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“Seriously, what’s wrong?” Opal persisted, still following Asami to the locker room since the game was in a few hours or so, and Asami seriously could not deal with it at the moment. She had to get her shit together before they’re playing.

“Nothing, Opie.” She tiredly replied, “Nothing’s wrong, I’m just tired.”

Today was their game, and Asami had to admit that it was convenient to have a star player like Korra to lean on, since she wasn't in the right headspace for it at all. She spent the last couple of practices avoiding Ella, and fleeing the scene as soon as possible to avoid any awkward interactions. Opal pressed on the matter, but Asami felt as if she physically couldn't tell her. In fact, she felt sick to her stomach just from thinking about the situation. As soon as Ella left her apartment that day, Asami started feeling really, really ashamed and disgusted with herself. She couldn’t face Ella, or anyone for that matter, she just felt like crawling into her apartment and never ever leaving.

She didn’t get it. This was what she wanted, right? So why was she feeling this way?

“I know that you’re lying to me.” Her friend responded, and though her tone was assertive, it was obvious to Asami that she was just worried about her wellbeing.

"Don't worry about it," Asami waved her off, avoiding eye contact. She then attempted to enter the locker room, but was blocked by Opal. She tried bypassing her, but her friend was one step ahead. 

"What's going on with you?" Opal asked, visibly worried. "I never see you anymore, and even when I do, you seem… Off." She said, sounding worried. "You can talk to me, you know."

Asami hesitated. Had she really been pulling away that much? She could've sworn that she hung out with Opal in the last…wait… Oh.

"I know, I'm sorry," Asami replied, "I'm just… Really going through it lately."

"I get that, and I'm here for you," Opal assured, "I just want to help. I miss my friend, the friend that used to talk to me about stuff." She hald

"You're right," the team's captain sighed, "I haven't been the best friend lately, and I'm really sorry, but I don't have the mental capacity to open up that Pandora's box just now. Can we meet up after the game and talk?" She pleaded.

At that, Opal smiled softly. "Sure thing, buddy." She said, finally letting Asami into the locker room. 

Asami was hoping to be the first to get there, but unfortunately Ella got there first. The first thing Asami thought upon seeing Ella's grim expression was 'oh boy', but soon she realized that her shameful one-night-stand wasn't even looking at her. 

And not even a second later, she herself noticed why Ella seemed so upset, and the shock made her drop the duffle bag she had been holding.

Her heart rate began picking up, blurring out the sounds around her. She could just barely hear Opal’s audible gasp as she entered the room.

Holy shit.

Even though they had practice just last night, and they left the room in good condition, somehow it was no longer the case. The entire room was completely vandalized. Every locker, every wall, was almost completely covered in spray paint. She couldn't even find one inch in the room that had stayed clean, besides the ceiling. It was horrifying and impressive at the same time, as Asami had no idea how anyone was able to pull something like this off. The more she looked at it, the more her anxiety fed off it, and she could feel her heart rate picking up. 

However, she did her best to keep her cool. The last thing she wanted was another freakout for people to remember her by. So, she gently placed her hand on Opal’s shoulder, clearing her throat. 

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