The Prince of Canterlot High...

By archiveofourpony

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Disclaimer: This is NOT my story. All credit belongs to LordStarX101 for this. Equestria Girls Harem X Male R... More

Chapter 1: The New Student
Chapter 2: The Visitors From Another World
Chapter 3: Familiar Yet Unfamiliar Faces
Chapter 4: More Familiar Faces & Another Encounter
Chapter 5: Learning & Meeting the Parents
Chapter 6: A Friendship Reborn
Chapter 7: Rallying the Students
Chapter 8: Time to Come Together
Chapter 9: Night of the Fall Formal
Chapter 10: The History of Sunset Shimmer & Return to Equestria
Chapter 11: An Weekend With the Girls
Chapter 12: Birth of the Rainbooms
Chapter 13: Better Than Ever
Chapter 14: Enter the Dazzlings
Chapter 15: Return of the Princess
Chapter 16: Slumber Party & The Prince's Past
Chapter 17: The Mane Event
Chapter 18: Welcome to the Show
Chapter 19: From Despair to Love
Chapter 20: The Prince Gets More Princesses?!
Chapter 21: One Big Date With Seven Girls
Chapter 22: The Dazzlings Return
Chapter 23: Magical Showdown
Chapter 24: Day Out With the Dazzlings & Meeting Another Twilight?!
Chapter 25: Preparations for the Friendship Games
Chapter 26: Arrival of the Rivals
Chapter 28: The Final Event of the Games
Chapter 29: New Students & Princess Twilight Returns
Chapter 30: A Date With Sci-Twi
Chapter 31: Sun & Moon
Chapter 32: Expanding the Herd
Chapter 33: Welcome to Camp Everfree
Chapter 34: Reuniting With the Camp Siblings
Chapter 35: Let the Magic Times Begin at Camp Everfree
Chapter 36: The Legend of Gaea Everfree
Chapter 37: The Rainbooms' New Magical Powers
Chapter 38: Embrace the Magic
Chapter 39: Showdown at Camp Everfree
Chapter 40: Lost Legends & Leaving Camp
Chapter 41: Catching Up With an Old Friend Turned Girlfriend
Chapter 42: The Girl Who Makes Your Heart Shimmer
Chapter 43: A Date With Your Adorkable Nerds
Chapter 44: A Dazzling Date
Chapter 45: A Day Out With the Musicians, the Best Friends & Derpy
Chapter 46: A Date With Your Great & Powerful Magician
Chapter 47: Sugarcoated Applejacks
Chapter 48: Lemon & Pies
Chapter 49: Sunny Diamonds

Chapter 27: The Friendship Games

1K 13 6
By archiveofourpony

Today's the day, the day of the Friendship Games and all the students of CHS and Crystal Prep are at Canterlot High as the Friendship Games begin to go underway.

Vice Principal Luna [On P.A System]: "Good morning, students. I'm sure you're all thrilled to start the first day of the Friendship Games. Our competitors will face off in every aspect of the CHS curriculum, culminating in the elimination equation finale." She explained over the P.A system to everyone in the school.

A little while later in the foyer, many people gathered which included you, the Dazzlings and students from CHS and Crystal Prep watching Dean Cadance getting to announce the first event of the Friendship Games along with Principals Celestia and Cinch, Vice Principal Luna and the two teams of students which are the Wondercolts and the Shadowbolts competing in the Friendship Games.

For CHS' Wondercolts, they consist of Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Flash Sentry, Lyra Heartstrings, Sweetie Drop A.K.A Bon Bon, Derpy Hooves, Sandalwood and Micro Chips.

For Crystal Prep's Shadowbolts, they consist of Sci-Twi, Indigo Zap, Sour Sweet, Sugarcoat, Lemon Zest, Sunny Flare, Jet Set, Upper Crust, Neon Lights, Suri Polomare, Trenderhoof and Royal Rin.

Dean Cadance: "Welcome to the first event, the Academic Decathlon! You'll be scored on chemistry, home-ec and everything in between. But remember, only six students from each team with the most points will move onto event number two. Good luck!" She explained.

You and the Dazzlings glared at the Shadowbolts while Indigo Zap, Sour Sweet, Sugarcoat, Lemon Zest and Sunnt Flare smirk and wink at you which the Dazzlings noticed and angered them until you put your arm up at the Dazzlings.

F/N: "It's not worth it you three." You tell them.

Sonata Dusk: "Yeah, I guess you're right F/N."

Aria Blaze: "Let's just hope our school kicks their butts."

Adagio Dazzle: "I'm sure they will."

Your other girlfriends in the Wondercolts team saw the five Shadowbolts girls smirk and wink at you which angered them as well and vowed to beat those girls in the Friendship Games.

The first event, the academic decathlon went on, starting with chemistry which the Shadowbolts won when Derpy's chemical compound exploded, costing CHS the win.

The second challenge in the academic decathlon was home economics which had the competing students bake cakes with Suri and Upper Crust made an lavish cake that they believed would let the Shadowbolts get another won but they didn't expect Pinkie and Fluttershy's cake with an Mona Lisa filling.

The judges were shocked and impressed by the Mona Lisa Cake which gave CHS an win as Suri and Upper Crust were confronted by their principal who wasn't happy that they loss.

Next up was woodshop in which the competing students had to make birdhouses, Sandalwood and Micro Chip cost CHS some points when their poorly made birdhouse collpases while Indigo Zap and Sugarcoat won woodshop for Crystal Prep with their double-decker birdhouse.

Micro Chips and Sandalwood take their defeat in stride until Indigo Zap shoves past them and Sugarcoat flicks an piece of their birdhouse out of Micro Chip's hands which angered them but you cheered them up.

Next up was the spelling bee with your girlfriends against the Sci-Twi and the Crystal Prep girls.

However the spelling bee ended in an apparent tie, resulting in everyone but Sunset Shimmer and Sci-Twi being eliminated.

The final leg of the decathlon pits Sunset against Sci-Twi in academics as they both attempt to solve a complex mathematical equation to end the tie.

Sunset and Sci-Twi finish the mathematical equation with Princial Cinch the one to decide who got it right.

Principal Cinch: "Incorrect!" She said to Sunset who was shocked but then looks down in defeat.

F/N: 'What the hell?! That doesn't seem right.' You thought.

Vice Principal Luna: "That means the winner of the Friendship Games' first event is Twilight Sparkle and Crystal Prep!" She announced which made Sci-Twi smile that she won the victory for her school while her fellow Crystal Prep students applauded with lacklustre.

You and your girlfriends approached Sunset as Rainbow Dash gives her an one-armed hug.

Rainbow Dash: "That was awesome!'

Rarity: "Truly amazing!"

Sunset Shimmer: "But we didn't win."

Applejack: "That was as close to winnin' as Canterlot's ever been." She said as she and the other girls cheer Sunset up while you glared at Cinch who glared back at you.

F/N: "You're a terrible liar."

Principal Cinch: "How dare you accuse me of lying!"

F/N: "I'm not a fool Cinch. You maybe the principal of Crystal Prep but I'm pretty sure no one can calculate that fast. I know what you're really trying to do."

Principal Cinch: "Oh really? What is I'm trying to do exactly?"

F/N: "You don't want CHS to win because if we do, it would boost our reputation in an good light while making Crystal Prep's reputation or more accurately, your reputation look bad." You answered which surprised Cinch for a moment before she regained herself.

Principal Cinch: "For an fool like you going to this school, that's quite observant of you but I am an principal and you are a mere student, the lowest level of authority at an school."

F/N: "You may have authority at Crystal Prep and rule over that school with an iron fist but soon everyone is going to know that you don't care for your students but your own self-image and reputation and eventually, no one is going to want you to be principal of Crystal Prep anymore or at any school." You said which made Cinch glare at you.

Principal Cinch: "We shall see Mr. L/N." She said and walked off as Sunset places her arm on your shoulder with your other girlfriends approaching you.

Sunset Shimmer: "Hey you okay F/N?"

F/N: "Yeah I'm just a little agitated right now. She can't call someone out for being incorrect like that. I have a feeling she lied about you being wrong."

Adagio Dazzle: "What makes you so sure?"

F/N: "Well it took her less than a second to figure which one was right or wrong and she said that Sunset was incorrect. I don't even think someone with a high IQ like Cinch can solve that equation in only a few seconds."

Aria Blaze: "Huh? Your right about that F/N. It does seem kinda suspicious that she figured it out who was correct that quickly."

Sonata Dusk: "Yeah! She just pointed her finger at Sunset and said she was incorrect the moment they finished!"

Sunset Shimmer: "Still, I was going against this world's Twilight who is probably in an few more advanced classes that me."

F/N: "Hey now, even if you did get the answer wrong, you're still that smart and elegant girl we know and love." You said which made Sunset blush and hug you.

Sunset Shimmer: "Thank you F/N." She said as your girlfriends smile at the heart-warming scene.

Shortly you and the Dazzlings got off stage as Cadance comes up on stage with Sugarcoat, Lemon Zest, Sunny Flare, Sour Sweet and Indigo Zap.

Dean Cadance: "After a careful tally of the points, we'd like to present the students moving onto the Friendship Games' second events." She announced as an few people clap for them.

Sci-Twi waved slightly in appreciation while the rest of her teammates didn't as Sunset and her friends cheered and group hugged which Sci-Twi watched and sighs and watches her teammates leaves and goes to join them when her device actives, detecting magic somewhere so she goes to find it.

Time Skip

You and your girlfriends were hanging around the school statue/portal to Equestria, checking to see if the portal had re-opened yet but it didn't so you and your girlfriends minus Fluttershy left together as Fluttershy left to do something, unaware that Sci-Twi was spying on you and your girlfriends and watches Fluttershy go into some nearby bushes at the gold CHS sign.

Behind the bushes, Fluttershy opens her backpack and a kitten pops her head out which Fluttershy nuzzles to and hears an rustling in the bushes behind her which makes her look behind to see Sci-Twi poke her head out from an bush.

Fluttershy: "Oh hi there, do you want to give her a treat?" She asked Sci-Twi who then looked at her device which lost the signal so she decides to join Fluttershy.

Sci-Twi: "Guess I'm not the only one to smuggle her pet into."

Fluttershy: "Not just one." She giggles as she opens her backpack up more, letting out more animals besides her kitten which includes her bunny Angel, an bird and an hamster, much to Sci-Twi's surprise.

Sci-Twi: "Oh wow! All I have is Spike." She said as unzips her backpack and Spike's pops out.

Fluttershy: "It really is uncanny." She said as she picked up and held Spike. "Does he talk?"

Sci-Twi: "Um not that I know of."

Fluttershy: "Congratulations on winning by the way. Though it didn't seem like anyone from your school was very excited about it."

Sci-Twi: "No one at my school gets excited about anything they didn't do themselves."

Fluttershy: "That sounds awful." She said as Sci-Twi looks away sadly.

Fluttershy wonders what to do to make Sci-Twi happy until she gets an idea.

Fluttershy: "Here, hold this." She said as she held her bunny Angel out to Sci-Twi.

Sci-Twi: "Um why?

Fluttershy: "Holding a bunny always makes me feel better."

Sci-Twi: "Well that's ridiculous." She said at first until Angel starts to nuzzle up to her. "But, ooh, it actually kind of works." She said a little happy before looking at Fluttershy. "I'm on the other team and you just lost. Why are you being so nice to me?"

Fluttershy: "You looked like you needed it."

Just then, Fluttershy glowing and floating into the air and ponies-up without her tambourine!

Sci-Twi: "Whoa!" She gasped in shock.

But then Sci-Twi's amulet device actives and starts to absorb Fluttershy's magic and opens several dimensional rifts!

An Equestrian jackalope jumps out one of the rifts which Spike starts barking at and when the jackalope jumps through an rift, Spike starts chasing after it through the rift and continues to chase the jackalope through one rift to another.

Sci-Twi: "Spike!" She called out worried.

Then Spike jumps of an rift and into Fluttershy's magic stream which makes him yowl before Fluttershy catches him.

Sci-Twi: "Spike!" She said extremely worried and closed her amulet device after absorbing Fluttershy's magic and closing all of the dimensional rifts.

Fluttershy hands Spike to Sci-Twi who grabs her puppy back as Fluttershy collapses to the ground from exhaustion after having her magic absorbed.

Sci-Twi: "Spike, are you okay?" She asked her puppy but wasn't ready for what happened next.

Spike: "Um, I think so." He said which made Sci-Twi happy at first...

Until she realized her puppy can talk like a normal person!

Both Sci-Twi and Spike scream at each other!

This made Sci-Twi drop Spike to the ground and run off.

Spike: "Twilight, wait!" He said and ran after his owner.

Fluttershy: "Bye!" She said to them in an exhausted tone.

Sci-Twi runs into the school with Spike chasing after her.

Spike: "Twilight! Come on! Wait for me!" He called to Sci-Twi who wouldn't listen until he cornered her at an dead end. "Why did run away like that?"

Sci-Twi: "Um, oh, I don't know. Maybe it has something to do with the glowing girl or the hole in space or my talking dog!"

Spike: "Yeah. Weird right?" He said as Sci-Twi bent down to him.

Sci-Twi: "Are you okay? How do you feel? What happened? Where did you go?" She asked Spike who licked her face to stop her.

Spike: "Hey, one question at time! This is pretty new to me too."

Sci-Twi: "Sorry."

Spike: "All I know is I chased that pointy rabbit through the glowy thing and then I was somewhere else. Next thing I knew, I was back in that nice girl's arms and I could talk! I don't really understand why I couldn't before. I mean, it's so easy." He explained.

???: "Twilight." Called out a voice from the corner who reveals to be Principal Cinch.

Sci-Twi: "Quick! Hide in here!" She tells Spike and puts him in an locker.

Principal Cinch: "Who are you talking to?"

Sci-Twi: "Um, myself. It's an nervous habit. Were you looking for me?"

Principal Cinch: "Indeed I was. It's quite a coincidence that the CHS students moving onto the next event are the same nice girls who were so interested in you, don't you think?"

Sci-Twi: "I'm not sure."

Principal Cinch: "Perhaps you should get to know them after all."

Sci-Twi: "But I thought you didn't want me to."

Principal Cinch: "Let's just say that I'm covering my bases. Who knows? Perhaps they will reveal to you the secret to Canterlot High's newfound success."

Sci-Twi: "I dunno. Spying feels kind of...wrong." She said which didn't amused Cinch.

Principal Cinch: "Well it's your decision Twilight. It's not as if your application hangs in the balance. On second thought, yes it does." She said, reminding Sci-Twi of the blackmail and leaves and shortly after she does, Spike comes out from the locker.

Spike: "Man she's awful. What are you gonna do?" He asked and Sci-Twi sighs.

Sci-Twi: "I don't know Spike...I don't know." She said unsure.

Shortly after the incident with Sci-Twi and Spike and once she fully recovered, Fluttershy rejoined you and the others and explains what happened.

Fluttershy: "All I did was hand Twilight a bunny and then I ponied-up."

Sunset Shimmer: "I just don't get it. Rarity's magic came out when she made us outfits, Pinkie's when she fixed the party and now Fluttershy."

Fluttershy: "And then Twilight's pendant thingy just pulled the magic right out of me. I couldn't even stand up."

Pinkie Pie: "Like me at the party!"

Rarity: "Or right before we met Twilight."

Sonata Dusk: "So she's like, stealing magic?"

Aria Blaze: "If she is then it's not an good thing."

Applejack: "I don't know. She doesn't seem like the magic-stealin' type."

F/N: "I'm with AJ on this one. I think that Twilight's device is stealing magic on its own, maybe she made the device to detect magic and try to capture only an tiny bit of magic but now the device has an mind of it's own and is absorbing more magic from anyone or anything it comes near to."

Sunset Shimmer: "That explains the incident with the portal the other day. When I put my hand on the portal, her amulet device activated and must have sensed the magic energy which made the device absorb not only the portal's magic but also my own magic."

F/N: "That device definitely must have a mind of its own and I'm getting worried what would happen if Twilight's device absorbs too much magic. Will there be an limit on the device to how much magic it can absorb and if so, what happens when the device absorbs too much magic or if Twilight accidently lets all the magic her device absorbed out?"

Sunset Shimmer: "I don't know and the only pony or person or princess who could help us figure this out is completely unreachable now."

Pinkie Pie: "Which is too bad because our Twilight knows everything about magic and portals and magical portals and portable magic."

You and your girlfriends go out of an exit.

Rainbow Dash: "For now let's just focus on beating the Shadowbolts and as long as this event puts me in an playing field, I don't think we've got anything to worry about."

Applejack: "Oh it'll put you on an playin' field alright." She points as you and your girlfriends look to see field for the second event of the Friendship Games.

Sunset Shimmer: "Am I the only one who thinks this is overkill?"

F/N: "Nope."

Dazzlings: "Definitely not."

Applejack: "I don't suppose you made motocross outfits." She questioned Rarity.

Rarity: "Oh don't be ridiculous...of course I did." She said with an big smile at the end and took out two motorcycle uniforms she made.

F/N: 'I'm not even surprised she made those outfits.' You thought with an eyeroll and an smile.

Meanwhile on the other side of the field, Principal Cinch is assigning each other Shadowbolts competing in the second event their roles.

Principal Cinch: "You will race in pairs. Indigo Zap and Sugarcoat will handle the motorcross."

Indigo Zap: "Yes!" She cheered with an fist pump.

Principal Cinch: "Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare have requested the short track." She said which made the two girls she mentioned high-five each other. "Since archery is a standard requirement at our school, any of you should be able to do it and so Twilight Sparkle and Sour Sweet will start us off." She said at the end which made the girls look at her, less amused.

Sour Sweet: "Well that's just marvellous." She said sweetly at first before getting an sour look. "If we wanna lose before we even start." She said sourly.

Principal Cinch: "Given that Twilight won the last event single-handedly, I have every confidence that she will be able to pull her weight here. Won't you?" She asked Sci-Twi who nods nervously.

Time Skip

The second event of the Friendship Games, The Tri-Cross Relay is underway with CHS and Crystal Prep student in their stands while Principal Cinch joins Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna and Dean Cadance in the announcers' booth.

Dean Cadance: "Welcome everyone to the Friendship Games Tri-Cross Relay!" She announced as the CHS students cheered while the Crystal Prep students didn't. "In this event, our qualifying competitors will face off in archery..." She announced, showing the archery competitors to be Applejack and Fluttershy against Sour Sweet and Sci-Twi.

Dean Cadance: "Speed skating..." She continued, revealing the speed-skating competitors to be Rarity and Pinkie Pie against Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare.

Dean Cadance: "And finally motocross." She announced, revealing the motocross competitors to be Sunset Shimmer and Rainbow Dash against Sugarcoat and Indigo Zap.

Adagio Dazzle: "Do you think CHS will win this event F/N?"

F/N: "I don't know. We will have to see."

Dean Cadance: "So if the competitors are ready...Begin!" She announced and blows an air horn, starting the Tri-Cross Relay event.

The Tri-Cross Relay events starts off with Fluttershy racing against Sour Sweet as they jump over hay bales.

Dean Cadance: "Each competitor must hit a bullseyes before their teammates can start the next leg of the relay." She explained as Sour Sweet takes the lead, grabs her quiver, jumps onto an platform, swings an cross an rope to the next platform which has her bow on it, grabs the bow and takes out three arrows quickly at the target with one of the arrows getting an bullseye.

Sour Sweet gets an smug look while Sci-Twi and Applejack were shocked by Sour Sweet's performance. Since Sour Sweet finished, it was Sci-Twi's turn to go while Fluttershy was trying to figure out how to shoot an arrow.

Sci-Twi jumps over an hay bale but accidently faceplants into the ground, much to Sour Sweet's annoyance as Fluttershy trying to shoot an arrow at the target but misses.

Sci-Twi grabs an quiver and goes for the rope swing to the next platform but messes slightly up as she falls closer to the ground but she puts her foot onto the next platform to grab a hold while Sour Sweet is getting angered.

Fluttershy gets the confidence she needs and fires an arrow at an target and gets an bullseye, much to Sour Sweet's shock as Fluttershy smiles and gives an thumbs up to Applejack who begins her turn and jumps over the hay bales.

Sci-Twi finally makes it up to her platform, just as Applejack arrives on hers. For Applejack and Sci-Twi their targets are moving around in circles as Applejack fires her first arrow which misses but she still reminds satisfied as Fluttershy claps for her.

Sci-Twi fires her first arrow and misses which frustrates Sour Sweet as Applejack takes a calming breath, lines up her shot and fires her second arrow which hits the target and gets an bullseye. This gives Rarity and Pinkie Pie the green light and they take off, racing across the skate track.

Dean Cadance: "And Canterlot is off to an early lead!" She annouced.

Sci-Twi keeps firing arrows at her moving target but they miss as Sour Sweet gets even frustrated when she sees Rarity and Pinkie pass by on the skate track.

Sour Sweet: "Well that's just fantastic!" She said sourly as Applejack and Fluttershy feel bad for Sci-Twi.

Fluttershy: "I'm sure glad that I don't go to Crystal Prep."

Applejack: "You said it." She said as Pinkie and Rarity cross the checkered line which gives CHS two points while Sci-Twi falls under pressure.

Dean Cadance: "If CPA can't hit another bullseye soon, they'll be out of this race." She annouced as Sci-Twi gets an arrow ready to fire but is unable to is she gets teary eyes and anxious.

Sugarcoast: "You're really bad at this!" She called out to Sci-Twi which made Applejack glare at the bluntly honest girl.

Applejack: "I can't take anymore!" She said and gave her bow to Fluttershy and walks up to Sci-Twi. "Ya have to stop aimin' at the target." She tells Sci-Twi.

Sour Sweet: "Oh that makes perfect sense! Don't aim at the target! Thanks so much!" She said in an sweetly sarcastic tone.

Applejack: "Ya have to stop aimin' at where the target is and aim at where the target's gonna be."

Sour Sweet: "Yeah! Definitely take the advice from the person..." She said before gaining an outraged look. "You're competing against!'

Applejack: "Do you wanna hit the bullseye or not?" She asked Sci-Twi who nods and wipes away her tears. "Then trust me and take a deep breath..."

Sci-Twi does what Applejack says, take a deep breath.

Applejack: "And let the arrow!" She instructs Sci-Twi who fires her arrow...

And gets an bulleyes which makes everyone cheer!

This gives Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare the green light for them to go and they start skating across the skate track as Spike runs up to Sci-Twi on the platform.

Spike: "Yeah! That's my girl!" He said which shocked Sour Sweet.

Sour Sweet: 'A TALKING DOG!?!' She thought shocked as she steps back away from Spike.

Sci-Twi goes up to Applejack who is expecting an high-five for Sci-Twi but hugs her instead, much to Applejack's surprise.

Applejack: "See? I was tellin' ya the truth." She said and just then, she ponied-up!

Just then, Sci-Twi's amulet device pulls towards Applejack which Sci-Twi tries to pull back but the device's pull is too strong and it starts to absorb Applejack's magic.

Applejack: ""

Sci-Twi: "I don't know." She said in an teary-eyed panic.

The device finishes absorbing Applejack's magic who falls down to the ground tired while Sci-Twi snaps her device closed and walks backwards but accidently trips backwards over Spike onto the ground as her device left her hands and rolled onto the skate track and opens.

As soon as the amulet device opened, it release an shockwave and an tiny dimensional rift appears on the track with a small vine coming out of the rift as Sci-Twi gets an distressed expression on her face.

You saw what happened with Applejack getting her magic absorbed and then you saw the shockwave of magic which made you extremely worried.

F/N: 'Oh no!' You thought extremely worried.

On the skate track, Rarity and Pinkie Pie are racing against Sunny Flare and Lemon Zest.

Dean Cadance: "Canterlot only has two laps to go! But it looks like Crystal Prep is making up for lost time!" She annouced as CHS have five points while Crystal Prep has four points.

Sunny Flare and Lemon Zest manage to past Rarity and Pinkie and tie the score with five to five as the Crystal Prep students finally cheer excitied while the CHS students were worried.

As Lemon Zest races, she skates over Sci-Twi's amulet device, moving off the track as the device starts to build magic up. Sci-Twi runs across the track to get her device as the skate track score for CHS is now six while Crystal Prep have seven.

Sci-Twi's device leaks out more magic and opens another small dimensional rift as Sci-Twi approaches her device but a giant vine appears in front of her and goes to attack her but she ducks under the vine as CHS reach seven points.

Rarity: "Come on!" She tells Pinkie as she puts her right leg out for Pinkie to grab which Pinkie does.

Rarity whips Pinkie forward with her leg, making Pinkie speed down the track, pass-by Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare, much to their shock cross the line and gives CHS eight points, winning the speed-skating race , which makes the CHS students cheer while Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare finish shortly after.

Dean Cadance: "What a finish!" She said impressed.

The motocross competitors are given the green light and they drive off. As the motocross competitors race down the race track, Sci-Twi almost grabs her amulet device but she is grabbed by her ankle by an monstrous vine coming out of an rift.

F/N: "Oh hell no!" You said as you quickly ran out of the stands, used you magic to make yourself fast enough to reach Sci-Twi, stomp on the monstrous vine which made it let go of Sci-Twi.

F/N: "Are you okay?"

Sci-Twi: "I'm fine. Thank you."

While you went to save Sci-Twi, the motocross competitors were still racing with Rainbow Dash in first place, followed by Sugarcoat, then Sunset Shimmer and Indigo Zap in last, unaware of the dimensional rifts opening around the race track until an rift opens in front of Rainbow Dash with monstrous vine coming out.

This shocked Rainbow Dash who quickly swerved to avoid the vine while the principals, vice principal and dean in the announcers booth are shocked and surprised by the sudden monstrous vine.

Sunset is getting closer up to Sugarcoat until an monstrous vine appeared from an rift which both of them notices and it snatches Sugarcoat while Sunset tried to swerve like Rainbow Dash did to avoid the vine which she does but she skids and gets thrown from her bike as the CHS students look in shock and fear.

Indigo Zap drives up the vine like a ramp and jumps off the head of the vine to get first place.

Rainbow Dash looks back at the monstrous vine to see Sugarcoat hanging onto her motorbike which is in the jaws of the monstrous vine while Sunset was recovering on the ground so Rainbow Dash drives to save Sunset.

The monstrous vine devours Sugarcoat's bike while she falls down the vine's length to safety on the ground, slightly freaked-out by what just happened and sees Rainbow Dash drive past her.

The monstrous vine goes to attack Sunset but Rainbow Dash quickly grabs Sunset and saves her in the nick of time as they drive off with Sunset sitting behind Rainbow Dash on her motorbike.

Sunset Shimmer: "Dash, you saved me!"

Rainbow Dash: "I wasn't about to let my friend become plant food." She said and starts to glow.

Rainbow Dash quickly stops her bike, gets off of it, takes her helmet off and ponies-up!

You saw what happened and was happy that Rainbow Dash saved Sunset but slapped your forehead when Rainbow Dash ponied-up in front of everyone.

F/N: "I give up. We tried to keep magic out of the Friendship Games but we just can't." You said before fighting off monstrous vine away from you and Sci-Twi.

Principal Cinch is shocked by the events going on before glaring at Principal Celestia who shrugs with a nervous smile.

Rainbow Dash: "We can still win this!" She tells Sunset who nods and drives off on her motorbike with her flying next to Sunset.

Indigo Zap races through the track until she approaches an monstrous vine which moved it's head from the ground, leaving an hole which Indigo Zap falls into and the monstrous vine hovers above her.

Rainbow Dash sees this and quickly flies up to the monstrous vine and distracts the monstrous vine which goes after her instead.

Sunset continues the race and drives past Indigo Zap who quickly drove out of the hole who re-joins the race as the monstrous vine goes after both Sunset and Indigo Zap but Rainbow Dash tackles the monstrous vine into the ground, saving Sunset and Indigo Zap.

Sunset and Indigo Zap are neck and neck towards the finish line until Sunset crosses the finish line a second before Indigo Zap does which could only mean one thing...

Dean Cadance: "Canterlot wins!" She announced.

The CHS students cheered, the Crystal Prep students were silent and Principal Cinch had look of anger on her face.

Dean Cadance: "Attention students, please proceed to the gym." She announced.

Sci-Twi grabs her amulet device and closes it, resulting in the vines and rifts magically disappearing. You sighed in relief while Sci-Twi had an look of extreme concern.

You quickly joined your girlfriends who were gathering up to Sunset.

F/N: "Is everybody alright?" You asked them.

Rainbow Dash: "Better than alright! We won!" She cheered as everyone cheers besides Sunset who took her helmet off and was less amused.

Sunset Shimmer: "Yeah we won but somebody could have been seriously hurt. The magic is going haywire and I have no idea how to fix it!" She ranted a little angry.

Aria Blaze: "Jeez Sunset, calm down."

Sci-Twi: "Um excuse me." She called out to you and your girlfriends with an slightly sad look. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I just wanted to learn about the strange energy coming from your school. I didn't know it was magic or how it works."

Rainbow Dash: "That's okay. Neither do we." She said as she stepped towards Sci-Twi.

Then suddenly Sci-Twi's device actives, opens and pulls towards Rainbow Dash.

Sci-Twi: "Oh no! Not again!" She said as her device starts absorb Rainbow Dash's magic.

You and your girlfriends watch in shock at what happens until you quickly rush up to Rainbow Dash and pull her out of the way as Sci-Twi tries to close her device but is struggling to close it.

Sci-Twi: "I'm sorry! It just started absorbing energy on its own! But I'm not sure how!"

Sunset Shimmer: "What do you mean you don't know how?" She asked and tried to close Sci-Twi's amulet device herself.

The device fired magic up into the sky, opening an giant dimensional rift in the sky and in the rift you could all see a night sky with an full moon.

Meanwhile Principal Cinch is walking by and sees what is happening which surprises so she hides to spy on you, your girlfriends and Sci-Twi.

Sci-Twi: "It also causes these corresponding rifts to appear! I don't how it works either!" She said as she struggles to closer her amulet device.

Sunset Shimmer: "Is there anything you do know?! Like how to get our magic back?! Or how to fix the portal to Equestria?!" She asked angerly at Sci-Twi.

Sci-Twi: "Equestria?"

Sunset Shimmer: "You're supposed to be so smart but did you ever think that you shouldn't be messing around with things you don't understand?!" She said furiously and closed the amulet device herself, making the rift disappear.

Sci-Twi: "B-But I want to understand!"

Sunset Shimmer: "But you don't! And worst of all, you put the lives of my friends, the ones I love and care for in danger!" She said furiously at Sci-Twi.

Sci-Twi: "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." She said and ran off crying.

Spike: "Twilight! Wait!"

Adagio Dazzle: "Wow! And I thought I was angry and cold-hearted when I used to bad."

F/N: "Sunset." You said put a hand on her shoulder. "We're all okay. What happened with that Twilight and her device wasn't entirely her fault since she didn't know what was going to. If you angry about Princess Twilight not responding to our messages, you can't take it out on that Twilight because she's NOT Princess Twilight." You tell Sunset.

Sunset Shimmer: "Oh Harmonia...what have I done? I didn't mean to yell at her." She said with guilt.

F/N: " time we see that Twilight, let's apologize to her."

Sunset Shimmer: "Okay." She said and hugs you as you hug her back.

Principal Cinch has heard everything and she smiles sinisterly until she is approached by Principal Celestia with Vice Principal Luna and Dean Cadance nearby.

Principal Cinch: "You can't possibly call that a fair race."

Principal Celestia: "Principal Cinch, we all saw what happened. You can't think CHS has some kind of advantage."

Principal Cinch: "Can't I? Even without your trained attack plants and your students with wings."

Principal Celestia: "Well the race certainly had some extenuating circumstances. Perhaps we should end the games now and declare a tie." She suggested but Cinch wouldn't have it.

Principal Cinch: "A tie? Was this your strategy all along? To force us into accepting you as equals? I think not. The games will continue and Crystal Prep will prevail despite your antics and whatever performance-enhancing regimen your students are on." She said which you and your girlfriend heard and watch her walk off while you glared at her.

F/N: "Mum is right, she is a wench." You said walked up to Principal Celestia. "Principal Celestia, I'm sorry I couldn't stop this from happening." You said and Sunset steps forwards.

Sunset Shimmer: "It's not your fault F/N, I'm guilty too."

Principal Celestia: "It's not your fault you two."

Sunset Shimmer: "Isn't it? I should know how to control the magic I brought here. But I don't and I let everyone down. Now Principal Cinch thinks we're cheating."

Principal Celestia: "It doesn't matter what Principal Cinch thinks."

Sunset Shimmer: "But it does. The students here at CHS don't just wanna win. They wanna beat Crystal Prep. It isn't gonna count if the other side doesn't really think they lost. Crystal Prep is never gonna believe we won fair and square if there's magic around and that magic is only around because of me." She said in an guilty tone.

F/N: "Sunset, it's not your fault that magical things happening around CHS. The magic your brought here has some good things to it. Magic may cause some problems but if we work together, we can fix these problems and make everything better." You tell her which made Sunset smile a little.

Sunset Shimmer: "You're right, if we work together then we can fix everything and understand how magic is working now."

F/N: "I hope so."

You and everyone left the Tri-Cross Relay track to get ready for the third event of the Friendships Games, unaware of an magical threat about to appear and endanger the entire Human World...

End of Chapter

[AN: Whoa boy was this one a tough one to write! I had to cover the entire Tri-Cross Relay which wasn't easy to remember every detail but I manage to do it anyway. Now I want to ask you all a question, should the Crystal Prep Shadowbolt Girls, Indigo Zap, Sugarcoat, Lemon Zest, Sour Sweet and Sunny Flare transfer to CHS once the Friendship Games end? So I'm putting up a poll at the bottom to decide and you can vote yes or no and the one with the most votes wins.]

[Yes to the Crystal Prep Shadowbolt Girls transfer to CHS.]

[No to the Crystal Prep Shadowbolt Girls tansfer to CHS.]

[Next Chapter: The Final Event of the Friendship Games & an New Threat to the Human World Appears!]

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