When Now Was A Little Late

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That was it. Korra was ready. 

Gone were the days where Korra would pine secretly from afar, silently hoping that a day would come and Asami would like her back. Fuck it. Either Asami liked her back, or she can learn to. Korra was done hiding her feelings from Asami. She was tormented constantly by not knowing if anything could ever happen between them and it needed to come to an end.

Except… it wasn't that easy. Now that Opal knew about them being in good terms, it seemed like she absolutely couldn’t leave them alone. She sat with them at lunch, if they'd hang out after hours, she'd tag along, even immediately after the classes the two shared she would pop out of nowhere to join them. Korra was getting annoyed, but Asami didn't even seem to notice, which was even more annoying than Opal herself. Every single time Korra was about to ask her out, this asshole would just appear and ruin the setting. 

Well… That was only half accurate. Truly, there were quite a few moments where Korra could've asked Asami out, but she chickened out. Maybe because Asami just flickered her hair in a way that made Korra's brain malfunction, or maybe they were in the locker room and Asami would all of a sudden take her shirt off to change, and Korra would almost fall to the ground... Sometimes, there was nothing in particular that would make Korra too nervous to go through with it, she just was. It's been a few days of this nonsense now, and Korra was getting frustrated with herself. She was a star soccer player! She was smart, funny and good looking. Asami had no reason to say no, she was a catch! 

Well the problem with that logic was that Asami was also all of those things, and she pretty much beat Korra at all of them, too. So, it didn't really help Korra feel any better. 

But, she had to do it. Its been… What? A week now? This was insane! She just had to get this part over with, so that whatever happens, at least she knows she tried. She needed to ask Asami out. 

And finally, it was the perfect moment to do just that. Opal was studying in the library, so Asami and her were alone at the dining table. No interruptions, no distractions, nothing. Nothing to set Korra off course, this was her moment to get the girl. 

But she waited for Asami to stop talking, while listening carefully to her words. Currently, Asami was complaining about the food on campus being horrible, which Korra agreed with. But, she was definitely talking a lot about this, and Korra had to wait for her to finish, in order to not be rude.

"...I just think the university here can afford to improve the food, even just slightly.“ Asami huffed out, finally getting to what seemed like a logical end  to the topic, or so Korra hoped. “What do you think?“ 

Oh! My turn! I got this. 

“I, um,“ Korra started, her leg nervously shaking, “I think that there are definitely better places to eat.“ Okay, she could use that. “Speaking of which…“ Korra trailed off, nervous. 

Asami blinked, curious. “...Yes?“ She asked, confused. 

Korra's breath came out in a shudder. Was it getting hot in there? “Well… I was thinking…“ her heartbeat definitely wasn't in the normal range, she had to get herself together. 

But just before she did that, someone placed their arm on their table next to Asami and leaned on it, and Korra was absolutely furious seeing who it was. 

Heyyy cap, what's up?“ Ella grinned.

“Oh, hey Ella, how are you?“ Asami asked with a warm smile that did nothing to improve Korra's mood.

“I'm awesome, as always.“ She answered. “I was wondering if you had any plans tonight?“ 

What? No! Korra was just about to–

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