You Speak of Murder

By -batjokes

9.2K 666 7.4K

In a divided city, a first-year resident, an investigative journalist, and their neighbor join forces to unra... More

0 | Do Not Speak Ill of the Dead
1 | The Grave Is Digging Deeper
2 | Is It the Truth You Remember
3 | The Morality Scale
4 | A Tale of Two Cities
5 | Blood in the Cut
6 | Favors to Return
7 | The Game is Afoot
8 | The Anatomy of Lies
9 | Down the Rabbit Hole: Part One
10 | Down the Rabbit Hole: Part Two
11 | The Dangers of Bias
12 | To the Grave
13 | Blood in the Water
14 | In the Shadows
15 | Land of the Dead
16 | By Your Side
17 | Loose Ends: Part One
18 | Loose Ends: Part Two
20 | Lamb to the Slaughter: Part Two
21 | Wires
22 | Through the Looking Glass: Part One
23 | Through the Looking Glass: Part Two
24 | Burning Bridges
25 | To Banish One's Past
26 | Tearing Open Wounds
27 | Origin
28 | Remembrance
29.1 | Jiggsaw Puzzle: Part One
29.2 | Jiggsaw Puzzle: Part Two
30 | Tainted Revelations
31 | Rude Awakening
32 | Twisted Narrative
33 | A Letter
34 | What Could Have Been
35 | White Flag

19 | Lamb to the Slaughter: Part One

136 9 138
By -batjokes

CHRISTINA'S SHARP HEELS echoed around the hallway as she headed to the kitchen, fingers clutched around her earlobe to hook one of the earrings.

A smile quirked up her lips at the sight of Robin, leaning against the kitchen island and staring ahead, brows pinched together. She had cleaned up as promised, pulling off a suit better than any other person she knew. The combination complemented the elusive aura she exuded; dark grey and rather large around her figure, she paired a waistcoat with nothing underneath, wide-legged pants, and a double-breasted blazer. Her hair was in its usual state, brown strands falling past her shoulders, one side tucked behind her ear to reveal the earrings around her helix and lobe.

She was so enthralled in her thoughts that she didn't see Christina coming, not until she spoke.

"That's one hot suit."

Robin tilted her head to face her, eyes trailing down the black dress she wore. It had a plunging neckline, the silk flowing gently around her body to reach a little below the knees, complimenting her curves without being too tight, paired with shiny knee-high boots.

"That's one hot dress."

Christina chuckled, letting go of her ear once the earring was secured and closing the distance between them. Her hands reached for the lapel of her blazer, smoothing it down. She looked up at her, noticing the wound on her forehead was healing, leaving a scar that cut a bit of her eyebrow.

"It's getting better," she noted, and Robin nodded, offering a smile. Christina could see it didn't reach her eyes.

Her eyes skipped back to the counter, where she caught sight of the Imitrex box, its strip peeking out of it.

"What's this for?" Her fingers curled around the box, taking out the notice buried deep inside to read the information.

"Migraines," Robin answered, reaching for the glass of water from behind her and taking a leisurely sip.

"You're having migraines? Why?" She looked back at her, the back of her hand resting against Robin's forehead. She could feel the slight heat against her skin. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"It's fine now." Robin gently took her wrist, moving her hand away. It was a usual response she encountered after a trigger. Yet, it had been a couple of days and it only grew stronger, blinding her. It had compromised her peripheral vision this afternoon, turning it pitch black for a few excruciating seconds.

"It's not fine, you look tired." She shot her a pointed look. "You're staying home."

"It's a side effect of this." Robin ushered at the medication. "Makes me a little drowsy, but it's fine."

"Then lie in bed, get some rest-"

"I don't need rest. I'm not leaving you."

"I'll be fine," Christina huffed as she took her wrist, pulling her to the room but Robin wouldn't budge. "I can get in without you, Bree's not an asshole. Get some sleep and I'll be back before you know it-"

"Stop talking." Robin sighed, moving to grab Christina's coat from the hanger, pulling her with her despite her protests as she struggled to wiggle free.

"Robin." She tried her curt tone, but the latter wasn't fazed as she pulled the door open, emerging out into the hallway. "Robin, I swear to God-Fuck's sake how are you not budging," she hissed through gritted teeth, trying to pull her back into the house but Robin kept walking like her weight didn't affect her one bit.

Robin's knuckles struck against Finn's door, and Christina blew out her frustration, giving up and smoothing down her ginger curls.

Finn was quick to open the door, eyebrows shooting up approvingly at the sight of the two women before him. "Nice." His lips curled down as he nodded in appreciation.

Robin arched an eyebrow. "You don't look too bad yourself," she commented, looking at the black tuxedo he wore, form-fitting and transforming him into a completely different person, a stark contrast to his usual sweatpants and comic t-shirts.

Christina tilted her head to take a look, hands resting on her waist. "Oh yeah. You're going all in with the black tie." She gestured, and Finn plastered a tight smile at the surprise behind her voice. "Bow and everything." He was even wearing stud earrings.

"Yes ma'am. I can look nice when I have to." He adjusted his cuff links.

"That makes two of you," Christina mumbled, and Robin gave her a side-eye. She looked back at her unapologetically.

Finn arched an eyebrow at the exchange. "Trouble in paradise?"

"You need rest!" She brought the argument back, exasperation evident in her tone. Finn blinked in bewilderment, feeling like he opened a can of worms.

Robin ignored her. "Got your keys?" She asked Finn, moving past Christina to lock their door.


"Uh... yeah." He closed his door behind him, locking it as well.

"Robin." Christina ground her teeth.

"Then, let's go."

Finn followed Robin inside the elevators, he looked back to notice that Christina still stood before their door, arms crossed against her stomach, features morphed into a scowl. He looked at Robin, who leaned back on the wall, hands tucked inside her pocket, staring back at her evenly.

"Don't ignore me," Christina snapped.

"Uh..." Finn awkwardly pressed the open elevator door button, keeping his thumb there.

"You're staying here," she added, calmly this time, "Finn and I will be fine."

They might be fine, but Robin wouldn't rest easy with them out so late, despite her heavy muscles protesting. She could still feel the quiet throbbing in her head, the aftermath of the episode she had this afternoon that resulted in her vomiting. It wouldn't be long before the medication she took effect - although it would wound up exhausting her and making her muscles sore, she could tolerate it.

"It'll be fine," Robin reassured.

"It might be, but you don't have to."

Robin sighed, pushing her body forward and reaching for her. Christina knew what was coming, and she planted her feet on the ground as if it could aid her case, clenching her fists together and tightening every muscle in her body.

"Don't drag me," she warned. Robin ignored her again, ducking forward and lifting Christina's arm over her head. The latter had no time to react when Robin slipped her free arm between her knees, grasping the outer one tightly and pulling her up, standing straighter now that she had her off the ground. "No! Robin!"

Christina's legs hung in the air, and she struggled to wiggle free while Robin took brisk strides to the elevator.

"Put-" she ground her teeth as she tried to escape her grip- "Me! Down! Robin. I swear to God if this dress becomes wrinkled, I'm having you stop by the supermarket to buy a steamer and steam it yourself."

"Right." Robin huffed out a laugh, pressing the button to the ground floor.

"I'm not joking." Her voice became high-pitched.

Finn blinked, slowly gravitating back to the corner of the elevator when she put her down.

"My neighbors are weird..." he muttered to himself, voice covered by Christina's squeals as she smoothed her dress, scolding Robin and threatening her that if she tried something like that again, she'd make her do the dishes on her own for a whole month, to which Robin replied that it wouldn't make a difference seeing as she was already the one who always did them.

It was only when the trio reached the parking lot that Christina stopped her rambling. And it was the moment Finn unlocked his car, a black Audi that looked like it was worth her yearly salary. She gawked at the sight, looking at Robin for validation, but all the latter did was follow Finn and climb into the back seat.

She shook her head, rushing to climb into the passenger seat to shelter herself from the cold.

"Nice car," she commented, holding her tongue for further questioning as the three of them put on their seatbelts.

"Thanks," Finn absent-mindedly answered, switching the car on and it roared to life.

"This your car, Frank, or is it your parents?" Robin arched an eyebrow from where she sat in the middle.

"Exactly what I was going to ask!" Christina blurted, moving her wide gaze to him.

He snorted, pulling the car out of the parking lot. "I sadly can afford a car."

"Don't you pay taxes like the rest of us?"

"Yeah, but I mean I invested in this car." He shrugged. "It'll be worth more if I sell it later, so it's not a loss."

Christina was at a loss for words from the man sitting beside her. Only people with loads of money in their bank accounts cared about investments. She was a struggling newspaper reporter who only cared about paying rent and groceries - she was sure it was the same for Robin who still didn't make a decent living.

They arrived at Mervy, a luxurious neighborhood at the center of Fairford, one that was rich with cultural and artistic sights. It was home to the Dome, the churches, museums, and gardens that proved to be its top touristic spots.

Because of its extravagance and despite its empty streets, parking there was a pain. It was allowed only in specific places or else a fine was to be paid. Finn decided to park it in a parking lot nearby despite the high fare, ignoring Christina's complaints and offers of splitting it by three.

As the trio reached their destination, Christina texted Bree to let them know they were nearby, and they were quick to answer to meet them by the entrance.

"Got your badge?" Was the first thing Bree asked when they caught sight of the trio, Dan just in tow with a camera clasped in his palms.

Dan's eyebrow shot up at the sight of who Christina came with. "If it isn't the Clarks!" He greeted. "Or is it the Jenkins?"

Finn snorted.

"We haven't decided yet." Christina smiled tightly as she flashed her badge to Bree.

Robin barely even heard, dissociating - needing the ground to open up and swallow her whole. She was going to hold only for half an hour tops in this event and not a second more. For a Thursday night, that was the last place she'd wanted to be.

Bree handed Robin a badge, one with 'VISITOR' written on it. They looked at Finn, eyebrows itched. "Don't have another one, sorry buddy."

"Oh, he knows," Christina commented flatly, gesturing at Finn to go ahead and he offered a tight smile.

The four of them watched him reach the security by the door, utter his name-

And pass.

"Wha-" Christina's mouth hung open as she watched his smirking face from the other side of the door. They followed in his steps, passing through as press for Fairford Today. "How on earth?" She gawked, shoving his arm, and ignoring him when he whined and protectively cradled it with his other hand. "You didn't even know about this event before I mentioned it, how are you on the list?"

"We'll go ahead," Bree said, on their way up to the top floor where the event was held to not waste any more time. Christina nodded, offering a quick wave until they disappeared into the sea of people.

"Answer me." She held him back with his shoulder when she noticed him slipping away.

"Well, I happen to know people-"

"Wealthy people?" She bit back. She had seen the list of people invited, none of which was a possible person Finn knew- except for one. But the likelihood of that coinciding was one in a thousand. "First the car and now this?"

"Hey, I've had that car for years, it's saving my ass during the inflation."

"Is it? Don't you pay for gas?"

He snorted. "I barely drive it."


"Please, let's go," Robin urged. She was losing her patience, walking ahead to reach the stairs so she could find a place to sit.

The event was held in the Palais Royale, a historical monument in Fairford with the entire ballroom of the top floor reserved. Tables have been set around the spacious room, draped in white and surrounded by lush red velvet seats. Gold-coated walls and glamorous chandeliers dangling all around the guests. The ballroom was besieged with floor-to-ceiling glass, and balconies looking into the entirety of the city, where other remarkable landmarks could be spotted.

Christina had never set foot inside it before today, and despite it looking like most touristic spots in Fairford, she couldn't help but marvel over the fact they would dine in a place like this - it was then that it hit her, when she started catching familiar faces she had only seen on TV, powerful political figures, rich billionaires, heads of large corporations, and...

She instinctively halted in her tracks when she spotted him.

James Hunter.

Her eyes narrowed, catching him standing beside two other members of his family, current members of the council. She didn't expect him to be here - though he did look like he wanted to be anywhere but.

She looked at Robin. He had the same body posture as her, one that screamed 'uncomfortable', that screamed they didn't belong.

She had a few questions for him too, ones she wasn't sure she could ask.


Christina froze.

She recognized that voice instantly, from the many interviews that she had watched about her. At first, she couldn't register it, only because the name with her voice sounded odd, out of place. Finley?

Her head followed the voice, her body going into overdrive when she spotted her - Viviane Dallas.

Her tall figure loomed over them, blonde hair straight and cut short above her shoulders, slashed around her neck. Her eyes were emerald green, now shining as opposed to the frost that usually glossed over them. Her lips, crimson red, were quirked up in a genuine smile.

She had been a few feet away from them, and now she was walking, heels clattering against the tile, eating up the distance between them.

Christina stepped aside instinctively. It was like being too close to the sun. Robin could see it in her eyes, and her arms were quick to steady her when she almost tripped in her steps.

"Oh my God..." she whispered. "It's her." She put a hand to her heart, as she sensed it had stopped beating. "I think I'm going to pass out."

"Please don't," Robin warned.

"Finley," Viviane said again.

"Why is she saying that noise?" Christina couldn't understand why she would utter Finn's full name. She turned to face him, doubting he was the recipient, but the forced smile on his lips was a loud indicator that Viviane Dallas was, indeed, calling him.

"Mom," Finn greeted back, rounding his arms around her the moment she reached him.

"Mom?" Christina's eyes popped. She craned her neck to look at Robin. "Did he just refer to her as 'mom'?"

"He did."

"Mom?" She was at a loss for words, completely and utterly confused. She had noticed they shared the same last name, but it was the last thing she expected. "She gave him her last name?"

"That's what's important to you?" Robin asked.

"Not really - or, yeah, maybe." She blinked back into focus, straightening as she noticed Robin was still holding her. The latter's hands shadowed around her just in case, as the colors hadn't settled back into her face. "He bloody well knows I admire this woman to death, doesn't he?"

"Worship you mean."


Finn shot both women a look. He could hear what they were saying, even if it came out as a mere hissing sound from Christina, whose teeth were bared like a snake ready to strike. Viviane moved out of his embrace, palms cupping his cheeks.

"Why not check up on your mother every once in a while?" She arched an eyebrow.

"How dare he?" Christina hissed. "If my mom was Viviane fucking-"

"Mom, let me introduce you." He ushered to his right, and Christina almost tripped again, Robin quick to hold her up straight. "These two are my friends. We're neighbors."

"Oh, is that so?" She turned to face the two women, her eyebrows itched up expectantly.

"Your majesty," she whispered and Finn facepalmed.

"Sorry?" Viviane couldn't catch it, her brows pulled together in a gentle frown.

"It's Christina, Christina Clark, ma'am..." she blinked, shaking her head. "Madam-I mean-"

"Viviane is fine." She smiled, tilting her head to face Robin.

"Robin," the latter introduced, accompanied by a forced small curve of her lips.

"Jenkins," Viviane recognized, smile losing a bit of its shine. "How's your dad?"

"Fine." Robin's answer was robotic, one that didn't convey much so it was difficult to determine whether she was annoyed or just had nothing else to add.

It was in her nature to be so curt and use the least number of words, and Christina couldn't for the life of her understand how she did it because, as opposed to her, she could cram ten words per second.

"Glad to hear." She nodded, turning back to Finn, and Christina's stomach sunk in disappointment. "I have to say hello." She ushered behind her. "I'll leave you to it, then." She clutched his shoulder, hands smoothing his blazer. "You cleaned up well," she complimented, smile reaching her eyes before her back turned to them and she disappeared into the sea of guests.

"You-" Christina stood before him the moment she felt it safe enough to attack. "Asshole!"

"Voice," Finn was quick to hiss, looking around him as a few people shot them looks.

"Your mom is Viviane Dallas-"

"No need to reiterate, I already have my birth certificate."

"Why didn't you tell us!"

"You didn't ask..."

She gawked at the casualty of his answer as if it was obvious. "How am I supposed to know what to ask?"

"We share a last name." He quirked an eyebrow. "That's your lead."

"Unbelievable. So, she's the one who got you in?"

"Oh no. We don't talk much." He chuckled, and she frowned at the mention of that. "I know Lexy though, the reporter who's with her all the time." He ushered at a woman who stood beside her, brown hair tied in a ponytail and round-rimmed glasses sitting on her nose. "She requested to add me to the list."

Christina wasn't happy about it, and she let him - both him and Robin - suffer as she rambled all the way until they reached their table, Bree and Dan's belongings already reserving two chairs, but they were nowhere in sight.

"Does she have an off switch?" Finn rubbed his temple as he sat between the two women, turning to face Robin.

"Hm?" The latter hummed distractedly, looking down at the gold-plated bowl in front of her.

He frowned, noticing her distance. "You alright?"

"Hey-I'm talking to you." Christina pinched his upper arm and he gasped, head swiveling to face her.

"Ow!" He flicked his finger on her temple as a form of revenge. "Your friend's obviously not doing well, why don't you annoy her?"

"Leave her alone," she was quick to answer pointedly. Her gaze flickered to Robin, and she reached for her, curling her fingers around her palm, Finn pushing himself back. "You okay?"

"Yes, don't mind me," Robin patted her hand, and Christina understood she needed space. "Do your thing."

The rest of the hour ticked by slowly, as more people came in and took their designated seats. Soon enough, Bree and Dan joined the trio, ready to eat the first-course meal.

"Any news on what the big scandal might be?" Christina addressed Bree, who sat beside her.

"Not one newsworthy, no." Bree downed their entire glass of wine. "Sorry sharky, might just be another boring event." They shrugged and Christina waved her hand.

"It's alright. Dan? No breakdowns? Heard your bank account took quite the hit for nothing."

Dan shot her a pointed look. "Shut up."

"She's right, though. There's no need to bribe anyone for this. It's just going to be another yawn fest from the looks of it." Bree dug into their food.

"Nothing about Arthur Harts running for mayor?"

"Nah. He's only talking big about buying this and that."

Christina chuckled. "Should someone stop him before he does something stupid?"

"Like what? Putting his money to good use?" Finn arched an eyebrow and Bree snorted.

All the while Robin's mind drifted as she played with her food, looking around her and feeling so lost and out of place. Her knee jittered under the table, trying to exhaust some of the restless energy building inside of her.

She felt fingers gently hold her knee down.

She shot her head up, only to find Finn offering a sympathetic smile.

He leaned in and whispered, "I have a rolled joint if you want, we can smoke it outside." He knew this night was going to be a taste of hell, with Christina being overbearing and his mom unpredictable. He was the one who wanted to come, and there was no harm in coming armed.

Robin chuckled. It wouldn't be healthy to smoke it with the medication in her system, but she appreciated the gesture. "I'll keep that in mind. Thanks."

Finn noticed his right ear suddenly relaxed, and he realized it was missing Christina's loud voice. He turned to find her watching something in the distance, and he followed her line of vision only to find his mom on the receiving end of it. His face dropped into a blank stare.

"Stop drooling." He pushed her head with his finger to pull her back from her ogling.

She straightened in her seat, clearing her throat loudly. "Am not," she answered, feeling her cheeks flush at the idea of getting caught.

Regardless, she snuck another look back, and it was at this instant that she caught something.

Lexy, the reporter who constantly followed Viviane, had her bag hanging from her chair, its zipper open. And, in a matter of seconds, someone slid a folder into it and disappeared.

Christina's eyes couldn't catch the person, but she did notice Lexy sneakily reaching a hand back and pushing the folder further down. She then leaned in and whispered something in Viviane's ear, who nodded.


Her chin tipped back up, and a small gasp escaped her lips.

Something inside of her gut pulled.

This folder was evidence.

"You two-" she turned to face Robin and Finn, already pushing her chair back- "Come with me."



Sorry for my late update!

It's been a hectic hectic week - your gurl caught the virus and my roommate and I have been dying every day.. but anyway, it's coming to an end and my three weeks long vacation is starting today officially!!!

(Btw ik i've been teasing a lot but soon you'll know who the couples are promise😭 what are your guesses??)

I'm going to be honest, next chapter scares me so until I get the approval from my beta reader (my sister, who's still on chapter fifteen mind you, and has a lot of catching up to do lol) I'll update it for sure! and omg... so much is going to happen after that.... so many plot revelations and I'm so excited !!!

So what do you think is in that file??

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