Chapter Seventeen

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Amity finishes getting Nico dressed before taking him downstairs "Morning Sister Dear

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Amity finishes getting Nico dressed before taking him downstairs "Morning Sister Dear." Klaus greets as she walks into the living room. "Morning Brother." Amity expounds. "Unca Nik!" Nico smiles, waving. Klaus smiles and grabs his nephew from his sister's arms "Hey Pup, what you up to today?" he asks. "Mummy taking me Gwill for lunch." Nico responds. "She is, that sound fun." Klaus tells his nephew, ruffling his hair. Nico giggles and takes his skippy cup from Amity, Kol walks in and joins them all by stretching out on the sofa as Klaus starts reading quietly to Nico. Just then Rebekah tries to sneak back into the mansion "Well, well, well, there's our girl!" Kol grins, speeding over to stand in front of Rebekah to block her path. "Get out of my way, Kol." Rebekah tells him. "Out all night. What a scandal! I trust you did better than that commoner? Matt, was it?" Kol asks. "If you don't shut your mouth, the next thing to come out of it will be your teeth." Rebekah warns. Klaus smiles as Amity rolls her eyes "Don't start, Nik!" Rebekah tells him. "I didn't say anything." Klaus defends. "I'm bored. Our sister is a strumpet, but at least she's having fun. I need entertainment." Kol complains. "What are you waiting for? Go on, have at it." Klaus shrugs, Amity taking Nico back and kissing his head. "It's not fun to go alone. Join me, Nik! It's the least you can do after sticking a dagger in my heart." Kol tells him. "Okay. Why not? I didn't have nearly enough to drink last night, what with you trying to murder Rebekah's date." Klaus agrees. "Yes, please go, this house has enough men rolling around it in." Rebekah tells them as they go to leave. "Just like you, Bekah." Amity grins, joining he brothers. Rebekah throws her shoe at them "Good riddance, all three of you!" she exclaims.

Smiling Amity carries Nico into the Grill, following Klaus and Kol " think the killer's a...a vampire?" they hear Alaric asks his girlfriend Meredith. "There are no other suspects. It's the obvious conclusion." Meredith responds. "Oh come on now. Let's not go blaming the new family in town just because you lot have got yourselves a killer at large. Don't mind us. My brother and I are just here to let off some steam, right Kol?" Klaus says, looking at Kol. "Right." Kol nods, eyeing Meredith. "What about your sister?" Alaric asks. "I'm just spending time with my son." Amity responds, carrying Nico away with Klaus and Kol following. Soon enough Caroline walks in "I remember her from last night. She looks like a tasty little thing." Kol says, pointing her. "Say another word and I'll tear out your liver." Klaus warns. Amity smirks as she and Kol share a look "Caroline!" Klaus smiles as Caroline walks in their direction. "Oh, it's you." she says, not looking too happy to see him. "Join us for a drink?" Klaus asks. "Mmm, I'd rather die of thirst. But thanks." Caroline efforts before walking off. "Isn't she stunning?" Klaus asks his siblings. "She certainly looks good." Amity starts. "Walking away from you." Kol finishes. "I'll take that as a challenge." Klaus tells them, putting his drink down and following her. Amity rolls her eyes "Always with the blondes." she sighs. "Mummy, need pee pee." Nico tells her. "Okay baby." Amity smiles picking him up and carrying him to the bathroom.

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