Chapter Four

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Amity sits bored as she waits for Klaus to turn up so they can start the ritual, she watches as Greta creates a circle of fire round Elena. Greta makes Jenna feed, ensuring she completes her transition to a vampire. She then smiles as she hears Jules, the werewolf, screaming in pain as Greta slows her transformation. Standing up Amity walks over and helps Greta throw Jules on the ground "What's happening to me?" Jules asks. "I cast a spell to slow down your transformation. Your insides are trying to tear themselves free." Greta explains before she creates a third circle of fire around Jules. "Greta, witches are supposed to maintain the balance in nature. It's your duty to them to keep this curse sealed." Elena tells the witch. "My duty is to Klaus and Amity! The new order!" Greta retorts. Klaus arrives behind Amity, throwing an arm round her shoulders "Glad to know we both still have a dance partner." he smiles before looking at Elena, Jenna and Jules. "Hello, my lovelies. Are we ready?" he asks making Amity giggle and lean into him.

They move up to the altar and Klaus gives the moonstone to Greta "We've spent 500 years looking for this. We hate to part with it." he says. "The moon has passed its apex. Remember everything you need to do?" Greta asks the siblings. "We remember." Klaus says as Amity nods with a smile. Greta throws the moonstone in bowl, destroying it. Klaus looks at Jules and leads Amity over to her "Shall we?" he asks. The circle of fire disappears around Jules and her transformation. She decides to try and run but Amity grabs her giving Klaus a chance to rip her heart out. Together they walk back over to Greta where Klaus hold Jules' heart above the bowl so the blood pours in the bowl. "Tell me it's working." he tells Greta. "It's working." she confirms. Amity smiles "Vampire next?" she asks excitedly. Klaus smiles at his baby sister "Vampire next." he nods. "Hello, Jenna." Klaus greets as they head over. "Let her go. I understand that I have to die, but she doesn't!" Elena begs getting closer to the fire, making her step back. "Careful." Amity smiles. "Elena, don't." Jenna tells her niece. "No, Jenna! We can't leave Jeremy without a family. I followed your rules; I did everything that you asked. I didn't run. Please!" Elena begs the siblings. "Well, well. I don't recall you being on the guest list." Amity says turning slightly to see Stefan. Elena and Jenna raise their heads to see him at the top of the cliff. "I'm here to talk." Stefan tells the siblings. "Very well, then ." Klaus says before he and Amity speed to the top of the cliff.

"What can we do for you, Mr. Salvatore?" Amity asks with a smile. "You don't need to kill Jenna. I'll take her place." Stefan bargains. "Oh, I don't know. I rather appreciate the symmetry of three women- Three goddesses- Sacrificed at nature's altar." Klaus smiles making Amity nod in agreement. "Don't play games with me. You'll get what you want." Stefan glares. "You're quite the hero, aren't you? We've heard that about you." Amity tells him. "Just make the trade. Me for Jenna." Stefan asks. "Follow us then." Amity says before linking arms with Klaus and walking down the cliff with them. "Quite the predicament. You know, it's funny, All this talk about preserving family, and here's Stefan, Granting your wish." Klaus says as they reach the women. "Stefan..." Elena starts. "It's okay." Stefan tells her. "Well. Who's it going to be, Elena?" Amity asks already knowing what Klaus has planned. "No." Elena shakes her head. "Oh, don't worry. There's actually no choice" Klaus says as he stakes Stefan in the back. "No! Stefan! No!" Elena exclaims. "I have other plans for your boyfriend. I want him alive. But for now..." Klaus says before punching Stefan, making him fall to the floor. "Whenever you're ready, Greta." Amity calls over to the witch. The circle of fire around Jenna disappears "Your turn." Klaus says looking at Jenna. "No, Jenna, no!" Elena cries making Jenna look at her. "It's alright, Elena. I know what I have to do." she says before rushing over Greta and biting her neck. Klaus stops her letting Amity stake her, making her fall to the floor. Elena cries as Jenna looks at her "Just turn it off. Jenna. Turn it off. You won't be scared anymore." Elena tells her aunt. Klaus stakes Jenna killing her making Elena cry even more "No! Jenna! No! Jenna! No!" she sobs as Stefan wakes up with piece of stake still in his back.

Klaus send Amity walk over to Elena "It's time." Klaus tells her as the circle of fire disappears. He holds his hand out to Elena but she doesn't take it, walking over to the altar alone. Amity shrugs and follows her with Klaus by her side. "Thank you, Elena." Klaus says. "Go to hell." she glares. Amity grabs her wrist and starts drinking from her as Klaus goes for her neck. They soon release her making her fall to the ground dead "I can feel it. It's happening. Yes, yes!" Klaus grins as both he and Amity start to transform. The transformation begins. Suddenly they are both on the floor as Damon kills Greta, looking up Amity glares as she spots Bonnie "You were dead!" she exclaims in pain. Bonnie uses her powers and makes both of them suffer even more, both of them screaming as she does so. As Bonnie stops Elijah arrives and stands in front of them. "Elijah?" they both ask confused. "Hello, brother, sister." Elijah says as he puts his arm on Klaus' chest. "In the name of our family, Nicklaus..." Elijah starts. "He didn't bury them at sea! Their bodies are safe. If you kill him, you'll never find them." Amity shouts to her noble brother. "Elijah! Don't listen to them!" Stefan shouts from where he and Bonnie are stood. "I can take you to them. I give you my word... Brother." Klaus tells Elijah. "Do it and I'll take you all out." Bonnie threatens. "You'll die." Elijah tells her. "I don't care." she responds. "I'm sorry." Elijah apologises before grabbing his siblings and running off with them.

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