Chapter Twenty-Three

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Amity smiles as she and Isabelle watch Nico play with Fenrir "He loves Fenrir

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Amity smiles as she and Isabelle watch Nico play with Fenrir "He loves Fenrir." Isabelle smiles. "He's never had an animal before, the fact that Fenrir is his familiar is a bonus." Amity responds. "We're all ready to explore the town." Alec says, walking over with Magnus. "Nico, come here baby. We're ready to go out now." Amity tells her son. Nico jumps up and runs over with Fenrir on his heels "We go grill?" he asks. "Yeah, we can go to the Grill. How about we go there for lunch?" Amity smiles, picking him up. "Yeah!" Nico grins. "I'm stealing him." Isabelle smiles, taking Nico into her arms and walking towards the front door. Amity laughs as Nico waves at her, following after them to the car outside "I'll drive." she tells them, climbing into the drivers seat.

They soon reach the Grill, walking in together and sitting at one of the large booths "What are you doing here?" Elena asks, seeing her. "I'm having lunch with my son and friends." Amity responds. "You have friends?" Elena questions, crossing her arms. "You're right, we're more like family. Now if you don't mind, were trying to decide what we want to eat." Magnus tells her. Elena rolls her eyes and walks off, Amity sitting next to Magnus with Nico in a high chair the other side of her "Who was that?" Isabelle asks. "Elena Gilbert, resident vampire doppelgänger. Thinks that everyone needs to protect her from the big bad Mikaelson family." Amity responds. Magnus chuckles "I mean, you family are know for their... power." he tells her. "By that you mean Klaus is a paranoid egomaniac." Amity grins. "Don't let him hear that." Rebekah smirks. "Bekah!" Amity smiles, jumping up and hugging her twin. "Amity!" Rebekah smiles, hugging her back. "Auntie Bekah!" Nico grins. "Hey buddy, you been good for mummy?" Rebekah asks. "Mhm, I been good." Nico smiles. "Good." Rebekah smiles, kissing his head. "Rebekah Mikaelson." Magnus smiles, standing up. "Magnus Bane." Rebekah smiles, hugging him.

"Guys this is my twin, Rebekah. Bekah, this is Alec, Magnus' partner. Isabelle, Alec's sister. Jace, Alec's parabati. You remember Raphael, my protégé. Clary, Jace's girlfriend. Simon, Clary's best friend. Finally, Fenrir, Nico's familiar." Amity smiles. Rebekah smiles "Where did you get those shoes? They're gorgeous!" Isabelle smiles. "A small boutique nearby, I'll have to take you at some point." Rebekah smiles. "Told you." Amity grins, looking at Alec. "I know." Alec tells her, handing her a fifty note. "What's that about?" Clary asks. "I made a bet with Alec, telling him that the first thing Bekah and Izzy would talk about would be clothes, shoes or shopping." Amity smiles. "Never make a bet against Amity." Raphael tells them. "I'm getting that now." Alec nods. "You want to join us for lunch Bekah?" Amity asks. "I'll take you up on that if you're buying." Rebekah smiles. "Fine." Amity tells her, rolling her eyes playfully. "Thank you sister dear." Rebkeha smiles, taking a seat between Nico and Raphael.

After lunch Rebekah heads back to her new place for a party she's holding, Amity looking at her phone to see a missed call from Klaus "You alright to head back with Nico? I have a missed call from Nik." she asks Magnus and Alec. "Go, we can keep an eye on him." Alec tells her. Amity smiles and kisses Nico's head "Be good for Magnus and Alec, okay?" she tells him. "Otay mummy." he smiles. Amity nods and kisses Magnus' cheek, followed by Alec's, before walking out of the Grill "Nik, what's wrong?" she asks, calling him. "There's a hunter in town, fancy joining Damon and I in finding out what he wants?" Klaus asks. Amity smiles "Where shall I meet you?" she asks. "Hospital." Klaus responds. "Be there momentarily." Amity tells him, speeding in the direction of the hospital.

Walking in, she follows Klaus' sent to a storage room "What do we have here?" she smiles seeing the hunter with an arrow in his side, which is connected to a bomb. "Sister." Klaus smiles as she leans into his side. "Keep it up, buddy. We'll be scraping you off the ceiling." Damon tells the hunter, who is trying to pull the arrow out. "You three are gonna kill me anyway." the hunter retorts. "Well, let's not be too hasty. I feel like we're just getting to know each other!" Klaus smirks. "Let's start with the basics. Where are you from? What do you know? Maybe you can cue me in on this 'greater evil', because I've fought this guy and there's nothing more evil than that." Damon says, motioning to Klaus and handing him a letter from Pastor Young wrote to his daughter April. "Yeah, truth be told, I'm as evil as it gets." Klaus smirks. "I'm not telling you anything. And if you think if you kill me, it's gonna be over, there's another waiting to take my place." the man tells them. "See, this is what I like to hear; vague threats, ominous prophecies, disappearing tattoos." Damon says. Amity and Klaus immediately stop smirking "What do you mean, tattoos?" Amity asks. "Don't bother, you can't see the damn thing." Damon tells them. Klaus kneels down next to the hunter "There's more to you than meets the eye, isn't there?" he asks.

The hunter attempts to stake Klaus, but Klaus is too fast and catches his arm "Nice try, but I'm faster than your average vampire." he tells him. Amity grabs the stake and looks at the mark carved into the wood "You're one of the Five." she says. "The what?" Damon asks. "And I'm faster than your average hunter." the man says, pulling the string to the bomb. Amity and Klaus grab him and speed out of the hospital, taking him to his trailer where he passes out. Klaus looks at his sister "Amity, you can go now." he tells her. "No, I want to know how they're here." Amity shakes her head, not looking at him. "Amity. Go home to Nico, I'll let you know what he says." Klaus tells her, making her look at him. Amity nods "If he knows how to..." she trails off. "I'll let you know." he promises, kissing her forehead. Amity nods and speeds out, heading back to the penthouse/mansion "Hey, you're back." Isabelle smiles. "Yeah, Nik is going to catch up later." Amity tells her, flopping into a chair. "Mummy!" Nico grins, running in and climbing onto her lap. "Hey baby." she smiles, holding him close and kissing the top of his head.

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