Jandy oneshots

By treble_maker1212

2K 86 24

Jandy one shots Smut is ๐ŸŒถ Fluff is ๐Ÿฅบ Angst is ๐Ÿ’€ Same as the Londy one shots book I have More

When Did You Get Ripped???๐ŸŒถ
Feelings That Turn into Demons๐Ÿ’€
Matthew Fucking McConaughey ๐Ÿ’€
Time Doesn't Fix Shit๐Ÿ’€
Wrap Those Legs Around Me๐ŸŒถ
You Always Walk Away and I Always Let You๐Ÿ’€
I Give it a Week ๐Ÿ’€/๐Ÿฅบ
So are You Guys Back Together Yet? ๐Ÿ’€/๐Ÿฅบ
Walking Through the Forest ๐Ÿฅบ
I'll Keep You My Dirty Little Secret๐Ÿฅบ
Don't Talk Back to Me๐Ÿฅบ
Tell All Your Friends ๐Ÿฅบ
My Girl's in The Next Room ๐Ÿ’€
Gotta Whisper Cause I Can't be too Loud ๐Ÿ’€
Its Really Good to Hear Your Voice๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿฅบ
We Will Tear Your City Down ๐Ÿฅบ
So, I'm the Prince-๐Ÿฅบ

Warped Tour = Heat strokes ๐Ÿฅบ

161 4 0
By treble_maker1212

"Even when I fall down to my knees, I've never said a prayer I don't believe!" Andy sang, pointing his microphone towards the crowd to finish the rest of the words, a smile spreading across his face as they belted the words out.

It was one-hundred and twelve degrees farenheit outside, and that wasn't even an exaggeration. People's shoes were literally melting on the pavement, but Warped tour played on as usual, the weather never stopped them... much to the bands detriment.

Specifically Andy's detriment at the moment.

Sweat was pouring off of the singer as he walked around the stage, his head pounding painfully. It felt like he was having the absolute worst hangover ever despite the fact that he hadn't drank.

Andy was having trouble remembering the words to Faithless, so he mostly sang the parts he could recall, and relied on the fans for the rest.

God, he felt so sick, and dizzy. He didn't know what was going on with him.

Andy looked pale- more so than usual- and was acting odd on stage.

"What's wrong with Drew?" Yanni asked from side stage, his brows furrowed in concern as he watched the singer practically hold himself up with the mic stand.

"Is he drunk?" Jon asked, tilting his head to the side. Though that wasn't usually how Andy acted when intoxicated.

"No, he hasn't drank in a few days." Yanni replied. Nearly running out on stage when the singer suddenly swayed like he was about to pass out, but he seemed to steady himself.

Andy caught the body guard's clearly concerned eyes, and shook his head. "I'm fine." He mouthed, though he believed that about as much as Yanni seemed to when he rolled his eyes at him.

Jake began playing the solo of Faithless, feeling Andy throw an arm around his shoulder and lean into his side heavily. He glanced over at him, about to shove him off and tell him ita too hot for that, but then he actually looked at him.

Andy looked like death warmed over. His skin was clammy, and his eyes were unfocused as he tried to keep his head upright.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Jake asked in concern, hoping Andy's mic didn't pick up his voice.

"I'm fine." Andy repeated, pushing himself off of the guitarist to walk across the stage.

Jake glanced off stage at Jon and Yanni, and based on their faces, they were seeing this as well.

"We're stopping the show." Yanni said, turning to the stage manager that worked for Warped who looked back at the large, muscular man nervously.

"Well sir, I don't think we can do th-." He started to say, but gasps and screams from the audience that was clearly not cheers of adoration interrupted him.

The three men turned around to see Andy struggling to stand from where he sat on his knees.

Jake ripped his guitar off, and sat it down before he ran over to the singer, pulling him to his feet, wrapping his arm around his waist to help him off the stage.

"Get a medic, now." Yanni growled,going to Andy's other side to help steady him as well.
"What's wrong, Drew?" He asked gently.

"Dunno." He mumbled, his head lolling to the side. "I think I just got over heated." He said, his words slurring alarmingly so.

Two EMTs ran over, gesturing for the men to follow them towards the med tent. "I'm fi-." Andy started to say, but Jake cut him off.

"If you say you're fine one more time, I will knock you on your ass." He huffed. Andy's skin radiated heat like a furnace, far more than what should be normal.

"I'm splendid." Andy said instead, though the others couldn't quite make out what he had said.

"He sounds drunk." An EMT commented as they entered the tent.

"He's not!" Yanni and Jake snapped at the same time, shutting the man down immediately.

They sat Andy down, and the EMTs began checking his vitals, both looking more and more concerned. "Get some water bottles and lots of ice packs, we need to cool him down as fast as possible." One said to the other.

"What's going on?" Jake asked, growing more concerned.

"Does he have issues with needles?" An EMT asked, ignoring the question entirely.

"I have tattoos." Andy mumbled in annoyance.

"Okay, we're gonna give him some fluids." He nodded.

"Is he having a heat stroke?" Yanni asked, his tone leaving no room for games.

"Yes, but we caught it early so he should be okay." The younger EMT replied as she as she poured water onto towels, and laid them onto Andy's chest and neck, holding an ice pack to his head as her colleague pressed a needle into the crook of Andy's elbow that was attached to a bag hooked onto a medal stand.

She poured some water on the singer's hair, noting how thick it was, and how it probably wasn't helping the situation at all.

"Okay, I'll update Jon and the others, you stay here." Yanni said to Jake, patting Andy's arm before he left the tent.

Jake stepped closer. "I can hold that." He said offering to take the ice pack from the woman.

She stared at him for a moment before she nodded, stepping aside for him to take over. Jake gently lifted Andy's head up to pull his hair up off of his neck and pressed a cold compress to it before he laid his head back down, resting the ice pack on his forehead.

"How you feeling?" He asked, frowning at how sick the singer still looked, he knew he wasn't going to magically be better as soon as they threw an ice pack at him, but he still didn't like to see how pale and clammy Andy's skin was.

"My head hurts like hell." Andy said, sighing in relief at the wonderful cold that his body had clearly needed.

Jake winced sympathetically, and grabbed a water bottle, lifting Andy's head up again to help him take a sip from it.

"We'll have to call an ambulance if his temperature doesn't start going down." The female EMT whispered to her coworker, though Jake still heard her, and stared at both of them with wide eyes.

"What?" He asked, though it was a moot point.

"It probably won't come to that though, just a precaution." She replied a little too quickly before her radio crackled to life. "Someone passed out in the pit, I've got to go." She said, grabbing a first aid kit and running out.

"They should've fucking canceled, we've already had a million people in here." The male EMT said in annoyance.

"Won't argue with you on that." Jake chuckled.

Jake was upset that so many fans had gotten sick because of the heat, but now he was livid watching Andy suffer for the festival's inaction.

The male EMT checked Andy's vitals again, and let out a breath that Jake wasn't aware he had been holding.

"His temperature is going down, you can take him back to your bus, he needs a lot of rest and liquids- and no, booze doesn't count, that will make it worse." He said dryly, clearly having to explain that one too many times that day.

"What's your name?" Andy asked suddenly, surprising both men by his words. Jake had thought the singer had fallen asleep from exhaustion.

"Daniel." The EMT replied with a raised brow.

"Thank you, Daniel." Andy hummed earnestly.

Daniel stood there for a moment before he nodded slightly. "Yeah, of course. Get some rest." He said, not expecting that from the frontman.

"I'll try." Andy chuckled weakly.

"We don't have a wheelchair or anything so y-."

"It's fine, I'll carry him." Jake said, cutting the EMT off. "Our bus isn't far."

"Alright, just try not to give yourself a heat stroke in the process." Daniel shrugged, removing the bag of fluids, and handed it to Andy. "I guess you can hold this while he carries you."

Andy blinked heavily, not quite understanding what was going on until Jake slid an arm under his knees and then behind his back before he lifted him up effortlessly.

"Check his temperature pretty often to make sure it doesn't try to go up again, and don't let him out in the heat." Daniel called after them.

"You got it." Jake replied.

Jake carried him out of the tent, heading straight for their bus, and praying that it was empty. The last thing Andy needed was to deal with stress, he just needed peace and quiet.

Andy layed his head on Jake's shoulder, breathing slowly as he poked at the bag of fluids suspiciously. "What's in this?" He asked.

"Fluids to rehydrate you." Jake replied.

"What kind of fluids?" Andy pressed, lifting his head to look at the older man suspiciously.

"I don't know, Ceese was the one that worked at a hospital, ask him." Jake chuckled, just happy that Andy was sounding more like himself now.

Andy smiled slightly, laying his head back down when it became too difficult to keep it upright.

Jake sat Andy down long enough to punch in the code to their bus door, keeping his arm wrapped securely around his waist to ensure he stayed upright before he opened the door, and lifted him up into his arms once more, carrying him up the steps and into the thankfully air conditioned bus.

The guitarist sat his frontman on the couch carefully before he went to the refrigerator to grab a bottle of water. "Drink." He said, holding it to Andy's lips for him to take a small sip.

"You don't have to do this, you should just go to the meet and greet with the guys, I'm fine." Andy said as if it wasn't taking every ounce of energy just to stay in a seated position and hold his head upright.

"They'll survive without me." Jake replied, sitting down next to Andy, but keeping his distance as to not cause him to overheat again. He took the cold compress off the back of Andy's neck, and moved it across his shoulders and collarbones, tracing it up his throat and over his jawline carefully.

Andy slumped against the couch, sliding down until his head rested on the back of it, and sighed, turning his face into the wet rag brushing against his cheek.

"You look better." Jake commented, moving the compress over the singer's forehead.

"Well I feel like shit." Andy smirked wryly.

"Jon's probably going to call your mom." The guitarist said, laughing when Andy groaned miserably.

"Why?" He whined. "The EMTs said I was good to go! He doesn't need to worry her."

"Actually they said we're lucky we caught it when we did, and if your temperature hadn't dropped, you would be in the ER right now." Jake corrected with an eyeroll, standing up to re-wet the rag since it had warmed up from the heat outside and Andy's scorching skin.

The singer huffed. "They were being dramatic." He said, jumping when Jake pressed the now icy cold rag against his chest.

"You would know about drama, wouldn't you? Passing out on fucking stage in the middle of a fucking scream." Jake teased gently.

"Screaming was a mistake." Andy conceded with a chuckle.

"No shit?" Jake laughed. "Can you stand?" He asked.

"I think so?" Andy said, but made no room to get up.

Jake shook his head, and stood up, walking into the bathroom of the bus.

"What are you doing?" Andy asked in confusion when he heard the water turn on.

"Being smart... I think." Jake replied when he reappeared in just his boxer briefs, lifting Andy off of the couch, and carried him into the bathroom where he sat him down on his feet long enough to help him remove his overalls.

Andy gasped when Jake moved both of them into the shower, the cool water making him jump. He knew he was too weak to stand on his own for very long, and Jake seemed to have realized that as he he stood there in the shower with him, his arms wrapped firmly around the younger man's waist to keep him upright.

"Water feel okay?" Jake asked.

"Yeah, it feels good." Andy confirmed, wrapping his arms around Jake's shoulders. He tilted his head back, letting the water spill over his hair, soaking it sufficiently.

Jake's eyes trailed over the singer's pale throat, watching the muscles and tendons flex underneath his skin.

'Nope, don't get a boner. Dead puppies, naked grandmas- oh better- naked Jon! Yes, focus on naked Jon.' Jake thought, looking away from Andy.

"We can't stay in here very long, but I figured it would work to bring down your temperature." The guitarist said, clearing his throat.

Andy merely hummed in reply, lifting his head back up to look at Jake.

'Naked Jon isn't going to work anymore.' Jake thought as he stared into Andy's icy blue eyes. His long hair slicked back, and color seemed to return to his face once again.

Even when he was half dead and standing in the middle of a tiny shower shaking like a chihuahua from the cold water, he was still gorgeous.

How the fuck was that even fair?

"You good?" Andy asked with a raised brow.

"Yeah, of course I am." Jake chuckled awkwardly, reaching behind Andy to turn off the water.

"So you just carry around CC's drumsticks in your boxers?" Andy said, a smirk playing at his lips. He hadn't noticed that, he just thought Jake was acting odd and didn't know why until something bumped his thigh when Jake went to turn off the water.

"Okay shut the fuck up, we will never speak of this." Jake groaned, his face burning in embarrassment as he helped Andy out of the shower, and dried the both of them off with a towel.

"It's okay, man. If I wasn't feeling like shit, I'd offer to take care of it." Andy chuckled, leaning into the older man for support as they walked to the singer's bunk.

Jake paused, staring up at the younger man with wide eyes. "Seriously?" He asked with a laugh.

"Why not? You're literally taking care of me right now. I'll give you head tomorrow when I feel better." Andy shrugged, carefully sliding into his bunk to lay down, kicking off his wet boxers once the curtain was halfway closed, not that he cared about modesty. Everyone on this bus has probably seen his dick at least once.

"I-." Jake opened and closed his mouth a few times before he nodded. "Yeah okay, sounds good to me." Who was he to turn down the chance of a blow job from Andy?

Andy snorted. "I'm gonna take a nap, wake me up when you need to take my temperature or whatever the fuck." Andy said before he closed the curtain the rest of the way, and turned over.

Jake stood there for a moment before he smirked to himself. 'Hell yeah.'


Kinda fluffy, kinda angsty? Idk what we should call this one. Might do a part two for this to give y'all some smut, we shall see

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