By kishu6926244

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warning: MATURE CONTENT "Sugar" Check "Toothpaste" Check "Books" Check . . . . . . . . "A packet of rice" Ch... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
I am sorry

Chapter 4

230 14 5
By kishu6926244

7 year old Arihant's POV

" Mummy?"  I gave my mother a voice.

"Mummy, where are you?"  I gave a louder voice to my mother.

"Mummy. I don't want to play hide and seek anymore."  I was scared now.

It was too late for me to find my mother but I couldn't find her.

"Mummy. Please, don't persecute me anymore. Please come out."  I said more loudly.

I was crying.

My throat became heavy due to fear and sadness.

"Mummy. I won't be able to find you. Please. Please come out."  I sat down on my knees and started crying.

Initially, I was just sobbing, but gradually my crying grew louder.

I put my knees on my chest and started crying with my head on my knees.

Even before today, I have played hide and seek with my mother.  But before today she never disappeared for so long.

"Arihant?"  I heard my mother's voice and quickly looked at the source of that voice.

My mother was standing there with her arms extended.

It didn't take even a fraction of second for me to run towards her.

She hugged me tightly.

"Mummy. Where did you hide? Do you know how scared I was."  I complained.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted you to do my best to find me."  She wiped my tears and kissed my forehead.

"Without you I can never make any effort. You are my greatest strength. When you are around me, I can dare to do anything. But when you are not with me, then it is only darkness. "  I could not stop crying.

She caressed my cheek.

"Where am I going. I will always be with you. But some of the battles of life, we ​​have to fight alone. At that time, if you lose even before trying this way, your mother will feel very bad. You want to make me feel bad? "  I could not understand my mother's words.

"I can do anything mummy. All I want is for you to be with me. I am not afraid of anyone if you are with me."  I said boldly.

My mother started laughing loudly.

"If you promise me that you will never cry like this, then I also promise you that I will never leave you. I will always be with you."

"I promise mommy. I will never cry nor be afraid after today."  I asked my tears and immediately stood up.

As soon as I opened my eyes after wiping tears, my mother was not there.

"Mummy?"  I shouted loudly.




They all surrounded me again.

"Mummy, you promised me that you would never leave me?"  I said while crying.

"I have not broken my promise. I can never leave you."  I heard my mother's voice but  could not see her anywhere.

I looked everywhere around desperately.

I also went to the source of her voice.

"There is no point in walking in darkness, Arihant."  I stopped as soon as I heard this.

"You've left me and gone."  I was convinced of this somewhere.

"You are a lier. your promises are fake."  I started crying again.

"You cannot see me. It does not mean that I have left you. I am with you all the time. My existence in this world is because of you, Arihant. In this world I only came to bear the duty of a mother  . My motive was to give you a birth and a beautiful life. I am glad that I was able to do so. Now it is your turn to keep me happy. I will always look at you. A smile on your face will make me feel heaven.  Just one tear dropped from your eyes will rip my heart. Now you decide what you want me to feel. "

I found it all useless.

I did not want to hear anything right now.

All i need is my mother

"I don't know anything. All I want is for you to come to me. I just want you to hug me. Please, please. Please mummy. Please come back."  I begged her.


Now even her voice had stopped coming.

"Mummy, mummy?"

This can't happen.

This is not possible.


Arihant's POV

My eyes suddenly opened.

I found myself in the hospital.

The doctors are examining my mother inside.

While waiting for them,I dozzed off, I did not know when.

This morning, when I tried to awaken my mother, on seeing her lifeless body, I trembled badly from inside.

I immediately brought her to the hospital.

I have been here for half an hour but it seems as if I have spent ages here.

The doctor came out.  Seeing him, I immediately stood up.

"Is she alright? Please tell me that she is okay. She is alive. She is. Right?" I asked hopefully.

The doctor placed a hand on my shoulder.  "Arihant, look. She ......."

"Don't you dare to say anything otherwise."  I had tears and a trembling voice.

There was hope in my heart and fear in my mind.

The truth which I have felt myself with my hands this morning, I do not have the strength to listen that truth.

I shooked his hand from my shoulder and went to the room where my mother was.

She was lying on the bed comfortably.

There was unbroken peace on her face.

"Mummy" I gave a slow voice.

I was silent after taking her name once.

I slowly stepped in and sat near her.

She did not mind even sitting with me.

"Mom" I whispered.

She didn't answer. tears started shedding from my eyes.  I lowered my head and wept bitterly.

I had a lot to say but to whom.

"I love you mummy. I love you very much."

I could not hold myself and cried harder.

How can you leave so soon?

You still have not seen me succeed more.

You have not even seen my marriage.

How can you not meet your grandchildren?

We just didn't live our lives to the fullest.

You have cheated me

I could not take my eyes off her.

I extended my hand and caressed her head.

My sob had reduced but the pain in chest was increasing.

Today I am truly an orphan.

I heard the footsteps and wiped my tears.

"She had died before coming here."  The doctor said.

"What happened to her?"  I asked in a low voice.

"Break stroke."

"Break stroke?"  I turned and looked at him.

"If an artery of the brain suddenly blocks or bursts, it is called a break stroke. Like a heart attack, it can also be called a brain attack. When this happens, the blood supply to the brain stops."

"I'm fine. Just a little headache."

This is what she said.

This is exactly what she said.

How could I ignore my mother's headache?

It all happened due to my negligence.

If I had taken care of my mother properly, all this would never have happened today.

I looked at my mother again and stared at her lovingly.

My mother's dead body is lying in front of me.

"We will all leave for your mother's last ritual in a short while."  Panditji said.

I joined my hands and he started worshiping.

Everybody was comforting me on my mother's death.

But I could not answer anyone.

As if my tongue was locked.

A girl who had a scarf on her head came to my mother and sat beside her lifeless body.

Her back was towards me, so I could not see her face.

She did what no one had yet done.

She placed her palm on my mother's forehead and started caressing her hair.

She did not stop.

I stepped forward to see her.

She bowed her head slowly and kissed my mother's forehead.

Everyone was gasped to see this.

I was also surprised.

But what I saw after this surprised me more.

As soon as the girl's head rose, I couldn't believe it what I saw.

She was the same girl whom I took to the hospital that night.

Her eyes were swollen like she cried a lot.

She looked healthier than before.

But how did she know my mother?

When I saw her, I couldn't believe my eyes.

I wanted to meet her and ask her that what is the relationship between her and my mother. But at the time of funeral there were so many people that I could not meet her. By the time I got free, she was gone.

Her arrival had raised many questions, which were very important for me to know.

Why did she come so close to my mother?

Why did she kiss the forehead of her dead body without caring about anyone?

Who was she?

"Sir, those people have come who you called." My servant told.

"Okay. Tell them to wait in the hall. I'm coming."


After a while, I went to the hall.

They all stood up to seeing me. I nodded and asked everyone to sit down.

"To my mother, you were all her family. She has always considered restaurants as her home and you as a family member. She always tried to make sure you never have any kind of trouble. I know that after her, All of you are afraid of loosing your source of income, what will happen to the restaurant now. I have called you here today so that I can tell you all that you are not alone. You are all my responsibility after my mother. Now There is no one to handle the restaurant, so I will have to close the restaurant. But you guys don't worry. Your job will not go anywhere.As you all know, my hotel also has a branch here in Mathura. You can all work there. You all will get the same salary that my mother used to give you. This is not a favor nor compulsion. You are completely free to decide for yourself. "I explained to the staff of Mummy's restaurant.

I could not leave them alone in such circumstances.

I had no choice but to give them a job.

I have no passion to become great nor  I do charity. But these people have provided many years of service to my mother.

These were importants for my mother.

And for me everything that was special to my mother was special.

"Thank you sir. To be honest, for the last few days we were very upset about the job. But you allayed our concern." Sarala aunt said.

"you have no need to worry. All of you can join tomorrow if you want. you will be explained the work there." I assured them.

They all joined their hands and said goodbye to me.

"Lily?" I gave voice to one of them.

She turned. "Yes sir?"

I stood up and went towards her.

"Let me ask you something." I said.

"Ask Sir."

"Who was the girl who came to Mummy's funeral?" I asked him.

"Which girl?"

"The one who kissed Mummy's forehead." I tried to remind her.

"Sir, actually there was a lot of work in the restaurant that day. That's why we all came late. I probably wouldn't have seen that girl." She told.

Now, how will I know about her.

"Never mind. You can leave."

"Good evening sir"

she went .

"I am coming to Mathura right now." Jia said.

"You don't need to come here." I refused.

"you need me." She was being stubborn

"I'm fine, Jia. And by the way, Arjun was with me till now. He left from here 2 hours ago." I put the phone on the speaker.

"But he is gone now. You are alone now."

How can I make her understand that I want to be alone for a while.

"Jia. I want to be alone for some time. I can handle myself."

"I can't believe you didn't tell me such a big thing. I know this from Naveen. Wow." She complained.

"I'm sorry. But I didn't tell anyone anything."

I really was not in a position to tell anyone anything.

"If so, then how did Arjun know?"

This girl has to do interrogation in this also.

"I don't know. He came here on the night of the funeral. He stayed with me for four-five days."


"Please please." I interrupted. "Try to understand. I am absolutely fine. There is no need for you to come here because I am coming back to Delhi myself with  evening flight." I told her my plan.

"really?" She was shocked.

Perhaps she was not expecting it.

"Yes. Anyway, nothing is left for me here now." I said while looking at my mother's room.

"Okay. I'm sorry that I disturbed you." She hung up.

I was in my mother's room .

When she was here, I used to come here very rarely.

Since he left, I sit here at least three to four hours every day.

I know the truth but do not accept it.

It seems like right now a voice will come from one corner of the house. 'Arihant, breakfast is ready. Come down fast. '

'Arihant, do not throw tantrum  while eating.'

'Arihant, when will you learn to keep your room clean'

I will never hear this voice again.

I can do nothing more than just remembering her.

aarti's POV

"Everything is done and you didn't even tell me?" Preeti was getting angry with me.

"Your son was ill. You would have been very upset if I had told you about Mrs Chauhan. That is why I did not tell you anything." I gave my explanation.

"How are you talking? I had no right to know. I couldn't even say goodbye to her." Regret was clearly visible on his face.

Tears came to my eyes but somehow I controlled them.

We were both in the kitchen and I was making tea for her.

My hand movements stopped and I again remembered Mrs Chauhan.

Someone has rightly said that the most beautiful flowers of the garden are the first to be plucked.

She gave me a new hope of life.

She had taught me to laugh again.

She was only one with whom I never had these insecure experiences.

When I came to know about this, I felt as if someone had taken my heart out of my chest.

She was with me until a few hours before her death.

She taught me that even after enduring everything, we should smile for those who smile because of us.

"She was a very nice woman." Preeti placed a hand on my shoulder and said.

My attention turned to tea which had turned black after simmering. I immediately gasped it down.

"I'll make another tea." I said without looking at her.

If I had looked at her, I might not have stopped my tears.

Is life so cruel with everyone?

I was waiting for my flight at the Kheria Airport in Agra.

My flight will take off in half an hour.

I do not know when I will come back here. What is my left here now?

Now this place will only give me pain and sorrow.

I heard the flight announcement and stood up.
no one's POV

"There should be no shortage of any kind. He should not feel at all that we have not worked properly in his absence. He will first ask for all the reports of the last 1 month as soon as he comes. Prepare all the files in alphabetical order. His cabin should be well cleaned. "

"Yes ma'am." Everyone said in one voice.

Jia was explaining everything to the hotel staff.

She was very excited because she was going to meet Arihant many days later. She also did not want any kind of lack in preparation.

She enters into Arihant's cabin where Naveen was working on a laptop. He stood up as he saw Jia.

"good Morning mam." he said.

Jia nodded "Are all accounts in the last 1 month clear?" He asked Naveen.

"Yes mam. Work is just about to done. I'm tallying the balance." He gave Jia a file and said.

Jia opened the file and looked at each of its pages carefully.

"Very good Naveen. I hope Arihant will not be able to find any fault in your work." She threw the file on the table.

"Don't you worry mam. Boss won't feel like we haven't taken care of the hotel behind his back." He tried to convince her.

"Exactly. Make sure it happens. By the way, have you ordered his favorite flowers?" Jia asked hastily.

Naveen laughed a bit.

"Mam. Please be relaxed for a while. Everything is up. Don't worry."

Upon hearing this, Jia's breath came again.

That's when Jia's phone rings.

"It's driver's call. I sent him to the airport to receive Arihant." Jia told Naveen.

Jia picks up the call.

"Hello. How long are you two going to get here?" Jia asked the driver desperately.

"Madam. Sir has not come." The driver told him.

"what?" Jia is not sure what she heard.

"What do you mean he didn't come? Find him properly. He'll be there somewhere." Jia shouted at the driver.

"Madam, I have looked everywhere but I can not see him anywhere.." The driver tried to clarify.

"Then go and get your eyes treated." Jia angrily hits a hand on the table.

"Madam, I am telling the truth. I think he left before I came here." The driver suggested.

"Are you out of your mind? You have been waiting there for 2 hours before the flight's take off time. How can it be that he arrives at the airport before you?" She gets more angry at the driver's stupidity and angrily disconnects the phone.

Her face was clear of irritation and disappointment.

Naveen was listening to all this and he understood what had happened. He immediately checked the flight timings on the Internet.

"Mam. Flight took off at the right time." He confirmed.

Jia turned angrily and looked at him.

"If the flight took off at the right time, then where did Arihant go?"

Jia took a deep breath and she sat on the couch.

She made a lot of preparations to welcome Arihant. She was very happy and excited. She did all the arrangements with great enthusiasm.

"Mam. If that's the case then he might not have taken a flight." Naveen stated the feasibility.

Upon hearing this, Jia immediately came into a state of caution.

She immediately called Arihant.

"Pick up the phone. Please pick up the phone." She was whispering in a low voice but he did not pick up the phone.

Jia tried three or four times but Arihant did not pick up the call even once.

He was very angry.

Naveen also became uncomfortable seeing her anger.

Naveen could not understand what he would say to Jia to calm his anger. "May I bring water for you?" Naveen asked.

"Do hell with your water." She screamed at him as if she is going to eat him up.

Naveen stood there silently keeping a finger on his lips.

She was about to throw her phone in anger, when that phone started ringing. She saw it was Arihant's call.

She immediately picked up the call.

"Hello. Where are you? Do you even know how upset I am here? Driver was saying that you did not meet him at the airport. He must not have found you properly. I am coming myself to pick you up." Jia said quickly in one breath.

"Your driver is not mistaken . I did not meet him at the airport because I did not reach there." Arihant replied in a calm voice.

Upon hearing this, Jia was absolutely confused and could not understand anything.

"Why didn't you reach the airport?" Jia broke each word.

"Because I didn't even take the flight." Arihant told him.

"What? But why and where are you right now?" Jia asked furiously.

"I'm where I need to be." Arihant's voice was absolutely calm.

"Why don't you tell me where you are?"
She asked desperately.

"Don't you worry. I'll be back very soon." Saying this, Arihant disconnected the phone.


"Hello? Arihant?" Jia screamed and threw her phone and broke it literally.

Naveen stood in the corner in fear and was staring at jia.

Arihant's POV

I do not know why I came here today.

I don't even know what my motive is for coming here today.

But if I did not come here, I would probably regret my whole life.

I felt that there was nothing left for me here. But I was leaving here unfinished work that no one else could do except me.

I am currently standing in front of a house. The house is quite small but worth a small family stay. There is a very lovely courtyard in front of the house.

I made my move towards the main gate of this house. My steps were very slow. Perhaps I wanted to observe everything here. As I was nearing the gate, the smell of beautiful flowers in the courtyard was growing.

I opened the gate and went inside.  There was a very beautiful garden in a small corner of the courtyard.  There were many types of flowers in this garden.  Along with the flowers, there were also plants of coriander, mint, aloe vera.  There was also a lemon tree.

It's been a long time to see it all.  I was watching all this when a girl walks out the door.

She moved towards me as soon as I saw her.

She was wearing a brown color saree.

This is definitely aarti.

"Yes, whom do you want to meet?" She asked me.

"Are you Aarti?"  I asked her.

"No but have you come to meet Aarti?"

"Yes. I am Arihant Chauhan."  I told her.

As soon as she heard my name, her eyes grew big and a slight smile came on her face.  "Oh! You are the son of Mrs Chauhan. No?"  She confirmed.

I smiled a little.  "Yes."

"Uncle, Auntie. Look who has come."  She stood there and gave a loud voice inside the house.  She looked at me.  "I am Preeti. Aarti's best friend. Please, come in."  He gestured for me to come in.

"Sure." I nodded.

She led the way for me.

She introduced me to Aarti's parents.  They asked me to sit.  They did all the formalities what we usually do for our guests.

"She was a very generous lady."  Her father said.

"She helped her daughter a lot. If someone else was in her place, she would never do all this much for Aarti."  His mother said keeping a tray of tea.

I could not understand how to talk to them.

"Uncle. I have come here to meet Aarti. Please call her if she is at home."  I thought it was right not to draw too much.

Both of them looked at each other.

"Don't mind but can I know what work you have with Aarti?"  His father asked.

If I were instead, I would probably do the same.

"Uncle, actually..............".

"Mummy, I brought the vegetable."  I heard someone from behind.  "Tomatoes were very expensive, that's why I brought only half a kilo."

"Aarti has arrived."  Preeti said.

I looked back.
When an event starts happening again and again, they become a coincidence.

But when coincidences start happening again and again, it becomes destiny.

I never thought that these coincidences would connect me to this girl like this.

Life is so strange too. We go on a path and we do not even know what new beginning awaits us at the next turn. We think that we have made the best plans for our lives. But somewhere, the truth is that life make plans for us.


Till date I had only heard this name.

The picture which was  blurred in front of me, now I am seeing clearly.

A 26 year old girl standing in front of me in pistachio color saree.  Her hair is tied in a ponytail and there is a small black dot right in the middle of her eyebrows.  She has a watch in her left wrist and a white colored bracelet in the right one.

It would be a lie if I say that I am not surprised to see her here.

She was looking at me with unaware eyes.

Has she not recognized me?

"He has come to see you."  Preeti said.

Her mother took a bag of vegetables from her hand and went inside.

"Hello" she said joining her hand.  "Sorry but I have not recognized you."

She really has not recognized me.

Probably yes, because she was not in a position to identify even herself that day.

"I am Arihant."  I told her my name.

"Arihant Chauhan?"  She confirmed.

"Yes. He is Mrs Chauhan's son. And he wants to talk to you."  Her father said.

Then the electricity of the house went away and the fan stopped.

"This electricity. Despite paying bills on time, these people do not provide electricity."  Preeti started murmuring.

"I think both of you should go and talk in the garden. It is very hot here and there is no electricity for the next 2 hours."  Preeti suggested.

"Yes. I also have some work outside the house. I'll be there in half an hour."  Her father picked up some books and went outside the house.

I looked at Aarti.

How can she  forget me so easily. I helped her so much.

"Preeti will take you to the garden. I will be there shortly."  Saying this, she went inside the house.

"Come."  Preeti said.

She took me to the garden.  "If you don't mind then may I ask something?"  She asked.

"Yes. Ask."

"Why have you come to meet Aarti? You don't even know as far as I know."  She asked.

"I think you should ask your friend later."  I thought it was right not to tell her anything.

"That's fine too."  She said smiling but her smile was also very uncomfortable.  I also laughed a little with her.

Aarti arrived in no time.  And soon after that, Preeti left from there.

Neither of us spoke anything for a while.  To be honest, this situation was very awkward.

"I know that you must be thinking why I have come to see you after the death of your mother."  I started talking.

"I know I shouldn't think like that but this is the question in my mind."  She accepted honestly.

"Maybe you have not recognized me." I hope that after saying so, she will definitely remember me.

She looked at me as if she was trying to identify me.

"Have we ever met before?"  She then looked at me with questioning eyes.

I understood that she does not remember me at all.

If she does not remember anything, it is better that I do not remind her anything.

I smiled.  "No. We have never met before."

Her eyes that were still trying to identify me, bent down.

"I have come here to request you something."  I should talk without losing time.

"I didn't understand anything."  She said.

"I was scheduled to go back to Delhi today. I also reached the airport to take a flight. But then I remembered that I had a very important job left here. I can't go anywhere without completing it."

"So will your unfinished work be completed here?"  She definitely said it without thinking.  I somehow got over my smile.

"Yes. And no one else can accomplish this task except you."

She smiled.  "I don't think I am of any use to you. I couldn't do anything for Mrs Chauhan while she was alive, but now if I can help you any more, I will consider myself fortunate."

My mother really loved her.

"My mother had asked me for something that I could not give her before she died. She wanted me to do something but I did not, which I still regret. But you can end this regret."

Her facial expressions were clearly telling that she did not understand anything.

"What can I do?"  She asked.

"She wanted you to do a job under me. It was her last wish."

She had tears in his eyes and leaned her head down slightly.  "She loved me very much. She always wanted to see me happy. My pain was never seen by her. She was very passionate about me. Perhaps that is why she would have made such a demand for you, otherwise  I'm not qualified nor so talented. I think you don't need to pay too much attention to it. "

Thank God.

This girl is very much sensible for my expectation.  She knows her reality and also accepts it.  Perhaps this was the reason my mother fought me for her with me.

"You're right. Don't mind, but I thought the same thing and thinking about it, I refused it. But now the question is not about your qualification or my will. This question is about my mother's last wish. Joe  If it is not fulfilled, I will never be able to sleep peacefully. To be honest, if you accept this, I will be grateful to you for the whole life. The burden of not fulfilling my mother's last wish is always be left on my heart to bear. If you say yes to this proposal today, I assure you that you will not regret it. "

She was listening to me carefully.

"I might not regret it but you will definitely regret it. You don't know about me."

"I know everything."  I immediately said.  "I know you're just a school pass out. You haven't even graduated and you don't have any other experience than teaching kids. But these things matter when we want to make a profit.  I am not expecting any benefit from you. I want peace. And I will get this peace only when I can fulfill my mother's last wish." I tried to make her understand.

"Thank you so much that you think I deserve this but I don't think I will be able to live up to your expectations. I don't believe in myself."  She tried to deny it.

"I don't believe either. But I trust my mother's trust."  She looked carefully at me as if she was trying to understand something.

Perhaps the same questions are going on in her mind whether he should accept this offer or not.

"Aarti, my mother loved you very much. And I know that you respect her very much. If my mother was alive today, I would be very happy to see you working in my hotel. It is not a compulsion nor  I'm blackmailing you emotionally. Think about it. You think about it well and tell me after some time. "

She took a deep breath.

"What if I say no?"  She asked.

"Then I will understand that my mother has instilled faith and love on a wrong girl."  Hearing this, his eyes became big.  I looked down with a slight head bow.  "Do not mind."  I raised my head and looked at him confidently.  "But my mother had great faith in you. She considered you very talented. She used to think that you only need one chance and if you get that chance then you can make your life a million times better. Today  This opportunity is in front of you, Aarti. If you let this opportunity slip from your hand today, then you might not regret it but my mother's trust will prove to be false. She wanted to make you a fighter. She saw a fire in you. If you do not make the right decision today, I will understand that you have never loved my mother. Now it is up to you to decide what you want to do. "

It was clear from her face that she was going through a strange way.

She was unable to say yes to me and neither could she refuse.

"I will wait for your reply. I have sent a message to your number. Call me if you change your mind."

I left from there.

After she refused, what I said to her, I did not mean even a single word.

But I had to say all this because I was desperate to give her a job.  Not because I trust her but because it was my mother's last wish.

This was the last thing she had me for.

  I know that what I did is wrong.  I have tried to manipulate him.  I am not a human being like this at all but I had no other choice.  As nervous as she was, I didn't think she was going to say yes.

But I wanted her yes.

It is to be seen now how deeply my words have affected her.
Aarti's POV

I was watering the plants in the garden.  But Mr. Chauhan's words were in my mind.  Initially, I was very sure that I do not want to accept his offer but when he spoke about Mrs. Chauhan's last wish, I doubted my surety.

"Are you still thinking about Arihant?"  Preeti asked.

"Yes, but I do not understand anything,"  I told him.

"What's not to understand in this? He has  made a proposal. Now it is up to you whether you have to accept it or not."  Preeti found me a bit strange.

"I don't understand whether to accept it or not."  I tried to explain my agony.

"Reason is required to do anything. You just have to make those reasons. And your decision will be in front of you."  Her words made me stare at her.

"What happened? Why are you looking me like this?"  She asked uneasily.

I smiled.  "I see how sensible you are talking."  I gave her compliment.

She also had a slight smile on her face.  "This is the illusion of time. Time itself makes a person big and sensible."  he said.

"No. Time never develops us. It is these experiences that make us bigger and smarter. Then it doesn't matter what our age is."  I started seeing glimpses of past experiences.

I did not notice how long I have been pouring water in the same bed.

"Wait. Let me turn off the tap."  Preeti turned off the tap.  I folded the pipe.

"I think you should accept his offer."  Preeti suggested.

"I feel the same way but there are some problems due to which I am not able to move forward."  I shared my dilemma with her.

She placed a hand on my shoulder.  "Aarti, there will always be problems coming in life. But we should take some decisions considering the fragility of time."  Preeti said.

I gave her no answer because I had nothing to speak for.  I knew that Preeti is right but she is thinking only about me and I have to think about my family as well.

"Whatever you decide, I am with you."  Preeti said.

I just nodded.

I saw purse on her shoulder.  "Are you going somewhere?"  I asked her.

"Yes. My mother-in-law had called. She was saying that her grandson had been crying for his mother since noon."  She said with a laugh.

"Then I will not stop you at all otherwise I would not have let you go today."  I told her.

"I wouldn't go myself."

She looked at the clock.  "Now I should go, otherwise my mother-in-law would say that she started playing house to house with her friend."  We both laughed out loud.

"Call me as soon as you get home."  I told him.

"Absolutely. But please remember my point before taking any decision."  Shr reminded me again.

"absolutely."  I assured her.

I have become more confused since Preeti's departure.  What Priti said was also right, but how can I accept this offer.

I have not received this proposal because of my ability.

Doing a job means that we are eligible to do that work but I have neither degree nor experience.

The foundation of this opportunity is just mercy.

But I cannot ignore Mrs. Chauhan's last wish.  If she were alive, I would not even think of accepting this proposal.  Let alone accepting it.

My whole family and I were having dinner at the dining table.  I was not yet able to decide what I should do.

"What happened Aarti? Why are you not eating food?"  My Mother asked.

"I am eating."  To show her, I put the morsel in the mouth, but the truth was that I was not focused on food.

"You are not eating properly. How long it is and yet you have not eaten even a single bread. What's the matter? Everything is fine, isn't it?"  Mummy expressed concern.

"Yes Mummy. Everything is fine. Don't you worry."  I assured him.

"No. Your mother is right. You are lost a lot for the whole day. If there is anything, tell us."  Father asked.

"No papa. There is no such thing and if it is, I will definitely tell you both. be relaxed."  I explained to both of them, but there was still turmoil in my mind.

"Oh yes. I forgot to ask. What did Arihant say?"  Father asked.

"Yes. What did he say to you? You've been thinking about something since he left."  Mother told father serving him bread.

"Really? But he seemed a gentleman. I had no idea that he had come here to upset my daughter."  There was a slight anger in Papa's voice.

"That is not what I expected. Mrs. Chauhan was such a nice woman. I had absolutely no hope that her son would do something like this."  Mummy also expressed her doubt.

"No dad. There is no such thing. In fact, he came here to help us."  I gave them a small hint.

"what help?"  Mother asked.

I took a long breath.  "Papa, mummy. He wants me to work in his hotel."

"What? What did you say?"  Papa had listened but wanted to be sure.

"But how can you work in a hotel? You neither have a hotel management degree nor have you worked at any such place before."  Papa said.

"Absolutely. And then how did he think of giving you this job offer?"

My parents started to exaggerate.

"Mummy, Papa. First of all, both of you should calm down and you don't need to increase your blood pressure. Both of you should finish your meal first and then we'll talk about it."  I told them


"Papa please."  I interrupted.

Both of them started eating after obeying me.  But concern and questions were clearly visible on his face.  I could not understand what they were worried about.

Probably because now there is not enough courage in them to see me in any other trouble.  If any new incident happens in my life, then my parents get worried very quickly.

He was eating but there was no sign of comfort on his face.  Seeing their haste, I understood how eager these two are to talk to me.

"You want to say that he gave you this proposal because of the last wish of the Mrs Chauhan."  Papa sounded as if he was investigating.

"Yes Papa."

"So are you thinking of accepting his offer?"  My mother asked, looking carefully at me.

"I don't understand what to do."  I shared my dilemma with him.

"What do you think? What should you do?"  My father asked in a soft and slow voice.

"Papa. On the one hand my mind tells me that I should not accept this proposal because it is a job offer. For which I am not eligible. There are so many people out there more qualified and experienced than me."  I don't deserve this job. "  I told him honestly.

"So have you taken the contract for the whole world?"  Mummy commented.

"What are you saying?"  My father said fretfully my mother.

"What am I speaking wrong? Your daughter is letting the opportunity go that has come before her because she is worried about deserving, qualified and experienced people from all over the world. Ask her to think about herself. "  My mother said while swinging hands in the air.

"Mummy, isn't this all about money?"  I showed my mother eyes.

My mother frowned.  "So what do you think I'm talking about money? Have you considered me so greedy?"

Now I realize my mistake.

"I'm sorry mommy. Please don't be angry. I didn't mean that."  I wanted to convince my mother.

She smiled.

Thank God.

"Your mother is right. It is not just about money. We can never forget how much Mrs. Chauhan helped us in our difficult times. We did not even have a lawyer for your case. She has done a lot of things. She also has many favors for us. We could not do anything for her, but if we are getting a chance after her death, then we should not lose it. "  Papa said.

My father is really thankful to the Mrs Chauhan and me too.

"Thinking this, I am not able to say 'No'."  My head bowed down and the voice also slowed down.

"Don't say. I think you should accept this offer."  My mother was quite determined about this.

I looked at father who gestured for me to remain calm.  "We will consider your suggestion. Go for now and bring me a glass of water."  Papa told his mother.

"I have no place in this house. No one takes me seriously."  My mother murmured and went to the kitchen.

"No need to pay attention to your mother. You just tell me what you are thinking?"  Father asked.

"Papa. I want to accept this offer but there are some problems that are preventing me from doing so. There are some doubts that need to be clarified."  I spoke my mind.

"as U like."  My father said, placing my hand on my head.

Hope that my decision will be proved right.

Arihant's POV

Why hasn't she called yet?

By now his phone should have come.

Is she thinking about saying no to my proposal?


This cannot be possible.

I do not think that after my emotional blackmailing there will be a thought in her mind of denial.

And even if she refuses then it means that she did not deserve my mother's love.

The girl was a diamond in my mother's eyes.  Now it's my turn to test that diamond.

My phone rang.  It was Aarti's call.

I would have felt very bad if his call had not come.  Not because it would have denied me but because my mother had great faith in her.  If she did not call today, I would have to believe that my mother has been made an emotional fool.

"Hello Aarti" I picked up the phone.

"Can we meet?"  She asked.

"Yes. Of course."  I answered.

"May I come to your house tomorrow evening?"  She asked.

I thought for a while.  "No. If possible, come at 9:00 in the morning. Is that ok with you?"  I said.


She hung up.
Someone knocked.


The servant opened the door and came inside.

"Aarti Didi has arrived. She is waiting for you in the hall."  She informed me.

so early.

But it is not even full time.

"Okay. Make her comfortable. I'm coming in a while."  I instructed him.

I went to the hall where Aarti was already waiting for me.

"Good Morning Aarti".

She stood up listening to my voice.  "good morning sir."  he said.

"Please have a seat."

She sat down.

The servant brought tea.  "How are you Aarti Didi?"  He asked Aarti.

"I'm fine Uncle. How are you?"  Aarti also asked with a smile.

"It's been so long since you last visited"  He said making tea.


Is she so friendly with my housemaids too?

He made me tea and then started making it for Aarti.  He gave tea to Aarti which did not contain sugar.

"Maybe you forgot to add sugar."  I pointed out.

He gave the saucer to Aarti.  " She doesn't take sugar."  He said and went away.

Aarti took Sausar from him and placed it on the table.

"If you have come here, I assume that you have accepted my proposal."  I started talking.

"Kind of. But I have some problems. I have some doubts that I want to clear first."

My eyebrows frowned in confusion.  "What kind of doubts?"  I asked.

"Mrs. Chauhan told me that you have two hotels in Mathura and one in Delhi. I want to know which hotel I will be working in?"  He asked.  She was repeatedly tilting her eyes down.

"Most probably Delhi. Because I mostly stay thete. I have full staff in Mathura but I need people in Delhi."  I told her clearly.

She got into some thinking.

"What happened? Is there a problem?"  I asked

"Actually, I wanted to know if it is possible for me to work in your hotel in Mathura?"  He asked.

Job is a job.

Whether it is Mathura or Delhi, what  difference does it make!

"It is possible, but it would be better if you come to Delhi with me. The purpose of giving you this job can be accomplished there only."  I tried to make her understand.

"Thank you very much but I feel that I cannot leave Mathura."  She was still not looking at me.

"Why?"  I immediately asked.

"Because my family is here. They need me. My father has health issues and there are many things my mother cannot do without me. I want to be with my family so that I can take care of them."  "

I appreciate her honesty and the way she kept herself clearly but am I not the boss here?

These kind of decisions are for me to make.

I'm probably not the boss here because it's not a job.  I have to do all this for my mother's last wish. She did not want Aarti to have any problem and I too have to take care of it the most.

"How many people are there in your family?"  I asked

"We are four. My mother, my father, my younger sister and me."  He said with a light smile.

"Your sister? But as far as I remember, I saw your friend at your house."  I asked

"She is my best friend. Preeti. My sister studies in boarding school in Dehradun."  he told.

"Ohh. That's great."

I thought for a while.

"Aarti. I think you should come to Delhi but I can understand your concern towards your family. That is why I will not insist on you. If you want to work in Mathura branch then this is right."  I agreed to it.

A bright smile hit her face.  "Thank you sir."

She stood up.  And I also stood with him.  "Can I join tomorrow?"  He asked.

"Absolutely. I'll pick you up from your house tomorrow. Then we'll go to the hotel together."  I suggested

On hearing this, his facial expressions changed.

"Thank you but there is no need for that. I know the address of your hotel. You tell me the time. I will come myself." She said.

What is the matter with her!

"As you wish. It's 10:00 a.m."

She nodded and walked towards the exit.

Suddenly she turned.  "I want to ask you one thing."


"Where did you get my number?"

I laughed at her question.  "The way I got your address."  I answered.

She looked everywhere but me.  She must have felt uneasy.

"Come on Aarti. We are living in the 21st century. In today's era, it is not a big deal to arrange someone's phone number."  I said.

He looked at me and smiled very lightly.  "I understand. But if you want to know anything about me, I would appreciate that you ask me yourself."  he said.

There was a strange warning in his voice.

As if she wants to tell me that the connection between us will always be professional and I should never try to cross it.

But why would I think of doing this.

Perhaps this girl thinks too much.

But I could not think of any answer to her.

I just kept watching her go.

I got the address office hotel last evening itself. Although I didn't have much certificates and diplomas but still I prepared with whatever I had. It's not going to be like a typical interview then why am I so nervous.

You are not nervous. You are embarrassed because you know that you are not going to get this job out of your capabilities. It's nothing but just Mrs Chauhan's mercy.

This is not mercy. Why don't everyone get this kind of mercy? You must have something in you. This is why she loved you this much.

I didn't know that how much right it is to think this way but I just want to see the brighter side right now.

I took my bag and documents.

"Mummy, I am leaving for the hotel." I called my mother walking out of my room.

My mother came running to me with a bowl of yoghurt with sugar in her hand.

" Wait. First have it." She said feeding a spoon of yoghurt in my mouth.

"Hummm. Mummy. It's not like I am going to give a real interview or any exam. This is just a formality." I said rolling my eyes.

I genuinely could not understand her excitement.

"So what if it is just a formality? My daughter is going to get a real job for the first time." She said in excitement.

"There is nothing to get excited." I said in monotonous tone.

"That's what you think. Think whatever you want to but don't ruin my moment of happiness." My mother scolded me.

I smiled at her childishness.

I looked around. "Where is papa?" I asked her. "Isn't he going to wish me luck?" It teased her.

"Huh! I asked him to stay at home by the time you leave but when does he listen to me." She said.

I looked down.

Somewhere, I knew to his reason of not being present here.

"Don't worry about him. He must have some very important work otherwise he would have definitely been here to cheer you up." My mother kept her hand on my shoulder. She must have sensed my sadness.

But wait!

Cheer me up?


But who can argue with Indian mothers!

"I'll get going. Otherwise I'm going to be late." I said.

"Sure. Go go." My mother side in hurry.

I walked out of the house.

"All the best. I know you will be at your best. I love you." She gave me a very loud voice from behind.

I couldn't help but smile at her excitement. It seems as if she is the one who is going to get the job.

I reached at the given address. This hotel was one of the best hotels in whole Mathura. This hotel was established around ten years back. In these ten years, it has been flourished very well under Mr Chauhan's shelter. I had heard a lot about this hotel but had never been here. This is the first time when I am actually seeing it. It is is a very large building. It has probably nine floors or maybe even more. I didn't even count. It's not like I didn't want to but I shall have plenty of time to do that.

I entered in hotel. I have called Mr Chauhan several times to know his time of arrival but he didn't pick up call. I was thinking to call him again but then I thought that I have already called so many times. It wouldn't look fine if I will call him again and again and he gets bothered.

I saw or uncountable people walking around me. I didn't know where to go from here now. I said on on the sofa kept in the lounge. I decided to wait for Mr Chauhan for sometime.

It has been more than half an hour but he has not come yet. What if he might have come and I couldn't see him. I decided to ask on reception. I stood up and walked towards reception.

"Hello" I said to the girl who was probably receptionist.

"Hello mam. How may I help you?" She asked.

"Actually, I am here to see Mr Arihant Chauhan. Is he in?" I asked.

"No mam. Sir has not come yet." She said smilingly.

"Ok" I thought for a while.

He said that he would inform in his hotel about my arrival. He must have informed them.

"Mam. Do you have appointment?" She asked.

"No." I hesitated. "Are you being informed about Aarti Sharma?" I asked her reluctantly.

"By whom?" She asked as if she has no idea.

"By Mr Chauhan." I told her waiting for her answer.

"Let me check first." She excused. She did something in her laptop by pressing few keys on keyboard.

I was waiting impatiently.

Why are you scared? Why are you feeling so eager?

it doesn't matter whether I want to accept it or not. But I cannot run away from this fact that I am scared.

What if he has changed his mind?

"No mam. There is no such name mentioned by sir in today's schedule." She said.

That's where my fear became reality.

"Have you checked properly? Are you sure that you are not mistaken?" I asked her again.

"Yes mam. I am very much sure." She sounded very sure.

I didn't have anything else to say now.

I didn't have anything left to do now.

He knew that I was about to come today. He neither informed about me here nor he came himself.

I left from there and took an auto rickshaw to his home. I reached there within 15 minutes. I found one of his servants outside only. He already knew me.

"Hello didi. How are you?"he asked coming close to me.

"I am fine bhaiya. How are you?" I asked him. I tried very hard to smile but my lips were not helping me.

" I am fine too. Come inside." He said gesturing path ahead to the main door.

"No bhaiya. I am all fine here. Can you tell me if Mr Chauhan is inside?" I asked him.

I was hoping him to be inside.

"No didi. He is not there." He informed me.

"What? Where has he gone? When will he be back?" I asked him.

"He won't come back today. Actually he has gone back to Delhi." He said waving his hand in air.

"Delhi? Why?" I asked him in this disbelief.

"I don't know that much. Only said that he was going back ok and instructed me to take care of the house behind him." He said.

If he was really going to leave for Delhi then I couldn't he inform me?

What kind of person he is?

He had made a commitment to me. How could he be so ignorant?

Is this what his work ethics are about?

"Didi. Please come inside." Gardener said again.

Tears were brimming in my eyes.

"No. I can't come in." I said.

"Didi. Please come in. If badi malkin was alive then she would not like your not coming in." He requested.


Why Mrs Chauhan is always there?

"My right of coming in the house without anyone's approval has gone with her. I can't go in this house without its owner's permission now." I said and immediately left from there.

I felt insulted.

I felt humiliated.

If it was so urgent for him to leave then couldn't he at least inform me?

Why would he inform you?

Who are you?

He came because of his mother's pity on you. Did you really considered yourself someone important enough to him being informed?

I never considered myself important to him.

I know my place very well but I was not the one who asked for his help.

He came to my home with his own will. He asked me to join his workplace.

So what if he did?


So what if he did!

He is no one to be questioned in this scenario.

I should have been sensible enough to understand law of this world.

How could I expect everything to go smooth now onwards?

How could I expect that I won't have to face any humiliation now?

Who the hell even am I to be acknowledged?

Learn Aarti


These are lessons.

Learn them.

I reached my home. My feet were heavy. I kept my bag on the dining table and drank water which was already kept there.

"Aarti?" My mother came running to me with excitement.

I sat on the chair.

"How did it go? Everything was fine. Wasn't it? I knew you will rock it." She sounded gleeful.

"But why have you come so early? Has he given you today's off?" She asked. She still had her smile on.

I wiped my tears not letting her see me. I looked at her with a tired face. "I didn't like it." I said averting my eyes.

"What? What did you say?" She said in disbelief.

"I said I left because I didn't like it there." I drank water again.

"What do you mean that you didn't like it? What is there not to like about?" She almost yelled.

"When she is saying that she didn't like it then what is the point of arguing now?" I heard my father's loud voice.

My mother and I turned. He came to us.

"There must be something not suitable for her. Will you stop bugging her?" He was kind of scolding her.

"Papa. Please don't scream at her. I am talking."I tried to calm him down.

"How can I not scream? Are you even looking at her? She is not listening to you at all." He said pointing towards my mother.

"I am just asking. Can't I even ask now?" She defended herself.

"No. You can't. This has become your habit of pushing things unreasonably. I don't think you could let her go if I would have not interrupted." He was scolding her.

I didn't understand his behaviour at all. This is not how he reacts usually.

I looked at my mother who is throat was dry as she gulped very hard. Her face was telling that how hard she was trying to control her tears. She closed her eyes. Two very heavy tears shed from both of her eyes. She opened them and looked at my father intensly.

"Even if I was asking. Even if I was pushing then what is wrong in that. It was a great job for her. She would get lots of new things to learn. She would get many new opportunities. If I want her to move ahead, then what is wrong in this." She yelled this time.

Very loudly.

Even my father stunned at her but he didn't show it.

"There is nothing wrong in wanting good for your daughter. But if she is saying that she didn't like it then you must acknowledge her choice too." He said calmly.

"You didn't even let me complete and jumped on conclusion that I was pressurizing her." She had tears in her eyes.

My father couldn't understand of anything to speak.

"I was just talking to her. Why do you think that I don't care for her anymore? Do you have any idea that how much I have raised my girl all those years when you were busy in screaming at me for not making her disciplined enough. You always blamed me whenever she didn't hold any rank in her class. You held me responsible for her introvert nature. You never let me give her permission to do what she wants. Whenever I tried to make you understand her wishes, you made me shut up by saying that I should be sensible enough to know the ways of bringing an ideal daughter up. You always came home in the evening and inspect whatever I made your daughter do all day long. But it was only me who knew that how I made that happen. It was me with her every time whenever she cried because you didn't let her participate in dance. It was me who made her understand that if you didn't let her go on school trip then it is for her good. It was me who brought her up in such a way that she endured everything in her in laws home so that your health would not get affected. You never give importance to her wishes all life long. And today you are pretending to be her savior." My mother was screaming at top of her lungs.

My father and even I were stunned seeing her like this. Her breaths were very heavy and fast. She was trying to catch her breath.

"Mummy" I held her shoulders and made her sit on the chair. She was still breathless. She started crying out loud. I didn't even realise when I had tears in my eyes. I stretched my hand to get the glass of water. "Mummy, drink water first." She didn't listen me. "I am sorry Aarti. I am really very sorry. I was not able to save you. I know that I should have been strong enough to go against your father when he was getting you married." She spoke while crying.

"Mummy, first have water." I made my mother drink water with my hands. I kept the glass again on table when she was done.

"I asked your father to not to get you married so soon. I told him to let you finish your study first. I am sorry beta. I should have been more adamant." She said weeping. This was a very big shock for me.

As far as I remember, my mother was the one who fought with me when I asked them to not to give dowry. I looked at my father who averted his eyes away.

I understood that it was not my mother. All my life, I thought that my mother is the one who has always pressurized me.

But no.

It was always my father.

It has always been him.

My mother always spoke his words.

He always made my mother the 'bad one' in my eyes.

Arihant's POV

Today, my years of hard work are falling apart before my eyes but I am not able to do anything. My head is spinning .I can see everything blurred. I have a pen in my hands but still my hands are trembling.

"Sir, we have tried our best but we could not reach him yet." Naveen said.

My whole accounts department staff was standing in right front of me. But I was not seeing any of them. Because if I saw them, I would probably lose control of myself. And at this time,it is very important to keep my patience.

"Si.. sir, we had tallied accounts so many times before discharging those cheques. I really don't have any idea that how come we didn't catch such a blunder."

I closed my eyes tightly. I wish I could close my ears too but I will have to listen to all these excuses.

"Sir, I had asked Anamika to confirm it from the bank. But she didn't pay any attention to it." Jagat spoke.

Anamika her head to see Jagat. "What do you want to say? That it is all my fault?" Anamika retaliated.

"What he means is that you should have confirmed it from the bank. That's it. There is nothing to get offended about." Piyush took Jagat's side.

"Oh really? Then why didn't you do that?" Anamika said sarcastically.

"Because I didn't know that you are that dumb." Piyush answered her back.

Look, this is my staff. I left my entire hotel in trust of these people. And these people left no stone unturned to mix my work in the soil. Everyone's fault was somewhere in what happened, but no one is willing to admit their mistake. All of them are blaming each other like I don't understand anything.

My business partner, Patel. He has run away with all my money. No one has any idea where he will be right now. I was in this partnership with him for the last 5 years. I knew his nature well but I never gave him a chance to do any tricks.


Only once, I left my work to others and he took advantage of this opportunity to stab me on my back.

These people who are fighting to hide their mistakes here. None of them realize that no matter who made the mistake, I will have to pay the price.

They are not even apologizing.

I looked at Mr Ravindra. He is an old aged man. He has been working in my hotels since its initial days. He was standing with his head bowed.

"Don't you have anything to say Mr Ravindra?" I asked him.

He signed. "What shall I say. I have nothing left to say. I have not been able to say anything. You trusted us all and handed us the responsibilities. But we could not live up to that trust. You my want answer, but I don't have the courage to even look at you. " He said without looking at me. His head was still bowed.

"Then, should I understand that you are the only one who is accepting his mistake and you are responsible too?" I asked.

"Sir, he is the one who look after all the paperwork. He puts his stamp eventually on everything we sanction." Piyush said.

Like seriously.

Please, leave this old man at least.

"Of course but I think you are forgetting that he doesn't interfere in your work when you say that you have checked everything on your computer and there is no need to study the hard copies. It's all good because a human eyes can never catch what a computer software does." Ayesha spoke for Mr Ravindra.

"What do you want to say? Han?" Piyush asked seriously.

"Have you learnt any sentence other than this?" Ayesha rolled her eyes.


"Enough." I didn't let Piyush to complete.

I could not tolerate the nonsense of these people anymore.

"Leave. Just leave all of you." I said trying hard to keep myself calm.

Everyone headed towards exit. Ayesha was the last one in the queue.

"Ayesha?" I called to stop her. She stopped and turned her face to me.

"Yes sir?" She asked.

All had gone out of the room by now.

"How is Vikrant? I hope he is doing well." I asked her.

I never thought I would ask such questions to Ayesha but I couldn't help myself suspicion.

She seemed uneasy which was expected.

"He is fine, sir." She answered.

I smiled. "He must be and even better after knowing about this disaster." I said and tried to read her face.

"I can smell your suspicion for me." Ayesha said looking down but not for so long.

"Did I really sound suspicious of you?" I pretended to be oblivious.

She signed. "I always knew that you lack trust in me but I had never thought that you would be so blunt about it."

I rested my back on chair. "If I didn't trust you then I would have never shown my suspicion right on your face. I would have used other resources to find out. If I am asking you something directly then it means that I may not trust you but I want to trust you and this is your chance to build that trust."

She looked nervous. She was scared. She looked down for a while as if she was thinking about something intensely.

"My father works there. He will be in trouble." She said. Her fingers were entangled among each other in nervousness.

"He will always have my back." I said trying to convince her.

"What if you want to be able to?" She asked.

I would have gotten offended if someone else had said this but I could not blame her for this.

She is a daughter. She definitely doesn't want her father being dragged in some unnecessary mess.

I looked around and then her. "You have been working with me for last three years. This current situation might make me look weak and easy to break right now but I hope you must have gained some experience about me in these three years." I said determinantly.

Sometimes, even I wonder that where do I get this patience from.

She still seemed to be in a turmoil.

"You know Ayesha. I am the man of my words. If I am saying that your father has got my back and I won't let any trouble even touch him then trust me. I shall make sure of it.

She looked at me. Her face was radiating her effort to trust on me.

No one's POV

Ayesha got out of Arihant's cabin. She was on the way to her desk. Suddenly, Naveen caught her wrist.

"What are you doing?" Ayesha at home.

"Sshhhh. Just come with me." He hushed her and took her away from everyone where no one could hear them.

"What happened? Why have you brought me here? What's going on?" She asked him impatiently.

"This is what I was about to ask you. What is going on? What did Boss ask you?" Navin asked being even more impatient.

She rolled her eyes and folded her arms.

"Why are you so excited about it? What does it have to do with you?" She asked him back.

"Don't counter question me. Just answer what I am asking you." He said strictly.

"oh please! What do you think make me answerable to you?" She again answered back.

Navin calmed himself down. He knew that it is not easy to deal with a firecracker like Ayesha.

"No dear. But I am just curious that what could possibly boss has to talk to you in private." He asked faking a very a natural smile.

"And what is the reason behind this curiosity?" She asked and glared at him.

He was thinking of some excuse which was very evident for Ayesha to read on his face.

"Wait! I should have understood already. I can't believe this. You are still behaving as her pawn. Even after so much happened because of her carelessness." She sneered.

"I don't care what you think of me. I just want to know that what words did you have with boss." Navin was still so shameless.

Ayesha looked at him with disgust. "If you are so much curious then why don't you go and ask him yourself. I guess, that would be way a better for you to do because I am not going to tell you anything." She said adamantly.

He looked at her suspiciously.

"Did you tell him about her?" He asked her. More like, trying to confirm.

"Have some shame Naveen. Jiya has caused such a disaster here. She has ruined everything for boss and you are still on her side. Do you really think that if I won't tell anything to Boss then he wouldn't be able to find out?" Ayesha had tried so many times to explain Naveen earlier.

"I can handle all those sources which would lead him to truth." Navin sounded sure.

Ayesha laughed hard this time. "Really? If it is so then just find out what did I tell him."

She mocked him and was about to leave.

" Your boyfriend is waiting for you outside." Naveen said from behind. She turned to look at him. He looked at her. He had his pathetic grin on his face. "Boss's cabin's window is quite large enough to give view of around 1 km far. He must have seen him by now." Navin mocked her this time and left leaving her dumbstruck.

Her lips were pressed in line. She walked towards the main exit of the hotel furiously.

She opened the main door. She saw a man of 5 feet 11 inches height. He was in his late twenties. He was wearing jeans and normal but a very expensive jacket. He smiled at her as soon as he sees her. But she was still furious. They both walked to each other.

"You are looking so pretty." He complimented with a very warm smile.

"Thank you but didn't I tell you to not to come here ever?" She scolded him.

"Woaahh. Now I know why are you so pretty today. Your cheeks become more red and eyes more big when you are angry." He continued flirting with her.

She opened her mouth to say something. "As you didn't want me to come here, I am sure that you would not want to give him a show." He said gesturing his eyes to the window where Arihant was standing and watching them.

Ayesha didn't look up but understood his meaning.

"Then let's get into the car." She what towards the car, open the door of front seat herself and got seated.

Vikrant looked at Arihant without any expressions on his face. Ayesha noticed it.

"Are you coming or should I leave alone?" She gave him voice which brought him in the car.

Aarti's POV

I gave my mother another glass of water. She has not eaten anything since she had that encounter with my father.

"Mummy, Please have food first." I requested her.

She held my fist. "Aarti. Don't misunderstand me. I just vented my anger out thoughtlessly. I know I shouldn't have done that. You don't need to pay attention to it." She said with the trembling voice as if her life depends on it.

"Mummy, I have not misunderstood anything. We shall talk about this later but you need to eat first. Please." I said and kissed her knuckles.

I placed a small dining table in front of her and kept her meal on it. I fed her one morsel with my hands. She was chewing but I could tell that her mind was somewhere else. I stretched my hand to make her eat another one but she put my hand down.

"Aarti, don't misunderstand your father. Whatever I said it was just heat of the moment. I was very angry with him and vented it out just like that. I didn't mean anything. He loves you. He really does. Please don't misunderstand him. Please." She was pleading me.

Her words brought tears in my eyes. She has been through a lot throughout her life because of my father. Yet, she doesn't want him to be misunderstood or should I say rightly understood.

I didn't let my tears fall down otherwise it would had made her even more tensed and vulnerable.

"I understand." I looked at her. "But please finish your food." I said feeding her again.

She chewed and pretended to smile. But the shining that one should have during smiling in his eyes was absent.

I made her eat everything in the plate. She drank water.

"I am full. Are you happy now?" She asked me.

I nodded. " Yes but let's go out for a while. You have been in this room since morning. Let's get you some fresh air." I stood up and took my mother's rest to stand up but she took her hand back.

"I can't go out." She said lowering her eyes.

I sat beside her again. "Why? What happened? Papa is waiting for you for the evening walk." I asked.

"This is why I am not going. My today's behaviour must have ridiculed him. What must he be thinking about me?" Tension was evident in her words.

She is still thinking about his opinion for her.

"If you will not go then he would definitely understand that you meant everything what you said." I tried to make her understand.

"That is not true." She spoke immediately.

"I know no but that's what he will understand." I said.

She was looking everywhere but me as a she was thinking something.

"Don't you want to go?" I asked her again.

"I do. But I don't know how to face him." She whispered.

"What do you mean by facing him? He is your husband. You quarrelled with him like any other wife in this world. Does that make every woman think this much before going in front of her husband again? Haa?" I tried my best to make the situation look normal and casual.

it was not.

But I can't it let her feel that way otherwise nothing is going to improve.

She still seems to be in dilemma. I caught her wrist again and tried to get her up. "Come on. Don't waste time. You know, papa doesn't like to wait." I said sternly.

"No. Not today." She took her hand back and looked down.

"If not today then when?" I asked keeping my palms on the sides of my waist.

"Any other day but not today. I don't think that I am capable of facing him today." She said and took quilt over her and pretended to be asleep.

I laughed.

"Ok. Good night then. It might take us long to come back." I said and walked to the door of the room.

"Us? Are you going with him?"she asked taking her head out of the quilt.

"Of course, I shall not leave my papa alone like you did." I teased her.

She threw a cushion to me but it missed its target.

No one's POV

[Delhi, Zeus Union hotel]

"You have not spoken even a single word since we have arrived here." Vikrant asked Ayesha.

She glared at him.

He looked down  uncomfortably. "Ohh, so you are still mad?" He asked playfully.

"I don't remember if you apologized." She said sternly.

"I don't remember if I did something wrong." He answered back.

She rolled her eyes. "Why did you come there?" She asked.

"I came to pick up my girlfriend. What is wrong in that?" He asked seriously.

"The wrong is that when I specifically told you to not to come there then why did you?" She asked in detail.

"Because I wanted to." He said folding his arms and resting his back on chair.

"Do you really always do what you want to?" She asked him intensely.

This question made him uncomfortable as if this was not a question but a taunt to him. He looked down and became attentive.

"Leave it. Just tell me that how can I make up to you." He asked sincerely.

"We have been together for last 6 years. What kind of good boyfriend you are when you don't know the ways to cheer me up!" She sneered and smiled.

"Your smile is telling me that you are already fine." He smiled.

"The reason behind my smile is this delicious dessert." She put a piece of chocolate cake in her mouth.

"Ummmmm... Delicious!"  she was amazed to have such a great taste.

"Don't moan like that. It gives me wicked ideas." He said playfully.

She threw a tissue paper to him but he kept on laughing.

"I love you" he said looking right into her eyes. He actually made her blush.

"Thank you." She said and  continued with her chocolate cake.

He signed. "You are particularly very mean today."

"How?" She asked wiping cream from side of her lips with tissue.

"You didn't even say I love you too." He complained.

"Because I am still mad at you." She again got back to her previous mode.

"I heard that Arihant is having hard time these days." He asked reluctantly.

"Where have you heard it from?" She asked suspiciously.

"I have my sources." He stated as if its a fact.

"Then I would say your sources are not worth of relying on." She mocked him.

He smiled with her not  to make situation tensed.

"You know, you should stop being a loyal employee after working hours." He said.

"Then, you must stop being his rival when you are with me." She answered back.

He couldn't think any things further to talk about.

She took her bag and stood up. "Where are you going? He asked.

"I am done. I should leave now." She said.

"So soon?" He asked in surprise.

"Not so soon but I was done as soon as you asked me about my boss." She said and left from their leaving him alone.
Jiya's face was red with anger. She was feeling like killing someone. Maybe this was the only way for her to get rid of her fury. She was setting in her cabin, on her chair having Navin standing a feet away from her holding a piece of paper in his hands.

"How dare you to say that?" She asked seething her teeth.

"I .... I didn't say anything on my own. This is what's written here." He said reluctantly showing her that paper.

She looked at him and smiled sarcastically. "Do hell with yourself and do hell with this paper." She rested her back on the chair.

Naveen gulped in fear and nervousness.

"What do you think I am? Huh! Do you seriously think that a stupid termination letter can do any harm to me?" She said confidently.

"Mam, I don't think anything. It's just that I had been asked to bring this letter to you. That's why I am here." He said bowing his head down.

Jiya raised an eyebrow. "This termination letter has not come in action yet. Don't you think that it's so soon for you to be arrogant with me? Who knows! I might not leave this place."

Geez, where is she getting this confidence from?

"I am really sorry if I offended you. I didn't mean to sound like that. I apologize if my voice was even a bit sharp." He apologized sincerely. He was not even daring to look into her eyes.

"Your voice was not sharp. What's sharp is the edge of the paper in your hand." She said looking at the paper.

Navin I was about to put that termination letter on table in front of her. "No need." Jia stopped him. He couldn't even finish.

"I would suggest you to at least have a look on it before going to Boss." He was still very reluctant.

She scoffed. "I might had been hired by your boss here but I am not his mere employee like you."

He sneered. " I think you should beware of such mere employees." He spoke but after two moments he regretted opening his mouth.

"What do you mean?" She narrowed her eyebrows.

"Nothing. I was just babbling. I didn't mean anything serious." He tried to avoid this.

She stood up immediately and held his collar. "You better open your mouth otherwise you know what I am capable of." She threatened him.

He looked at head fist which was holding his collar. He smirked in his mind because he couldn't do it in front of her. "Even I am looking forward to your capabilities." He said.

This is the first time when he did to look into her eyes. She left his collar.

"Stop being sarcastic. Just spill it out." She demanded an answer.

"Ayesha." He said just one simple name.

She couldn't understand. "What about her? What do you mean?" She asked him again.

"Boss asked her stay for a while after we left his cabin." He told her.

Her eyes widened.

"For what?" She asked impatiently.

"I tried to find out but you know her." He said.

"Damn!" She slammed her palm on the table nearby. "Of course I know her. She must have back bitched about me." She was sure.

Navin felt uneasy because even though he does not want to admit it but he also knows that Ayesha is not that way.

"That's not what I meant." He said trying not to look at her.

She understood that he was kind of taking her side.

"What did you mean then?" She asked.

"I meant I tried to know about the words she had with boss after we left. But she didn't give me any idea. I meant that I am not sure what she must had told him but what I am sure about is that if she doesn't want us to know then there is no way we can know."

"You are unbelievable." She gave him a look of pity. "You might don't know but I know that it she must have told him everything." She said.

There was not even a single frown on her forehead so far. But now, after knowing about Ayesha, she is looking scared.

"How are you so sure about it?" Navin asked.

"Why do you think I shouldn't be sure about it? She is just an opportunist. She will never leave a chance to pull me down."

"This sounds so much like you." He muttered.

She looked at him immediately. "What did you say?"she asked him.

He got nervous. "Nothing. It's just nothing." He said quickly not wanting her to get upset with him. "I was just wondering that if you had been nice with her even a bit then this situation could have been avoided." he suggested something which has no meaning now.

"Being nice with her wouldn't change anything either." She was staring into to air blankly.

He cleared his throat.

"What are you going to do about it now?" He asked.

She signed. " I have to meet Arihant first. Then only I can reach some conclusion."

"Are you still in that kind of position?" He asked bluntly which made even him surprise.

Her eyes were widened and jaw was dropped.

"I am sorry. I am so sorry. I didn't mean to say it like this." He apologised as soon as he realised what he spilled just a moment ago.

Jia couldn't think of anything to say.

"I think Anamika is calling me. I should leave now." He said looking around and ran from there as fast as he could.

She composed herself and left to meet Arihant.

"What are you going to do now?" One of the employees said.

"What do you mean? He is doomed. Why would I let my career get destroyed by staying here. I have already applied in 4 hotels. I shall definitely get one of them." Anamika said.

"You have already planned everything. What do you think I should do?" That female employee questions her back.

"Don't you know? You must have a backup. He is going to be bankrupt soon. I highly doubt if he will have to sell this hotel to pay the debts." Anamika suggested.

"You are right."

Jiya heard them talking while going to Arihant's cabin through corridor.

She opened the door of the cabin and came inside without asking for permission.

"I shall call you later." Arihant was speaking to someone on phone when she was barged in.

Jiya standing there without saying anything.

Arihant looked at her and then took his chair. "I guess you are here for your no dues certification." He said without looking at her. He was looking into some other file.

"So, this is true?" She whispered.

He looked at her. "What?" He asked in confusion.

"That termination letter. You actually issued it." She still couldn't believe.

"Didn't you see that? It had my signatures below." Arihant said casually.

"I didn't because I couldn't believe that you could do it." She said having and shed tears in her eyes.

She was angry as well as disappointed.

He looked at her intensely. "I cannot get the reason behind your belief." Arihant said.

"How can you do this? How can you fire me like this! I actually thought that we had something." Her voice was trembling.

"Of course we had. We had friendship and trust. Due to which I am entrusted my work to you when I was not here." He said trying to control his anger.

Just control yourself.

She will be out of your sight within few minutes.

Just bear her for or more few minutes.

"You really think that I did that? Do you seriously believe that I am responsible for everything happened? Huh? How can you hold me responsible just because someone has filled your ears against me!" She screamed on last part.

He scoffed. "Someone? Seriously!" He stood up and came near her.

"That someone was way better than you. That someone deserved the position which I gave you. That someone had always been an asset for me. Yet, I trusted you over her. And now I am facing the consequences." He said looking at her.

"I was right." She whispered. "I was so right. It is Ayesha. It's her who who has spoilt you against me." She said seething her teeth.

"She didn't say even a single word against you. She didn't even take your name. I just just ask her my questions and she answered them. That's it." He looked away and came back to his place.

"So, she has got you on her side?" Accusation was evident in her voice.

"Stop jumping on conclusions. And yes, think whatever you want. I am no longer answerable to you." He said sternly.

"You cannot fire me like this. You can't." She said determinantly. He was actually getting bored. "And who do you think can stop me?" He questions her back.

"I have worked very hard for this hotel to grow." She claimed.

"Exactly. And this is the outcome of your hard work." He threw few Bank books in front of her to make her realise her mistake.

His voice was still down.

"you were not here because of your hard work aur because you were capable. I hired you because you are daughter of my very old investor. Our friendship was another reason of your presence in my life as well as in this office." He spoke his heart out.

"What did you say?" She whispered in disbelief.

"Exactly what you heard! Ayesha has been working here for last 3 years. She was much deserving than you. she had always proved herself in order to have promotion. Yet, I gave that position you. Which I regret immensely now. If I had given those responsibilities to her then I would never have regretted it so much."

Tears were flowing through her eyes. She white her tears in rage.

"What do you think? Firing me will get any benefit to you. Haa? Who do you think you are? Do you really think that I need this job? I was here just for you. And if you yourself doesn't want me then I too don't have any passion to stay here. But remember my words. I will make you pay for this. I shall never forget this humiliation. Never." She was actually threatening him.

He was staring at her.

"Leave. Just get out before I forget that you are a woman." He said.

His anger was on verge of busting but some how, he was holding himself.

"I am leaving. I am." It was clear from her face how angry she was. After seeing her, it seemed as if she was about to drop a bomb on this office building.

Arihant breathed peace as he left. He had a lot of trouble when he came to know about Jia's actions. He knew that Jia was not fit to take on the responsibilities but did not know that she was so irresponsible.

It takes years to build an identity and just one carelessness is enough to destroy everything.

"Sir, Vikrant was in the office all day today, but he went out in the evening without informing anyone." A man told a 60-year-old man.

This old man was sitting in a half-dark room listening to this man's words.

"With whom?" Mr Rathore asked.

"Sir......" He hesitated to tell.

"Has he come to know that you are watching him?" Mr. Rathore asked.

"No sir, I am doing my job properly. He has no doubt in me." The other man immediately said in a loud voice.

"Then why are you hesitating? If you are still working only for me then don't you think it is wrong for you to hide anything from me?"

"I did not want the situation between you and Vikrant to become even more tight." Ajay said.

"You don't have to worry about the situation between me and my son. You just do what your job is. You are my eyes in a way. My moving eyes. More like ok a CCTV camera. You have to record everything and then play it in front of me without any editing. There is no need to think more or less than this. "

He just nodded. "He went out with Ayesha." Ajay said.

Mr Rathore frowned but didn't show it to him.

A lot of pictures were placed in front of Mr Rathore. Ajay brought all these pictures for him. These pictures had the face of every person who is connected to Vikrant in any way. Among these pictures is a picture of Arihant.

Mr Rathore took Arihant's photo and started staring at him. Ajay understood his unasked question.

"He has been having a very hard time lately. His mother died a few weeks ago and now his partner is absconding with all the money. He is on verge of being bankrupt. This news has not been made public yet. But he Will not be able to keep this news secret for a long time. The coming few months will break a mountain of troubles over him."

"And what about the partner who ran away with the money?"Mr Rathore asked.

"Patel. He is the one. As per my resources, he is in Canada right now." Ajay informed him.

Mr Rathore kept staring at Arihant's face in the photograph.

"Does Arihant know about his location?" He asked again.

"No sir." Ajay took a pause. "Do you want him to know?" Ajay asked suspiciously.

"Are you mad?" He sad keeping that photograph back on the table. "Patel must be having a very good time in Canada. He must be enjoying. Why do you want to spoil his celebration? Huh! Do you really think that I am that heartless to interrupt when someone is having so much fun? Let him enjoy." He said amusingly.

But suddenly his expressions got tightened.

"Let him enjoy a bit more. Let him enjoy to his fullest. Don't give him a chance to say that we didn't let him enjoy it completely."

He was still looking at all those pictures. Then a picture showed him Aarti's face.

His brows got twisted.

He took that picture and threw it lightly towards Ajay.

"Who is she?" He asked Ajay.

Ajay took that picture in his hand and looked at Aarti's face carefully. "She is no one important." He said retaining the picture.

"If she is not so important, then what is this girl doing at Arihant's mother's restaurants and Arihant's house after her death?" Mr Rathore wanted no excuse.

Ajay got nervous here. Mostly, he always performs his work perfectly. But he did not know that even here he had to take care of such small details.

"Her name is Aarti." Ajay told.

"And?" Mr. Rathore wanted to know more.

"I know nothing more about this girl except her name." Ajay bowed his head.

"So know. Find out who this girl is and what she has to do with Arihant and his mother." Mr Rathore said sarcastically.

"Sir, this girl is not important enough to know much about it." Ajay was fed up now.

"Every individual is important who is associated with Vikrant. And every being is important who is associated with people associated with Vikrant." Mr. Rathod saw Ajay from head to toe. "So do your work properly and prove that you are not useless."

He dismissed Ajay.

Vikrant parked his car and headed towards the house. At the same time, Ajay was also coming out of his house.

"Hey Ajay." Vikrant gave him voice.

Ajay turned to see him.

"Hey man. It has been a very long time since we saw each other." Vikrant said coming towards him.

Ajay smile." Yes, it has. But you look as energetic as ever. So don't expect me to ask your well being." Ajay joked.

"And I thought that you had come here to ask about my wellbeing." Vikrant said disappointingly. "By the way, I was not at home. Then, who did you come to see?" Vikrant asked him.

"I came to see your father." Ajay told him.

"My father?" Vikrant asked in confusion.

"Yes, don't you know that he has hired me?" Ajay asked him. It was more like informing.

"When?" Vikrant asked being very surprised.

"For about last 3 months." Ajay said.

Vikrant scoffed." You have been working for my father for last 3 months and I am unaware of it? That's incredible." Vikrant was still surprised.

"Well! There are so many incredible things are looking forward to you. So, be prepared." He said without any expression on his face. It was a kind of warning.

Vikrant sensed his meaning.

"What do you mean?" Vikrant asked to be sure.

Ajay smile. "Nothing man." Ajay patted Vikrant's shoulder. "When did you start taking my words seriously? Just chill." this got Vikrant relaxed.

"You must choose your words wisely. You never know that what kind of effect they can put on others." Ajay just nodded.

"By the way. I just came and you are leaving. Come on in, we shall have some time together. come." Vikrant wanted him to come in.

"Not today. I have some work to do. Urgent work." Ajay tried to convince him.

"Yeah yeah. I know. Work given by my father is always urgent." Vikrant said rolling his eyes.

"Well! Who can know him more than you?" Ajay said laughingly and left.

Vikrant was just staring him going. Actually, he was not staring him. He was just thinking something.

"I wish I never knew him." Vikrant whispered.

After entering the house, Vikrant started going towards his room.

"Can I have dinner with my son?" Vikrant heard the voice of his father who was sitting at the dining table with hot food.

"I have had dinner." Vikrant told him.

"I haven't kept food for you either. I just want your company while eating. Can't I get that much now?" Mr. Rathore asked politely.

Vikrant took a long breath. He could not refuse his father and with heavy steps and sat on the chair next to him. He looked like his father who was smiling warmly.

He served himself food and started eating. Vikrant was sitting quietly next to her and was waiting for him to finish his meal.

"How is work?" Mr. Rathore said breaking the silence.

"You should come and see yourself in the office." Vikrant said.

Mr. Rathore smiled. "What work do I have in my office. I have given you all the responsibilities. I don't think I have any need there now. I am sure that you will fulfill my given responsibilities well." Mr. Rathore patted his son.

"Wouldn't it be great, If you give me rights and authorities along with responsibilities?" Vikrant was looking at him intensely.

Mr Rathod laughed. "You are my son. What more authority do you need?"

Vikrant was not at peace at all. he had a lot to say but he was refraining himself to do so.

"I know you have a lot to spill." His father said concentrating on his food. "But believe me, one day you will say thank you. This day is not hard. Hard days will come when you are empowered. I only have these rights so that I can save you from any of your stupid consequences." "

"Exactly." Vikrant said immediately keeping his palm on dining table. "This is the point. You don't believe me at all. You still consider me a small child who cannot do any work properly. In your eyes I am still innocent and irresponsible." Vikrant's words started coming out from his mouth as well as from his heart.

"You made a wrong assumption. If I considered you irresponsible, why would I have given such a high position?" Mr Rathore questioned him.

"Because I'm your son. You don't want to let your son down in front of the whole world." Vikrant's anger was increasing.

Mr. Rathore was also loosing patience. He dropped the spoon into the plate. And stared at Vikrant.

"Absolutely. You are my son, that's why I can neither let you down in front of the world nor let your mistakes dominate my years of hard work."

Vikrant laughed loudly mocking his father. "Hard work, what hard work are you talking about. Is it hard work to trap a rich girl in your love? Or is it hard work to blackmail her father in the name of her happiness?"

His father maintained his restraint. Such blasphemous words were piercing Mr. Rathod's ears like thorns from his son's mouth, but he knew that this time was not right.

He smiled at him. "I am not your girlfriend who gets emotional with your harsh words. I am your father who knows you better than you do. Don't I understand that you are trying to provoke me? But maybe you have forgotten that My blood no longer weighs like your blood." He signed and it rested his back. "It's so good to be young. No worries, no tension. Because parents are always there to correct their mistakes." He taunted him.

Vikrant was able to do nothing more than sit there quietly in anger. He had nothing so that he could control his father. He knew that his father was also playing a different game of his own, but he could not have offended him much. More resentment will work the opposite.


"Did your mother sleep?" Aarti's father asked.

"Yes. Just now I have come to give her headache medicine."

Aarti's father was standing outside his room. He was waiting for her to come out. He wanted to know that how his wife was doing. But now he did not dare to face her. As soon as Aarti came out, she was bombarded with questions.

"Your mother is fine, isn't she?" He asked in concern.

"Why don't you ask yourself?" Aarti said.

His father stole eyes. "I don't want to talk to her." He faked anger.

Aarti folded her arms against her chest. "Why? Why don't you want to talk?"

His father looked around. "Because I'm angry with her." He said in a hurry and sat on the couch.

Aarti couldn't believe that he is still behaving this way. She came near him. " Do you know, she should be the angry one?" She asked sarcastically.

"I don't know anything." He said not knowing what to say.

She signed and sat beside him.

"Do you have any idea that how much sorry is she feeling right now?" She asked again.

"I said I don't know anything." He said loudly.

"Do you really think that this attitude of yours is going to help the situation in any way? Haan? Even though, she is not at fault but still she is thinking herself a culprit. She is still thinking what you must be thinking about her. She is still worrying about you. She was telling me that I should not misunderstand anything you. But how can I not misunderstand you when everything is clear like glass in front of me."

Her father is bowed over the head, listening to him. His face was clearly aware of how embarrassed he is. He realized his mistakes and was also ashamed. But perhaps the pride of being a man was preventing him from revealing his feelings.

"Are you angry with me too?" He asked Aarti in a slow voice.

Aarti looked at him and her face softened. She could clearly see the remorse on her father's face. She smiles and puts a hand on her father's shoulder.

"I am not angry with you. Please, you do not think that I have made a wrong impression about you. I am only worried for my mother." He explained to his father.

"Why?" His father questioned.

"means?" Aarti did not understand anything.

"Why are you not angry with me? You must be angry with me. Today your life is on the verge of ruin because of my wrong decisions. Don't you think that I am your culprit along with those people?"

She smiled. "The greatest punishment of any culprit is repentance. The culprit who commits a repentance is automatically forgiven. He is no more a criminal. It is enough for me that you realize that some mistakes are made by you."

"How do you know I realize my mistakes?" Her father did not understand the reason behind her daughter's faith.

"If you didn't realize your mistakes, you would never send my younger sister to such an expensive and big boarding school to study. You never spend so much on that. You would have taught her in the same small school and you would get her married after three to four years but you have given her a chance to live her dreams. This shows that you are ashamed of your mistakes and want to improve them. I am proud that I am your daughter. People, despite making thousands of mistakes, live their lives in such a way that they are immortal and they will never have to give account of their deeds but I am proud of you. Who not only realized his mistakes in time, but also worked to fix them. "

Her father is overjoyed and her happiness comes in the form of tears out of the way of her eyes.

"But what is the use of correcting mistakes now. Your life was ruined." Her father was strangled.

"Who said my life is ruined? Just because my marriage did not work out, does it mean that I am destroyed. Do I have no existence as your daughter? Is my identity limited to being someone's wife? Was I to be respected only as the daughter-in-law of someone's house? I have a father like you. I have a mother who committed her life to her daughters. Despite all this, both of you has never let me realize that my husband has abandoned me and I am a burden on you in your house."

The tears in his father's eyes began to intensify. She wiped hid tears.

"Papa, every tear that comes out of your eyes will make me realize that you are sad to be my father. You have no idea that these tears are affecting my heart like acid." Somehow, Aarti was controlling her tears. She could not cry in front of her father at this time. His cry will weaken his father even more.

"But my decisions have made your life so painful that when I look at you, I realize that I am the root of your suffering."

"Papa, No parent in the world wants bad of their children. May be parents' decisions are sometimes wrong but their intention is never wrong. You never knew that my marriage would come at such a turn. If you had known, would you have done it? "Aarti was trying her best to convince him.

"no, never." His father immediately said.

"See. Papa, please throw this burden out of your heart. Stop cursing yourself. You are never responsible for my miseries and never will be. A human is born with his luck but his actions gives the verdict. I agree that you took some wrong decisions but your intention was never wrong. You are the best father of this world. Just like every father is the best for his daughter in the world. You are the reason for my happiness. You cannot be the cause of my sorrows even in my upcoming hundred lives."

he strokes his daughter's hair gently. He was looking at her very lovingly.

"I must have donated pearls in my previous life, then in this birth I got a daughter like you." His father did not have words. He wanted to say a lot about how lucky he felt to be a daughter like Aarti, but his lack of words did not allow him to express his feelings.

"Don't worry. I will give you twice as many pearls as you donated in your previous life." Aarti said to lighten up environment.

She didn't want anyone to cry in her house.

She has had enough.

Enough is enough.

She won't tolerate any sorrow in her life anymore.

Life is so strange too. When the decisions made for us are overshadowed by us, we don't even come to know. We think we are making plans for life. But the truth is thar life makes plans for us. It is true that no one saw the moment to come. No one can do anything for the past. But the moment we have at the moment is the real life.

A person is not recognized when he smiles even in bad times. The real test of a human's identity and his restraint is when he keeps his family happy in difficult circumstances.

Something similar was happening with Aarti. In a way, there is no purpose in Aarti's life. There is no desire left in her nor any dream. She cannot even bring out the pain inside her, because if she does, her parents will break even more. They are already living in repentance. Aarti's grief will push them into more remorse.

phone rings had worn out Arihant's ears.  There were many questions in front of him, but there was only one answer to all the questions - the ruin of Arihant's dream.  For this hotel, he never considered day by day and night by night.

He knew that this time is very difficult, but he also knew that just as good time is not always there is a difficult time.  He was just thinking about the events that happened in the meantime.

"Hello, Mr. Khanna."  Arihant picked up the phone.

He did not want to talk to anyone but it was very important to talk to Mr. Khanna.  Arihant knew that Mr. Khanna would be upset with the fact that Arihant fired his daughter from the job.

"How are you Arihant?"  Mr. Khanna asked.

"Didn't your daughter tell?"  Arihant got a laugh.  But this laughter came upon him himself.

"My daughter has told me a lot but at the moment I just want to know about you."

"You sound as if you have not given up on idea of making me your son in law but you should ask your daughter first. She must have given up." Arihant scoffed.

"Did she upset you this much?" Mr Khanna was astonished hearing Arihant this way.

"Put yourself in my place and then tell me if I shouldn't be upset."  Arihant stated the fact.

"I know my daughter made a mistake. But she is still a child."  Her father tried to defend his daughter.

"Well! I don't know any 28 year old kid."  Arihant had no other answer because he himself could not understand how Jia's father could take her side.

"You are particularly mean today."  Mr Khanna always knew that Arihant was not easy but Arihant always kept himself calm for elders.  But today Arihant's tone is different.

"I wish I could show you my real mean side." Arihant was not leaving any stone unturned to let Mr Khanna know about him being upset.

"I guess there is no way for you to come back now." Mr Khanna said disappointingly.

"There was never a way for me to reach where I am standing today in the first place itself but still I made it." It's true that Arihant was upset and worried about his further steps but he was sure that nothing can pull him down.

"I am willing to help you in every possible way." Mr Khanna had nothing to do other than buttering him.

"Well! There is something that you can do." Arihant said.

"And what is that?" Mr Khanna was curious to know.

"As you yourself said that your daughter is still a child. She is behaving like one too. She is one of those children who accuses others for their mistakes. She is also accusing someone to hide her wrongdoings. I expect you to be sensible enough to distinguish between what you should do and what you shouldn't." Arihant said.

Mr Khanna understood his meaning but still he wanted him to be clear.

"What do you mean?" He asked Arihant.

Arihant understood that Mr Khanna wants to be clear. "Mr Khanna. Can you please stop pretending to be oblivious in front of me at least? We both know that Jia has taken out her anger in front of you by now."

Hearing upon this, Mr Khanna looked at her daughter who was standing in front of him.

Yes, he was talking to Arihant in her presence. He was feeling helpless at his daughter's foolishness.

"I am really willing to help you out. I know that there is no way I can mend Jia's fault. But still whatever I can do, I want to do that. Just let me know once."

"Just don't make others pay for your daughter's deed. That's all I want. Be wise with your decisions and your steps ahead." He threatened him in an unspoken way.

He has had enough with people connected with Jiya. He is really not willing to stay connected with Jiya or her father anymore. But still, he has to bear few things for the sake of Mr Kumar.

Arihant does not have any home in Delhi. He stays in his hotel. He has one flat but since he wanted to dedicate on office time here that's why he prefers to be here all the time.

He open the door of his room where Arjun was already waiting for him.

"Hey." Arihant said coming in. "When did you come? Since when are you waiting for me?" He asked keeping his keys in drawer.

"Not so long. It has been around 20 minutes since I've been here." Arjun said getting up.

They both hug each other. Arihant held him tight.

"It's all fine. Everything is going to be ok." Arjun patted Arihant's back.

They broke hug. "Is there something you want to talk to me about?" Arihant asked sitting on his bed.

"You seriously think that I am such a bad friend who comes to meet his best friend just because of his needs. don't you?" Arjun teased him.

Arihant knew Arjun's nature.

Arihant knew that Arjun is trying to cheer him up but at the moment he was not in the mood for any such joke.And Arjuna was also understanding this.

"I thought it's been a long time, I didn't have a drink with my friend." He said taking out a bottle of beer.

"Sure, I think I need it too." Arihant whispered.

"I heard that you fired Jia." Arjun poured alcohol into the glass.

"please, please don't talk about it. I have had enough today. Now if  you will talk more about this, my head will explode. And you will be responsible for my death." Arihant got up from the bed and uttered a glass of beer.

"Did you think of any excuse other than a brain burst?" Arjun said angrily.

Arjun did not like this thing of Arihant. Arjun remembers well that the death of Arihant's mother was also caused by a nerve burst.

Arihant understood his meaning with Arjun's tone.

He sat on the couch desperate.

"I am not afraid of losing, Arjun. If I was afraid of losing I would never come here. It is just sad that I did a little carelessness. During that time, I was with my mother. That was the longest time that I spent with her. And I am very happy that I spent that time with her. To be honest, I would not mind if someone told me that you were going to be destroyed. My mother was with me. "Arihant drank another glass of alcohol.

Arjun was looking at him intensely.
"stop it Arihant. just let it out if you are not ok." Arjun said.

"its ok dude. it's all ok. it's always ok not to be ok." Arihant said having another glass.

"You should always remember the time when you first came to Delhi. Do you remember, three times. Three times you failed. But still you built this building in the same place in front of the same people who toppled you.You are the Arihant who never gives up even after loosing."

"Who said I gave up? Haa? Who the hell said that I have given up? I am just mourning the years that will not come back now. Money is not the problem. Time is both. Money as well as problem." He took another glass.

Arjun had not taken a single drink yet.

It was too late in the night. Arjun knew that Arihant would not give up his emotion easily. He knew that Arihant had nothing. At this time, he wanted to be near him so that he would not feel lonely.

"This time will pass Arihant. Everyone will forget everything. Nobody will remember anything." Arjun is really bad at consoling someone.

he always lacks words.

"Do you really think I care about the world? No, I don't care about anyone. And then who is left in this world now that I care. You are right. This time will pass. But the problem is the time itself which will never come back. Just like people, who leave once do not come back again."

Arjun was understanding that Arihant is deeply hurt due to his mother's sudden demise.

"She has gone taking my good luck with her." Arihant whispered and drank another glass of alcohol.

"You must be very depressed." Arjun said taking glass from his hand.

"Give that back to me. Didn't you come here to have drinks with me? Now, when am I having it why are you stopping me?" Arihant tried to take the glass back but Arjun didn't give him any such chance.

"I am stopping you because you are losing your senses." Arjun said sternly.

"I am still sober. The thing is that I don't want to be in my senses tonight. Otherwise those despicable things will keep haunting me." Arihant rested his head on couch's back.

Arjun could not tolerate seeing Arihant in such condition. He knew that Arihant was ok but still he couldn't bear it.

He was happy that Arihant was letting himself go even if it's through alcohol.

"Did you have any words with Arihant?" Mr Rathore asked Mr Khanna.

"I did."

They both were in Mr Rathore's room.

"I hope you didn't say anything reckless." Mr Rathore said not having any expression on his face.

"I didn't but I wanted to." Mr Khanna seemed to be angry.

"It's good that you didn't even though you wanted. Because a stupid daughter doesn't worth it."

This caught Mr Khanna's attention.

"What do you mean?" He became attentive. "He fired my daughter. He insulted her. You have no idea  of the humiliation Jiya went through." Mr Khanna said seething his teeth.

"Thank him that he didn't do anything which your daughter deserved. I hope you don't want me to tell you the real meaning of insult and humiliation." Mr Rathore growled.

Mr Khanna put his eyelids down.

"Don't touch Kumar." Mr Rathore sad taking out  file.

Mr Khanna's ise widened. "How do you know about......."

"That is not your concern." Mr Rathod didn't even let him complete. "Your concern is just to mind your business and I am the one who decides your business." Mr Rathore says keeping his head as high as sky.

"Weren't it was you who stopped his startup initially for three times? Were do you not the one who never wanted him to raise in this field in Delhi? Were you not the one who never wanted him to be one of us? Are you still the same or you have changed your mind?" Mr Khanna couldn't understand Mr Rathod even a bit.

Mr Rathore scoffed. "You seriously consider yourself so intelligent to understand me? You really think that this little mind of yours can ever access my thoughts." He had an expression of pity on his face for Mr Khanna.

"You always wanted to destroy him. Then what has happened now? We have a chance to give him more wounds. He is already injured. He will be over." Mr Khanna sounded so desperate.

"That's the problem." Mr Rathore stood up. "Exactly. This is your problem." He pointed finger to Mr Khanna. "You think that he is injured so it is easy for us to make him fall but the case is exactly opposite. He doesn't want you to harm Kumar. Arihant is just like a  injured lion right now. You have no idea about his extent of being crazy if he comes to know about anything bad happened to Kumar. You remember how I did so much to stop him from setting foot in this field 8 years ago.  But you forgot that despite my efforts, he built an 18 floor building in front of our hotel in just 8 years. The situation Arihant is in right now, is very dangerous.  He has lost his mother shortly before and now he has also lost the biggest dream of his life.  He has nothing to lose now.  No one is more dangerous than a person who has nothing to lose." Mr Rathod tried to make Mr Khanna understand.

"What do you think that in spite of my efforts, a man who could keep himself standing like a rock will lose courage due to such a small loss? You have not understood that boy till today.  It is easy to defeat Arihant but impossible to break.  And until the he breaks, he does not lose." Mr. Rathore had a different passion for arihant.

"What do you mean? Should I leave him simply without doing anything to him?" Mr Khanna was still restless due to his daughter.

"Stop being a emotional fool first." Mr Rathore taunted.

"I am just being a father." Mr Khanna got emotional.

"Then understand the real duty of a father. You must make your daughter understand that what she did was wrong in every possible way. There is no way she could defend herself. Why do you think I agreed to help you when you came crying for your daughter because of her liking towards Arihant? Until a few days ago you wanted to make him your son-in-law and today you want him to come on the road.  Be a man Khanna and behave like one."

"But my daughter......" Mr Khanna was still thinking about his daughter.

"Your daughter will cry. She will cry for sure. She will try her best to persuade you to destroy Arihant. But remember, you are a businessman before a father. Whatever you do will eventually affect your daughter. If you you don't want more thorns in her way then don't Arihant off."

Mr Khanna was feeling helpless. On one hand  he couldn't forgive Arihant for what he did to his daughter and on another he could not go against Mr Rathod. In this field, no one dares to go against Mr. Rathore.  All the hotel owners in Delhi take the blessings of Mr. Rathore before setting up their business.  Arihant was the first to break this rule.

"When will you do something to fix this?" Mr Khanna is still reluctant of agreeing Mr Rathore.

"Let the right time come." Mr Rathore signed.

"He is already broken." Mr Khanna reminded him.

"But still it is not the right time."

Mr Khanna was looking so disappointed which was not gone unnoticed by Mr Rathore.

"Khanna. This game is way bigger than your imagination. Trust me you will get the fruit of your patience."
Arihant's head was too heavy. He did not remember anything last night because of drinking too much alcohol. He never drinks so much that he loses his senses. But last night he was very much disturbed. Only for a while but he wanted to forget his sorrow.

He slowly opened his eyes. Everything looked hazy to him. He closed his eyes tightly and then tried to openly see everything clearly.

"Take this. It will help take off your hangover." Arihant heard Arjuna's voice.

He rubbed his eyes with his palm when he saw Arjun clearly.

Arihant got up and took lemonade from Arjuna's hand.

"Were you here all night?" Arihant asked before drinking lemonade.

"Exactly like world's best friend." Arjun said as if he was announcing himself as best friend of the year.

"Of course, you are." Arihant scoffed at him.

"You were quite upset last night." Arjun said taking off his jacket.

"not as much as you felt." He took another sip of lemonade.

"You drink so much in only two situations. Either when you are very happy or very depressed." Arjun really knew Arihant very well.

"What are you doing here till now. I thought that you would have gone to Mumbai by now." Arihant said changing the talk.

"I am touched." Arjun said keeping both of his palms on chest. "You were thinking of me even in the state of intoxication. I didn't know you were so crazy about me." Arjun was still in a joking mood.

But Arihant did not want fun at the moment.

"I have to go for an important meeting. When are you leaving for Mumbai?" Arihant placed the glass on the table and took out the towel and clothes to take a bath from the cupboard.

"Don't you think you're too eager to send me back to Mumbai?" Arjun raised his eyebrows.

"There is nothing like eagerness. I am just asking what is going to happen. I just want to know the timing of your going back so that I can take the time to see you off." Arihant also looked at Arjun and raised eyebrow. "just like a good best friend."

arjun smiled.

"Well! to your disappointment, I'm not going to get back any sooner." Arjun said averting his eyes.

Arihant looked surprised but not disappointed. "That's not something for me to disappoint. But I still want to know the reason." Arihant looked him from head to toe. "I hope that it's not about some woman." Arihant inquired.

Arjun scoffed. "There is no woman in this world for whom I change my plans."

"I know that is why I am asking you, why do you stay here?" Arihant asked.

Arjun saw Arihant's clothes and towels lying on the bed. "Weren't you going to take a shower?" Arjun was trying to avoid Arihant's question.

"Yes but not now." Arihant looked suspiciously.

"Why?" Arjun asked.

"Because the way you are trying to avoid my question, my eagerness to know the answer is increasing." Arihant was honest.

"It is not that I am avoiding your question but this is not the time for these things. You get ready. We will talk later." Arjun turned to leave the room.

"Arjun?" Arihant gave voice and Arjun immediately stopped.

"Why do I feel that you have done something that I will be angry with you after knowing about it." Arihant expressed his doubts.

Arjun turned and smiled. "Even if you get angry, I don't mind it."

Arihant's eyes went wide. Arihant now understood that Arjun had done something wrong.

"what have you done?" Arihant asked calmly but Arjun did not answer.

"There is nothing urgent for you to know right now." Arjun sat on the couch fixing his court.

"What do you mean by urgent? Hey! what is going on?" Arihant was getting impatient.

"I didn't intend to tell you like this but seeing you this much more eager, I don't think that I have any other option." Arjun said casually.

"what are you up to?" Arihant set in lower voice but loud enough for him to listen.

"I am really not up to something now. I have already done what I wanted to."

"Will you stop extinguishing the puzzles? Tell me clearly." Arihant's patience was running out.

"Hey! Dyon't behave this way. You are making me feel that you don't trust me at all." Arjun said getting up.

Arihant was tired of asking him, so now he thought it better to keep quiet. Arihant's silence explained to Arjun how much he had become upset.

"You get ready and come to the meeting on time. I don't like when someone comes to the meeting I'm attending." Arjun said playfully.

his words caught Arihant attention. "What do you mean by the meeting you are attending?" Arihant asked expecting him to answer opposite of what he was thinking. "As far as I know, you don't have any business in Delhi. Your mother handles all the work here. Then why do you have to attend the meeting which I am going to attend. 1 minute." Arihant was trying to comprehend everything. "This meeting belongs to my shareholders. What do you have to do in this?"

Arjun smiled at his question.

Arjun's smile answered all the questions of Arihant.

"this is not fair." Arihant said in disbelief that urgent could go to this extend.

"You must know. I never play fair." Arjun said having his same grin on his face.

"Why did you do this? You have taken advantage of my intoxication. You knew that I was not conscious last night, so you got me to sign that paper." Arihant sounded disappointed.

"If I don't do this, you never let me help you." Arjun started cleaning.

"Did I ever ask you for help? Did I tell you 'Arjun please help me. I am ruined.' haa? " Arihant's disappointment was now turning into anger.

"What is with this expression? isn't it normal for friends to help each other?" Arjun said.

"Of course it is. But you know that I do not keep account of money in friendship."

"Now where did the money come from. You are my friend. I am your best friend. You have a problem. I want to help you. Isn't it as simple as it sounds?" Arjun said.

"You have taken my signature on the papers that have made you 40% shareholder of my hotel against my will. This is what you call help. This is not help. This is crime."

"You are very much free to get me arrested. If you want to." Arjun spread his arms.

Arihant could not understand how to explain Arjun. All the things were going on in Arihant's mind which he could not say in words to Arjun. Arihant knew that Arjuna could not see him suffering but he never thought that he would go to such an extent.

"Why? Why was it necessary for you to do this?" Arihant demanded an answer.

"Because I can't see you like this. When I saw you in pain last night, I realized what a worthless friend I am who can't even help my friend in his bad times. Just because your ego is longer than your height." Arjun complaints.

"There is nothing to hunk in. You know what you mean to me. Just because I don't want to get money from you, it doesn't mean that you are worthless or I don't consider you my friend."Arihant tried to make him understand.

"That's the point. You have never asked me for anything. Even though, I could really not be able to do much for you ever. But now, when I can. How can you expect me not to put my hands into this." this was unbelievable for Arjun.

"Because I don't want your favor." Arihant shouted. "According to me, if there is a transaction in friendship, then the end of that friendship is near. You are precious to me. Your friendship is the most dear to me in this world. Money makes misunderstandings between two friends. Anyone Trouble or any help cannot be more than our friendship. "

Arjuna was listening to Arihant silently.

"What did you say, favor?" He looked down in sadness and then towards Arihant. "Just because my help involves money, it's a favor to you. Isn't it?" Arjun was hurt.

"Money and favor are with each other." Arihant said.

"But when a friend gives that money to help his friend, that money is neither money nor he owes it."

"You don't even know how big a burden you are putting on me." Arihant expected Arjun to understand him.

Arihant starts going from there, Arjun holds his hand and makes him stand in front of him.

"Maybe that 17-year-old child shouldn't have taken your help either 15 years ago." Arjun had a pain in his eyes.

"Stop digging the past. Those things have nothing to do with this current situation." Arihant said stiffly.

"Only for you. Maybe this thing is not as big for you as that child.Do you know what it is to be alone all your life? What do you know how it feels when you are in front of everyone but still being ignored? What do you know about being bullied by seniors and classmates in school and colleges. In that situation, you don't want whole world beside us. Just one. One true friend. If you really didn't expect me to help you then why did you became that 'one' for me. Should I have considered your help a favor?"

Arjun's words were piercing Arihant like thorns. Arihant knew that Arjun's intention was very clear. He just wants to help him. But Arihant did not want any financial help from Arjun.

"You are getting me wrong." Arihant kept his palm on Arjun shoulder but Arjun shooked it away.

"You should have known. When a friend help other friend. That help can never be considered a favor. This is not what I want to help you with. It's not any burden on me to help you. In fact it's my responsibility. It's your right being helped by me. You were so much in grief. That's why I didn't say anything but it you really have no idea that how disappointed I was when you didn't ask me for anything that I could do for you."

Arjun really sounded very disappointed.

"Arjun. You are not understanding what I mean." Arihant lacked words.

"Did I ever ask you for your help? No. Then why did you come to help me willingly? Why did you rescued me from all those who wanted to harm me in college? Why did you always had my back? Why did you always there when I needed someone beside me? Why did you have to be my best friend? I should have told you to get lost too when you gave me your hand. Just because your help didn't involve money and mine does. Does my help turns into favour for you? I really can't get that how these two things are different from each other."

Arihant was speechless. He opened his mouth to say something but cutted by Arjun.

"It's ok. I think it's my fault that I cared for you. I shall keep this in mind henceforth." Arjun turned.

Arihant understood that it is useless for him to talk now.


As soon as this word escaped Arihant's mouth, there was a brightness returned to Arjun's face again.

"But you have hurt me alot. I shall surely make you pay for this." Arjun said pretended to be angry.

"I shall kick you out as soon as everything gets sorted." Arihant set having no expressions.

"I know how much you love kicking me. Don't be late for the meeting." Arjun said and left from there.
[Shareholders' meeting]

"Those who still want to hold Arihant Chauhan's share, please raise your hands." Spokesperson said on mic.

Arihant looked around to see that how many people will be with him. He could see only two raising hands for him. They both smiled at him ensuring that they are always with him in any condition. His third support was Arjun who was sitting beside him.

"Since Mr Pathan owns 3% and Mr Jadeja has 8% of Chauhan enterprises. Therefore, there are only 11% out of 59 who is with Mr Chauhan. Mr Chauhan owns 41% of his own hotel, that's why his vote doesn't matter at all because this motion is being discharged against
him. So, with respect to all the share holders off Chauhan enterprises I announce that......."

"Don't you think you are so much in hurry in announcing results?" Arjun interrupted.

Spokesperson looked at Arjun. "Will you please give your recognition?" Spokesperson asked him.

Arjun stood up. "My name is Arjun Yasran. I am a Mumbai based businessman.I understand that you all don't know about me because I have nothing to do in Delhi but I am sure you must have heard about my mother. Nisha Yasran."

Everyone in hall started whispering among themselves. "I have bought 40% shares of Chauhan enterprises. So, Mr Chauhan is left with only 1%. My vote is in favour of Arihant Chauhan. Since he is the owner and I am his major shareholder, that's why my vote matters. These two gentlemen have already voted for him. We are total 52% out of 99 on Mr Chauhan's side." Arjun continued speaking.

Everyone was stunned hearing upon Arjun. Spokeperson fixed his spects. "I understand that what are you trying to say but I hope that you know what are you indulging yourself into. You are investing in something which is already doomed." Spokeperson tried to make him understand.

But to his surprise Arjun smiled. "I understand what are you referring to. You may not know but it is a blue chip investment. You have no idea that how much profit I have already made being on his side." Arjun kept his hand on Arihant's shoulder who was still sitting.

Arihant was very proud to have a friend like Arjun.

"So, I think we all are clear with verdict now. Since major shareholders are with Arihant. Therefore, remaining shareholders can not withdraw their support. They can not ask for their investment to be paid back with interest." Arjun declared as a matter of fact.

"I object." Mr Khanna interrupted.

Spokeperson and all the people in hall turned their face to look him. Arjun and Arihant did not see him as they were already expecting this to happen.

"I am not willing to continue with Mr Chauhan." Mr Khanna said standing up.

"This is not about your will. This is about business ethics. You had agreed to all the terms and conditions before investing in his business."Arjun said without even looking at him.

"Because I didn't know back then that this man could be tricked so easily." Mr Khanna accused Arihant.

Arjun couldn't bear his words. He turned his head to look at him. "In that case, you are the most foolish one to trust a man who could be fooled easily." Arjun said staring him.

Environment was getting tensed.

Arihant stood up. "I understand that you all have lost your trust in me. I really thank Mr Pathan and Mr Jadeja for being with me in this hard time. I do not want to force anyone to continue working with me." Arjun wanted to interact but Arihant stopped him. "It's all your will whether you want to continue or not. But it's my my responsibility to apologize to all of you. You all have been working with me for a very long time. If you think that it I am still worthy of your trust then only continue with me. Otherwise I don't want anyone to stick by me just because of fear of any lawsuit." Arihant was done talking but Arjun was not finished yet.

"In addition, as you all know that I am the major shareholder of a hotel. I have all the rights to drag you in court if any of you would break the protocols. Think and decide wisely. Because your action is directly proportional to my reaction." Arjun threatens each one of them.

"That's all." Spokesperson interrupted. "The verdict states that Chauhan enterprises cannot be collapsed as 52% of shareholders out of 99 are in his favour. This clearly indicates that none of his other shareholders can take their investments back. Those who are not willing to continue with him might have to face lawsuit. That is all about your personal choice. Mr Chauhan and Chauhan interprises will remain in existence. That's all for today." Spokesperson dismissed everyone.

Everyone walked out of the hall. Arihant stood first.

"Was it necessary?" Arjun stopped him.

Arihant sat back. "Of course it was. You can force them to be with me but you can't force them to be loyal with me." Arihant said.

Arjun looks at him. "This is what you call being loyal? What they loyal to you so far? All of them voted against you except those two." Arjun said.

"This is what I am telling you. There are only two men who are genuinely with me. They won't stab on my back. But I cannot expect this from others. Why do you want them to be with me when I can't even trust them?" Arihant was frustrated now.

Arjun looked at him intensely. "Don't you know why I did that?"

Arjun's question faded colour of Arihant's face. Arihant nu what did Arjun mean.

"I don't want to talk about this anymore." Arihant said putting his head down. "Your ignorance will not solve anything. You also know that why those rest of the share holders did not vote for you." Arjun said trying to figure out if he was right.

But Arihant was still not looking at him as if he was in some turmoil.

"Its Bharat Rathore. Isn't he?" Arjun was blunt this time.

Arihant stood up immediately. "I am going. If possible, then don't see me today."

Arihant left leaving Arjun sitting there alone.

( Rathore's residence)

"How could it be possible? Why didn't Chauhan enterprises get dissolved?" Mr Rathore was very angry.

"Sir. Everything was set. Every thing was going like we wanted until Arjun Yasran came into picture." Ajay told him.

"Arjun Yasran?" Mr Rathore had never heard this name before.

"Yes. Arjun Yasran. He is the son of our very old partner from Mumbai. Nisha Yasran." Ajay informed him.

"But they don't do anything in Delhi. How come did he interfere in Arihant's matter?" Mr Rathore was still confused.

"He is Arihant's best friend. It seems dike Arjun is setting his foot in Delhi too starting with Arihant." Ajay told him real thing.

"Is he so dumb that he wants to start with something which is already on verge of being finished! He is so opposite of his mother." Mr Rathore was astonished.

"This is not exactly right. Right after that meeting I have digged about him. He is quite a money and profit minded businessman. His reason to be with Arihant is beyond money." Ajay was telling him the facts

"I see."

"He has threatened everyone in the meet that it will not be good if anyone withdraws his investment." Ajay added.

Mr Rathore have already understood that Arjun is not a small thing to deal with.

Arjun's phone rang. It was Mr Rathore's call. Arjun picked it up.

"Hello Mr Rathore. I was eagerly waiting for you to call me." Arjun greeted him.

"Did you already have my number?" Mr Rathore was surprised.

"No. But who could it be except you calling me after that meeting." Arjun stated as if it was very obvious for him to guess.

"Did you know that I was about to call?" Mr Rathod was still trying to understand him.

"I had a gut feeling." Arjun told him frankly.

"Can we meet?"Mr Rathore came straight forward to the point.

"Sure. I'll be there in your office within half an hour." Arjun suggested.

"No. I don't sit in office anymore. My son handles everything." Mr Rathore told him.

"That would be even great for me to meet him. If he handles everything then I think I should talk to him." Arjun found it natural.

"I said he handles my affairs. But I didn't say that he is the owner. At my home within an hour."Mr Chauhan said coldly.

"Are you ordering me?" Arjun raised his eyebrow.

"How can a person who calls first orders the other one! Of course, it is an invitation for my very old partner's son." Mr Rathore softened as he understood that Arjun can not be tackled with force.

"That sounds good to me. I'll be there."Arjun agreed.

(Arti's house at Mathura)

Her parents are still feeling awkward in talking to each other. She didn't want to interfere in their matter.

Aarti was helping her mother in kitchen chores.

"How long are you not going to talk to him?" Arthi tried to know.

"How is your online coaching going on? I hope they are paying you well." Her mother tried to change the topic.

"Yes. What they can give for 2 hour tutoring." Aarti was clearly was not happy what was getting. But she didn't have any other choice as she was not even graduate.

Her father came in kitchen to get water. He ignored his wife.

"Aarti. Give me a glass of water." He said not looking at her mother.

"Why don't you ask your wife? She is also here." Aarti said and moved out.

Her father felt quite uncomfortable being alone with his wife in kitchen.

"Wait. You cannot leave like that." Her father shouted as he came out after her.

(Rathore's residence)

"I hope you enjoyed meal." Mr Rathore asked Arjun.

"Of course. Who wouldn't like such a great meal prepared by skilled chefs!" Arjun complimented.

"Would you like to have some drink?" Mr Rathore asked.

"No. It's not my timing have drinks." Arjun refused.

"You must be surprised that I called you here."Mr Rathod tried to get on the point.

"Not at all. I have heard alot about you even before coming Delhi." Arjun was as calm as ever.

"Really? Then, I guess I should be frank with you." Mr Rathore felt at ease with him.

"Of course you should." Arjun approached him.

"I heard that you are trying to establish yourself in Delhi." Mr Rathore inquired.

"You heard wrong. I am not trying. I am establishing myself here."he was confident.

"I guess you have over estimated Arihant. You seriously think that helping him would bring any benefit to you?" Mr Rathod was kind of mocking him.

"First of all, if Arihant was something to be underestimated then you would not have called me here when you got to know about me being in shareholders meeting. Secondly, who can know Arihant's worth more than you. After all, no one could manage to stop him throughout all the years. Not even you. You still think that me helping him would not bring any benefit to me?" Arjun was getting serious now.

"I hope you know that I rule hospitality in Delhi." Threatening was evident in Mr Rathore's voice

"If so. Then let's get straight to the point. I don't like this game of threatening. You threaten us with your support in Delhi. I threatening you with my mother's support in Mumbai. Do you really think that's how a true businessman deals? Huh?" Arjun decided to be honest rather than making up things.

"So, you are sure that you are not going to leave him alone in this mess?" Mr Rathore tried to confirm.

"Mr Rathore. Arihant is not like my brother. He is my brother. I am neither going to leave him alone or going to be scared of you. I know that you didn't like the fact that I help them but I don't see any reason to please you." Arjun seemed adamant.

"It seems that you have not heard anything about me from your mother." Mr Rathore was crossing the line.

"We lack communication skills. But still, all what I have heard about you is that my mother is supporting you in establishing your 7 star hotel in Mumbai which is still in progress. I hope you don't want that support to be withdrawn." Arjun threatened him this time.

"I thought you didn't like game of threatening." Mr Rathore tried to trap him in his own words.

"Of course I don't. Unless and until you you are not getting in my way." Arjun sounded more threatening.

"Fine. But don't expect me to do anything for Arihant."Mr Rathore was getting irritated.

"I am not expecting anything like that from you either. Least I want you to not to touch him in any way. Don't it try to create problems for him." Arjun was clear.

"What if I do?" Mr Rathore was still not agreeing on his terms.

"Mr Rathore. You are a very old player of the field. I didn't expect you to be so dumb. Don't I know that there is a reason why you make your son go everyday office as if he is the owner but had not given him any rights to take decisions?" Arjun didn't want today Mr Rathore's private life but he didn't seem to have another option.

"What are you trying to say? Say it clearly." Mr Rathod was staring at him.

"Mr Rathore. from where I can see your son is not as manipulative as you are. Manipulation is a skill in business. Support is another factor to grow here. How long do you think you're going to live? Maximum 10 to 13 years. But what about after that? You are able to protect your son as long as you are alive. but don't you think that you should start thinking about his welfare even after your death? Don't you think that you should make connections in order to make him feel secure even when you were not around him?" Arjun said everything without any hesitation.

"You don't make any sense to me." Mr Rathore pretended as if he didn't listen Arjun at all. But deep down his words set him aback.

"Mr Rathore. You know my mother. So you can't underestimate my blood. I know why are you against Arihant but trust me once you will leave him alone, I shall turn everything in my power in favour of your son. I will be for him what my mother has always been for you. His biggest support system." Arjun was using his manipulative skills well.

"Fine. I shall not put more obstacles in his path." Mr Rathore had to agree eventually.

"Then, our deal is seal." Arjun said in relief.

"You may leave." Mr Rathore was in very bad mood now.

"Mr Rathore. Don't you think that you are now being very mean to me?" Arjun laughed aloud.

"I don't think that you mind it." Mr Rathore was still not looking at him.

"You are really something to judge people." Arjun taunted him.

Vikrant stepped in the room suddenly. "Dad. I forgot some......" but seeing Arjun he stopped.

"Aren't you in office?" Mr Rathore inquired.

"No. Actually, I was there only. But I forgot something. I have come back just to get that thing." Vikrant told.

"Then take and leave." Mr Rathore sounded very nervous as well as frustrated.

Vikrant started walking.

"Wait." Arjun stopped him. Arjun stood up. Vikrant turned.

"If I am not wrong then you are Mr Rathore's son." Arjun said.

"Yes." Vikrant smiled.

"Arjun Yasran." Arjun puts his hand forward to shake hands.

"I know you." Vikrant said shaking hands.

"Really? How?" Mr Rathore was astonished.

"He was my senior in my college in US." Vikrant informed Mr Rathore.

"You never mentioned him." Mr Rathore was going insane.

"Because we never had a sort of conversation." His son taunted him.

"Well! It's good that I got to meet you before I leave." Arjun interprets.

"Are you leaving? You can't. We have just met. Let's have some time together." Vikrant insisted.

"No. Mr Yasran has some important work to do. He cannot join you." It was evident that Mr Rathore didn't want them to have a private conversation.

"Mr Rathore. There is always some work being lined up. But how can I miss this pleasant encounter with your son?" Arjun was enjoying teasing Mr Rathore.

"Mr Yasran. You have just started setting your foot here. I suggest you to pay your attention to your work only." Mr Rathore was trying his best to keep his son away from Arjun.

"Dad. We are in same field. Don't you think that this kind of unofficial meetings can end up working together." Vikrant stated ignoring his father words.

"Your son makes sense. Mr. Rathore" Arjun patted Vikrant's back.

"Let's go." Vikrant said.


Arjun left with him.

They both got into Vikrant's room.

"I heard you don't drink this time. So, tea or coffee?" Vikrant asked.

Arjun got surprised.

"Were you eavesdropping?" He asked.

"I didn't intend to but I couldn't help myself overhearing your conversation with my father." Vikrant confessed.

"I see." Arjun sat on the couch. Hisar Vikrant medals hanging on the wall. There were lots of trophies kept in his room showing his achievements of school and college time.

"You have always been champ in school as well as in college." Arjun complimented.

"But what is the use. Doesn't matter how much I try. Nothing can ever please my father." Vikrant said in disappointment before calling his servant to get coffee.

"It seemed as if he didn't want us to be together alone." Arjun brought up his suspension.

"He never let anyone to get close to me." Vikrant was so blunt about his father.

"That's scary." Arjun said making a fearful face.

"You have no idea how much." Vikrant was staring in space of air.

None of them was speaking now.

"Hmmm. By the way, were you really in my college?" Arjun set to break the silence.

"Yup. You probably didn't notice. I was two years junior to you. But I always saw you." Vikrant set after taking a sip of coffee.

"Well! I didn't accomplish so much there for being watched. You must have seen me with the basketball star of our college. Arihant."Arjun said excitedly.

"Yes." Vikrant face becomes dull." You used to hang out with him the most."he said more like whispering.

"He is my one and only friend ever since."Arjun said proudly.

"I can understand. That's why you help him today. There must be a reason why you did that." Vikrant spoke casually now.

"There can never be a reason for me to help him. He is someone who has rights to be helped by me even though I don't want." Arjun it was very much fond of Arihant.

"You got it wrong. I meant that there is a reason why you are his best friend." Vikrant corrected him.

"Sure, there is."

"If you don't mind. May I ask you something?" Vikrant was hesitating initially but asked it.


"The situation which he is in today is less disastrous than eight years ago. Why didn't you help him then? Why today? As far as I know, you are his best friend since college years." He interrogated.

"Back then, I was not as strong as I am today. It was the time when only my mother had authority to make decisions regarding business." Arjun told him.

"Didn't you ask her to help him?" Vikrant inquired more.

"I did but I was a kid who never deserved to be taken seriously." Arjun signed.

"I am no different from you." Vikrant said immediately.

Arjun look around and something got in his mind.

"I guess we have lots of similarities." Arjun said looking out of the window.


"Like. We both are going to inherit are maternal grandfather's fortune. We both are from same college. Last but not the least, we both know the pain of having dominating parents." Arjun said as if he was counting.

"I totally agree with last part." Vikrant whispered and then kept quiet.

"Hmmm.... Delhi is nice. Less pollutant than Mumbai." Arjun was fed up of him being silent in middle of conversation.

"You should come here during Diwali season." Vikrant had a light smile.

Again there is silence. it seemed like Vikrant wanted to talk about many things but wasn't able to gather words.

"How is he?" Vikrant asked.

"Who?" Arjun new to whom Vikrant was talking about. But still he pretended to be Oblivious.

"You know who." Vikrant stared at him.

"Even his name still disturbs you." Arjun said resting his back on couch.

"It's fine if you don't want to tell me." Vikrant got and headed to balcony.

"He is not fine. He pretends to be but he is not." Arjun said from back.

Again. His room was occupied by silence.

"Arjun?" He called him.

"Yes?" Arjun said in low voice.

"Is it right that you couldn't help Arihant 8 years back because of your mother?" He asked as if he was trying to confirm.

"Why are you asking this?" now Arjun understood his reason of asking this question again and again.

"I was just wondering that how could make something happen now what you couldn't do it years ago." Vikrant was cleared now.

Arjun got up and came close to him.

"Vikrant. It was always clear for me. I cannot live in pieces. I didn't take things completely or or do not take even a bit of it. I can't beg because I know that I am all worthy of earning." Arjun said truthfully.

"Sometimes. Not having courage is not the problem. You just can't do what you want to you because circumstances are not in your favour." Vikrant sounded as if he didn't want to take the blame of his misery.

"Circumstances are going to be in your favour when you want to help yourself. No matter what anybody says or does. It should be you and only you." Arjun said strongly.

"How can you say that? When you yourself agreed that we both know the pain of having dominating parents?" Vikrant was annoyed.

"Vikrant. I don't know whether I should say this or not but I feel that your interpretation is very wrong about your father's acts towards you." Arjun didn't want Vikrant to get offended.

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that you should always be careful with what you wish. I know that you are not happy with your current life but trust me, the life you want is not easy." He was trying to make him understand.

Vikrant was staring him.

"You are clearly not happy with your father. A father who has always got your back. A father whose top priority is you. A father who wants to give you best in everything of this world. A father who wants his business to be at its best before entrusting it to you. A father who is your toughest shield. A father who doesn't want even a single hair of yours to get harmed. You might not be grateful to your destiny but trust me. Having a father like him is a blessing in itself. I understand that he might be very annoying sometimes. But please, cherish it before it gets too late." Arjun tried his best to to make him understand that his life is much easier then the life she wants.

"How did you make it happen?" Vikrant asked again.

"What?" Arjun was confused.

"Making yourself strong enough to go against your mother."

Arjun wanted to slap himself. He has understood that there is no way to persuade Vikrant. He has already made up a perception about his father which cannot be destroyed easily.

Arjun didn't understand it's necessary to answer him.

"Leave it. Your mother must has not been as dominating as my father." Vikrant sad as if he was consoling himself.

"Maybe, you are not as gutsy as me." Arjun said with a smirk.

Vikrant looked at him immediately in astonishment.

"I'll take leave. Thank you for coffee"

Arjun left leaving Vikrant alone with his puzzled thoughts.

(Chauhan enterprises)

Arihant was very busy in making arrangements to rebuild his hotel. He is very grateful to Arjun for his help. He has thanks his those to investors who voted for him multiple times. He doesn't want anything to go wrong this time. He has pledged to to work hard as twice as he did before.

Suddenly, landline phone rang. He picked it up.


"Hello sir. This is Avantika." She introduced herself.

"I know from your voice. But why are you calling me on landline." He asked tapping his fingers on laptop.

"Sir. I tried so many times but it said that your phone is switched off." She said.

Arihant checked his phone which was really switched off. he switched it off to get rid of all those questions that those useless people were asking. He forgot to to switch it on again.

"Yeah. It's my bad. By the way how is going on there?" He asked.

"Everything is fine sir. Actually. All of us in hotel was worried about you. I have called you on behalf of our whole staff to know if you are doing fine. How are you sir?" She asked being concerned.

Arihant felt overwhelmed. he was already hurt because of his staff and people around him in Delhi. Someone asking him about his welfare in this manners give his heart a bit hope that he is not all alone.

"I am fine Avantika. Thank you so much. Tell everyone to not to worry about me and focus on their work. I won't leave anyone if they slack off." He said laughing.

"Sure sir. There is one more thing for me to tell you. I don't know if it is important or not." She sounded unsure.

"Yeah. go ahead." Arihant was still tapping his fingers on laptop.

"There was a girl. She came here on the same day you left for Mumbai."

Hearing upon, Arihant's tapping fingers stopped.

"What? What is with her? What did you tell her? What did she tell you?" Arihant was not getting how to react on this. He had totally forgotten about Aarti. He is instantly regretting it.

"Sir. We didn't have her name in appointment list." She said.

"Don't tell me that you ask her to leave." Arihant was scared of listening what he didn't want to.

"Si...sir..." Avantika stammered. "What else I could do?"

Arihant slammed phone on the table.

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