365 Moments

By Dumebiherself

213 54 20

Miracle a twenty year old girl with only a year to live , sought out to fulfill one goal hers , make an impac... More

Author's note
First moment
Second Battle
Third battle
fourth battle
Fifth battle
Sixth battle
seventh battle
Eighth battle v
Nineth battle
Tenth battle
Twelveth battle
thirteenth battle
fourteenth battle
fifteenth battle
sixteenth moment
twenty second .
thank you note

Eleventh Battle

7 2 2
By Dumebiherself

I was woken up when a nurse came to take the IV tube out , I opened my eyes and thanked her , I sat down for a bit and took the water she offered me . After a while when I felt stronger , I stood up to leave after signing out with the receptionist and booking my next appointment.

I stumbled into someone as I was about stepping out the gate of the hospital , I gasped and held onto my forehead because I had hit against his very hard chest .

"Are you blind?" I asked , voice laced with irritation , looking up , I'm met with the bluest eyes I have ever seen and a smirk graced his face , when he saw my  eyes shine with recognition .

" What are you doing here?" I asked

" Same question goes for you , what are you doing here?" He replied

" That's none of your business and I think that's a foolish question to ask , what do you do at the hospital" I said , he smirked and shook his head , which I found offensive, I scoffed

" Then I guess you have your answer " he replied and then stepped around me to go into the hospital .

I starred back at him a shook my head deciding I was too tired for his problems .I found my way home,and flopped on the bed the moment I entered my room , I lay there and reminisced on my conversation with the old man at the hospital , my head was hurting and I was tired , too tired to even admit I was tired , I got up and went into the bathroom to wash off the bathroom smell , I reeked of antiseptic and whatever it is they use in keeping the hospital clean .

I got into the shower and turned it as hot as I could stand it , I need the relaxing therapy the water provided , I was on a mission to waste water , I stayed in the shower for a long time ,only leaving my world of fantasy when my mother's voice called out to me , I hurriedly got out of the shower , put on my lounge wear and went into the kitchen,where my mom was cooking up a storm , I looked at the food on the table with distaste , my face scrunched up and I felt bile rise at the back of my throat .

" What's wrong dear?" My mom asked taking my discomfort into account .

"I'm fine mom  , my tommy doesn't agree with the food on the table I guess " I replied

"Sit down I will make something else for you " she said already fussing with the stove , I went to her and brought her hand to a halt .

" Don't worry I will settle for noodles " I said going to get two packs of instant noodles from the kitchen cupboard .

Few minutes later my spicy noodles garnished with carrots and hot dogs , topped with fried egg was ready , I got a bottle of frizzy drink to go and took a seat to wolf down my food .

Hot mouth and body filled with sweat later , I was done and wanted nothing else to do but to sleep it was a few hours till night and sleeping now would mess up sleep schedule , but these days it seemed all my body wanted to do was sleep , I fought a losing battle with my body ,until I succumbed to the peaceful darkness that enveloped me .

I woke up to realize it was dark outside , which meant I slept for a long time , I checked my mom's room and she was inside sleeping, she must have been tired , I found my way to my room and plopped down on my queen sized bed , just as I closed my eyes , massaging the side of my head for the incessant headache , my phone pinged  , I picked it up to see a text from an unknown number ,I opened it

Unknown number:  stalker 😏

Me: who's this please?

I asked even tho I already knew who it was

Unknown number: well , I am your object of obsession 😌

Me: you are so full of yourself .

Unknown number: it's king

Me: I know 🙄

Unknown number: I can imagine you doing that in person , I wonder how your eyes hasn't gone to the back of your head yet.

Me: what do you want, I know you didn't text just to annoy me
I returned the text saving his contact ,

Disturbance🖕: nah , I texted to do that , your so easy to annoy 😂

Me: fuck you 🖕

Disturbance: I'm gonna let you go , but would you like to go out with me tomorrow?

Me: is king asking me on a date ?

Disturbance: you wish ,  I just want to help your boring life 😂

Me: since you're being rude about it , I won't go out with you 😒

Disturbance: be ready by 12  .

Me: did you read my message at all

Disturbance: don't be late , I will come pick you up .

Me: I hate you 😒

Disturbance: Have nightmares and I hate you too 😌😏 .

With that  , he went offline and I couldn't help the stupid smile that spread across my face because of our little banter  , I slept off while watching never have I ever on Netflix contented that I have something to look forward to tomorrow .

I was going to take the lemons life gave me and make sweet  , sweet , lemonade .

I had absolute fun with this chapter ... hope you enjoy it too ...
Thanks for being with me so far .
Don't forget to tap that star ...it helps me.

Gracia , obrigado , merci ✌️✌️

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