fell to the ground, she simply held Clutch tightly and closed her optics, waiting for the end to come. She waited for a bit before looking towards Y/N who was fighting off the undead bots that were gonna harm her and Clutch. He punched through the spark of a bot before using the same body as a weapon. He slammed the dead body of the bot into another, exterminating him. The final bot approached him slowly with his servos extending towards him. Y/N grabbed him from the chest plate and from the lower half and raised him up. With a display of immense strength, he pulled both parts at opposite directions leaving the undead bot in two pieces. He started to calm down a bit while looking at Clutch and Moonracer from a distance.

Optimus was finishing off the rest of his attackers before noticing Moonracer from a distance crouching on the floor, hugging Clutch tightly. He quickly rushed towards her and Clutch.

Optimus:  Moonracer. *Picks her up* Are you two alright?

Still frightened by what happened and the fact that she almost died if it wasn't for Y/N, Moonracer gained her composure while still carrying Clutch.

Moonracer: Y-yeah. Just banged up but we'll live.

Clutch: *Happy beeping*

Y/N joined the group but noticed how beaten up both Clutch and Moonracer were. Prime on the other hand took notice of Y/N's work. A massive trail of bodies layed where Y/N was.

Optimus: Impressive work Y/N.

Y/N: Thanks, Prime.

Hound kept blasting a group of undead before noticing a blue glow in the distance. He turned to see what it was and noticed a floating object above a formation of crystals but guarded by undead Cybertronians.

Hound: *Surprised* Prime! The Allspark.

Y/N: Go on ahead, I'll keep these two safe.

Optimus nodded and headed back to battle, he transformed into his vehicle form and rammed into some undead Cybertronians. Y/N proceeded to relocated both Clutch and Moonracer to a better position, somewhere where he could tend to their wounds after the battle was over. While running he spotted a wing that belonged to Clutch. He picked it up and covered the two injured bots.

Many undead bots made their way towards Prowl, Hound, and Jetfire. Hound resorted to punching an undead bot that got extremely close.

Hound: *Punches Bot* What are these things?

Jetfire charged at two undead bots with his energy blade and sliced them up.

Jetfire: The Sparkless.

Jetfire unleashed a barrage of missiles from his back that decimated a group of Sparkless bots. Prowl aimed his blaster and rushed at a group of Sparkless. With precised shots, Prowl took them down with ease.

Prowl: I'd heard rumors about the bots that have died trying to find the Allspark.

A Sparkless Seeker was about to grab Prowl but he managed to smack him in the faceplate and end him with a blaster shot to the helm. In the distance he saw more Sparkless bots making their way towards them.

Prowl: They are looking for sparks so they can come back to life.

Y/N heard everything that the team was discussing, he was equally busy protecting both Clutch and Moonracer from incoming attacks. He had his blaster out and rained down fire without stopping.

Y/N: These scrap heaps are really starting to boil my oil. *Turns towards Moonracer* Moonracer, think you can use Clutch as a blaster? Just aim him at the Sparkless, he'll know what to do.

Moonracer was confused but she did what Y/N suggested. She aimed Clutch while he beeped furiously at the enemy, Clutch started shooting at any Sparkless that came into view. Moonracer simply aimed him at the enemy while Clutch fired his turret.

Moonracer: We need to fall back, there's too many of them!!

Optimus who was still in his truck form kept ramming the Sparkless bots. He heard what Moonracer said but he knew if they retreated then they would miss their chance to capture the Allspark.

Optimus: Negative. Focus on the Allspark! We only have one shot at this so we must hurry!

Optimus spotted a makeshift ramp made out of crystals. He drove with full throttle and rammed some Sparkless that were in his way. Mid-air, a Sparkless bot grabbed hold of Optimus but was quickly shot in the helm by Prowl.

The rest of the team couldn't hold their ground any longer. Prowl was swarmed by countless Sparkless, he shot one and another took his place. Hound and Jetfire resorted to close combat, countless Sparkless bots swarmed them and backed them up to a corner. Y/N kept shooting his blaster but it eventually overheated. One Sparkless grabbed his blaster servo and tried to detach it but was met with a fist to the helm. Countless Sparkless approached him and dog piled him, one of them even cracked his visor while it grabbed his helm. Y/N tried his best to keep these beings off of him but it wasn't enough. Moonracer kept using Clutch as a weapon but when she saw Y/N get overpowered by the Sparkless, she started to panic. Clutch beeped angrily and tried to float towards Y/N's aid but couldn't. He freed himself from Moonracer's grasp but he landed on the ground. Moonracer was about to pick him up but she came face-to-face with a Sparkless. She looked at it with horror and shock. The Sparkless reached for her but it froze midway. She looked around and saw something amazing.

Optimus was holding the Allspark. Doing so, all of the Sparkless started to fade away. All of them becoming nothing but dust. Every Autobot was surprised and relieved. Y/N, with his cracked visor and some scrapes and dents stood up, finally resting from the battle. Moonracer quickly hugged him tightly while still holding Clutch with her good appendage.

Moonracer: Thank you, thank you for saving me.

Clutch: *Happy Beeping *

Y/N chuckled and patted Moonracer on the back to calm her down. They separated and she handed Clutch over to him.

Y/N: That was a close call. I'll try and patch you up in a bit Moonracer. Let me take care of Clutch first.

Moonracer: Take your time Y/N.

Everyone regrouped with each other. Relieved that they survived such a horrific encounter.

Jetfire: We... made it.

Prowl: The Allspark, it saved us.

Optimus regrouped with the others, holding the artifact they have been hunting for all along. He presented it to the group and everyone stared at it with awe.

Optimus: There's still hope.

The Allspark retracted itself into a more portable version of itself. Making it easier to transport.

Optimus: Y/N, is there any news regarding the Spacebridge.

The bots turned their helms towards Y/N who was patching up Clutch's wing with a small welding device. He finished quickly and turned his attention towards Prime. Clutch hovered around everyone beeping happily.

Y/N: I forgot to tell you but the Spacebridge has been fixed. Chromia told me that Ratchet is simply doing some small fixes.

Optimus: Good. *Looks at the Allspark* We need to get the Allspark back to the Ark.

Y/N: Moonracer needs to get patched up Prime, it might take some time but not alot.

Optimus: Alright, I'll try and contact the Ark.

Optimus tried to contact the Ark but all he receive was static. He tried over and over again but kept receiving the same results. The others, especially Prowl saw how frustrated Prime got.

Prowl: Everything ok Prime?

Optimus: No. I'm unable to contact the Ark.

Y/N who was examining how to attach Moonracer's detached appendage turned towards Prime.

Y/N: That's odd. *Turns towards Clutch* Clutch, see if you can contact the Ark's bridge.

Clutch did as he was told, after a while of trying to communicate with the Ark he was unsuccessful. Clutch bepped in saddness and explained what he found. What Clutch told him shocked Y/N. The others also took notice of this.

Optimus: What is it Y/N?

Y/N: Clutch found traces of a virus in the Autobot network. It might have taken some if not all of them down. He could establish a secured connection with an available network but it'll take some time, but first he'll need to help me patch up Moonracer.

Optimus: Good, if everything goes well, we'll probably meet the Ark at the Spacebridge instead.

Prowl: Hound and I are gonna check the area. Hopefully we find some energon.

Jetfire: I'll be on lookout.

Jetfire transformed into his jet form and patrolled around the area. Clutch started searching for a missing servo while Y/N kept examining Moonracer's wound. This cought her off guard since she never thought Y/N had any medical knowledge.

Moonracer: Who knew you knew how to give first aid.

Y/N Chuckled at this.

Y/N: I have some practice but Clutch is the one who is gonna do all the work. I'm just the helper. He is a firs-aid bot originally after all. I'll go and get your severed appendage.

Clutch beeped happily as he brought her missing appendage and gave it to Y/N. Both of them then started to work on Moonracer's wound.


Blaster fire was seen all around the Spacebridge. Numerous Seekers were assaulting the Spacebridge. Only Chromia and Sideswipe were the ones firing back at the Decepticon Seekers. Ratchet and Impactor were both helping Mirage who was unconscious.

Chromia: Any word from the Ark?

Sideswipe: Nothing from command. It's like the entire communication network is down!

A total of three Seekers regrouped for a stronger attack. Once they got close to the Spacebridge team, they unleashed a barrage of blaster fire making Sideswipe and Chromia take cover. Impactor however had other ideas. He stood up and aimed his blaster at the Seekers.

Impactor: Then we'll have to hold them off ourselves!!

He fired his blaster at the upcoming Seekers, making them disperse. This gave Sideswipe and Chromia the chance to retaliate. Sideswipe was surprised by Impactor's action.

Sideswipe: Agreed!!

Chromia: I hope Y/N gets here soon! *Shooting her blaster* It's only a matter of time before more Decepticons get here.

The Spacebridge team's objective now was to hold off long enough for the Ark to arrive.

Sea of Rust

The bots were now driving out of the Sea of Rust. Clutch tried to establish communication with the Ark but was unsuccessful. Moonracer's detached appendage was placed back thanks to Clutch and Y/N. Prowl and Hound were unsuccessful in finding energon, what concerned everyone now was getting the Allspark to the Ark.

As Prime kept driving, he left his comms open in case Elita contacted him. Luckily for him he received a message or a call from her. Unexpectedly, he was met with an urgent call from her.

Elita:*comms* Elita to Optimus. Optimus, the Ark is under attack! I repeat we are under attack. You must not bring the Allspark. Megatron is here!

The others managed to hear this but none said a word, all of them were shocked. Prime thought of a fast plan. He responded to Elita's info.

Optimus: Elita, can the Ark launch?

From the other end , the bots heard Elita's response of Optimus' question.

Elita: *comms* We have the fuel. Wheeljack's working on it. We're almost ready.

Optimus: Good, change of plans. We'll rendezvous at the Spacebridge. Prowl, Jetfire, Y/N and Moonracer are in route to assist you.

Elita:*comms* Understood. Elita out.

Prowl, Jetfire, Y/N and Moonracer raced forward. All of them now headed towards the Ark.

Prowl: I'm on it Prime!

Jetfire: We're on it!

Y/N: Lock and load!

Moonracer: We got to hurry up!

All of them raced towards the Ark while Optimus and Hound were headed towards the Spacebridge. Y/N decided to try his luck and get in contact with Chromia, wanting to know if she was doing okay.

His comms started beeping with no answer on the other end.

Y/N: Come on. Please be alright.

When Y/N finally heard a sound come out of Chromia's comms he was met with the sound of blaster fire and explosions.

Y/N: *comms* CHROMIA! CHROMIA! Is everything okay?!

Y/N heard Chromia grunt from the other end.

Chromia: *comms* Y/N?! Thank Primus you're okay! Decepticons found us. Mirage wasn't able to hold the disguise. *grunt* I got shot, but I'll live. Are you in route to the Spacebridge?

Y/N: *comms* SCRAP! No sweetspark I'm not. The Ark is under attack, I'm in route towards the Ark. Expect Prime and Hound meeting you guys at the Spacebridge. Be careful Chromia, don't worry I'll get to you as soon as possible. Hold on!!

Blaster fire could still be heard from. Chromia's end of her comms. This made Y/N extremely worried.

Chromia: *chuckles* Don't keep me waiting love.

Chromia hung up the call. Y/N's spark sank, many thoughts rushed into his mind most of them involving Chromia getting hurt.

Y/N: Punch it everyone!! The sooner we get to the Ark, the sooner we'll get to the Spacebridge!!

The Autobots including Jetfire increased their speed. It didn't take long for them to reach an area close to the Ark. From a distance, they saw explosions and blaster fire lighting up the night sky.

Jetfire: I'll take the lead!!

Y/N: Copy that.

Jetfire flew into the area and spotted various Decepticon ground troops. He swooped in and unleashed a barrage of missiles that blew up a good number of Decepticons. Jetfire proceeded to transform into his bot form and knock out a Decepticon Seeker and finishing off another with his energy blade. From the smoke caused by the missile explosions, Starscream emerge. Visibly enraged by Jetfire's presence.

Starscream:Traitor!!! I'll rip your rockets out!!!

Starscream proceeded to charge towards Jetfire, both of them letting out a war cry.

Around the Ark, constant fighting erupted between Autobots defending the Ark and Decepticons seeking the complete annihilation of their enemies.

Once Y/N, Moonracer, and Prowl got to the Ark's location they were met with a huge amount of Decepticons attacking the Ark while the Autobots forces fought desperately to defend it. Both Moonracer and Prowl rushed into battle but Y/N surveyed the area, he saw a large amount of Decepticon forces leaving the battlefield. At the front of this was none other than Megatron himself leading these Cons. Y/N was about to chase after him but saw his fellow Bots struggling against the remaining Decepticons.

In his tank form, Y/N rushed the Decepticons. He launched a few missiles in his tank form. Before the missiles could hit a target, they exploded in the air, releasing explosives stored inside. With his cannons, he cleared a path towards the Ark's hangar. As he drove into the hangar, he was met with Decepticon bodies scattered around. From behind a pile of crates, Y/N saw Bumblebee, Arcee, Red Alert, and Cog. All of them raising their blasters at him, before they could pull the trigger he raised his servos up. He slowly made his way towards them.

Y/N: Woah don't shoot!!

Bumblebee: Scrap, Y/N. We almost blasted you.

Red Alert: How was the mission?

Arcee: Did you find the Allspark?!

Y/N: It was a mess, we di- SCRAP!!

A blaster bolt grazed Y/N, he turned towards the hangar entrance and saw a number of Decepticon grunts aiming their blasters at him and the four Autobots. Y/N quickly took cover behind a pile of crates. He transformed his servo into his blaster and aimed it at the attackers.

Arcee: Return fire!!!

Decepticon Soldier: KILL THEM!!!

Blaster bolts erupted inside the Ark's main hangar entrance. No matter how many Decepticons troops were killed, others would eventually take their place. As more Decepticons started to rush the entrance they were swiftly put down by a barrage of rockets and blaster fire. The team shifted their optics towards the bots responsible for the aid, Elita and Ironhide.

Y/N: You guys came in the nick of time. Thanks for the help.

Before any of them could respond, Bumblebee spoke to them in a worried tone.

Bumblebee: Where's Optimus?!

Elita turned her attention towards Bumblebee.

Elita: He's on his way to the Spacebridge.

Bumblebee: We have to help him! If we don't, none of this would matter!

Elita: NO! We have to protect the ship!

A blaster bolt hit a crate causing a small explosion. All it did is make the bots stumble around. More blaster fire ensued towards the Autobots.

Elita: Come on. We have to get to the bridge!

Y/N: All of you go! I'll be needed outside!

Elita and the others were taken back by this, especially Bumblebee.

Bumblebee: Are you serious. You can't face them alone Y/N!

Clutch ejected from Y/N's shoulder and hovered above Bumblebee. Y/N turned his attention towards Bumblebee.

Y/N: Don't worry about me Bee, I'm never alone. Besides, I'm more needed outside. Now go, I'll take care of these rust buckets.

Elita: Come on, let's move!

Everyone ran towards the bridge, leaving Y/N and Clutch to fight off the incoming Decepticon grunts. One by one the Decepticons fell, those that tried to rush Y/N were quickly gunned down by Y/N or Clutch's blaster. Dozens of Decepticon grunts littered the floor of the Ark's hangar.

Y/N and Clutch made their way outside and saw the battle turning in the Autobot's favor. Moonracer took cover alongside a group of Autobot troopers, all of them blasting at some Decepticons from a distance. From far he also saw Prowl heading straight at two remaining ground troops in his vehicle form. The Decepticons tried to blast him but they couldn't. Y/N was about to help Prowl but he quickly took the duo down with precised blaster bolts.

The Autobots in the area cheered, all of them believing that they've beaten the Decepticons back, including Y/N and Clutch were cheering. Their cheers were unexpectedly crushed as a giant Decepticon obliterated a group of Autobot soldiers. A squadron of Decepticon Seekers appeared above the giant, the fight started again. Prowl, Moonracer, Y/N, and other Autobots took cover by some debris close to the Ark's entrance. A few Autobot troops kept shooting at the enemy only to receive a barrage of blaster bolts instantly killing them. Every Autobot saw this, some were frightened while others were enraged.

Y/N: *comms* Elita, we need support!! There's too many Decepticons attacking our position! We have too many casualties!

Elita: *comms* Copy that Y/N, the Ark's defenses are coming online. When they do get everyone aboard the Ark, we are heading towards the Spacebridge.

Y/N: *comms* Copy that Elita.

As Y/N hung up the call, he saw flashes of light erupting from the Ark. Next thing he and the other know, explosions erupted around them. Countless Decepticons littered the ground, the Autobots couldn't help but cheer. Unfortunately Y/N had to cut the celebration short.

Y/N: NO TIME TO CELEBRATE. Everyone, get back in the Ark!!! We are leaving!!

Moonracer: What?!

Prowl: Where?!

The Ark's thrusters soon came online, any unfortunate Decepticon caught in the back of the Ark was blown away or burned. This also meant that they had limited time before takeoff.

Y/N: No time. Everyone, get on the Ark now!!!

Every Autobot turned into their vehicle form and raced towards the Ark's entrance. Decepticon troops saw them retreating but were unable to stop them, many of them got obliterated by the Ark's defenses or missed their shots. Y/N and Clutch stood by the entrance making sure all survivors had entered the Ark. Luck was on their side for the moment, he looked at the battlefield and didn't spot any Autobots left, only the fallen. Once he confirmed everyone was aboard he entered the Ark,  out of nowhere a huge bright light exploded outside the Ark, this caught him off guard.

Y/N: *comms* Elita, everyone's on board. I repeat: everyone's on board .

Elita: *comms* Solid copy Y/N. The Ark is launching.

On queue, the Ark started shaking around. He saw Moonracer and Prowl approaching him.

Moonracer: What now?

Y/N looked outside and saw the Decepticons starring at the Ark, none of them even tried to shoot at the Ark, all of them had their weapons lowered. The hangar's main entrance closed, Y/N turned his attention towards Moonracer and Prowl.

Y/N: Let's head to the bridge.

The trio ran towards the bridge, all of them hoping things will turn out well for all Autobots. Around the Ark, many bots were running around and moving those that were injured to any designated safe area.

The trio entered the Ark's bridge and were met with the cheers of everyone present. Elita noticed Y/N, Prowl, Moonracer, and Clutch, a smile was plastered on her faceplate.

Elita: Thank Primus all of you made it. How did your mission go?

Prowl: We managed to get the Allspark, it was difficult but we managed.

Moonracer: Me and Clutch nearly got killed by some undead Bots and Cons.

Wheeljack: What the scrap, undead Cybertronians. Seriously?!

Arcee: How did all of you even made it out?!

Prowl: Thanks to Prime and Y/N.

Clutch then beeped angrily while hovering around Prowl. Moonracer giggled at his display. She gently caught Clutch and held him gently.

Moonracer: Clutch also took a beating trying to protected me, I nearly got torn to pieces by a group of Sparkless. He was a brave little bot.

This caused Clutch to calm down and beep happily.

Y/N: How long before we arrive to the Spacebridge?

Cog: We're actually approaching the Spacebridge, but it appears that it hasn't been activated.

Y/N: Something's wrong, we have to get down there.

Elita: They'll need our help. Ironhide, Cog, and Arcee with me. Wheeljack, keep the Ark out of sight until the Spacebridge is open.

Y/N: Wait, * points at Wheeljack* delay that order. First drop me off above Ratchet and the others.

Elita: Are you crazy Y/N, if we do you'll just fall to your death!

Y/N: Ma'am, they are attacking the team.

Y/N pointed at the Spacebridge, everyone saw a large number of Seekers heading towards the Spacebridge while some were engaging the Autobot team station there.

Y/N: I could help buy some time and help them defend the Spacebridge while Prime arrives.

Elita thought for a moment before responding.

Elita: Let's get to the hangar. Wheeljack try to get Y/N above the Spacebridge. The rest of us will storm it by the entrance.

Wheeljack: Copy that.

Clutch hovered back towards Y/N and retracted back to his shoulder. Everyone else made their way towards the Ark's hangar. The battle for the Spacebridge is about to reach a breaking point.


The Autobots alongside Impactor were dealing with numerous amounts of Seekers. Thanks to their exceptional flying skills, the bots had a difficult time taking them down.

Chromia: Scrap! Can't they hold still for a fragging moment.

Mirage: Any word from Prime, Ratchet!!

Ratchet held a blaster in one servo, aiming and shooting any Seeker that got close to his position. He turned his attention towards Mirage.

Ratchet: NO! Nothing as of n-

Ratchet was cut short as he and the others looked towards the sky, all of them saw the Ark fly by above them. From where the hangar door was located, they saw that it was open. All of their optics widen when they saw a bot jump out of the hangar's entrance at a high altitude, free falling towards their position. The Ark on the other hand, flew towards a safer position.

Sideswipe: Who in their right mind would jump off a moving ship?!

Thinking deeply, Impactor knew there was one bot that was crazy enough to do something like that.

Impactor: I think I know who it is. *turns towards Chromia* How about you Chromia?

Instantly Chromia knew who it was. She felt a small sense of happiness and joy but also anger.

Chromia: I swear to Primus, if we survive this, I'm gonna kick his tailpipe.

The group chuckled silently, they were also glad help has arrived.  Blaster fire erupted again making all bots take cover near the scattered debris. Ratchet took cover but saw that his comms were beeping. As he was about to answer, the voice of Prime filled his audio receptors.

Optimus: *comms* Ratchet, activate the Spacebridge!!

Ratchet hung up the call and without thinking, he darted towards the Spacebridge controls. Even under blaster fire he ran with no regard for his safety. Impactor saw this, he saw a seeker targeting Ratchet while Ratchet was evading the blaster shots. A stream of blaster shots was getting closer. Without a second thought, Impactor shielded Ratchet from the shots, fortunately for him he wasn't hit. Both Ratchet and Impactor looked towards the sky and saw that Y/N landed on top of the Seeker. This seeker was none other than Starscream. Taking chance of the situation, Ratchet activated the Spacebridge. A blue glow emitted inside the facility while outside, the Spacebridge's rings lifted up slowly.

Y/N and Starscream flew circles around the Spacebridge, Y/N tried to subdue Starscream but Starscream was relentless and an excellent flyer.

Starscream: GET OFF ME YOU FOOL!!!

Starscream tried to shake Y/N off but was unsuccessful. Y/N got a good grip on Starscream and landed a powerful punch in his cockpit.

Y/N: You gotta land first Screamer.

This punch caused Starscream to fly at a low level near the Spacebridge. Taking this chance, Y/N jumped off Starscream and landed inside the Spacebridge with the others.

The Autobots inside the Spacebridge regrouped around Y/N. All of them happy to see Y/N. Chromia on the other hand had a happy expression too but was also slightly angry. Blaster fire erupted again, all of the bots took aim at the incoming swarm of seekers with Starscream leading them.

Ratchet: Where's Optimus?!

Y/N: I don't know! He should have arrived by now! He's probably close by!

Chromia: We need to get to higher ground. Follow me Y/N.

Y/N: *Transforms servo into blaster* Lead the way. *turns towards the others* Give us some cover!

Impactor: *readies weapon* You got it!

As the swarm of Seekers approached, the Autobots unleashed a barrage of blaster fire making the Seekers disperse while others were shot down. With this opening, Y/N and Chromia rushed through a stair case to reach the Spacebridge's top floor with Chromia leading the way.

Chromia: Try not to jump of the building again lug head.

Y/N chuckled at this.

Y/N: Sorry for that, you know I needed to get here fast and that was the fastest way to reach you. By the way, did you miss me?

As the duo got closer to the entrance of the roof, Chromia stopped before going further making Y/N stop as well. She turned towards him and noticed the amount of scratches and dents he had, as well as a cracked visor. Without notice, she embraced him in a hug. Y/N was cought off guard but embraced her.

Chromia: I was worried. I wasn't sure if I would see you again. Please don't be so reckless I-

Y/N cut her off by retracting his blaster and pulling Chromia close to him, placing a kiss on her lips. It lasted a few seconds before they separated.

Y/N: Like I always say, you worry too much. Now... let's get this done.

A smile and a blush was splattered across Chromia's faceplate. Now with determination she smiled and entered the Spacebridge's roof. Both of them scanned the area but instantly heard blaster fire. Chromia and Y/N approached the edge of the building and saw Optimus climbing the Spacebridge. Chromia saw a Decepticon grunt shooting at Optimus but was quickly killed by her. Optimus was about to thank Chromia but she was pushed out of the way by Y/N who took a blaster shot to the chest.

Chromia: Y/N!!!

From the roof of the Spacebridge, Chromia and Y/N heard Megatron's voice.

Megatron: DECEPTICONS!! Finish this war!!!

From behind Megatron's troops, blaster fire erupted, killing a few Decepticons troops. They turned their attention to those responsible for the shots and were met with Elita and a group of Autobots. All of them having their blasters out.

Elita: Optimus,GO!!

Ironhide: For Cybertron!!

Another fight ensued, this time giving Prime a chance to deliver the Allspark to the Spacebridge.

Chromia shifted her gaze from the battle to Y/N who was slowly standing up. She saw Clutch had ejected from Y/N's shoulder and was inspecting his wound.

Chromia: Are you okay?

Y/N: Yeah. Luckily it wasn't a strong shot. Where's Prime?

Chromia: He's making his way here. Elita is leading a charge towards his position.

Clutch saw that Y/N's injury wasn't that lethal so he simply hovered above his shoulder. Y/N turned his servo into his blaster and saw Seekers closing in on his and Chromia's position.

Y/N: Here they come!!

Y/N and Chromia opened fire on the incoming attackers. The Seekers in response returned fire at the duo. Both of them needed to use nearby debris as cover.

Clutch flew up high in the sky and also opened fire. One Seeker took notice of Clutch and focused his attack on him. Thanks to his size, Clutch was able to evade the shots. Clutch needed to move and fast, the Seeker was following Clutch around. A flight battle ensued, Clutch kept evading the Seekers shots. Clutch tried to shake the Seeker but was unsuccessful.

From the ground, Y/N saw Clutch having a difficult time loosing the Seeker. Thinking quickly, Y/N contacted Clutch.

Y/N:*comms* Clutch, buddy. Listen, bring that Con here. I'm gonna take him out for you.

Clutch: *Beeping happily*

Y/N transformed into his tank form and fired two surface-to-air missiles at two Seekers making them disperse as the missiles got close to them.

Chromia: Couldn't you do that earlier!

Y/N: Not now, Mia!

Y/N saw Clutch approaching his position fast and behind him a Seeker was close behind him.

Clutch: *frantic beeping*

As Clutch got closer to Y/N, he managed to target the Seeker and unleashed two more surface-to-air missiles. The Seeker however managed to evade the missiles with a swift maneuver, he managed to blast the two missiles out of the sky. By the time the Seeker saw who shot the missiles, Y/N shot his tank cannons destroying the Seeker in an instant.

Y/N transformed into his bot form and turned his attention towards Chromia and Clutch who were behind cover. Y/N approached Chromia and Clutch, happy that they weren't hurt. Clutch retracted back to Y/N's shoulder, happy to be safe and sound.

Y/N: We better regroup with the oth-

Chromia: LOOK!!!

Chromia interrupted Y/N and pointed at an object rising towards the portal above the Spacebridge. Y/N was shocked to see that the object send towards the portal was none other than the Allspark.

Y/N: The Allspark!!

It flew towards the portal before disappearing out of sight. From bellow Y/N heard a yell from a very familiar bot.

Megatron: NOO!!! Decepticons, kill them!!

Y/N and Chromia ran towards the edge of the building and saw the Decepticons rushing the Autobot forces before seeing a giant claw-like servo appearing under the Decepticon's peds.

Out of the ground, a giant Cybertronian arose. This was none other than Omega Supreme. Omega Supreme aimed his servo at Megatron and blasted the wall behind him, causing a small explosion which blew him from the building. Omega Supreme looked at Optimus and a certain yellow bot next to him.

Omega Supreme: For Cybertron!!!

Omega Supreme started blasting more Decepticons that were attacking Autobot forces.

Y/N turned his attention towards Optimus who was next to Bumblebee. Optimus turned around and also saw Y/N with Chromia. Y/N and Chromia waved at the duo and in return Bumblebee was the only one to wave back. Via comms, Prime gave new orders to Y/N.

Optimus: *comms* Y/N, get yourself and Chromia back to the Ark. Don't worry about the others, they are headed there already.

Y/N: *comms* Copy that Prime.

Y/N hung up the call, he turned his attention to Chromia who was still witnessing the battle between Omega Supreme and the Decepticons. Y/N held her servo causing her to shift her attention towards him.

Y/N: Come on Mia. We have to go!

Graving Chromia's servo, Y/N ran towards the roof's exit. The sound of battle and explosions filled the area around them. Y/N and Chromia noticed that the building was crumbling due to the fighting outside. Pieces of the Spacebridge's ceiling fell to the floor, Y/N and Chromia did their best to avoid being hit. Unfortunately they weren't quick enough, Y/N noticed a large piece of ceiling falling. In an action of quick thinking, Y/N shielded Chromia with his larger frame.

Chromia: Y/N!!!

Chromia took notice of Y/N's action and was shocked when both of them were hit by the debris, burying both of them. Y/N took most of the hit while she didn't had any significant damage. What cought her optics view was Y/N leaking energon from his helm, his visor fully shatter, and was unconscious. Fearing the worst tears started to form in her optics, she held her sparkmate tightly.

Chromia: P-please my love. Say something, d-don't leave me.

Chromia started crying into Y/N's chest plate. Y/N however fully woke up instantly and was saddened by the state his sparkmate was in.

Y/N: D-don't worry sweetspark. I'm okay, just some minor dents and scratches. * checks helm* Some leaking as well.

Y/N tried to move the debris from him and Chromia. He used all his strength but was unsuccessful. Y/N quickly realized they were trapped.

Y/N: *sighs* I ... I don't think we are gonna make it on the Ark. Can you try and make contact with the others?

Y/N tried to contact anyone on the Ark but was unsuccessful. He noticed his comms were not responding meaning they were down.

Y/N: I think my comms are busted.

Quickly, Chromia called anyone available in the Ark. Surprisingly the bot who managed to respond was none other than her long time friend.

Moonracer: *comms* CHROMIA!! Where are you and Y/N?! The Ark is about to leave!!

In the background, blaster fire could be heard as well as explosions.

Chromia: *comms* It's good to hear from you Moonracer. I-I'm sorry to say but we're not gonna make it. We're trapped under debris, tell Prime to launch the Ark without us.

Moonracer: *comms* B-but I can't just leave both of yo-

Chromia: *comms* Just go Moonracer! T-take care, see ya on the other side!!

With those final words, Chromia's call ended. Now all of what the couple could do was hear the fighting outside.

Y/N: I'm sorry Chromia, for everything. I wish I could have given you the life you wanted. I wish I could have started a family with you. You would have made an excellent mother.

Hearing these words from her sparkmate made her optics cry. All she did is grab his faceplate gently, both of their blue optics meeting. The last thing Chromia did was give her sparkmate a final kiss. Both of them melting in the moment.

In the Ark

After Chromia hanged up the call, Moonracer was in utter shock. She raced towards the Ark's hangar and saw most of the bots racing towards their positions within the Ark. She spotted Prime and ran towards him.

Moonracer: Optimus! Chromia and Y/N aren't gonna make it. She told me to launch without them.

Unbeknownst to her, Impactor heard this and turned his helm towards the Spacebridge. Elita who was also present walked up to Optimus. Both Impactor and Moonracer listened to the two bots.

Elita: I'm sorry Optimus, but ... I'm not leaving.

Optimus was shocked.

Optimus: What! Why!?

Elita: Someone has to stay and protect what's left of Cybertron.

Optimus: Elita...

Elita saw how hurt Optimus was, deep down she too was saddened.

Elita: This wasn't the life I imagined for us either... but it's one worth fighting for.

Impactor and Moonracer witnessed this, without a second doubt both of them announced something important at the same time.

Impactor/Moonracer: I'm staying too.

Both looked at each other in surprise. Elita was shocked but smiled gently at both of them. Impactor and Moonracer jumped off the Ark's ramp and turned towards Elita. Elita nodded at both of them before turning her attention towards her sparkmate.

Elita: You've got your mission... and now I've got mine. Go!!

Impactor: Optimus. Please thank Ratchet for showing me the light. Tell him to take care.

Optimus simply nodded at Impactor's request. Numerous Decepticons approached their position. Moonracer and Impactor opened fire on the Decepticons followed by Elita.

Optimus Knelt down in the Ark's ramp as the Ark started to take off.

Impactor was busy blasting his troopers from his formers faction before turning his attention to the Autobot femme who oddly resembled his friend's sparkmate.

Impactor: I know it's not the best time but it's nice to meet ya. Name's Impactor what's yo-.

Moonracer: Save the introduction for later big-bot.

Elita: Focus you two. We gotta make sure the Ark makes it!!

The fighting was intense. Most of the Decepticon forces were concentrating their fire on Omega Supreme. Megatron however wanted his force to destroy the Spacebridge to prevent the Autobots from leaving Cybertron. Omega Supreme heard this and fought with more tenacity. Numerous Decepticons fell before the mighty Guardian.

Above the battle, all of the Cybertronians saw Ark fly towards a radiant blue portal. Once it was inside, a huge light engulfed the area. The fighting finally ceased.

The sun shunned over Cybertron, Elita and her small team saw no trace of Omega Supreme or the Ark. They saw the remaining Decepticon force leaving the area, what cought their attention was certain red and white bot approaching them, holding his chest in pain. At first they thought it was a Decepticon but Moonracer quickly recognized the bot.

Moonracer: Red Alert?! I thought you were on the Ark.

Red Alert: I was but I got shot and fell off. *chuckles* Good thing I wasn't left alone.

Impactor: So we have a medic, great. Lots of bots would need your help back at Ratchet's camp.

Red Alert: Whoa, easy Con let-

Impactor: I'm no longer a Decepticon. From today on, I will fight alongside you ... as an Autobot.

Red Alert and Moonracer were happy to hear this. All of them turned towards Elita who kept her gaze at the Spacebridge. Moonracer took notice of this and walked up to her.

Moonracer: The Ark... did they make it?

Elita's response was to simply look down, fearing that the others might have died. Impactor, Red Alert, and Moonracer simply fell silent and saddened of the thought. Elita saw how the others were and simply approached Red Alert, placing a servo on his shoulder before looking back at the Ark.

Elita: We have a duty to every Autobot that died on that ship. *looks at the sky* Somehow... we'll stop Megatron.

A certain Seeker who was visibly injured stood infront of the new team. Impactor was shocked to see who it was and quickly drew his weapon at him. Moonracer simply placed her servo on his blaster, signaling him to lower it.

Jetfire: You won't have to do it... alone.

Jetfire was equally shocked to see Impactor was alive and also joining the Autobots as well. Both of them simply smiled at each other.

Y/N: D-don't... *grunts* forget about us too.

Clutch: *happy beeping*

Behind Jetfire, Y/N and Chromia, as well as Clutch who was hovering above them, slowly made their way towards the remaining Autobots. They were shocked to see Y/N heavily damaged and leaking energon while Chromia had some visibility of damage but nothing too grave. Chromia had Y/N's right arm crossed over her, helping him walk since he was limping all the way. Impactor raced towards them and helped Y/N as well. Moonracer had tears of joy seeing her friends safe and sound. Chromia was a bit shock seeing Moonracer, she thought she was on the Ark but seeing her here was great.

Impactor and Chromia sat Y/N next to some debris. Red Alert tended to his wounds while Clutch scanned him.

Red Alert: It's a miracle you still function Y/N.

Y/N: *chuckles* I'm built tuff, Red. *grunts in pain* It's gonna take more than a building to snuff out my spark.

Chromia and Moonracer stood next to Red Alert. Impactor and Jetfire stood next to Y/N, seeing Y/N in this state was odd for them. Even when he was a Decepticon, he never got as injured as he currently was.

Y/N looked at the other two ex Decepticons, all he did was smile weakly at them.

Y/N: I guess I'm not the only Decepticon turncoat now, huh. *chuckles*

Impactor: I guess not. *turns towards Jetfire* What happened to you Jetfire? Why would the commander of the Seekers join the Autobots.

Jetfire: It's a long story Impactor. What about you?

Impactor: Same here. *turns attention to Y/N* By the way Y/N, what happened to you. How did you get so banged up.

Y/N: Me and Chromia tried to escape the Spacebridge but some ceiling debris fell on us. Well, mostly on me. I thought we were done for but that explosion * points towards the bridge* cleared some debris. We managed to get out of the area fast and now we're here.

Elita: I'm glad to see all of you alright. *turns towards Red Alert* Think you can patch him up?

Red Alert: I'll do what I can but Y/N needs serious aid, I don't have any tools on me and Clutch is limited on first aid.

Clutch: * Sad beeping*

Moonracer grabbed Clutch and gave him a light hug.

Moonracer: Don't worry Clutch, Y/N is going to be fine.

Chromia: We ought to head to Ratchet's camp. There are some bots that will require help. Plus there might be equipment to help Y/N there.

Impactor: My thoughts exactly. Now that Ratchet is not here, I'm gonna do whatever it takes to help those bots.

Y/N: Then let's go. *grunting in pain*

Y/N tried to stand up. The others offered him aid but he declined their help. Before taking a step, he almost fell down if it wasn't for Jetfire catching him.

Y/N: Thanks Jetfire.

Jetfire: You're welcome.

Chromia: You're in no condition to travel Y/N. We're gonna have to carry you.

Jetfire: Leave that to me.

Jetfire transformed into his jet form and hovered above the Autobots. From the belly of his jet form, a stretcher large enough for Y/N descended. Once it was infront of him, Impactor and Chromia helped Y/N lay down. They secured him tightly to the stretcher so that he wouldn't fall off. Clutch retracted back to Y/N's shoulder as gently as possible.

Chromia turned towards Elita with a serious expression now present.

Chromia: Now what Elita? Without Optimus, you're the right choice for a leader.

Elita: Now we plan for the future. Come on Chromia, we are leaving. *shouts* Autobots transform and roll out.

All of the Autobots, including Impactor  and Jetfire, and excluding Y/N, transformed into their alt-modes. Driving off of the Spacebridge and heading towards Ratchet's camp. All of them uncertain of their future, one thing is clear. As long as Megatron and his Decepticons are still around, there will always be Autobots ready to challenge them.

End of Siege.

Well, what did you guys thought of the ending for my version of Siege. I feel like I could have written more but this feels like enough, my battle scenes could use some work but I'll improve in time. Anyways, I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter. Vote and/or comment if you liked the chapter and until the next chapter.

Next up, Earthrise!

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