The Prince of Canterlot High...

By archiveofourpony

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Disclaimer: This is NOT my story. All credit belongs to LordStarX101 for this. Equestria Girls Harem X Male R... More

Chapter 1: The New Student
Chapter 2: The Visitors From Another World
Chapter 3: Familiar Yet Unfamiliar Faces
Chapter 4: More Familiar Faces & Another Encounter
Chapter 5: Learning & Meeting the Parents
Chapter 6: A Friendship Reborn
Chapter 7: Rallying the Students
Chapter 8: Time to Come Together
Chapter 9: Night of the Fall Formal
Chapter 10: The History of Sunset Shimmer & Return to Equestria
Chapter 11: An Weekend With the Girls
Chapter 12: Birth of the Rainbooms
Chapter 13: Better Than Ever
Chapter 14: Enter the Dazzlings
Chapter 15: Return of the Princess
Chapter 16: Slumber Party & The Prince's Past
Chapter 17: The Mane Event
Chapter 18: Welcome to the Show
Chapter 19: From Despair to Love
Chapter 20: The Prince Gets More Princesses?!
Chapter 21: One Big Date With Seven Girls
Chapter 22: The Dazzlings Return
Chapter 23: Magical Showdown
Chapter 24: Day Out With the Dazzlings & Meeting Another Twilight?!
Chapter 25: Preparations for the Friendship Games
Chapter 26: Arrival of the Rivals
Chapter 27: The Friendship Games
Chapter 28: The Final Event of the Games
Chapter 29: New Students & Princess Twilight Returns
Chapter 30: A Date With Sci-Twi
Chapter 31: Sun & Moon
Chapter 33: Welcome to Camp Everfree
Chapter 34: Reuniting With the Camp Siblings
Chapter 35: Let the Magic Times Begin at Camp Everfree
Chapter 36: The Legend of Gaea Everfree
Chapter 37: The Rainbooms' New Magical Powers
Chapter 38: Embrace the Magic
Chapter 39: Showdown at Camp Everfree
Chapter 40: Lost Legends & Leaving Camp
Chapter 41: Catching Up With an Old Friend Turned Girlfriend
Chapter 42: The Girl Who Makes Your Heart Shimmer
Chapter 43: A Date With Your Adorkable Nerds
Chapter 44: A Dazzling Date
Chapter 45: A Day Out With the Musicians, the Best Friends & Derpy
Chapter 46: A Date With Your Great & Powerful Magician
Chapter 47: Sugarcoated Applejacks
Chapter 48: Lemon & Pies
Chapter 49: Sunny Diamonds

Chapter 32: Expanding the Herd

1.4K 11 16
By archiveofourpony

[AN: It's time to add more girls into the F/N's herd/harem. Now on with the story.]

You are walking through CHS before classes begin on your own as your girlfriends went off to do their own things.

F/N: 'What to do before classes begin?' You thought before someone grabbed you and dragged you into an classroom. "Huh? Who in the-" You said and looked to see that it was Trixie who grabbed you. "Trixie?! Why did you grab me like that?" You asked her.

Trixie Lulamoon: "There's something I want to tell you." She said nervously with an slight blush.

F/N: 'Why is it that she speaks first person when it's just me and her? Unless...' You thought before having an moment of realization. 'Oh! I get it now.' You thought before smiling. "I get it Trixie, you have feelings for me don't you?" You asked her and her blushes darkens as she nods her head.

Trixie Lulamoon: "Yes F/N...I have fallen in love with you for awhile. My feelings for you grew when you defended me when I was throwing an magic show and those bullies were heckling me." She explained.

F/N: 'Oh yeah, I remember that.' You thought and remembered that day.

Sometime ago, Trixie was performing an magic show at the park and the show was going well until an couple of jerks started to heckle and mock her by calling her a pathetic wannabe loser that will never be great as her father along with other insults. Trixie was about to cry until you appeared on the scene and defended her by saying she is already a talented magician and that she will never be in her father's shadow while you fought against the bullies when they tried to beat you up and you easily kicked their butts and sent them crying home to their mommies.

Trixie Lulamoon: "F/N, do you remember that one big date you had with the Rainbooms and met me at the magic and joke store I worked in?"

F/N: "Yeah I remember."

Trixie Lulamoon: "Well when the girls talked to me, they said they were okay with you getting more girlfriends as long as they had honest feelings for you and after thinking about it for awhile, I decided to finally tell you how I feel...F/N...I love you." She confessed.

F/N: "Trixie...thank you for telling me how you felt about me and it was brave of you to confess these feelings to me. I know you feel insecure about yourself and feel like your in your father's shadow so you brag a lot which makes everyone think you're a big egotist but I see a young woman who wants to prove herself and doesn't want to feel alone. If you really want to be one of my girlfriends then I'm okay with it because I like you." You said with an smile.

Then all of a sudden, Trixie pressed her lips to yours into a kiss which surprised you until you kissed Trixie back. You and Trixie kissed for a few seconds before stopping and Trixie pulls back with an blush and an smile on her face.

Trixie Lulamoon: "That was great!" She said happily.

F/N: "I'm glad you enjoyed it."

Trixie Lulamoon: "So you're really okay with me being one of your girlfriends?" She asked with hope in her voice.

F/N: "Of course I am. I know the other girls won't mind you joining." You said and Trixie hugs you.

Trixie Lulamoon: "Thanks F/N!" She said happily before letting go of you. "There's something else you should know F/N."

F/N: "What is it?"

Trixie Lulamoon: "There are an few other girls in CHS that have feelings for you and they plan on confessing their feelings for you." She tells you which surprised you a little. "So what are you going to do about them?"

F/N: "Well if they do have feelings for me and they confess them to me then we'll see how it goes but I better get going now."

Trixie Lulamoon: "Okay F/N but before you leave...can we kiss again?" She asked with an slight blush.

F/N: "Sure why not." You said and kissed Trixie for a few seconds before moving back. "Well I better get going. See you around Trixie." You said and left the classroom.

Trixie sighs before giggling happily.

Trixie Lulamoon: "I finally get to be with F/N." She said happily.

You're walking through an hallway as someone was approaching you.

???: "Hey F/N, do you want a muffin?" Said a female voice which made you turn to see a girl with light cobalt bluish grey skin, pale, light greyish olive hair but what is most unique about her are her brilliant gold eyes which are crossed-eyes. She is also wearing an blue collar T-shirt, a dark yellow tie, a green skirt and white boots with green soles.

F/N: "Oh hey Derpy and yes I would like a muffin." You said which made Derpy smile as she takes out a muffin and hands it to you. "Thanks."

Derpy: "Your welcome F/N. I like giving muffins to those I like, especially after you helped me from those bullies."

During your early days at CHS, you first met Ditzy Doo or known by her nickname Derpy when you protected her from a group of mean girls that were picking on her because of her eyes and calling her a weirdo and a freak. Derpy almost broke into tears until you defended her from those mean girls who tried to use their charms on you but they didn't work and you sent those mean girls run away crying by calling them ugly freaks that will never get a boyfriend with those rotten attitudes. Since then, Derpy has become a friend you would meet with during any free spare time you had at CHS.

F/N: "Well someone had to put those mean chicks in their place with their rotten attitudes. So how are you doing?"

Derpy: "I'm okay. How are you?"

F/N: "Well things have been alright lately and earlier today, Trixie confessed her feelings to me." You said which surprised Derpy.

Derpy: "Really? So is Trixie in your harem now?"

F/N: "Yeah and she told me that a few girls have feelings for me and were planning to confess to me." You said before taking a bite out of the muffin Derpy gave you. "This is a great muffin Derpy!" You commented which made Derpy smile brightly.

Derpy: "Thanks F/N, I made it myself."

F/N: "Really? That's amazing. You will make some man happy one day." You said which made Derpy blush.

Derpy: "Actually...there is one man I do have feelings for."

F/N: "Really? Who?"

Derpy: "...You..." She muttered and you heard her.

F/N: "Me? You have feelings for me?" You asked Derpy who nods shyly. "So when did you have feelings for me?"

Derpy: "Well my feelings for you grew as time went on. You have been real nice to me lately ever since you defended me from those mean girls and you always hang out with me and don't judge because of my eyes. So I was wondering-"

F/N: "If you wanted to be one of my girlfriends?" You interrupted.

Derpy: "...Yes and I understand if you don't want me to." She said sadly at the end before you hugged her, much to her surprise. "F/N?"

F/N: "I'm okay with you being one of my girlfriends Derpy. Do you think I was going to reject a pretty girl like you?" You said which made Derpy blush.

Derpy: "You think I'm pretty? Even though my eyes are-"

F/N: "There's nothing wrong with your eyes! If anything, they give you a unique charm that makes you cute and anyone who says that your ugly because of your eyes are nothing but damn idiots who can't look behind their damn prejudice!" You said which made Derpy who looked down for a moment in silence.

Then Derpy looked up at you with tears of joy in her eyes and she hugs you tight.

Derpy: "T-Thank you F/N. You're the first person besides my family to ever say something nice about my eyes." She said as you returned her hug.

F/N: "Hey, it's okay. I'm sure there are others who think the same thing I said about your eyes."

Derpy: "Are you really okay with me being one of your girlfriends?"

F/N: "Of course I am. Here, I'll prove it." You said and kissed Derpy who was surprised but relaxed into it and eventually, you stopped kissing Derpy. "There, was that proof enough?"

Derpy: "Yes...yes it was." She said with a smile.

F/N: "I have to go now Derpy. There are a few people I need to speak with."

Derpy: "Oh, okay but will I see you again?"

F/N: "Of course you will." You said and kissed Derpy on the cheek, making her blush. "I'll see you around Derpy." You said and walked off.

Derpy: 'F/N...Thank you.' She thought as she shed a tear of happiness.

You continue to walk around the school until you accidently bumped into a girl and you both fall to the ground.

F/N: "Oh sorry! I wasn't paying attention."

???: "N-No, it's okay."

You looked to see the girl who you accidently bumped into. She's a girl with light yellowish skin, dark purple eyes, brilliant amaranth hair with moderate purple and greyish violet highlights and she is wearing an glasses like Sci-Twi and Sugarcoat, black sweater, a pink skirt with the symbol of a purple crescent moon and three pink stars, pink stockings and black shoes.

You looked to see she dropped some books so you helped her by picking up some of the books and handed them over to her.

F/N: "There you go."

???: "Thank you." She said as she grabbed her books and then she looks at you and blushes. 'O-Oh my! He looks so handsome!' She thought.

F/N: "You're welcome...say I haven't seen you around before. Are you new?"

Moondancer: "O-Oh yes. I am. I'm one of the students that transferred here from Crystal Prep. My name is Moondancer."

F/N: " that's a pretty name." You said which made Moondancer blush.

Moondancer: "Y-You think so?"

F/N: "I know so. Well since I know you're name, you deserve to know mine. My name is F/N L/N."

Moondancer: "Oh I've heard of you. You're the most popular male student here at CHS and it's said you have magical powers and that you also have...a harem with multiple girlfriends." She said with an blush at the end.

F/N: "Oh...yeah. It's kinda true." You said and scratched the back of your head. "You know, you remind me of one of my girlfriends when we first met her." You said which gained her interest.

Moondancer: "Really? Who?"

F/N: "She used to be a student at Crystal Prep but she transferred her too. Her name is Twilight Sparkle." You said which surprised Moondancer.

Moondancer: "You're dating Twilight Sparkle?!"

F/N: "You know her?"

Moondancer: "We...used to be friends." She said which surprised you.

F/N: "You were? What happened?"

Moondancer: "We grew up together as childhood friends and we were best of friends until we went to Crystal Prep and Twilight started to focus on her studies more than spending time with me and everyone else. She...she spent so much time studying that she forgot about me." She said upset and started to shed a few tears.

You didn't want to see Moondancer upset so you pulled her into an hug which makes her gasp in surprise but she soon returned it.

F/N: "It's alright Moondancer. I'm here for you. It really pains me to see a beautiful girl like you cry." You said which made Moondancer blush.

Moondancer: "You think I'm beautiful?"

F/N: "Well yeah. I know beautiful and you are beautiful." You said which made Moondancer's blush darken.

Moondancer: "T-Thank you. You're the first guy to ever say that to me."

F/N: "Hey it's nothing. Say Moondancer, do you still want to be friends with Twilight?"

Moondancer: "Yes, I still want to be friends with Twilight but I don't how."

F/N: "I'm sure I can reunite you with her so why don't you come to cafeteria at lunch. That's where me, Twilight and my other girlfriends are going to be."

Moondancer: "Are you sure?"

FN: "I'm sure and I will be by your side when you speak with Twilight again so don't worry about it."

Moondancer: "Okay I believe you F/N."

F/N: "I better get going Moondancer, there are some things I have to do."

Moondancer: "Okay but can I give you something?"

F/N: "Sure. What is it?"

Moondancer doesn't say anything but kisses you on the cheek, much to your surprise and she moves back with an blush.

Moondancer: "T-That's what I wanted to give you."

F/N: "Oh...well okay then...I better get going and Moondancer."

Moondancer: "Yes?"

F/N: "If you're ever feeling down, come talk to me." You said which made Moondancer smile.

Moondancer: "I think I will."

F/N: "I better get going Moondancer. It was nice meeting you." You said and left.

Moondancer: "It was nice meeting you too F/N." She said as she waved goodbye. 'He's not only handsome but also really nice. Now I see why many girl want to be in his harem...I wouldn't mind being in it.' She thought.

You're walking through the hallway again until you hearing talking at the nearby music room so you go to investigate and looked to see Vinyl Scratch and Octavia Melody talking in an conversation.

Octavia Melody: "All I'm saying Vinyl is that you should really fix your hair at some points."

Vinyl Scratch: "What's wrong with showing my natural look? F/N might like it after all."

F/N: "I do actually." You said which made both jumps and turn around to see you.

Octavia Melody: "F-F/N! How long have you been there?"

F/N: "Not long. So what are you two talking about?"

Octavia and Vinyl: "Nothing!" They both quickly said at the same time.

You helped Octavia and Vinyl out with their music and even listened to them play and you had to admit that they are great musicians. Vinyl was an amazing DJ and Octavia was an talented cello player.

F/N: "So what have you two been up to lately?" You asked them.

Vinyl Scratch: "Not much. I've had a few gigs lately."

Octavia Melody: "So I have."

F/N: " there anything you two want to tell me?" You asked the two musicians and they both look at each other before nodding.

Octavia Melody: "Well there is something we want to tell you."

Vinyl Scratch: "Yeah it's something we've been meaning to tell you for awhile."

F/N: "What? That you both have feelings for me?" You asked which made both musicians surprised.

Octavia Melody: "Y-Yeah. How did you know?"

F/N: "Well since I do have a harem and more girls are taking an interest in me, I started to realize when girls are having feelings for me. you two have feelings for me?" You asked them and they both blushed

Vinyl Scratch: "Y-Yeah I kinda do."

Octavia Melody: "I do as well."

F/N: "So what does that mean for the both of you?"

Octavia Melody: "Well, I was wondering if I could be one of your girlfriends?"

Vinyl Scratch: "Me too."

F/N: "Sure you two can." You said which made both musician girls smile.

Octavia Melody: "Thank you F/N." She said as she stepped up to you and kisses you on the lips.

Vinyl Scratch: "Tavi! What the heck?!" She said with jealously in her tone before Octavia stopped kissing you and looked at her with an smirk.

Octavia Melody: "Jealous that I kissed him before you? Well don't worry because you can kiss now."

Vinyl Scratch: "Good. Now come here lover boy." She said and kisses you on the lips for a few moments before stopping.

F/N: "Um wow. Okay, I better get going because I have places to be."

Octavia Melody: "Okay F/N, see you later."

Vinyl Scratch: "Yeah see ya around F/N."

F/N: "Bye you two." You said and left the music room.

You were back walking through the hallway and you notice Lyra and Sweetie Drops run up to you with slight blushes on their faces. In the past you helped them out whenever they were having friendship problems with each other which they were thankful for and would sometimes blush whenever you said something nice to them.

F/N: "Hey Lyra, hey Bon Bon. What's up?"

Sweetie Drops (Bon Bon): "Hey F/N, there's something we want to ask you."

F/N: "What is it?"

Lyra Heartstrings: "Which one of us is pretty?"

F/N: "Um...both of you? Look, I wouldn't call anyone ugly unless they are an really mean person who hurts others for their own satisfaction and since you're both nice girls, I say you're both pretty."

Sweetie Drops (Bon Bon): "Let's just tell him already Lyra."

Lyra Heartstrings: "Yeah you're right Bon Bon. Look F/N, there's something me and Bon Bon have been wanting to tell you for a long time."

F/N: "Is it that you both have feeling me?" You said which surprised the two girls.

Sweetie Drop (Bon Bon): "How did you know?"

F/N: "Well a lot of girls have been confessing their feelings to me lately and when you both approached me and asked me which one of you is pretty, I had feeling you were both going to confess your feelings to me."

Lyra Heartstrings: "Well it's true. Who wouldn't love you F/N? You're so sweet and handsome! No girl can resist you."

F/N: "Am I really that great of a guy that girls fall for me?"

Sweetie Drop (Bon Bon): "Of course you are. So can we be your girlfriends?"

F/N: "Sure I don't see why not." You said which made both girls smile brightly and hug you.

Lyra Heartstrings: "Thanks F/N."

Sweetie Drop (Bon Bon): "Yeah thanks."

F/N: "I have to go but first." You said and quickly peck Lyra on the lips then you quickly peck Sweetie Drops on the lips which made both girls frozen with blushes on the faces. "I'll see you later." You said and waved goodbye to Lyra and Sweetie Drops who eventually faint.

You kept walking through the halls until you see the Shadowbolt girls now wearing causal clothes along with Sci-Twi.

F/N: "Hey girls." You said to gain their attention.

Sci-Twi & Shadowbolts: "Hey F/N."

F/N: "So how's it going?"

Sugarcoat: "We've been good. So we heard that Sci-Twi here is in your harem now. Is this true?"

F/N: "Yeah it's true. Isn't that right Sci-Twi?" You asked her.

Sci-Twi: "Yes it's true. I'm in F/N's harem." She said and hugs you.

Indigo Zap: "When did that happen?"

F/N: "A few days ago. Sci-Twi asked me out on a date, I said yes and one thing lead to another and Sci-Twi became one of my girlfriends." You quickly explained.

Lemon Zest: "Whoa! You really got the skills there, lady-killer." She joked which made you roll your eyes.

Sci-Twi: "I'm going to be with Sunset and the others F/N."

F/N: "Okay, I will join you soon Sci-Twi." You said and Sci-Twi kisses you on the cheek and leaves while you look at the Shadowbolts. "So what have you girls been up to?"

Indigo Zap: "I joined the soccer team along with Rainbow Dash."

Lemon Zest: "I've taken a few baking classes with Pinkie Pie."

Sunny Flare: "Me and Rarity have been designing clothes together."

Sour Sweet: "Fluttershy has shown me the animal shelter."

Sugarcoat: "Applejack and I have gotten along rather well."

F/N: "I see. That's good to hear." You said while the Shadowbolt girls looked at each other and nodded.

Sour Sweet: "F/N, can we talk to you for a moment?"

F/N: "Sure, what do you want to talk about?"

Sunny Flare: "There's an empty classroom nearby where we can talk."

F/N: "Okay then."

You and the Shadowbolts went into the empty classroom and Sunny Flare closes the door.

F/N: "So what do you girls want to talk about?" You asked. 'I think I have a pretty good idea what this is about.'

Indigo Zap: "Look F/N, there's something we want to talk to you about."

Lemon Zest: "You've been helping us feel at home here at CHS."

Sour Sweet: "You also helped us when a few students here weren't too thrilled about us after everything that happened at the Friendship Games."

Sunny Flare: "But you managed to prove to everyone we aren't those mean girls anymore."

Sugarcoat: "Let's just make this simple. We have feelings for you F/N." She simply said.

The Other Shadowbolts: "Sugarcoat!" They said with blushes on their faces.

Sugarcoat: "What? We might as well tell him now."

F/N: "I had an feeling you five were going to do this."

Sour Sweet: "Seriously? You knew?"

F/N: "Well besides you five, a few other girls have already confessed their feelings to me earlier today and I had a feeling more girls were going confess their feelings." You said which surprised them.

Sunny Flare: "I knew you're good with the ladies but I didn't think you're that good."

F/N: "What can I say? I'm just a good guy who wants help everyone."

Lemon Zest: "That's true." She said and her friends nodded.

Sugarcoat: "So what does that mean for us F/N? Are you okay with us being in your harem?"

F/N: "Okay sure. I'm alright with it." You said which made the Shadowbolts smile happily.

Indigo Zap: "Alright!"

Lemon Zest: "Yeah!

Sugarcoat walks up to you and kisses you on the lips, much to the surprise of the other Shadowbolts.

Sour Sweet: "Sugarcoat!"

Sunny Flare: "What the heck are you doing?!"

Sugarcoat stopped kissing you and looked back at her friends with a smirk.

Sugarcoat: "Sorry but I couldn't keep it in anymore and besides, you get to kiss him now."

Sunny Flare: "Well alright then." She said as she walks up to you and kisses you for a few seconds before moving back and grins. "Now that was amazing."

Lemon Zest: "My turn!" She said and kissed you for awhile before moving back. "Okay wow, that was incredible."

Indigo Zap: "I'm up!" She said and kissed you for a few seconds before stopping. "That was awesome."

Sour Sweet: "It's my turn now." She said and kissed you for a little while before stopping. "That...was good."

F/N: "So are you girls really okay with being in my harem?" You asked them and they nod. "Well alright then, I'm going to go now. See you girls later."

Shadowbolts: "Bye F/N~" They said as you left the room.

You continue to walk down an hallway near the principal's office as it's door opens and Vice Principal Luna comes out and sees you.

Vice Principal Luna: "Ah F/N, can you come into the office for a moment? Me and my sister need to speak to you."

F/N: "Okay." You said and entered the principal's office to see Celestia and Luna along with Miss Cheerilee. "You wanted to speak with me."

Principal Celestia: "F/N, do you remember when we told you the truth about Soleil and Selena at the park?"

F/N: "Yeah I remember."

Principal Celestia: "Well there was no one in the park who witnessed everything...except for one person."

F/N: "Oh! Who was it?" You asked worriedly since if word got that Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna were in an relationship with a student then it would cause an whole lot of trouble.

Cheerilee: "Me F/N. I saw everything that happened in the park."

F/N: "Oh...Miss Cheerilee, I can explain-"

Cheerilee: "Actually F/N, there is something I want to tell you."

F/N: "Let me guess, you have feelings for me?"

Cheerilee: "H-How did you know?" She asked surprised.

F/N: "A lot of girl have been confessing their feelings me today and let me ask you this, what was it that made you fall in love with me?"

Cheerilee: "Well you are one of the nicest and most handsome guys I have ever met and most men around my age aren't the gentlemen you are. So I was wondering if I could be in your harem?"

F/N: "I'm alright with it but how are we going to explain you being in my harem since you're a teacher and I'm a student."

Vice Principal Luna: "Actually F/N, you remembered those Changeling Pendants me and my sister have and been using to transform into our younger selves to spend time with you?"

F/N: "Yeah."

Vice Principal Luna: "There are four Changeling Pendants in existence and we have three of them in our possession. Me and Celestia agreed to give Cheerilee here the third pendant and use it to transform into an younger version of herself and enroll as an student."

F/N: "That...could work but wouldn't anyone ask questions?"

Cheerilee: "Don't worry about it. I have an twin sister named Cherry Blossom so I will pretend to be her daughter." She explained. [AN: In IDW comic's MLP: Friendship is Magic Issue 29, it's revealed that Cheerilee does in fact have an twin sister named Cherry Blossom who works as an professional wrestler known as Mystery Mare.]

F/N: "Well...if you're sure about this then I'm okay with it. You can be in the harem Miss Cheerilee." You said which made Cheerilee smile.

Cheerilee: "Thanks F/N and one more thing, when it's just us, you can call me Cheerilee." She said as she walks up to you and kisses you for a moment before moving back.

F/N: "Okay then. Celestia, Luna, do you have that Changeling Pendant for Cheerilee?"

Principal Celestia: "We do." She said and opened an drawer in her desk and took out an Changeling Pendant. "Here you are Cheerilee." She said and handed the Changeling Pendant to the teacher.

Cheerilee: "Thank you Celestia." She said as she took the pendant and put it around her neck.

F/N: "Celestia, Luna, you said there were four Changeling Pendants and you have three of them. What about the fourth one?"

Vice Principal Luna: "We do not know what happened to it for it went missing centuries ago. Let's just hope the fourth Changeling Pendant isn't in the wrong hands."

Cheerilee: "So how does this work?" She asked as she looked at her new magical pendant.

Principal Celestia: "Just focus on the pendant and what form you want to take. I recommend you take form of your younger self." She explained.

Cheerilee: "Okay then." She said and focuses on her Changeling Pendant which starts to glow and eventually, she transform into an younger version of herself.

Younger Cheerilee: "So how do I look?" She asked.

F/N: "You look great."

Younger Cheerilee: "Thank you F/N."

Principal Celestia: "Cheerilee, I recommend you use an alias when your are in your younger form."

Younger Cheerilee: "You're right. I think I will go by Cherry Flower in this form."

F/N: "I better get going. The others are probably wondering where I am at the moment."

Principal Celestia: "Very well F/N. We hope to see you soon."

F/N: "I hope to see you three again soon." You said and left the office.

You walked through the school until you saw your first 11 girlfriends and went up to them.

F/N: 'I better tell them about the girls who confessed their feelings to me and said they could join the harem.' You thought and eventually joined your 11 girlfriends. "Hey girls."

Your 11 Girlfriends: "Hey F/N."

F/N: " how you said you would allow me to have more girlfriends as long as they had feelings for me."

Twilight Sparkle: "Yeah why?"

F/N: "Well...a few girl confessed their feelings to me and I said it was okay for them to join the harem." You said which surprised your 11 girlfriends.

Rainbow Dash: "Whoa! For real!"

Fluttershy: "Oh my!"

Sunset Shimmer: "So who are they?"

F/N: "The girls that confessed to me are Trixie, Derpy, Octavia, Vinyl, Lyra, Bon Bon and those five girls who were apart of Crystal Prep's Shadowbolts from the Friendship Games." You said which surprised them.

Rarity: "Oh my darling!"

Applejack: "Dang!"

Adagio Dazzle: "You really know how to get the ladies." She grinned.

Sunset Shimmer: "Is there anyone else?"

F/N: "Well you how Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna have those magic pendants that allow them to shapeshift and transform into younger versions of themselves so they can hang out with us."

Aria Blaze: "Yeah what about them?"

F/N: "Well it turns out that Miss Cheerilee has feelings for me which I accepted and she was given a third Changeling Pendant so she can transform into an younger version of herself to be with me." You explained which surprised your 11 girlfriends again.

Sonata Dusk: "Wow F/N! You even got a teacher into your harem now."

Pinkie Pie: "I wonder how many girlfriends are you going to end up with F/N."

F/N: "I honestly don't know anymore. I guess I got a lot of love to give."

Sunset Shimmer: "That's true."

(Time Skip)

It's now lunch time at CHS and you and your girlfriends were at the cafeteria having lunch until your new girlfriends you said could join your harem earlier were approaching your table as well as Moondancer who you told where Sci-Twi would be and Celestia and Luna were also going showing up in their younger forms Soleil and Selena along with Cheerilee in her younger form Cherry Flower as well.

F/N: "Well girls, here are the new additions to the harem." You said to them and they noticed your new girlfriends.

Moondancer: "Hi F/N. You said to meet you here right?"

F/N: "Yeah I did." You said.

Moondancer looks at your first 11 girlfriends and was shocked to see two Twilights.

Moondancer: 'T-T-Two Twilights?! What's going?' She thought while Sci-Twi looked at her surprised.

Sci-Twi: 'Moondancer?! What is she doing here? I know she transferred to this school but why is she here?'

Trixie Lulamoon: "Hey F/N, Trixie heard you allowed these girls to join your harem too." She said as she pointed at the new girls in your harem. "Is this true?"

F/N: "Yes it's true."

Sunset Shimmer: "Girls, we heard you confessed your feelings to F/N and he agreed to let you into the harem but I have to ask, are you truly in love with F/N?" She asked the new girls in the harem and they blush.

Trixie Lulamoon: "I am."

Derpy: "Me too."

Octavia & Vinyl: "Us as well."

Lyra & Bon Bon: "Us too."

The Shadowbolts: "We as well."

Cherry Flower (Cheerilee): "Me as well."

Indigo Zap: "Who are you?"

Cherry Flower (Cheerilee): "I'm Cherry Flower and my aunty Cheerilee works at this school." She excused.

Derpy: "Your Miss Cheerilee's niece?"

Cherry Flower (Cheerilee): "Her twin sister is my mother." She excused which made everyone nod.

Sci-Twi: "F/N, can I ask why Moondancer is here?"

F/N: "I ran into Moondancer early and she said she was a childhood friend of yours but you stopped hanging out with her once you both went to Crystal Prep as you were too busy studying all the time. Is this true?" You asked Sci-Twi who looks down sadly.

Sci-Twi: "Yes, it's true."

F/N: "Why did you focus on your studying than spend time with Moondancer?"

Sci-Twi: "When Cinch was running Crystal Prep, you had to be the best or you were nothing. I guess I was trying to prove to everyone that I wasn't a nobody by being the best in academics."

Sugarcoat: "Cinch's reign over Crystal Prep was really bad. She would expel anyone she believed didn't have any potential."

Sour Sweet: "Good riddances that she isn't Crystal Prep's principal anymore." She said with her friends nodding in agreement.

F/N: "Moondancer, do you have anything to say to Twilight?"

Moondancer: "Twilight, you spent so much time studying that you never hang out with me anymore. Why? Aren't we friends?"

Sci-Twi: "We are friends!"

Moondancer: "Then why didn't you want to hang out with me?" She asked, on the verge of tears.

Sci-Twi: "I-I don't know. I was too busy to make time for you."

F/N: "Okay let me intervene. Sci-Twi, maybe you should have made time in your schedule to hang out with Moondancer and Moondancer, maybe you should have approached Sci-Twi and asked if you could study with her which could have helped you two spend more time together."

Sci-Twi: "...You're right F/N." She said before looking at Moondancer. "Moondancer...I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I stopped hanging out with you and focused more on my studies than being a friend. I should have considered your feelings but I was too blind by studying and trying to gain more knowledge that I couldn't see it. Can we please start over again?" She asked Moondancer who then hugged her and cries a little.

Moondancer: "Yes...I would like that."

F/N: "There you two go. You're friends again."

Moondancer: "Thank you F/N."

F/N: "Your welcome."

Everyone smiled at the heart-warming scene.

Moondancer: "Can I ask you something?"

F/N: "What is it?"

Moondancer: "Why is there another Twilight?"

F/N: "Well she's the Twilight Sparkle from Equestria."

Moondancer: "Equestria?"

Pinkie Pie: "It's an magical world where everyone is magical talking pony or another race like dragons and the other Twilight here is an princess who is also one of F/N's girlfriends and she uses some sort of duplicate spell to create an duplicate of herself to take her place whenever she visits this world." She explained while Moondancer blinks.

Moondancer: "...Okay then." She said and looks at Twilight Sparkle. "So you're really Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight Sparkle: "I am. I am the Twilight Sparkle of Equestria and it's nice to meet the human world Moondancer."

Moondancer: "So your friends with the version of me in your world?"

Twilight Sparkle: "Well me and my Moondancer did go through what you and Sci-Twi went through with us being distancing apart but we became friends again."

Moondancer: "Sci-Twi?"

Sci-Twi: "It's a nickname I was given to differentiate me from my counterpart here."

Moondancer: "Oh okay."

F/N: "Okay everyone, let's have our lunch before it's over." You said which everyone nodded to and you all sat down at the table and enjoyed lunch.

(Time Skip)

School ends and you were leaving with all of your girlfriends (minus Celestia, Luna and Cheerilee as they had work to do) until Moondancer approaches you.

Moondancer: "Hey F/N."

F/N: "Yes Moondancer?"

Moondancer: "I know we just met today but I was wondering if I could join your harem." She asked with an slight blush.

F/N: "Really? You want to be with one of my girlfriends? Even though we just met."

Moondancer: "I know but I kinda...fallen for you but I understand if you don't want me to be one of your girlfriends so soon."

F/N: "I'm actually okay with it. Are the rest of you okay with it?" You asked your harem.

Sci-Twi: "I'm okay with it." She said and the rest of your girlfriends nod in agreement.

F/N: "See, you can be one of my girlfriends Moondancer." You said which made Moondancer smile as she walks up to you and kisses you for a moment before moving back with an blush and a smile.

Moondancer: "Thanks F/N."

F/N: "It's nothing Moondancer. Now let's get going." You said which your girlfriends nodded to and left CHS.

[End of Chapter]

[AN: Whoa! I was able to get this chapter done and a whole lot of more girls joined the reader's harem. So here are the girls currently in the harem as an reminder.]

[Current Harem: Sunset Shimmer, Sci-Twi, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, Sonata Dusk, Celestia, Luna, Trixie Lulamoon, Ditzy Doo A.K.A Derpy, Octavia Melody, Vinyl Scratch, Lyra Heartstrings, Sweetie Drops A.K.A Bon Bon, Indigo Zap, Sugarcoat, Sour Sweet, Sunny Flare, Lemon Zest, Cheerilee & Moondancer.]

[AN: So that's 26 girls in the harem so far and more girls will be joining the harem in the near future. Now I've decided to work on the next story arc based off of the fourth Equestria Girls movie. It's time for the Legend of Everfree arc!]

[Next Chapter: Preparing for Camp Everfree.]

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