Here one moment gone the next

By AU_everything

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Midoryia was sent on a mission to go undercover in the leauge of villains 2 years later class 1A is now class... More

One hell of a welcome back
Strange encounters
Class fight
Well shit
Tips and Fights
Fight aftermath
Hes gone...
Its up to us to save him
Guess I'm a hostage
#Too broke for a therapist and still running from a goddamn potato
Fight to survive
Whatever you do, dont forget your family

The rescue

365 10 14
By AU_everything

Quick A/N; Midoryia was gone for two months before Aizawa rescued him. I just wanted to clear it up since I know I was pretty vague in my last chapter about how long Midoryia was kidnapped for.
Bakugou's PoV (after chapter 9)

"We need to go to sensei again! We can't just leave him to deal with whatever he's working with alone!" Denki exclaimed after sitting in silence for ten minutes. The only thing I could possibly think of is the fact that now I've lost Deku once again the promise that I made to him as a child has so far never came true I told him I would always protect him and now he's missing. Dear god what will Auntie think? A shiver ran down my spine just at the thought.

"Kat, are you okay?" Ej asked with his normally caring eyes while Mina clinging onto him like she was a koala.

"Y-yeah." I stuttered, fuck, my face heated up in embarrassment while Denki and Hanta snickered to themselves.

"Listen I know your wanting to save Midoryia and while I do too we don't know where he is and if we react rashly we may never see him again so once you figure where he is then we can talk about where to go from there I will work with Mic to figure out where he is aswell. Be advised though depending on where he went he may not want to come back." Aizawa warned us. We all nodded and walked back to Hanta's dorm where mina and Ej sat on the hammock and they rest of us either sat on his bed or on the floor.

"This is honestly ridiculous we've saved classmates by ourselves before and it turned out fine, well except for the fight between All might and All for One." Ej mumbled the last bit to himself. I had light flashbacks from the encounter with the League and the faint emotions of watching the fight between Allmight and All for One crashed over me.

"I agree, if it was any of us Midoriya would be out there regardless of having teacher approval for it!" Mina exclaimed slamming her hands down on the table next to the hammock before jumping out of the hammock and pacing back and fourth. "It's just a big load of bullshit! We're third years now! We should be able to save a classmate if we're training and getting close to being able to saving human lives!" Mina's voice was getting louder and she was adding more of an edge with every word she spoke.

"Mina we're all frustrated but you need to calm down yelling and getting angry isn't going to solve any of our problems right now." Hanta said trying to calm her down.

"Yeah, I know it's just so aggravating, it makes me want to rip someone's hair out!" Mina's fist balled before she sat down and Ej, wrapping his arm around her back calming her down that way.

"What if we take another look at the HN maybe we missed something?" Denki suggested.

"In theory, but where? We checked his profile and we got into everything we could, even though that wasn't much." Mina stated a slight edge still in her voice.

"Not everything." I pipped up for a moment everyone looked confused before looks of realization washed over them.

"Do you think you could even get into there? It said you needed higher access then what we had." Ej retorted.

"Well there's only one way to find out." I grabbed Hanta's laptop after he unlocked it and I logged onto the HN and I found Deku's profile,

Hero name: Deku
Real name:Izuku midoryia
Quirk: Ofa, black whip,smoke screen, float, Fa jin, danger sense, Gear shift
Hero rank: #20
Current mission: N/A higher access required
Family: Inko midoryia (mother) Shouta Aizawa (Teacher and legal guardian)

I tired clicking on the current mission field to be met with another tab opening and a place to type in a password "Shit." I muttered to myself.

"What do you mean shit? What happened?" Kaminari asked.

"I need a fucking pasword to access it!" I slamed my hand down next to the computer.

"Should we call Aizawa?" Hanta asked

"And risk him shutting us down completely?" I asked.

"Do you have a better idea?" Hanta retorted, when I didn't respond he gave me a small smirk before calling Aizawa. Within moments he was in the room looking at us with an unreadable expression.

"Look, I'm going start this with In not giving you the password." Aizawa started Mina went to open her mouth but he continued before she even started speaking. "Because I already know the mission he was sent on. He was sent to go undercover claiming to be a spy and claimed to want to join the League he started preparing for the mission at the end of your first year and started the mission the start of your second year, and to keep the mission stable he had to temporarily drop Yuuei." We all stared dumbfounded.

"Why?! Why the fuck was he allowed to do this?!" I yelled letting my temper get the best of me.

"Bakugou, calm down," Aizawa said sighing heavily I looked at him impatiently scoffing lightly."We didn't want to send him on the mission either but he was favorited by the hero commission." Denk's brows furred together and he scowled muttering some string of curses directed toward the Hero commission.

"Denks, you alright?" Ej asked teaching his hand to Denki's shoulder who was sitting on the floor next to him.

"I'm fine." Denki replied sharply swatting Ej's hand away. "I've just had some bad experiences with the hero commission." Aizawas brows shot up in alarm before going back to normal.

"Kaminari, Id like to speak to you about this topic later, but for now we have a different topic to discuss." He paused.

"Could there be a chance that he's at the League?" I asked after we sat in silence for a few moments.

"Theoretically but we can't make any moves until we know for sure." Aizawa stated before leaving the room and saying goodnight. We all sat in silence again the tension in the air was so thick you could cut with a knife. After a few hours of mostly silence with the occasional conversation about either a random topic or the homework we went to our rooms with a hell of a lot more questions than answers.


Aizawa's PoV

Two months. Two goddamn months that Class 3A has been 1 student short and for the most part it seems like almost all of my students don't care. It's ridiculous, beyond ridiculous. I sat in my office making markings at a map again, trying to figure out where Midoryia went we've been able to narrow down to a few different places but we still need to do one final sweep before we set our targets on where we think he is.

"Sensei! We found him!" Kaminari burst through the door of my office with Sero, Mina, Kirishima, and Bakugou not far behind. I motioned for him to go on.

"So basically my mom is a pro hero and I asked her to look into it and I sent her the locations and as she was doing her patrol she found his hero suit dumped in the trash right next to an old rundown bar that hadn't been used for years." Kaminari said quickly enough to the point that I almost couldn't understand him.

"Where?" I asked impatiently.

"On the outside of Mustafa about 36 miles from here." Kaminari informed me they all looked like they were itching to jump up and put on there hero suits I internally smirked.

"Then what are we waiting for, get your hero suits and let's get moving." I said sharply they nodded and rushed out the door. Just after another one of my students walked in the door, well not just one four actually. It was Asui, Tokoyami, and Yayorozu.

"Sensei, I know it's not our place but we want to help the rescue team find Midoryia!" Yayorozu exclaimed as she entered the room. I contimplated for a moment and the longer is did the more their expressions dropped to a frown.

"Fine, hurry though we're leaving soon with or without you." I stated they nodded quickly and dashed out of the room.

"Please be safe problem child..." I muttered to myself. I ran to meet up with the rescue team in front of the school, they had their hero costumes on and faced me with a look of pure determination it was a nice refresher compared to the dull looks I normally see. We were just about to get into the van when we saw a green haired woman yelling off in the distance storming up to us.

"Uh, hello there Auntie." Bakugou said timidly.

"Quiet Katsuki! Where is my son?!" The woman asked impatiently and sharply making Bakugou hide behind kirishima.

"Calm down miss, who is your son and we can get all of this sorted out." I stated calmly trying to deescalate the situation.

"My son is Izuku Midoryia! Where is he?!" My breath got stuck in my throat this is his mother, wait so why did Bakugou call her 'Auntie'? In their profiles it didn't say anything about them being related but their mom's don't look similar at all maybe a cheating? I highly doubt it.

"Answer me damnit! Where the hell is my son?!" She snapped again.

"We are going to rescue now we were just about to leave." Her face paled along with Bakugou who has been waving his hand horizontally by his neck for apparently the last few seconds.

"You mean, he was kidnapped? And no one told me." He voice went from broken to stern within seconds to the point that it was almost frightening.

"Yes miss, we didn't want to cause pani-"

"you didn't want to cause panic?! Do you think TELLING ME WOULD HAVE BEEN A GOOD IDEA HUH?! HOW LONG WAS HE GONE FOR." It went deathly silent no one dared answering.

"He, he's been gone for just about two months miss." Ashido spoke up.


"I tried but principle nezu said that we need to keep it under wraps." Bakugou muttered, the woman's gazed softened for a moment before it turned back into a steely glare.

"To hell with what your principal says!" She yelled again. "I should have been informed!" Tears were leaking out her eyes and Bakugou rushed to her.

"Auntie it's okay, he'll be okay we're bringing him home." Bakugou spoke softly trying to calm her down.

"I'm coming with you." She said suddenly after a minute or so of her crying stoped.

"Auntie it'll be too dangerous," Bakugou tired to reason with her.

"You won't change my mind Katsuki. I've made my decision." She said sternly without a single bit of hesitation in her voice.

"Yayorozu can you create something for Mrs. Midoryia so she can stay protected during this." I asked she nodded and started creating whatever she was making.

"Thank you." Mrs. midoryia said quietly as we boarded the van.

"Don't thank me yet, let's save your son first."

Bakugou's PoV

Todays turned out to be very interesting that's for sure. First we find out where the nerd is, then Auntie shows up and now we're in a school van on the way to the outer edge of Mustafa with Auntie putting on bullet proof gear and a bracelet that enhanced her quirk but was made to be used as a last resort since she didn't have any license to use her quirk, so her even using her quirk would be in complete self defense. We eventually made it to the rundown bar where we heard a scream the moment we all stepped off the bus. Auntie and I recognized it immediately.

"Izuku!" She exclaimed I grabbed onto her arm quickly "Katsuki, let go of me!" She tried getting out of my grip.

"Sorry Auntie, but we can't just charge in there." I said quietly her eyes had a desperate look to them that hurt my heart to look at.

"Quickly we need a name to call you by that wouldn't identify you immediately." Aizawa stated.

"I guess you can call me by my quirk, Telekinesis." She said the desperation was starting to leak into her voice and not just sitting in her jade green eyes.

"Okay well DynaMight, Telekinesis. You two will be with me. Pinky, Red Riot, Cellophane, and Charge bolt, you will be behind us as cover, and Creati, Tsukuyomi, and froppy you will guard the entrances." Aizawa explained Auntie looked confused.

"You and I will go with Aizawa to be the main group finding Izuku." I explained an looked over to the others who were smiling or just looked baffled my face heated up in embarrassment before Auntie smiled at me and I turned to Aizawa.

"This is a very dangerous task, I trust you all can do it," Aizawa stated "Come on you two. Everyone else make way to your positions let's get a move on." We took off to the inside of the bar we were attacked by the sent of strong alcohol the moment we walked in.

"Do we split up?" Auntie asked.

"That may be a good idea, okay DynaMight, you go with Telekensis and go left with Pinky and Red Riot I'll go right with Chargebolt and Tape man." I nodded and we took off to our separate directions. We searched through every room we came across until we made it to a lab I pulled out my phone from one of my zipper pockets and took photos of things that looked important before sending small explosions, sure enough within moment a small blade made its way past me to the point that I barely dogged.

"Awe your here to take him, but I'm not done playing with Izu-kun yet." Toga said in her normal sadistic tone Auntie looked like she was about to pop her head right off her shoulders. After moments of heavy silence as we stared at each other I quickly sent an AP shot to the ceiling right before Toga so the roof would collapse on itself trapping her

"Come on Telekinesis we need to go now!" I half shouted she nodded and we made our way farther to the back of lab we were now starting to see a lot of half developed nomu.

"What are these?" Auntie asked fear settling itself in her voice.

"Hell on earth. These are Nomu aka bioengineered humans who were given multiple quirks by All for One that their body couldn't handle it turning them into that." Auntie looked horrified and I couldn't help but feel sorry for both Izuku and Auntie I feel sorry for him with the burden he put on himself and I feel bad for Auntie having to see all of this.

"Let's just keep moving." Auntie said quickly our earpieces we're making more static the farther we went into this lab that seemed to go on for miles.

"Dynamight, Telekinesis. I found him meet me at the front of the bar." Relief washed over me like a wave invading all my thoughts.

"So how do we get there?" Auntie asked quietly I smirked.

"Well that's the fun part we got straight up and in a situation like this I blow everything in here up." She looked hesitant but nodded I sent an explosion to the ceiling. She turned on her bracelet and started moving the incoming rocks while I sent explosions everywhere around me except for below or above me. "Alrighty let's get out of here." I grabbed her by the arm and used an explosion to propel us up while destroying more of the lab.

"Todays been one heck of an eventful day." Auntie said scoffing lightly.

"Your telling me." I laughed a little and her expression lit up with happiness.

"It's been a long time since I heard you laugh." She said softly and smiled for a moment it felt nice and it felt like I didn't have a care in the world.

2750 words holy fuck, definitely my longest chapter that I've ever written but anyway. Hello everyone! Hope you're all doing well, I hope you have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening-AU_everything

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