The Prince of Canterlot High...

By archiveofourpony

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Disclaimer: This is NOT my story. All credit belongs to LordStarX101 for this. Equestria Girls Harem X Male R... More

Chapter 1: The New Student
Chapter 2: The Visitors From Another World
Chapter 3: Familiar Yet Unfamiliar Faces
Chapter 4: More Familiar Faces & Another Encounter
Chapter 5: Learning & Meeting the Parents
Chapter 6: A Friendship Reborn
Chapter 7: Rallying the Students
Chapter 8: Time to Come Together
Chapter 9: Night of the Fall Formal
Chapter 10: The History of Sunset Shimmer & Return to Equestria
Chapter 11: An Weekend With the Girls
Chapter 12: Birth of the Rainbooms
Chapter 13: Better Than Ever
Chapter 14: Enter the Dazzlings
Chapter 15: Return of the Princess
Chapter 16: Slumber Party & The Prince's Past
Chapter 17: The Mane Event
Chapter 18: Welcome to the Show
Chapter 19: From Despair to Love
Chapter 20: The Prince Gets More Princesses?!
Chapter 21: One Big Date With Seven Girls
Chapter 22: The Dazzlings Return
Chapter 24: Day Out With the Dazzlings & Meeting Another Twilight?!
Chapter 25: Preparations for the Friendship Games
Chapter 26: Arrival of the Rivals
Chapter 27: The Friendship Games
Chapter 28: The Final Event of the Games
Chapter 29: New Students & Princess Twilight Returns
Chapter 30: A Date With Sci-Twi
Chapter 31: Sun & Moon
Chapter 32: Expanding the Herd
Chapter 33: Welcome to Camp Everfree
Chapter 34: Reuniting With the Camp Siblings
Chapter 35: Let the Magic Times Begin at Camp Everfree
Chapter 36: The Legend of Gaea Everfree
Chapter 37: The Rainbooms' New Magical Powers
Chapter 38: Embrace the Magic
Chapter 39: Showdown at Camp Everfree
Chapter 40: Lost Legends & Leaving Camp
Chapter 41: Catching Up With an Old Friend Turned Girlfriend
Chapter 42: The Girl Who Makes Your Heart Shimmer
Chapter 43: A Date With Your Adorkable Nerds
Chapter 44: A Dazzling Date
Chapter 45: A Day Out With the Musicians, the Best Friends & Derpy
Chapter 46: A Date With Your Great & Powerful Magician
Chapter 47: Sugarcoated Applejacks
Chapter 48: Lemon & Pies
Chapter 49: Sunny Diamonds

Chapter 23: Magical Showdown

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By archiveofourpony

You were running through Canterlot City, heading towards the mall to meet with Sonata who called you earlier and she sounded upset.

F/N: 'What happened Sonata? Please be okay.' You said as you arrived outside the mall and saw Sonata sitting at a bench with an extremely sad look on her. 'There she is.' You said and walked towards Sonata. "Sonata!" You called out to her and she noticed you.

Sonata Dusk: "F/N!" She said and got up, ran to you, hugged you and began to cry.

F/N: "Sonata! What's wrong? What happened?"

Sonata Dusk: "He...he took them...he took Adagio and Aria away." She tells you as she sobbed which shocked you.

F/N: "Who took them?"

Sonata Dusk: "Someone named Brad Grape." She tells you which made you gasp.

F/N: "Brad Grape! He's here." You said shocked.

Sonata Dusk: "Who is he F/N? He knows you and said you ruined his life in Manehattan." She asks you.

F/N: "Before me and my parents moved here to Canterlot months ago, we lived in Manehattan and I was a student at Manehattan High along with Brad Grape, Manehattan High's biggest bully. Brad bullied and beat up anyone he wanted and harassed any girls who refused to go out with him until one day, he decided to beat me up but I defended myself from that jerk. After defending myself from Brad, me along with all those he bullied and harassed had enough of that bastard so we told the principal and teachers about the terrible things he's being doing which resulted in Brad being expelled from Manehattan High. Last I heard his parents sent him to military school." You tell Sonata.

Sonata Dusk: "Whoa! He really is a jerk and a bastard and no wonder he wants payback at you."

F/N: " do you know Brad and how did he capture Adagio and Aria?" You asked her.

Sonata Dusk: "He came to our place a few days ago and he said he would give us our magic back if we brought you to him." She tells you which surprised you.

F/N: "Brad wants revenge! said Brad was going to get your magic back, how can he do that?"

Sonata Dusk: "Brad has magic himself." She tells you which shocked you.

F/N: "Brad has magic! How is that possible?! The last time I've seen him he was just a normal guy without magic."

Sonata Dusk: "I don't know but when he knocked Adagio and Aria out, he used magic to teleport himself away along with Adagio and Aria."

F/N: "Do you have any idea where Brad is right now?"

Sonata Dusk: "He said to bring you to the abandoned warehouse on fourth street and he threatened me, saying that if I don't bring you to him, he'll kill Adagio and Aria." She revealed which shocked and angered you.

F/N: 'I can't believe Brad would go so far to get back at me. I can't let him get away with this.' You thought. "Sonata...I will save Adagio and Aria, I promise." You tell her which makes her sob as you held her.

Sonata Dusk: "Thank you F/N."

F/N: "Let's go and save Adagio and Aria." You tell Sonata who stops sobbing and nods.

Sonata Dusk: "R-Right." She said and you both started walking away from the mall.

Both you and Sonata arrived outside the abandoned warehouse where Brad is and should be keeping Adagio and Aria held.

F/N: "This is the place."

Sonata Dusk: "Are you sure?"

F/N: "Let me use my energy sensing to see." You said.

You focused and sensed three energy signatures coming from the abandoned warehouse.

F/N: "I sense three energy signatures inside the warehouse. Two of them is Adagio and Aria while the third is definitely Brad but his energy is much darker than anything I've sense. He definitely has magic of sorts."

Sonata Dusk: "So what do we do F/N?"

F/N: "Sonata, you sneak around and enter the warehouse from the back while I'll go through the front and distract Brad. While I'm distracting Brad, you'll go and free Adagio and Aria." You tell her.

Sonata Dusk: "Are you sure?"

F/N: "I'm sure and don't worry, I'll be fine." You tell her.

Sonata Dusk: "Okay..."

Inside the abandoned warehouse is Brad leaning against a pillar while Adagio and Aria are tied up to chair and gagged nearby.

Brad Grape: 'Soon Sonata will bring F/N to me and I'll get my revenge on him for ruining my life.' He thought angrily.

By all accounts Brad Grape has never been a nice guy when he was growing up. He came from a rich family and he was the heir to the family fortune which lead him to believe he could do whatever he wants without any consequences. At school he got some friends and even the interest of a few girls but only because he was rich but everything changed when he went to Manehattan High and all the attention was on a young man named F/N L/N. F/N is a nice guy with great looks who manage to make a lot of friends and even gain the attention to a lot of girls which made Brad jealous so he started bullying anyone he wanted. This lead to Brad losing his friends and any girls who had an interest in him didn't want to be with a bully so Brad started to harass any girl who refused to go out with him. Brad finally decided he wanted to put F/N in his place and went to beat F/N up but F/N was able defend himself from Brad and that's when everyone had enough. F/N, along with everyone who Brad bullied and harassed told the principal and teachers of Manehattan High about Brad's bullying and with enough evidence, Brad was expelled from Manehattan High and if that wasn't bad enough, Brad's parents had enough of his attitude so they stripped him of being heir to the family fortune which they gave to his younger brother and sent him to military school to teach him a lesson.

Brad Grape: 'That bastard is the reason why my life has been terrible lately. He got everyone's attention, all the girls wanted him rather than me then he had to get everyone to turn against me and have me expelled from Manehattan High and because of him, my parents took away my right as heir to the family fortune to my younger brother and they sent me to military school.' He thought angrily. 'But if it wasn't for that stranger who appeared in my dream I had weeks ago then I would have this magic power.' He thought as he created a small magic energy ball in his hand.

Brad then remembers that a few weeks ago when he was in military school, he was asleep when all of a sudden, he had a strange dream and in it, a mysterious stranger appeared and told him that F/N has magic and that he moved to Canterlot which made Brad shocked and jealous until the stranger offered to give him magic and told him to use that magic to get his revenge which Brad wanted so the stranger gave him magic and when Brad woke up, he discovered he could use magic so he sneaked out of military school and headed to Canterlot to get his revenge. When Brad had another dream, the stranger appeared again and told him of the sirens and how they can be of use so Brad decided to find them and see if they would help but since they refused, Brad now has to get his revenge on his own.

Brad's concentrate is broken when he sees the main door open and you step in which makes him grin evilly.

Brad Grape: "Finally, after waiting so long for this.' He though evilly and stepped forward. "Well, well, well, if it isn't F/N." He said smugly.

F/N: "Brad." You said seriously as you glared at him. "What are you doing here?"

Brad Grape: "It's simple really, I've come here for revenge on you."

F/N: "Revenge? Is this because me and everyone you bullied had enough of you picking on everyone so we got you expelled?" You questioned him which made him angry.

Brad Grape: "It isn't just that! YOU RUINED MY LIFE!" He screamed. "You got everyone's attention in Manehattan High, everyone wanted be friends with you and all the girls wanted to be with to you and when you got me expelled, my parents took away my right as heir our family fortune, gave it my younger brother and sent me to military school but I know the truth now. You have magic F/N and I bet you used to brainwash everyone in Manehattan High to get them to like you and have them turn against me to get me expelled." He accused angrily.

F/N: "It's true I have magic but I have never used it so selfishly! I didn't brainwash everyone in Manehattan to gain their attention or to have you expelled! You were bullying everyone, beating up those who are defense-less and harassing girls who wouldn't go out with you! It was your own fault that you got expelled and your family no longer make you the heir to their fortune and sent you to military school!" You said back.

Brad Grape: "I refuse to believe that! You have magic and no one else does! That's not fair! Well not anymore because I have magic too!" He said and fired a magic blast at you which quickly dodge to avoid.

F/N: "You have magic too! How is that possible?!'

Brad Grape: "Like I would tell you but with this magic, I'm going to make you pay." He said and charges at you.

F/N: 'I don't how Brad got magic but I have to distract him while Sonata sneaks him and frees Adagio and Aria.' You thought and got ready to fight.

Play Music: Gallant - Dragon Ball Raging Blast 2 OST

Brad goes for a punch which you quickly block and counter back with a punch of your own at Brad's face, making him take a few steps back.

Brad Grape: "Oh you are going to get it now!" He said angrily and charges once more.

Brad tries to kick you but you dodge and punch him in the gut which only makes him more angry. Brad tries to punch you over and over but you either keep dodging or blocking his punches until you attack back by punching Brad in the face and gut.

F/N: 'Brad's movements are way too predictable like last time.' You thought since at fighting.

Brad Grape: 'Damn it! Maybe I should use my magic after all.' He thought and stepped back then he fired a magic blast at you which you swipe away with your left arm. 'Let's step it up.' He thought and started fired a barrage of magic blast at you.

You either dodged or deflected the magic blasts Brad fires at you until you started firing magic blasts back which counters Brad's, causing a huge smokescreen.

Brad Grape: "Where is he?" He questioned as he tried to look through the smokescreen

You rushed through the smokescreen and appeared in front of Brad, much to his shock then you punched him in the face then punched him in the gut and then you kicked him, sending him back a bit.

Brad Grape: "You bastard!" He yelled.

Meanwhile as you fought Brad Grape, Adagio and Aria who are still tied to chairs and gagged are watching the fighting.

Adagio Dazzle: 'Incredible! F/N can really fight!' She thought.

Aria Blaze: 'F/N can fight! I wonder what else he can do!' She thought.

Then both sirens heard a noise nearby and looked to Sonata sneaking close to them.

Adagio Dazzle: 'Sonata! What's she doing here?'

Sonata approached the tied-up sirens and started to untie their ropes.

Sonata Dusk: "Don't worry. I got F/N to help me, while he's busying distracting Brad, he told me to free you two." She tells them quietly which surprised them.

You and Brad kept fighting as you both kept block and countering each other's attack.

Brad Grape: 'Damn it! Why can't I beat him?!' He thought angrily until he heard a noise and looked to see Sonata trying to free Adagio and Aria. 'The heck is she doing? Wait...F/N is distracting me while she frees those twos, I should have known. Well I can't let them get away.' He thought and quickly went towards the sirens.

F/N: 'Where is he going?' You thought and saw that Brad was heading towards the siren. 'Oh no!' You thought worried and headed after Brad.

End Music: Gallant - Dragon Ball Raging Blast 2 OST

Just as Sonata finished freeing Adagio and Aria, Brad appears in front of them.

Sonata Dusk: "Oh no!"

Brad Grape: "You think you can play me and get out of here? You can forget it." He said and kicked Sonata away.

Adagio and Aria: "Sonata!" They said worried.

Brad Grape: "And you two are next!" He said and punched Adagio and kicked Aria, making them scream in pain.

F/N: "Leave them alone!" You demanded.

Brad Grape: "No! They refused to help me and if they get out of here, they'll ruin everything so they must die." He said as he started to walk towards the Dazzlings.

F/N: "I won't let you!" You said and rushed towards Brad who then fire a magic blast at you, making grunt in pain.

Brad Grape: "Sit down! I'll take of those three first and then I'll take care of you!" He said and started to approach the sirens.

F/N: 'He's going to kill them! I can't...I won't...I REFUSE TO ALLOW IT!' You thought angrily and then everything went black...

As Brad approaches the sirens, they become extremely worried and scared.

Adagio Dazzle: 'What do we do? Without our magic, we can't protect ourselves.' She thought.

Aria Blaze: 'This can't be the end.'

Sonata Dusk: 'I don't want to die.'

Then all of a sudden you stepped back up but when you did, you were emitting a dark aura from your body.

Sonata Dusk: "F/N?" She said worried which made everyone look at you.

Brad Grape: "I told you to wait your turn!" He said and went to punch you but you grabbed his hand.

Then you opened your eyes and your pupils changed colors. Your pupils were now glowing a luminous red and you were now having a look of rage on your face.

F/N: "I told you to leave them alone and you wouldn't listen. Now you're going to pay!" You said with rage as you grabbed Brad by his right arm and threw him away from the Dazzlings.

After throwing Brad away from the Dazzlings, you started to go after him while the Dazzlings got back up.

Adagio Dazzle: "Wh-What is this?" She said worried.

Sonata Dusk: "What is it Adagio?"

Adagio Dazzle: "F/N's magic, it's turned dark." She revealed which surprised the other two sirens.

Aria Blaze: "Meaning what exactly?"

Adagio Dazzle: "I don't know but it can't be good." She said worried.

Brad gets up after being tossed away and he doesn't look happy.

Brad Grape: "I don't know what happened to you but that won't stop me from killing you."

F/N: "Go ahead and try, you'll just die in the end." You threatened in a completely different manner from your usual self.

Play Music: Oracion Seis Theme - Fairy Tail OST

You rushed up to Brad and punched him across the face and he tries punch you but you dodge and kicked him away.

Brad then fires a bunch of magical blasts at you but you swipe then away with ease and fired your own magical blast at Brad which hurt him badly.

Brad Grape: "You bastard!" He screamed and rushes at you.

Brad tries to land punches and kicks at you but you simply dodge them all and start hitting back. You unleash a barrage of punches and kicks at Brad, making grunt in pain until you punched him away.

Brad Grape: "Why won't you just die?!" He screamed as he rushes at you.

F/N: "If anyone deserves to die, it's you." You said as you fired a deadly magic blast at Brad, hurting him even more.

You then walked up to Brad and started to beat up badly, making him scream in pain.

F/N: "This is what you get for hurting others for your own selfish gain you bastard!" You said in rage as you kept beating Brad up which started to make him afraid.

Brad Grape: "'re a monster!" He said in fear and tried to use his magic to escape but then he felt it...

He felt his magic leave him.

Brad Grape: "My's gone!" He said completely afraid.

F/N: "And without your magic, you done." You said as you punched Brad in the face, knocking him out. "'s time to get rid of you for good." You said and was about to put your hands around Brad's neck when someone came up from behind you and hugged you which made you turn around.

Sonata Dusk: "Please F/N, you don't have to kill him. You've already won." She cried.

Then suddenly the dark aura around you disappeared and your eyes turned back to normal.

End Music: Oracion Seis Theme - Fairy Tail OST

F/N: "Sonata...what happened?" You wondered. "The last thing I remember was Brad saying he was going to kill you, Adagio and Aria which made me so angry, everything went black." You asked.

Adagio Dazzle: "You don't remember? You got back up and started fighting brad again but you were a lot more aggressive and you manage to defeat him."

F/N: "I did?" You said and looked at the unconsciousness Brad. "I beat him?"

Aria Blaze: "Yeah you were really mad and even threaten to kill Brad."

F/N: "I happened to me?"

Sonata Dusk: "It doesn't matter now. You're back to normal and that's all that matters."

F/N: "Yeah I guess so." You said. "Anyway are you three alright?"

Adagio Dazzle: "A little, just a few injuries."

F/N: "Let me heal you three." You said and used your magic to heal the Dazzlings. "There you go."

Sonata Dusk: "Thanks F/N." She hugged you.

F/N: "No problem."

Adagio Dazzle: "Why did you come here and help us F/N?"

F/N: "Sonata told me you were two kidnapped by Brad and that he has magic so I couldn't just stand around and do nothing."

Aria Blaze: "We heard Brad say those things about you getting him expelled and how he blames you for ruining his life. He's so pathetic."

F/N: "Yeah I know but there's one thing that has me worried, how does Brad have magic? The last time I've seen him he was just a normal guy with no magic."

Aria Blaze: "Who cares? Let's get out of here."

F/N: "Right but first, let's call the cops on Brad." You said and took out your phone.

You called the police and told them about Brad kidnapping the Dazzlings and his attempts to kill you and the Dazzlings. Because of this, the police took Brad into custody when he woke up and he started shouting about what happened in the warehouse but the police just looked at him as if he was crazy.

Shortly after the police drove with Brad being arrested, you and the Dazzlings were sitting down at a nearby bench.

F/N: "So what will you three do now?" You asked the Dazzlings.

Adagio Dazzle: "We've decided to give up on getting revenge and live normal lives."

F/N: "That's good to hear so what will you three do with your lives now?"

Adagio Dazzle: "Well since we're without magic, we need to make money so we need to get a job."

Aria Blaze: "Yeah but we got no place that's safe to stay in here since we're living in an abandoned apartment."

F/N: "My offer still stands, you three can stay at my place with me, my parents and Sunset Shimmer."

Sonata Dusk: "You would let us? Despite how we did terrible things at CHS?"

F/N: "Yeah but you three deserve a second chance so how about it?"

The Dazzlings look at each other and nod in agreement.

Adagio Dazzle: "Okay we'll come stay with you." She said which made you smile.

F/N: "Alright then let's go." You said as you and the Dazzlings left the area.

You and the Dazzlings arrived at your house and went inside.

F/N: "Here we are." You said.

Sonata Dusk: "This place seems nice."

Aria Blaze: "Yeah it's okay."

Adagio Dazzle: "Not bad."

As the Dazzlings look around, you hear the front door open and Sunset comes in.

Sunset Shimmer: "Hey F/N, I'm back and-" She says and notices the Dazzlings, much to her shock. "The Dazzlings!"

Adagio Dazzle: "Hello Sunset."

Sunset Shimmer: "F/N, why are they here?"

F/N: "Sunset, I know you aren't too happy with them after what they did at CHS but there's a good reason why they did all those terrible things."

Sunset Shimmer: "Alright, I'm willing to listen."

F/N: "Adagio, I think you should tell Sunset what you told me."

Adagio Dazzle: "Very well..."

(One Explanation Later)

Adagio Dazzle: "...And that's why we did the terrible things we've did." She finished explaining as she looked down sadly along with Aria and Sonata as Sunset has a look of shock and then pity.

Sunset Shimmer: "...I'm so sorry what has happened to you three."

Adagio Dazzle: "That's why we're done being bad and we want a second chance living a new life in this world." She said with the other sirens nodding in agreement.

Sunset Shimmer: "You know what, I forgive you three." She said which surprised the sirens.

Aria Blaze: "Really? You just forgive us like that."

Sunset Shimmer: "Yeah I've learn a lot these past few months about friendship and forgiveness thanks to F/N here and if it weren't for him, I don't know what I may have done with my life."

F/N: "It's no problem Sunset." You said with a smile and kissed her on the cheek which gained the Dazzlings' interest.

Sonata Dusk: "Hey are you two together?" She asked.

Sunset Shimmer: "Well I am one of F/N's girlfriends." She revealed which made the Dazzlings blink.

F/N: "What Sunset means I have seven girlfriends." You said.

Adagio Dazzle: "Oh so you have a harem." She simply said.

Aria Blaze: "Hey remember the herding law Equestria had."

Adagio Dazzle: "Oh yeah, I remember seeing a lot of stallions having herds and multiple lovers."

Sonata Dusk: "Yeah those were the times."

F/N: "So you three are not freaked out that I have seven girlfriends?"

Adagio Dazzle: "We're sirens F/N. We could easily put anyone under our charm and have our own harems...well before we lost our magic that is."

F/N: "That reminds me, wait here." You said and quickly went to your room, grabbed the Dazzlings' pendants and returned back to Sunset and the Dazzlings. "Here you three go." You said and handed them back their pendants, much to their shocks.

Adagio Dazzle: "Our pendants?! You fixed them!" She said surprised.

F/N: "I was able to put them back together but I couldn't restore the magic they have. After hearing you tell me how important those pendants are, I decided to give them back to you so you can remember the good times you had back in Equestria with the other sirens before the incident." You explained.

Then all of a sudden you were hugged the Dazzlings as they shed tears of joy.

Adagio Dazzle: "Thank you F/N."

Aria Blaze: "Yeah thanks."

Sonata Dusk: "You're a nice guy."

F/N: "Your welcome." You said with a smile.

Sunset watches the scene and smiles at it.

Sunset Shimmer: 'F/N, you really know how to make anyone happy.'

Shortly your parents return home from work and were surprised to see three girls they have never seen before. You quickly explained they were the sirens who caused trouble back in CHS sometime ago and that they have fallen on hard times. The sirens explaines their story to your parents who were sympathetic so they allowed the Dazzlings to stay much to their joy. You and the Dazzlings then explained about Brad Grape appearing in Canterlot, how he got magic, tried to use the Dazzlings to help get revenge on you but kidnapped Adagio and Aria, Sonata asking for your help, you fighting Brad, entering some sort of rage mode which you quickly got out of. Your parents and Sunset were shocked by the events that happened and were glad to know that Brad was arrested and won't be causing trouble for awhile.

Later at night time, you were asleep in bed while Sunset was about to join you when someone stops her from entering your room and it's Adagio.

Adagio Dazzle: "Sunset, we need to talk."

Sunset Shimmer: "What about?"

Adagio Dazzle: "When we told you F/N entered that rage mode, his magic power turned dark and he became a completely different person." She said seriously.

Sunset Shimmer: "How bad was it?"

Adagio Dazzle: "Really bad, like he wanted to kill Brad." She revealed which shocked Sunset.

Sunset Shimmer: "What?!"

Adagio Dazzle: "Sunset, there's something inside F/N...something dark."

Sunset Shimmer: "What do you suggest we do about it?"

Adagio Dazzle: "We make sure it never happens to F/N again."

Sunset Shimmer: "Alright."

At the police station, an police officer went to the jail cells to check on Brad Grape who is laying down on an bed.

Police Officer: "Alright Brad Grape, get up." He says but Brad doesn't get up. "Get up now Grape...Grape?" He said, getting a little worried and went into the cell.

The police officer check on Brad and when he nudged Brad, he wasn't moving and checked his pulse.

Police Officer: "He's alive but he isn't getting up...what's going on? I better get a doctor." He said and left the cell as Brad doesn't move at all. an unknown location?

???: "Brad Grape, you have done your part well but I can't let you talk and reveal how you got your magic so I took away the magic I gave you and put you into a deep sleep to keep you quiet for the time being. Now thanks to you Brad, you have made F/N give into an incredible amount of rage within him and because of it, the darkness within F/N will slowly rise up and consume him. Once F/N gives into the darkness, we shall rise once more and rule over both the Human World and Equestria. HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Said a mysterious dark being.

End of Chapter

[AN: So the Dazzlings have fully reformed, Brad's been defeated but the stranger who gave him his magic took it away from him and put him into a coma to keep him from talking. And what's this, the reader has an inner darkness?! Will the reader's inner darkness reawakened again? Who is this mysterious stranger and what's their interest in F/N? Only time will tell.]

[Next Chapter: Helping the Dazzlings settle in.]

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