Devil in a slime world (Kamen...

By Mr_264_The_Boi

10K 130 28

kamen riders and super sentai have won the hero war, both worlds are safe, but it cost one rider, a rider nam... More

The devil in my heart
A passing through Witch Hunter
The first hopper arrives in the walls
going from a climax to the end
Complete, Secrets revealed, betrayal of family love
Hear it, See it, My roar to the ninja way, The Live Stream
Critical Drumming
The Great Sengoku royale
The end of a story arc part 1: a battle beyond time
The end of a story arc part 2: a sense of pride and justice
embrace who you are, the muteki rider
Birth, the freezing destruction of the deadmans
Beyond Generations
return, the riot of vail
a new phase, gifftarians
devil in a murder mystery feat. lil vice, dj kagerou, and love dogg
Spinoff: Kamen Rider Century: Birth of Chimera
Thank you Hiromi
From Tamaki
Going to War
vice and vail
Holy Shit
a chance to bloom
Fox and the Devil
A Thunderiffic Burst
A Shrill Breeze
ReVice Legacy: Demons
My Dream
Mirage Mirror
Spin-off, Hyper Battle: battle of toei ip, which is better
We Are ReVice
One Final Attack
-battle familia prologue- Kamen Rider Century: Raid of Daimon
Battle Familia
Announcement: Something Fun

setting up

76 2 0
By Mr_264_The_Boi

vice:......I feel a sudden pull

y/n: why?

vice:....something is just calling to me


vice gets up and walks a random direction, heading to the middle of the anime islands


sakura; so, this is gonna be used to give hana a chance to fight

masumi: yes, I call it, the weekend driver


masumi: I used your driver as a base for the design, and made it more.....hana, turn the cover to look like honey, honeycomb design on the side, and made it red

lovekov; rabuuuuu

lovekov was slamming herself into a wall

sakura: love-chan? whats wrong

lovekov: sakura.....go to middle rabu

sakura: the middle of the islands?

lovekov continued to bang into the wall

sakura: love-chan stop it

gojou: hmmm, seems like something is pulling lovekov to the center of the anime islands

sakura; but what would pull her?

gojou: we best go find out

sakura heads out of the base, lovekov following her

masumi:.....God damn


george: hmmm, something is....missing

george: what is missing....

tamaki:......hey george, is the kuwagata troopers stamp ready

george: recharged and ready to go

tamaki picks the stamp up

tamaki: you know, y/n's team has locked themselves in

george: I think it's time we send them back

daiji: that was the plan

george and tamaki look at the entrance to see daiji

daiji: I'm taking them and sending them back so their safe from gifu

george:....what if they refuse?

daiji: I'll use force, come on tamaki

daiji grabs tamaki by the collar and drags him to the recording studio more time

olteca: perfect, it's all coming together

a hooded man walks up to olteca

olteca: akaishi

akaishi: you came along just fine.....your ultimate plan

olteca: with this...I'll awaken gifu-sama and take his powers for myself, and with vice and gifu swapped places, I used this device to send out a frequency to pull any demon or devil in

akaishi: and him

akaishi motions to vail

olteca: I have another job for him

vail: what do you want

olteca: look for century and chimera...and kill them

vail: how, my driver has been shattered in half

olteca; akaishi, hand him the gift

akaishi takes out a box and hands it to vail

vail: whats this?

akaishi: the crimson rolling vistamp

vail: crimson vistamp huh? based on the rolling vistamp?


olteca; go get them, that will be you repaying your debt

vail:...heh, consider it done

vail walks away then I shall wait....wait for the victims to arrive

and on que, lovekov bumps into olteca

olteca; hmm?

lovekov: rabu.....uh oh

olteca; the first one is hongo

sakura runs up to the hill, catching her breath

sakura: wait....I know this place....



sakura; AHHHHHHH!!!!!

flashback end

sakura: thankfully that boat is gone, anyway, what are you doing olteca?!

olteca: can you not see?

vistamp: SPIDER!

olteca; I'm awakening gifu-sama....henshin

Demons Driver: Decide Up! Deep (Fukaku). Drop (Ochiru). Danger (Kiki). (Kamen) Rider. Demons!

a camera makes itself present

sakura: huh?....I see....editors play my song....the one we worked on, cherry-ish

vistamp: COBRA!

sakura: HENSHIN!

LiBera Driver: Liberal Up! Ah! Going my way! Kamen Rider! Ja! Ja! Ja! Jeanne!

lovekov: RABU! RABU!

jeanne: you said it love-chan....

jeanne runs at demons and tries to hit him with an axe kick, but demons effortlessly grabs her foot and flips her over, hitting her with a knee to her face

demons: weren;t you suppose to be....muteki?


her helmet cracked a bit as some of her blood came from the bottom of it

lovekov: sakura.....

jeanne: love-chan, let's use the new stamp

vistamp: TRICERA!

LiBera Driver: RESTYLE! Rebuddy Up! Ah! Tricera! Dadadadan!


jeanne unleashes rounds and rounds of bullets on olteca, sending him back abit

jeanne: WHO'S MUTEKI NOW!?

demons:.....not you

jeanne: GRRRRR!!!!! I'LL KILL YOU!

demons: and you lose your temper too


jeanne poses like agito, his symbol appearing beneath her, the blades on lovekov tricera genome grow bigger, jeanne charges at demons and attempts to slice him, but demons dodges the attack and it hits the gifu statue, sending a feedback of energy that knock jeanne out

demons: good job...agito...HAHAHAHAHAHA!

???: OI!

demons: hmm? and you are?

???: well, you did just say my name

demons: hmm?

???: the name is shoichi.....and you seem like an unknown

demons: I'm above them, and I shall be the new god of this world

shoichi: then I guess I'll have to step in

shoichi crosses his hand on one side of his waist, and brings his left arm to his left shoulder, a belt then forms on his waist, he slowly brings his left hand out

shoichi: HENSHIN!

he slams both hands on the side of his belt as the middle light shines bright

demons: eh?


agito jumps up and punches demons, he picks demons up and punches him again

demons: what the hell?!

agito jump kicks demons into the gifu statue, demons looks back and an idea comes to mind

demons: come and get me


agito study's demons, and prepares to hit him with a rider kick, bringing his feet back as hit horn folds out, he jumps up and attempts to hit demons with the kick, but yet again demons dodges and agito hits the statue, now, normally, a human wouldn't be affected, but for people who read my agito book, they know this shoichi isn't human, but a devil himself, the hit charges up the gifu statue, which sends a shockwave that takes out agito


demons: who's next


demons gets hit with a powerful blast

demons:....of course....daiji

live: I'm taking you out

demons; I don't need you, you have no demon, I already had someone take care of your part for me, who I do need though is your brother

over demons: oh, you shouldn't have said it

demons: said what

over demons: you pushed the button this a referen-

live uppercuts demons to the sky


over demons: he pushed the y/n button

to be continued

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