Haikyuu oneshots

By Kate_anime_17

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These are all oneshots I came up with about some haikyuu characters bring trans, and my headcanons go into so... More

SakuAtsu & OsaSuna
MatsuHana (1)
MatsuHana (2)


54 1 0
By Kate_anime_17

Trans Goshiki Au
'you're not alone, you have me'
hurt to comfort, angst, and fluff
Tw: transphobia

Goshiki has always had a rough relationship with his parents. He lived with them for the first half of his 1st year, (let pretend there are no dorms), due to the fact that he came out to his parents and he was immediately kicked out. He went to the only person he knew lived around him, Shirabu. He went to Shirabu's house, in the pouring rain and knocked on the door.

Shirabu's mom opened the door and saw Goshiki. "Oh my goodness, Goshiki honey why are you here in the pouring rain?" She asked dragging him inside. "SHIRABU KENJIRO, GET DOWN HERE NOW!" She called to her son who was upstairs in his room. She led Goshiki into the living and sat him by the fireplace. "SHIRABU KENJ-" She called again but was cut off.

"I'm right here mom. What happened?" Shirabu said walking down the stairs. He saw Goshiki wet and shivering. "Goshiki?! What are you doing here?!" He rushed over to his friend on the couch. His mom walked off to go get Goshiki some towels. "They kicked me out Kenjiro," Goshiki mumbled. "Oh Goshiki, you told them?" Shirabu asked bring him into a hug. "Shira you're clothes are gonna get wet," Goshiki said trying to push him away. "I don't care, you seem like you need a hug," Shirabu said. "But...yes I told them," Goshiki said relaxing in his arms.

"Hey let's run him a warm bath," Shirabu's mom said. Shirabu nodded and helped Goshiki to the bathroom. "Shout if you need anything, also you can borrow some of my clothes to wear, I put them right there," Shirabu said closing the bathroom door. Goshiki sat there in the bath for a few. He wanted to be by his boyfriend right now. He wanted to be in his arms. After his bath he walked over to Shirabu room and knocked to see if he was in there. "Come in," a voice called.

He opened the door to not only see Shirabu but his boyfriend. "Kanji?!" Goshiki said. "Hey Tsu," he said softly. Goshiki ran over to his boyfriend and started to crying his arms. "I figured you might need some comfort so I called him since we are on break," Shirabu said, then added, "I'll let y'all be, I need to help my mom anyway." He stood up and walked out.

"I'm so happy you're here," Goshiki said. "I am too. But I'm more happy that you are safe. Shirabu told me what happened. I can't believe they did that to you," Koganegawa said. "That's how they are," Goshiki said. "You gonna stay with Shirabu?" Koganegawa asked.

"Yeah probably I have to talk to them about it," Goshiki responded in a sleepy tone. "Alright baby," Koganegawa said. "I feel so alone sometimes," Goshiki said. "You're not alone, you have me," Koganegawa said, then added, "and Shirabu and his family. We are all here to help and support you." Goshiki smiled. "I love you, darling," Goshiki said dozing off. "I love you more, my love," Koganegawa said kissing the top of his head.

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