The Prince of Canterlot High...

By archiveofourpony

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Disclaimer: This is NOT my story. All credit belongs to LordStarX101 for this. Equestria Girls Harem X Male R... More

Chapter 1: The New Student
Chapter 2: The Visitors From Another World
Chapter 3: Familiar Yet Unfamiliar Faces
Chapter 4: More Familiar Faces & Another Encounter
Chapter 5: Learning & Meeting the Parents
Chapter 6: A Friendship Reborn
Chapter 7: Rallying the Students
Chapter 8: Time to Come Together
Chapter 9: Night of the Fall Formal
Chapter 10: The History of Sunset Shimmer & Return to Equestria
Chapter 11: An Weekend With the Girls
Chapter 12: Birth of the Rainbooms
Chapter 13: Better Than Ever
Chapter 14: Enter the Dazzlings
Chapter 15: Return of the Princess
Chapter 16: Slumber Party & The Prince's Past
Chapter 17: The Mane Event
Chapter 18: Welcome to the Show
Chapter 19: From Despair to Love
Chapter 20: The Prince Gets More Princesses?!
Chapter 21: One Big Date With Seven Girls
Chapter 22: The Dazzlings Return
Chapter 23: Magical Showdown
Chapter 24: Day Out With the Dazzlings & Meeting Another Twilight?!
Chapter 26: Arrival of the Rivals
Chapter 27: The Friendship Games
Chapter 28: The Final Event of the Games
Chapter 29: New Students & Princess Twilight Returns
Chapter 30: A Date With Sci-Twi
Chapter 31: Sun & Moon
Chapter 32: Expanding the Herd
Chapter 33: Welcome to Camp Everfree
Chapter 34: Reuniting With the Camp Siblings
Chapter 35: Let the Magic Times Begin at Camp Everfree
Chapter 36: The Legend of Gaea Everfree
Chapter 37: The Rainbooms' New Magical Powers
Chapter 38: Embrace the Magic
Chapter 39: Showdown at Camp Everfree
Chapter 40: Lost Legends & Leaving Camp
Chapter 41: Catching Up With an Old Friend Turned Girlfriend
Chapter 42: The Girl Who Makes Your Heart Shimmer
Chapter 43: A Date With Your Adorkable Nerds
Chapter 44: A Dazzling Date
Chapter 45: A Day Out With the Musicians, the Best Friends & Derpy
Chapter 46: A Date With Your Great & Powerful Magician
Chapter 47: Sugarcoated Applejacks
Chapter 48: Lemon & Pies
Chapter 49: Sunny Diamonds

Chapter 25: Preparations for the Friendship Games

1.2K 17 7
By archiveofourpony

You, Sunset and the Dazzlings were running to Canterlot High after receiving an emergency text message from Rainbow Dash. You, Sunset and the Dazzlings arrived at the school entrance and saw your other girlfriends around Rainbow Dash so you all head towards them.

Sunset Shimmer: "I got your text Rainbow Dash! Did something come through the portal? Is Equestrian magic on the loose? Did Twilight come back with a problem only we can solve?" She asked worriedly.

Pinkie Pie: "Has a giant cake monster covered all the cakes in the world in cake?" She asked joyfully as she ate two cupcakes.

Sonata Dusk: "Or is it a taco monster that we can eat?" She asked happily as she ate two tacos.

F/N: "I seriously doubt it those last two." You said with a sweat drop.

Rainbow Dash: "Um not exactly." She said as she took out her guitar which had a broken string.

Sunset Shimmer: "Uh, I don't understand." She said confused.

Applejack: "Well Sunset, I was just tellin' Rainbow Dash here that a broken guitar string doesn't really qualify as an emergency."

Rainbow Dash: "It totally does!"

Rarity: "Really Rainbow Dash? I was in the middle of sewing a very complex appliqué on my latest frock.

Fluttershy: "And I was just about to tuck everyone in for the night at the animal shelter. Now we'll have to start stories all over again."

Adagio Dazzle: "And we were practicing our singing."

Sunset Shimmer: "Why would you send all of us an emergency text for a guitar string?" She questioned Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash: "Well I was going to pony up and show our fans some awesome guitar licks." She said as she referred to the Cutie Mark Crusaders who were sitting on the entrance stairs nearby. "But I kinda need all six strings to do it. Anyone got any extra?" She asked as you and all the other girls groaned.

Aria Blaze: "Seriously? You called all of us here for this?"

F/N: "Here, give me the guitar and I'll fix it." You said as Rainbow Dash handed her guitar to you and you used your magic to fix the broken string back onto the guitar. "There you go, good as new." You said as you handed the guitar back to Rainbow Dash which made her smile.

Rainbow Dash: "Thanks F/N." She said and kissed you on the cheek.

Sunset Shimmer: "Everyone has finished practicing for the day so I'm pretty sure all the music rooms are locked." She points out.

Rainbow Dash: "No problem. The acoustics in the hallway are perfect for power chords." She said and played an chord. "C'mon! Let's go!" She said as Sunset shakes her head with a smile while everyone else besides you and Sunset go into the school.

Applejack: "You two comin'?"

Sunset Shimmer: "I'll catch up in a bit."

F/N: "Sunset was going to write to Twilight before we got Rainbow's text so we want see how she's doing in Equestria and see when she'll be coming back." You said since Twilight was still in Equestria and hasn't come back to the Human World yet since she's been busy in Equestria lately.

Applejack closes entrance door while you and Sunset still down on the entrance steps. Sunset takes out her magic journal and starts to write down in it.

Sunset Shimmer: "Dear Princess Twilight, how's life treating you in Equestria? Any new cool magic spells? It's been pretty quiet here at CHS since the Battle of the Bands as well as in the incident with Brad Grape that got F/N and the Dazzlings involved. We still pony up when we play music which Rainbow Dash loves to show off. But I still can't quite grasp what it's all about. I would love to hear what you think about it when you come back here to visit us again. Your friend, Sunset Shimmer." She writes down into her magical journal.

Just then, a bus arrives outside of the school and a girl wearing an hoodie and glasses comes out from the bus. The bus leaves the girl and takes out a device of sorts which starts working and takes her to the CHS statue/portal to Equestria which she inspects until she goes around the statue to where the portal is.

You and Sunset look up to see the girl who is inspecting the portal.

Sunset Shimmer: "Hey!" She said which gained the attention of the girl and you recognize the hoodie.

F/N: 'Is that Twilight?! What is she doing here?' You thought.

Sunset Shimmer: "What are you doing?!" She questioned the girl who then began to run away. "Wait! Stop!" She called out as you and Sunset chase after the girl.

The girl ran across the street as an car passed in front of you and Sunset, preventing you two from crossing the street as an bus stops in front of the girl who goes into it and drives off as you and Sunset finally cross the street.

Sunset Shimmer: "Who was that?"

F/N: 'Why was Twilight here and why was she inspecting our school statue?' You thought.

Meanwhile in the bus, the girl sits down in the very back seats and takes her hoodie off, revealing to be Sci-Twi who sighs in relief.

Sci-Twi: 'I got away just in time...and I can't believe I saw F/N again. So he is a student at CHS...I wish he was a student at Crystal Prep.' She thought sadly.

The bus stops in front of Sci-Twi's school and CHS' rival, Crystal Prep Academy.

Sci-Twi gets off the bus, walks into her school, goes through an hallway and enters an private room. In the private room is an board with an photo of CHS with other photos and drawings and red string all over the board, connecting to each different photos and drawings as Sci-Twi pins a drawing of the portal to Equestria on her board.

Also on the board is an calendar with an tag saying "Friendship Games" on it while Sci-Twi is creating a new device from parts from her earlier device she used earlier at CHS and creates an amulet device which she finishes making and smiles.

Sci-Twi's amulet device actives and starts glowing.

Little did Sci-Twi know that the device she just created would cause trouble not just for her but everyone at the upcoming Friendship Games...

Sometime later, you and your girlfriends were in the school library with you sitting on a chair thinking while Sunset was pacing around as everyone else was reading a book as Sunset told everyone about the girl who was looking at the statue.

Sunset Shimmer: "She was definitely doing something to the statue or was going to."

Fluttershy: "Do you think she came through the portal from Equestria?"

F/N: "I doubt it because there would have been a huge flash that we would have noticed."

Sunset Shimmer: "Then that means she's from this world."

Applejack: "Well that's a relief. The last thing we need is another magical so-and-so bent on world domination comin' over from Equestria." She said with a wink at the end to Sunset who smirks in response.

Rarity: "Agreed. I have no interest in another fight against the powers of evil magic. The wear and tear on my wardrobe is just too much to keep up with."

Adagio Dazzle: "Neither do we. You don't have to worry about us attempting something with evil magic ever again." She said as her fellow sirens nodded in agreement.

Sunset Shimmer: "Still, a mysterious figure snooping around the portal? Don't you wanna know what she was up to?"

Fluttershy: "I don't even want to guess."

F/N: "I'm sure that figure will appear again and snoop around the portal once more and when they do, let's ask them."

Rainbow Dash: "Well you don't have to because I've totally figured out who it is." She said as she took out a yearbook.

Pinkie Pie: "Ooh, ooh! A night-time statue cleaner? A magical portal maintenance maintainer? A gardener?!"

F/N: "How would a gardener fit into this?"

Rainbow Dash: "Seeing how they got off a bus from the city and got back on a bus headed into the city, I bet they go to..."

Rainbooms: "Crystal Prep." They said unenthusiastically.

Rainbow Dash: "Yep. With the Friendship Games starting tomorrow, they'd totally try to prank us by defacing the Wondercolts statue."

Aria Blaze: "Why would anyone take a bus all the way from the city to do just that?"

Applejack: "Because Crystal Prep's Shadowbolts are our biggest rivals?"

Rarity: "Because that's just what the students at Crystal Prep students would do?"

Rainbow Dash: "Because even though they beat us in everything like soccer, tennis and gold, they still have to gloat about it." She explained by showing Sunset an photo in the yearbook of the Wondercolt statue being defaced with clown clothes on it.

F/N: "Seriously? Dad would be so disappointed to learn what his old high school has become." You said gained everyone's attention.

Rainbow Dash: "Your dad was a Crystal Prep student?"

F/N: "Yep and mum was a CHS student and they both met in their final year of high school at the Friendship Games. Dad said that Crystal Prep was like CHS where everyone was friendly and get a long but I heard that Crystal Prep isn't the same like it used to be."

Sunset Shimmer: "Still seems kinda silly to me."

Rainbooms: "Silly?!"

Rainbow Dash: "So I guess you think that the Friendship Games are silly too?"

Sunset Shimmer: "Well it's not like we'll be fighting against the powers of evil magic."

F/N: "True but we will be facing against a school full of rich snobs that think they're better than everyone else."

Sonata Dusk: "F/N's right, we'll be up against a school full of rich meanies."

Fluttershy: "Not everything has to be magical to be important."

Sunset Shimmer: "You're right. I'm sorry. I know it's a big deal."

Rarity: "That's putting it mildly darling. They're still revamping the playing field in preparations."

Sunset Shimmer: "I just don't understand why there's this big rivalry. Aren't the Friendship Games supposed to be about our two schools getting along?"

Applejack: "Well it's kinda hard to get along with someone who beats you at everything."

Rainbow Dash: "Not anymore! This time, things are gonna be different."

Sunset Shimmer: "What do you mean?"

Rainbow Dash: "Oh, you'll find out." She said with a grin.

Later at the gymnasium, many students gathered including you and your girlfriends as Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna on stage to announce the Friendship Games.

Principal Celestia: "As I am sure you all know that tomorrow, Canterlot High will be hosting our fellow students from Crystal Prep Academy as we join together in the spirit of excellence, sportsmanship and fidelity to compete in the Friendship Games." She announced as the students started to clap unenthusiastically, much to your surprise.

F/N: 'Is losing to Crystal Prep really that bad?' You thought.

Principal Celestia: "Since the games only happen every four years, I'm sure you're all curious to know what is going on."

Flash Sentry: "You mean other than us losing?" He called out from the stands as the principal and vice principal have unimpressed looks before smiling.

Principal Celestia: "And that is exactly why I've asked Rainbow Dash to come up and give you all a little, um...context." She said as Rainbow Dash steps on stage and grabs the mic from it's stand.

Rainbow Dash: "Thank you Principal Celestia." She said and cleared her throat as the principal and vice principal walk off stage. "I know a lot of you might think there's no way we can beat a fancy school like Crystal Prep at anything."

Pinkie Pie: "Unless it's a "losing to Crystal Prep" competition! Cause we're really good at that!" She called out which made you facepalm.

Rainbow Dash: "Ugh. And I know that CHS has never won a Friendship Game even once."

Rarity: "Oh dear. I hope this speech isn't meant to be motivational."

F/N: "I'm sure Rainbow Dash knows what she is doing."

Rainbow Dash: "Crystal Prep students are super athletic, super smart and super motivated but there's one thing they aren't and they aren't Wondercolts.

Play Song: CHS Rally Song - Film Version

Then the curtain behind Rainbow Dash opens, showing CHS' Marching Band which starts playing music.

Rainbow Dash (Singing):

We've fought magic more than once

And come out on top

Chorus (Singing):

Oh, oh

Rainbow Dash (Singing):

There's other schools, but none can make those claims

Chorus (Singing):

Na, na-na-na-na, oh

Rainbow Dash (Singing):

Together we are Canterlot

Come and cheer our name

Chorus (Singing):

Oh, oh

Rainbow Dash (Singing):

This will be our year to win these games

Rainbow Dash and the Marching Band stepped down from the stage and continued singing as they marched down the gym.

Rainbow Dash (Singing):

We'll always be Wondercolts forever

And now our time has finally arrived

'Cause we believe in the magic of friendship

And you know, at the end of the day, it is we who survive.

Just then, Vinyl Scratch who has her portable DJ turntable connects it to the gym's speakers and joins in on the music.

Students (Singing):


Rainbow Dash (Singing):

We're not the school we were before

Students (Singing):


Rainbow Dash (Singing):

Yeah, we're different now

Chorus (Singing):

Oh, oh

Students (Singing):

Hey, hey!

Rainbow Dash (Singing):

We overcame the obstacles we faced

Chorus (Singing):

Overcame the obstacles we faced\

Students (Singing):


Soon enough, Rainbow Dash's rally song started to motivate the CHS students.

Rainbow Dash (Singing):

We're Canterlot united

Students (Singing):


Rainbow Dash (Singing):

And we'll never bow

Chorus (Singing):

Oh, oh

Students (Singing)

Hey, Hey!

Rainbow Dash (Singing):

So get ready to see us in first place

Then the Marching Band start throwing out CHS' Iconic Pony Ears out to a few students which they start wearing.

Everyone (Singing):

We'll always be Wondercolts forever

(Three! Two! One! Go!)

And now our time has finally arrived

(Our time is now!)

'Cause we believe in the magic of friendship

And you know, at the end of the day, it is we who survive

At the end of the day, it is we who survive

Na, na, na-na-na-na

Wondercolts united together

Na, na, na-na-na-na

Wondercolts united forever

Rainbow Dash (Singing): We'll always be Wondercolts forever And now our time has finally arrived 'Cause we believe in the magic of friendship And you know...

Just then, something unexpected happened, Rainbow Dash Ponied-Up without playing her guitar!

Everyone (Singing):

At the end of the day, it is we who survive!

At the end of the day, it is we who survive!

End Song Here

Soon after the song ended, everyone was cheering and applauding as they feel motivied for the Friendship Games.

A little later, everyone has left the gym besides you and your girlfriends as you meet with Rainbow Dash backstage with smiles on your faces.

Fluttershy: "Rainbow Dash, that was amazing! Even I feel like we can win!"

Rarity: "I feel like my school pride is at an all-time high!"

Applejack: "Is anybody else wonderin' how Dash ponied-up without playin' her guitar?"

Rainbow Dash: "I know right? It's probably because I'm so awesome!" She said which made you roll your eyes.

F/N: "Great, now she's got a bigger head with that ego." You whispered to the Dazzlings which they giggle to.

Sunset Shimmer: "Maybe, I mean, you are awesome but there's gotta be more to it than that right? It just seems so random."

F/N: 'I'm starting to think my life is getting random.' You thought as Vice Principal Luna approaches you and your girlfriends.

Vice Principal Luna: "Well it would be nice if you all could get a handle on it. We'd like to keep magic as far away from the Friendship Games as possible. We don't want to be accused of cheating." She explains.

Adagio Dazzle: "We don't need magic to defeat those hoity-toity Crystal Preppers." She said which everyone but you, Sunset and Luna agree with her.

Vice Principal Luna: "Still, the Friendship Games are serious business. We don't want any surprises, especially the kind that could cause us to forfeit."

F/N: "You're right Vice Principal Luna so I think it's best that I don't participate in the Friendship Games." You said which surprised everyone.

Sonata Dusk: "But why F/N?"

F/N: "Because I'm magical and if something magical does intervene during the Friendship Games then it's best that I stop it without me being busy participating in the Friendship Games." You explained which made them understand.

Vice Principal Luna: "Very well F/N, I will inform my sister of your role to prevent magic from interfering with the Friendship Games. Is there anything else you want to ask me?"

F/N: "Yeah, I was wondering if you know who the current principal of Crystal Prep is."

Vice Principal Luna: "May I ask why you want to know that?"

F/N: "My dad used to be a student at Crystal Prep years ago and according to him, Crystal Prep used to be like CHS where everyone gets along but I heard that Crystal Prep isn't like that anymore."

Vice Principal Luna: "Yes it's true that Crystal Prep used to be like CHS years ago until it's previous principal stepped down and the current one took over. The current principal is Abacus Cinch and she is the reason why Crystal Prep has changed from what it used to be."

F/N: 'Cinch huh? Didn't dad mention that name when he told me about his high school days?' You thought. "Well thanks for the info Vice Principal." You said with a smile which Luna blush slightly at.

Vice Principal Luna: "No problem." She said as Sunset notices her vice principal's blush.

Sunset Shimmer: ' Vice Principal Luna blushing?! Does she have feelings for F/N?! Now that I think about it, I do sometimes see her and Principal Celestia blush whenever F/N compliments them.' She thought.

Vice Principal Luna: "Anyway, Sunset Shimmer, you came here from a world of magic. Perhaps you and F/N can get to the bottom of our magical development.

Sunset Shimmer: "I'll do my best."

F/N: "Leave it to us."

Vice Principal Luna nods her head and leaves while your girlfriends were talking about possible events that may happen in the Friendship Games.

Rainbow Dash: "Okay so does anybody have an good idea what the events might be?"

Pinkie Pie: "Pie eating?" She said as she took out an pie from her hair. "Cake eating?" She said as she took out an cake from her hair and then gasped. "Pie-Cake eating?!" She said and crushed the pie and cake which causes the batters to splat nearly on everyone which they clean off.

Applejack: "They won't even let us see what they're doin' to the field. You think they'd at least tell competitors what they're competing in."

Fluttershy: "It could be anything."

Rarity: "Anything?! How will I ever pick the right outfit?!"

Sunset Shimmer: "I really wanna help but I think I better go focus on figuring out why Rainbow Dash ponied-up. See ya later!" She said and left.

F/N: "I better go and help Sunset since I can use magic as well. See ya later." You said and went after Sunset.

Pinkie Pie: "Seems like they got everything under control so we got nothing to worry about."

You and Sunset were at the library, doing some research on magic as you read through anything on magic while Sunset was sitting at a table, trying to figure how Equestrian Magic works now in the Human World and she was getting frustrated.

Sunset Shimmer: "Ugh!" She groaned which gets your attention.

F/N: "What's wrong Sunset?"

Sunset Shimmer: "This is just so hard to figure out. I can't find anything! I've been given the job to keep magic under control here and I don't even understand it yet! After seeing Rainbow Dash pony-up like that at the prep rally without playing her guitar, I'm starting to figure out that the friendship magic that was brought here to this world is changing. Everyone is looking at me to figure it all out and I don't want to let them all down but I'm not sure I have enough experience with friendship magic to solve this F/N." She said sadly as you went up to her and hugged.

F/N: "Don't worry Sunset, that's why I'm here to help you. You'd think I'd let someone as intelligant and sweet as you do something stressful as this? Heck no! So don't you worry about this Sunset because we'll find the answer to this together sooner or later." You said and kissed Sunset on her forehead which made her blush and hug you back.

Sunset Shimmer: "Thanks F/N. What would I do without you?"

F/N: "You'd probably be able to figure things out since you're smart as you are beautiful." You said which made her giggle.

Sunset Shimmer: "You are so sweet. No wonder I love you." She said and gave you a quick peck on the lips.

F/N: "If you're having trouble then let's contact Twilight and see if she will contact us back." You suggested.

Sunset Shimmer: "You're right. I'll do that now." She said and took our magic journal to contact Twilight in Equestria.

F/N: 'I wonder what Twilight is doing in Equestria right now and speaking of Twilights, I wonder what the Twilight of this world is doing right now.' You thought curiously.


At Crystal Prep, a certain student is walking through the hallways of the school and that student is none other than Sci-Twi who has a sad expression on her face and she is wearing an Crystal Prep Academy Uniform.

Sci-Twi is rather lonely at Crystal Prep since most of her fellow students are stuck-up jerks that came from rich and/or successful families that only care about being the best.

Crystal Prep was never like this, years ago this school used to be like it's rival school CHS where everyone got along and was friendly with each other until a few years ago, the previous principal stepped down and the current one, Principal Cinch took over. Cinch changed Crystal Prep into an school where friendship is meaningless and only being the best is all that matters which resulted in the current students turning into stuck-up jerks who care mostly for themselves and Sci-Twi isn't like most of her fellow Crystal Prep students.

Sci-Twi walks through an hallway as a few students purposely bump into her which she apologize to when she didn't need to and she just looks down depressed until she makes it to her private lab where her dog Spike was waiting at the door but got sent flying into an trash can when Sci-Twi opened the door.

Sci-Twi: "Spike? Spike?!" She called out as she sat down at an table Spike got out of the trash can and jumps onto the table she is staying at. "There you are." She said happily as her dog jumps onto her and licks her face. "Okay, okay!"

Sci-Twi then opens a drawer from the table and takes out the amulet device.

Sci-Twi: "Last night's field test confirmed it Spike and with this device, I can track and contain the bizarre energy coming from Canterlot High." She tells Spike who barks at the photo of Canterlot High. "I know you didn't like me going over there, but I just couldn't wait. And soon, I'll have all the time I need. All of Crystal Prep is gonna be there for the Friendship Games. I just hope all that rivalry nonsense doesn't get in the way of my research. If I can collect enough data on these EM frequencies, I should be able to extrapolate the waveforms to determine their origin. That would practically guarantee my entrance into the Everton Independent Study Program!" She explained to Spike who goes after an ladybug as she leans too far back on her chair which makes her fall backwards.

Just then, there's an knock at the door to Sci-Twi's lab and which opens and entering the lab is Dean Cadance.

Dean Cadance looks down to see Sci-Twi on the ground and as well as Spike.

Dean Cadance: "Twilight, you know the rules against pets." She said as she help Sci-Twi get back up.

Sci-Twi: "Well Spike isn't a pet Dean Cadance, he's the focus of my research project. Human-canine cohabitation: effects and implications." She explained.

Dean Cadance: "If you say so but Principal Cinch is highly allergic so I suggest you put on a clean shirt."

Sci-Twi: "Why?"

Dean Cadance: "Because she wants to see you."

Sci-Twi: "Ooh! Maybe she has news about my application to Everton!" She said happily.

Dean Cadance: "I've been meaning to talk to you about that. Are you sure that's what you really want?"

Sci-Twi: "Why wouldn't it be? A program that allows me to focus all my attention on my own advanced math and science projects. It's a dream come true!" She explained.

Dean Cadance: "But there aren't any classrooms with other students. You'll be doing everything on your own."

Sci-Twi: "That is why it's called an independent study program."

Dean Cadance: " I just don't want you to miss out on anything, that's all. Being around other people isn't a bad thing and sometimes it's how you learn the most about yourself." She tells Sci-Twi who then remembers you.

Sci-Twi: 'When I was with F/N at the mall that one time wasn't so bad...maybe she has a point.' She thought. "I guess." She said to Cadance.

Dean Cadance: "Meet you in Principal Cinch's office in a few minutes?" She asked and Sci-Twi nods. "Good." She said and left.

Sci-Twi: "What's she so worried about? Everton is exactly what I need right now." She said to Spike before sighing. "It's not like I have anything left to learn at Crystal Prep."

A few minutes later, Sci-Twi walks through the school until she arrives at the principal's office which she opens the door to and enters the office. Sci-Twi looks inside to see Cadance who motions her to the stool that was in front of a table and behind the table is an throne-like chair that is turned around away from the table.

Sci-Twi sits down on the stool and once she did, the door behind her closed and she looks to see her older brother Shining Armor who closed the door.

Sci-Twi: Shining Amor? Why is my brother here?"

Dean Cadance: "As an alumni, Principal Cinch thought he could provide some unique perspective." She explained.

Sci-Twi: "Perspective on what?"

???: "Why, the Friendship Games of course." Came from the throne-like chair and that turns around to reveal Crystal Prep's principal, Abacus Cinch.

Principal Cinch: "You competed in the games did you not, Shining Armor?" She asked Shining Armor who was glancing at Cadance before blushing at the sudden attention and coughed to get rid of the blush.

Shining Armor: "I did."

Principal Cinch: "And you happen to recall who won?"

Shining Armor: "Ha, ha, Crystal Prep did. We always win." He spoke arrogantly.

Principal Cinch: "We always win."

Sci-Twi: "Why did you ask to see me?" She asked as Principal Cinch walks up to a trophy case.

Principal Cinch: "Twilight, I'll be honest. It doesn't matter whether or not Crystal Prep wins or loses." She said as she grabs a trophy wipes it clean with a rag. "The important thing is we are expected to win because Crystal Prep has a reputation." She said as she puts the trophy back onto the case and walks up to Sci-Twi. "And it is that reputation, my reputation that is responsible for everything we have here. For everything you've done here and you've done quite a lot haven't you?"

Sci-Twi: "I don't know. I guess." She said as Cinch returns to throne-like chair.

Principal Cinch: "Oh don't be modest. You're the best student this school has ever seen but what I can't understand is why my best student wouldn't want to compete."

Sci-Twi: "In the Friendship Games?"

Shining Armor: "Look Twily, I know it's not really your thing but representing the school is kind of a big deal. Plus they could really use your help."

Principal Cinch: "It seems Canterlot High is undergoing something of a renaissance." She said as she took out a piece of paper and read it. "Their test scores are up, their grades are up and even their athletics are going up. You see, Canterlot High is developing somewhat of a reputation and this cannot happen!"

Sci-Twi: "Principal Cinch! I can't possibly participate in the Friendship Games. My work here is very-"

Principal Cinch: "Ah yes, your work." She said before looking at Cadance and Shining Armor. "Cadance, could you and Shining Armor find my contact sheet for the Everton Independent Study program?"

Dean Cadance: "Of course." She said and she along with Shining Armor left the office.

Principal Cinch: "I understand you've applied to Everton." She said and took out a folder. "You see, one of the advantages of having a reputation is a certain amount of influence in such things. So, let me offer you a deal. In return for contributing your agile mind to these games, I will use my influence to guarantee your application is approved. Though, I suppose I could also have it... denied. What do you think I should do?"

Sci-Twi looked nervous as she realized what is happening...Cinch is blackmailing her! If she doesn't agree then Cinch will deny her application to Everton so she believes she has no choice but to agree to participate in the Friendship Games.

Sci-Twi: "I'll do it...I'll participate in the Friendship Games." She said which Cinch smirked to.

Principal Cinch: "Excellent! You may leave now and be ready for the welcoming party at Canterlot High tomorrow." She tells Sci-Twi who nods and leaves the office with a sad look on her face.

Time Skip

After school finished, you went to your parents place and were currently in the lounge room talking with your parents.

D/N: "So son, how excited are you for the Friendship Games in two days?"

F/N: "A little excited but I won't be participating in the Friendship Games." You revealed which surprised your parents.

M/N: "Really? Why not?"

F/N: "Well since magic things happen around CHS lately and with CHS hosting the Friendship Games, magic is bound to show up at the Friendship Games so I need to make sure it doesn't get out of control if magic does show up." You explained.

M/N: "That's understandable."

F/N: "Say Dad, you said you went to Crystal Prep right?"

D/N: "Yep I was a Crystal Prep student while M/N here was a CHS student and we met on our final year on high school during the Friendship Games."

F/N: "Well I heard somethings about Crystal Prep and not in the good way."

D/N: "What do you mean?"

F/N: "From what I've heard about Crystal Prep has turned into an school that only cares about being the best and friendship means nothing if you're not an success." You tell your dad who looked shocked at the info.

D/N: "What?! My school has become the complete opposite of what it used to be?! How?!""

F/N: "From what I've heard, Crystal Prep changed because of it's current principal who took over a few years ago.

D/N: "Who's the new principal?"

F/N: "From what I've learned, the new principal is a woman named Abacus Cinch." You said and when your parents heard that name, they had looks of shock which turned to rage.



You were shocked by your parents outburst.

F/N: "You know this Cinch?" You asked.

D/N: "Yeah unfortunately we do. When I was a student at Crystal Prep, so was Cinch and she had a thing for me."

F/N: "For real?! What happened?"

D/N: "Me and Cinch were both of Crystal Prep's best students and while I had a lot friends and was nice to everyone, Cinch was cold and uncaring, only wanting to be better than everyone else and she only wanted to be with me because we're both of Crystal Prep's best."

M/N: "When me and your dad met for the first time at the Friendship Games, it was like love at first sight and after the games ended, we entered our relationship and became a couple. Of course that wench Cinch wasn't happy about it and was rather mean to me but your dad defended me from her."

F/N: "Whoa! For real?"

D/N: "Yep and I'm glad that when we graduated, Cinch went to an college that was far away but now I'm annoyed that she of all people was chosen to be principal of Crystal Prep and I'm betting that she has made everyone as Crystal Prep think like that being the best and successful is all that matters."

F/N: "Well don't worry. I'm sure CHS will win the Friendship Games this years and prove Cinch is wrong about friendship being meaningless."

M/N: "I sure hope so."

You spent a little time with your parent before leaving and driving back to your penthouse.

F/N: 'Why do I feel like thing are going to be difficult at the Friendship Games?' You thought.

End of Chapter

[AN: Here it is. The begining of the Friendship Games arc which has Twilight back in Equestria and she won't be appearing for awhile since she has to deal with a certain unicorn who has gone back into Equestria's past to mess up the present. So the reader won't be participating in the Friendship Games but instead make sure that magic doesn't get involved with the Friendship Games and the reader's parents had a history with Crystal Prep's principal who still holds an grudge against the reader's parents to this day.]

[Next Chapter: CHS Wondercolts meet Crystal Prep's Shadowbolts.]

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