Love After You

By ShuniceDavies

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Jessica's stomach fluttered, her gaze dropping to his lips then back up again. "I always hated my hair colour... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 20

49 10 4
By ShuniceDavies

Jake led the way back outside, carefully navigating the cliff, his hand never leaving hers.

Jess suddenly didn't feel so brave anymore. "What if someone comes?"

"No one will come."

"But what if they do?"

Jake shrugged carelessly, "So what? We don't know them. They don't know us. Fuck them."

"It's freezing." She declared, glancing down nervously at the water below.

He looked around, admiring the beautiful scenery as he tilted his face up towards the sun, basking in the warm rays. "Feels pretty mild to me."

"Don't be a twat, you know I meant the water."

He grinned, and then his eyes went wide as realisation washed over his face. "Oh, I see now. You're scared you'll see something you'll like." He laughed, raising an eyebrow.

Jess gave him a bewildered look.

He stepped an inch closer. "We all know how much you 'like dicks' as you so gracefully told everyone earlier."

Her ears burned with embarrassment. She stepped closer to him, flicking his shoulder, hard. "You best stop teasing me, Jake."

"Or what, are you going to flick me to death?" He laughed. Jess felt like she was ready to pop with rage. He was such a windup, it drove her insane. She wanted to punch that smug grin right off his face.

But she also loved every second of it.

Jake glanced down at their feet and then back up at her face. "Are you a chicken, Jess?"

"What?" She asked, genuinely taken aback by what he said. She hadn't been called a chicken since she was a child.

Jake suddenly started to flap his arms like a chicken would and make bucking noises. Jess covered her mouth with her hand, trying to hold in her laughter.

"Are you really pretending to be a chicken right now?" Jess asked, astonished at what she was seeing.

"I'm imitating you. Chicken." He let out another chorus of clucks.

"You really are the apotheosis of the male species, you know that?" She told him jokingly.

He stopped suddenly, standing up straight again. He was a lot closer to her now. "I'm not the one scared of a little bit of cold water." He stepped forward and was now stood right in front of her. Reaching out, Jake pinched her waist, which made her gasp. "Or was it the fact that you might see my dick? I can't remember the conclusion we came to." He teased and started to tickle her.

She squirmed away, laughing, but it was no use. He was stronger, bigger, and faster. She fell to the muddy floor, her hand dipping into the cool pool of water next to her, and she cupped it to throw water over him.

He jumped away, as if she had thrown a poisonous snake at him.

"That was a low move." He told her, shaking his head.

"You started it." She laughed and sat up, hugging her knees to her chest.

He moved to the edge of the pool to be next to her, swirling his finger in the water as he leaned into her. "What's really going on, Jess? This was your idea, remember? You wanted to do everything Adam did on this trip."

Jess didn't want to admit it, but the thought of getting naked around Jake both thrilled and terrified her.

She glanced at him, her cheeks warming as the thought of him taking his top off and pulling his trousers down filled her mind. His bare back, the tightness of his thighs leading to his firm butt. She nibbled her bottom lip anxiously.

"I don't know." She said and looked away to the waterfall instead.

"I'll look away if that's what you're worried about. I won't see anything." He spoke gently, touching her knee with his wet finger and tracing wet patterns on her skin. Jess watched his finer, her thigh tingling where he touched.

How did he do it? How did he make her feel the way he did?

He had pretty much hit the nail on the head earlier, but was still lingering dangerously close to the truth of her thoughts. She wasn't scared of him seeing her. She wasn't shy of her body. She wasn't a pro athlete or a size 6 supermodel. But she had curves, hips to hold, and breasts to grab. She liked the way she looked well enough.

No, she was scared of the thought of seeing him, knowing how he looked naked, and never being able to see it again.

Her gaze softened as she squeezed his hand. "It's not that. It just looks so fucking cold." She lied.

She glances down at the blue water and shivers involuntarily.

Suddenly, he stands up. Jessica's gaze follows him to look at his face, but he reaches over his head, grips his shirt at the back, and tugs it over his head in a swift movement.

Jess swallowed.

Now would be a good time for her to look away.

He pulled the string on his joggers, letting the string go slack on his hips.

She should definitely turn away.

But she was frozen, her eyes drinking him in.

For a brief second, he paused, catching her eyes with his. The corner of his mouth tugged up as he pulled the joggers down too, stepping out of them. His shoes and socks were already gone; she doesn't remember him taking them off, but he was now just standing there in his boxers, and she was sure her mouth was hanging open.

"The question, Jess, is, are we going commando?" He stuck his thumb in the elastic waist band and pulled, letting it snap back to his hip with a sharp crack, "Or are these babies staying on?"

She took him in. He was so gorgeous. Soft white skin, which was a stark contrast against the blackness of the hair on his head, chin, and chest. A firm, strong body stood before her, tall and proud. The sun shone through the trees, haloing him as if he were a divine gift brought down to her from their maker himself.

If there was a God, it was as though he were whispering to her, "Here, take him. He's for you."

She couldn't pass up on this opportunity. She would regret it for the rest of her life if she did.

"Commando." She said bravely and stood up next to him.

She toed her shoes off, shoving her socks safely inside them. Her jacket followed. Then her top and leggings. She stood next to him in nothing but her bra and panties. They were a purple matching set; thank God she had the right mind to at least match them. Nothing to fancy or frilly, that would be no good for hiking.

He looked her up and down, his face unreadable as he regarded her.

She felt every flicker of his cool grey eyes on her skin; they took their time. Her body was already shivering.

"I'll jump in first, I'll give you some privacy; then you can take these off." He reached forward and pulled one of her bra straps slightly.

She gasped when it snapped back, stinging her skin.

His eyes widened, like he was shocked at what he had just done. He cleared his throat and turned away.

He pulled his boxers down, and Jess admired his firm ass again before he took a brave run into the water. It was as though he had no care in the world as he jumped in.

He hit the water with a big splash and instantly resurfaced, gasping for air. "Fuuuuck!" he shouted and groaned. "Yeah, you were right. It's a bit chilly in here."

Jess laughed.

"Hurry up before my dick freezes off." He groaned.

She rolled her eyes, "Turn around then." She made a twirling motion with her finger.

He shuddered and turned around, looking at the waterfall instead of her.

Jess focused on unclasping her bra and pulling down her panties. When she looked up, she saw his face was looking slightly to the left.

Did he want to see her?

If she stayed there, standing on the edge for a few moments longer, would he be unable to resist the need to see her?

She didn't test her theory; instead, she ran forward and jumped into the cold water.

It took her breath away. She jumped back up, desperate to climb back out. But then she remembered her company and tried to stop herself from flashing him every inch of her body. With a shivering breath, she swam over to him, and he turned to look at her. "I'm proud, Jess; you're not a little chicken anymore." He teased.

Her nipples pinched with the cold; she could feel them throbbing. They were hard as rocks, painfully so. But under his gaze, they became harder. His eyes were clouded, and she was sure she could see desire in them. Could he see her body clearly through the water?

She wasn't brave enough to glance down at him herself yet.

"Is this all you did?" She asked, trying to focus on the reason they came here to begin with.

Jake shook his head. "No, we went under the waterfall too. It's not too powerful; it's fine to go under."

Jess nodded and swam forward. The pool was fairly deep, but under the waterfall there were loads of rocks, and she was able to stand up if she wanted to.

The roaring, whooshing sound of water colliding with water filled her ears completely. If she screamed here, it would be drowned out. If someone called her, it would fall away into nothingness.

It was very isolating.

She stood up, uncaring now that the top half of her body was completely exposed, and let the water beat over her body. It was thrilling, actually, that Jake might be watching and that he might see her. The water was painful, but in a good way. It made her feel so completely alive.

She was careful to not get her hair wet. She didn't want to hike back down with soaked hair, but she let the water crash against her neck, her shoulders, her breasts, and her stomach. After a moment, she stepped back and swam around to a small pocket behind the waterfall.

She tred water here until her feet found rocks to stand on. Her heart was thumping in her chest, she was sure it would beat right out of her rib cage at any moment.

She could make out Jake's silhouette on the other side. He was swimming closer to her. She admired him safely behind the curtain as he stood up. He copied her, allowing his body to stand under the heavy downpour of the waterfall. Jess watched with greedy eyes. Taking it all in.

The way his arms stretched above his head, the way the water travelled down his body. Then he turned, and she saw him. All of him.

She gaped at the size of his cock. Didn't they go smaller when it was cold? If this his him small she could only wonder how big he actually was. Her body tingled at the thought, her clit suddenly aching to life.

Her mind reeled.

Did he do that on purpose?

He stepped through the curtain of water, brushing it from his eyes, and sank below the surface again until she could only see his face. "It's a thrill, right?" He remarked as he swam towards her.

She nodded, not trusting her voice yet.

He grinned, breathing heavily with adrenaline as he neared her. Then he frowned and reached out to take her face in his hands, his thumb trailing her bottom lip. "Your lips are turning blue." He told her softly.

But she couldn't fully register what he had said. Her skin tingled and her lips quivered where he touched her. Her body ached. She was so turned on and so full of desire that she was sure a single brush against her clit and she would come. How could he have this hold on her?

He leaned in and his chest brushed against her painfully hard nipples, which made her whimper.

These feelings she had for Jake were wrong. She shouldn't be here like this with him, in his arms, under a waterfall, naked.

But there was no place on this earth she would rather be.

"So are yours." She told him and copied his movements as his hand slipped from her face.

He sighed, his eyes flickering down to her chest, her lips, and back to her eyes. "Jess..."

There was a quick flash of blinding light that lit up the darkness of the area they was standing in. They both glanced around, it was like a camera flash had gone off. Then a loud roar rumbled through the skies.

"Was that thunder and lightning?" Jess asked.

"It couldn't be; it was just sunny seconds ago." Jake disputed.

Another spark of light followed by a rumble so loud it drowned out the waterfall.


Thank you so much to everyone that has commented, voted and read this story!

It really means the world to me.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Things are starting to ✨heat✨ up 🥵

Shunice x

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