Knowing Zayle

By Zu_Trancy

153 7 32

I'll tell you now. This is a tale of Heaven. Of ancient God's and history. Of lust, power and trickery. Of... More

2 •Murder
3 •Menstruation Cycle
4 •3 Ways
5 •If You Were Forgiven
6 •A Mood to Sell
7 •Between Positions
8 •A Big Black Branding Iron
9 •A History To Be First
10 •A God To Please
11 •The Lore of Olympus
12 •Fate Is What It Will Be
13 •Truthful Words
14 •Lovely Eyes
15 •A Different Viewpoint
16 •The Angels Confession
17 •Eradicate
18 •A Sweet Desert
19 •The Seventh First One
20 •Her Thanks and His Giving 🔥
21 •Content 🔥

1 •Have Some Fear

47 3 27
By Zu_Trancy


By the way guys, I swear it gets way better by the fifth chapter.

She didn't have any money.

A woman squinted her eyes at the pennies and dimes littered across a large, dark coffee table and let out a huge sigh.

"That's about 72 dollars in total.." She murmured, her voice tired yet smooth. Her hands pressed into her face.

But who the hell is going to accept change?

"This is quite the entertainment." A dark skinned woman chuckled. The woman at the table glared out of the corner of her eye at the chuckling woman and exclaimed with frustration.
"This is hopeless! At this rate, I might as well start dumpster diving for shit."

A noise of disgust came after the woman's comment and the sitting woman turned to her friend with pouted lips.

"Ew. What on Earth could you find in garbage bags, Rena." The woman crossed her fingers together as she straightened her posture. "You're a bit filthy, hm."

Rena hopped out of her seat with a grin and patted her friends shoulder. "There's a lot of stuff you can find in there nowadays."

"Such as?"

"A barely touched hoverboard." She challenged.

"Or a Let it Shine shirt with shit stains on the bottom."

Rena glanced down at her Let it Shine shirt and indeed found shit stains on it...

Well, not exactly shit stains.

More like chocolate...

"I got this from my cousin for your information and I meant things like that cake that you were so gladly going ham on." She scoffed as she crossed her arms.

She almost burst out laughing when she saw the woman's eyes bulge out of her skull as she stared down at her licked clean plate of chocolate cake.

"You.." Her voice wavered slightly.

Rena bit her lip as she stared at her friends face. Her glossed lips were trembling, pulled in a grimace as her eyes were wide with horror. Straight strands of her hair brushed past her arched eyebrows.

"Stop acting extra, Roy. I wouldn't actually serve you came from the trash."


Roy took in a breath and swiveled out of her seat, her face glowering with the word embarrassment.

"Fuck you." She hissed and stomped down the living rooms hallway. She stood right at the front door and whirled around with a lingering look before flipping Rena off and slamming her door closed.

She snickered and locked the door behind her with a lazy grin.

Maybe I should actually go look for some cake and give it to her?

She nodded excessively as she bounded over to her flip flops with a giddy expression.

Out of nowhere, the sky darkened and her entire living room looked like the shadow realm for a moment before her windows shattered with a thundering crash.

Glass flew everywhere, and her table with coins flipped over and scattered the change, eliciting a gasping screech from the woman.


Her sentence was cut off as something heavy landed on her back, and she dropped like a dead weight onto the hard wood floor, cursing loudly as small shards of chipped glass bit into her thin skin.

She whimpered as she tried pushing herself up, only to have the glass press harder into her flesh.

She tried a few more times, carefully, but began to feel herself gasp heavily because her chest was smashed on the floor.

"What the hell-"
A soft cry left her as her nipple brushed against the edge of sharp glass. "My titties hurt and I-I don't even know if that was an earthquake or some sh-shit and my money! My rent money just flew across the room for fucks sake, get the hell off me!"

I guess ATMs don't exist.

She cringed as she sniffled, hearing the cracks in her voice and begin to shriek as she felt whatever the hell it was on her back move.

And then a hand shot out and shut her mouth.


I'm still so young, I can't die like this.

She sobbed.

Such an ugly sight.

Fat globs of tears ran down her cheeks, making ugly highlight marks on her face and snot ran down her nose and onto her attackers hand.

It's a good thing it's clear and not yellow but what difference does that make?

She chomped down on three fingers with a muffled, disgusting groan and crawled from under the heavy object, wincing as she gently felt at her breasts.

"Fucking stupid.."

She trailed off quietly as she rolled onto her back and made eye contact with boring, dark eyes. It felt as if she couldn't breathe as she just stared at the male hovering over her with the same expression she had adorning his oddly ghostly features.

"State your purpose." He snarled suddenly, and she stared at him for a moment.


Her purpose?

"I think you should b-be stating your purpose as you're the one who broke into my house." She stuttered, immediately wishing she kept her mouth shut.

He flinched, as if she'd struck him and he glanced around him, as if now acknowledging his surroundings and tilted his head.

"This isn't my destination.." He murmured while looking down at her and she suddenly jolted up, knocking foreheads with him.

A pitiful wailing sound left her cracked lips as she held her forehead. Once more, fat ugly tears prick out of her eyes and she sobbed ugly with clenched teeth.

She could have sworn there was a cracking noise...

"Silence, human!"

She flinched.

"How do you expect me to stay quiet when I just fucking knocked my head against that big ass forehead of yours!"
Maybe she should just duct tape her mouth closed.

He groaned and massaged his own forehead with clenched eyes and immediately, her body scrambled up and ran down a hallway to her room.


She stumbled.

A fallen picture was the reason why she high-fived the door with a loud smack.

"FUCK THIS, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOUR MOM, FUCK LIFE!" Her words were directed towards the poor wood. Her face was sticky, with sweat and now dripping blood, and her face contorted as she gripped the door knob and tried to force her way in.

"Do not try to resist, at the moment at least, mortal." She nearly screamed as the voice sounded right behind her.

And then, his hand held her mouth again, filling her stomach with annoyance and fear.

She chomped down on the hand again, which quickly resulted in her body being flipped and slammed into the wall behind her.

Next time someone slams me against something, I'm going to kindly slam their face into a meat grinder.

"Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck--" His hand slid down to her throat. Gently, as if warning her to quit talking.

"Shut your lowly mouth and answer my questions carefully." He rumbled.

Her eye twitched, and she felt her throat bob as she swallowed her words back down her throat.

"Where am I?"

"My house."

"Where exactly?"

"In front of my room."

She could have sworn she heard a tooth crack as his frown became etched into his face, and he lowered his eyelids as his face morphed into one of annoyance.

"Huckleberry neighborhood, sir.." The words spilled out of her mouth damn near instantly, and her gaze fell down to his gray robe. She then noticed his long, black hair and compared to her own short, curly brown hair before fighting the urge to roll her eyes.


"What is this land called?"


"Erm.. define what you mean, please..?" She said nervously. He sighed before turning her face from side to side, as if examining her.

"How incompetent can you be?" He hissed.

Her fist rose and she quickly let it fall back to her side.

Who is he calling calling incompetent when he's the one who supermanned his way through my window to kidnap me?

She gritted her teeth and looked up at the man with a strained expression.

"Hlet go of mahy face." Her tone was even, steady. Not at all letting her feelings slip through.

He stared, his eyes flickering down to her squished cheeks before gently removing his hand.
"As you wish, mortal."

Her eyes slightly widened at his politeness and she carefully caressed my face. Maybe he wasn't as bad as he seemed-

He hurriedly wiped the hand that held her face on his robe aggressively, as if it were contaminated and it took everything in her not to get a brick and bash it in his foul neck looking head ass.

"Since I'm so incompetent, go kidnap someone else, I'm sure I wouldn't be worth half as much as this piece of junk you have around your body." She said boldly and picked at the cloth.

The man had a look of disdain on his face as he stared at where her hand was before flapping the garment in her face and spinning around.

Hope rose in her before he decided to open his mouth and speak.

"Yes, you wouldn't cost nearly a quarter of what this had cost. And as for kidnapping you, I wouldn't do such a horrid thing, and especially to a weak mortal as yourself but even so, I cannot leave this.. tiny space you call home." He said before strolling over to her flipped couch and easily setting back into its original position.

Damned crazy monster strength, imagine I didn't convince him to not kill-kidnap me? God DAMN, straight up death for me-

"Hey! What are you doing?!" She suddenly yelled. "And are you saying I'm worthless or something?!"

He rolled his eyes and settled onto the couch with a contented expression.

"Getting comfortable, and no, I'm not. I'm saying you're not nearly as.. rich in quality as this robe." He said with a sigh.

Well, excuse me.

"Today's just horrible isn't it?!" She yelled.

"My days been great so far.. until I came here." He grimaced at the last part as he leaned back on the cushion.

"I didn't ask how your day was, you fucking dick. And I don't even know why you're still here after you fucking broke my window! Do you know how much that's gonna cost me?"

She was getting quite jumpy, bouncing on her heels as she shook her mass of thick curls.


The man stared at her with a blank expression before leaning forward with both of his elbows on his knees and reached inside of his robe.

Out came a white stick which he placed in his mouth and waved at it before suddenly the bottom produced smoke as if it had been lit and then he slowly slid his eyes to where she stood.

Rena stood there in the same spot, her chest heaving as he just continued to stare at with his wannabe lighter in his mouth before slowly taking it out and exhaling.

His face randomly changed into an annoyed expression as he looked her dead in the eyes.

"I have never, met a woman who expresses themselves with such vulgar language as you do." Each word had sounded offended and flabbergasted, and she scoffed before turning fully towards him.

"And I have never met such an arrogant, stupid, retarded man in my entire 29 years of living. Like, where have you been at?! People all over the world use all types of words to express themselves, you stupid n-!"

He stood up abruptly with a look that seemed to say I'm-damn-near-fed-up-with-this-shit, but that may not have be the case.

"Gods, why did I have to teleport to this mortal, of all beings." He sighed loudly with his hands running down his face.

"Well then teleport your geeky ass back to where you came from, no one asked for you to be here, the hell! And that explains all that weird shit you've been doing, you magic freak." She scowled.


"And don't even get me on the fact that you're breaking and entering my house you fucking gangster! You fucking destroyed my window, do you see that?!" Her tone was long, exasperated as she pointed at the glass decorating the floor.

"Again with the window, will you ever hush up about that?! It's not that hard to replace!" He exclaimed breathily.

"Yes it is, dip shit, do you fucking know how much that cost?!"

"It can't possibly be that much with how tiny this place is!"

"What the hell is you trying to say?!"

"Again, with the vulgar language, how much could it possibly amount to, hm?!"

"Sixty-nine dollars! And you're gonna pay for it too!"
And now you're pushing it Rena.

He scoffed and looked at her with a bewildered, yet cocky expression. "Over my dead body, will I."

"Oh yes the fuck you will, look at the mess you've made, you dumbass! It looks like Thanos came over and had a damned frat party!" She screamed.

"Gods above, FINE! In return, you will, answer my questions if you wish for me to spare your puny mortal life." He scowled as he narrowed his eyes.

"You fucking conman! You act like you from another planet or something, and how the hell is that fair? You pay for my shit and then kill me if I answer one of your goddamn questions wrong!"

"Then I'll merely, mess you up to the point that you will wish, I'd killed you. How does that sound-"

She pounced on him and they both crashed to the floor, her hands tangled in his long locks. "IT SOUNDS RATHER HORRIBLE, SO I'D RATHER FUCK YOU-" She paused and glanced up as something shifted from her window, unease settling in her gut for a moment.

Then she flinched as she realized how she stopped her sentence. "I didn't mean it like that- I meant I'd rather fuck you up-"

She was immediately flipped over.

His expression was enough to made a cold shudder run down her body as he gazed at her with a tilted head.

"You worthless mortal, you seem to forget who broke into this pathetic place you call

Yes sir, I did, I apologize, I didn't mean no harm.

He narrowed his eyes and swiftly drifted away, making her blink with confusion. Vigorously, she coughed, turning her head to the side to avoid his piercing eyes.

"Now, you listen to me or you'll meet your resting area sooner than you'd wish. Understood?"

She nodded excessively, and he completely turned away, settling back onto her couch as his robes sprawled all over the thick furniture.

To think she was hollering at this man like a madwoman?

She must have a few loose screws or so.

•••• •••• ••••

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