Devilish Fortune

By jangist

385 5 1

Power... The call, the will... To power, it exists in those who've lacked it for so very long... A single tas... More

Oscillating loyalty
A silent voice
A Promise to be kept
Is a man not entitled the sweat of his brow?
A grave mistake
Miscalculated wrath
A declaration of War
Fated meeting
Face your past
A cruel world
Nessun Dorma
The storm that is approaching
Through vacant halls

The world

92 2 0
By jangist

Chapter theme: Pure imagination by Fiona Apple.

Sin Trigger.

Long ago, in ancient times, a demon rebelled against his own kind for the sake of the human race along with countless others who just like he, awoke to justice. With his swords, the Yamato, and the Force Edge, he shut the portal to the demonic realm and sealed the evil entities off from our human world. But since he was a demon himself, his power was also trapped on the other side. For a long while, humanity and the demons freed from Mundus's grasp lived in peace, the seven human souls who fought alongside Sparda during the war lived long lives, and the demons did too. However... Upon Sparda's vanishing act, fear sprang anew. Without the Dark Knight to stabilize humanity and demonkind, the humans turned on them fearing their power to absorb souls and become God's... The seven human souls through betrayal and deciet, sealed away demonkind inside a mountainous tomb for many, many years. They would remain here until one day, the eldest son of Sparda too, woke up to justice, freeing them at long last with the help of his soul marked companion before setting out on a mission to find his brother. Our story begins years later, in a city touched by the Dark knight, Vergil continues the search for his brother.


Cities were places where many would go, to look for many different things... Futures, careers, people, the familiarity of it all drew those who needed that comfort in waves, with promises of a better job, a better social life, a better world... It was a new beginning, a new opportunity.

But for one man... He saw nothing but another stepping stone, standing high over the deck of his ship and looking upon a city bathed in gold. Sprawling lights and hustling business intermixed with the Roman Renaissance age, a time only 800 years ago... And yet it's brought to life again in this city.


He'd been called here under the guise of a reunion, of course... There was much to this then that. With a sigh, his silver hair glimmered in the night as the ship rocked closer and closer to shore; the ship docks, and dozens of passengers exit with smiles on their faces, having reached the city of their dreams.

But not for him, the man in question did not smile, did not emote. He was a statuesque immutably tall and overwhelming figure, he moved through the crowd as if he was the only one there. A giant of a man, wielding a darkly colored book with a single golden V.

The chilly winds of the year did nothing to deter him, especially not after his journey. The bustling crowd of people around him all clamor and cry out, nearly stampeding off the exit ramps into the city. Some celebrating, some crying, some reuniting with family members... Their reasons all vary, but one theme remains consistent.

Fortuna is their saving grace.

"Heh, hilarious."

The giant of a man turns his head towards a decrepit and downtrodden voice, a bald man with an oddly shaped tattoo on his face.

He gestures his beer bottle towards the celebrating men and women, their children, their hopes, their dreams. "These sad saps. They come to Fortuna thinking they're gonna be captains of industry, that they gonna make it big in this free new world! But they all forget that somebody's gotta scrub the toilets... And if you don't... The Order will find another use for ya, hahahahaha." He shakes his head as he laughs to himself, he and the silvered haired man seem to be the only ones in this world without a smile.



Walking amongst these people... Quickly the joy dies the further you go in, like a trap... Like being in an ocean and unable to crawl to the surface, these people look devoid of truth. Men and women dance in their squares, smiles forcibly etched across their features... To replace the lack of purpose, the lack of meaning.

They do not see each other, they see themselves in this vacuous place. They see their gold, their capital, their dresses. They strive for comfort, not growth and most definitely not change.

It's a farce, this golden shimmering city. One that worships Sparda, and yet does not embody a single of his traits... Its crashing crushing feeling, this place weighs on the shoulders like any icy chains that do bind's one down... That has been a long time since, yes... But he knew that the chains only grew tighter around those incapable of seeing their own folly.

It seemed as if the darkness of this place... A darkness only he could see... It only got darker, absorbing the light and the mirth... The man reached through the crowd, catching a glimmer of something horrific.

The sound of choir, bells ringing, operatic singing...

None could drown out the horror of seeing a friend... Of seeing someone so ruthlessly beat down, and every attempt to stand would only be met with more anger and wrath, to beg is to beg for more pain... The end of conscience, seeing another person, an individual... And ignoring them for the content of their physical appearance.

And those who were deemed to be protectors did nothing... Watching with their swords, with their stoic faces... Immune to the suffering, ignorant to conscience.

Rage could only be felt now, the red in his eyes... In his vision. The cruelty was far too much to forgive, these people called a heavy hand to set them straight...

The three punks finally finished beating on the demon, its small body hardly able to keep up... Tears running down her face, the creature was nothing but to these people... Nothing but a face to pelt, nothing but a goat to scape.


Nothing at all.


Gold did flash, true gold... For there was always an exception to the rule, and through these colorless people stepped a person... No greater, no brighter, no better than any other... But with green in her eyes, she reached towards the demon even as everyone watched her. Even as their judging looks burned into her skin and flesh, even as they threw their belongings at her and made her know only pain... She still smiled, free to choose this... The violence of tribalism could be cured.

And then, his anger rescinded.

If you want to change the world... Then do it, one step at a time.

Standing atop a building, one of the taller ones in this place... The man sighed as he looked upon all he could, the grazing gold hid a very deep poison... But with his help, with his ability, with his will.

That would be the end of it, it wasn't the first time he helped rebirth a civilization.

The sound of heavy steps, metal striking stone. The giant of a man was met with an old friend, one with colorful dress and bright eyes... A robotic devil, the one who helped save him so long ago.

"Hey, darling. It's been a while."

"That it has."

Standing half a head taller than the robot now, the man gave his first grin, however small. Being met with this icon of liberty and progress, he could only feel elated to see him again. After so long of traveling through this world and seeing so many new faces and people, the familiarity was comforting.

He spoke with absolute confidence, "We need to talk, of course my beauty, I am glad to see you, but... There are some urgent issues..." His body had no doubt evolved since the days first met on that dance floor so long ago, appearing more and more human than ever possible... Almost synthetic.

Even his voice was less of a robotic screech and more soft, more feminine.


And so standing atop his penthouse, Mettaton finally invited the man inside. The main reason he came to begin with... All for one.

All for Dante.

"You know, I won't force you to help me dear. But I promise, if you do... I'll get my best team to search this entire world for him, it's about time you went back, isn't it?"

The man smirked, "Maybe... But we've got plenty of time." After all, four years wasn't all that long was it?

Taking one last glance over the city, he made a promise to himself; This place would soon know what it really means to be a devil... Not at all like they expected.

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