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By K1T-K47

293K 10.6K 4.3K

(๐˜๐š๐ง๐๐ž๐ซ๐ž! FNaF: Security Breach x Child! Reader) You were a child at the young age of 7-8. You were v... More

Prologue : In Awe
1 : Disruption
2 : I See A Boy
3 : Wander
4 : What Do You See?
5 : Sick
6 : Watch Over
7 : The Faces You Remember
8 : Take My Hand Blindly
9 : When The Sun Rises
10: When The Moon Smiles
11 : Amber Alert
12 : Blood Moon
25K Special! : Is This Where You Want To Be?
13 : You'll Just Shatter My Eyes
35k! : I Just Don't Get It
14 : Fool Me Twice
15 : Shame On You
16 : Bleeding Gold
80k! : We're Waiting Every Night
17 : Hellfire
18 : The Fear of Death
19 : Not Our Final Goodbye
20 : Perfect Fit
21 : You Are What You Eat
22 : Little Star
23 : Trust
24 : Perfection
25 : Intensity
26 : Bloodless
27 : Dolls
28 : Warning
29 : Dread
30 : Purpose
31 : Hopeless
32 : Crumble
33 : Deus Ex
34 : I Bleed Like You
35 : Lend Me Your Voice
36 : I Crave Them All
37 : Your Tears Only Fuel His Madness
38 : Where You Go, I Go
39 : Illness
40 : Goosebumps
41 : Last Laugh
42 : No Greater Cause
43 : The Outlier
44 : Stalemate
45 : Mess
46 : Tensions
47 : We All Are
48 : Bleeding Heart
49 : Rabbit's Foot
50 : Burning Embers
51 : Web
52 : Birthright

50k! : Why Do You Want To Stay?

4.5K 126 10
By K1T-K47

Part 3

(Y/n) was back in school after what felt like a too short summer break. All of it was filled with fun and laughter. And it all happened at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, a place that she never expected to spend the majority of her summer in.

But it wasn't for the animatronics that she was there for...

(Y/n) officially became a part of a tightly-knit friend group that was made up of five strange but awesome kids. Every time she met up with them, it felt like an adventure.

All of it started by accident too! They mistaken her for someone else, but whoever they were looking for never seemed to show up. She felt bad for taking their place, but she was ecstatic to have a great group of friends who supported her.

She learned a lot about her new friends in the course of a week. Cassidy was the eldest of the group, she was calm and collected and usually was the one who was timid to try new things.

But she was super competitive when it came to games, especially the new arcade game called Princess Quest. She always got a higher and higher score on it and no one seemed to beat her.

Fritz was a wild boy who wanted to be a soldier when he grew up. Specifically, a marine! He never said the real reason why, but (y/n) thinks it's because he adores Foxy, the pirate fox animatronic that was out of order all the time. But it strangely and magically performed again when she was with him.

Fritz showed (y/n) that Foxy isn't that bad of an animatronic. He told great stories if you listen in. And his laugh could be loud and scary at first, but it was contagious once you get used to the fox. She learned to appreciate the animatronic more.

Susie and Oliver were both twins. Not identical in looks, they were fraternal, Oliver was one hour older than her. But both of them have the same mischievous glint in their eyes. They bickered quite often, but you could tell that they were really close.

While they both were blonde, Oliver's hair is a little darker shade than Susie's. The young girl has bright blue eyes while Oliver has brown eyes like chocolate chips. Susie was much shorter than Oliver too. You wouldn't tell they were related if they didn't say anything.

Oliver was cheeky and laidback, he would sometimes tease others too, but never with bad intentions. He liked to tell jokes and pat (y/n) on the back to congratulate her on something. (Y/n) found him very funny.

Susie was incredibly clingy and sweet. Every time (y/n) saw the blonde, the blue-eyed youth would latch onto her while squealing about how much she missed the girl. (Y/n) and her played a lot together when things were slow.

The blonde once brought her big yellow puppy to the pizzeria in secret. She had to hide him from the employees all the time, but when the coast was clear, the kids would play with him.

Susie loved her puppy, she adored every tuft of fur on him. She named him Lucky, which suited him a lot with all the sneaking they did to get him inside. (Y/n) found Lucky's fur to be real soft. She only saw the dog a couple times, though.

And then there was Caz, who was her bestest friend in the entire world. He was the first one she met, and every time she's with him, he makes time fly by like nothing. She adores him and his awkward personality and soft smile.

When she finds herself alone with him, they go on an adventure together. It was always something new. They would travel throughout the diner, the tables and the kitchen, on the lookout for the yellow bunny.

She never told him that she saw the bunny too, because that would make him worry for her. He's scared of the yellow bunny, so is she.

The other children would tease him for it, especially Oliver, Caz's frenemy. Though it was all in good time, and Oliver did it for a laugh, a worried look would always flash in those blue eyes at the mention of the mysterious rabbit.

She still thought about that time when she saw the yellow rabbit suit, she shuddered slightly at the thought. But she never saw it again. Overall, it mostly left her mind. Maybe it was someone trying to scare her and Caz. She wasn't sure, but whoever or whatever it was, it was really really creepy.

Summer was over, and she knew she wouldn't see her new friends much. On the first days of school, she would still sometimes play with them at the pizzeria. But slowly, as time passed on, the play dates would shorten and become more sparse.

They were sad about her not coming over that much anymore when she brought the bad news. But they also deemed her good luck in school which she happily returned.

She promised she would make sure to see them every week. And during the next summer, they would have more adventures together. That was enough for them, right?

She tried asking them if they could meet up at the park, her neighborhood, her house, or their houses. She even brought up how her parents could talk to theirs to plan a big sleepover.

But they would always look at her weirdly, frowns present on their faces, and sadness and confusion in their eyes. She didn't know what was wrong, but they never answered her. She never brought it up again, not wanting to upset them.

She didn't have many friends in school, and they were not as fun as her little group. She would do projects with them, talk to them in recess, and they would play games together. But it never felt the same. Something was just... different about the others.

She felt bad for not having much fun with her friends in school, but she couldn't help it. The ones at the pizzeria are just so fun to be around, they make the pizzeria feel shiny and fresh and everything seems brighter when she is with them. She yearned to see them every school day.

She did feel that way, until she got a new friend.

His name was Amber, a wild boy who just appeared in her life oneday when they had a science project together. She and Amber never really talked before that. Mainly because her classmates considered him to be one of the more... interesting children.

He had a strange love for ghosts and paranormal mysteries alike. When they did the project together, he rambled on and on with bright green eyes about makeshift spirits. When he saw that (y/n) showed mild interest in the topic, he immediately considered her to be his best friend.

And then they were inseparable after that. If (y/n) was there, Amber wasn't too far behind. Telling jokes or ghost stories while the girl would laugh and listen. Many students would stare at them, and Amber would glare back.

(Y/n) liked Amber, he wasn't mean and he had a great talent in storytelling. He was very animated when he spoke about the things he enjoyed, and he bravely stood up for himself and her when someone judged either of them.

They would go on cool fake ghost adventures together every recess. They would sneak back into the building and go into places where ghost rumors reside. Like the bathrooms, the teacher's lounge and such. They never found anything of interest. But even so, it was very fun!

The only problem was, the more and more she was with him, the less she saw her other friends. Amber became a big part of her day, even after school he would try and hang out with her at her house or some place close by nearly all the time.

She had a great idea to solve the problem though! One day, she asked Amber to go with her to the pizzeria. It would be cool for the boy and her other friends to meet up!

She definitely thought it was a great idea, until she saw a hesitant look pass through Amber's eyes. He rubbed his brown locks together and averted his eyes to the side. "I don't know, I heard bad things about that place."

(Y/n) stared, confused at his words. What possibly could go wrong at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria? It was full of fun and fantasy. Amber saw her confusion and told her a dark story of what happened to the restaurant when it was brand-new, many, many years ago.

It was a story about five kids disappearing, and the last they were seen was in that pizzeria. He said that people believe that those kids were stuffed in the animatronics, and that their spirits still rest there, in the building.

(Y/n) could tell that he was anxious about going in there. Most of his ghost stories were lighthearted and fun, but that's because they were never real people.

(Y/n) managed to convince the green-eyed boy by telling him that they could find a corny ghost in there, haunting the pizza and diner. Amber grew excited at the mention of a fake spirit, but you could still see the fear and hesitance in his eyes. He finally agreed to come. He thought that the ghost rumors probably weren't true.

He was very wrong.

(Y/n) was ecstatic about him meeting her good friends. And later that day, she and Amber entered the old pizzeria. (Y/n) tried to find her buddies, but they were not present, which was strange because they always seemed to be in the pizzeria. She was a little crestfallen at that.

The good news was that the pizzeria became her and Amber's hang-out spot. Amber liked the place, it had cool animatronics and nice greasy pizza. He claimed he's never been there before. So it became part of their routine to go there after school most weekdays.

Amber always came by bike, whoever his parents were, they were never there. (Y/n) was kind of curious about who they were, but she was too afraid to ask.

Her parents quickly became acquainted with Amber, and they didn't mind him all that much. They trusted him enough to leave them alone in the pizzeria with some cash to buy food. The two of them quickly became regulars there, and the employees never seemed to question why they didn't have parents with them.

But every time she went to the pizzeria, her other friends were never there. It was just Amber, the only warm and familiar face she recognized. They would hunt ghosts amongst the crowd in the same places she used to play with the others.

She felt sad, why would they never come anymore? Maybe they didn't want to see her anymore because she was with Amber? Maybe they found the person she replaced? She didn't know.

The pizzeria was still the same old and slightly rugged pizzeria when her and Amber were together. Unlike the polished shininess when she was with her friends. Foxy never got fixed to his mint condition again when it was just her and the green-eyed boy. She was so confused on what happened, on what changed.

But... Amber was warm and not cold to the touch. She could be with Amber in school, outside, and at her house. Amber and her were always together, and even if she got a new friend she was sure he wouldn't leave her like the others did so suddenly, without saying a word.

She felt angry in a way, towards her summer friends for disappearing without telling a word to her. Why would they do this?

It was like this for a while, just her and Amber on corny ghost adventures in the same old attractions, over the sounds of singing and speaking animatronics and screaming children. Under the harsh lighting and plastic tables. It was the same routine.

Until one little mischievous idea set the course for everything.

This one ended up being too long for it to be a finale 😭

I HOPE that the next part will be the finale! And that's when things start going to motion. This was kind of the introduction to the main conflict. 🤯
And yes this introduces Amber as a character.

Ik I said that this has no connection with the other story, but Amber is kind of a side character and it'd be cool to add him a lil backstory. This does take place in the same universe as GE but Amber will never mention any the events that will take place in the finale of this special.

So this doesn't have to be readable to understand GE better!

Sorry for not posting last week! I was real busy! 😬😬
Vote if you like this and comment what you think! 😊

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