Twenty-One ~ A Dean Portman F...


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"You called me 'Sullivan' all day, why?" "It's your name, isn't it?" She gulped. "Yes." She looked over to hi... Еще



322 3 1

Evangeline sported a light pink, grey and white pleated skirt with a white turtle neck long sleeve and two inch black closed toed heels with a strap. She held her books loosely in front of her against her stomach as she trailed the hallway quietly. Glasses were lifted above her head as she walked through the small crowd of people, hoping to escape before everyone flooded the hallways. 

The bell signaled for lunch and she glanced up to the wall where the speaker was, almost feeling like she saw it buzz but hadn't. Turning down a hall, she passed by Gloria, who jumped into the middle of the hall when she saw her best friend. Evie turned back briefly when a hand was placed to her shoulder and she smiled kindly.

"Hi, Glory." She greeted.

"That's a cute outfit." She nodded, looking her best friend up and down. "How come I only noticed now?"

Evangeline laughed at Gloria. "Maybe if you didn't wake up twenty minutes before class you'd have more time to exchange convo with me in the mornings." She nudged her friend's side.

Gloria giggled. "I like my sleep thank you...Besides, they're always on our back about this or that, hell, can't I just sleep?"

"Don't stay up late."

"Kinda hard when you're on the phone with Dean...Like last night, you were talking forever."

A low eye rolled came from Evie. "It was ten minutes and I was talking to my mom."

"Ugh, fine." She huffed, twirling around and fell against the lockers.

Evangeline brought a hand away from her books, unlocking her own locker and pulled the door open. She shoved her textbooks inside and stacked them neatly, putting the ones she would need after lunch on top of the pile. 

Gloria shifted against the locker, eyeing down the hall at the taller jock casually strolling through with his few friends. The enforcers laughing their heads off as they punched one another's shoulders and the one punch Dean gave to Averman had been too strong. Averman had stumbled into a group of girls as Guy laughed his ass off with Fulton. Glory didn't mind the group of kids, she grew to know them before of Evangeline's involvement with dating a hockey player.

Overall, Glory was definitely happy that Evie found someone to get through the school year with. She was happy the girl had met someone new that wasn't a usual preppy or Eden Hall attendee, it was nice to have new blood around.

Time had gone by and it felt both quick yet slow to Evangeline as she took every day one at a time. Evangeline smiled all the time, but now she found herself smiling for no reason at all whenever she was around her boyfriend. Things just perked up whenever they were around each other, and she saw it with him, too. He was usually discreet about it, but she secretly knew he liked being around her.

She never rushed into things and tried her best to stick around her best friends while still spending time with Dean. Evie didn't want to rush into their relationship and it wasn't because they enemies turned friends, or because of past relationships spooking her, it was the general idea of dating someone and giving them her full, true self. Every raw thing about her was now shared with that person and sometimes, it did scare her a little.

As time went by, Evangeline found herself getting to know Dean a lot more than she expected and she liked hearing about his tales or new information he'd never said before. They sat together at lunch almost every day unless she sat with Gloria, and when she did sit with him, it was with the entire hockey team. It was becoming interesting and fun that she enjoyed being around the Ducks.

Dean Portman approached the girls from the opposing direction, walking up to the lockers where the two girls stood and smacked his hand on his girlfriend's butt. "Hi, Dean." She smiled, knowing by then it was him as he often liked doing that.

"Sully." He greeted. His hand trailed down to fiddle with the hem of her skirt, following the wrinkles of it's folded pattern. Dean leaned over her shoulder casually, looking down to see her fixing her books before kissing her cheek. Evie's shoulders lifted as her cheeks heated and he turned, falling into the lockers as he eyed Gloria. "Sup Glory." He nods.

"Hobo." She hissed in return. "You know, you never slap my ass." She joked.

He chuckled at her remark and tipped Evangeline's glasses, pushing them off her head and she huffed when they fell on her nose. "This hand's reserved." He mentioned.

"And the other?" She was curious about it now.

"Left hand's for her ass and right's for her chest." He kidded around, earning a slap from Evie as she gasped, eyes widened.

"Shut up." She smacked him again as he proceeded to laugh. 

"I'm kidding, but imagine." He laughed it off. "Nah, both are for her."

"All right, all right." She pushed away from the lockers. "I'll leave you both to it."

"Bye, Glory." Evie smiled, waving her off.

"Byeeeeee." Dean cheered, needing to turn away as he doubled over with a laugh. He began to chuckle loudly when he saw Gloria flip him off and Evangeline rolled her eyes, unsure what had him in such a giddy mood. 

She liked it anyhow and turned, folding her arms over her chest as she watched him, waiting for him to calm down from his fit of giggles. "Done giggling there?" She rose a brow.

"Ahh," He brushed a tear from his cheek from laughing so hard. "Yeah." He nods.

"Going for lunch?" She asked, lowering her hand and found his as she shut her locker with the other. 

The boy shrugged in response. "Hey, I wanna show you something."

Evangeline tilted her head, curious what he wanted to show her and she followed him down the hall. Her hand gripped his when she fell behind, people walking by them in a hurry and when they got down a different hallway, they approached the school doors. "Where we going?"

"Out here." Walking closely to him, he pushed the door open for the two of them, glancing back to her as she fixed the glasses falling from her head again. 

She grew curious because he never usually got excited over little things and if he was this giddy seconds ago, she figured this may had been why. 

They wandered into the courtyard to an empty picnic table in the sun and she sat down, folding her skirt below her butt to flatten it and let his hand go. He sat in front of her with a light breeze passing through, it blew her hair and she tucked it behind her shoulders, looking around to see other students leaving for lunch in their cars or finding seats in the grass nearby rather tan remaining inside.

She didn't realize Dean had gotten rather quiet until he was digging through his pocket for something. 

Dean lifted his head and smiled to her and she couldn't help but smile back toothlessly, wondering what he was doing. "I got you something. Close your eyes."

"Right now?"

"Uh huh. Close 'em." He insisted and covered her eyes with his hand and she closed them finally, his hand leaving to see if she closed them. "Now hold out your hand."

"If it's a bug, I'm leaving." She mentioned. "I swear-"

She'd cut herself off when she felt something on her palm, it wasn't crawling nor did it feel cold or prickly. Mentally she was thanking him for not pranking her with any sort of bug because she didn't really like them, they were just icky and creepy for some reason.  

With an inhale, she kept her eyes closed and felt what was in her hand. It was definitely a thick material and she wasn't sure what to make of it, curling her fingers inward to feel it better. The more Evie toyed with the object in her hand, the more she wondered what it really was. Two different materials could be felt and she tried to differentiate the two, but it was hard to conquer what it was.

Dean simply watched with a smile, wanting to see how she'd react to it. "You can open them now, Sully." He laughed.

"Sorry," She laughed. "I thought you said keep them closed."

Evangeline opened her eyes and met Dean's, then glanced down to her palm where she noticed something dark in color. With a gulp, she furrowed her brows and brought her other hand over, picking it off her palm to look at it better. 

A thick white and black lace was combined with another piece of black and white material, both were different in styles and texture. "A hockey lace." She looked at him. 

"Mhm hm." He nods.

It took her a good few seconds before she finally figured out what the other piece was. It was braided with the hockey lace and both materials combined created a bracelet. She'd never seen anything like it before and it had her questioning Dean. "Is this- wait, is this your bandana?" She asked him.

The boy nodded to her, lifting his hand from below the table and showed her a matching bracelet. "Yeah, but don't worry. I washed it several times. Ask Fulton."

Evie smiled to him, finding it cute the way he assured it was washed since it was his black and white skull bandana he often sported. She had noticed a while ago that he wasn't wearing it anymore and went for a bandana-less look until he wore a new one that she grew accustomed to. Now that she held the bracelet in hand, she realized why it'd been gone and no longer needed to miss the bandeau as it was sitting in her hand intertwined with a hockey lace.

"You made this?" 

She reached out and looked at his, it was an exact replica with the only difference being his was fitted bigger to fit over his hand when he rolled it onto his wrist. "Yeah, I had to learn to braid."

"It's easy once you get the hang of it." She mentioned. "It's beautiful."

"That's yours." He nods to her. "I'm not generally open about this stuff, you know that," She listened to him, liking that whenever he opened up, he truly did. "But I really, really like you and I wanted to give you something 'cause it's nearing like three months."

She saw his eyes focus on the boards of the picnic table top, but she never peeled her own away from him as she held the bracelet. Letting her fingers trail over the braid of two laces and his bandana. It was truly a sweet gesture and she liked thought behind, feeling a little bad because she didn't get or make him anything. 

Evangeline personally liked handmade things a bit better than bought because those came from the heart with an idea that only developed. It meant more that way.

"I hear all these guys get their girlfriends rings or these like big gifts and I don't know, didn't seem like you." He shrugged. "I thought of this a while back and after so long, had the chance to give it to you."

She reached her hand forward, placing it on top of his and rubbed the backside of his hand with a smile. "Thank you, Dean. I love it and the way you thought to make it."

"Glad you like it 'cause I don't do this sorta thing." He chuckled. "And hey," He leaned over the table to show her. "Just slides on and off."

She went ahead and pulled her bracelet on her right wrist, admiring the way he braided it and glanced to his. "You gonna wear yours?"


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