Rebirth of Poisoned Empress...

By alyun100719445

256K 7.9K 604

Shen Liang was beautiful and cold like jade, but he was also extremely cruel to his enemy. Pei Yuanxian who k... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Untitled Part 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128

Chapter 35

1.9K 53 7
By alyun100719445

Not only was Fu Yunxi anxious, but Fu Ying, Qi Yue, and Qi Xuan all shared his nervousness. Shen Liang's sudden pause seemed to be the start of a death sentence for Fu Ying.

"It's nothing. But once we start the acupuncture, for at least an entire month, the acupuncture treatment cannot stop for even one day. Otherwise, everything we have done thus far will be in vain. My current situation at the Marquis Donglin Manor is awkward, as you know. It's nothing to occasionally leave the manor, but I'm afraid if I were to come here every day, some people will find fault in nothing. And you, Fu Yunxi, there are too many intelligent people both within and without the Imperial court. Whether or not you were wronged, I'm sure many have a clear understanding in their heart. I have many people I need to keep an eye on. When the time comes, after this period passes, there will be many people who wish to recruit and invite you over to their side. Once that time comes, it'll also be inappropriate to pay a visit every day."

Shen Liang raised his gaze to meet Fu Yunxi's as he explained with a helpless tone. His current situation was indeed very awkward. Besides, he was also a Ger. If others were to find out about him running over to Fu Yunxi's residency every day, his reputation would undoubtedly suffer. Since his rebirth, Shen Liang haven't placed much value in his reputation anymore. But he did care about his elder brother and the Wei Family's reputation. For them, he couldn't help but have to consider protecting himself better.


This was indeed a difficult situation. Fu Yunxi's brows furrowed and fell into a solemn silence when Fu Ying suddenly said, 'Young master Shen, I heard that your courtyard had been tarnished a few days ago when you headed out?"

Under the instigation of those from the second and third family, such a matter had already spread across the Imperial City. Liu Shuhan had successfully adorned the stigma of being intolerant of the original madame's son's presence in the Marquis Donglin Manor. 

"En. Under the orders of my nominal sister." Shen Liang didn't deny anything. Although Shen Liang didn't trust the Fu father-son pair as much as he did Qi Yue and Qi Xuan, the two men could be considered his people now.

"I'm unaware of whether your courtyard still lack a steward?"


Seeing his confused expression, Fu Ying hurriedly explained, "Please don't misunderstand. It's like this, when I was younger, I have taken the role of steward at another noble family's manor. If your courtyard still lacks a steward, then perhaps I could temporarily assume the position. In the future, once you find more appropriate personnel, I will step down. Hence, it would also help save you the trip to come over every day."

And Shen Liang was also a Ger. It would prevent others from gossiping and could be considered killing two birds with one stone.

"Dad!" Fu Yunxi sincerely wanted to object. He was already grown up and didn't need his dad to work for others. But he thought of his dad's condition and Shen Liang's situation and found himself unable to continue.

"Yunxi, I'm not at the age at which I'm unable to move and work. Perhaps being able to work and exercise more would be able to strengthen my constitution as well and I'd be able to live longer.," Fu Ying was aware his son was filial. But did they have a better idea? More importantly, Fu Ying did want to do something for Shen Liang.

"Then Uncle Fu, I'd have to trouble you to take care of our Zhonglin Courtyard from now on." After peering at the father-son pair, Shen Liang accepted the suggestion. This was indeed the best option they have available.

"There's no trouble at all. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I wouldn't even be able to live past this year,"

"Uncle Fu, you're still only in your thirties. It's not appropriate to say such pessimistic talk. I still have another trip to make after this. Perhaps we can start with the acupuncture first?" Shen Liang did not miss the distress that Fu Ying hid in his eyes. He simply changed the subject calmly and after adjusting Fu Ying's prescription, handed the liost over to Qi Xuan. The two of them then headed into Fu Ying's quarters one after the other while Fu Yunxi and Qi Yue waited outside.

"Uncle Fu, your identity must not be simple."

Fu Ying laid on the bed with his upper body naked. Silver needles covered his back when Shen Liang suddenly said that. 

Fu Ying was shocked and after a long while, finally inquired both helplessly and bitterly, "How did you come to know?"

He had asked himself and arrived at the conclusion that there wasn't a problem with how he concealed his identity. No one had known for the past decade now but who would've expected Shen Liang to see through his facade today?

"Your pulse tells me that you've taken some medication in the past and have lost the ability to conceive any more children. It is impossible that you took the medicine willingly. The only possibility is that you were forced by another person. A regular family would not be this ruthless. Only noble families whose grandiose surface concealed the dirty secrets within the confines of their walls would commit such a crime."

In his previous life, he had similar cases and more than once as well.

"You're very transparent. I apologize for concealing my background, but rest assured, I have no desire to ever have any contact with them ever again in this life. If possible, I don't wish for Yunxu to know. He doesn't know anything, and I have no plans on letting him know who his father is," Fu Yunxi turned his head away as he said so sincerely and vaguely. The past that one is the most unwilling to look back on is often the most humiliating and painful memories possible. 

Shen Liang could understand, "Very well. But if the day comes that your background will bring me harm, you must tell me beforehand. Uncle Fu, I don't wish to have to guard against you in the future."

Shen Liang had no interest in prying on other people's scabs. He only inquired so he had a general understanding of his and his people's situation.

"En. Thank you," Fu Ying nodded his head with tears burning the corners of his eyes. He rested his chin on the pillow and closed his eyes to hide the pain in them.

Aware that the man needed time to himself, Shen Liang didn't continue to pursue the matter. The room fell into a solemn silence. After the acupuncture, Shen Liang passed the order for Fu Ying to lie down and rest for a while before exiting the room. 

"Young master Shen, my dad, he..." the moment Fu Yunxi saw him, he hurried forward to greet him with anticipation. 

Shen Liang gave him a light smile, "Everything's fine. Allow him to rest for a while. Yue Ge, go with Xuan Ge to concoct the medicine."

"Yes," Qi Yue and Qi Xuan headed to the kitchen with the herbs. Shen Liang and Fu Yunxi took a seat across from each other. Compared to a week ago, the atmosphere between the two of them was more harmonious now.

"Nothing to say?" Shen Liang picked up the teacup and looked at Fu Yunxi with a smile. 

Fu Yunxi retracted his observing gaze and pondered before stating, "I'll leave my dad to you."

"Just that?" Shen Liang arched an eyebrow. He had thought Fu Yunxi would give either a warning or objection. After all, he had been much more nervous than his dad during their two meetings. 

"En. I'm aware of my dad's temperament. He looks easy to talk to, but the moment he has settled his mind on something, no one can make his change his stubbornness. Since this was something he raised himself, and it is indeed our best option at the moment, there's no reason for me to oppose. But you, you have only returned for a few days and have encountered so many issues. I'm afraid your future situation will only become more difficult."

Facing Shen Liang's smiling eyes, he could no longer bring himself to treat Shen Liang as a stranger. It could be a silent acquiescence of their relationship. 

"I won't bother you to worry about me. This is all caused by man. Since it is man-made, then there will naturally be trails leading back to them. The moment I grasp onto it, they will be the ones who suffer," cold ruthlessness flickered in Shen Liang's dark eyes but dissipated soon after. Shen Liang then added with a smile, "Since Uncle Fu will come with me to the Marquis Manor, I will naturally guarantee his wellbeing."

"Many thanks. Is there anything you require of me?" with no need to concern himself with his dad's condition anymore, Fu Yunxi wondered what he could do now.

"As of now, no. Do what you wish at home whether it's to read scriptures or practice calligraphy. Those who wronged you will soon be punished. When the time comes, I hope you will reject the offer to return to court. The fourth prince, Qin Yunshen will send people to seek you out. Go with him and join his sect. As for how you will gain his trust, I'll leave that to you."

Shen Liang retracted his smile. His voice was lowered and solemn. Originally, he intended to return Fu Yunxi back to his position in the imperial court, but he found himself changing his plans during the last few days. Many events will diverge from what occurred during his previous life. What advantages his memories could offer were limited and constrained. As opposed to being completely blinded by the unpredictable future, it was better to insert a force capable of striking where it was vital inside the enemy's headquarters first. As for this force, Fu Yunxi posed to be the best candidate for the role.

"En..." Hearing his orders, Fu Yunxi fell into silence. After a while, he said, "Do you have some grudge against the fourth prince?"

Otherwise, why the deliberate targeting? If he recalled correctly, Shen Liang also mentioned this prince during their last meeting as well.

"En. A grudge with bloody revenge!" Shen Liang didn't refute anything but also had no intentions of explaining any further.

"I understand. The in the future, it's best if you limit your visits here. If there's anything send someone to pass along the message. We can arrange to meet elsewhere," Fu Yunxi also didn't inquire any further. He immediately thought of countermeasures as countless thoughts and possibilities surfaced in his mind.

"Very well. I will leave the details for my people to notify you then," Shen Liang didn't expect Fu Yunxi to be so direct, but didn't display the slightest fluctuation in his emotions. However, the shock in his heart could not be constrained. After all, Shen Liang's plans required Fu Yunxi to completely cut off all prospects of returning to his former promising position in court. 

"En. You... be more careful," After a momentary pause, Fu Yunxi finally advised again. 

Shen Liang stood up with a smile, "The medicine should be ready now. After a while, help administer it to Uncle Fu. I will excuse myself first and will return later to take him back with me to the Marquis Manor. Fu Yunxi, the next time we meet, we will be 'strangers.'"


With nothing further to discuss, Fu Yunxi nodded his head. He personally sent them off and watched the group of three completely disappear from his sight before slipping back inside. He knew what he was giving up with this one decision, but he no longer cared, despite the rampant flames and desires burning in his chest.

"Liangliang, can Uncle Fu and Fu Yunxi really be trusted?" when they had returned to the carriage, Qi Yue questioned with concern. Currently, what they were afraid of the most were those who had ulterior motives. 

"Yes. Fu Yunxi is one who remains loyal to the one he gives his heart to. He and his dad are the same type of people," concerning this, Shen Liang had confidence in. He had many encounters with Fu Yunxi in his previous life and this much, Shen liang had no doubt in. 

"That's good," seeing Shen Liang's lack of hesitancy, Qi Yue casted aside his own doubts as well. 

Shen Liang toyed with the Nine Dragon bracelet on his wrist as he said with a smile, "Yue Ge, Uncle Fu will be an excellent steward. In the future, learn from him more and see how he deals with Liu Shuhan and the rest. You will..."

"Yu!!!!" Shen Liang couldn't even finish his words when the carriage pulled to a sudden stop. The master and servant group of three almost collided into each other and Qi Xuan called out soon after, "What are you doing?!" *Yu is a what people call to get horses to stop.*

"A thief intruded into the Grand Master's Palace and stolen a treasure. All carriages that pass the boundaries of the inner and outer regions must be examined and investigated before allowing past! Get off!" outside the carriage, a group of soldiers blocked their path. The leader of the group appeared to be around his forties and sitting on his horse, appeared especially tall. The one who spoke was a younger soldier who stood by his side. 

"Impudent! Take a close look. This is the Marquis Donglin's carriage!" Qi Xuan yelled angrily. The road they were on was indeed the way towards the outer regions of Imperial City but was a long way off before they would even reach the outer regions. For these people to suddenly materialize out of nowhere, how was it possible that they were here to search carriages for such a reason? Did they truly take them to be fools?

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