The Prince of Canterlot High...


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Disclaimer: This is NOT my story. All credit belongs to LordStarX101 for this. Equestria Girls Harem X Male R... Еще

Chapter 1: The New Student
Chapter 2: The Visitors From Another World
Chapter 3: Familiar Yet Unfamiliar Faces
Chapter 4: More Familiar Faces & Another Encounter
Chapter 5: Learning & Meeting the Parents
Chapter 6: A Friendship Reborn
Chapter 7: Rallying the Students
Chapter 8: Time to Come Together
Chapter 9: Night of the Fall Formal
Chapter 10: The History of Sunset Shimmer & Return to Equestria
Chapter 11: An Weekend With the Girls
Chapter 12: Birth of the Rainbooms
Chapter 13: Better Than Ever
Chapter 14: Enter the Dazzlings
Chapter 15: Return of the Princess
Chapter 16: Slumber Party & The Prince's Past
Chapter 17: The Mane Event
Chapter 18: Welcome to the Show
Chapter 19: From Despair to Love
Chapter 20: The Prince Gets More Princesses?!
Chapter 21: One Big Date With Seven Girls
Chapter 22: The Dazzlings Return
Chapter 23: Magical Showdown
Chapter 24: Day Out With the Dazzlings & Meeting Another Twilight?!
Chapter 25: Preparations for the Friendship Games
Chapter 26: Arrival of the Rivals
Chapter 27: The Friendship Games
Chapter 28: The Final Event of the Games
Chapter 29: New Students & Princess Twilight Returns
Chapter 30: A Date With Sci-Twi
Chapter 31: Sun & Moon
Chapter 32: Expanding the Herd
Chapter 33: Welcome to Camp Everfree
Chapter 34: Reuniting With the Camp Siblings
Chapter 35: Let the Magic Times Begin at Camp Everfree
Chapter 36: The Legend of Gaea Everfree
Chapter 37: The Rainbooms' New Magical Powers
Chapter 38: Embrace the Magic
Chapter 39: Showdown at Camp Everfree
Chapter 40: Lost Legends & Leaving Camp
Chapter 41: Catching Up With an Old Friend Turned Girlfriend
Chapter 42: The Girl Who Makes Your Heart Shimmer
Chapter 43: A Date With Your Adorkable Nerds
Chapter 44: A Dazzling Date
Chapter 46: A Date With Your Great & Powerful Magician
Chapter 47: Sugarcoated Applejacks
Chapter 48: Lemon & Pies
Chapter 49: Sunny Diamonds

Chapter 45: A Day Out With the Musicians, the Best Friends & Derpy

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You woke up in bed and saw you were being cuddled by the Dazzlings.

F/N: 'Look at them. The three of them are cute, beautiful and sexy.' You thought and the Dazzlings then wake up. "Morning girls."

The Dazzlings: "Morning F/N~"

F/N: "Did you all sleep well?"

Adagio Dazzle: "I did." She said and pecked you on the lips.

Sonata Dusk: "Me too." She said and pecked you on the lips as well.

Aria Blaze: "I haven't slept this well in ages." She said and pecked you on the lips.

F/N: "Come on, let's get out of bed and get some breakfast."

You and the Dazzlings got out of bed, went to the kitchen and made some breakfast with Sunset joining in as well and you all ate the breakfast you made.

Sunset Shimmer: "So what will you be doing today F/N?"

F/N: "I will be going to the mall to hang out with a few girls."

Sunset Shimmer: "Really? Which girls?"

F/N: "I'm going to be hanging out with Vinyl, Octavia, Lyra, Bon Bon and Derpy."

Sunset Shimmer: "Okay then, I guess the rest of us will be hanging out."

Aria Blaze: "I suppose I can hang out with Rainbow Dash, Indigo Zap and Trixie and show them my new guitar."

Adagio Dazzle: "Rarity, Sunny Flare and I have been working on designs for new outfits."

Sonata Dusk: "Me, Pinkie and Lemon Zest are planning to make some yummy desserts."

F/N: "Okay so you girls have fun. I'm going to get changed."

You went back to your room, got changed into your causal clothes, go into your car and drove off.

You arrived at the mall and walked around when you saw the fountain and that's where the girls you are going to hang out with are waiting.

Derpy: "Do you think he's going to show up?"

Lyra Heartstrings: "Of course he will."

Sweetie Drops (Bon Bon): "Yeah, F/N never let's anyone down."

Vinyl Scratch: "he did say he will come here."

Octavia Melody: "I hope so."

You then approached the girls.

F/N: "Hey girls, I'm here." You said to get their attention.

Vinyl Scratch: "Told ya he would come here."

Octavia Melody: "Yes I suppose so."

Lyra Heartstrings: "Hey F/N."

Sweetie Drops (Bon Bon): "How are you doing?"

F/N: "I'm doing alright. How are you girls doing?"

Derpy: "We're doing okay."

F/N: "So what do you girls want to do?"

Octavia Melody: "We've been thinking of spending some time here at the mall."

F/N: "We can do that."

Soon you and the girls went walking around the mall.

Lyra Heartstrings: "Say F/N, can I ask you something?"

F/N: "What is it?"

Lyra Heartstrings: "It's about your magic. I was wondering how you got it."

Octavia Melody: "I have to admit, I'm curious about your magic too."

F/N: "I was born with magic and I unlocked it when I was five years old when I subconsciously used a telekinesis spell to lift all the toys in my room."

Vinyl Scratch: "For real? That's pretty cool."

Sweetie Drops (Bon Bon): "What about your parents? Don't they have magic?"

F/N: "They don't. In fact, the couple who raised me my entire life are my adoptive parents."

Derpy: "You're adopted?" She said surprised.

F/N: "Yeah I was found as an baby by my adoptive parents so I don't know who my biological parents are but I still love my adoptive parents to this day."

Lyra Heartstrings: "Have you ever wondered who your biological parents are?"

F/N: "I have but there has been no clues to who my biological parents are."

Sweetie Drops (Bon Bon): "What about your dad? Isn't he like a government agent in the magic department or something? Couldn't he find out?"

F/N: "I asked my dad about that once and he said he took a little bit of my blood to do a blood test to see if there was a match with anyone but there wasn't any match at all."

Derpy: "So you like appeared out of thin air?"

F/N: "I guess."

Octavia Melody: "So does that mean your from that magic pony world that Princess Twilight comes from?"

F/N: "It's possible."

Lyra Heartstrings: "I would love to go to Equestria someday." She said excited. "I want to see all the magical things there like the magical ponies I've heard about from Sunset and Twilight."

F/N: "Really?"

Sweetie Drops (Bon Bon): "Lyra has always had an interest in things being supernatural and mythical."

Lyra Heartstrings: "It's my passion."

Sweetie Drops (Bon Bon): "Even though that passion has gotten you in trouble a few times."

Vinyl Scratch: "Really? Like what?"

Sweetie Drops (Bon Bon): "Like we went to stay at my uncle and aunt's house in the countryside on an weekend once, she heard rumours that Bigfoot was in the area so she set up an bunch of traps to catch him."

Vinyl Scratch: "What happened?"

Sweetie Drops (Bon Bon): "My uncle fell into an pitfall trap Lyra set up." She said and gave Lyra an thin-eyed stare which makes Lyra smile nervously.

Lyra Heartstrings: "It was an accident."

Sweetie Drops (Bon Bon): "And the bucket of mud that you set up that fell on my aunt was an accident?"

Lyra Heartstrings: "I didn't mean to." She muttered.

Sweetie Drops (Bon Bon): "Look Lyra, I know you mean well and we were lucky that my aunt and uncle are forgiving people but you got to be careful with your interest on the supernatural and mythical because if you try something like what you did at my uncle and aunt's house, someone won't take it well and you'll get in trouble."

Lyra Heartstrings: "I know it's just..."

F/N: "Just what Lyra?"

Lyra Heartstrings: "It's just that I don't want my life to be average."

F/N: "What do you mean you don't want your life to be average?"

Lyra Heartstrings: "I want my life to be special, to be filled with adventure and fun so I look into things like the supernatural to give my life meaning. I just want my life to be something special, to have meaning, you know." She explained.

You were surprised to hear this about Lyra, she wants her life to have meaning so she let's her passion about the supernatural be a part of her life. You then pulled Lyra into an one-armed hugged.

F/N: "Hey now Lyra, your life is special and has meaning. You got family, you got friends, you got Bon Bon here as your best friend and you got me so your life is special and does have meaning." You said which got Lyra to smile.

Lyra Heartstrings: "Aw thanks F/N." She said and pecked you on the cheek.

F/N: "So how about we get something to eat?"

Lyra Heartstrings: "Sounds good."

Sweetie Drops (Bon Bon): "That's not an bad idea."

Derpy: "I am getting hungry."

Vinyl Scratch: "Me too."

Octavia Melody: "So am I."

You and the girls went to café and up to the counter.

Café Worker: "How may I serve you today?"

F/N: "What do you girls want?"

Derpy: "Do you have blueberry muffins?" She asked the café worker.

Café Worker: "We do indeed."

Derpy: "Can I get that F/N?"

F/N: "Sure Derpy, what else about the rest of you?"

Lyra Heartstrings: "I'll get a plain bagel."

Sweetie Drops (Bon Bon): "I'll get a whole wheat donut."

Viny Scratch: "I'll get a vanilla latte with extra sugar."

Octavia Melody: "I'll just have a decaffeinated coffee."

Café Worker: "Okay then, and for you sir?"

F/N: "I'll have a mocha."

After you all ordered, you paid everything and went to an table to wait for your order to come to you.

Octavia Melody: "So how have things been F/N?"

F/N: "It's been alright. I've been busy spending the last three days."

Derpy: "With what?"

F/N: "I went on an date with Sunset then the day after that, I went on an date with Twilight and Sci-Twi and then Moondancer joined us and yesterday I went on an date with the Dazzlings."

Vinyl Scratch: "Wow! You have been busy."

Sweetie Drops (Bon Bon): "I'm surprised you helped Sunset and the Dazzlings out, despite everything they've done in the past."

F/N: "I know that they've done somethings in the past like Sunset bullying nearly everyone into ruling most of the school or that the Dazzlings used their dark magic to brainwash everyone so they could feed off of their negativity to get stronger but that had their reasons to."

Lyra Heartstrings: "Yeah I guess but I still can't believe Sunset was neglected by her parents."

F/N: "I know but she did all the terrible things she used to do because she just wanted to be recognized by her parents and that they would love her. What would you do if you were in Sunset's position back then?"

Lyra Heartstrings: "I-I don't know what I would do."

F/N: "And the Dazzlings are a different case. Yes they did brainwash nearly everyone at CHS to feed off of the negativity to get stronger but they wanted to avenge their kin because they are the last three sirens in the world. What would you do if you lost the ones you loved if someone took them away from you?"

Vinyl Scratch: "Wow...I would feel pretty mad at those people."

F/N: "Yes, Sunset and the Dazzlings have done terrible things in the past but they've moved on and what about the rest of us? I'm sure we've all done things we're not proud of."

Sweetie Drops (Bon Bon): "That's...not technically wrong."

Derpy: "Yeah, like the time I stole a few muffins my mum made for an bake sale. She was pretty mad when she learned when I did that." She said embarrassed which made you chuckle.

F/N: "Oh Derpy, you and your muffins." You said and ruffled her hair which made her giggle.

Derpy: "What can I say? I love muffins."

F/N: "My point is, Sunset isn't perfect, the Dazzlings aren't perfect, we're all not perfect and I admit, I'm not perfect. I've made mistakes before and I've done what I can to right the wrongs I've done."

Octavia Melody: "Um, I guess you got a point there F/N."

F/N: "Besides you what to know what makes things perfect to me?"

Derpy: "What F/N?"

F/N: "Spending time with all of you girls because it brightens my day." You said which got them to smile.

Sweetie Drops (Bon Bon): "Aw that's sweet of you F/N." She said and pecked you on the cheek.

You and the girls get your orders of food and drinks, eat and drink them and left the café.

You and the girls walk around the mall until you enter the music store that Vinyl usually works at as co-worker of hers was working today's shift.

Vinyl Scratch: "Say F/N, what else can you do besides play the guitar?"

F/N: "I can play the piano as well."

Octavia Melody: "Really? Can we see?"

F/N: "Sure." You said and went to an piano and started to play on it.

After you finished playing, the girls were amazed by your piano.

Lyra Heartstrings: "That was...amazing!"

Sweetie Drops (Bon Bon): "You really know how to play F/N."

Derpy: "How did you even learn to play the piano?"

F/N: "Years of practice."

Vinyl Scratch: "Yeah, it takes years of practice to be an great musician."

Octavia Melody: "That is true, it took me years of practicing the cello for me to be good."

F/N: "Well I think you and Vinyl are both an great celloist and a DJ."

Vinyl & Octavia: "Thanks F/N." They said and pecked you on the cheek.

You and the girls leave the music store and went to walk around some more.

You and the girls arrived at Flixiplex Cinema where they are showing an bunch of movies.

F/N: "Say girls, what movie do you want to watch?"

Derpy: "Nothing scary."

Lyra Heartstrings: "As long as it's something good."

Sweetie Drops (Bon Bon): "Maybe something animated."

F/N: "How about this movie?" You said and pointed at an movie poster.

Octavia Melody: "Toy Story 4?"

F/N: "Yeah, I watched the first three Toy Story movies and I was surprised that they did a fourth one since Toy Story 3 ended brilliantly and looked like that was it for the Toy Story movies."

Vinyl Scratch: "I wouldn't mind seeing it."

Derpy: "Me too, I've seen the first Toy Story when I was younger."

Octavia Melody: "I suppose we can watch it."

Sweetie Drops (Bon Bon): "I want to see it."

Lyra Heartstrings: "I do as well."

F/N: "Then let's go."

You and the girls went to up to the counter, paid for the tickets, got popcorn, drinks and snacks and went into movie theatre to watch Toy Story 4.

You and the girls leave the movie theatre with smiles.

F/N: "That was a good movie. What did you girls think?"

Derpy: "I loved it! I love the Toy Story movies."

Octavia Melody: "It was an good movie and I can see why people say that the Toy Story movies are some of the best animated films."

Vinyl Scratch: "Heck yeah it was good."

Lyra Heartstrings: "It makes me wonder if there are magical living toys out there."

Sweetie Drops (Bon Bon): "If there are, let's hope there aren't any evil ones."

F/N: "How about we go to the park so we can relax?"

The Girls: "Okay."

You and the girls arrive at the park and walk around.

F/N: 'Things have been peaceful these past few days. It makes me wonder what's going to happen next.' You thought.

Then you heard some sobbing nearby.

F/N: "Huh? Who's that?"

Derpy: "What is it F/N?"

F/N: "I hear someone and they sound sad."

Sweetie Drops (Bon Bon): "Really?"

F/N: "I'm going to check who it is." You said and went to check it out.

Derpy: "There he goes again, he always wants to help everyone." She said with a smile.

Vinyl Scratch: "That's F/N for ya."

Octavia Melody: "He doesn't like seeing anyone upset so he does what he can to make anyone happy."

You came to the source of the crying which came from behind a tree and you go around to see a girl crying.

The girl has light greenish grey skin, moderate aquamarine hair, greyish tangelo and she is wearing a brown striped sweater in two different shades and blue jeans.

Green Girl: "Why...why doesn't anyone notice me?" She sobbed.

F/N: 'This girls...I think I've seen her around school before. I think her name is Wallflower Blush. Maybe I should talk to her.' You thought and approached her. "Hey excuse me, are you okay?" You asked the girl who looks at you surprised.

Wallflower Blush: "H-Huh?! Y-Your F/N right? That prince guy with the magic powers and the harem with lots of girlfriends?"

F/N: "Yeah that's me and your Wallflower Blush right?" You said which made her look at you shocked.

Wallflower Blush: "Y-You know who I am?"

F/N: "Of course I do. I remember seeing you in some classes and if I remember correctly, you're in the gardening club."

Then all of a sudden, Wallflower gets up and hugs you and sobs onto your shirt.

Wallflower Blush: "Y-You've n-noticed m-me. N-No one's n-noticed m-me b-before." She sobbed.

F/N: "Hold on. What do you mean no one's noticed you before?"

Wallflower Blush: "Everyone at CHS always ignore me and they forget me, even the teachers don't notice me."

F/N: "I am so sorry to hear that Wallflower, you don't deserve to be ignored or forgotten and I'm sorry if I haven't talked to you at all, I've been busy with my life."

Wallflower Blush: "N-No it's not your fault F/N. I understand that your busy because you spend a lot of time with your girlfriends."

F/N: "Still, you don't deserve to be ignored so how about this? How about I give you my number so if you ever feel lonely, you can give me a call and we can talk?"

Wallflower Blush: "Really?" She said with some hope in her voice.

F/N: "Of course and besides, no one wants to be alone so if you're ever feeling down or need someone to talk to, give me a call and I'll help you out."

Wallflower Blush: "O-Okay."

You and Wallflower Blush exchange phone numbers with each other.

F/N: "There we go and like I said, if you ever feel down or need someone to talk to, give me a call."

Wallflower Blush: "Ok and F/N..."

F/N: "Yes Wallflower?" You said and got hugged by Wallflower.

Wallflower Blush: "Thank you." She said with a smile which made you smile.

F/N: "No problem Wallflower." You said before remembering your dates." Um Wallflower, I'm sorry but I have to go now. I'm kinda busy with some dates."

Wallflower Blush: "I understand, I have to go home anyway."

F/N: "It was nice meeting you Wallflower. We should speak again sometime."

Wallflower Blush: "I hope so. It was nice meeting you too."

You then left Wallflower who sheds a tear of happiness.

Wallflower Blush: 'Someone noticed me...someone finally noticed me...thank you F/N.' She thought before walking off, feeling happy that someone finally noticed her.

You returned back to your dates who were waiting at an bench.

F/N: "Sorry about that girls. I had to check who was upset and see if they were okay."

Sweetie Drops (Bon Bon): "It's okay F/N. We know you always look out for others."

Lyra Heartstrings: "And that's what we love about you."

Vinyl Scratch: "So who was it that was upset?"

F/N: "A fellow classmate of ours at CHS. Her name is Wallflower Blush."

Octavia Melody: "Wallflower Blush? That names doesn't ring a bell."

Vinyl Scratch: "Yeah I don't know who that is."

Derpy: "I think I know her. She has green hair, wears an brown sweater and is into gardening right?"

F/N: "Yeah that's her and she was upset because no one at school is noticing her."

Lyra Heartstrings: "W-What? How is that possible?"

F/N: "Who knows but I talked with her a little and gave her my phone number so that if she ever feels down or lonely, she can call me."

Sweetie Drops (Bon Bon): "That was nice of you F/N."

F/N: "I don't like seeing people being sad so I do what I can to make them happy again."

Derpy: "And that's why a lot of girls are falling for you." She said and pecked you on the cheek.

F/N: "It's starting to get dark. Maybe we should get you girls home."

Vinyl Scratch: "Actually F/N, we were wondering if we could stay at your place for tonight."

F/N: "Sure, just pick up your PJs and come over to my place."

You and the girls went back to your car, drive to their places so they could pick up their PJs and drove back to your place.

You and the girls go inside and see that no one is around.

F/N: "Huh, I guess Sunset and the Dazzlings went to bed earlier."

Derpy: "So what are we going to do F/N?"

F/N: "How about we watch a movie for awhile?"

Lyra Heartstrings: "Okay like what?"

F/N: "Let's check Netflix." You said and went onto Netflix to what movie to watch. "Hmmm, how about Monsters VS Aliens?"

Lyra Heartstrings: "That sounds good."

Sweetie Drops (Bon Bon): "I'm okay with it."

Derpy: "Me too."

Vinyl Scratch: "I'm fine with it."

Octavia Melody: "I don't mind."

You and the girls watch Monsters VS Aliens as the girls cuddle with you and in an few hours, the movie ends.

Derpy: "That was a good movie."

Lyra Heartstrings: "I wonder if there are aliens out there in space."

Sweetie Drops (Bon Bon): "If there's an magical world where everyone there is nearly an magical talking pony then aliens might be real."

Vinyl Scratch: "You know, I wonder if there's another me in that magical pony world and if she's an cool DJ."

Octavia Melody: "I'm sure there is Vinyl and I'm sure there's an me there that plays the cello just as brilliantly."

F/N: "Come on girls, it's time for bed."

You and the girls went upstairs and you went to your room to get changed while the girls went to an guest room to get changed. You got changed into your PJ pants and heard an knock on the door.

Vinyl Scratch: "It's us. Have you finished changing F/N?"

F/N: "I am. You can come in." You said and the girls entered your room, wearing PJs similar to what the (Hu)Mane 7 wore from the sleepover at Pinkie's but in their own colours and designs. [AN: I couldn't really find any images of Derpy, Vinyl, Octavia, Lyra and Bon Bon in sleepwear and I'm feeling a little bit lazy at describing their PJs.]

Vinyl Scratch: "So what do you think?"

F/N: "You all look cute in your PJs." You said which got them to blush and smile.

The Girls: "Th-Thanks F/N."

You got into bed first and the girls cuddled with you, they each took turn kissing you on the lips and eventually you all fell asleep.

[End of Chapter]

[AN: Sorry for taking awhile on this chapter, I was having an hard time thinking of what to do with reader's date with Lyra, Bon Bon, Derpy, Vinyl and Octavia so I just put some stuff together to try and make this chapter longer so it wouldn't be too short.]

[Next Chapter: F/N goes on an date with his Great & Powerful Magician.]

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