His Jewess Part 2

By EmmaEdwards732

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This is the second part of my story that was delted by Wattpad from chapter 1-27 I have simy carried on from... More

I Am Just Showing You Some Apprecaition Chapter 28
Women Love Silk Stockings and Chocolates But She Isn't Just Any Woman Chapter 29
It Is Better To Be In The Right Hand of The Devil Than In His Path Chapter 29
He Was A Beauty But Now He Is A Beast Chapter 30
Emilie Schindler Chapter 31
I Day Dream A Little Dream Whilst You Sleep A Little Dream Chapter 32
World Domination Chapter 34
Feminine Items and Such Chapter 35
The New Kitchen Chapter 35
An Offer I May Not Have The Choice To Refuse Chapter 36
A World Where Only The Blind Can See Chapter 37
A Few Words From Schindler Chapter 38

Hail Herr Hitler! Chapter 33

203 3 9
By EmmaEdwards732

I stood outside with my perfectly packed suitcase and holdall with my leather satchel straped over my torso and awaited my car sent from the Embassy. 

Helen fussed over my medals and began lightly patting down my heavy over coat and hopping around me with a sever eye and a shamy cloth in her hand to shine my coats brass buttons.  Her quirky movements where making me nervous.

I grabbed her hand as she began re shining my coat buttons.

"Helen. Stop." I said firmly as I gave her wrist a litttle squeeze.

She bowed gracefully and kept her head down but I still kept hold of her hand and interlaced fingers with hers.

  "Helen look at me." I commanded.

She did so without hesitation.

"Yes Herr Goeth?" She complied as her back stood with a stiff rigid posture.

 "Helen you know I may be away for several days, possibly even a week depending on the itinerary of Herr Hitler.  God forbid it but I also may have to suffer other social obligations which will extend my stay. But you need to promise me you will remain safe." I say dropping her hand and tilting her head to look at my face.

 She nodded in response, clearly just an action to passify me. Which didnt. She was good at doing as she was told but this time it was not enough.

"Words Helen. I need to hear.your words." I growled as gripped her face tighter so she had no choice but to look into my eyes.

"Yes Herr Goeth I will be safe." She replied in a perfect rehearsal.

"And what are you to do whilst I am away?" I chided her loke she was an infant.

"I will keep Rolf and Ralph close by." She stated.

"And what else?" I say leaning towards her so our noses touched.

"To keep your gun on my person at all times, fully loaded and with the saftey catch on." 

"Annnnnnd?" I say raising an eyebrow.

"And  I have the gun right here." She said pointed to her chest.

I pressed her baggy smock and felt the bullet proof vest she wore under neath and jjst on the left side I cpd feel the putline of my pistol undher baggy smock that she tied to her slip with a ribbon.

I grinned.

"Do you remeber the safe spaces?" I asked with a authorities tone.

"The spare suite has a hidden door in the closet both on the bottom of the floor and in the side panel. The Cellar has the boarded up fan that I can slip inside and shut over. And if I am caught outside the dog kennel has a small earth hatch."  She repeated back to me word for word.

"And if your saftey is  in any way compromised what should you do?" 

"Shoot." She said very seriously.

"That's very good Helen. I hope nothing comes of it however. It would be a great tragedy for me to come home and find you dead, I have no idea how to clean blood out of expensive fabrics." I say with an off handed remark as I delve into my hand luggage to check I had everything.

"Herr Goeth?"  I heared Helen question me as I stood over my hold all.

"Hmmmmmmm?" I say not really listening as I tried to make sure I packed my extra tooth brush.

"What would ypu do if I pulled the gun on you?" She asked quite out of the ordinary.

I stopped what I was doing immediately and stood and turned to face Helen.

The little minx was holding the gun with both hands and as I stepped a little towards her the pistol was placed firmly at my chest. I looked down at its position and then I looked up at her face. Her whole face was ashen, her eyes where black and glossy and her forhead was perspiring. Her hands shook lightly as she trid to keep a firm hold of the weapon. I looked down again and then back up to her face which hadn't changed. I burst out laughing at her little show.

"Oh Helen you little minx!" I laughed in her face.

My reaction was clearly not what she expected and as she hesitated I took advantage of this moment of weakness and knocked the gun from her hand and grabbed her ferociously and flung her to the ground with me onto of her.

She gasped in fright and then winced as her eyes squeezed shut. She was expecting me to hit her. But on the contrary. I wasn't angry. I was aroused.

"You are a little succubus aren't you my love?" I say as I chuckled and licked the side of her face as I dug my fingers into her shoulders to keep her still.

She let out a small shriek of panic but didn't move. 

"Helen my love have you not learned anything whislt you have lived with me? If you are going to kill me get it right the first time." I whispered delicately into her ear and then laughed as a tear.rolled.down her cheek.

I couldn't be mad at her, it took balls to do what she had just done. If she had been any body else I would be wearing their spleen as a medal. So with that being said I pulled her up with one mighty pull and kissed her like my life depended on it. I gave it my all. It might well be the last time I get to hold her or touch her or even breathe the same air as her so I wanted to make this memory last. 

When I eventually let her go I was dizzy with lust and my hands where aching to rip off her smock and fuck her roughly into the muddy drive way. Whislt I stood debating on whether or not I had enough time to do such epic things to her perfect virgin body she had already stumbled away and up to the steps of the Villa. Her bottom lip was swollen amd had a few drops.of.blood seeping from it which had smeared on her chin. Her hair was a mess where I had raked my hands threw it and her smock was more creased and hideous than ever but my God she was the sexiest thing I had ever seen. Her eyes where glossy as a few tears slipped out but those beautiful chocolate pools still held fast with her stubborn streak and that spark I desired to exploded into a bonfire was smouldering away. 

I had made my decision. I was going to drag her inside and do inhuman acts to her body on the parlour floor. I was going to leave my mark on her body. I would worship her like she was a sacred temple and tell her all mantras of love, and then I was going to destroy her wholesmness like a whore house. And then I was going to do it all again until I passed out or my cock became paralysed. 

But just as I took a step forward a large black car came zooming out of know where  and sharply turned into my open gate and slammed  on with an inch to spare from hitting me. It was Helens scream that brought me back into the relaity of what I was actually outside for and I felt all my sexual energy blast from me and a strange air of depression and vacancy set over me. 

I looked at Helen

"Farewell my love." I whispered as I blow her a small kiss and bowed to her and took my turn to leave.

Just as I was about to get into the back of the car the door opend widley and out jumped Schindler!

"There you are old friend! Come on today is the day!" He said clapping me on the back and shoving me into the back seat with all my bags.

I got myself settled as the driver pulled off and then looked harshly at Sxhinsler who was so dam cheerful smoking a cigarette and eagerly  looking put the window like we had never drove down this lane a thousand times. He began praying on about how this was going to be the start of pur real future and that this calling was only the beginning of the rest of our lives. 

I sat stoney faced as he totally ignored me the deathly silence I was encompassing.. He had a dam nerve! He fucks in and put of my life causes a commotion, interferes with my personal attributes then passes off again without even telling me what he's been up to in-between visits. I decided to stay cold and silent until he relaised I was in a mood with him. 

That twenty minutes was exhausting. Him practically singing away and me turning into ice with my cold shoulders. It was only when the cheap bastard finally offered me a cigarette amd I pulled a face and huffed did he relaise I was not speaking to him. 

"What the Hell is wrong with you Amon?" He asked like it was all my fault.

"What the He is wrong with me?! Are you insane?!" I said waving my hands at him.

"No. I leave the insanity to you. You have a natural flare for it." He said putting his cigarette case away with a shrug.

"Dont act like you don't know. You are all my Harry arsr and more! Calling me your old friend and acting like nothing has happened." I say in a whispered fury.

"For God's sake what have I done now? I habent even seen or spoke to you since I left to go and see my wife. Howuch damage can I do when I am not arpund for the love of God!" He argued back with me.

"I know and that's the fucking problem. I thought you where my best friend." I said quietly looking away from him.

I saw his eyes droop amd his smile fell into a solemnly line. He knew what I was talking about.

"You are my best friend." He said looking at the side of my face as I winced at his words.

"Then why didn't you tell me Schindler? Why do I have to hear it from Emilie?" I said hotting his arm in frustration.

He disnt even jostle me back. Instead his shoulders fell and he began fielding with his hands and avoided my hard stare.

"You have had enough to deal with old friend. And its not like it was news." 

"Well it was fucking news to me Schindler. How many bloody times have you and I been in the shit together hmmm? How many times have I ever turned my back on you? Why would think this time would be any different?" I say angrily at his passive reply.

He finally looked at me and his sea green eyes where tinged with a grey sadness.

"Because Amon it's my own fault. I can't help myself. It's a pattern with me. I'm not impulse like you are with your women. I like the structure to it all. I like the  chase and I like the wooing and I like the fantasy and I like the dating and the secrets and I like how those girls make me feel. I love the euphoria of it all. The freshness that it brings. It makes me feel alive. It makes me feel like a man." He said looking ashamed.

"I like all that too Schindler. The problem isn't you, we'll not really, the problem is that you like to try and fix things. These women you keep getting yourself I to bother with are all the same. They are young and poor and have nobody and you make them feel good. Then that makes you feel good. It makes you feel some jind of worth you are missing when in actual fact you are not missing anything of the sort. I agree with you it's a pattern. Even Emilie said so." I say squeezing his shoulder to show there were no hard feelings.

"You spoke to Emilie? I don't even know why I just asked that. I knew as soon as she said she was leaving to see you it was all over for us." He sighed deeply and laid his head back on the car seat.

"Oh don't be such a fucking pussy Schindler. It will take alot more than hiding one of your many  bastrds from me to lose our friendship. I was pissed at you I will admit that but dear God man grow a pair. Its not the end of the world. Give it time, throw some money at the family, send the bitch abroad somewhere. Have the child sent to the country side. Do what ever it takes. You know I harbour no  I'll will to your actions. You are after all a man. A man who is best friend and always will be."  I say with a strong smile of encouragement.

He smiled at me amd patted my back. 

"I know that old friend. No matter what I get myself into you have always been there for me and I hope I am also there when you need me.' He said looking a little brighter.

I scoffed with sarcasm.

"Fuck me Schinsler you are there sorting out my problems when I don't even see a problem. You seem to come along g and jjst glide theough my personal issues like they are your own. I habe no say any more. But I am grateful for that. I don't hide anything from you Schindler, the last few months has been quite the evidence of that." I say a little cryptically incase the driver was listening in theough the shield divider.

Then he went silent and bowed his head into his hands. Something was wrong.

"Schindler ....are you OK? Was it something I said? " I whispered as I tapped his back.

As he looked up to me I saw the red rimmed eyes. He was upset bit it wasn't about me. And within an instant flash I relaised I had prattled on about US as friends, not the US he had ment. It was himself and Emilie.  He didn't need to tell me. I knew as soon as the first tear slipped out of his eye that Emilie and him had parted ways. 

I walked into the German Embassy like I owned this plalce with Schindler at my side in his uniform, both of us adorned with our prized meddles of various honours and credabilities of bravery and exeptional war causes. .There where many offices all in their uniforms too but I couldnt help both notice I had the most medles and I sneered at their small victories. One gentlemen in question had only two!

"Why would you bother coming to meet Herr Hitler himself with only two medles? Its a dam mockery to the man." I sneered to Schindler as he walked with grace in his usual relaxed style.

"Now now Amon you must remeber not everybody here is peacocking themselves . Be nice. For once this is not all about you. Its about EVERYBODY." He said with his party face smile.

I rolled my eyes.

" I need a drink." 

 I left chindler standing on his own as I made my way around the crowd of men pretending to be good enough to breathe my air and found a pretty maid carrying champagne and chocolate mints.

"Champagne Herr Commandare Goeth?." The sultry brunette said as she bowed elegantly with the tray in one hand. 

I smiled at her flirtatious style.

"Thank you Froline. I  don't belive we have officially  met. Yet you know who I am. I hope I do not disappoint you." I say with a pouted lip as I smirked at her blushing cheeks.

"Everybody who is anybody knows who you are Commander Goeth."

Hmmmm.... things where beginning to look up here. She was quite beautiful with curly dark hair pinned up in an elaboarte fashion wearing a straight fitted maids outfit that clung to her womanly curves. I even noticed her shoes with patentn leather and had a small heel to them.  She had a look of Helen about her, confident and strong. She was alot curvier than Helen and was more beautiful in the conventional sense whereas Helen was more striking and sharp, both ladies produced the same affect; my attention.

"What is your name Froline?" I say stepping a little closer as she bit her lip.

"Ellen, Ellen Hertz."

My God. I felt like I had step into some kind of parallel universe. 

"And what is it you do, Froline Hertz?"

" I am  a trained silver service waitress Commander Goeth. I am a Hotelier. I am employed at the Embassys Plaza Hotel. I have been choosen for my expertise and unique skills." She purred at me as her brown eyes dazzeld a hazel sparkle whereas my Helens brown eyes where smoudlering and depthless.

I laughed at her little tongue in cheeek joke. I admired her charm. She very much reminded me of what I was missing at home. It was quite surreal that I had come all the way across Germany to meet a doppelganger of my own maid and I relaised how much I missed the original Helen.

"Would you care for a chocolate mints  Herr Goeth, its quite dark and potent but I can imagine you handle that delicy well." Ellen responded looking me up and down with a sexy pout.

 "How could I say no?" I grinned back at her.

Just as I picked up the champagne and decided what shaped mint I would like I  noticed something. The doilys on the tray where stained with droplets of alcohol she had spilled whislt parading herself around and the chocolate mints that came with them where on straight plain napkins, not folded  into neat triangles the way Helen does. And the glass itself was a standard slim wine glass not a champagne flute that Helen would use for such a momentous occasion. And the worst bit yet, the fake champagne glass has finger prints on the stem.

"Is something wrong Herr Goeth?" Ellen asked with a narrowed expression.

I continued to hold the glass up and peered at its pitiful state.

"Tell me Froline Ellen, what is your position at the Hotel again?" I asked with a slight aggressive tone.

"I am a Hotelier Herr Goeth. " She reinstated with a firm tone of her own.

I placed the glass back on her tray in disgust. My Helen would be furious that this skank dared call herself a silver service Hotelier becuase I know I certainly was.

"Froline I have a maid work for me who is a five star trained Hotelier in Silver service and has unique hostesses skills and an amplitude of hostesses skills. Not only is that an insult to you but what makes it worse for you reciveing such a harsh comment from a man such as myself is thay the maid in question is also a Jew. If you are going to lie to me about your job profession at least try and make the effort to appear to know eeat you are doing." I say with a sneer as I look her up and down with annoynace.

Her face was a picture.

 " I have been employed by Herr Hitlers command Herr Goeth! My work is of the highest standards! How dare you speak to me like that, and comparing my work to those untouchables." She said with a raised voice which caught the attention of a few gentlemen, one being Schindler who narrowed his eyes at me. 

"What is unntouchable right now is that glass you present me. I hardly see anything you present me here as of the highest standards. However I am a man and I know the real reason you have been chosen to be here. You are a pretty young waitress who was clearly chosen for your cock sucking skills. But the way you have dribbled out the champagne all over those tatty doileys and the cheap presentation of those chocolate mints makes me think you are probably incapable of doing what you came for. I am not cheap. Nor do I accept sub standards services, by a Hotleir or by a whore." 

And with that I grinned at her horror stricken face and walked away.

"What the bloody Hell was all that about Amon?" Schindler said as he pulled me to the side.

"Oh her?! Well she tried to bull shit me she was in the same rank as my Helen, silver service my arse. She wouldnt know it even if Heeln smacked hwr in the face with a silver platter with frilly doileys and proper champagne flutes." I seethed shaling my head in Ellens dorection.

 "Have you gone mad?! She doesn't even know Helen! So what in God's name are you talking about Amon?!" He said pinching the underside of my arm so I looked at him.

"That whore told.me she was hired  for her expertise in high end hosting services by Herr Hitler himself and that she is skilled and trained in silver service. Apparently she is a Hotelier like my Helen.. Which she certainly isnt Schindler. If Helen saw the abomination that was on that tray she would faint dead away. The doileys where all stained and the napkins where cheap and folded incorrectly. AND there where finger prints on the glass. A small slim wine glass, not a champagne flute. . Helen has an eye for detail and knows how I like to be served. That whore just made a mockery of Helen and I ." I say with a snort of discontent.

Schindler just looked at me like I had pulled unicorns out of my arse.

" For the love of God Amon  keep your voice down. Helen isn't even here and you are already causing a scene. That waitress doesnt even know Helen! And even if she did so fucking what? She clearly only here for superficial benefits. Your obsession to liken everything back to Helen is disturbing. It's bad enough when  watching you with her at the Villa and in my  safe company but to start trying to defend her honour in a room full of Jew Haters is a death sentence. Keep ypur fucking mouth shut and slap on your party face.NOW." He whispered to me in a harsh no nonsense down.

I did as I was told and then decided it best to mingle with these half wits. I had no idea why the Great Herr Hitler had called in all of these so called elites. I was the highest ranking officer here.And was wearing the most meddles next to Schindler of clurse. Still I suppose its nice to honour the little folk too and make them feel awed iny presence. 

Naturally as I made myself open to social activities to my audience it didnt take more than a few seconds before I was being beckoned to join in  the folly. I was even quite bored after the first twenty minutes of chubby middle aged men shaking my hand prefusally to amour me with their grattitude and adoration. I knew I was famous in my own right. Having so many people tell me in abundance that I was massive influence to others as well as already having so many succesdful accomplishemtns across the military fields was rather tedious. . As if I didnt know my name drew fear into the hearts of men, caused women to orgasm at my name and young children to coward from me more than the monsters under their beds. 

If Iwas as polite and genteel like Schindler I  would have replied with similar anacdotes and friendly conversation but none of their introductions to me where worthy of remembering their names. At best what I  leanred within that short space of time was that I was practically as adored as Herr Hitler himself. And all admitted tome in some way that my presence had been awaited with apprehension and delight. One chap called Sergent Something of Nothing was nearly in tears as he shook my hand and told me that he had newspaper clippings and articles in a scrap book dedicated to my victories. I simply.smiled. I wasn't surprised. I was magnificent. But it is hard to feel anything other when yoy are a prized stud Alsation amongst mongrel pups. It was hardly a comptetion when I was already the winner. The only difference in my opinion between Herr Hitler and I was a small moustache. I wouldn't want to grow a moustache however becuase it would cover some of my face and it was far toochiselled and manly to have any facial hair to hide even a slither of it.

There was however a few petty and jealous men present who tried to surpass my achivement but they where all shut down with immense details from other gentlemen who flocked towards me when they relaised I was in their breathing vicinities. I felt like a Hollywood star. Only better because I was German. It is so tiring being me. Being constantly adored and feared at the same  time can take its toll on a man. 

Had I been in my usual surroundings I would have jibed and ripped into them all regardless of their flatterey and knowledge of me but I didnt. I was very well reserved and stood with a smart straight back and a soft smile upon my face. Though Schinsler continued his own smaller mingling every time I flickered my eyes up he was watching me like a Hawk, but he was grinning at me all the same. He can be such a rogue. 

As you can well imagine I was being jostled about like the favourite toy amongst the orphans and though I was being man handled and arsed licked  I put of my party face and mingled with the fradulate officers exchanging pleasant conversation about their own duties to Hitlers cause. None of them where worth the effort of my social skills and they where all certainly beneath my offical rankings professionally and personally. And another thing I noticed, besides myself and Schindler everybody was pushing fifty and if they weren't they looked like they where. One supposed Conoel admitted quite openly that his titles and honoured badges where presented becuase his father had money. He only held a rifle for tributes. But that wasn't the worst of it. They where all the same. Not one of them was battle worthy but  I kept mouth shut and my party face on I learned things. Alot of things. Besides there plain appearances and boring personalities and old money status they all had something in common. Working intellectual and mental strategies Tactical military strategies. Strategies they employed onto their soldiers that had made quite the impact for the War cause. Although it surprised me it wasn't anything that deflated my ego. I already had amazing strategies, first hand experience on a real battle field and I was the  one wearing the most medals for causes and victories I had won first hand. None of them had killed a man first hand , not one to one blood shed anyway.They had never heared the cries of pleading enemies as you crushed their windpipe with your bare hands or listened to the screams of fatally wounded men as they pleaded for their mother's. They had never looked into the eyes of a traitor as you blasted them with a shot gun. I had done all of this and so much more. But I kept my mouth shut with a polite smile as they spouted their death tolls for the English and a few other minor challenges but it was nothing to me. Infact it was child's play. Half of what I was being told I had done before my 21st Birthday. I had to suppresse a big yarn  for fear of it being a rude and disrespectful  which would deligate me to producing a social scandal.Even more so becuase Herr Hitler had personal chosen us all that where here for a reason so they must mean something to him . I had yet to find out as they continued to droned on about their little  pathetic attempts to try and impress me. Facially I looked intrigued  and engrossed by their triumph but in my mind I was laughing at them with hysteria.

 There was a nice highlight to the mingling though as a chap called Captin Fitzpaine had admitting to managing to shoot a few people down from his Aeroplane and that raised a few eyebrows . Not mine becuase personally I had killed so many there was a population shortage amongst the Jews who of course needed to be rid . Not to mention I had erradicated a f few other undesirables . Like a few blacks. A handful of gypsy's. The odd invalid. A scattering of elderly and infirm. Possibly a child or two but that was only to get a perfect shot to the people behind them. I am a perfect aim, not a hummaist remember. Killing children isn't any fun anyway. They are a poor.sport.to chose. And I instill that into my.own soldiers, unless the child.is using a weapon like a gun or throwing large stones at a Nazzi Comrade then my personal opinion is if they think they are mature enough to handle that kind of thing then  shoot them. It's war not a fucking nursery.

 Eventually I managed to slip away for a bathroom break though half the crowd followed me. I couldnt use the urinal becuase I had an audience of other men wanting to talk to me so I instead took myself into a cubicle, sat on the toilet seat and waited unti lI knew all had left so I coud have five minutes to myself. I lit a well deserved cigarette and jjst sat and enjoyed the silence until I heared the door open and another set of footsteps walking around.

"Herr Commander Goeth?" A man's voice queird out.

I grimaced at my name and stumped out my smoke in frustration. 

"I won't be a moment!" I called cheerily as I flushed the unused toilet and stepped out to the sinks and washed my hands comeplety ignoring the man who had called me.

"Ah so it is you then. I have been dying to catch you on your own Herr Goeth. You are quite the remarkable man. I haven't even had the chance to speak to you. You have quite the fan club. Theat doesn't suprise me though, you are what this War Cause needs. I have kept a close eye on your trail and I have to say I am extremely impressed.. " The voice stayed next to me in my blind spot. 

I didn't acknowledge this fanboy but I smiled looking down and rinsing my hands hopping they would get the hint to fuck off but he didnt. 

"You were my first call of demand. I had to start with the best of course. You seem the only one capable of understanding the importance of my assignments. And you have proven to be the only one that has done them all so seamlessly too. I have admired you for quite some time Herr Goeth." 

I shot my head up and looked.into the mirror at those words.

And there he was. The reason for my existence. The reason I am who I am. The earthly being I called God.

It was Herr Hitler himself!

He noticed my shock at the sudden and unexpected introduction and bowed his head to me with a smile. 

"Forgive me S.S Commander Amon Leopold Goeth, I am Herr Adolf  Hitler." He said with a genteel counterence.

Oh my God! Hitler  just bowed to me!!!!

"Herr Hitler." I whispered as I took his appearance in. 

He nodded his head and gestured down towards himself and gave me a toothy grin.

I came out of my awe stricken stance and threw myself into a bend  knee position and doffed my  cap to him then abruptly stood up and saluted him.

"Hail Herr Hitler!" I virtually shouted.

He smiled again.

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