Never underestimate me!

By MullinLiam

19.4K 343 56

Izuku Midoriya. Thought to be a quirkless boy and to have comitted suicide suddenly returns. During the event... More

The Strife's rejoin the fight!
"I'm Izuku Strife and this is my story!"
The start of Endeavors end
Shoto heals as the Girls learn Izuku is in pain.
Punishment and Mitsuki's aid πŸ‹
Fuyumi arrives as evidence begins to mount.
Izuku vs Endeavor! Mitsuki's kink πŸ‹ πŸ‹!
πŸ‹9th joins Izuku!πŸ‹
Strongest Hero vs AFO pt 1!
Strongest Hero vs AFO pt 2
Bridge Between Worlds! πŸ‹IzumomoπŸ‹
Ultimate Soul! Midoriya's End!
Nejire's Wounded Savior! A Soul's Worth!
Mirio's Final Fight!
Submitted for 2023 Watty's

Darkest hour brings forth the greatest light!

3.7K 45 13
By MullinLiam

*Nobody's POV *

    The sounds of a madman cackling are all that is heard from the central plaza at USJ. Strewn across the buildings zones lay many unconcious students and staff. One clings to consciousness doubting herself after watching her classmates, teachers, and predecessor get completely demolished by villains.

*Ochaco's POV*

   'Dammit.. Why am I so useless!' I lay in a pool of my own blood. My limbs broken as I remember what happened. I somehow months ago earned the right to inherit One For All.  With it I managed to get into the hero course of UA High. Won the battle trial. Today was to be simple rescue training. But it wasn't meant to be. We arrived as a portal opened in the plaza unleashes waves of villains. Led by a man covered in what loooked like hands. Flanked by 4 massive bird like humanoids with open brains. Before we knew what was happening my class was spread throughout the USJ. Thirteen was attacked and left badly wounded. Aizawa sensei was facing the villains all alone. Our class rep had managed to escape to warn the teachers was useless. The villains tore through the class killing Mineta, Bakugo and Aoyama. Even the greatest hero All Might was defeated. Slain by the hand covered man and his 'Nomu' bioengineered anti symbols of peace. 'You are my successor young Uraraka no matter what you must live!' He told me. But I was a fool. I tried to get vengeance for todays events and was soundly beaten. But for some reason handyman doesn't want me to die. "I'm sorry All Might...Mom, Dad I broke my promise." I say as the light of hope is extinguished. Just then a massive green explosion rockets through the area. "W-What?"

*???'s POV*

  I was spending the day having a picnic with my adorable adopted daughter when suddenly that rat messages me. 'Izuku Strife I request your aid immediately at USJ. Villains have attacked my students and it seems even All Might won't be winning this battle. Please one last time join the fight I beg of you!" I sigh as I look at Eri. "Eri I'm sorry but papa needs to help people. I will take you to grandpa and grandma for now. I won't be long I promise." Eri looks at me tearfully. "Papa will you go save people like you did with me?" I smile as I pat her head picking her up to take her to Fenrir my adoptive fathers high tech motorcycle. "Yes Eri I will. Bad people attacked some students and they need your papa to save them. Will you be okay at Grandpa and Grandma's?" I ask as she smiles "Okay papa I trust you. Save them. Make the bad people go away and come back to me!" I smile "Always snowball. I'll always come back to you." I drive at high speeds to see Dad sitting outside his home. "Hey dad. Duty calls can you and mom watch over Eri for me?" My dad smiles at me. "That I can son. Stay safe and always remember. We love you. You are our living legacy in this world." He says as he holds Eri. "Go papa. Beat those bad guys but good!" She says with her ruby eyes shining with an inner fire. "I will. Keep grandpa and grandma safe for me Eri. Bye for now I love you all so much." I shout as I take off to head towards USJ. 'Dammit Nezu what's Ass Might gotten your students dragged into?' I wonder as I fly down the streets. I pull up to the building and go to head inside.

     Already I see the doors smashed off their hinges. Several unconcious students as well as Thirteen and Midnight. I sigh as I walk between them using Curaga to heal them all. I stand up to see hundreds of villains in the center. Ass Might appears to be mortally wounded by the boss and Nezu and several students are laying in bloody heaps. I see a brunette with a bob cut laying still conscious bleeding profusely with broken arms and legs and wonder why the villains are just ignoring her. I walk forward to catch her words "I'm sorry All Might....Mom, Dad I broke my promise." Finally my anger erupts. I raise a hand above the center Plaza and roar "ULTIMAAA!!!!" Unleashing a massive powerful green blast 10 meters above the central plaza catching the majority of the villains unaware. After the smoke clears the only ones still standing are the mist villain, the handyman, and what appear to be human bird hybrids with open brain cases. "W-What?" I hear the girl say. I walk over to her and heal her. "Stand up and get the staff and students to the entrance Ms...?" She looks at me amazed she is healed and starts to tear up. "U-U-Ura-raka. Please sir save my class and teachers!" She says as she starts to stand. "That I will. Now hurry. I can't fight all out with so many people near me." I stand and walk up to handyman and the birds. "Who are you ya freaking bastard? What did you just do?" I smile. "Well handjob. I'm just a courier and right now I'm delivering my foot square up your ladyparts." I say with a smirk.

      The villain growls as he starts clawing at his neck. "A fucking delivery boy? What the fuck you gonna do delivery boy? My Nomu's and I just killed the #1 hero. What chance do you stand?!" I laugh at that. "Well handjob. I'll let you in on a secret. I'm stronger than Ass Might and All For One both." I say with a shit eating grin as handjob starts to laugh maniacally. "Hahahaha good one delivery boy. No one is stronger than sensei. Nobody." I laugh at that. "Oh really? Care to put that to the test then handjob or you gonna suck your master's dick some more?" I say with a smile. Handjob snarled at me before smiling "Nomu's kill this punk!" He yells as the birds start to rush me. "Dilly dally shilly shally. Guess you need help. Oh well let's try a little Bio!" I yell as I make a massive pool of toxic sludge shoot out of my hands and cover the birds. I watch as one begins to melt immediately while the other three seem to have regeneration quirks so its not as effective on them. "Hmm only one? Oh well. This might be fun." I say as I pull the massive Buster Sword off my back and slash at the three creatures. I manage to cut the right arm and leg off of one of them before tanking a punch to the face. "R-really? Just a jab? Did you not upload some combat skills in your pet projects?" I say smirking as I reach up and rip the arm off the beast as it roars in pain. "Oh what did birdbrain get a booboo? Hold on let me kiss it better!" I say as I charge a bladebeam attack and slash directly at the Nomu. The energy smashes into it disintegreting it, before it splits up to attack the other two Nomus and the mistman. As expected the Nomu's are unscathed but I scored a direct hit on the Mist dude. "Well how bout that handjob? Took out half your Nomus and your ride. Shall we keep going?" I say dodging the attacks of the Nomus at high speeds. "Grrr damn you delivery boy. How the fuck are you so strong!" He hisses as I smile. "You got it wrong handjob. I'm not strong right now. Only using 1% of my power. Ergo you and your birdies are just weak." I say as I unleash a firaga on one Nomu and start to slash the other to pieces. "True strength is earned by walking the path of blood and surviving. Just be glad I'm the opponent you face. Also killed another of your birdies." I laugh as the one I sliced up fails to regenerate.

     "Ragh what the fuck. You cheater there's no way you're this strong I'll fucking kill you!!!" He bellows as he rushes me to fight me two on one. "You fell for it by letting your emotions control you handjob. Don't worry I won't kill you but I will kill your pet remember these words manchild Don't ever underestimate me!!! Say goodnight and go to Sleep." I say casting a sleep spell on him. Before I grab the other Nomu and launch it skyward through the busted roof. I launch up and get right up against the Nomu. "I am sorry for the humans used to create you but I will end your suffering. Flare!!!" I yell as the sky fills with a massive fire and light blast. I sigh "Nezu you owe me big time for making me come out of hiding. I warned you I need to stay hidden from this world. Sigh. Oh well better heal the students and staff."

*Ochaco's POV*

   "Holy fuck! That guy just destroyed them all in a matter of minutes. Even captured the warp guy and the dude with hands all over him!" I hear Kirishima exclaim. "Y-yeah but....look at the results of today....All Might is dead. So are Mineta Bakugo and Aoyama.... We failed to protect everyone..." I say as I start to cry remembering my 10 months of hell with All Might and the responsibility of inheriting OFA. 'Some pathetic successor I turned out to be. I let you die and couldn't protect anyone. We needed that boys help to come out alive. I'm sorry All Might!' I yell in my mind as the tears fall while im holding Tsuyu. We hear footsteps approaching. "Ms. Uraraka thank you for getting your classmates and teachers to safety. Let me see the injured." I hear the calm strong voice of our mysterious savior as he kneels beside me. "O-okay Mr?" He smiles so bright. "Strife. Izuku Strife courier of Strife Delivery Services at your service. Now let me heal these guys up and then I need to talk with the rat."

      I'm stunned. 'This overpowered boy Izuku Strife is just a courier? How did he get so powerful? Why isn't he a hero?' He walks between the injured healing them just like he healed me. "Ahh. Young Strife. Thank you for coming....I am sorry I dragged you into this....but not even All Might stood a chance." I hear the principal say to Strife san. "Nezu I am glad to help but you know your ruined my picnic because of this? I warned you not to hire 'Him' but did you listen? No. Just had to hire that charlatan. Sigh. Sorry I did not mean to get angry. How are your staff and students? Other than All Might are any missing?" He asks making me wonder who he was so angry at Nezu for Hiring? I spoke next. "Strife san. We lost Minoru Mineta, Yuga Aoyama, and Katsuki Bakugo. They were killed right in front of us." I swear I saw him flinch when I said Bakugo's name. 'Weird' I thought as I hear Midnight sigh. "We really failed today Nezu. What do we do?" Nezu looks at Midnight grimly. "We wait for the police and emergency services to arrive first. We take care of the bodies of All Might, Minoru Mineta, Katsuki Bakugo, and Yuga Aoyama. Then we head back to campus to discuss this in private. I feel we should let school out for the day. Also young Strife. Would you join us at the school?" The boy sighs. "I was going to go pick up Eri and be with her. Can I grab her and bring her with us? Also you know this but the brunette must attend the discussion. She needs to know the truth of things." I froze as my spine shivered. The students and teachers looked around confused. Before Nezu and Recovery Girl spoke in unison "That's true. Ms Uraraka you will join us. For starters go with Strife. He will protect you as he does what he needs to do and then brings you to UA." All the teachers and students look at me as I start to feel dread fill my body. Suddenly a hand comfortingly rubs my back. "It is okay Ms Uraraka. I will get you there safely. We can discuss things on the way." Strife-san says with a soft smile. I look from him to the teachers and my classmates. Nezu smiles at me and nods. "Trust him young Uraraka. He may be your greatest ally." I nod as he and I slowly walk out of USJ.

      I see this high tech motorcycle parked in front. Strife walks up and pulls a helmet out. "You will want to wear this. Sorry the pink one is Eri's and she gets rather jealous when others use her things. I know you have many questions Ms. Uraraka, ninth user of One For All, but trust me for now it's best to relax and try to get your mind off what you just went through." He says smiling at me. 'So bright!' I smile as best as I can and put the helmet on. "Um Strife-san? Where will I sit?" I ask as he stares blankly. "O-Oh uhh well you will sit in front of me as if you sit behind me you could fall off. Fenrir is a very powerful bike." He says with a light blush on his cheeks. I nod as I sit on the bike still trying to accept that All Might, the world's symbol of peace and no more. I feel him sit behind me and hear some noise like a door opening. I look down and to my surprise the bike opens up a bit and he places his swords in these slot things. "Whoa? This must have cost a ton." I say without thinking. I hear him laugh as he starts the bike. "Yeah. It cost a few arms and legs Ms. Uraraka." He says with a smile. "J-j-just call me Uraraka." I tell him as he pauses a moment. "V-v-very well Uraraka." He said as we shot down the street super fast. The speed was so much I basically got slammed back into his chest. "Sorry. Told ya this dog has some power. Hehe." I blush as I am right up against his muscular body. "O-O-Oh. It's o-ok-kay." I stutter embarassed. "Strife san....thank you for saving us. I'm sorry your date got ruined." I hear him laugh. "No problem. Though Eri is my daughter." He says chuckling. "Your daughter? How old are you as you look my age!" He laughs at that as we speed through the streets with him weaving through traffic. "Well Uraraka san I am 15 yrs old as of July." I get confused. "You're my age and this powerful? W-What the heck!?" I blurt out before can even think. I hear a sad laugh. "Yeah. I earned my strength through sheer force of will. But Uraraka one question. What promise did you break with your parents?" He asked sad but serious. I freeze and grip his bikes handle harder. "To become a hero and help them make their lives easier." I respond bitterly. "I trained so hard. Even was deemed worthy of OFA....but I was uterly useless. All M-M-Might died and I was t-too weak t-t-to protect anyone..." I say as tears start to flow. I feel the bike pull to a stop as I hear him speak. "Uraraka san. Never doubt yourself. I been there. Hell 5 yrs ago I was so weak even my birth parents underestimated me and pushed me aside. But look at me now. I'm strong enough to protect people. I have a great family and a decent job. But most importantly I have a beautiful adopted daughter and was able to use my strength to protect you and your class as well as teachers. I don't know your story nor why that promise haunts you so. But the moment you doubt yourself and let hope leave you...only then can you not become that which you seek to become. So dry your tears and come inside."

     He says with conviction and kindness as I feel his hands on my shoulders. I look up to see his soft smile and amazingly bright cyan eyes. "T-Thanks Strife san. But are you sure it's okay to come in?" He laughs. "Well how else will you meet my daughter and parents? My parents can help you alleviate your doubts and little Eri will definitely cheer you up." He says flashing that million watt smile. I shake the tears away and put on my best smile I can manage. "Okay Strife san." We walk inside to see a muscular blonde haired man holding a little girl with silvery white hair, a small horn on one side of her head, and beautiful red eyes. "PAPA IS BACK YAAAA!!!" She squeaks as she jumps out of the mans hands and tackles Strife. "Oh Eri you got me good. Hehe thanks for the hug snowball. I told you I'd be back and I will never break a promise to you." He says as they laugh together. Her smile is even brighter than his. I giggle at their antics before the Blonde haired man walks over.

   "Well you gonna sit there hugging Eri all day or introduce your girlfriend to us?" I hear him tease as Strife and I both blush "Wow she is so pretty Papa. Is she my new Mama?" She asks so inocently as I start to blush harder. "Daaaad come on. See what you did?" Strife panic yells. "S-Sorry was just trynna tease ya little man." His dad says apologetically. "Sigh. It's fine. Eri this is one of the people I saved today. No she is not your mama as we only just met." Strife says calmly to Eri which makes her look sad. "But papa you promised to find me a mama!" She hollers as I giggle a bit. "Hello Eri I am Ochaco Uraraka." Eri looks at me and smiles. "Wow Ocha is so pretty huh papa?" I stop there blushing with my jaw open. 'She thinks I am pretty? Why?' I hear Strife speak "Y-Yes she is Eri but we have business to attend to." I look at him as he's blushing wildly. 'Cute'

*Izuku's POV*

  After the embarassing moment of dad messing with me Uraraka and Eri I begin to introduce my family to her. "Ochaco Uraraka this is my father Cloud Strife. As well as my adopted snowball Eri Strife." I say to her as dad waves at her and Eri hops down to walk over and do a little bow. "Nice to meet you pretty Ocha. I am Eri Strife. I am glad papa saved you too." Eri says with her sunlike smile. I look around to notice mom sneaking up on Uraraka and start to sweat. 'Shit mom is gonna tease her! This is bad. This is bad. This is so fucking bad!' I quickly speak. "O-O-Oh and behind you is my mother Tifa Strife!" I holler out as Uraraka jumps just in time to get bear hugged by mom. "Ohhh so this little cutie is reason you left Eri here? If you wanted to go on a date why not say so before the last minute Izu?" Mom says as my brain stops functioning. 'D-D-Date?' Luckily dad comes in with a save. "Oh quit that Tifa. I already teased him bout it. Uraraka is one of the people Izuku had to go rescue." Mom pouts at dad. "Well can you blame me? Izu never brings girls here and he finally brings a beautiful girl to meet us. What was I supposed to think? Honestly Cloud it's a mothers duty to make sure her son is happy in all things!!" She yells as tick marks pop on her head. I quickly grab Uraraka's shoulder and hand her Eri just in case things escalate and dad gets beat up again.

     "S-s-sorry T-Tifa. I d-d-didn't m-mean to upset y-you! P-p-please don't hurt me!!!" He yells fleeing from the room as mom just cackles. "Ahh that dad of yours is something else. Anyway Uraraka san it is nice to meet you." She says as Uraraka looks nervous. "N-N-Nice m-meeting you t-too!" She squeaks out. I giggle. "Uraraka the only one who should be scared of mom right now is dad. She won't hurt you." Mom and I laugh as Uraraka breathes a sigh of release. Mom gets a serious expression. "Izuku will you take Eri to Cloud then come and tell me what happened?" I nod then take Eri to dad for a moment. "Just for a bit Eri then you, me, and Uraraka have to go somewhere together. Promise." Eri looks sad but agrees. I find dad cowering in his bedroom and hand him Eri to tell him what's going on before heading back to mom and Uraraka. We listen to Uraraka's story about today's events as she cries and mom holds her.

     "Uraraka I am sorry for what happened. You're so young yet you had to suffer true villainy today. I am sorry you lost classmates today. It's a hard reality of this world." She says as she strokes Uraraka's hair and hugs her with the other arm. "I just thank God for this world giving me such a brave and strong son who protected and healed you and your classmates. This world is tough Uraraka. It will beat you down if you let it. Do not blame yourself for what happened. You need to focus on the future. I know you lost someone close to you but you are still here. Your parents are still here. Your friends are still here. Use this to devote yourself on your path. We can't truly learn how to win without losing." Mom says trying to confort her. I spoke next. "Uraraka. While the last user of OFA and I didn't agree or even like each other. I hope he would be proud that you still live and carry on the goal of OFA. He was lost today but in losing him the world gained the next number 1 in you. Use this loss to motivate you to get strong. Stronger than All Might.  Strong enough to be kind and kind enough to be unbeatable. We will talk with Nezu and the others and tell you all of how I know of OFA and the things about it I know All Might didn't tell you. We will rectify this situation and not let the loss of the number one lead to ruin. That I promise." I say with my eyes shining with my unbreakable willpower. Uraraka calms at this. Before speaking. "Do I even deserve this power?" She asks quietly. Mom and I look at each other and sigh. "Uraraka. It's normal to doubt yourself but ask yourself this. When the chips were down and everyone was beat did you flee in fear or try to protect and save everyone?" I ask as she looks at me. "I tried to fight. I tried to help everyone but it wasn't enough....I got trounced. Shattered and tossed the end I wasn't even worthy enough to kill...instead others died for me." She says grimly. "Uraraka-chan. You still tried to stand and fight for them. You wanted to help them even at the cost of your life and body. That is the essence of heroism. The desire to act in order to save and protect. Yes you were beaten. Yes others died. But you still fought until your body couldn't fight anymore. You deserve to inherit All Might's power. In fact only one other person on this earth would have deserved this power but he was not granted it. You must accept the power. You must accept that you were deserving of it. Accept today's defeat and losses and train to be so strong you never go through this again. You can do it Ochako Uraraka. You can be a hero." Mom says as Uraraka grabs her chest as tears fall. "Y-y-you're right Mrs. Strife. Now is not the time for doubts. I will become stronger. Strong enough to save everyone!" Uraraka says with newfound resolve.

     "Good now Izu....we need to talk!" I pale as this doesn't seem like it's going to be a good talk. 'Shit' I sigh as we walk to her and dad's room. "Now. Before things happened at the USJ we got a call from Nezu. He wishes to hire you to work at UA and help train the students. You will accept this offer. Am I clear!" She says with a bit of killer intent leaking. Dad and I shiver as we both nod furiously. She smiles "Good now take your beautiful daughter and pretty girlfriend to UA. We don't got all day ya know." She says teasingly. I sigh and grab Eri as we head to Uraraka. "Well looks like today gets better and better. Come on Uraraka time to visit the rat." I say as she smiles.

*Nezu's POV*

   I sigh as I look at the reporters swarming campus. We lost Toshinori and three students to a villain attack we weren't prepared for. I closed school for the day as I called for Nighteye, Tsukauchi, and the entire staff to meet in a conference room. "I warned him! That stupid fool didn't listen. If he gave Mirio OFA and retired this never would have happened." Growls Nighteye through teary eyes. "Enough Mirai. Now is not the time. Once the 9th and Strife get here we will discuss our future plans." I say as he scowls at me. Aizawa looks at me "This better be important Nezu. I lost 3 kids today. Ass Might as well. We have no time for games." I sigh as I get notified that they were here and on their way. "It's more important than you could ever know."

      We wait a few minutes befire they enter. "Wow could cut the tension with a knife. Hey Nightguy. How's the freaky eyes doing today?" Strife says trying to lift the mood. "How dare you! We just lost our last hope of ending AFO and you stand here joking with me delivery boy?!?!" Nighteye roars but before he could get up and do anything Eri yells at him. "You hush meanie. You always yell at papa. You are a bad man just like Overhaul was!" Making Nighteye blanch. "Sigh. I warned you Nightguy. My daughter won't tolerate your attitude. Neither will I. So sit down and shut up so we can start this meeting!" He growls out unleashing a massive wave of killer intent directly at Mirai making him drop to his knees before turning to smile softly at me. "Okay rat. Now can we get on with this?" He says as my eye twitches. "Very well Strife."  I let them sit down as Midnight and Thirteen coo over Eri. "Tell us what you know of OFA now Strife! How did you even find out about it?" Mirai interjects as Strife glares at him. "Sigh. Shut up Mirai before I let my daughter rewind you into a fetus and punt you into the sun!" He says with venom in his voice. "Mirai do not speak. You are here to listen nothing more." I say with as much authority as I can. "Yes sir!" He said bitterly. "Now to answer his question. I discovered OFA 5 yrs ago when Ass Might saved me from a villain attack. He ran out of time and showed me his injury. We spoke and once he learned I was quirkless he shoved me down and said he regretted saving my worthless ass. After he left I was kidnapped by All For One. He told me about Ass Might's power and how a long time ago he was Quirkless too. Does that answer your stupid question Mirai?" Strife said angrily. Mirai just nodded his head. He looked more angry but didn't open his mouth. "All Might was quirkless?" Squeaked young Uraraka. "Who the hell is All For One?" She continues as Strife raised his hand. "I know you have questions but let me explain everything first okay Uraraka-san?" He said gently but with authority.

     She nodded her head before he continued his story "After I was kidnapped and AFO told me the history of OFA he said he was going to use me to kill Ass Might. Luckily two beings came to earth that day and saved me. My adoptive parents. After we fled they trained me in their fighting styles and gave me materia I used to learn all their world's magic. Apparently they were fighting a villain stronger than All might in his prime and AFO in his prime put together. That being threw them through space and time into our universe. After training with them for 4 yrs I met Nezu on a delivery run when he was overwhelmed by a massive amount of villains. After rescuing him we began to talk and became allies. I would help here and there and he would use his power to keep me out of the spotlight. It's why no one but Mirai, Nezu, and Recovery Girl knew of me. About a year ago I heard whispers of a group dedicated to killing Ass Might I warned Nezu but apparently he didn't listen. He told me he was going to hire Ass Might to work here as a teacher, a god awful idea by the way Nezu, so I just kept gathering information. It's how I found out about Ass Might passing the quirk on. While I did not know to who I found out as soon as I got to USJ. This quirk is a beast to handle Uraraka. It is why you break your bones. Well that and Ass Might never properly taught you how to wield its awesome power."

     He finished speaking when the teachers all sighed looking at me. I sweatdropped "Well that was accurate. However Uraraka is the wielder of All Might's quirk. We must do our best to train her properly. I wish to install dorms so we can better protect the students. I will make press releases and do Interviews to fight for the school. I wish also to hire young Strife here as the new Heroics teacher. Aizawa. Pick 3 students to join class 1A. Pick any first year in this school. I will do all I can to keep us going. Cementoss, you and Power Loader work on constructing the dorms. Midnight, you and Hound Dog will begin therapy for every member of 1A. Yes that means you too Ms. Uraraka. We will try to get all the parents approval to allow the students to continue studying here. Also. Strife it is time. I wish to hire your parents as well as full time security. As well as bring you and them into the spotlight. I know you needed to stay hidden but events are forcing our hands and you three can't hide away from this. Does everyone understand?" The staff agrees easily but Strife just grumbles and stares daggers at me. After a long uncomfortable silence he spoke. "As much as I wish to disagree with you I cannot. You're right. The Strife family is needed now more than ever. I make two requests. My room will allow a small bed for Eri in it and we will teach her here. Also I will be the one to speak to the Bakugo family before we do any news conferences. Is that acceptable rat?" I sigh but agree. I know his history with that family. Uraraka now speaks up quietly "Was All Might really quirkless before OFA and did he really treat you like that Strife san?" Strife, myself, and Recovery Girl all nod the affirmative before Strife spoke again. "Uraraka All Might forgot where he came from. He let his power and fame go to his head. He died a hero's death but in my eyes he was not a true hero and never could be after how he treated someone like himself before he got power. He left the quirkless to suffer in misery. I do not agree with him on almost all matters save one. You truly deserve the power he never saw me worthy of. Yes Mirai this girl is far more worthy than Mirio ever would be. Do not even try to argue or deny that fact. I met both and peered into their hearts. Mirio is hiding things from you Mirai. Sort that out and drop your arrogance and hate before you join All Might in the grave. Understood?" Mirai pales but nods. He glares at Uraraka before leaving in a huff. I sigh. "We are in for the long haul huh Strife?"he chuckles. "That's a huge understatement. Also since I'll be joining as a teacher all of the staff can just call me Izuku. Now I'll head home and discuss things with my family. Uraraka. Call your parents and tell them to meet at my home. There is much we need to discuss with them." Izuku says as he stands and steals Eri back from Thirteen and Midnight who were taking a bunch of pics with her. "Come on snowball me, you, and Uraraka need to leave. You can take more pictures with them some other time." He says as they get up and leave. "How will you weasel your way into keeping the school and students Nezu?" Asks Aizawa as I sigh.

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