Guilty Pleasure

由 anounymoschild

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They were rivals. Well, Korra and Asami didn't... actually... know each other that well. But, nevertheless, t... 更多

I'm not a bitch
Empty Classrooms
When Things Went Too Far
You Stupid, Stupid Bitch
When Now Was A Little Late
Cease The Ceasefire
First Date
When Reality Comes Knocking

Slumber Party ✂️

377 18 24
由 anounymoschild

Korra took her food tray to Asami's table, per usual. Today was the first big game, the one Korra was unfortunately not playing in. Still, she was excited for her team to win, and she by the very least wanted to wish Asami luck before it, but on her way to the open spot of the table, she saw that Asami was on her phone and accidentally glanced at it. What she saw shook her to her very core.

"You're on Tinder?" Korra tried smiling playfully through her dim mood.

"Holy shit!" Asami jumped from the surprise and her phone nearly fell, luckily she managed to catch it in time. "Korra, You scared the shit out of me!"

"Sorry, I just didn't even know you were dating again." Korra said, trying to mask her jealousy. I hate this, I hate this so much. "So I was surprised, that's all."

"Well..." Asami shifted uncomfortably in her seat. "I just thought I'd... Try getting myself out there. But like, where am I supposed to meet people, other than Tinder?" She shrugged.

Um, excuse me, but I'm literally RIGHT HERE. "Yeah, I get it." Korra somehow managed to not sound upset, "So... Anyone interesting?"

"No, and I don't really want to talk about it." Asami answered, looking away. "To be truthful, I don't even know if dating is a good idea for me right, I need to ask my therapist before I make any rash decisions on the matter."

"Oh, okay." Korra felt confused and annoyed. She had no right to feel so betrayed, she knew that, but emotions don't exactly think rationally, and so she felt really fucking betrayed. "If you don't know if it's a good idea, why are you already on Tinder?"

"Because I'm stressed." Asami exasperated. "Today is our first seasonal game with me as captain, what if I screw it up?"

"Hey, no," Korra immediately stood up to sit beside her, wrapping her arm around Asami and ignoring how electrifying the sensation was, "don't talk about my..." girlfriend? "...friend like that, I'll kick your ass."

"And I can't even rely on you!" Asami exclaimed, upset. "Did you have to get yourself benched? Asshole."

"You don't need me, you're awesome." Korra genuinely said. "Plus, you did great in your pre-seasonal games!"

"I know I know..." Asami sighed. "Thanks."

Korra beamed. "Any time."

They fell silent after that. Asami was playing with her food, while Korra just couldn't stop looking at Asami. It has been a while since the two were this close, and god, did Korra miss it. She was barely aware of how her hand was playing with Asami's soft locks, and the part of her that was aware, didn't have enough willpower to stop herself. Asami gave her the side eyes, confused, but still. Korra felt like she would rather die than stop.

"Um," somebody approached the table, "What is going on here, exactly?"

When Korra somehow managed to look away, she saw their teammate Opal. And boy, she did not seem happy. It made Korra so uncomfortable, that after several minutes of essentially spooning Asami, she managed to pull her arm away.

"Um," Korra mumbled, scratching the back of her neck awkwardly, "a conversation?"

"Since when are you two on speaking terms?" Opal asked, squinting her eyes in suspicion.

"Oh, fuck my life." Asami mumbled under her breath. "Opie, um, I need to tell you something."

"Are you guys dating or something?" Opal didn't seem to be too pleased about the idea, while all Korra could think about was 'I wish!'

"No, no. Nothing like that," Asami shook her head furiously, which hurt like a bitch, "we, uh, we made up."

"Seriously? After everything she did?" Opal asked, annoyed. "You deserve better, you know."

"Um." Korra interjected awkwardly. "I, um, I think I'm gonna go now..." She said, standing up.

"Don't go," Asami grabbed her arm, making her blush, "Opal is being totally unreasonable-"

"I'm really not." Opal deadpanned. "If I wanted to be unreasonable, I'd do something crazy. Like, throwing a paint balloon at you unprompted, for example." She gave Korra a death glare.

Korra laughed uncomfortably. "Low blow." She mumbled.

"Opal, seriously, I'm an adult, and I can make adult decision like forgiving someone. The whole... Paint balloon thing was a silly misunderstanding, there's no reason to overreact." Asami argued. "Just... Let me fight my own battles."

Opal rolled her eyes. "Fine." She said, sitting down. "But it doesn't mean I have to like it."

"I know, and I appreciate how much you care about me." Asami smiled at her friend, then turned back to Korra. "You can sit down now, war is over."

Awkwardly, Korra sat down. Opal just have her a death glare and turned to her food, and Asami didn't say anything else either. So they were all just... Sitting there, in awkward silence.

Then, their savior came. And who knew? It was their teammate, and Korra's replacement for the up and coming game; Ella. Korra didn't like Ella very much, she always felt like she resented Korra for playing her role, while she was benched for most of the games. But, right now, she could use anyone to break their awkward silence.

"Heyy cap," she grinned at Asami, "how are you feeling, excited?"

"Excited, nervous, stressed," Asami laughed awkwardly. "But it'll be fine."

"Duh! I gotcha, don't even worry about it." Ella waved her off, sitting down next to Opal. "We got this in the bag. Right Beifong two?"

She blinked. "Beifong Two?" She asked, annoyed.

"Anyway," Ella ignored her, "I wanted to run an idea by you. My parents are out of town and I thought we could maybe celebrate today's win at their place, what do you think?"

"Well, what if we lose?" Asami chuckled.

"We won't." Ella grinned. "But, it would still be good team building." She said.

"Well, when you're right you're right." Asami laughed. "Okay, let's do this."

"Perfect!" Ella exclaimed enthusiasticslly. "I'll be looking forward to seeing you two." She winked at Asami, then turned to Korra with a fake smile. "And unfortunately, you're invited as well." She told her.

"Jeez, way to make me feel wanted." Korra mumbled.

"Oh, Ella, c'mon." Asami scolded. "She's not that bad."

"Hey!" Korra pouted.

"Whatever, see you at the game." Ella shrugged. "Except you, Waters."

And with that, she left.

"Ignore her, she's just joking." Asami quite obviously lied.

"Sure, because how could anyone hate Korra?" Opal muttered.

But before anything else could be said, it was already time to head to class.


Thank god, the game went well.

Korra was watching from the stadium, and damn, Asami was killing it. Her playing style was completly different to Korra's, but it was obvious she was just as good as her.

When they won, Korra jumped over the fence and went to hug everyone on the team. Their first seasonal game! Even if she wasn't playing, it was still a huge deal.

So, Ella's house Party was a celebration Indeed, and it was great. Mostly because she got to be with Asami for the entire night, just the two of them. God, it was amazing hanging out with her, especially when she was sitting so close and could smell her. It might sound creepy, but Asami smelled fantastic.

But of course someone just had to interrupt their time together, right?

"Okay everyone!" Ella, the host, called out, snapping Korra out of her haze. "Wanna play a game?"

Asami snorted. "Like what, Truth of Dare? What are we, twelve?" She joked.

"Truth or Dare sounds like an awesome option, thank you cap." Ella said, disregarding Asami's latter comment. "You coming?"

Asami shrugged. "Team bonding is team bonding." She answered, elbowing Korra lightly. "C'mon, let's go."

Korra may have not been so eager to stop hanging out with Asami and go play a stupid game, but, Truth or Dare? She watched enough stupid teen movies to know what happens in this game, if she was lucky that is.

"I'll be there in a second, go ahead." Korra smiled at her, and as soon as Asami left she located Kuvira and basically jumped her, making her spit out her drink.

"You're fucking insane." Kuvira mumbled, coughing her lungs out.

"Listen, dude," Korra said under her breath, "You gotta come playing Truth or Dare with us."

"Ew, no thank you." Kuv said, making a gagging sound.

"Listen!" Korra urged. "I need you to Dare me to kiss Asami."

"Or, hear me out," Kuvira said with a fake smile, "Just kiss her."

"Nooo I can't! I need an excuse!" Korra said frantically. "Please? I'll buy you food, promise!"

"Ugh, fine," Kuvira rolled her eyes, "But just so you know, I think you're pathetic."

"I owe you one, seriously." Korra breathed out in relief, happily walking over to the circle that had formed. There wasn't any space right next to Asami anymore, so she sat besides Kuvira, who was still grumpy over having to participate.

"Okay, simple rules," Ella started, "ya'll have three options; Truth, Dare, and if you don't like the question slash Dare you got, drink." She smirked. "Everything is on the table, so if you wanna sleep with someone here, that's your chance."

Kuvira leaned in. "I gotcha." She whispered.

Korra blushed. "Don't push my luck." Not that she would've minded...

"Okay, I think sex is off the table Ella," Asami interjected, "But everything else sounds fine."

"Fine, lameo." Ella rolled her eyes. "So, kissing and giving head-"

"Ella!" Asami laughed.

"Joking," she defended herself, hands up in surrender, "anyways, spin the bottle cap."

Asami chuckled and learned to spin it. Unfortantly, it didn't land on her, Kuvira or Korra. It landed on two random teammates, who asked a random question and gave some random answer and it definetly wasn't intresting enough to listen to. This went on for a few more turns, until finally, it landed on Ella, the host.

"So, Asami, Truth or dare?" She asked with a smirk.

Oh, now it's interesting. Finally.

"Um, Truth?" Asami chuckled nervously.

"So, Asami, tell me," Ella learned forward, "anyone you like on the team?"

Opal rolled her eyes. "We really are twelve, I guess." She grumbled unhappily.

Asami squinted her eyes, maintaining eye contact with Ella for a few good seconds. Korra felt like she wasn't breathing from the anticipation.

Then, she took a shot.

"Figured as much," Ella said, winking.

Kuvira elbowed Korra. "I think Asami likes you." She whispered. "If she wasn't hiding a crush, why would she be taking this shot?"

"If she likes me, why would she say us dating is not a good idea?" Korra whispered right back.

"Uh, for the same reason she insulted you when she tried asking you out?" Kuvira rolled her eyes. "Boy, you are stupid."

"Hmm..." Korra tried thinking about it. Could it be? Was history just repeating itself?

Again, Korra was not really concentrated in the game, until it landed on Asami, which immediately caught Korra's attention. She hoped it would have anything to do with her, but unfortunetly she just dared Opal to eat a raw onion. Which was entertaining, but not relevant.

Then, it happened. Finally!

"Korra," Kuvira winked, "Truth or Dare?"

Ohhhhhh god, this was happening.

"Dare." She said, her throat dry.

"I Dare you to kiss Asami, on the mouth..." Kuv looked at her watch. "Twenty seconds."

Oh! Time limit! Smart!

Asami looked like she was struck by lightning.

"Excuse me, what?" Asami said, blushing.

"Yeah, Kuv. What the fuck?" Opal said, visibly upset. Korra took notice of that, maybe her initial intuition about Opal was correct...

"Do you know how much money I can get, taking a picture of Sato and Waters kissing?" Kuvira took her phone out. "I'm gonna be rich! You two, kiss."

"You absolutely cannot take a picture of us kissing." Korra said firmly.

"Fine, but you're kissing her." Kuvira continued. "Or you gotta take the shot, if you're a coward that is.

Asami blushed, Kuvira was laughing and Opal was fuming. Not exactly how Korra imagined kissing Asami, but that will do.

"Why would I take a shot?" She grinned. "I'm not lame. I got a dare, I do the dare."

"Asami can also decide to take a shot if she doesn't feel comfortable kissing you," Ella joined in.

"Obviously," Korra rolled her eyes, turning towards Asami, "so, what'cha gonna do?"

Asami blushed even harder and shifted uncomfortably. "Um," she said, hands fisting and grabbing the fabric of her pants, "well, I just took a shot not even five minutes ago, so I guess the responsible thing to do would be to kiss Korra." She then chuckled nervously. "I never thought I'd say that sentence. Weird."

Well, that's not what Korra was hoping to hear. Sure, she wanted to kiss Asami, but she wouldn't do it if Asami was uncomfortable in any way. To Korra, it didn't sound like Asami was necassersly okay with this, so she scooched over and sat next to Asami and leaned into her ear.

"I could also take a shot, if you're uncomfortable and just wanna wait an appropriate amount of time between shots." She whispered, unsure of what outcome she was hoping to get.

"I'm good," Asami replied under her breath.

"Are you sure?" Korra asked, worried.

"Yes, I'm sure." Asami assured her. "You have my full consent, I promise."

Korra breathed in deeply, trying to calm her nerves. It may have been just a dare, and she may have arranged it in advance, but somehow, her mind was absolutely convinced that this will determine the future of their relationship. Drowning away the anxiety, she cupped Asami's jaw and leaned in, watching Asami as her eyes fluttered shut. Everything seemed to go in slow motion the seconds before her lips touched Asami's. Her heart was racing, her palms were sweating, everyone was looking at them...

And then, it happened.

Korra had to stop herself from moaning in relief when she came in touch with Asami's lips, but dear god, how much she missed this. She missed how soft the other girl's lips were, she missed her flavored lipstick, the way she moved her lips against Korra... Actually, scratch that. Asami never moved her lips like that in any of their previous kisses, it was... Attentive, soft, and nothing like Korra was used to. Asami kissing roughly was a really good kisser, but Asami kissing softly? A whole new level. Korra was overjoyed. She was contemplating trying to kiss Asami with tongue, but before she could go for it, someone tapped on her shoulder.

"It's been way more twenty seconds," Opal said, annoyed, "if you wanna make out, please go get a fucking room."

Unhappily, Korra pulled away. "Oops, sorry." She faked a smile, upset that someone bothered them. "Guess I got lost in the moment a little bit." She turned to Asami, who was just staring at her, flustered. "You're a good kisser." She complemented Asami.

"Oh, uh, thanks." Asami said with an awkward smile. "Right back at ya."

Korra somehow managed to stop herself from giggling like a middle school fangirl and blushing like a tomato. Just barely.

And the game proceeded. Korra was eyeing Asami every once in a while, and saw that Asami was doing so as well. This was exciting, really really exciting. Maybe Asami did like her back? Or did she just find it odd? They kissed before, but they didn't really mention their history, nor did they admit it. For Korra, though it was technically recent history, it seemed ancient, and it felt like it wasn't even her but someone else entirely. Now, Korra didn't know what to think, she just hoped their recent kiss wouldn't bring up any bad memories from the past.

The game did get more interesting after Korra's dare. Some girls got dared to kiss, hit on, or flirt with other teammates. At some point one had to rank a few of the girls from best to worst kisser, and it was hilarious seeing Kuvira throw a fit over not being in first place. Still, Korra was too distracted to listen, until....

"Ella, Truth or Dare?" One of their teammates, Korra didn't notice who, had asked.

"Dare." Ella said, smirking.

"I dare you to kiss the hottest girl in the team."

"Pfft, easy." Ella waved her off, and before Korra could even comprehend the situation, she sat next to Asami. Korra's Asami. It caused Korra to tense up and grabbed Kuvira's arm so hard she let out a yelp of pain.

"Are you okay with it?" She asked Asami with a big smile.

Asami's eyes widened. "Wha... Me?" She pointed to herself, as if she wasn't convinced that Ella was truly talking to her. "You can't possibly think-"

"I don't even have a second option," Ella interjected, "Are you comfortable with me kissing you, or not?"

Korra looked at Asami, who was blushing harder than ever before, and she was angry. First of all, what the hell is this bitch Ella trying to prove? Second of all, what was Asami doing, blushing harder because of Ella? Ella was not that great. She was basically a wannabe Korra who was always benched because Korra was fucking awesome, and she wasn't even that much taller than Korra! She was fuming with anger and jealosy, and she did her best not to stare daggers at Asami, who wasn't even paying attention to her.

"I... I guess that's fine yeah," Asami nervously chuckled, "boy, it's a busy night for me huh?"

"I can arrange for it to be busier, if you want." Ella winked.

"Oh, I'm gonna murder her." Korra said under her breath.

"Stay Cool," Kuvira hissed back.

"Just the kiss for now, but we'll see." Asami flirted back.

Korra couldn't even watch when Ella learned to kiss her.

"Damn Sato, you really are a damn good kisser."

"You aren't too bad yourself."

Well, that definitely put a damper on Korra's mood. She was just staring at Asami, trying to read her mind. Maybe the person she was crushing on was actually Ella, and not Korra? How? Why? Ugh!


As if Ella could beat Korra at anything. She would kick her smug ass...

"Dude, Korra." Kuvira elbowed her. "It's your turn."

Korra blinked, trying not to groan. "Um, Truth, I guess?"

"No man, we switched games." Kuvira chuckled. How long had she been in her thought? "Everyone is saying how many people they slept with, and who." She informed her. "And it's your turn."

Oh, um... Problem.

"I'm not gonna name drop anyone, that's not cool." Korra huffed out. "So I guess I'm just gonna take a shot."

"Nuh uh, no one gets out of this." Their goalkeeper, Jargala chimed in. "And you don't need to name them, just give us context."

"It's a stupid game." Korra said.

"It's team building, get over it." Ella shrugged.

Korra wasn't planning on complying, but then she noticed that for the first time since Ella and her kissed, Asami's eyes were on her. So, she did.

"Fine," Korra said, "my body count is four, if you must know. One boyfriend in highschool, two girlfriends in college, and one..." how could she name it, without giving away anything or offending Asami? Her eyes went to look at Asami, who was staring at her with an unreadable expression, and after a mere second of eye contact, Korra looked away."...Situationship."

"How vague." Jargala commented.

"Yes! No one broke my record!" Kuvira proudly said. "Five. All girls, all hookups except one."

Korra rolled her eyes. "You're such a fuckboy."

"Hey, every one of them knew what they were getting into." Kuvira shrugged. "No feelings were hurt, only good times guaranteed."

"Well, that was Beifong one," Ella changed the subject, "What about you, Beifong two?"

"I still don't get why she gets to be Beifong one," Opal huffed out unhappily, "she's adopted!"

"Which means that out of the two of us, I was the one our parents actually wanted." Kuvira grinned. "Go on, sis, tell us."

"Fine," Opal rolled her eyes, "three. All boyfriends."

"Well, that wasn't nearly as juicy as I was hoping," Ella chuckled, then moved to Asami, "What about you, hot stuff? That's ought to be interesting."

And Korra did her best to pretend like she wasn't interested as well, she stood up and got herself a beer, trying to look busy. Though, it was hard to do when Asami was practically transitioning into a tomato.

"Hard pass." She managed to say, just barely.

"C'mon cap," Ella encouraged, "everyone shared, it's fine."

"Or I could take another shot." Asami suggested nervously.

"No one is gonna judge you Sato, really." Kuvira said. "This is just for fun."

"Yeah, it's no big deal," Korra shrugged, "who cares?" She said, taking a sip out of her beer.

"Um, okay, so..." Asami played with her fingers nervously. "...Two."

And just like that, Korra spat out all of the beer she was drinking, nearly choking to death in the process.

"See? She's judging me!" Asami exclaimed, flustered.

"Ignore Korra, she's a fucking idiot." Kuvira slapped the back of Korra's head to snap her back to reality.

"I just..." Korra coughed up "I just-" I did the math, and that would mean you only ever slept with Mako and me, and I'm fucking confused. "-well, I guess I'm surprised since-'' I thought you were way more experienced than that, considering how amazing you are in bed. "Well, look at you! I thought your body count would be much higher is all." How did you have the confidence to come onto me at all? What the hell?

"Yeah well," Asami moved uncomfortably, "I didn't have a prom, and I was too young to be in frat parties when I was getting my first degree. And on my second degree... I don't know."

"Two?" Opal asked in confusion.

"Yes! God, only two! I get it!" Asami huffed out.

"That's not what I meant." Opal said. "Since when is it two? Who's the second one?"

"Oh, um...." Asami blushed, averting Korra's eyes. "Well, the first one was my ex boyfriend, and the second one was um... A situationship."

What the fuck. What the fuck! She seemed so fucking confidently whenever they hooked up, and she had never even slept with a girl previously? Was Korra really that turned on on their first time, that she missed Asami not having the faintest idea as to what she was doing? What the fuck!

"Two is perfectly reasonable," Ella chimed in, "and even if it wasn't, nobody but Korra-" she shot Korra a really nasty look, "would judge you." She finished off.

"Hey, I'm not judging her!" Asami had to know that, right? She knew why Korra was so confused about this, right?

"But," Ella ignored her, "if you're so worried about it... I can turn that two into a three."

"Murder." Korra hissed towards Kuvira.

"You're such a tease!" Asami nervously laughed.

"I'm really not." Ella replied playfully.

"How come you didn't tell me?" Opal asked, hurt.

"Oh, um, god." Asami buried her head in her palms. "I couldn't, it's... Complicated."

Well, Asami got that right, it was complicated.

"Excuse me, but I need another drink." Opal said, visibly angry.

"Same." Korra mumbled.

And just like that, the game was over.


Asami was really, really fucking drunk.

She had one hectic night. Never had she ever thought that she would get to kiss not only Korra, but Ella as well. Which was random as fuck, but also... Nice. It's been a while since anyone paid her that kind of attention, and Ella was pretty hot. She just didn't know what to make of everything.

And Korra... God, their kiss was so fucking good. She was completely thrown off by it... She still liked Korra, in fact, she liked Korra a lot. But that was never going to happen, right? Korra had made it pretty clear that she wasn't interested. Asami was probably just overreacting.

She was still so very dizzy, but she had to get back out there at some point and coarse Opal into not hating her. God, this was bad...

And by some magic, the moment Asami opened the door, there was Korra. Korra, with her stupid sleeveless crop top. As if it wasn't hot enough to have Korra's arms on display, now she had to resist her abs too? She had the faintest blush as well, indicating that she was about as drunk as Asami, and it was fucking adorable. What a bitch, she just had to be so fucking cute, right? Dammit!

"Sorry I held up the bathroom," Asami mumbled, flustered.

"No, it's okay," Korra scratched her head, "I was... Well, um, I was looking for you."

Asami raised an eyebrow. "Me?" She pointed to herself, confused.

"Yeah, um..." Korra stepped into the bathroom, closing the door behind her which made Asami very nervous. "You know I wasn't judging you before, right?" She nervously said. "When we were talking about our body counts?"

"Oh," well, that was a relief, "I didn't know, thank you for clarifying."

"Because I'm not judging you!" Korra nodded aggressively. "I was just surprised. You're sure you've never slept with a girl before me?" She asked.

Asami blushed. "I think I'd remember something like that." She mumbled, flustered.

"Just 'cause, you were um... Really fucking good." Korra said, embarrassed. "So, I was... Yeah."

Asami was blushing like crazy. This was the first time either of them acknowledged that they used to have sex, and she definetly was never expecting Korra to compliment her over how she was in bed. Dear god, she must be wasted...

"Thank you, I guess?" Asami nervously chuckled, averting her gaze. Truthfully, she never knew if she was any good on their first time. It became easier later, but she had no idea what she was doing and had to wing it. It wasn't like she could ask Korra for guidance...

"Y'know, my first time with a girl was a mess." Korra admitted. "I, uh... I'm pretty sure she faked it."

Asami laughed. "Don't worry, I promise I didn't fake it." Oh, god, she didn't actually say it, did she?

Korra laughed, blushing. "Same." She mumbled.

"Good to know," Asami nervously scratched the back of her neck.

This conversation really threw Asami back to their time together. She didn't miss the hate sex, but god... She missed the 'sex' part. Korra also seemed distracted, and through it could've just been the alcohol coursing through her veins, maybe... Korra felt the same way? Maybe she missed their time together, too? Despite what she told Asami the other day?

Asami was just contemplating whether or not she should ask Korra about it, or just straight up kiss her, when she felt it. She managed to forget how drunk she was, but when the wave of nausea hit her she suddenly remembered, and the only thing she managed to do was to collapse on the bathroom floor and puke her guts out into the bathroom. She must be looking so fucking hot right now, that's just great.

"Oh, shit." Korra said before sitting down next to her and holding her hair. "Okay, okay. It's okay, let it out." She gently rubbed her back.

"This is so embarrassing." Asami said after she finished emptying the contents of her stomach.

"It's fine. I promise, everything's fine." Korra assured her softly. "Let's get you back to your flat, okay?"

"Yeah, okay." Asami mumbled.


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