
By DisasterChild20

29.7K 489 17

Amity Mikaelson, the youngest Mikaelson and Rebekah's Superfecundation twin. More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Two

415 7 1
By DisasterChild20

Amity downs her drink and pours herself another one "Amity, you sure you don't want me to get Alec to bring Nico back today?" Magnus asks. "If he comes back today I have to tell him about Nik. I...I can't do that. Not yet." Amity responds. Magnus nods and kisses her head "Okay, I'll be in my room if you need me." he tells her. Amity nods and sits in a chair near the window, watching the clouds go by "Never thought I'd see a vampire watching the day go by." Jace remarks, walking into the penthouse with Alec. "Really Jace?" Alec asks. "What?" Jace shrugs. Alec shakes his head and goes over to Amity "Nico is with Izzy at the Institute, he's fine. Just take some time for yourself and I'll bring him home when you're ready." he tells her. "Thanks Alec, you're a good friend." Amity half smiles. "You're family to Magnus, meaning you're family to me." Alec responds, squeezing her shoulder gently before leaving her.

Just then there's a knock on the door making Magnus walk out his room and to the door "Amity's going to kill you." he says, letting Klaus into the penthouse "Pumpkin, it's for you. Try not to break too much of my stuff." Magnus tells Amity. Looking up, Amity sees Klaus making her get up "You absolute arse! I thought you were dead! I was bloody mourning you! You let me think you were dead!" she shouts hitting Klaus and making him land on the coffee table, breaking it. "I know and I'm sorry but Alaric had to think I was dead, I got Bonnie to swap me into Tyler's body to ensure her friends didn't die. I'm sorry I didn't tell you." Klaus apologises, getting up. Amity let's out a sob and runs into Klaus' arms, Klaus immediately wrapping them round her "I love you stórr bróðir (big brother in Old Norse)." Amity tells him, her voice slightly muffled by his chest. "And I you lottle systir (little sister in Old Norse)." Klaus responds, kissing her head. "You finished breaking my stuff?" Magnus asks from the other room, making Amity let out a watery laugh.

Magnus, Alec and Jace walk in the room "I liked that table." Magnus frowns slightly, seeing the broken table. "Nik will get you a new one." Amity tells him. "Why me? You're the one who broke it." Klaus points out. "Because of you." Amity points out. "Fine." Klaus groans with an eye roll. "You able to afford a new one? I thought it was from the 16th century." Jace asks. "Trust me, we could afford as many of those as we wanted." Amity responds, grabbing a blood bag from the mini fridge in her room. "It's safe to come back home now." Klaus tells her. "It is?" she asks. "The stakes are gone, the only one left is the one in our family's possession." Klaus explains. Amity nods "I can go get Nico from the institute for you." Alec tells her. "Would you two and Izzy like to come with us?" Amity asks. "They can't just up and leave the institute." Jace cuts in. "I've actually already spoken to my mother about making a small institute in Mystic Falls because of the amount of supernaturals there." Alec tells them. "You have?" Jace asks. "Yes." Alec responds. "What about me and Clary?" Jace asks him. "You can come with us too." Alec tells him. "Fair warning, you'll have to deal with the Scooby Gang." Amity pipes up. "Who?" Jace asks. "Long story, explain on our way there." Amity tells him. "I could literally make a portal there." Magnus points out. "We need to make sure to get the cars back too." Amity tells him. "I can portal them there before we head off ourselves." Magnus responds. "Okay, so pack and leave tomorrow?" Alec asks. "Sounds like a plan. We also need to see if Raphael wants to come too." Amity says. "I'll send him a fire message, get him to come here tonight." Magnus tells her.

That night, Raphael arrives "What's going on?" he asks, seeing everyone. "First, I wanted to give you this. Second, do you want to come with us to Mystic Falls?" Amity asks, passing Raphael a daylight ring. "I'll come on one condition." Raphael tells her, putting the ring on. "What?" Jace asks. "I'm not rooming with anyone." Raphael responds. Amity laughs, Klaus resting his arm on her shoulder "I'm sure we can give you your own room." Klaus tells him. "Okay, when we leaving?" Raphael asks. "Tomorrow morning. If you get here by about ten." Amity responds. "I'll go pack then." he nods, leaving. "I can't believe we're taking a vampire with us." Jace says. "There's three part vampires in here right now mate." Klaus tells him. Amity sighs and shakes her head "I'm going to go check on Nico." she tells them, walking to her's and Nico's room. Walking in she finds Nico asleep with Fenrir curled up next to him, smiling she kisses his head before waking back out to the others "He alright?" Klaus asks. "Yeah, he's asleep with Fenrir next to him." Amity nods with a smile.

Later, Amity sits down next to Klaus and rests her head on his shoulder "Right, I have everything packed. Alec is at the institute packing everything up there, Isabelle is helping him with Jace and Clary." Magnus says, walking in and handing the Mikaelson's a glass of alcohol each. "I've packed all my stuff up, aswell as Nico's." Amity nods, taking a drink from her glass. "I also had the idea that I could just portal the whole penthouse to Mystic Falls, make it easier than portalling everything separately." Magnus tells them. "It'd make sense, you could do it so it's on top of the mansion." Klaus nods. "Sounds good." Amity smiles as Magnus nods in agreement.

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