It Is Better To Be In The Right Hand of The Devil Than In His Path Chapter 29

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Being off work with a sick note is just like being off school. It's fine and fun for a while but then you start missing your friends, your routine and everything you hated from having to do such tedious daily routines in the first place. I loved my.job and everything that came with it and the time so far had gone quite quickly. But recently I had started counting down the days. I was into my third week of my so called sickness and by God I was bored. How anybody ever wants to retire or leave their job is complete madness to me.I don't know why Schidler hasn't lost his mind, he fucks off out for the day but I would hardly call what je does real work. But at least the Camp was being looked after and from what I had been told all was well. The bastard.

The only thing I actually had in this house thay kept me from going insane was Helen. But there was only so much stalking I could do in such a limited capacity. Us Helen was actually busy doing things most of the time. I mean dont get me wrong I loved accidently on purpose spilling my coffee all overyself just so I could take off my shirt infront of her and flex my abs and arms but then she actually had to spend time scrubbing the stain out of it. Not that doing any of tjis got me a reaction but still I enjoyedd doing it for all the ten sexonds that it ever lasted. And then there was me deliberately crushing biscuits into the parlour rug just so I could call her in and watch her bend over as she brush them up. I imagined lifiting up her hidepus smock and pulling her panties to the side so I could fuck her sensless. . They where happy times but I felt guilty for making her work more than she needed to. The Villa was always clean and spotless but that was becuase Helen balrey stopped all day. Plus she was getting quite aware of my naughty habits and had started giving me extra napkins in the parlour and coasters for my coffee mug so it didn't 'slip' off the table. She could be such a spoil sport at times.

I did get the odd visit from fellow co workers but they where brief and formal and also very boring. The most exciting thing that happened was when Sergent Matthis came round for an afternoon coffee and he chocked on a carmel pine nut.I was so enthralled by the change in diversity I jjst sat and eatched him choke amd gasp for breakfast until Lance Corporal Garth punch his back so hard his face his the tabel and out popped the pine nut and his front tooth. The table cloth was covered in blood and had to be thrown away but it was a good conversation starter when Schindler came home that night.

I sat languidly in the front parlour feeling sorry for myself. I had already purposely broken a full cup of tea on the floor so I could watch Helen get on her knees and clean it whislt I rubbed arousal through my pants with a longing and passion I was still yet to sate. I had dragged out Ralph for a morning run but he couldn't be bothered with me and saunterd back into the house after twenty minutes. My life was turing into drying plaster. Where was the exitment? Where was the activity? Why was my little black book full of people and address and places to go yet there was nobody around ? Why wasnt I being entertained? Why wasnt Helen sucking my cock??? Where was everybody?I thought as I sipped a gin an orange. It wasnt even eleven o colock yet, I was turning into a lush but by my own right that's all I had to do.

But God was I sorry I had ever felt bored or lonely becuase God was listening and he liked to bestow his sense of humour upon me with his challenges, making me learn a lesson.Be careful what you wish for Amon. Why do I never listen?!

Not ten minutes after that there was a knock on the door.

"Its open Schindler!" I shouted as I lay in my vest and pant pajama pants with the newspaper trying to do the cryptic crossword.

"Well Herr Goeth, this isn't the way to greet two fine young ladies and their escort." A booming voice laughed in the hallway.

"Oh Papa don't tease him, he's been very sick!" A shrill womans voice simpered with a childish giggle.

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