Never underestimate me!

By MullinLiam

18.4K 339 52

Izuku Midoriya. Thought to be a quirkless boy and to have comitted suicide suddenly returns. During the event... More

Darkest hour brings forth the greatest light!
The Strife's rejoin the fight!
"I'm Izuku Strife and this is my story!"
Shoto heals as the Girls learn Izuku is in pain.
Punishment and Mitsuki's aid 🍋
Fuyumi arrives as evidence begins to mount.
Izuku vs Endeavor! Mitsuki's kink 🍋 🍋!
🍋9th joins Izuku!🍋
Strongest Hero vs AFO pt 1!
Strongest Hero vs AFO pt 2
Bridge Between Worlds! 🍋Izumomo🍋
Ultimate Soul! Midoriya's End!
Nejire's Wounded Savior! A Soul's Worth!
Mirio's Final Fight!
Submitted for 2023 Watty's

The start of Endeavors end

1.3K 27 14
By MullinLiam

*???'s POV*

       I sat on the bed in the hospital after having watched the news story about the boy who was just 15 years old tell his story and reveal facts that even All Might was a terrible person. I sighed thinking of my sons and daughter. Wishing I could escape this place and take them away from Enji. Maybe if I could arrange a talk with that boy he could help.

     Just then a knock on the door pulls me from my thoughts. "Enter" I say as I watch what appears to be a homeless man with a scarf enter my room. He looks angry and sad. But familiar. Oh that's right he was at that news conference but was in a suit and tie with his hair pulled back. "H-hello? W-w-who are you? W-why are y-you h-here?" I ask scared that maybe Enji sent him. "Rei Todoroki I am your son Shoto's homeroom teacher at UA. My name is Shouta Aizawa." He says as I begin having hope that just maybe....I can escape Enji! "I s-see. But why come here?" He smiles at me. "Well you see. We got a new teacher. I am sure you saw him in the news. A young boy Shoto's age. I just got a message from Izuku he had to take Shoto to Nezu's office. Right now he is talking about what.....Enji did to you and unfortunately your kids." He says looking angry. I get scared very scared. "W-what is going to h-happen n-now? D-did Enji p-pay you to k-k-kill me?" He shakes his head. "No but I may kill him. They told me a little of what he did to you specifically. We need not go into details but I am here to escort you to UA's 1A dorm by the request of one Izuku Strife. There you will stay until we handle Endeavor. Is this acceptable?" I start to cry smiling. "Y-you m-m-mean it? T-truly I can l-leave?" I say letting hope flare within me. He smiles again. "Yes. We will take you to meet Shoto and Izuku will be placed as your guard as he is currently there to protect everyone. He will not tell Shoto of you coming. We want to surprise the boy. He needs it as he has borne the weight of Endeavor for too long. Currently only Fuyumi lives with Endeavor. She is going to be moved as well without Endeavors knowledge. You two will live in the room of Mitsuki Bakugo the current Dorm Mother of 1A. We expanded her room to accomodate you all. There's a door leading straight to Izuku Strife's room so if anything happened he can get to you three immediately. I have not known that boy long but he is strong. Very strong. As well he has a very strong sense of justice so I am 100% sure if anything happens you all will be safe. So dry your eyes Rei Todoroki your nightmare is almost over."

     He says as he hands me a handkerchief. "H-H-Himura. Call me Rei Himura. I will never go by Todoroki again." I say as happiness and hope flood over my body and I stand up. He smiles "Very well Rei Himura. Its good to see that light in your eyes. Lets see if we can instill it into your kids eyes as well." He says as he hands me a suitcase with some clothes that should fit me. "Thank you Mr. Aizawa." He snorts. "Just Aizawa works. As Mr. Aizawa is what my students call me. Feels weird being called that by an adult." He says as he steps out allowing me to change. "He may seem cold but he's actually very kind." I say aloud before I change clothes. "I hope Shoto isn't angry with me still....oh how will I ever gain his forgiveness....sigh maybe the dorm mother can help me..." I ramble before I exit the room and walk with Aizawa to my future.

*Izuku's POV*

    "I see. Thank you Aizawa. Report to 1A dorm once you get here then my office. Goodbye." Says Nezu. I look at Shoto who is trying to hold it together as best he can. "Don't worry Shoto Todoroki. He will never harm another member of your family again. I will see to that personally. Nezu is going to find the evidence. Now if you think you can go on please continue." Shoto nods his head. I can see his determination to finish this so he can get away from his personal demon. "After the stuff with mother and Touya. Comes what he did to big sister. Like my mother before she went mad Fuyumi is so polite and kind to everyone. She tries her best to fill the role of both mother and sister taking care of Natsuo and me. After Natsuo moved on to college it's just her and me there until now. As kids she didn't have a strong quirk so she was seen as useless to Endeavor." I take a sharp inhale as I try holding back my rage. "He wasn't as rough with her from what she said but after mother was thrown into the hospital he began to abuse her too. Forcing her to cook and clean everything and beating her if it didnt meet his requirements or tastes. But worst....w-worst thing he d-did was r-r...." That broke the boy.

      Tears began falling hard as he began having a panic attack. I texted my mom to get to Nezu's office now. Before I grabbed him. "I know what you're going to say. But listen to me Todoroki none of this is on you. I will personally beat your old man into the ground but right now you need to calm down. I'm getting you someone to help with that. Breathe for me. Look at me. Focus only on breathing and looking at me. Nothing else matters right now you understand?" He nods as tears fall and he tries hard to do what I ask but I can see this boy is on the verge of shutting down. Just then the door flings open and my mother comes flying in fists ready. She sees what's going on and understands why I messaged her. "Young one look at me." She says in a calm voice with a smile as she steps beside him. "What is your name?" He looks at her still breathing heavy and crying. "S-S-Shoto..." Is all he gets out before another wave of panic sets in. She wraps him in a hug. "Listen Shoto. No matter the problem if you hold it in like this it only gets worse. I don't know the situation but my guess is it's incredibly painful for you to cause this reaction right?" Shoto slowly calms down a bit as he nods. "Very well. I know my son will do all he can to help you. So if you need I will sit with you as you talk about it. We can't help if we do not know the situation. Would you like me to stay and sit with you?" He cries some more as his breathing slows down before he says so quietly. "Yes...I'd like that." I hear Nezu texting and I look at him as his eyes are full of rage. He looks up at me and nods.

     "Shoto. What your father did to both your mother and your sister is unforgivable. But know this." I say as I shut the office door. "The bastard will pay for raping them. I will see to it personally. Now Nezu sent Shouta Aizawa to pick someone up that will help you through this and we will meet them at the dorm after school. But I need you to understand the anger you feel is natural as you are not your father. My guess is you take after your mother with that heart of yours. Rely on us to guide you and help you stand strong. Can you continue?" He sits straight up and looks at me his eyes no longer full of tears.

    "Yes Strife sensei. Sigh. After raping my sister he beat her. He beat her bad enough we thought she was going to die. But luckily we got her to a hospital in time. We didn't know it was Endeavor who raped and beat her as he forced her to lie to us. But from that day on her light started to fade. She lost her smile and became cold. My training was increased to the point Endeavor was always causing major injuries to me. Nothing life threatening but damn close. We only found out about her being raped by Endeavor after the USJ." He was slowly starting to breathe heavier and with each time he started to show signs of panic mom would squeeze his hand to get his attention back on track. "Very well. Natsuo will be contacted for how he was treated. Now for the root of the issue. How did he treat you after the incident with your mother?" He sighed. "Like a punching bag. He always would force me to overuse my quirk. Saying I could be the strongest if I always pushed myself to the breaking point and this and that. He'd beat me until I vomited. He forced me to only get 4 hours of sleep waking me up to train keeping me away from my siblings. Telling me I was created for the sole purpose of surpassing All Might." As we sat and listened my mother never said a word. She cried but never left his side. We listened to everything. He listed every injury he suffered, every form of abuse he went through and by the end of it he was left shellshocked after finally venting all his pent up frustrations.

     "You were right Strife sensei.... talking about it does help.... I apologize for making your mother sit through this with me. I should have been able to handle it myself." I chopped his head. "Shoto. We cannot solve everything ourselves. Even with my strength I still suffer greatly from my past but my parents and Eri are helping me through it. Eri suffers as well but she never lets it show until she is asleep. You are strong Shoto as am I but we are only human. Nezu have you found any evidence yet?" Nezu smiles at me. "Plenty. I'd say we do this on the day of the Sports festival. We invite Endeavor for a spar with you. Let you go to town on him worse than you did Monoma and then don't heal him but arrest him as during the fight we will have Tsukauchi informed of the crimes and an arrest warrant for Endeavor ready. We will tell the world of this not the part of the rapes. We will leave that to Fuyumi Todoroki and Rei Todoroki to decide if they want revealed on their own. How does that sound to everyone?" I smile as I look towards mom. "Can I crush his dick and balls into dust before he gets arrested?" This makes Todorki laugh for the first time in a very long time. "Please let Mrs. Strife do that!" He yells out and we all get devilish grins. "Deal!" Says Nezu laughing his ass off as mom hugs Shoto shocking him "Listen well Shoto. My son may put up with many things. One thing he doesn't ever put up with is a man hurting a woman who is not a villain. So be ready to watch a massacre. Right now I can feel his rage burning. He will make Endeavor pay for his sins. So stay strong until then. Alright?" She lets him go and stands up to look at me nodding as she knows what I will do to Enji. "Use them. They will enjoy it." I smile wickedly. "You got it mom. Now Shoto let's head back to class. I have an idea for you to try when we get there." He stands up and smiles a bit nodding as we exit and head to the others. "What did your mother mean by 'Them' Strife sensei?" I laugh. "Oh you will see at the end of class." Laughing as we wander through the halls.

      We step out in time to see Melissa slap the piss out of Denki Kaminari. "What is going on?" I ask as I walk up to them I look to see Kyoka Jiro crying with the girls surrounding her. Kaminari looking at me terrified Melissa and Mitsuki come uo to me. "Nephew I think that boy needs a reality check." I raise a brow as I motion for Shoto to stand with his classmates. "What did he do?" Melissa spoke up trying to explain as best she can. "He was trying his quirk and overused it. Jiro thought it was funny as did we all but...after he dealt with the drawbacks he got mad at her only and called her a uhh...." She looks torn on what to do and Mitsuki finished the sentence. "He called her a fucking flat chested lesbian cunt who could never be with a real man." I nod as my fury as reached its zenith for the day. "I see. So you are a real man Kaminari?" I ask as I draw my swords.

      "What? Uhh I mean umm that is..." I take them and stab them into the ground. Then remove my jacket and shirt revealing my scars as most the class looks sick. "I asked you a question boy. Answer me. Are you a real man?" He freezes up before nodding his head. "Oh that's good. Kyoka Jiro stand beside Mitsuki. You may want to get out your phone and record this." I say as Mitsuki goes and helps her up. "So real man. I see you are an emitter type with a halfway decent body structure. Correct?" He nods again as I pull some knuckle dusters out and toss them too him. "Real man. Pick those up and put them on." He flinches but doesn't Pick them up. "I said pick them up and put them on real man. Now!" He jumps and does as asked. I walk in front of him. "See real man. Here's the thing. I am having a very bad day and you just crossed a line. Congrats. I won't expel you.....if you can actually hurt me. I give you 3 minutes to attack me in a quirkless fight before I fight back. If you manage to actually cause me pain you get to stay here in UA. But if you fail to cause damage you will be expelled on the spot and blacklisted from every hero course in the country." He pales as the class looks on shocked. "Oh you done fucked up hard Kaminari!" I hear Jiro yell out.

      I turn and see her and Mitsuki both with their phones out recording. I smile and wave at the camera. "Smile Kaminari. You're on camera. Time to prove you a real man. Shoto start the timer!" I say as I motion for Kaminari to attack. He doesn't for a moment so I motivate. "How bout this girls. If he manages to hurt me one of you will go on a date with him? Seems real man here has no balls unless women are involved." I see a flash of recognition in Mitsuki's eyes and realize whats bout to be offered I laugh. "Go ahead and say it Mitsuki. Motivate real man here." She laughs. "So real man if you hurt my nephew I'll take your virginity!" The class gasps but Jiro laughs "What if he fails?" She whispers. I hear Mitsuki whisper back "I'll take his ass virginity raw with a massive strapon!" I cackle like a madman scaring the class. They didn't hear but I did thanks to my heightened senses. "Fine. Be ready tonight cos imma rock your world!" He says making the girls laugh as he runs forward and punches me right in the face.

      "Wow. So strong real man. I think you got rid of my itchy nose. Try throwing real punches boy." He pales and starts throwing punches and kicks with everything he has. "Hey real man. Since you obviously suck at this. I'll let you add your quirk to your attacks. Just don't make yourself stupid again well more stupid than normal I mean. I want you to feel the beating I am gonna give you." He smiles charging up his quirk but not releasing it and still doesn't even put a scratch on me before the buzzer goes off and he shrieks. "Well sorry real man but you failed. Time to pay the piper."

    I dash forward and hit him in the stomach so hard I touch his spine. "Ooffuck" I hear as he goes flying across the grounds before I catch him and snap his arm and throw him into the air. I leap up and roundhouse kick his ass so hard he embeds into the ground right in front of Jiro. I dive down and land next to him. I pull his head up facing the camera. "Well real man I think someone owes this beautiful girl an apology and if you don't do it right..." Jiro is blushing as I lean in close to Kaminari and whisper "I will fucking castrate you!" I look up to Jiro and wink at her as Kaminari begins to whimper and cry. "Aww real man why you crying? I didn't tell you to cry. What do you need to say to Jiro?" He cries and looks up to Jiro. "I'm so sorry for calling you a fucking flat chested lesbian cunt who could never be with a real man please forgive me!" He yells as he bawls like a baby. Jiro kneels down. Places a hand on his cheek, leans in close before going "FUCK YOU STUPID PIG I HOPE YOU BURN IN HELL PERVERT!!!" So loud I think the whole school heard it. I am laughing my ass off as they stop filming. I stand up walk to the class and glare at all the boys. "Let me make one thing perfectly clear. None of you boys will ever say anything perverted or inappropriate to ANY girl of this school. Especially anything like what Kaminari said do you understand?" They all shakily nod their heads before I notice Jiro behind me. I turn and wink again before looking at Yaoyorozu. "Class rep Mitsuki has something she needs you to make for her after class so meet with me after class. Consider it extra credit. Now that we got real man dealt with I guess I better heal him. Back to working on your quirks."

      I turn to see Jiro glowing bright red as I walk by I hear her ask "Wait you heard Mrs. Bakugo say that?" I stop and laugh. "Oh yeah I forgot to mention all my senses are at superhuman levels. My hearing is on par with yours at maximum potential. Also feel free to call her Mitsuki. She doesn't mind." She laughs before asking "Umm will she really do that to him?" I look at her while smiling "No but Kaminari will believe she will. Wanna join her? I can even hold him down as you two scare the shit and piss outta that dude. Literally. " She laughs her ass off. "Relax Jiro. Dudes a perv he deserves to feel like how he made you feel. I know you have body issues just as I do. I mean you saw the scars right? But I also know that you're not a lesbian or a cunt. If you wanna help Mitsuki scare him just tell me and it's done. Nezu won't care."

      Her jaw drops at this information. "Close your mouth. You'll draw flies. Besides a beautiful girl like you doesn't deserve to be stuck dealing with dumbass views for the next 3 years here." I saw as I walk up to Kaminari and begin healing him. "So Jiro. Is that a yes or no?" I ask as I hold Kaminari up by the scruff of his neck. She looks at Mitsuki who is grinning like a demon then back to me and smiles as she nods and give a thumbs up. "Thats good to hear. Well Real man. You are in for a world shattering experience tonight buddy." I say as I tell him to go to Nezu's office and wait for me. He runs off like a scalded dog as we laugh. I walk up next to Mitsuki. "Think she's gonna enjoy that more than me beating him stupid?" Mitsuki laughs her ass off. "You asked her to help me scare the little perv tonight didn't you?" She says beaming at me. I nod. "Yep. We'll deal with that tonight." She busts out laughing as snowball appears. "Hey Eri where you been?" She smiles at me "Oh I been sitting behind the class. Momo made me these weird headphones that made sound go away earlier and told me to sit there until she takes them off and let me play on a phone. Why did you beat up the zappy guy?" I laugh as I called Jiro over. "Jiro can you explain why I beat up real man to Eri just not using his language please?" Jiro giggles as she begins explaining the situation along with Mitsuki.

    I head over to Hagakure. "Ahh Hagakure have you figured out your trigger?" She jumps "Eeek oh. Sorry sensei just you scared me I didn't hear you coming. Uhh no I didn't figure it out yet. It's so frustrating but watching you kick Jammingway's ass was fun." I laughed hard at that before signaling Melissa to come over. "Okay while we work on that Melissa I need you to take this note to the Support class for costume upgrades for Hagakure." She nods before taking off. "Costume upgrades?" She asked as I smiled. "Well you uhh basically go nude but haven't realized some people have quirks that allow them to see in different spectrums meaning they can see you." She freaks sputtering a bunch before I place my hand on her shoulder. "Relax I made a request for you to get a costume made using your DNA. It will be able to go invisible with you but we only can do that once you manage to make yourself visible so let's figure out your trigger. See you actually bend light around you making you appear invisible. So once you find the trigger you stop bending the light." She was jumping up and down as I just shook my head. "Okay. Shut your eyes and focus. Focus on your mind as that's where the trigger most likely is." She stops bouncing and says "Okay. Focus. Mind. Trigger."

     After a moment passes she squeaks. "I think I found it." I smile. "That's good what does it feel like?" She waves her arms up and down incredibly ast as I laugh. "Like a umm. Light switch but there's a bubbly thing around it." I blink but just roll with it. "Okay. Imagine pushing your hand through the bubble does it make it feel any different?" She hums for a bit then grunts with some effort. "Grrr yeah. I felt my hand go through. I can feel the switch!" I smile as I speak up. "Class are you ready for something exciting? Gather round." They all gather up and Eri jumps up to me. I catch her and hold her on my hip as she looks at Hagakure. "Watch Eri for something special that's not been seen in 10 years." I say as I look at Hagakure. "Flip it!" She grunts hard but seconds later we watch as she slowly bit by bit starts turning visible again. "Whoa ghost girl is pretty papa!" Eri squeaks as Hagakure opens her eyes and sees a stunned class. "What? Really? Can you make a mirror Yaomomo ? I wanna see." I giggled at that 'Yaomomo? Must be a nickname' Yaoyorozu makes a mirror and hands it to Hagakure.

    She looks at herself as tears start to fall while she smiles and laughs. "You're right Eri. Ghost girl Toru is pretty!" She says excitedly. "Why ghost girl crying though?" Asks Eri. I pat her head "Because she is very happy Eri. Sometimes when people are very happy they cry. Happy tears are good tears." I say as I smile at her. She thinks on it for a second before giggling and reaches her arms towards Hagakure who gladly let's Eri hug her. "Thank you Eri. Hehe I hope your papa made the badman hurt worse than Monoma and Kaminari combined for being mean to you little cutie." Eri laughed as she yelled out "OH YEAH HE MADE HIM HURT REALLY BAD. PAPA USED HIS SWORDS AND EVERYTHING." The class all pale as I laugh. "Can any of you say you wouldn't have done same thing?" They all look at each other and come to two agreements 1. They'd do it too. 2. Eri must never be harmed by anyone.

     "That's what I thought. Oh uhh Ida remember that hand you found 2 months back and reported to the police?" He stops and grows pale. I laugh even harder. "It was so hilarious you only ever found the one hand. Guess the dogs must have eaten the other." I say with a sadistic smile. Ida promptly vomits all over his own shoes as the class jumps back. Yaoyorozu spoke next. "So in other words you..." I look at her tilt my head and spoke up. "Made him quirkless like he tried to make all of humanity? Yes." Kirishima spoke next as he turned green. "Dude that's so freaking manly. Terrifying as Heck but manly!" I laughed so hard. Just then I receive a text and look at it. Its from Shouta I smile as I turn to Mitsuki and send her to the dorms ahead of everyone with Eri.

      "Okay guys excellent progress today. Let's get changed and head back to class. Yaoyorozu, Jiro come with me for a moment." Jiro blushing and giggling grabs Yaoyorozu and pulls her towards my swords. I put my swords back in the holster. Stand up and ask "How would you like to ensure Kaminari never again pervs on another girl for the rest of his life?" She smiles and nods. "Very good. Now what I'm about to request for Mitsuki and Jiro must stay between us. Deal?" She looks at Jiro who is pouting at her. Then to me. Tilts her head "I suppose that is okay but what's the request." I grin maliciously as Jiro giggles. "Are you familiar with say....strapon dildos?" She blushes wildly "I umm that is to say...uhh yes sensei." I laugh "No need to be nervous. Now due to his mistreatment of Jiro and women in general who aren't uhh say as well endowed up top as others. Making fun of them for that is like the worst thing one can do to them with words to bully or hurt them. So we plan to scare him. Could you produce say two 20 inch long 6 inch thick ones? One for Mitsuki and one for Jiro?" She laughs a bit but asks. "Okay I think I see where this is going. But are you just going to scare him and not use them on him right?" I smile at her. "Just gonna scare him with them right Jiro?" I say as Jiro cackles. "I wanna watch him piss himself thinking he gonna get raped yo!" Yaoyorozu laughs as she thinks on it and grins wickedly. "Then I'll make them with little spikes built on them." Jiro's jaw drops as Yaoyorozu looks at her.

    "What? He is a perv we all know it. Not as bad as Mineta but how he treated you yet wouldn't admit he wasn't a real man and refused to fight Strife sensei was him being a pathetic coward. He deserves a good scare" I laugh so hard "Hahahaha Hehehe. I figured you'd be down with it Yaoyorozu but was a 50/50 shot." She laughs and looks at me. "Call me Momo or Yaomomo either way." I blink a few times before smiling. "Only if when out of class you two call me Izuku. Deal?" They look at each other before back to me "Deal Izuku. Very well Izuku." I laugh as I turn a bit before looking at Jiro "Oh and Jiro. Make sure he gets so scared he pisses and shits his pants." She laughs so hard she falls down. "Um Izuku I think you broke her." I laugh a bit before thinking for a second and say. "Well uhh got any pliers and a welding torch hidden so we make sure at least her quirk survives?" That was it. That was the line that broke Yaomomo. "Hahaha oh my god hehehe." She falls back as matroshyka dolls explode out with pliers and welding torches flying out as Jiro finally stands back up. "Wait so all the other things went over her head but that one cracks the uncrackable? The hell dude?" I look at her and shrug. "Eh could have been worse. Could you imagine if I said something like grenades? I mean I'd survive but you and her go boom." Jiro paled. "Dude don't give her ideas. Uhh should you do something she's turning blue." I look as Yaomomo just keeps laughing. "Nah she looks happy."

     Jiro raised a brow and looked nervously from me to Momo. "Maybe but isn't oxygen kind of necessary?" I sigh. "Fine but you owe me a duet for this." I say with a giggle as I walk over and grab the scruff of Yaomomo's gym uniform. "Breathe Yaomomo. I know I'm funny and all but unless you're trying an elaborate plan for cpr or something I kinda don't need any kids dying on me no matter how gorgeous a corpse they make!" I say but instead of helping she laughs harder. "Well crap."

      I look at Jiro who is laughing again. "Dude stop joking and help hahaha." I sigh as I grab Yaomomo by the waist and pick her up on my shoulder as she squeals before smirking at Jiro. " Well if you insist. Uhh you can catch her if I throw her in the air right?" They both finally stop laughing as Yaomomo breathes deep before I turn and start walking. Jiro chasing after giggling the whole way. About halfway down the corridor Yaomomo finally realizes I'm still carrying her. "Um-um-um-um Izuku can you put me down?" I smirk as I turn back to Jiro. "Most definitely." I just keep standing there as Yaomomo starts wriggling around. "Then why am I still up here?" Jiro picks up on it. "Because you didn't say the right word. Hehehe." Yaomomo pouts. "Uhh please?" I laugh. "Nope. You asked if I could put you down. Not if I would." Yaomomo sighs. "Will you put me down?" I shift a little before standing back up straight "Nah. I don't need you turning blue again." Jito cracks up again. "Damn dude. That's cruel." I laugh as I turn around and start walking with Yaomomo blushing and squirming. I signal a thumbs up as we walk past a bench with cushions on it and immediately let Yaomomo go as she squeaks before landing on it and pouting. "Ow. You Could have warned me you know!" I laugh at that as I answer. "I know. But never said I would hehe. Plus that was for giving me a heart attack by nearly passing out like that. Though I at least gave you a soft landing hehehe." She pouts again. "Izuku. Its best not to mess with a woman who could create anything you know." I laugh hard before catching my breath. "True. But you see I am safe. Wanna know why?" Yaomomo sighs. "Why?" I smile with a gleam in my eyes. "I'm a teacher hehehe." She stops for a second before she started laughing again. "Well he's not wrong huh Jiro?"

      Jiro laughs at how Yaomomo laughs at the weirdest things. "Sorry for carrying you so long but you needed time to recover. As you're still a bit blue." Yaomomo sighs "Fine so carry me to the locker room then." I tilt my head as I look at Jiro who looks stunned. "Uhh why would I do that?" Yaomomo pouts once more. "Well you had no problem carrying me earlier. Are you saying I'm heavy or something?" I freeze a sec knowing if I say yes she's going to be angry. But if I say no I have to carry her again. "Well played Yaomomo." Jiro says while giving a toothy grin and waggling her eyebrows up and down. Yaomomo turns beat red. Sighing I reach down and pick her back up. "I'm not touching that question with a thirty foot pole. Just come on already." I start walking back to the locker room area.

      As we get there Ashido and Hagakure come out of the locker rooms. I wave. "Uh hi I found this creation lady outside who seems to have a problem walking on her own. I would have taken her to Recovery Girl but then I'd have to deal with two women saying things that scare me. Can you take her off my hands please? I offer you a hot meal made by yours truly if you do." Yaomomo started out embarassed and panicking as the two shippers looked on but by the end she began laughing madly again. "Plus that keeps happening and it's really freaking out Jiro for some reason." Yaomomo laughs even harder. "I think he really broke her. Hope she doesn't turn blue again." Says Jiro as she stands beside me giggling. "Oh speak of the devil....I mean extra pair of jacks. Hi nice meeting you. Can I have the jacks now. Eri tore up my last pair. Why are you two still staring is something happening?" Oh. Yaomomo is blue again I realize as I sweatdrop. "I really have to stop saying things. Maybe if I shake her it will correct the issue?" I jostle her a bit as Yaomomo keeps going. "Nope. Uhh is there a reset button on here I think her default was changed." Jiro laughs a bit before jabbing Yaomomo in the gut and sending sonic waves into her. "Yow. Why Jiro?" She screams as she starts breathing again. Ashido and Hagakure were losing their collective shit. "Oh that's the reset button. Thanks Jiro. But still can I have the jacks. I'll give you a shiny coin I found outside?" Jiro laughs. "Make it two and we'll talk." She said as Yaomomo cracks again. "Dang. I'd have to ask Eri if I can spend that much. Also see I told you she keeps laughing and we don't know how to make her stop."

     Ashido finally catches her wind and speaks "How the hell does that make her react that way? Though it was a good bit fact you made Yaomomo break her out of her dull always prim and proper way is kinda amazing." Hagakure started nodding. "Yeah we were getting kinda worried she didn't ever have fun." I laugh at that as Yaomomo finally is breathing normal again. "So Yaomomo you done impersonating a Smurf?" Yaomomo laughs hard before freezing. "A Smurf? What's that." I laugh as I set her on her feet and pat her head. "Oh you poor child. Jiro duets off get the smurf collection you hid in your room. We're binging that shit. Ashido bring the drinks. Hagakure bring all the candies hidden in your pillows that you stole from Sato. Partys at 6." They all stop and look around. Jiro bright red. Ashido lilac as she shuffles her feet looking away before Hagakure was first to speak. "How did you know I took his candies!" Jiro and Ashido then joined in.

     "Thats for me to know and....sigh never girls didn't know about the cameras in the dorms did you?" They paled. I laughed. "Don't worry I don't care about any of that. Just thought it was hilarious. I mean punk rocker who acts super jaded loves Smurfs as much as Eri. Ashido planning to get people drunk to play spin the bottle and watch her ships sail. And you really think nobody saw floating candy and contacted Nezu about the haunted dorms?" And Yaomomo is on the floor blue dying of laughter again. "Sigh. Okay how bout this. Party is at 5. No to booze. But yes to Smurfs and candy." Jiro starts laighing. "Dude will you quit joking. They might believe you and then....." I smile as suddenly "PAAAARTTTYYYYY"

     I wink at Jiro and whisper. "How else did you plan to trick Kaminari into staying so we can scare him?" Jiro breaks at that. "Yes a party in honor of 1A. Hehe." I say as Ashido and Hagakure run back in to tell the girls as I help up Yaomomo. "Now we have an easy way to reach Kaminari. I'll force his ass to go to the class party before I cast a sleep spell on him and stow him in my room. Right now head in and change you two I need to stop Todoroki from reaching the dorms real quick as I have a surprise you all need to see. Bye now" as I run into the boys locker room.

    Whew just in time. "Hello Todoroki. Fancy meeting you here. Uhh can you help me with bringing Kaminari back to our dorm?" Todoroki blinks and shrugs. "Sure. I been meaning to tell you something and can do that along the way." I nod. "Cool. Cool. Also Kirishima Ashido has to tell you something so wait outside the locker room for her. Later." We left and started our way there. I texted Power Loader to let Melissa know our class ended and she can now get sorted into her new dorm in 1A. "Strife sensei I want to say thank you for helping my family and I. We lived under that tyrant for too long." I smile at him. "You're welcome Todoroki. We'll tear his empire down around him soon. Oh and I have a surprise for you at the dorms. I think you need it. I was planning in it to happen today no matter what but after everything you needed it so I sent Mitsuki there and messaged her a new twist to the idea." He looked at me confused but nodded. "I understand. I think?" I laugh as I clap his shoulder "Well lets deal with the Real Man shall we?" Todoroki laughed. We walk uo to the door as Nezu says enter Todoroki shivers "I'm never getting used to that." I smile as I open the door to a terrified Kaminari being held against a wall by Nezu with a sword. "Sigh. Nezu please don't kill him until Jiro and Mitsuki have their fun." I walk over to Kaminari and with a closed eye smile I release some killer intent. "Now real man. You've been a bad boy. However Mitsuki and Jiro wanted you to leave on a good note so they're throwing a going away party for you. Now you are going to join the party and you will enjoy it but be a perfect gentleman won't you?" Kaminari nodded fast as I stop the killer intent. "Good. Todoroki please keep him in line and wait outside the office for a bit." Todorki nodded and walked over yanking Kaminari outside by the scruff of his neck. I turn to Nezu to see his devilish grin. "What's the plan with this party?" I smile "hehe. I'm gonna give him a taste of hell that only women can give men. I will put him to sleep. Lock him in my dorm until middle of the night. Wake him up and have Mitsuki and Jiro use some instruments to terrify him for life." Nezu smiles. "I heard. Honestly I wouldn't care if they used them on the boy after the things he said to me trying to defend himself." I pale. "Uhh not sure how we could prevent a rape charge against them if they did that." I said trying to avoid the subject. "Eh oh well. Head on back as Mitsuki did as you asked." I nodded. "Alright. See you tomorrow Nezu." I walk out and glare at a terrified Kaminari. "Alright Todoroki, real man lets get back to the dorm." I say as we walk back down the hall.

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