Not Your Edgy Bitch (ROTTMNT...

By Toddels

128K 4.8K 25.3K

Are you a simp for Donnie??? Awesome. Me fucking too bro: Ever since (Y/n) witnessed an oozequito turning th... More

Unexpected Ally
Ninja Stalker
A Spark
Nightly Foes
Dr. Donnie
Not A Café Date
Stay Bitchin'
Heating Tension
Growing Feelings
The Purple Dragons
The Art Fair
Make Amends
Two Geniuses Hand in Hand
The "Exterminator"

The Exterminator Returns

9.8K 289 3.2K
By Toddels

This chapter is the longest in the book.❤️It's longer than 5 of my regular chapters put together (>14000 words). That's why it took so long to finish. Anyways,,

Enjoy loves <3


So get this, right? I was supposed to go to work today so I can finish up that mystic train for Big Mama. You know, the very important one that I can't fuck around with?

Well, what do you think happened?

I left my apartment with the intentions of going to work— hell, you could even give me credit for making it to the Hidden City!

But I did not end up at work.

And sure, I could partially be blamed for it...

But I know it's all Leo's fucking fault!


I was cruising down the sidewalk of the Hidden City. It was a beautiful day so I decided to just walk to work instead of taking my moped. I was in no rush to get there, I had time! I gave myself three whole hours!

It was mainly because I woke up earlier than usual. I don't know where the sprout of energy came from— well, I just overall felt excited. And it wasn't because I had to work on the train, it's the excitement you feel from a crush. Because all I could think about last night and this morning was Donnie. I couldn't wait to hang out with him after work.

"(Y/N)?!" I hear across the street.

I am pulled from my thoughts and feel myself freeze.

There is no one in the whole world right now that I want to see standing on the other side of the street and yelling my name as I am going to work. No one.

I slowly turn my head and see Leo.

Damn it.

I wave a bit worriedly and continue walking but I know it's too late when I see a blue portal open up in front of me.

"(Y/n) what are you doing here?!" he asks surprised.

"Going to work!" I say quickly as I walk past his portal hoping not to be interrogated more.

But I hear him start to follow me, "Oh that's right! Donnie said you were an exterminator right?"

"Yep!" I chime. Why is he following me??? Not now! Go away!

"Okay perfect!" He runs in front of me and stops me from walking. "You need to help me!"

"My help?" I say while cocking my brow up, "Why can't you ask April or the guys? I have to go to work Leo!"

"I know! This is work! Señor Hueso has a bug infestation and needs it fixed immediately!" he explains.

"Who the fuck is Señor Hueso?!"

"My spooky scary skeleton bestie who runs the best pizza joint in the entire city— now whatever your client is paying you, he will pay you double— no triple!"

"That is a very bold promise, you don't even know how much money I make—" I sigh, "Look, I really can't do it now, you don't understand. Maybe later..." I say.

He crosses his arms, "I bet if DONNIE asked you, you'd do it without hesitation!"

"Yeah I probably would. Cya." I begin to walk away.

"WHA— Oh c'mon! That isn't even fair!" he complains from afar, disappointed his persuading method didn't work.

"Oh boo hoo!" I turn my head around, "I'll help you later—" But Leo was no longer behind me.

Dumbass teleported in front of me and now had puppy dog eyes.

"Pretty please? I really messed up and summoned a bunch of pests in his restaurant and I wanna make it right so he doesn't hate me. Just help me for 30 minutes tops kay? Then you can go do whatever! I promise!"

I sigh defeatedly, "Fine but you so owe me..."

"Oh thank you thank you thank you!" he says while quickly giving me a hug. Leo then opens up a portal with his sword and takes us to the restaurant.

I look around, "Hey, I've been here before!"

Oddly, the place seemed completely normal. There were still people eating and going about their daily lives.

I think I'm starting to expect too much chaos with these turtles.

"Oh good! So you are familiar with this place!" Leo says.

I nod my head, "So where's all the commotion?" I ask.

"Oh that would be in the kitchen.." he says nervously as he leads me back there.


The skeleton man takes one look at me and face palms, "We're doomed."

"Ouch..." I say. I bet it is because I am human! Racist— I think.

"No no no no!" Leo says while coming in, I follow. "This is (y/n), they are an entomologist AND an exterminator! The perfect candidate to get this job done!"

I hold my hand out for a handshake with a smile, "Hello!"

"You look familiar..." Hueso says suspiciously while narrowing his eyes and rubbing his chin.

"Well, I am in the hidden city often and I have eaten at your restaurant before so..." I say as I still awkwardly hold out my hand.

"Your name sounds very familiar too... now I don't usually eavesdrop on my customers gossiping but you wouldn't happen to be the same (y/n) that runs the fancy brand new factory for Big Mama would you?"

I feel my pupils shrink and my stomach starts to hurt, "Ha I wish!" I lie with a nervous laugh, "I'm just your friendly entomologist and exterminator!"

"Right..." he says while looking at me unamused.

Leo darts his eyes back and forth between us. There's no way you worked for Big Mama— he and his brothers would've known, especially Donnie! But what if you really did? He would look more into it. However, right now, one problem at a time.

Leo grabs Hueso's hand and forces him to shake your hand, "Cool, we are all buddy buddy now!" Leo says, "Now how about we squash some bugs?!" he asks enthusiastically.

I pull my hand away, "Of course! It's what I do best." I say with a fake smile.

This Hueso guy is a threat— he knows about me! Oh no what if he tells the turtles?! My stupid employees were foolish to be discussing my name so openly. I definitely need to address this to Big Mama later.

"Yes yes, right this way..." Señor Hueso says. He takes two steps and points up to a vent. "There is a bee hive up there..."

"A bee hive? That's it?" I ask confidently, "Oh, I'll have them outta here in no time." I grab a chair and stand on it and start to pull off the vent cover.

"Woah woah woah (amigo/amiga)!" Hueso complains from below, "Don't you need to prepare? Where is your bee gear?!"

"I am not a damn beekeeper so I'm not gonna have any. Although, I could use a cardboard box to put the bees in it..." I say.

"A cardboard box? How are you going to get the bees in there?" he questions.

"Huh?" I say while turning around with a handful of bees.

"¿QUE?" he shouts alarmed, "WHAT THE ACTUAL F—"

"Told you they were the perfect candidate!" Leo interrupts proudly.

"Oh yeah, these bees are harmless. They don't have a hive to protect..." I explain while looking at them, "I definitely need to find their Queen though..."

Señor Hueso stares at me with his jaw dropped. He then clears his throat and fixes his posture, "I'll get that cardboard box..." he mumbles while walking away.

Leo smiles and gives me a thumbs up, I give him a thumbs up back with my other hand.

I then turn back around and stick my head inside the vent to start searching through the cluster of bees. If I found the queen and moved it to that cardboard box, the other bees are supposed to naturally follow her.

"Soooo let me ask you somethin..." Leo starts.


"And this stays between you and me okay?" he adds.

"Alright?" Now I was starting to get worried, it's going to be about my job isn't it?

"By any chance, do you have a crush on my brother?" he asks.

"What?!" I accidentally hit my head inside of the vent— ow. But this caught me so off guard— I was expecting the worst! "W-Which one?" I ask playing dumb.

"You know which one..." he says smugly.

I feel myself blush, "Hah Donnie?"


"Um, I will neither confirm nor deny that so..." I say while petting the bees. I was lucky he couldn't see my face right now.

As I'm busy, Leo takes out his phone and FaceTimes Donnie.

"Heyyyy Donnieee!" Leo says loudly on purpose to get my attention.

Oh that little asshole... he's bold for fucking around with someone who has over one hundred bees in front of them...

I stick my head out of the vent and turn around curiously with dusted cheeks. I squinted my eyes at Leo. He smiles at me slyly.

"Nardo, what did I discuss with you? FaceTime is for emergencies only. I live with you, there is no reason for you to call me." Donnie says annoyed.

"Well in case you didn't notice Don-Tron, I'm not home right now." Leo says smugly.

"Okay? I guess that's why I seem to have less of a headache right now... what do you want?" Donnie says.

I quietly giggle at his response.

Leo stares back at me with a shit eating grin, "(Y/n), say hola to your boyfriend." he says while turning the phone to show me Donnie.

Ohhh he is gonna regret that.

I smile nervously with a heating face, "Hi!" I say. I was trying to not let Leo know that his teasing was working.

"What the—" Donnie says surprised as he readjusts himself, "(Y/n)?! I thought y-you had work?!"

Leo flips the phone back to himself, "Oh they are working! We're at Hueso's! I accidentally gave him a bee infestation—"

"Bee infestation?! By accident?!" Donnie interrupts.

"Yeah pay attention!" Leo says, "And (y/n) agreed to help me before going to their real job. Anywho, (y/n) kept begging me to call you and they said they miss you and want you to come over here and that they lov—"

"LEO! DO NOT PUT WORDS IN MY MOUTH!" I shout annoyed, my face still felt hot. And it probably was going to stay that way too. He clearly wasn't going to stop until he got the reaction he wanted.

He snickers at my state and I hear Donnie laugh on the other end, "Awh does my firefly wish for me to accompany y—"

"Don't you start Donnie..." I threaten flustered.

"Okay okay!" he says nervously. "But seriously can I come?"

"If you want to... yeah." I say shyly.

He then immediately hangs up.

"Oh would you look at that, he's definitely on his way..." Leo says. He looks back over to me, "So about that question I had asked you earlier..."


"Wha-? Yes what?" he asks confused.

"I do like him. And I already know he likes me too so I don't care if you tell him."

"Wow— okay, I definitely wasn't expecting you to reveal that to me so easily—" he admits.

"But mark my words: You try anything while he's here, and I will make sure every single last bee here chases you. I know how to make them angry, so don't make me angry..."

"Sheesh alright— I won't embarrass you..." he says while crossing his arms, "That doesn't mean Donnie is spared though..." he mutters.

Señor Hueso returns with a stack a pizza boxes.

"Ooooo pizza for us?! You're the best bone daddy!" Leo says while reaching for the box.

Hueso slaps his hand away, "Do not ever call me that again. And no. These pizza boxes are empty, I hope these will be okay for the bees (y/n). They are all that I have."

I glance at the boxes, "Eh... Not the best option but it'll have to do." I scoop a handful of bees, "Can someone open a box and bring it over here?" I ask.

The door suddenly swings open and there stood Donnie.


"Exactly what I was thinking! Your human companion is muy loco!" Hueso says.

I roll my eyes, "Someone just bring me the damn pizza box before I throw these bees onto the floor..."

Leo grabs a pizza box from Hueso but Donnie immediately takes it from him.

"Coming love!" he chimes while walking over to you.

Leo looks at him confused for a second and then annoyed. Of course Donnie wanted to be the one to hand you the box. Simp. Leo should've known.

"Thanks Don." I say as I open it and dump the bees inside.

Donnie looks down frightened. He did not think this through.

"Do you need me to stand here and hold this the entire time or can I just place it gently on the floor?" he asks with a hint of worry in his voice refusing to take his eyes off the bees.

I scoop some more bees with my hands, they are so cute! I dump them carefully into the pizza box. "Don't worry Donnie," I say while making eye contact with him, "I promise I won't let anything hurt ya..." I deliver with a wink.

His face flushes and his grip on the box becomes shaky. I chuckle at his reaction and turn to retrieve more bees.

Hueso whispers to Leo, "Do they have to do that in front of us?"

"Don't worry, I think I have a funny idea in store for them later..." Leo says slyly.

Hueso shakes his head at Leo.

I then gasp.

"I HAVE FOUND THE QUEEN!" I hold up the queen bee proudly in the air and the others cheer.

I place the queen bee into the box and continue putting the rest of the bees in there. Soon, the bees start flying in the box on their own.

When all the work is done, I climb down and take the box from Donnie. "Thanks!" I say while closing it. He smiles and nods.

"I'll be right back, I'm going to put this box in a safe place." I say as I walk out.

"You're welcome Señor." Leo remarks cockily, "Told ya I'd fix your bug problem..."

"The rumors are true." he says immediately.

Donnie walks over to the two, "What rumors?"

"I have heard talk about this "(y/n)" from my customers. And I think they are very dangerous..."

"Dangerous? (Y/n)? How? They are our friend! They wouldn't hurt a fly— wait, that was definitely not the best idiom to use in this situation..." Leo says.

Donnie starts to feel nervous because he thinks Hueso might be referring to the Purple Dragon incident.

"Well they are obviously lying or in trouble. That is one of Big Mama's sub bosses! Not the kind of job you want to get mixed into... I should know, my stupid hermano used to be involved." Hueso explains.

"What?! No no no..." Donnie says surprised, "What do you mean Big Mama's sub boss?!"

"They are in charge of her brand new artillery factory! And I can assure you they are producing illegal weapons!" Hueso says.

"So they have a morally gray job— I mean, who DOESN'T?! Do you know how expensive it is to live in NYC these days? Gotta pay the bills somehow." Leo says trying to be optimistic.

"What else have you heard?" Donnie questions.

"Why don't you just ask them at this point..." Hueso mutters, "I know that their workers are scared of them. And way too scared to do anything about it because (y/n) apparently has caught traitors easily the first day they were employed."

"Oh no... my firefly is an evil genius..." Donnie says impressed but disappointed. "This is real bad... there has to be a mistake! I don't believe it!"

Leo turns to Hueso, "What els—"

"UGH I DO NOT KNOW ESTÚPIDO! Why don't you pour all your questions into Big Mama herself?! I'm sure she'll have the answers to all your questions." Señor Hueso suggests.

"You know what?! Maybe we just might. Later Sans!" Leo says as he takes Donnie's hand and runs out the exit. Hueso shakes his head at the two disapprovingly, well, mainly Leo.

I walk back into the kitchen, "I'm back! Hey, where did everyone go?" I ask.

Señor Hueso shrugs. "I have not a single clue. But here take this coupon for my restaurant as a token of my thank you for your help today." He hands it to me.

I take it, "Ah thank you!" I put it into my pocket. "I'm going to get going now... if you see the boys, let them know I went to work."

"Sure thing. Adiós." he says.

I wave before leaving and heading off to work. I found it weird that Leo and Donnie just disappeared without saying goodbye. Yet again, it is in both of their characters to do weird shit like that.

Wait, what if Hueso told them something that they weren't supposed to know? Damn it.

I bet it was that whole Big Mama situation.

Perhaps I shouldn't head over there right away. What if they're following me? I hate to be so paranoid but I cannot take the risk. Plus I still had a lot of time.

But what if they go to the factory and ask about me?!

Okay— first I need to figure out what it is.

I look around my surroundings.

Well that was fucking pointless— they're ninjas! Of course I wouldn't see them so easily!

I then get an idea to get them out of hiding— if they were hiding...

I climb up a fire escape and make my way to the rooftop. None of the yōkai seemed to notice or care. I walk to the edge of the building. I also didn't see the two turtles on any nearby rooftops.

Now for the moment of truth.

I turn around and fall backwards off the building.

Huh nothing.

Before I hit the ground and fucking die, I shoot my grappling hook at the roof and safely lower myself to the ground.

I retract my hook back. They are definitely not stalking me. Given how annoyingly overprotective Donnie is towards me, he definitely would've stepped in to save me if he was stalking me. I mean, he's saved me from falling off a building even before when he didn't like me so it makes sense.

I feel myself relax when I realize I'm not being stalked.

However, there is still the chance they are visiting Big Mama.

I think that's a very stupid idea on their end. Big Mama isn't going to just give them information... if anything she'll force them to fight in her Battle Nexus.

Oh shit— She actually just might! I cannot let that happen to them! But I can't just turn on Big Mama!!!


I can't walk in there and— wait I can't...

But if I'm in a disguise I totally could!

I immediately run into a nearby shop.


The two brothers stepped out of Leo's portal and stood in front of Big Mama's Hotel.

"So what? You just plan to waltz in there and expect Big Mama to tell you everything you want to know without a price?" Donnie asks.

"Exactly! What better way to do it?" Leo tells his twin.

Donnie rolls his eyes. "Why did I even ask..."

Leo shrugs.

Donnie sighs and looks down, "Say if we do this and we find out (y/n) is actually..." he stops himself. He was unable to finish the sentence. The whole idea scared him.

Could he have been right about you from the very start? For once in his life, he wants to be wrong.

Leo catches onto his brother's conflicted state, "Hey." he says softly as he places his hand on Donnie's shoulder, "We will worry about it when we get to that point. There's no reason to worry about it twice, alright? (Y/n) might actually be an exterminator like they said!"

Donnie nods with a half smile, "I know but it would suck if my first crush is a supervillain..."

"I dunno man, that would be kinda hot wouldn't it?" Leo teases to try to lighten the mood.

"Leo!" Donnie spits in a flustered and irritated tone.

"I'm kidding!" Leo says while throwing his hands up in defense. He lets out a chuckle and pats his brother on the back. "Now let's go in there and find out what the fuck is going on!"

Donnie nods his head sternly.

Leo pulls out his ōdachi and proceeds to slice the air in a circular motion creating a new portal.

The two cautiously step through and appear into Big Mama's office.

Big Mama almost immediately rose to her feet at her desk when she saw the two. She glares at the twins completely surprised, "Now I expect a grand explanation for you both barging into my office uninvited!" She hovers a finger over a big red button, indicating to them that she'll summon her guards if they try any funny business.

Leo points his sword at her, "We've got some questions..."

Donnie holds up his bo-staff, "Yeah and they demand answering!" he adds.

"Well, you don't have to be so rude about it." She looks around, "Say, where are the rest of the turtley boos?"

"...Around." Leo says reluctantly.

"Ugh ninjas..." she huffs, "Whatever you're doing: please make it snappy. Mama has an urgent meeting very soon." she says, "What are your questions?"

"Uh—" Leo quickly turns and whisper to Donnie, "How should we ask this?"

Donnie facepalms and decides to lead the conversation, "Is it true that a human runs your new artillery factory?"

"What an odd question— but yes. I've always been quite fond of diversity in my business." she says proudly.

Donnie and Leo exchange concerned looks before looking back at Big Mama.

"Their name wouldn't happen to be (y/n), would it?" Donnie asks.

Big Mama's eyes widened in surprise and she blinks twice, she then closes her eyes with a warm smile. "Heavens no. But even if it was, I couldn't tell you anyways. That information is very confidential."

"Do you or do you not have a (y/n) running that factory?" Donnie presses.

"Shall I have you escorted to the door?"

"No!" Donnie shouts as he holds his staff to her neck, "You're lying! You know exactly who we are talking about, don't you?"

"Donnie—" Leo says worriedly.

Big Mama narrows her eyes at the purple turtle, "Alright, say I do currently have a (y/n) employed—" she presses his staff away from herself, "Why would it be any of your business?"

Donnie lowers his staff and stands there fearfully, "Oh no... so it's true..." he turns to face his brother, "Leo, Hueso was right!"

Big Mama walks out from behind her desk. "Now hold on just a moment, I've never confirmed that informatio—"

Suddenly the window glass shatters and a fully dark-clothed concealed figure lands in the room.

Yeah, it's me bitches.

I look up and see Donnie, Leo, and Big Mama staring at me with confusion.

Oh thank gosh— well, I'd prefer not to see them all in the same room but I'm glad they are not fighting or that Big Mama hasn't forced them into the Battle Nexus. Hopefully she didn't reveal to them that I work for her...

Still though, I need to get them separated. I stand up and get into a fighting stance.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Big Mama questions with her hands on her hips. Sorry mama.

"Woah woah wait, you mean to tell me this isn't one of your guards you sent to get us?" Leo asks.

"Absolutely not!" Big Mama says as she presses the big red button on her desk.

"Well in that case..." Leo charges at me with his swords and starts slicin' and dicin'.

I swiftly dodge his swings because I'd prefer not to be dismembered right now. I slide below him and knock him to his feet.

Guards come running in at me— well us, they started going after Don and Leo too.

I start fighting multiple guards hands on. I do not have time for this. From my utility belt, I pull out my special switch blade which of course can release venom with the push of a button.

One yōkai swings a fist at me, I duck and stab them in the arm. They hold their arm and grunt in pain as the paralysis spreads throughout their body and they drop to the ground. I pull it out and make my way to the next targets.

So obviously I begin to shank the rest of these asshats.

Donnie on the other hand was spinning his staff around like it was nothing and whacking the yōkai to the other side of the room. I could also really see him utilizing his tech on his staff. Pretty sure I heard some kind of mini rocket get launched.

And Leo was just being Leo.

Big Mama stares at the building pile of her yōkai fascinated.

Leo takes out his last guard and continues to fight me. At one point his sword cuts my arm and I feel my body scrunch up for a moment. I stare at the wound. Motherfucker!

If I didn't know him, I would've definitely had stabbed his ass with venom by now. So instead I stomp on his foot. He stumbles back a bit and I finally see an opening. I kick him in his stomach sending him backwards into Big Mama.

I turn to Donnie and prepare to defend myself but he doesn't do anything. He just stares at me like he can see straight through my disguise.

Donnie doesn't take his eyes off of you.

He knew.

And it wasn't because of the coincidence of you intruding the interrogation revolving around you.

It was because he's seen you deliver that exact kick to Leo before— when you all first met at the park.

Also because he could see that you were holding back from hurting him and Leo.

And also you were using your signature weapons— I mean c'mon, only you would incorporate venom in those.

And also also because he totally scanned you just to be sure.

He lowers his staff and shakes his head refusing to fight you.

I relax my stance when I see that he isn't planning on being aggressive. Fuck, he knows it's me— doesn't he?

"Get off!" Big Mama says as she shoves Leo off of her.

Leo makes one of his strange turtle noises as he hits the ground. He looks over to Donnie, "Yo D, why aren't you kicking their ass?!"

Before Donnie could answer, Big Mama stands up and brushes herself off. "Oh dear... now you've made Big Mama very furious." She transforms into her spider yōkai form.

Oh shittt...

She turns her head to me and begins to open her mouth.

"Ah!" Donnie shouts as he jumps to push me out of the way, "Never look her in the mouth!" he reminds as we roll to the floor together. She releases a spider web at the spot where I stood at previously.

Oh yeah, he definitely knows it's me!

I get up and push him off of me. He wasn't supposed to know that it was me but I think I'd be more fearful of Big Mama finding out who I am.

Donnie sits up and looks at me, "Geez not even a thank you, sweetheart? Wow you really are evil—"

I push a finger to his lips to shut him up. I refuse to say anything at all because I cannot reveal my voice.

However, I bring my other hand to my chin and extend it outwards to say "thank you" in sign language. He's smart so I expect him to know what that means.

And he does because he opens his hand and brings his thumb to his chest to say "you're welcome".

I smirk underneath my disguise; glad he got the message.

Big Mama then crawls closer and starts shooting more webs at us which we successfully dodged.

See, her first mistake was turning into a spider.

Now I don't want to hurt her, so I will not be using my bug spray. But I do want to try something:


Specifically, 253.7 nm UV radiation. Spiders and other insects sense it better than humans do. It's technically invisible for us. Oh, and it's strong enough to kill microorganisms!

I whip out my enhanced UV light device, call it a flashlight if you will, and I shine the blue light onto her for a split second.

"AGH!" she screeches while backing away, "WHAT IS THAT DISASTROUS DEVICE?!"

"Omigosh— you're using ultraviolet light?! I should've thought of that..." Donnie says impressed.

I follow her and kept turning the light on and off to disrupt her.

"CURSE YOU! I WILL HAVE YOU DELT WITH!" she crawls out of her office and leaves.

Good, I got her and the turtles separated and saved my identity. I put away the device and relax.

Leo makes his way over to his brother, "So remind me why we aren't attacking the ambusher?"

"Uh... let's just say they were never after us..." Donnie says shyly.

I look over to him and smirk. I pull out my grappling hook and shoot it at him. It wraps him around and pulls him over to me.

"Yeah, looks like they were only after you." Leo says.

"Woah—" Donnie says nervously as I catch him. I lower him and lean into his face. He stares back at me with tinted cheeks. What a cutie! I boop his little snout and I see his face redden even more.

"Hey, unleash my brother promiscuous being— he's already taken by a special someone!" Leo threatens with his sword.

Okay. Time to dip.

I press a button to unravel Donnie. It makes him spin at the speed of light and he plops to the ground.

I dash over to the window. Leo then appears in front of me, so I quickly slide to the ground and sweep him.

"Argh! Would you quit tripping me?!" he complains.

I chuckle as I jump out the window and swing away on my grappling hook. I now have to quickly go to work before Big Mama realizes I'm not there.

Donnie lays on the floor flabbergasted. Leo gets up and walks over to him, "Looks like (y/n) has some competition, huh?" he teases.

"Y-Yeah..." he says seeming lost. He couldn't even find the strength to tell Leo that it was you.

Damn it, he fell for a supervillain didn't he?

Well, that might be an overstatement— you weren't Draxum kind of evil...

Yet, it didn't make sense. Why would you barge in here with a disguise and fight Big Mama? What was the goal? Who's side were you actually on?

And why didn't you tell him the truth?

"Don, we got our answers. Now let's skedaddle  before more guards show!" Leo warns.

Donnie snaps out of it and quickly gets up as Leo draws a portal.

"So we agree on the conclusion that (y/n) is working for Big Mama?" Donnie asks.

"You said it not me!" Leo says as he steps into the portal. Donnie follows.

The two now appear in the sewers and walk back to their lair.

"I gotta hand it to you bro, I honestly thought you would've had a more devastated reaction to (y/n) working for one of our worst enemies." Leo admits.

"Ah I don't know what it is... but something tells me that (y/n) isn't truly evil. They have literally never done anything to harm any of us. Maybe Big Mama is forcing them to work for her—I know there is a bigger picture we aren't seeing!" he says.

"Seems legit. Why don't you ask them when they come over later? It could help clear some things up."

"Yeah... I just might..." Donnie says, "Oh and uh... can you maybe not tell the others about this yet? I want to know the full truth before throwing around accusations... plus you know how overprotective Raph and Mikey could get..." he adds.

"Don't worry bro!" Leo wraps his arm around his shoulder, "My lips are sealed with gorilla glue." He pats his head condescendingly.

Donnie shoves his brother off of him, "I wish I didn't doubt that..."

"Yeah I wish you believed in me too..." Leo says saddened.

"Believe me, I'm trying..." Donnie admits.


Big Mama was now in her more human-like form. That mysterious intruder had pissed her off, and yet— impressed her.

She could see that they were trained well in combat but also very resourceful with their gadgets.

And very intellectual. Big Mama has never been bested with ultraviolet before.

Yes she was very impressed, so impressed that she—


"I want my best detective team to find and bring me that interloper alive. They'd make a fine addition for my Battle Nexus... Oh what a fabulous show in the making!" Big Mama announces to her staff who she had just summoned, "Now chop chop! We shalln't waste a single moment."


I throw away my disguise in a trashcan in an alleyway.

I definitely do not plan on wearing that again, I flick a match onto it and watch it burn. Damn, the one time I don't have a marshmallow on me...

Whatever, I shouldn't be here anyways. I'm expected to be at work in a few minutes.

I have officially run out of time for fuckery.

When only ashes remain in the trash, I blow out the fire and walk away.


Of course I arrived at the factory on time. After directing my employees, I immediately got to work on the train.

It is strange though, all of my employees seem mindless. And no, I'm not exactly calling them stupid. It's just that they don't question anything I tell them. They comply with everything! I mean, I guess that's a good thing. I think I got a little too much respect.

But if they are going to act in such an obedient manner, why not replace them all with robots?

Eh, let me not fuck with raising the unemployment rate. Some other time.

I begin to test out the car teleportation buttons on the train.

Man whoever designed this did a shitty job, all of these buttons are all over the place! How is anyone supposed to find their way?

I pull out a notepad. According to Big Mama, the front car will be most important. Probably where all the valuable stuff is going. I wonder what's being transported... it must be extremely important since it's costing a fortune!

Well, since the front car is most significant... I'll make the button for it super obvious! This oddly colored one towards the center will do swell! I begin to adjust it with my tools.

Man, I can hear Donnie shaming me for picking the easiest button. He'd definitely want me to pick the least obvious one. Good thing he ain't here!

I finally finish up inside the train and step out.

Shortly after, Big Mama visits.

"Why hello my little fuzzlekins; my dearest apologies for not checking in earlier— I had quite the ferocious situation to tackle. How's the train coming along?" she asks.

Heh, she's referring to earlier. "No worries— I uh just finished working on it. The mystic train is all set!" I tell her proudly.

"Oh goody!" she cheers, "I was in need of some joyful news. I knew I could count on you!" she pinches my cheek and I giggle.

"And I assume all the manufacturing is going well since I haven't had to make any extra pop ins?" she questions.

"No, production has been excellent..." I start to say, "But... there is a tiny problem that has occurred..."

"Oh? What would that be? Don't be shy, spit it out."

"Some of my employees have been gossiping about what we do in here and about me. Now outsiders know of my name and people will be—"

"Oh dearie your concerns are the most adorable. Don't sweat it, I pay a fortune for the hidden city officials not to ever investigate us. Why, I love a corrupt government! I feel it is the only way to get true business done." she explains.

"Well, obviously the factory will be okay but I'm more concerned for my sake. It's not good that my name is floating around like that."

She chuckles, "And what is it you suppose I do about it? Would you like me to legally have your name changed?"

"Preferably not, I like my name."

"Then we shall permanently rid of everyone and hire new employees. And then you can abide by a fake name here."

"Christ no! No one has to die... you know what, forget it. It'll be fine."

"No no no, I'm sure we will find a solution. Do you know of the employees who did it?"

"Uh not exactly. Although I do have a few suspects in mind..."

"Hm well until then, there is nothing I can do on my end. My detective team is already busy as it is. But tell you what, you find out who exactly did it and Big Mama will take care of it lickety-split." she reassures.

"But how do I—"

"And to spice it up a bit: let's turn it into a little game. Find the gossipers before the end of your shift and I'll give you a raise. Fail, and I will fire you." she says.

"W-What?! You're joking right?"

"Dearie, I must teach you how to take matters into your own hands." she says with a smile, "And to never complain if you don't plan on doing something about it..."

"My shift ends in 15 minutes— Is this supposed to be another test? Haven't I already proven myself by now?!" I say confused.

"You've gotten this far, I expect it to be easy for you. Better chop chop— clocks ticking." she says while walking gracefully out of the room.

My eyes couldn't move from the last place she stood. I can't believe she was doing this to me!

Was I not supposed to report this??? Surely I'd think she'd care about the head of her artillery unit! Ass licking 8-legged bitch.

Fuck this. I should just blow up the mystic train and leave.

No I can't do that... she'd hunt me down and have me tortured or something.

I make my way back into my office with a million thoughts racing through my mind.

What the hell am I going to do?! I look out the window to view the employees.

How am I supposed to find the ones that leaked my name in such a short time frame?

It's not like Señor Hueso would ever identify them for me! My eyes then light up and I pull the coupon out from my pocket.

Okay, maybe this will be easy for me...

I shove it back into my pocket and walk over to the control panel in my office. It was for everything that used electricity in here. I press the button to lock all the doors in the factory and step out of my office.

I get off my platform and move onto the ground floor. My hands start to feel a bit shaky.

I inhale and exhale to relax. I then clear my throat loudly.

"Excuse me everyone? Can I have your attention for a second? Gather 'round please..." I request.

Everyone obeys, pausing the machine at their stations and joining the forming cluster.

"Thank you." I say, "I just want to let you all know that Big Mama and I are really proud of all your diligent work— give yourself a hand will ya?" I say as I begin to clap, the rest join in and cheer.

"We are her #1 artillery factory! And that wouldn't be possible without any of you so thank you!" I say over their cheers.

As it starts to quiet down I speak up again, "This is definitely a time to celebrate. And what better way then to give out promotions and rewards! I mean hey, you've earned it." Once again they clap.

I really riled up these guys...

"But let's not jump ahead of ourselves... we will work our way up to the biggest prizes. We will start with a smallest prize I got on me right now— and no, it isn't my wallet." I pull out the coupon, "It's a coupon to that killer pizza place!" I over exaggerate. It gets me a few laughs.

"Whaaatt? No takers? Does no one eat here?" I question in a joking tone, "C'mon show of hands, how many of you have actually walked through the doors and sat down to eat?"

One hand goes up.

"Really? That's it? Man this place must suck then..." Once again, more laughs.

And then more hands go up.

"Good good..." I say. I throw the coupon on the floor and stomp on it. The happy energy of the crowd immediately shifted into fear.

"Now which one of you little cock sucking motherfuckers were talking shit about me there?" I press.

The crowd stirs nervously and I hear some murmurs. But no answers.

"Mkay, let me rephrase that." I say, "If I don't get my stuck up gossipers before the end of this shift, Big Mama has agreed to have you all terminated. So if I were you, I'd start pointing some fingers and talking..."

The crowd abrupt into panic. I couldn't even make out the wave of rambles. I tap my foot and patiently wait.

Two yōkai try to make a run for it but they can't open the door because I locked it.

"Alright, well I'm going to just assume you both are guilty..." I look back at the crowd.

"Mat, Pat, and Kat eat there all the time on their lunch breaks! It has to be them!" a yōkai shouts panicked while pointing a finger at the three.

"Oh you are such a snitch!" Pat complains.

"You dumbass!" Mat says, "Did you seriously have to say that, making us look guilty as hell!"

"Couldn't have been me, I've never seen a pizza in my life." says Kat.

The rest of the yōkai begin to give alibis:

"I haven't eaten there in months!"

"I don't even have friends to gossip with!"

"I ain't know what goes on here— I have short term memory loss!"

"I'm allergic to Italian food!"

"I ain't know what goes on here— I have short term memory loss!"

"Won't deny it, I was popping shit."

I cover my ears and my eye twitches, "EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP!" It immediately falls silent.

I begin to point at various yōkai, "Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. And guilty!" I take a breath, "Now, I don't know what Big Mama has in store for you guys but it'll probably be bad. You are—"

"Why bravo!" Big Mama says sneaking in. "See? I knew you could pull it off. Now that you have caught the culprits, I will ensure this never happens again..." She then points to one of the guilty yōkai, "You! Come here." They step forward and two guards hold them by their arms.

"Now, allow me to demonstrate to you all what will happen if you open your little traps again in public." She pulls out a needle and a roll of thread. "(Y/n), will you do the honors?"

I stare at her a bit disturbed. Is she asking me to do what I think she's asking me to do?

"Don't just stand there dearie— stitch their mouth shut." she says placing the needle and thread in my hand.

The crowd erupts in fear and the chosen yōkai panics, "No please—"

What did I get myself into...

"Go on."

"I- I can't. This is too much of a cruel punishment." I argue.

If it were the purple dragons, sure. But I didn't hate this yōkai! They didn't deserve this!

"Alright, then I'm just going to have to eliminate them all." Big Mama says as the guards point weapons at everyone. The crowd stirs.

"No! Don't— I'll do it... I'll do it." I say defeatedly.

"Good." She holds her hands up and the guards lower their weapons.

I walk over to the yōkai and hesitantly bring the needle to their mouth.


I could still hear the yōkai's muffled scream.

After the business was done, Big Mama dismissed everyone. Before she left herself, she praised me for what I've done. But I couldn't hear anything. I just stared at my bloody hands with watery eyes.

I know the stitching wasn't just done to threaten everyone else. She was also leaving a message for me: to shut the fuck up and handle problems on my own.

I know she must've already been in a bad mood but she didn't have to take it this far. I didn't know she could be so sinister...

I felt so uneasy about everything.

To torture someone for something so minor? It did not feel good.

I've done terrible things before. It surprises me that this bothers me so much.

But every bone in my body right now was telling me to quit.

And yet, I have a feeling I might suffer by her hand if I do.

I'm so conflicted.

I'm pulled away from my troubling thoughts by my ringing phone. I was in dire need of a distraction. I answered without even checking who it was.

"Hey (y/n)!" says a cheerful April, "Are you still coming over to the lair later?" she asks.

"O-Oh hey! Yeah! Yeah I'm still coming..." I say.

"You okay? You don't sound too good."

"No I'm perfectly fine. Just a very long day at work, I'm leaving now."

"Okay, cya then!" She hangs up.

I inhale and exhale, this is exactly what I need. A good distraction to take my mind off of this all. I go wash up in the bathroom before I leave.


"Alright folks! (Y/n) is on their way." April announces. The boys cheer except Donnie.

He just walks into his lap and isolates himself.

April catches onto this and follows him, "Hey D? Everything alright?"

He sits down at his desk, "Everything is spectacular April. Why do you ask?"

"Why do I ask? C'mon Donnie. You should know by now I can tell when something is wrong..."

"And you should know by now I'm terrible at expressing emotion... I'll tell you when I can explain it better."

April sighs defeatedly, "Fine. But at least make sure you say hello when (y/n) is here. We all know by now your their favorite." She slips out to join the others.

Donnie slouches in his chair. He wanted to tell April what was going on but he knew he must withhold the information. He cannot have a possible repeat of last time. His nosey brothers could start unnecessary chaos. He knows how overprotective they can get.

So many thoughts and questions raced through his head. He didn't even know how to feel about you possibly working for Big Mama. You'd think that having an occupation like that would be an automatic dealbreaker. But he loved you too much to let you go now. How could he get so attached so quickly— how does that happen?! Part of him hated you for doing this to him.

Being overwhelmed with confusion only made him want to pour all his questions into you.


Why were you doing this?

He didn't even know how to bring this up to you! He can't just ask "Do you work for Big Mama?", he knows you wouldn't tell him— otherwise, you wouldn't have lied about your job to him.

"HELP THE KITCHEN IS ON FIRE AGAIN!" Mikey screams from afar.

"REALLY AGAIN?!" April questions.

"HOW DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING?!" Leo shouts confused.

"I thought I smelt Mikey burning something, but I didn't want to say anything..." Raph says.

Donnie sighs and grabs his bo-staff. He walks over to the chaos. "Step aside amateurs. Allow me." He points his staff and extinguishes the fire.

"You guys really gotta stop giving him the opportunity to do that..." Leo jokes.

"Thanks D! I couldn't forgive myself if I burnt the spaghetti I'm cooking. Wanna help?" Mikey asks while holding up a spoon.

"No thanks Angelo. I don't do kitchen." Donnie says.

"Says the one who surprised me with french toast that one time..." I intervene as I creep up on them.

"(Y/n)!" Mikey shouts, he runs over to hug me. "I'm so glad you came!"

I hug back, "Thanks for having me!" The others join in for the hug.

Donnie was a bit reluctant but April nudged him to join and he did.

When we all part Raph says, "Hope you like spaghetti. Mikey wanted to cook something special for everyone tonight."

"Yeah and we plan on playing video games and watching Jupiter Jim and Skateboarding!" Leo adds.

"Don't forget that killer game of hide and seek!" April reminds.

"Oh boy I just cannot wait!" Mikey says excitedly while spinning around.

"Yippie kay yay." Donnie throws in.

"Man if I had known all of that I wouldn't have even gone into work today!" I say.

"Oh yeah, thanks again for helping out at Hueso's!" Leo says.

"Mhm so glad it didn't take away from your other job..." Donnie mutters.

No one else seems to pick up on what Donnie said except for me. I stare at him with a worried smile. He's talking about me being in that disguise right? He can't know about Big Mama. Did he?

He does seem a bit more reserved. Was he mad at me? Fuck, I think he found out.

Leo has a late reaction to Donnie's response and elbows him.

Leo didn't want him to do anything now. They were all about to have so much fun. Donnie rolls his eyes. He knew Leo didn't want him to start anything. But Donnie couldn't help the mix of negative feelings he had.

How could he have been so stupid and not realize all of this sooner?! It was so obvious from the very start!

Could you even have a good explanation for it all? He really wish you did, he didn't want to be upset with you. However, the lying pissed him off to a great extend.

He decided he was going to give you the cold shoulder; hoping you'd pick up on it and come clean without him having to ask.

He can't sit here and pretend everything is fine when you work for a criminal mastermind.

Not until he has answers.

Master Splinter walks in coughing, "Why do I smell smoke?"

"Sorry pops, it's because I'm too hot~" Leo says.

"Ugh... someone shut Blue's gay ass up..." Splinter mumbles.

"Sorry Splints, Mikey almost burnt down the kitchen again." April explains.

"Snitch!" Mikey calls out.

"My sons, can you please stop putting our home in harm's way?" Splinter says irritated.

"When you taste this spaghetti, you'll realize that it'd be worth it." Mikey says while stirring the pot.

"Lose free housing over a bowl of spaghetti? I do not think so." he says, "Maybe if it were hot soup."

"Yeah the real estate above ground is a nightmare..." I say.

"Oh hello (y/n)." Splinter greets.

"Hi!" I say back while waving.

"I second the whole real estate thing." April says, "You guys got it good down here..."

"IT'S READY!" Mikey interrupts.

We all immediately take our seats. I sat in between April and Raph. Next to Raph, sat Leo and an empty spot for Mikey. And next to April was Donnie. Their dining table is unique— it's a round restaurant booth styled table. I bet they stole it. I love it.

Splinter already had a bowl in his hand, "Wow Orange, you have out done yourself." He pats Mikey on the head, "Disregard all that I have said."

The turtle grins happily ear to ear. "Thanks dad!"

Splinter nods, "Now I will take this grub to my favorite seat and watch TV..." he says as he leaves.

Mikey walks over to the table to serve everyone. He begins to scoop the spaghetti into the bowls. He then leaves to get the tomato sauce he made.

Leo takes a glance at Donnie looking as isolated as ever. Why the hell was he not sitting next to you? Was he seriously avoiding you because he found out about your job? Leo rolls his eyes. "Pssst." he whispers to Donnie.

Donnie rests his head in the palm of his hand. He looks at Leo and furrows his brows. He then looks the other way. He doesn't have time for Leo's nonsense.

Leo takes the hint.

But he decides to ignore it. "Pssst" he whispers even quieter. He was now going to get April's attention.

April looks over to Leo and tilts her head.

Leo keeps eyeing Donnie.

April follows his eyes and points to Donnie in question. Leo nods his head. He then eyes you. April looks at you and Donnie. She catches on and gives Leo a thumbs up.

I watched this entire sad interaction. Talk about discreet... Both Leo and April look at me and smile nervously. I narrow my eyes at them unamused. I know they're up to something.

Shortly after Mikey returns and begins to add the spaghetti sauce to the bowls.

April stands up, "Wow the cell service is terrible at this spot. I need to get out of this booth to make a phone call!" she announces.

"Can we please eat first?" Mikey requests softly.

I bury my head in my hands knowing I was right.

"Oh just connect to my hotspot..." Donnie suggests in a monotone.

"nO!" April says as she shoves Donnie out of the seat.

"GAH!" he complains as he hits the floor.

She steps out of the booth and walks to the middle of the room.

"Guys..." Mikey says.

Donnie lifts himself from the ground, "What the hell was that?"

April ignores him and pretends to be on the phone, "Shh it's the government."

"The government?" Donnie questions annoyed as he sits up.

Leo smiles smugly at this. "Don't you love dinner and a show?" he asks Raph.

"Not if Donnie's in it." Raph remarks jokingly.

April and Leo give each other a thumbs up.

Those two were obviously trying to get Donnie and I to sit next to each other. It might be helpful given how he's kinda avoiding me. Perhaps I should play into this.

I scoot over to the edge of the seat, "Uh you okay Don?"

He makes eye contact with me but immediately looks away. "Spectacular..."

I hold my hand out for him. He swats it away with rosey cheeks.

Ouch. Okay he's definitely mad at me... well, he's trying to be mad at me...


Donnie and April jump back into their seats— well, they switched. Donnie was now next to me.

"Mikey!" Raph shouts surprised, "DONTSAYTHAT!"

"Sorry, I just prepared this all and I want to enjoy it together like a family!" Mikey says.

Raph sighs, "Okay but please refrain from using vulgar words..."

"I'll try..." he says as he returns the pot to the kitchen. He then joins us all, "DIG IN GUYS!"

We eat and have the most random conversation.

Well, I didn't have much of an appetite as I thought I would. Maybe it was because the spaghetti reminded me of the mouth I stitched earlier... and the blood red sauce surrounding it certainly didn't help either.

It was delicious though— Mikey is an excellent cook. I wish my mind wasn't poisoned from earlier. I still ate, but not as quick as the others.

"So uh do tell us (y/n)..." Donnie starts, "What happened to your arm?"

This bastard. He obviously knows how! What is his goal here?! I eye the wound Leo gave me with his stupid sword.

"There was an accident at work. I got cut with a piece of scrap metal while dealing with the largest arachnid I've ever seen..." I said cunningly.

Technically I wasn't lying.

Donnie looks at me perplexed. He knew what I was doing. And he knew that I knew what he was doing. We are definitely going to have a talk later.

"Huh, is that so?" he asks. You're being more witty than he expected. He's going to have to step up his game.

"Yep. Thank you for being so concerned and always looking out for me Don. You're so sweet." I say teasingly while touching his hand. However no one else picks up on it. They collectively say "aww" finding this adorable.

Donnie's eyes widen and his cheeks are dusted with a blush. No way was he going to be bested at his own game. He twitches his lips in a smile.

"But of course." he forces out, "Your wounded arm explains why you're barely touching your food. Allow me sweetheart." He picks up my fork with spaghetti and holds it to my mouth.

I feel my face heat up as I nervously take in the situation. Fucking snarky smartass... I may be smiling at him but there is murder in my eyes. I give in and open my mouth to allow him to feed me.

"AW THAT IS JUST TOO CUTE!" Mikey squeals.

"Isn't it?" Donnie says while looking at me. He feeds me another forkful.

Leo and April grin at each other thinking their plan was successful.

Fine. He wins this round. But I really need to clear everything up for him so he can stop being so bitchy. He plays too much.

Since I obviously can't mention everything in front of everyone maybe I'll text it to him. He brings more spaghetti to my mouth. Well I'll text him when I have a good opportunity to. I give him the "fuck off" look. He smirks then proceeds to poke the fork on my mouth.

Out of spite, I bite the fork and I don't let go. Donnie tugs on it to get it back but he can't. He just looks at me unamused and let's go of the fork entirely.

I chuckle and hold up an "L" on my forehead. He gently pushes away my face and turns his head the other way while fighting a smile.

Oh I could totally break his "bad boy" character if I really wanted to... If he doesn't fix his attitude, I just might.


After we all finished eating, we helped Mikey clean up.

"Okay Mad Dogs..." Raph starts to say, "What next? Jupiter Jim movie or video game?" he asks while holding them both up.

"Video games sound more exciting!" Leo says pumping a fist up into the air.

"Ooooo yeah yeah yeah! Games! Multiplayer!" Mikey adds.

"Pops can we please have the TV?" Leo ask.

Splinter laughs, "No. My sons, you have a whole arcade room."

Leo turns back to us all, "Get the milk and cake."

"Rodger that." April says. She slides over to the fridge.

"Milk and cake?" I question, "Why?"

"He passes out after he eats them." Donnie answers— surprisingly!

My eyes widened, "You guys drug your dad?!" I whisper in shock.

"What?! No! It naturally makes him sleepy. Not surprising you have that sinister mentality though." he corrects.

"Look Donnie... I'll explain it all at a better time." I reassure.

"Damn right you will because right now, I'm so looking forward to kicking your ass in this game." he says.

I roll my eyes, "If it helps you sleep better at night."

From the corner of my eye, I watch Leo and Mikey plant the milk and cake in front of Splinter.

"Mmm what's this? Rat food? Yum yum!" Leo baits.

Raph smacks the back of his head. "That'll never work! It's gonna soil the whole plan!" he whispers.

"Shhh!" Mikey says while covering Raph's mouth.

"Ah, dessert! Finally common decency. You're still not using the TV though." Splinter takes a bite and passes out.

Everyone cheers except me.

"There's no way in hell that isn't drugged..." I say.


We were all finally playing video games together.

We were all supposed to be on the same team. But apparently, Donnie doesn't know that since he keeps targeting me!

"Donnie stop killing (y/n)!" Leo shouts.

"Oops." he says as he does it again.

I slowly crank my neck over to him as I wait for myself to regenerate. "You like friendly fire Donatello?"

"I do as long as it isn't a secret..." he shoots back.

"Well, keep it up and I promise you'll be wishing it remained a secret." I threaten.

"Uh guys? Are we still talking about the game? What secret?" April asks.

"MIKEY STOP STEALING MY COINS!" Leo interrupts to stop the potential fight about to break out.

"Alright fine I'm sorry!" Mikey says.

Leo scoots over to Donnie, "Bro what gives?" he whispers.

"The Giving Tree probably..." he answers like a wise guy.

"Look, I get that your upset about everything but could you maybe be an asshole later? You couldn't hate them if you tried. So don't fuck up the vibes!" Leo says.

"Sure sure whatever..." Donnie brushes off without even taking his eyes off the screen.

"Good." Leo says with a nod. He scoots back over to his seat.

He doesn't find it hard to believe that Leo can't understand it isn't that easy. If Donnie could disregard everything, he would. But instead of explaining that to Leo, he decided to not even waste his time. Plus he'll shut up faster if you just yes him to death!

"Guys, I found a tiny rock!" Raph says, "Go on without me. I must guard it with my life."

"Raph you're gonna glitch the game again!" April says.

"Let him. I love getting stuck inside walls." Leo says.

"Ooo hey, guess what? I found a piece of the puzzle." I say. I then die immediately, "DONNIE!" I shout angry.

"Wait, that seriously wasn't me that time!" Donnie says in defense.

"D is telling the truth! I was beside him all along!" Mikey testifies.

"Yes, I have an alibi." Donnie adds. "But then who—"

"Oh look— it's a random computer player!" April says.

"But how?" Raph asks, "We aren't playing online?"

"Probably another hacker." Leo suggested.

"Oh not on my watch!" Donnie says as he angrily starts fidgeting with the controller and his tech bracelet.

April chuckles and whispers to me, "He never gets this mad about hackers. He usually lets them kill us all off first before banning them for his own amusement."

"Really?" I whisper back.

Leo joins in, "Oh yeah, he's doing this because he's obviously pissed that they killed you."

The three of us quietly giggle. I look over to a seriously focused Donnie. I smile at the sight.

My innocent soft smile then turns to a cunning grin.

There was no random hacker. It was me fucking with Donnie through my phone.

He shouldn't have killed me so much. The first 3 times, alright, I get it. But to keep going was a bit much. So it's my job to teach him a lesson.

"Ugh... they're playing off a mobile device. Go figure. Should've known from those frames per second." he says.

"Oh, I actually just have bad wifi." I say.

"Okay." he says. He then realizes what I said and turns to me, "Wait what?"

I finally kill his character, "Gotcha." I say.

He stares at me and then the screen in disbelief. "How did you— oh you sly dog... that's cheating!"

"No it isn't! You aren't even supposed to be killing me in the first place!"

"Whatever." he says crossing his arms.

Leo laughs, "Oh man I so did not see that coming..."

"But seriously, can I have the wifi password? My phone is so laggy." I complain.

"No." Donnie says quickly.

"Don't worry it's Bootyyyshaker9000." Mikey says confidently.

I giggle and begin to type it in.

"Mikey!" Donnie shouts flustered, "No it isn't!"

"He's right, it isn't!" I say.

"Huh, he changed it? Then what is it?" Mikey questions.

"Give m-me the phone. I'll type it in..." Donnie says shyly.

I begin to hand over my phone but Leo snatches it, "Hold on a minute. Let me try something. (Y/n), how do you spell your name?"

"LEO!" Donnie shouts embarrassed while trying to take the phone away from him.

"My name isn't even that difficult to spell..." I say with a laugh.

"There is no way I could possibly know how to spell your name." He tosses the phone back to me, "Now type your name in!" he says as he wrestles Donnie.

I type it in and it works, "Well what do you know?" I tease.

Leo falls backwards while laughing.

"I hate you all." Donnie says tiredly with a reddened face.

April pats his shoulder, "How 'bout we skateboard now?"


The boys did deadly skateboard moves that defies all laws of physics.

There is no reason for me to attempt any of this shit. And April was with me with that. She sat on the sidelines with me. We just chatted and occasionally a turtle would crash near us— mostly it was Leo's dumbass.

Donnie then crashes by us and lands upside down with his feet in the air, "DID YOU SEE THAT?! I DID IT! I ACTUALLY DID IT!" he shouts excitedly.

He's so cute when he's this eager. He seemed to be in a much better mood now. Thank gosh.

"We ain't see nothin Donnie. All we saw was you cras—" April starts to say.

I clap my hands, "Bravo, 10/10!" I interrupt.

He smiles and sits up regularly, "Thanks. You both sure you don't want to skate with us?"

"No we aren't as good as you guys..." I say.

"Now hold up." April says, "I'm better then them all combined! I'm sitting out because I don't want you to sit alone."

"Huh? Seriously?" I say surprised.

"Yes, have you seen my brothers?" she says while gesturing to the turtles, "How could I not know how to skateboard?"

"Oh man April you didn't have to do that! I feel bad, go skate! I'll be fine." I say.

"Believe me, I am in no rush. I'm waiting for them to break all their bones so the path will be clear for me." she says jokingly.

"JOIN US GUYS!" Mikey says while flying past.

April chuckles and stands up, "Oh alright... what the heck!"

Donnie stands up and hovers over me. "Come, I shall teach you." Donnie offers as he holds a hand out for me.

Yes, Donnie was still upset with you. However, he clearly sees he can't keep up his emotional unavailable bad boy act around you. So he's giving it a break. And in no way does he credit Leo for his choice.

But by now, he knows you realized he found out the truth. He no longer found it necessary to be a jerk towards you. After all, he hasn't heard your side of the story yet.

I happily take his hand and he pulls me up.

April brings me a helmet and safety gear, "So you don't die." she says while handing it to me. She puts her helmet on and begins to put on her elbow and knee pads.

"Thanks" I say. I do the same. "Oh and Donnie, for the record, I do know how to skateboard. I'm just not insanely good at it."

He moves closely to my face to adjust my helmet buckle and my face flushes, "Uh huh, so then you just admitted you're intimidated to skate with a bunch of reckless idiots that have too much durability." he says.

"Well maybe I am since you guys think it's a good idea to flirt with death..." I joke.

"Don't be. I won't let you get hurt." Before I can reply, he picks me up and places me on a board and pushes me away.

"DONNIE!" I yell.


April rolls her eyes and goes to skate with the others.

"Well I wasn't ready." I say calmly— at least I was trying to act calm.

Donnie chuckles and skates around me like a shark.

"This isn't funny. You're annoying." I lower my foot to touch the ground and skate away from him.

He follows me and still skates around me. "Relax sweetheart. Would you feel better if I held your hand?"

"I don't know, would you feel better if I shoved my foot up yo ass?"

He chuckles, "Hm I don't know, are you offering?" he says in a sarcastic tone.

I snap my head towards him. Do my ears deceive me? "Rhetorical question!" I spit while giving him the middle finger.

"Yeah obviously." he says, "Want to go on the ramp with the others?"

I look over to those maniacs. I know they'd run me over with ease. "I dunno. Maybe when they're done."

Donnie sighs and skates directly to my side. I stare at him puzzled. He then places his hands underneath my armpits and picks me up. He sets me down on the front of his board and skates away with me.

I just blink because not even I know how I'm supposed to react to that. I wasn't entirely against it yet I didn't agree with it either.

But I did like him being nicer to me and all. Nice to know he isn't super mad anymore. He must've missed me.

"Uh boy, here comes the married couple..." Leo jokes as Donnie and I skate up the ramp.

Mikey, Raph, and April happily wave to us.

"I'm sorry Leo, did you say something with the intentions of decreasing your survival rate?" Donnie asks.

"Sheesh..." Leo skates down the ramp.

Donnie and I were now getting ready to skate down. He holds onto my waist tightly and leans to my ear, "You okay to go down?"

I blush and nod my head, "Yeah let's do it!" I hold my arms out.

I felt way safer with him holding me like this.

He inches off the ramp and we go down together.


"AWH!" Mikey and April coo.

"They are?" Raph questions, "I just thought (y/n) was T-posing..."

When we reach the top of the other end, Donnie spins us midair to make us go in the other direction. We skate that way, turn again at a lower height, and then slowly begin to loose speed when we reach the middle.

When we come to a full stop I feel a sense of relief wash over me. I have not broken my bones!

I throw my hands in the air, "WOO!" I shout. Donnie chuckles and let's me go.

"You guys were amazing!" Mikey shouts happily.

"Thanks!" Donnie and I say at the same time. We both giggle.

"Oh please make it stop—" Leo dramatically complains, "Let's just play hide and seek already."

"Ooo I have dibs on being on Leo's team!" Mikey calls out.

"Can't blame you Michael, if I planned to win, I'd be on my team too!" Leo says.

"Since when does hide and seek have teams?" Donnie questions.

"Team or not, I don't care. I want to seek! And just for the spite of it, I'll find you first Leo." April claims.

"Well good luck with that cause pops didn't raise a loser. He raised a winner." Leo brags.

"Dad raised all of us." Raph says.

"Yeah Leo, that statement didn't help your case at all." Donnie adds.

I chuckle, "Can I help seek too? I'm really good at finding people."

Raph nods, "Yeah! I wanna find Leo and when I do, I'm gonna sma—"

"Do not say "smash"— We've been over this!" Leo reminds.

April groans, "Ugh I do not need two other seekers! Can't y'all wait your turns?"

Raph and I both cross our arms and huff defeatedly.

Donnie then slides next to me. Oh no.

"Soooo sweetheart, I got a bit of a proposal ... If you'd like, perhaps maybe we can hide together...?" he asks.

I giggle, "Wasn't it you to have integrity towards teams in the first place?"

He presses his lips into a thin line and looks away for a split second, "That was probably another Donatello who said that..."

I shake my head at him with a smile, "Fine, we can be a team then."

But we both knew we needed the alone time to sort out what's going on.


"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT!" April says while shoving a hand in his face, "Calm down, I will let you seek with me."

"And that folks, is how to join a team of seekers." Raph says proudly.

"Damn it, I should've done that..." I mutter.

"Okay you guys have 10 seconds to hide..." April says.

"I'm sorry? Did you say 10?" Donnie questions with surprise.

"9". April starts counting down.

Leo snatches Mikey's hand and runs into the sewers with him. I hear both of them laugh like mischief little children.


"Shit!" I pull Donnie's arm and run with him after Leo and Mikey. Donnie then scoops me up under his arm and runs even quicker. Why must he always carry me?!

"It's not a race D!" Mikey yells as we past them.

"Said no one ever!" Donnie calls back.

"He's right, let's catch up." Leo says.

The four run until they are no longer in view.

"Aaand 0." April says finishing. She then makes her way to a chair and sits down.

Raph tilts his head, "Aren't we gonna go find them?"

"Nah. What's the rush?" she asks. "Us older sibs need the peace and quiet."

"You're right." Raph says as he sits next to her to relax.

They'll find them later.


Thankfully we lost Leo and Mikey. They must've found a good hiding spot since they weren't trying to get ahead of us anymore.

We made our way to the end of the sewer tunnel. But it wasn't exactly a dead end, the tunnel stuck out in a bigger open area of the sewer with lime colored water sloshing below. It was a very steep drop.

"Donnie, this is a very bad hiding spot." I say.

"Is it?" He turns his shell into a jet pack and flies out of the pipe with me. He then flies upwards and lands directly on top of the pipe.

"They'll never find us up here. Even if they come down the tunnel and stick there head out to look up, they wouldn't be able to see us." he explains as he gently sets me down.

"But isn't that cheating?" I jokingly say.

He sits down next to me while shaking his head, "Nah. Not my fault they can't fly. And I kinda don't have the intentions of being found. I figured we could take advantage of this time to talk..."

I sigh, "You're right."

"I'm just going to come out and ask it: Do you work for—"

"Big Mama?" I finish, "Yes I do. And I'm sorry I couldn't tell you. But when you're doing illegal shit, you don't necessarily tell a friend you've just met."

"That's fair I guess... so what the hell were you doing in that disguise earlier?"

"I knew you and Leo were going to go confront her about me. I had to make sure that didn't happen. I also was afraid she'd force you in her Battle Nexus... I didn't know how else to create a diversion without getting in trouble..." I tell him.

"Well once I figured out it was you, you already answered my burning question... Luckily for you, Leo and Big Mama didn't seem to catch onto your disguise like how I did..." he says.

I chuckle, "Yeah... I'm glad it was you to find out though..."

"Why are you doing this?" he asks.

"I needed the money. I'd jump from commission to commission designing technology or machinery for anyone who would pay. No questions asked. At that time, nothing I was doing was illegal." I explained, "When she came into the picture, it started as making her simple machinery. She really liked what I was doing and kept requesting for more and more until she became a regular client. When we got closer, she then asked if I could make "other things" to which I said yes..."

I look over to him for a second. Donnie was focused on me and listened carefully. He waited for me to continue.

"When I made the first weapon prototype, she paid me more money then I knew what to do with. And then she showed me the hidden city... from that point, there was no turning back— I just kept producing more. Anything she wanted."

"Were you ever planning to stop?" he asks.

"No. Because I finally had the funds to conduct my research on the oozequitos... I needed the money if I ever wanted a shot at stopping them all. I didn't expect for this job to get so bad... She was so nice; I'd never saw this all coming. It all went wrong when she offered me another job at running her artillery factory. I stupidly accepted it— but ever since then, I started to realize she isn't as kind as she puts up..."

"Hey." he says while placing a hand on top of mine, "Raph, Mikey, and I didn't know she was evil at first either. She was super nice when we met, you'd never think she was a super villain. We had to find out the hard way too..."

My eyes start tearing up, "Yeah... she just kept putting me through tests to the point where I didn't feel like I could trust her... a-and today she made me do something so horrible and evil..."

I see a worried expression on his face. He scoots closer and wraps an arm around me, "Sh it's okay, take your time..." he softly says.

I nod, "I knew Hueso told you guys about me. He overheard the yōkais that work for me. I told Big Mama about the issue and she told me to find out who it was before my shift was over or she'd fire me... but that isn't even the worst part." I say trying to keep myself together, "When I found out who it was, she told me to sew their mouth shut in front of everyone to teach them a lesson... I tried to refuse Donnie, I really did, but then she threatened to kill everyone there..."

"W-What?!" he shouts surprised, "Why would she make you do that?!" he questions horrified.

Tears start streaming down my face, "I-I don't know... I want to quit but I'm afraid it's too late..."

"No no no firefly— Please don't cry!" he says panicked while cupping my face with his hands. Donnie felt he was terrible at comforting people. It was unknown territory for him. He wipes your tears with his thumbs, "It's not too late. You don't know this but my brothers and I have defeated her before. We can do it again. I'll protect you!"

"No it's not safe. She'd never let me go that easily— I know too much. Anything Big Mama wants, she gets." I say trying to calm down.

"Stop don't say that. We will find a way you hear me?" he says. It breaks his heart to see you crying. And he felt so bad for being mean to you earlier, if he'd known he wouldn't have ever treated you like that. "I promise it's going to be okay..."

I say nothing but hug him. I sit in his lap as he holds me in his arms tightly while rubbing the back of my head. I felt so safe. We stay like this for awhile.

After a minute or 2, I gently pull away.

"You feeling a little bit better?" he asks.

I wipe my face and nod my head, "Yeah, thanks Donnie..." I say while looking at him.

"Anytime." he says smiling at me.

I don't know what came over me but I lean forward and gently place a kiss on his cheek.

He freezes up and turns bright red. "Wow— um..." He nervously laughs and puts his hand on the spot I kissed. "Hah... t-that uh really caught me off guard... I don't know what to say why am I still talking..." he rambles.

I giggle and boop his little snout. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to fluster you so suddenly. I just" I start blushing myself.

"O-Oh, no don't worry about it!" he reassures cutting me off. "If anything I kinda like— what I mean is, I don't mind!"

"You don't mind?" I lightly tease.

"Maybe." he says shyly.

"Then maybe you should kiss me more often." I say.

He looks at me shocked and blinks twice. I then catch him staring at my lips for a second before looking back into my eyes.

He smiles.

"Hm maybe I should." he whispers leaning closer to my face. I pucker my lips but to my surprise he reaches up quickly and places a kiss on my forehead. He lowers back down to my level with a teasing smirk. "Oh you meant on the lips?" he asks sarcastically.

I lightly punch his chest, "Asshole." I say with a laugh.

"Sweetie if you want that kind of kiss, I'm going to need your permission so we don't have a repeat of last time..."

I roll my eyes, "Fine. Donatello Hamato, I grant you my consent. There. Is that good enough for you?" I ask with a smile.

"Sensational." he says. He grabs me by the shoulders and pulls me in for a real kiss. It was so tenderly and loving.

We both pull away and grin stupidly at each other.

How are we not dating yet?

Donnie clears his throat, "Y-You know if you ever needed to, you could always hide down here. Big Mama doesn't know where we live. You'd be very safe." he says changing the subject.

I giggle, "I might seriously consider it. That sounds so much better then faking my own death to escape her."

"Hey wait, that actually doesn't sound like a bad idea..." he realizes.

"Oh I couldn't— that would never work! I was joking!"

"You see that's where you are wrong my love..." He stands up and helps me up, "If we pull it off, she'd leave you alone for good!"

"And if it doesn't work?"

"You can hide down here until we think of another plan." he reassures, "But before we consider anything, I really think we should tell the others... if that's okay with you..."

"Alright fine. But what about our game of hide and seek?" I ask.

Donnie fiddles with his tech bracelet, "Technically there never was a game of hide and seek. April and Raph never left. So screw the game, this comes first."

"This is why you could never be a seeker. You'd just cheat and track everyone." I joke.

"Damn right I would. Think smarter not harder. Now let's go my beloved sweetheart." He picks me up bridal style and flies back to the lair.


Heyyy y'all hope you liked this ridiculously long chapterr,, I knew I'd be busy around Christmas so I wanted to make sure I at least had this done before then.

I was gonna break this up into more chapters but like I don't want so many filler chapters with cliffhangers. That's annoying. I'd rather merge em all into one. Spell checking this all was a bitch tho.

Also look at this lovely fanart Klovii_Klaire_1432 did of that one scene in the last chapter🤧💜 I love itttt smm and had to sharee!!!

But Happy Holidays to you all if you celebrate!!! Ilysmmm <3 :D

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