* Discontinued series* The un...

By Redlife123z

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This is a sequel for my kindergarten fanfic series. Y/N Pov side After the events at Kid school. You and Jasp... More

Ch 1 Kindergarten hero
Ch 2 Mall
Ch 3 Airport
Ch 4 Hotel
Ch 6 Breakfast
Ch 7 A dear friend
Ch 8 Arguments
Ch 9 Test
Ch 10 First day
Ch 11 Moping up some evidence
Ch 12 Punishment room
Ch 13 The start of progress
Ch 14 Hot chocolate or Hot cocoa
Ch 15 Obedience
Ch 16 Guity
Ch 17 Fire ants
Ch 18 Mom meet
Ch 19 Truth or Dare
Ch 20 Diana
Ch 21 The teach off
Ch 22 Nightmares and Dreams
Ch 23 Breaking rules
Ch 24 Movie date
Ch 25 Under the moonlight
ch 26 The hack to success
Ch 27 Helpful Articles
Ch 28 Operation New Share
Ch 29 Is it worth it?
Ch 30 The secret cover
Ch 31 R.A.I.N
Ch 32 The conference
Ch 33 Santa gift
Ch 34 The court session
Ch 35 Will they accept?
Ch 36 Starting a new journey
I writing a third story
Update/ Roxy

Ch 5 Carla messaged

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By Redlife123z

Y/N Pov
I couldn't believe it. How could this daycare be worse then Kid old school? " You might wanted to get a pen and paper for this" said Carla. Kid fetched a pen and paper and joined us. Carla sighed and started. " Do my daycare might seen like a normal daycare must like how most people saw are old school. It is far from that. And is even worse then all the staff at are school combine." " You got to be kidding me" said Kid. " Wish I was, but unlike the old staff. These guys actually have a brain." " A brain?"

" This place, is the only public schooling available. So unless you plan to send your kids to private, or drive three hours. This place is your only option. And plus, before the place turned to what it is now. It used to be a wonderfully and loved daycare. So it has a good history with the community." " Ok, but how is it worse then my last two schools. I mean, that's a pretty hard bar to beat." " Two words, children workers." " Children work," We all said?

" This is the part your going to wanted to start writing. There are four women in charge of the place: Ms Isabella, Ms Emily, Ms Lisa, and Ms Vaellope." " Wait, that all first names, not last names" I called. " We're only allowed to called them by there first name, and only there last names if we're with a adult. Speaking of names, they don't call us by are first names. Instead they call us by are middle name." " Why middle name?" " So that way, went they do call us by are name. We know we're in big trouble." " Oh."

" There are also many types of roles. Which are assigned by random for the day. Right now there are four jobs, but if they add in a new staff member. A new role is added, which right now are: cooking, cleaning, acting, and make up. Each staff member is in charge of each role." " What the staff like" said Jasper. " There are very cruel and strict. One small thing can trick them off. But they also have there only personality. Which is why I need your help. I was originally going to go solo with the help of my friends. But some help would be nice."

" How come no one has found out about this" I said. " All the kids here already tried to tell someone. But no one would listen, even after what happened at our last school." Kid cross his arm. His lips were puff as he frown. He kind of remind me of Donald Duck. " You have got to be kidding. Your telling me, after all of that. No one believes us still. That just f***ing stupid" he yelled. I took his hand and gave it a little slap. " Ow." " What have I told you about cueing." " Ok, I sorry."

Carla gave a giggle and Kid puff. Once she stop giggling. She continued on, " So are you guys in or what?!" " Absolutely we will." " Woah woah woah, there Adam. There is no way I letting you. You haven't even recovered yet. And now you wanted to get back out there." " But mom, we have too. I need to help Carla. And you two are the only adults that can help. We can't just sit here." " Look I want to help as much as you do. But that battle at your school wasn't too long ago. You sure you can handle it. I don't want you to get hurt again like that so soon."

Jasper Pov
Being in the middle, I grab on to Y/N hand. And warp my arm around Adam. " Please mom, I have to. Carla needs my help. We can't let those kids stuffer. Please mom, I beg you. Please let me help." Carla interrupt us. " You know, my daycare also offers a tutoring program. Which follows the same schedule as the daycare. And they just so happen to lose there last tutor. So maybe?" Adam gasped, and run to Y/N. " Oh you have to let me join now. If you get that job, you'll be near by me. There no way you can possibly say no to that." " I also heard the pay is pretty hight there." " I don't know kids. I would love to join, and it seems like a nice idea, but-" " But, what" They called?

Y/N looked me, and I could tell what she was thinking. " Can we even afford to? Daycares are pretty expensive" I said, as Y/N nodded her head. " They can't be that expensive" said Adam, he began to search on his iPad. " I mean, how expensive can they be.... be .... be." " What the matter buddy?" " 9,876 dollars! That the average pay for daycare in this state. With a pay like that. There no way I could get in." He flop back on the bed. " Well there is a anyway you can get in Kid. That doesn't include pay" said Carla.

" There is, how?" " Well once a month, they have this test. If a child is able to pass with a 89% or higher. There family won't have to pay for a full month, or it till the next test. But they fail the next test or any test. There family will have to go down the payment path. You also only get one chance. As they keep changing the test. The test is also said to be at the level of middle schoolers. So good luck trying to pass. Here, they called that the scholar rotate." I glance over at Kid. He crossed his arms as he seat there in silence. He looked at us, then at Carla. " I do it."

Kid Pov
" Great, now the next test will be this Tuesday-" " Carla sweethearts, time for dinner." " Coming mom." She face us back again. " Talk to you later Kid" as she end the meet.

" I can't believe we haven't even been in here for 24 hours. And are vacation is already over like that" said Mom as she snap her fingers. " Well I should get ready for that test. Even on break, I still doing school work" I complain. " I sure probably start getting ready for that interview as well." " I hate to interrupt you two. But I believe you two are forgetting something" said Jasper. " Oh right, I completely forgot about dinner."

A/N Hey guys, I wish you guys a happy holidays. But if you don't celebrate a holiday. I wish you a happy winter. The next chapter will be next Thursday. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Bye

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