Juvia's faith and Gray's vow

By AiraIsabelBenito

43.5K 1K 170

Juvia has a terrible, cursed fate.... A fate that will cause the death of millions of people... The only way... More

The day the two people met.
Journey to Fairy Tail!
A new member
Juvia's first job with . . . Gray! or maybe NOT him alone. . .
Inside the abandoned mansion in Sycca
The search for the 7 missing heirlooms
Author's note
Clues, Clues, Clues
The Yellow Room
The Yellow Room's Challenge
Valentine Special: Love Fairy Ball
Heirloom Hunting [Natsu, Lucy and Happy's part] part 1
Heirloom Hunting [Gray and Juvia's part] part 2
Hidden Room
The 7 Heirloom's Past Story
Normal day's doki doki!
Advice and Feelings
Fiore's Mages
Marble Circle
3rd Evening
A King and Princess' Speech
Étoiles dans le milieu des flames
Le prince de patins à glace avec la princesse de l'eau
Realizing New Emotions and Taking Care of a sick Mage
Parker's Wrath and Juvia's cursed Past
Aqua Palace
Parker's Plan and Juvia's Decision
Gray's Vow
Author's Note and finale (FOR NOW)
Angelica's Surprise
Author's Note: Minna-san!
The Letter
Wedding Day
Halloween Special: Trick or Treat
A Tearful Reunion
The Battle Begins!
Christmas Special: A Night Forever Remembered

Preparation and The Chosen Pairs

921 24 7
By AiraIsabelBenito

Mirajane's POV

My, my, my... Everyone sure is getting ready for the Event... BUT, some of them are still cramming to look for a partner...

Today, Master invited a guest to our guild. She was a young girl about 15 years old and has long raven hair tied to two ponytails, blue eyes and fair skin, she was clad in a simple purple dress with a white satin bow belt, white knee-high socks and purple doll shoes... He also told us to go out, so we did...


outside the Guild


"What are we doing out here? and who is she?" Lucy asked with curiosity.

"She is Lillia, and she will teach you the dance steps for the ball." Master answered back.

"A pleasure to meet you all." Lillia politely said.

"Well, I'll be watching from here and make sure that none of you will screw up. Got that?" Makarov stated.

"Yes." all of us answered back.

Lillia smiled and looked at us... Moments later, she closed her eyes and bright purple light appeared and surrounded us. When the light disappeared, the whole area was turned into a ballroom dance hall.

"What the-?!" they reacted.

"This is merely a replica of the real dance hall. You will practice your dancing here." Lillia explained.

"Umm, Lillia-san?" Wendy asked

"Yes?" Lillia asked

"Can you demonstrate one of the dances?" Wendy asked back.

"Of course." Lillia said and smiled

Lillia walked to the center, closed her eyes and chanted something. When she opened her eyes, a doll like mannequin appeared and acted as her dance partner. Music can be heard and Lillia danced gracefully.

"Lillia has learned all of the dances that the Royal Family do during parties and this is her first time to teach a Guild." Master explained.

"I see." I said.

"But, we CAN learn all of those before the event right?" Cana asked.

"Absolutely." Master answered back.

Moments later, Lillia stopped and bowed to us. We gave her a round of applause...


Lillia's POV


I looked up and smiled at them. I don't know why, but my mentor would always tell me that Fairy Tail was a troublesome guild, but they don't look THAT troublesome...

"Let's start. Please get your partner." I said.

"Ummmm....." they reacted

Oh dear, it looks like they're shy. *giggles* I looked at Master and he nodded to me and later nodded to Ms. Erza and Ms. Mirajane. Mirajane and Erza glared at them and released a dark aura. THAT'S when they start getting their partners... So, this is why Ms. Erza has the nickname Titania and Ms. Mirajane was a.k.a The Demon... *sweat drop*

"Man..." Elfman said in a low tone.

"Well, thank you Ms. Erza and Ms. Mirajane, but..." I said.

"But what???" Erza asked

"You must also have a partner..." I continued.

They were shocked and the others were starring at them. Luckily, there were two guys left so they were their partners...

"Ok. Now, the first step is this, 'one two three, one two three.' Get it?" I said.

"Yeah." they said.

"Good, now try it." I said.

They tried and they were brilliant... We moved on with the following steps and they got them... Wow fast learners... Not bad.

Before te sun goes down, they mastered the steps but my attention was caught to 2 pairs, Ms. Lucy and Mr. Natsu, Mr. Gray and Ms. Juvia... Wow! They were amazing!

"I think I know who..."

"Who?" Makarov-dono asked

"Well, each mentor must choose 2 pairs from the Guild they are teaching and I think I know who the 2 pairs are."

"Who?" Makarov-dono asked.

"Them. Ms. Lucy and Mr. Natsu..."

"EEEEHHHHH????!!!!!" Lucy and Natsu reacted simultaneously

"and Ms. Juvia and Mr. Gray."


"J-Ju-Juvia and Gr-Gr-Gray?" Juvia stammered.


"Oh, really?" Ms. Cana asked.


"Well, Lucy, Natsu, Gray and Juvia...!" Makarov-dono said

"Y-Yes?!" they said in unison...

"Do your best with your special number!" Makarov-dono said calmly.

"Master...?" Lucy asked.

"Hush! Lady Mavis loved these kinds of dances and she was always chosen to preset the guild." Makarov-dono explained.

"Really?" Juvia asked.

"Yes. So, do your best and Lady Mavis will be watching the 4 of you." Makarov-dono said. 

"Sure..." the 4 of them said simultaneously.

"OK. Now, let's continue..."


after 15 minutes


Erza's POV

Well, the entire day was spent practising the steps and surprisingly all of us got it... Lillia looked at us, her eyes were showing  happiness.

"Well... I must say that  I'm impressed. Fairy Tail has a new record." Lillia stated.

"Record?" Lucy asked.

"Yes. Usually, guild members would take us 2 whole days to prepare and get use to these steps but Fairy Tail is the first guild to understand and perfect the steps." Lillia exclaimed.

"Wow!" Wendy said.

"I'm surprised myself. Well, I guess Fairy Tail isn't ALL destruction... I'm surprised that you guys are fast learners. " Lillia stated.

"Hehehe." Happy laughed.

A white carriage stopped in front of the guild and Lillia looked to the Pairs (a.k.a Lucy and Natsu, Juvia and Gray)...

"Minna, we'll meet again tomorrow..." Lillia reminded them.

"Ok." Juvia answered.

"I'll send a carriage tomorrow afternoon that will take us to the next destination. Ok?" Lillia said.

"Sure..." Gray answered.

"Oh, one more thing. Please DON'T BRING ANY COMPANIONS with you tommorrow." Lillia warned.

"Why?" I, Lucy and Cana asked.

"It's a surprise..." Lillia said smiling.

"O-Ok." *I wonder what the surprise is?*

"Well, I'll be leaving now. Bye!" Lillia said.

"Bye Lillia!" Master bade her goodbye.

"Sayonara! Lillia-san!" Wendy called out.

"Sayonara minna!" Lillian bade goodbye.

With that, the carriage left and Lillia was gone...


I wonder why Lillia does not want any companions with them????

Any way, I'll just figure it out after I finish my strawberry cake!

^ u ^

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