Professor Johansson...❤️

By JohanssonScar40

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(New book cover) Your a y/l/n your parents own 2 big paid companies your first day at Uni is complicated beca... More

First day at Uni pt 1.
First day at Uni pt 2
The text
a/n's speech
"I'm sorry.."
"Scar I'm home!"
"are you sure"
'pls wait for me'
new book!
missed birthday
no snapping necks!
'Brianne Damiston'

here goes nothing

262 6 0
By JohanssonScar40

*The day of the trial cause I'm sick and I'm a lazy mess rn*🥲

Y/n's pov:
Morning came and my alarm went of
'This is it' I thought. I get out of the blankets heading tawords the bathroom I had a cold shower to let all the pressure out,half an hour later I hope out of the shower rapping a towel around my body before opening the door and walking tawords a bag full of clothes picking out a nice black
Jumpsuit for the day

Your fit:

I leave my hair down and walk to the kitchen where I see Scarlett (don't forget y/n's "mum" kicked her out and told her to never come back sooo yh)
"Morning y/n you look stunning as always!" "Thank you Scar you do to" Scarlett smiles replying to my comment "do you like pancakes?" "Yeah ofcouse I do I mean who doesn't that's just weird" "yeah that is weird" we share our chuckles until Scarlett speaks up "I made some by the way there in the oven I made you some incase" "that's sweet scar thank you" I walk tawords the oven to take the plate out.I place the plate onto the kitchen counder walking towards the draw full with knives and forks,my phone starts ringing I look to who the caller is it is my lawyer "hey what's up?" "Ms y/l/n when will you be arriving?" "When am I needed?" I question "in an hour." "Oh shit yeah I'll be on my way now!" "Ok Ms I'll see you there" "you to Mr Harris" the call ends and I shoot up to the guest room where I had slept the night "Scarlett I have to go! I'll see you later!" "Ok y/n be safe!" "I will!" I run out to my car unlocking it so I could enter.I make my way to the court house in no time and instantly see my lawyer "Finally your here,we start in acouple minutes " "ok thank you for telling me" "did you have breakfast?" "No you called me while I was about to have breakfast" "oh I'm sorry for my rush Ms y/l/n" it's ok Mr Harris I'll have breakfast after" "I brought a snack so you don't go in with an empty stomach" "oh wow thank you sir" "your welcome" jarred (y/n's lawyer) hands y/n a brown plastic bag "what is this?" "It's a croissant ma'am" "oh haha my bad thank you jarred" "your welcome"

I've finished eating so I geture jarred to go in first so I could put my rubbish into the bin.on my way in I spot my 'mother' and so does she
"you'll so pay" my mum says in a angry tone "oh pls I'll make sure your behind bars until you rot" "I like to see you try I'm big your small I'm smart and your dumb,your just a kid
No one will believe a kid like you" I chuckle already feeling the nerves kick in "oh pls your so bad at playing the victim 'Lora' " "h-how do you know my name!" "My mum's real name is alisea not Lora seem familiar with the name 'aunty' I drag the y until Lora stops me "you tell anyone I will make your life a living hell" "I can't keep a promise" then I walked of to the court room where jarred was waiting for me "nice for you to finally join me Ms y/l/n" "yeah sorry for the long wait Mr Harris I just caught up with someone I knew" "oh that is totally fine a friend?" "None if your options I just know her" "oh yeah not everyone is a friend of yours haha" I slightly laugh at his comment by was cut of when the judge bangs the table for everyone to take a sit "this is our que to start Ms y/l/n" jarred whispers and I nod in response
*Tbh idk how a case goes so I'm just gonna skip to where the talking is almost done*

2 bangs are heard and I smile wildley
I pack my bags up getting ready to leave "nice work Ms" "no thanks to you sir thank you so much honestly I hope they put her in prison for the rest of her life" "me to now you can go back home without any consiquences" "yes I'm glad now I can go back to Uni" "ah yes Uni is important for your future now that you've got 2 companies to run" "yes that's right now I've got 2 companies to take care of,anyways thank you again if my dad didn't hire you then where would I be" "oh it's not a problem I hope to become your kids lawyer too" "if I want kids though but thank you" "it was nice seeing you Ms y/l/n" "you to Mr Harris take care and I owe you a big favor thank you" I hug jarred waving him of to his car before
Walking to my own I unlock it so I could head in when suddenly I am blind folded next minute I past out from exhaustion

I wake up tide to a cheer "ugh! For fuck sakes!,let me guess my so called mother sent you to kidnap and kill me" "that's right you don't deserve to be on the same planet as us" "you don't own it do you. Pls I have men stronger then you if you were smart enough to take my phone would've gotten away" "oh you little shit! You,you idiot why'd I hire you your supposed to make sure she was clear" "i- I didn't look in her inside pockets" "hahahaha what kid forgets to make sure her victim is unarmed" "Hey! No one ask you to speak-" "put your hands up or there will be consiquences!" "oops looks who's here early" "shit shit!" "Don't bother running I'm sure every single room in this warehouse is surrounded with police" "FUCK!" the boys surrender as the cops cuff them as one of the ladies untie me "thank you dear maybe they should've been more smarter" she chuckles at my response "yes but we'll make sure it won't happen again Ms
y/l/n" "I hope so too" then suddenly I get a call from my professor "hello"
"Are you ok! Where are you I saw the news are you hurt I hope your ok!" "Scarlett it's ok I'm safe these idiots
weren't smart enough" "oh god fuck sakes y/n I was so scared that something happened because you didn't come home last night" "something wouldve happened and I wouldn't have made it out alive" "shut up! I need you home now pls" "I love you to" "I love you 300" I chuckle knowing where she got that sentence from "smooth move Johansson I'm on my way home now don't think about me to much" "I can't promise that" I get one of the cops to drive me to where my car was last seen so I could drive back to Scarletts place

I arrive after 10 minutes on the road in silence since I didn't bother turning the radio on.

I enter the house with my spare key but stop in my tracks when I hear sobs and yelling I speed up unlocking the before running to where the noice was heard "pls leave me alone!" "SCARLETT! LISTEN I LOVE YOU,YOU ONLY!" is what I heard I assumed it was her ex "No! Let go of me!" "HEY! Let go of her right this instant" "now there attention is on me "who the fuck are you?" "A bitch you should never mess with,get out of this house or I will have police take you out instead!" "Don't speak to me you bitch mind your own fucking business" "that's it!"
I sprint to the tall man tackling him yelling for Scarlett to call 9-1-1.In no time the cops were here taking care of the man "th-thanks" Scarlett mutters I pull her into a hug feeling her head hit my chest "Scarlett why didn't you call me" "I- I'm sorry he just burst in" tears start streaming down her face so I cup her checks rubbing the tears away with my thumb "don't cry love you'll get bags if you don't smile" I say she smiles placing her hands behind my neck pulling in for a kiss.I kiss her back pulling her closer making our bodies grind I pull away "let's go inside it's getting cold" "yeah let's go" I grab her hand leading her to the front door when the door is shut I push her onto it making her gasp I go in kissing her once again I tap her upper thighs signaling her to jump and she did so.I walk over to the couch sitting her on my lap pulling her closer by her waist making her grind in my lap hearing a faint moan I pull away going down to her neck making her breathing pick up I look up to her for permission to remove her shirt and she nods.once her shirt was removed I start sucking on her shoulders down to her chest getting close to her breasts before giving them attention I go up kissing her lips once again pulling away immediately"I'm sorry scar we can't do this it's wrong" "y/n what's wrong love?" "Your my professor and I'm your student what if you get fired because of me" "love I won't let it happen I love you" "I love you too but I can't be here I uh I have to go" "baby pls tell me what's wrong?" "Nothings wrongs Scarlett it just doesn't feel right" "then let's keep it a secret!,pls
y/n don't do this to me I love you,you only" "scar-" "pls y/n" I sigh taking it in
"Fine I'm sorry scar-" before I could finish my sentence my phone started ringing I look at the Id number and on it wrote 'mr Harris' "who is it?" Scarlett questioned "it's my lawyer I have to take this it might be important" "ok" before walking into the distance I peck Scarletts check answering the call.

Scarletts pov:
Y/n's phone starts ringing making her flinch she looks at the screen me being curious I speak up "who is it?" I say "it's my lawyer I have to take this it might be important" y/n speaks up "ok" I say not interested. I then feel her soft lips hit my checks before she walks of hearing a "hello Mr Harris what's up?" Feeling pissed and relieved at the same time I walk of into my room getting a book to read

Half an hour later I hear the bedroom door open "scar?" "Y/n" I say blankly
"oh there you are uh I have to go to a meeting I'll be back in an hour, hopefully would you like me to buy dinner?" "Sure thank you" "heyy are you ok" y/n's voice gets louder telling me she is walking tawords me "yes I'm fine thank you" "Scar what's wrong?,did I say something that hurt you?" "No you didn't I'm just not in th mood to have a conversation right now" "oh ok text me if you need anything" "yep" suddenly y/n grabs my chin making me look at her "I'll see you later" pulling me in pecking my lips before pulling away "bye" "bye!".

Y/n is gone which means I'm home alone "hello?" "Hey Liz I was wondering if you wanted to come over" "gurl when have I ever said no yes!" "Oh great I'll see you" "byeee" "bye Lizzie!" 10+minutes later I hear the door bell ding which meant Liz was here "Heyy!!" "Omg! Lizzz!!!!" I pull my Best friend into a hug "gosh it's been ages "scar it's been 2 weeks" "that's still long" "where's your girlfriend?" "I won't say 'girlfriend',it's just wrong liz I love her but she is afraid of me loosing my job because of love" "your telling me the girl you've got heart eyes for is A STUDENT!" "Not just a student,my student" "oh my goodness,Scarlett Ingrid Johansson!"
"Elizabeth chase Olson!" "Your kidding right?" "No that's what's wrong I'm inlove with my own student 'y/n y/n/n y/l/n'" "oh my fucking god scar you've got good type I mean who wouldn't fall for her she's so hot" "you know her?" "Ofcouse I know her I was close with her because my father was close with her father" "holy shit and my own best friend didn't tell me she knew
y/n y/l/n" "you didn't tell me her name the only thing you told me was how much you were inlove with her" "yeah you've got a point" Lizzie chuckles knowing she is right

Hi loves it's my birthday today yay!💗 Happy b-day to me fk im getting old 😃 but I will finish of maybe give it a week since I'm fking tired I haven't been having a good sleep which meant it ruined my sleep schedule lmao but yes also Happy birthday to the ones born on dec 15th hugs and hugs from me and others 🥰🥰💝💌


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