The Prince of Canterlot High...

By archiveofourpony

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Disclaimer: This is NOT my story. All credit belongs to LordStarX101 for this. Equestria Girls Harem X Male R... More

Chapter 1: The New Student
Chapter 2: The Visitors From Another World
Chapter 3: Familiar Yet Unfamiliar Faces
Chapter 4: More Familiar Faces & Another Encounter
Chapter 5: Learning & Meeting the Parents
Chapter 6: A Friendship Reborn
Chapter 7: Rallying the Students
Chapter 8: Time to Come Together
Chapter 9: Night of the Fall Formal
Chapter 10: The History of Sunset Shimmer & Return to Equestria
Chapter 11: An Weekend With the Girls
Chapter 12: Birth of the Rainbooms
Chapter 13: Better Than Ever
Chapter 14: Enter the Dazzlings
Chapter 15: Return of the Princess
Chapter 16: Slumber Party & The Prince's Past
Chapter 17: The Mane Event
Chapter 18: Welcome to the Show
Chapter 19: From Despair to Love
Chapter 20: The Prince Gets More Princesses?!
Chapter 21: One Big Date With Seven Girls
Chapter 22: The Dazzlings Return
Chapter 23: Magical Showdown
Chapter 24: Day Out With the Dazzlings & Meeting Another Twilight?!
Chapter 25: Preparations for the Friendship Games
Chapter 26: Arrival of the Rivals
Chapter 27: The Friendship Games
Chapter 28: The Final Event of the Games
Chapter 29: New Students & Princess Twilight Returns
Chapter 30: A Date With Sci-Twi
Chapter 31: Sun & Moon
Chapter 32: Expanding the Herd
Chapter 33: Welcome to Camp Everfree
Chapter 34: Reuniting With the Camp Siblings
Chapter 35: Let the Magic Times Begin at Camp Everfree
Chapter 36: The Legend of Gaea Everfree
Chapter 37: The Rainbooms' New Magical Powers
Chapter 38: Embrace the Magic
Chapter 39: Showdown at Camp Everfree
Chapter 40: Lost Legends & Leaving Camp
Chapter 42: The Girl Who Makes Your Heart Shimmer
Chapter 43: A Date With Your Adorkable Nerds
Chapter 44: A Dazzling Date
Chapter 45: A Day Out With the Musicians, the Best Friends & Derpy
Chapter 46: A Date With Your Great & Powerful Magician
Chapter 47: Sugarcoated Applejacks
Chapter 48: Lemon & Pies
Chapter 49: Sunny Diamonds

Chapter 41: Catching Up With an Old Friend Turned Girlfriend

619 10 3
By archiveofourpony

It's been an few days since the week at Camp Everfree and things have been peaceful for the time being.

After you return back to Canterlot, you went to your parents and told them everything that happened at Camp Everfree. You told them about Timber and Gloriosa now running the camp as well as Gloriosa getting her hands on magic geodes which were corrupting her and turned her into an demonic being that wanted to prevent Filthy Rich from buying Camp Everfree, how you fought the demonic-possessed Gloriosa and how she is now in your harem, introduced them to Rocky and Star Swirl's Echo Orb which contained an phantom copy of Star Swirl who explained to you how the real Star Swirl and his allies sealed the evil creatures known as the Umbrum away by sacrificing the world's magic. Your parents were surprised to know all this and your dad decided to do some research on the Umbrum as well as lookout for anyone who might try and bring them back.

Twilight went back to Equestria for awhile to check on her friends as well find anything on the Umbrum of Equestria just in case if anyone in Equestria sought to bring them.

So things were getting back to peaceful and the next few days were going to be busy for you.

It's an Saturday morning and you opened your eyes and looked to see that you were being cuddled by Sunset and the Dazzlings who were asleep which makes you smile.

F/N: 'Of course they would cuddle with me in my sleep. Not that I don't mind.' You thought as you slowly and carefully got out of the girl's hold on you and out of bed.

You went to the kitchen and started to work on breakfast when Sunset and the Dazzlings appeared.

F/N: "Morning girls."

Sunset & the Dazzlings: "Morning F/N."

You made the girls each their own breakfast and serve it to them and started eating.

Sonata Dusk: "You really know how to make the best food F/N."

F/N: "Thanks Sonata. So did you girls sleep well?"

Adagio Dazzle: "I did."

Aria Blaze: "So did I."

Sunset Shimmer: "I slept well."

Sonata Dusk: "Yeah we all slept well thanks to cuddling with your warm body."

Aria Blaze: "Sonata!" She said with a slight blush as you grin.

F/N: "Oh is that so? Well if you girls want to cuddle with me then your welcome to." You simply said with a charming smile that made the girls blush.

Just then, your phone began to ring which you picked up and answered.

F/N: "Hello?"

Gloriosa Daisy (On Phone): "Hey F/N, it's Gloriosa. I wanted to ask if you and I could, I don't know, do something today. Just the two of us if you're not too busy."

F/N: "Sure why not. So what's a good time for me to pick you up?"

Gloriosa Daisy (On Phone): "I was thinking around 10:30 or so."

F/N: "Okay well I got a car so I can drive to where ever you are at the moment."

Gloriosa Daisy (On Phone): "Really?! Well can you pick up me from camp because that's where me and Timber are living?"

F/N: "I can do that. Let me just finish having breakfast, get changed and I'll be on my way soon."

Gloriosa Daisy (On Phone): "Okay, see you soon~" She said and hung up.

Sunset Shimmer: "Who was that F/N?"

F/N: "It's Gloriosa, she called and wanted to spend the day with me."

Aria Blaze: "What? Like a date?"

F/N: "Most likely so I'm going to spend the day with Gloriosa and catch up with her."

Sunset Shimmer: "What?! But F/N, you told me that when our stay at Camp Everfree was over, you would spend with me."

F/N: "I know Sunset but me and Gloriosa didn't get to talk a lot during our stay at Camp Everfree so I want us to catch up."

Sunset Shimmer: "Hmph." Is all she said as she turned her head with an unhappy look.

You sighed before walking up to Sunset and grabbed her cheeks and turned her head so she could look at you.

F/N: "I'm sorry Sunset. I know you want to spend more time with me since I spent a lot of time with Sci-Twi during our stay at Camp Everfree but I promise you this, tomorrow I will spend the day with you and I'll give you the best date ever."

Sunset Shimmer: "...You better." She said with a small smile.

F/N: "I will, you know me." You said and pulled Sunset into a kiss which she returns.

Sonata Dusk: "Hey! What about us?" She asked out as you and Sunset eventually stop kissing.

F/N: "Okay so how about the day after me and Sunset have our date, I will take you three girls out for a date as well?" You asked the Dazzlings which made them think for a moment.

Adagio Dazzle: "I guess we can do that."

Aria Blaze: "It's fair I suppose."

Sonata Dusk: "But what about the others girls? Once they hear this, they will want to go on dates with you as well."

F/N: "Well I suppose I can spend sometime with all of my girlfriends, I just need to talk to them about setting up our dates."

Sunset Shimmer: "Leave that to us. We will contact the others and tell them about planning some dates with you."

F/N: "Okay then, let's finish our breakfast and get ready for today." You suggested.

You, Sunset and the Dazzlings finished your breakfast, you got changed into your causal clothes and while Sunset and the Dazzlings stayed at home and called your other girlfriends, you went to your car and drove out of the city.

You drove through the woods and arrived at Camp Everfree where Gloriosa is waiting outside so you stopped your car and got out and when you did, Gloriosa saw you which made her smile happily and she runs up to you and hugs you.

Gloriosa Daisy: "F/N! I'm so happy to see you again."

F/N: "I'm happy to you see again too Gloriosa." You said as you hugged her back before you both stopped hugging. "So what do you want to do today?"

Gloriosa Daisy: "I was hoping we can catch up and talk about the things we've been through."

F/N: "Okay so how about we go into the city and go get something to eat and chat?"

Gloriosa Daisy: "That sounds lovely."

F/N: "Okay but before we leave, I need to ask, does Timber know your going on a date with me?"

Gloriosa Daisy: "Yeah I told him and he went out to hang with some of his friends back in high school."

F/N: "Okay then. Let's get going." You said as you and Gloriosa went into your car and drove away from Camp Everfree and back to Canterlot City.

You and Gloriosa were at an café, sitting at an table and the both of you made your orders, waiting for your food to be delivered.

Gloriosa Daisy: "So F/N, since you have magic, that means you've been through a few adventures right?" She asked you.

F/N: "You have no idea." You chuckled.

Gloriosa Daisy: "So what have you gone through?"

F/N: "Well it all started on when me and my parents just moved here to Canterlot and I became a student at CHS. I made a few friends while I had to deal with a bit of a bully."

Gloriosa Daisy: "Who was the bully?"

F/N: "Her name is Sunset Shimmer."

Gloriosa Daisy: "Sunset Shimmer? Isn't she one of your girlfriends? The one with red and yellow hair?"

F/N: "Yeah well she's not that bully anymore and I can fully explain. After my first week at CHS, I saw a girl and a dog magically appear in front of the school through the school's statue. Her name was Twilight Sparkle and her dog's name was Spike and they came from another world called Equestria."

Gloriosa Daisy: "Equestria?"

F/N: "Yeah it turns out there's another world called Equestria where everyone there is an magical talking pony or another type of creature like dragons."

Gloriosa Daisy: "Wow, that sounds pretty magical."

F/N: "I guess but if you want to know more about Equestria then you will want to talk to Twilight or Sunset since they are from Equestria. Anyway Sunset came from Equestria but run away into this world and she told Twilight's crown which is a magical artefact that she wanted to use but lost it when it entered this which ended up in Principal Celestia's possession and she wouldn't hand the crown over to anyone unless they won as Fall Formal Princess which Sunset has won three times in a row by using somewhat dirty methods. Me and Twilight worked together so that she could win the title of Fall Formal Princess and get her crown back while also fixing the friendships that Sunset broke apart."

Gloriosa Daisy: "So what happened next?" She asked interested.

F/N: "Twilight won the title of Fall Formal Princess and was given her magic crown back but Sunset manage to take it away from her and put it on which transformed her into an demonic being that I fought but the magic of friendship in Twilight's crown gave Twilight and five other girls magic in this world and used that magic to get rid of Sunset's demon half and turn her back to normal. It turned out that Sunset was being manipulated by her inner demon which was born from dark magic and I learned that Sunset had an difficult life back in Equestria because she was being neglected by her parents and she had no friends back there. I felt so bad for her that I decided to help her along with some help from Twilight and our friends."

Gloriosa Daisy: "That sounds like you F/N. You always want to help everyone." She said with a smile.

F/N: "So after the Fall Formal, Twilight and Spike went back to Equestria while Sunset stayed as she wanted to right the wrongs she's done in this world and changed from her old self. Then me and my friends formed an band called the Rainbooms for an musical showcase which was turned into an Battle of the Bands by the Dazzlings who are sirens that possessed dark magic and were banished to this world from Equestria that wanted to return to Equestria to get revenge on those who wiped out their kin back in Equestria."

Gloriosa Daisy: "You mean they might be the last three sirens?"

F/N: "Yes because it turns out the spell that was used to banished the sirens into this world opened a hole in space and time and a thousand years has passed in Equestria when they were banished which they didn't know about. The Dazzlings used their dark magic on nearly everyone at CHS to turn against each other and feed off the negativity they were creating to get stronger but me and the Rainbooms were immune to their dark magic thanks to our own magic and with Twilight's help as well as Sunset's, we were able to break everyone out of the Dazzlings' magic and save the day. Then Sunset received some bad news."

Gloriosa Daisy: "What was it?"

F/N: "Sunset got a letter from Equestria that had told her that her parents passed away and that her parents regretted neglecting her and wanted to be a family again." You said which made Gloriosa gasp.

Gloriosa Daisy: "Oh no..."

F/N: "It hurt Sunset a lot when she got the bad news so I went to check on her and found her crying over the loss of her parents as she wanted to be a family with them again so I gave her the support she needed and after helping her out, Sunset kissed me and told me how she felt about me so I accepted Sunset's feelings and asked her to be my girlfriend then the next day while I went to visit my grandparents in Manehattan, Sunset told Twilight and the other members of the Rainbooms about what happened to her parents which they felt sympathetic about and she told them about me and her being in a relationship and she knew they also had feelings for me so she told them that they should share me and allow me to have a harem. They agreed to it and when they told me about the harem idea, I agreed to it because I didn't want to hurt any of their feelings so I got my first seven girlfriends."

Gloriosa Daisy: "That must have been quiet the surprise about getting a harem."

F/N: "Yeah it kinda was." You chuckled. "Then I met the Dazzlings again and talked with them about why they did the things they did at CHS with their dark magic and they told me about how they became the last three sirens who wanted revenge on the ones who took the lives of all the other sirens but when I told them that a thousand years passed in Equestria since they were banished so they couldn't get their revenge which made them feel empty. I told the Dazzlings to live for their fallen kin and I had to go save them from an old bully I encountered back in Manehattan."

Gloriosa Daisy: "You had to deal with a bully?"

F/N: "Yeah his name was Brad Grape and he was the biggest bully in Manehattan High and when he tried to bully me, me and everyone he bullied got him expelled for his actions and he wanted revenge on me but someone or something gave him magic which he wanted to use to get revenge on me and he kidnapped two of the Dazzlings with Sonata telling me about what Brad did so I went to save them and fought against Brad but during the fight, I entered that rage for the first time."

Gloriosa Daisy: "Rage? You mean the same rage you went into when you fought me when I was Gaea Everfree."

F/N: "Yes and it was that rage that helped me defeated Brad but Sonata was able to snap me out of it and I helped the Dazzlings out with their living situations since they were about to be out on the streets. The Dazzlings decided to change their lives and came back to CHS to make amends for what they done and they eventually fell for me and I accepted them as my girlfriends. Then came the Friendship Games."

Gloriosa Daisy: "I remember my parents talking about the Friendship Games and how fun they were."

F/N: "Well Crystal Prep didn't see the Friendship Games as an fun event but as an competition to prove that they are better than everyone else thanks to their principal, a woman named Abacus Cinch who only cared about her own self-image and reputation as an great principal that she wants everyone to remember by corrupting her students into believing that being better than everyone is all that matters. But before the Friendship Games, I met this world's Twilight who we call by the nickname Sci-Twi and she was an student at Crystal Prep and it turns out that she had no friends so I became friends with her so she wouldn't feel lonely anymore."

Gloriosa Daisy: "That was nice of you."

F/N: "I just don't like seeing good people being sad but then magic got involved with the Friendship Games and Sci-Twi wanted to know about the magical things that was happening at CHS so she created an amulet device to detect and absorb a little bit of magic energy but her device went out of control and started to absorb too much magic energy from some of my girlfriends and when Cinch learned of the magic here at CHS, she blackmailed Sci-Twi into releasing the magic which turned Sci-Twi into an dark angel named Midnight Sparkle."

Gloriosa Daisy: "Oh my! That wasn't a nice thing that Cinch woman did."

F/N: "Yeah I know and I had to fight Midnight Sparkle but during the fight, some sort of dark magic effected me from out of nowhere and made me enter the rage again but Sunset was able to snap me out of it and with her help, we defeated Midnight Sparkle and brought Sci-Twi. Then Cinch had the gall to demand that CHS forfeit the Friendship Games but the superintendent appeared and wasn't happy with Cinch's action as Crystal Prep's principal, especially when it turned out that Cinch blackmailed Sci-Twi into joining the Friendship Games so the superintendent threatened to take Cinch to court about her actions as Crystal Prep's principal which left Cinch no choice but to resign as Crystal Prep's principal and Crystal Prep's dean was chosen to be the new principal."

Gloriosa Daisy: "I'm glad I didn't have that Cinch as my principal when I was in school."

F/N: "And it's a good thing that Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna are the nicest woman at CHS. So after the Friendship Games, Sci-Twi asked me out on a date which I agreed to and she became one of my girlfriends then even more girls confessed their feelings to me and became my girlfriends then we came to Camp Everfree and you know the rest." You finished telling Gloriosa.

Gloriosa Daisy: "Wow F/ sounds like your magnet for adventure."

F/N: "I know right? It's like some sort of cosmetic force or entity is dragging me into these things."

LordStarX101: "...No comment..."

F/N: "So anyway Gloriosa? What have you been through?"

Gloriosa Daisy: "Well after you left back to Manehattan, I was sadden that you were gone and waited for you to come back. I manage to make a few friends at school but after we graduated, they left to go do their own things and then after me and Timber graduated from, our parents asked us if we want to take over Camp Everfree which we agreed to."

F/N: "I can see that. You really love Camp Everfree."

Gloriosa Daisy: "Yes I do because I hold so many wonderful memories there."

F/N: "Um Gloriosa, I don't mean to pry but what exactly happened that wanted to make Filthy Rich trying to take Camp Everfree from you?" You asked which made Gloriosa look down a little.

Gloriosa Daisy: "...I owned him a lot of money I borrowed from him."

F/N: "You borrowed money from Filthy Rich?"

Gloriosa Daisy: "Yes but I needed the money because me and Timber need to make repairs around the camp and replace most of the camp equipment since the old equipment was worn down and mostly in ruin. I tried to raise the money but not a lot of people were coming to Camp Everfree which made it hard for me and Timber to raise the money and Filthy Rich was breathing down our neck, wanting to take the camp and tear it down to replace it with an spa resort. I thought those magic geodes would help me save Camp Everfree but because I didn't know what I was messing with, I transformed into an monster and hurt a lot of people..." She said sadly as her eyes turned watery.

You didn't want to see your childhood friend turned girlfriend like this so you grabbed her hand and she looked at you.

F/N: "Gloriosa...what happened with the magic geodes wasn't your fault. Yes you didn't know what you were messing with but you didn't know the geodes would transform you into an demonic being and no one seriously got hurt. No one blames you for what happened, in fact Sunset and Sci-Twi have gone through you went through and that they messed with magic which they didn't understand and turned into demonic beings as well so if you want to talk to anyone then talk to them because they understand what you've been through. And if you are having trouble then come to me and I will be there, ready to help you out whenever you need it." You tell her.

Gloriosa sheds tears of joy before she moved closer to you and pulled you into an hug.

Gloriosa Daisy: "I'm so glad I have you in my life F/N." She said as you hugged her back.

F/N: "I know and I'm glad that I have you in my life too Gloriosa and I will always be there for you."

Gloriosa stopped shedding her tears and let's go of you.

Gloriosa Daisy: "I'm so happy you were willing to accept me as one of your girlfriends, even if you got so many girls in your life."

F/N: "Yeah I know it's unusual that I have so many girlfriends and that some people won't like it but I don't care, I just got a lot of love to give to those who need it, especially when it comes to girls." You said which made Gloriosa giggle.

Gloriosa Daisy: "You really know what to say F/N."

F/N: "I guess I do." You said and pecked Gloriosa on the lips which made her blush a little.

Eventually you and Gloriosa got the food you both ordered which you payed for and enjoyed the food.

After you and Gloriosa finished having your food, you both talked for awhile with you talking about your time in Manehattan and Gloriosa telling you how she ran the camp rather well when they did have campers.

You and Gloriosa eventually left the café and went back to Camp Everfree.

Gloriosa Daisy: "Today was fun." She said happily.

F/N: "I'm glad we did this and that we were able to catch up properly after everything that happened."

Gloriosa Daisy: "Yeah me too...say F/N, I was wondering if we could kiss again?" She asked with a blush which made you chuckle.

F/N: "Of course we can." You said as you grabbed Gloriosa by her cheek and pulled her into an kiss which she returns.

Timber Spruce: "Oh!" You and Gloriosa stop kissing and see Timber who scratches the back of his head with a nervous smile. "Sorry walking in on what you two were doing."

Gloriosa Daisy: "Timber!" She called out with an blush on her face, embarrassed that her brother walked on her kissing her boyfriend.

Timber Spruce: " two went on an date?"

Gloriosa Daisy: "As an matter of fact we did and it was fun."

Timber Spruce: "That's good to hear. I'm glad you had sis and I got some news, our parents called and they will becoming back home in an few days."

Gloriosa Daisy: "Really? That's good to hear."

F/N: "I'll let my parents know so they can meet up with your parents and catch up." You said before looking at your phone to check the time. "I better go. The others want to know where I am and if I'm okay."

Gloriosa Daisy: "Okay F/N, thanks for today and I hope to see you again soon."

F/N: "I'm sure we will." You said and pecked Gloriosa on the cheek. "Bye Gloriosa, bye Timber." You said as you got into your car and drove out of the camp.

Timber Spruce: "Oh and by the way Gloriosa, be careful when you and F/N get to having "fun" because I don't want to be an uncle just yet." He jokingly said which made Gloriosa blush bright red.

Gloriosa Daisy: "TIMBER!"

You returned back home to see Twilight, Sunset and the Dazzlings in the lounge room.

F/N: "Hey girls, I'm back."

Your Girlfriends: "Hey F/N."

Sunset Shimmer: "So how was your date with Gloriosa?"

F/N: "It was great. Me and Gloriosa caught up about events that went on throughout our lives and I see your here again Twilight."

Twilight Sparkle: "I am. Things have been peaceful in Equestria lately since Queen Chrysalias' latest plans to take over Equestria has been thwarted thanks to my student Starlight Glimmer and a few others and now all the Changelings minus Chrysalis have reformed."

F/N: "That's good to hear."

Adagio Dazzle: "So F/N, we called the others girls and told them about setting up dates with you and they agreed to it."

F/N: "I see. Well, I guess I'm going to be really these next few days."

Aria Blaze: "You got that right." She said with a grin.

Sonata Dusk: "Yeah and I hope you have fun."

F/N: "So since I said I would go on an date with Sunset tomorrow, who's next after her?"

Twilight Sparkle: "Well you'll be spending time with me and Sci-Twi after your date with Sunset."

Adagio Dazzle: "Then it's us." She said as she referred to herself and the other Dazzlings."

Sunset Shimmer: "The others are still deciding and they will call you when they sort it out."

F/N: "Okay then." You said as you relaxed on the couch and turned on the TV with your currents girlfriends joining you and cuddling you.

You were going to be really busy the next few days with so many dates with your harem.

[End of Chapter]

[AN: So sorry about the wait on this chapter. I needed to clear my head after working on this story nearly non-stop last month and I updated two chapter on MLP: A New Life but it's this story that I seem to love working on. Now the next few chapters will be having the reader spending time with his harem on dates so this could be considered an story arc of sorts, like some sort of story Arc 4.5 and that means I will be busy trying to think of things for the reader to do on his dates.]

[Next Chapter: F/N & Sunset go on an date.]

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