Maximum Carnage (A SpiderWitc...

By saltyredhead231

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(Sequel to No Way Back: A SpiderWitch Story) It's been a few months after Peter and Wanda stopped Haywards Pl... More

Chapter 2: A New Face of Silver
Chapter 3: The Wave Emerges
Chapter 4: Memory Relapse
Chapter 5: New Surprises
Chapter 6: Master of Magnetism
Chapter 7: Followers and Family

Chapter 1: Gangster Beatdown

451 13 10
By saltyredhead231

(Wanda P.O.V)

Things were getting crazy in New York. We heard that Eddie and Venom escaped and we had to catch up with him, Peter and I reasoned with him and Eddie, saying that Hammerhead was a gangster and he wanted to take out the competition. "But he sounded like he was a cop" Venom said as he munched on some chocolate, "Nope, he's just a maggia dude who stinks" Peter said, "Damn, but what if the fuzz catch us?" Eddie said, "They won't, I have a plan" Venom said, "That's never a good sign" Eddie said, we watched as Eddie and Venom jumped away, "Fugitives, never thought we'd run into those" Peter joked, "He kept your identity a secret, and Eddie has good intentions, good thing we got through to the cops with that" I said. "Speaking of, that Watanabe woman, she seems nice" Peter said sarcastically. I giggled at his jokes, "Do you ever stop" I said smiling, "Not so far" Peter said as he lifted his mask up over his mouth, I could tell what he was thinking. As we kissed we got a call, "Spider-Man! Scarlet Witch, we need your help!" it was Yuri over the police scanner, she could often tell we were listening. "Yeah, calling Spider Cop" Peter said as he made his voice more gruff, I giggled as Yuri groaned in frustration, "Listen you two, we have a lead on Hammerhead, you two need to get over here to help us, we might need two powerhouses for this job" Yuri said as she hung up. 

I looked at Peter, "Okay Yuri, I'll come and meet you, Wanda will stay back and call in reinforcements if the going gets tough" I said, "Those two girls again? One's mellow and tends to disappear, while the other is bat-shit crazy" Yuri said, "America likes stealth, and Teresa may be a loose cannon, but she's very effective" I said defending the girls, "Fine, Spider-Man meet us at these co-ordinates, Scarlet Witch you stay back" Yuri said and hung up again. We nodded and we sprung into action. "I'll contact the girls" I said, "Aren't they hanging out for the day?" Peter asked as he swung, "America said that Teresa's getting antsy, so that means.." I said, "She's on her monthly gift, got it" Peter said finishing off what I said. "Yep, she'll be even crazier" I added jokingly. I closed off my head and looked towards the feast shelter, America was helping Martin Li set up a party for May's birthday, she must've been important. "It's nice to know that this place cares so much for May" America said, "Yeah, she was one of our best workers, how's Teresa doing by the way?" Martin asked, "FUCKING HELL ON A STICK!" Teresa yelled in pain, "What do you think, I'll check on her" America said as Martin nodded and continued setting up. 

America ran to Teresa's room, "Hey Tess, you doing okay?" America asked as she opened the door, Teresa was on her bed with a hot water bottle strapped to her abdomen with a belt, she was only wearing an oversized T-Shirt and some extra thick black panties. "I'm bleeding and I've got cramps that hurt more than missiles blowing up a helicopter, I DON'T KNOW WERE YOU'RE FROM BUT WHERE I'M FROM THAT MEANS I'M NOT DOING OKAY!!" Teresa yelled angrily, "Alright then" America said sitting next to Teresa. I realized I've seen enough and contacted the girls, "DAMMIT" Teresa yelled, "Sorry girls, but Peter and I might need your help" I said honestly, "Why?" America asked, "Did Pete get lost in the maze again, or is Venom eating more heads, AAAGH" Teresa said as her cramps got worse. "We're busting Hammerhead, Peter's with Captain Watanabe, and I'm waiting for a signal, are both of you okay to fight" I asked, "I am, but I don't think Teresa is" America said, "Okay, America you wait for my signal, Teresa can you contact Miles? He can give America the help while you're indisposed" I said, "He hates the wings I got, he's like the guy in the chair" Teresa said, "Well that's good enough Tess, Wanda, Miles'll let you know when I'm near, plus he's made this cool app for me and Tess to use" America said, "Hmm, that kid is good, okay America wait for the signal" I said before stopping the communication.

(Peter P.O.V)

I landed next to Yuri, "Okay, I'm here, the witch is a few blocks away, but she knows our heads" I said, "That's good enough, thank you Spider Man" Yuri said and we fist bumped. Yuri's honestly like an older sister to me and Tess, Tess loves working with her, but hates her rules about killing criminals. To be honest Teresa gets along with Venom more than Yuri, as I sat down a cop approached me, "Spider-Man, my son's birthday is today, and I got him this watch, I was wondering if.." he said but started to stutter, "You wanted my to autograph it, anything for the kids" I said taking out a pen, soon after I was done autographing the watch I saw some gangsters approaching. They were entering the building, "Okay men, go" Yuri said and her officers went into the building in disguise, Yuri followed them shortly after. I looked to where Wanda would be, "Peter, it's okay, just go" Wanda said reassuringly, I smiled under my mask and I leaped onto the building, I snuck into the ventilation shaft and crawled, "Okay, everything's good" I said to myself, but soon I heard shooting, "CRAP!" I whisper yelled, "Peter, what's going on?" Wanda asked in my head, "I think the police are in trouble, call in the cavalry" I whispered, "Got it" Wanda said. I soon saw that Hammerhead was in possession of some technology I've never seen before, it had the label Sable International. "The problem with you cops is, no respect" Hammerhead said, "COWARD!" An officer yelled, but I saw the it was the same officer from earlier, he was picked up by Hammerhead, "We gave you what you deserved, the fear, but now, YOU TREAT US LIKE DIRT!" Hammerhead said, he soon crushed the officer's skull with that metal plate in his head.

Yuri then decided to act, grabbing one enforcers gun and aimed it at Hammerhead as he picked up the injured cop, "Drop it! Hands behind your head!" Yuri yelled, "How about no!" Hammerhead said, aiming that futuristic gun at the officer. I crawled into the room, luckily nobody saw me. "There's the fear, its so good to see that, the shell of a heroic officer breaking down into nothing" Hammerhead said. I soon webbed up Hammerhead's gun and the lights went out. Luckily I could see everything, "WANDA! PROTECT YURI!" I yelled, I saw Wanda leading Yuri outside and soon she joined me in deflecting bullets, Then I saw America roaring as she punched open portals to the dangerous worlds. We managed to incapacitate all the maggia enforcers, but there was no sign of Hammerhead, "Damn" I said as I saw the cops body, he was lying dead, "Peter" Wanda said and she hugged me, "I'll get the captain" America said as she closed all the portals. Peter and I looked at the weapons, "Sable International, I.R.I.S can you scan this please?" I asked, "Certainly, Sable International is an Aid organization that is set in a country in Eastern Europe, called Symkaria." I.R.I.S explained, "Okay, how does that help us?" I asked, "This package was stolen from Sable International when the Organization was contacted to aid the police to stop this crime wave, but the maggia got to it first" I.R.I.S said, "Hmm, I'll bring this out" Wanda said. She lifted up all the Sable packages with her magic as America came back with Yuri, "No" Yuri said as she got on her knees, "We'll get him, don't worry" I said trying to comfort her, "Hammerhead's tricky, I'll get him, you and Scarlet Witch need to leave this to the pros" Yuri said angrily. 

I tried to talk with her, but America stopped me, "Leave her, she's clearly distraught" she said. I nodded and we both walked out of the building. Wanda was looking at the packages, "All of these are clearly important, but why would the maggia be after these?" she asked, "No idea" America said, "Why don't you ask them?" I asked as we all looked up, we saw helicopters with that same label on them arriving, there were soldiers wearing battle armour approaching us. "Hold it right there" one said. Soon we saw a woman, she looked about 30 years old and was dressed in silver, she had short white hair and wielded a pair of pistols. "You three better have a good explanation" she said, she had a thick European accent, huh like Wanda's but more gruff, "Whoa whoa whoa, we didn't steal these" America said, "Bullshit, why are they here?" the woman said, "We were taking them back from the maggia, they stole these" Wanda said. "They're not lying" Yuri said, the woman put her pistols away, "Yuri Watanabe, are you sure I can trust these individuals?" she asked, "Yep, they helped me get these outta here" Yuri said, "Hmm" the woman said, "Who are you?" I asked, "Silver Sablinova, but people call me Silver Sable, thank you for your help...heroes" she said as her men took the packages and left. "She's got a mean streak" America said, "We know someone like that" I joked, "Sable's all the way from Symkaria, she's seen a lot in her life, so I wouldn't get on her bad side" Yuri said, "What're you gonna do?" Wanda asked, "I'm gonna rest, call all my mens families, then get back out there" Yuri said as the cop car drove off, The three of us decided to head to F.E.A.S.T to see how everyone's doing there.

(A few minutes later)

The three of us got to the shelter, where everyone was feasting on cake, "Hey guys, you're right on time" Martin said. "Thank god, I'm starving" America said and she rushed to get some cake, "How's sis?" I asked, "She's fine, just on painkillers" Martin said, "You actually got her to take those!  How did you do that?" America asked while handing us some cake. "I kind of have a certain...quality" Martin said before walking off. We saw Teresa walking down the stairs, and Miles was helping her, "Okay just breathe slowly, in and out, in and out" Miles said, "Yeah, I'm just cramping, NOT IN LABOUR!" Teresa yelled making Miles recoil. "Hey sis, sorry you couldn't help Spider-Man today" I said. "Yeah yeah yeah, just gimme the cake" Teresa said, she was clearly annoyed about the pain and missing the action. Miles sat next to her as America sat on the other side. "So how's settling into your new place?" I asked Miles, "We're good, Mom and Dad are really making Harlem their own" Miles said. After his dad's promotion, he and his family moved to Harlem, where his dad grew up. "So what's the status on the Venom problem?" America asked, "He's a fugitive, we couldn't catch him" Wanda said, which wasn't a lie but not true either. 

When we finished the cake, all of us were hanging out in Central Park, Teresa had to put sweatpants on before we left. "So hows Harry?" America asked, "He's great, we've been hanging out a lot more recently, its weird how he loves hanging out in our place more than his" Peter said while zipping up his jacket, "Yeah, I think he just wants to be a normal kid" Wanda said, "I get that, I was raised by a scumbag" Tess said. We all laughed as we continued talking, but that all changed when we heard a roar, "Oh boy" America said. We all rushed to see what was going on, what we saw was beyond comprehension, we saw the cops shooting at a man covered in red, "Is that Venom?" Wanda asked, the man's hands then turned into weapons, "Uuh I don't think so" Tess joked, "STAND DOWN!" The officers said, "No way, we're not like anything you've ever seen before, we are your worst nightmare, WE ARE CARNAGE!" Carnage said before attacking the cops and killing them in under 5 seconds, "Okay, a murderer plus a symbiote equals a bad combo" Miles said, "You get outta here, Peter and I will take care of this" Wanda said, as the three youngest left, we saw Carnage ripping up a man to shreds. We knew that this guys was dangerous, even worse than Venom.

(And that's the first chapter up, some new characters were introduced, hopefully you like where this is going, hopefully you guys like this. Feel free to leave suggestions to help out)

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