Slumber Party ✂️

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Korra took her food tray to Asami's table, per usual. Today was the first big game, the one Korra was unfortunately not playing in. Still, she was excited for her team to win, and she by the very least wanted to wish Asami luck before it, but on her way to the open spot of the table, she saw that Asami was on her phone and accidentally glanced at it. What she saw shook her to her very core.

"You're on Tinder?" Korra tried smiling playfully through her dim mood.

"Holy shit!" Asami jumped from the surprise and her phone nearly fell, luckily she managed to catch it in time. "Korra, You scared the shit out of me!"

"Sorry, I just didn't even know you were dating again." Korra said, trying to mask her jealousy. I hate this, I hate this so much. "So I was surprised, that's all."

"Well..." Asami shifted uncomfortably in her seat. "I just thought I'd... Try getting myself out there. But like, where am I supposed to meet people, other than Tinder?" She shrugged.

Um, excuse me, but I'm literally RIGHT HERE. "Yeah, I get it." Korra somehow managed to not sound upset, "So... Anyone interesting?"

"No, and I don't really want to talk about it." Asami answered, looking away. "To be truthful, I don't even know if dating is a good idea for me right, I need to ask my therapist before I make any rash decisions on the matter."

"Oh, okay." Korra felt confused and annoyed. She had no right to feel so betrayed, she knew that, but emotions don't exactly think rationally, and so she felt really fucking betrayed. "If you don't know if it's a good idea, why are you already on Tinder?"

"Because I'm stressed." Asami exasperated. "Today is our first seasonal game with me as captain, what if I screw it up?"

"Hey, no," Korra immediately stood up to sit beside her, wrapping her arm around Asami and ignoring how electrifying the sensation was, "don't talk about my..." girlfriend? "...friend like that, I'll kick your ass."

"And I can't even rely on you!" Asami exclaimed, upset. "Did you have to get yourself benched? Asshole."

"You don't need me, you're awesome." Korra genuinely said. "Plus, you did great in your pre-seasonal games!"

"I know I know..." Asami sighed. "Thanks."

Korra beamed. "Any time."

They fell silent after that. Asami was playing with her food, while Korra just couldn't stop looking at Asami. It has been a while since the two were this close, and god, did Korra miss it. She was barely aware of how her hand was playing with Asami's soft locks, and the part of her that was aware, didn't have enough willpower to stop herself. Asami gave her the side eyes, confused, but still. Korra felt like she would rather die than stop.

"Um," somebody approached the table, "What is going on here, exactly?"

When Korra somehow managed to look away, she saw their teammate Opal. And boy, she did not seem happy. It made Korra so uncomfortable, that after several minutes of essentially spooning Asami, she managed to pull her arm away.

"Um," Korra mumbled, scratching the back of her neck awkwardly, "a conversation?"

"Since when are you two on speaking terms?" Opal asked, squinting her eyes in suspicion.

"Oh, fuck my life." Asami mumbled under her breath. "Opie, um, I need to tell you something."

"Are you guys dating or something?" Opal didn't seem to be too pleased about the idea, while all Korra could think about was 'I wish!'

"No, no. Nothing like that," Asami shook her head furiously, which hurt like a bitch, "we, uh, we made up."

"Seriously? After everything she did?" Opal asked, annoyed. "You deserve better, you know."

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