FLYING | Sequel of FALLEN (...

By thePassionateDreamer

498 51 139

Now that Grace is happily single, she is ready to go on an adventure and to discover her country along with t... More



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By thePassionateDreamer

"Did you pack the sculptures already?" I ask Logan as I roll my suitcase out of my bedroom.

"I did. We're all packed. Emma is checking the rooms upstairs to see if somebody forgot something and then we're off. Where's Marcel?"

"He is making sure everything is back to normal in the basement."

"Good. I forgot about that. Alright. Do you need help carrying your things?"

"No, you go on with what you need to do. We'll meet in the car."

I struggle carrying all my bags at once to the vehicle. My suitcase doesn't roll in the snow, and it takes me twice the strength to get to the car. The boot of the SUV is open. The space is already packed with everybody else's things. I gently put my belongings on top of the others, trying to be very careful not to put pressure on the sculptures.

Marcel joins me and ensures that everything is in order before closing the door over us. We get on each side and take place on the back seat.

"Did you get to finish your article?" Marcel asks me, buckling his seat belt.

"I did. I sent it to Shelley already. I did that this morning." I answer him and reach for his hand to hold.

"Good. That means we can enjoy ourselves tonight."

"I wasn't going to let work get in the way of our date at the spa."

"I hope not. You already broke your rule as it is."

"What rule?"

"Our first night here, you told me to forget about the world and our reality and to only think about work when we'll leave."

"I think we have succeeded."

"I wouldn't say that we forgot about the world, but we did make the most of this retreat."

"What was your favourite thing about the last two weeks?"

"I think that's fairly obvious. I would be sad if your answer was different from mine."

"We say it at the same time. 1... 2... 3!"

"When you said yes."


"What?!" He grins, but he is definitely shocked I didn't share his answer.

"For a moment, I forgot about that. The sex was sooooo good. You can't deny that. We spent days fucking."

" a result of our engagement."

"I'm sorry." I chuckle, feeling dumb to have forgotten the most important moment of my life. "I want to change my answer then."

"Too late for that. I see where your interest lies." He teases, digging the dimple on his cheek with a smile.

"You know what I was thinking about earlier?" I change the subject. "I can't wait to be in the Cherokee with you."

Logan joins us in the car, surprising me as he opens the door on the driver's side. I get distracted a second, and focus my attention on Mace again.

"I had a dream last night, and you were teaching me how to fly."

"I could if you wanted me to. I don't know if the weather in Cambridge would allow it. But if it's sunny, I would certainly bring you back and let you fly the plane again."

"You fly?" Logan asks, turning his attention to us when Emma finally joins us in the car. He looks at her, and then turns his head again to look at Marcel.

"I do. For ten years now."

"Do you believe this guy!?" He lets out rhetorically, looking at Emma. "Marcel is a pilot."

"Pilot as in planes?"

"Yes, he owns one as well." I let out proudly. My own Maverick.

"Is there something you can't do?" She smiles at him, buckling her seat belt, and then looking at Logan, wide-eyed.

"Make friends." I tease him, and bring our joined hands to my lips to peck his skin.

"Hey! What do you call us?" She reacts, and it widens the smile on my boyfriend's lips.

She inquires about Marcel's studies. He shares his training in the RAF and how he came back to London to work at the company and go to University.

"It must have been extraordinary to fly with him the first time."

"It really was. I've never experienced something quite like it."

"I don't doubt it."

"I let her fly the plane."

"You did? How was it?"

"Terrifying. Thrilling. I couldn't believe it until I took a strong turn, and the plane obeyed. It was wonderful. I just didn't trust myself with this much responsibility."

"Would you mind if we stopped by our house to drop our luggages and pack something fresh for our stay at the hotel?" Logan changes the subject as we enter the metropolitain area.

"I'd love to see what your house looks like." I add, looking at Marcel to confirm he's agreeing. Not that we could do anything if we'd opposed. "I would love to see my art in their new home."

"I can't believe you are giving us both sculptures."

"I wouldn't trust clay to resist the trip to London. I'm just happy you want to have Marcel's face in your home."

"Why wouldn't we? It's a gorgeous face."

"And a good reminder of what those lips can do." I let out before I can think my words through. I'm even shocked at my words. Marcel only smirks as I see Emma blushing on the front seat, hiding her face from Logan's. "I'm sorry. That was inappropriate."

"I'm sure that what's inappropriate right now is my wife's thoughts."

"Unless she's thinking about my lips, then you have nothing to worry about."

"I wouldn't be so sure, Grace. You have been on her mind a lot this past week."

"Me? It's me who's blushing now. You flatter me, Emma."

"I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable, but since it's our last time together for a long time, I'd like the opportunity to return to you both the pleasure you have made me experience." She doesn't look at us, nor turn to see our reaction. Instead, it's Logan's eyes I find staring back at us through the rear view mirror.

I look at Marcel, search for his eyes, but he looks at the snowy horizon outside his window. I bring our joined hands to my lips to peck his skin. Only then does he look at me. He nods upwards, and I understand that he lets me make the call. And it only makes my heart race in my chest, loving him to the fullest. I sigh and look up to dive my gaze into Logan's through the mirror.

"Then I'd say it's fortunate that we don't have any swimsuits with us."


The resort is a wonderful sight in the falling snow. We are greeted warmly, arriving in Emma's company. The hotel is welcoming and luxurious. It's beautifully decorated for Christmas already. It makes this getaway all the more inviting. We were surprised when we got to our room to realise we had been offered the penthouse suite, with a gorgeous view of the freezing lake. The darkness of the evening made the lighted city even more beautiful. It's a little touristic city, but from what we had the chance to see it's incredibly charming.

We just arrived back at our room after having the most delicious four course meal at the hotel restaurant. If I'd listen to my body, now is not the time to bathe naked with our friends. I feel bloated, but I don't regret anything. It was too delicious.

I slip out of my high heels and lazily ask Mace to unzip my olive dress. Emma had given us plush grey robes to wear to the spa. She asked us to join her there in an hour while she got everything ready. It gives me plenty of time to digest everything, and drink a little something to ease my nerves. I wasn't nervous at dinner. But I feel like there are expectations now. And I feel Marcel nervous for the first time in a very long while.

"Tell me what's on your mind." I ask him as I wiggle out of my dress and fall on the bed.

"I don't know. I just don't want you to have another episode."

"I won't."

"How do you know?"

"Because tonight is not about putting on a show. It's not about Grace the submissive or Marcel the Dominant. It's not about limits, or traumas. It's about us. You and me, and exploring the greatest gifts on this Earth. Love and pleasure. What is it Marcel? I can see you don't want this."

"I don't know. I fear that you'd never want to play with me again."

"I think you fear playing with me again, not the fact that I don't want to. Because I want to play with you. It has never been an issue. I want to love you. I want to fuck you. I'm obsessed with you. I don't fear anything when I'm with you. You jump, I jump. Right?"


"If you are uneasy tonight, tell me. Tell them. Keep me to yourself. I'm happy just being here with you. I don't need anything else but you."

"Not even fucking him?"

"Not even that. Why would I want him when I have you? And I'd repeat it to you time and time again, because I have no doubts in my mind that you are the one I was destined for. In this life and all others."

"I knew that the second I read your story. And the moment I first laid eyes on you."


The second we walk across that hall and push through the spa door connecting with the hotel, arousal lights me up like the Christmas trees decorating every hall of this resort. We are met with darkness and the poignant smell of chlorine. The humidity in the air pleases me, and relaxes me immediately.

I adjust my robe tighter to my waist and take Mace's hand to follow him to the reception desk where our hosts are waiting for us. Only lighted with Christmas decorations, they are the reflection of us, wearing only their robes and a glass of sparkling wine in hand. We are warmly greeted with a glass. Emma puts a playlist that echoes through the whole spa, and it definitely sets the mood to make her intentions really clear.

She walks around the desk and caresses my neck to expose its nakedness.

"No pearls. I like it." She murmurs, and takes my hands in hers to guide us through the baths area. My other hand leaves my fiancé's to follow her with complete trust.

She locks the door through which we entered, and pulls me through another windowed door. The scent of eucalyptus overwhelms me for a minute until I get used to it. It doesn't take long to swoon with immediate delight. It's one big bath with multiple stations of jets. I can hear a waterfall before I can see it. All the lights are off except for the multicoloured ones in the baths.

"Don't worry about the security cameras. They don't see much when the lights are off."

"Who watches the cameras?"

"Only I have access to it."

"Then we got nothing to worry about."

"We have the whole spa to ourselves. We have two saunas, one inside, one outside. Two hot baths outside, a hamam inside, and the cold bath where you see the fountain. If you want a tip, don't expose yourself too much outside. People might be able to see from their hotel room balconies. I don't think there are that many bookings, but at least you are aware."

"How many times have you done this?"

"Maybe once a month for a couple of years."

"Did you think we'd be bathing naked when you invited us two weeks ago?"

"I never thought I'd be naked for anybody other than my husband."

"And you are sure you are OK with this?"

"I was uncomfortable at first, but you sparked something in me, Grace. I've never felt this sexy in my life. I feel empowered. I was just scared that you wouldn't want to repeat the experience."

"Believe me, I was hoping I hadn't scared you away."

"Good to know. Because Logan and I already discussed what we wanted to do to you."

With these last electrifying words, she lets her robe slip down her bare body. She leaves it on the ground and gets her first foot into the lighted water. The water lights her curves perfectly.

I gulp down the content of my glass and put it on the nearest table. I unrobe and follow her into the warm water. I wait until I have reached down the steps to dip my head in the water to wet my hair. I rise to the surface and collide with Logan stepping in behind me. I turn around to confirm it's him, and get suddenly shocked by the size difference between us. I feel so small. His shoulders are twice as large as Mace's. He is built for the gods. With the perfect amount of hair displayed across his torso. I keep myself from feeling him like I did last time. I remember perfectly the taste of his tongue in my mouth. I shiver with memory replaying in my head. His smirk is growing at the sight of my incessant stare.

"You know where to find me when you want to play, Princess."

Ho-ly shit... My heart races in my chest, my mouth gaps as I can't look away from him, walking, sliding to Emma at the next station. I stop my stare only to welcome Marcel to the water.

"This is going to be very hard, you know that?" I tell him, pulling him to me by the waist.


"Because I feel very greedy."


"If this is going to be one of our last nights in Canada, let's create memories to cherish when times get harder. You know like me, the sooner we get back to the UK, the darker our time will be. I don't want to cloud this little moment of happiness for us, but I fear this might be the last time we enjoy ourselves in a long while."

"I know."

"So I want you to fuck me as often as you can tonight, because I can't promise our honeymoon will be this special. Not until the trial is over and he is in prison for good."

"If he gets sentenced."

"He will. This is not the time to stress about this."

"You brought it up."

"Marcel, my love, shut your lips or I will sit on your face to shut you up."

"I get it now..."


"Why you are such a brat. Because the alternative is more appealing than obeying." The smirk widens on his lips.

He pulls me to him, turns me around to press my back to his chest, and sneaks a hand between my legs. Our embrace seems so romantic from the shoulders up. But I can't focus on anything else than his fingers grazing at my mount of pleasure.

"Why don't we try this, right here?" He pulls me to the station right in front of us. He sits on it and pulls me with him. I feel the jets on our calves, and coming from the back to either side of us. "This feels good."

"Are you talking about the jets or your cock between my bum cheeks?"


"Then do something about it." I tell him, my face to the side to see him, over the loud sounds of the jets echoing in the room.

He looks over at Emma and Logan, relaxing, their eyes closed in the corner of this large pool of jets. I follow his gaze, and then look back at him.

"I doubt they'll hear anything from over there. The music and the jets will overshadow us. We have nothing to worry about."

"As soon as I fuck you, it's open season, and you'll be preyed upon."

"What's wrong with that?"

"You love the attention, don't you?"

"I love to be worshipped. It's become a drug I can't live without, because of you."

"Then get ready to be high. Join me outside." He lifts me and water carried me away.

I turn slowly to see him and all his glorious nakedness get out of the bath. He winks at me as he makes his way to the other side of the room. I swim my way to the steps we came in from and meet Emma's gaze as I leave the bath, exposing myself a second. I walk the other way we came from until I reach the metal doors at the other end of the room. I notice the hammam and the sauna to my left, but go outside anyway.

It's more lighted outside and it makes it less comfortable being naked in a public place. The cold freezes me in place for a moment. I get overtaken with massive chills making me tremble from within. I debate returning back in. I see Marcel in the left bath, and run on the heated ciment path to join him in the water. Immediate relief sinks into me, the heat biting the cold extremities of my body. I don't mind the snow falling now that I'm submerged in the hot bath. It's heavenly. I join Marcel, looking through the glass railing to the lake and the houses lighted on the shore.

"It's gorgeous."

"I'm glad I braved the cold and joined you. It's beautiful."

I circle my arms under his and pull myself to him. I rest my chin on his shoulder. I take in this moment with him.

"I can't wait to have a lifetime with you." I let out, resting my head against his.

We stay in silence for a long moment. I don't care about our friends inside. I don't care about the sexy music playing through the speakers outside as well. I care about the man between my arms. The one who loves me. The one who agrees to this wannabe foursome because of me. He really loves me enough to try new unconventional things for me and with me. I cherish everything he is, and everything he has done for me.

He turns his head towards me, so I lean back to look into his eyes. His sight falls on my lips as his mouth gaps. His lips connect softly with mine. It's a soft tenderness he rarely has with me. With a hand, he reaches for my cheek. He slowly turns to face me more comfortably. He moves us in the water to rest my back to the edge of the bath. His free hand guides my bum to align with him. Without breaking our kiss, we fuze together in the purest of ways. I embrace his head against mine, my fingers buried in his hair. Explosions happen in my heart. Butterflies fly free in my stomach. The most delightful tickle runs through my veins.

I tear my mouth away from his, needing to breathe, the climax rising naturally inside of me. Our foreheads connect as our eyes fall into each other's. His thrusts are so thorough and gentle, I've never been made love to like that. It consumes me on another level than usual.

I hear him moan softly, and it makes me shiver to hear his pleasure in a different way from the growl and the grunt he usually lets out. I strengthen my hold around him and let pleasure ravish in all parts of me. I spasm in his arm when his lips reconnects with mine. His holds change. His tongue dances languorously against mine, until his hands leave my cheeks to my hips. He leans his forehead to mine and readies himself for his release.

He twitches inside of me, our mouth reconnecting. We stay united and immobilised for strong minutes. Ravishing in the arms of each other. His nose caresses mine delicately, making me grin in response.

"What was that for? It was wonderful." I murmur against his lips, breathing him in, returning him a caress of the nose.

"You wanted to be worshipped. This was my way to do so. You needed to feel the most vulnerable part of me. My love for you."

I can't find no words to show my appreciation, so I rekindle our lips together with my usual passion, giving him my all.

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