Soul King(DxD)

By HakaiHashira

457K 8.6K 6.9K

life can be satisfactory for some but for those who think outside the box the world is ... disappointing. Y... More

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Dragon 27

4.7K 148 58
By HakaiHashira

 The white sky combined well with the empty atmosphere, with not even clouds present in the place, it was even torturing to look at such an environment to a normal human accustomed to the visual pollution of everyday life.

Y/N let go of the divine dragon's hand beside him, he simply threw his body to the ground, sitting on the white barrier that accompanied the void. A great body resistance allowed no negative impact to happen even with this rough movement, his body simply did not suffer the slightest damage.

Here the two of them are, present in that huge empty dimension where Y/N already intended to create his own home. The idea of the nation was already so embedded in his mind that the image of buildings appeared before his eyes, a fertile imagination that fortunately helped a lot in his inventions.

Zangetsu: So, you're finally getting to face this place? Damn, King, it's about time.

Y/N: It's good to hear you again, sleeping beauty.

Zangetsu: It's also good to be awake, Krillin. Shit, do you just get beat up?

The mental connection quickly ended. Y/N just didn't want to be laughing in the middle of nowhere while Ophis was by his side.

Speaking of Ophis, at that moment she seemed so... lost, as she watched, perhaps in awe, finding a place similar to her home after so many years.

Y/N: There are other places like this. The path we used to get here for example. Empty, silent, just like your home... I can't guarantee to get Baka Red out of Dimensional Gap but I can offer you those alternatives.

Ophis looked at him, silent, expressionless face making it very difficult to predict what she was thinking. For someone like Y/N, this is a horror, one of the reasons he always wears the hat, hiding his face helps him disguise what he's thinking.

Ophis: Why would you give me that?

Well, maybe she's not so naive as to just take it without asking. Although the whole situation with Khaos Brigade means otherwise.

Y/N tapped his finger on the ground, feigning a certain thought, he placed his fingers on his chin and scratched lightly. A few seconds like that, just to smile.

Y/N: That's what friends do. What's more, if I help you, maybe you can help me too.

Ophis bowed her head, one particular part of the speech creating doubt in her mind.

Ophis: Help you?

Y/N: Yep. Khaos Brigade, the terrorist organization you've been helping these days, I had several visions of the future regarding it.

Ophis knelt down next to him, the curious face never left, in fact, it looked even more intense, the ability to know the future is something she had never heard of until then. Y/N tapped his fingers on his right knee, a face that simulated thought.

Y/N: Listen, Ophis. Many people are not to be trusted there, they are the typical assholes who want to repeat historical mistakes, they support the superiority of a specific type of person, and of course, they will not be afraid to use you to achieve their own plans. God mediator of the new world? Nonsense, they'll try to kill you at the first opportunity they find.

Ophis: Did you see this in the future?

Certain words brought back a memory in the shinigami's mind.

Y/N: The future is not a straight line, there are many possibilities, in many different ways, like grains of sand in the desert. Of so many paths, even one of them, you can follow a better direction. The White Dragon group is already working with me to notice these small organizations and corrupt everything from within.

Ophis: You are against the Khaos Brigade...

Y/N: I'm against any villains in this story, however, is it easy to hate a terrorist group that wants world domination, not even to have a less clichéd goal?

Ophis: Cliché...?

The doubtful tone showed very well that she had no idea what that word would be, Y/N laughed a little and put his hand on her head.

Y/N: Stay there, I'll tell you a story...











Issei: What do you mean we can't go back to the human world anymore?!

Azazel scratched his ear after the scream, an obvious look of discomfort as he tried to calm the high-pitched buzzing that was bothering his eardrums.

Azazel: After the meeting, and the information gained from Y/N about the human world, the maou came to the conclusion that the human world is too dangerous for you to stay. Fortunately, the decision was made during the summer break so you can pray that any risk is resolved before the end of the break, that way you won't feel a thing.

With the discovery of the rings in the sky, the attack of the hollows, the Khaos Brigade, among many other groups that may be trying to destroy the peace treaty. A quick decision was made among the maou for the devils that were in the human world to return indefinitely.

As much as they used nice words to try to hide the fact, the situation looked more like an evacuation for war. Of course, everyone there understood that.

Azazel: Besides, I was tasked with helping you by training to get stronger. Something very strange is coming and everyone better be at least a little prepared.

Rias: Wait. YOU, were in charge of training us?

The indignant and less than the happy tone in Rias was quite obvious, however much the peace treaty has gone through, Rias' aggressive passivity does not extend to the horizon of the "incomprehensible", members of her Peerage have a bad past with fallen angels, and right now the leader of them all wants to take care of the group like a responsible teacher.

Quotes at responsible.

Azazel just smiled like the carefree he is his shoulders swaying in a way that showed how much he just doesn't care.

Azazel: Are you really going to turn me down after I've already done all the planning for your training? How cruel, the crimson princess really is a devil in person.

Honestly, it's hard to maintain your dignity and composure when the person you're dealing with is just that slovenly, even a princess ends up having some immature reaction, like Rias who at this moment is pouting, a slightly angry expression, and her cheeks are red.

Koneko, however, was the first to leave, sneaking out of the situation.

Azazel: I need to say though, your training doesn't start now. As urgent as the situation is, we need Y/N close at hand, he knows each of you from afar and is smart enough to teach you properly.

Of course, Azazel was hiding something, his face alone gives away the feeling of someone who constantly has an evil plan in mind. But persisting is a dead end, they won't get anything out of this attempt.

Kiba: Take it easy, President. The situation may not be so bad, but when Y/N wakes up he will be able to explain it to us better.

The knight's attempts to calm his king were half successful, only half, Rias knows very well that everything is in danger of getting worse. If something has a chance of not working out, then it won't work out.

Issei: We can try to talk to Aizen and Xenovia! Those two are always on Y/N's side, they must know something.

Akeno: We still have to wait, Aizen and Xenovia are busy taking care of Y/N. We better not take their attention away from it.

Rias: That fight was quite strange...

Azazel: What do you mean by that?

The ruler of the fallen angels has finally caught his interest, he wants to know more about that fight after all. The catastrophic level of destruction amazes him whenever he remembers it, the mere idea of someone being powerful enough to cause that much damage without outside help makes anyone tense.

Of course, it's part of the peace treaty, Azazel doesn't expect Y/N to end up becoming an enemy. But preparation never hurts.

Rias sighed, words could hardly come out of her mouth, but she tried her best to explain what she felt.

Rias: Y/N is strong, and it's that simple, and I haven't even seen him take a fight seriously. whatever that thing is, it's not normal, even the Phenex's tears barely managed to fully heal the injuries. I don't know how to say this, but maybe Y/N is...

Y/N: I'm what?

Honestly, he has to stop this habit of appearing out of nowhere, it's still going to kill someone. But for now, it just caused a huge collective scare, aside from Azazel of course, he just didn't react.

Y/N entered the room through the door, he had knocked, but whoever was inside seemed really focused on the conversation since no one answered. He had recently returned from his conversation with Ophis, and the infinity dragon surprisingly listened to him until the end, and the results were even better.

When he returned to the underworld, he felt all the reiatsus gathered and already imagined that his presence would be wanted in the place, besides, to give the warning that he was finally awake, if they hadn't already noticed.

Y/N raised his only remaining hand, the same one that was holding the cane, and waved it in a bow.

Y/N: Hello! It's a me... Y/N! Look, knowing you guys talk about me while I'm passed out makes me anxious, who knows what you're planning to do to me while I sleep?

Akeno: Honestly, the idea of messing with your body while you sleep is so tempting~

Y/N: Nani?

Issei: Damn it, Y/N, you almost dying and coming back to life as if nothing happened?!

Y/N: In my defense, in none of my battles I get close to death, just wounded, including Vali's.

Azazel: Vali?

Y/N: Is no one going to greet me?

Magnificent topic escape.

Luckily he was well received, and when he least noticed someone had wrapped her arms behind his back and squeezed. Of course, Y/N is tough, the force that could break a few ribs caused nothing more than the mere tightening of his torso.

He looked down, seeing the red hair of the person responsible for such an attack on his personal zone. Not that he minds, after all, he asked for a greeting, he just didn't expect one so strong.

Why Rias moved so quickly to hug him is something Y/N isn't able to process at the same time, but coming to a conclusion isn't too difficult. Rias is a sensitive girl, being put in a situation where she must look at her friend in a state of death and not being able to do anything, it certainly touches any mental fortitude she must have.

Y/N let his cane hang on the wall to get his hand on her head. Internally he made a mental note to make up for it, maybe buy her some anime paraphernalia to cheer her up.

Rias is a top otaku and quite enthusiastic about the Japanese world, a side of her that many seem to forget. Even if she doesn't show her weeb side in person, Y/N will make sure he knows this dark secret of hers.

Kiba: I'm sorry you lost your eye and arm, Y/N. There is nothing more important to a warrior than both of these things.

The blond swordsman approached with a look that didn't suggest pity, just a wish that his friend would get over it.

Asia: Is there really no way I can heal Y/N with Twilight Healing?

Asia directed her question towards Azazel, the angel let out a sigh, ready to explain why the Sacred Gear couldn't bring organs back. But this was interrupted by Y/N who laughed a little.

Y/N: As much as I don't know I can say the same for my arm, my eye isn't exactly an issue.

He started taking the bandage on his head and removing it. Although it was a slow process since he only had one hand, it got to the point where Rias and Kiba lined up to help him. With the bandage completely removed from the face, it became noticeable that there was not a single scar from the combat.

Upon re-opening his eyes, it was shown that any injuries had been completely healed and the eye damaged during combat returned to normal. The mixed surprise and relief reaction coming from his teammates made Y/N want to laugh until his stomach hurt from the constant muscle contraction.

Azazel: A regeneration that brings organs back. Honestly, you are all a bunch of overpowered horny teens.

For a moment Y/N wanted to open his mouth and say that he wasn't a teenager, but decided to keep quiet, especially after he noticed that Rias was going to rebut Azazel's words but she just put her hand on her face probably because that was the best definition for this group.

Issei: Alright, since Y/N is here, we can settle the last matter!

Issei really wanted to understand everything, mainly why he couldn't return to the human world, he had already told his parents that he was going to spend the summer vacation on a trip, but he didn't know what he could say after that.

Besides, if he's going to be trained, he needs to understand how and with whom... not that it could be worse than training with the president...


Y/N: What subject?

Akeno: We've been banned from going to the human world if things remain dangerous until the end of the summer break at least.

Y/N: What about the others?

Rias: Sona was also told to stay here, she went to talk to Serafall to better understand the situation. All Azazel has told us is that it's too risky for us to continue in the human world.

Rias sighed, crossing her arms and closing her eyes. Y/N easily understood the situation, the nobles are retreating thanks to the war to come, and only the Khaos Brigade had proven itself enough to be on the alert, however, a new threat forced everyone to stay in places safe from being watched.

It's a safe decision to keep them here where they can be watched and trained to lessen the chances of any negative events. However, Y/N grimaced slightly as he noted that he would have to deal with the situation in the youkai realm alone if everything wasn't resolved soon, he's not an idiot, he knows very well that it's going to take a long time for things to start looking up.

Y/N: What do you intend with the group while they're here, Azazel?

Finally pulled into the subject, Azazel made his triumphal entrance, that is, just a smirk.

Azazel: I received permission to take care of the group while we are under this law, they asked me to be responsible for strengthening them properly, so I came to let them know. With you awake, we can start tomorrow.

Y/N: That's good, it gives me time to do some things.

He was referring to two people, Akeno and Koneko, it's about time he tried to resolve that, moreover, he made a deal with Kuroka and both will start having interactions again. Speaking of Koneko, he noticed that she is the only one not present.

Y/N: Where is Koneko?

Rias: Oh... I noticed that she slipped out of the conversation a while ago, but I kept quiet, she has her reasons.

So Y/N already knows exactly where she went, well, even if he didn't, he could read the reiatsu emanating from her, just a little concentration.

Issei: Hey, Y/N!

The Shinigami was snapped out of his thoughts when called out, looking towards Issei with a raised eyebrow.

Issei: What do you know of the threats that are preventing us from returning home?

Oh, so he wanted to know about that and judging by the looks he got, the others did too, aside from Azazel, he already knew enough, practically nothing, but about as much about Y/N.

Y/N: I'll be honest with you, I know very little about one of them, just like the other leaders. The Khaos Brigade is at faction across the world, and while I know a thing or two, I can't guarantee what they'll do thanks to my presence becoming official in the factions.

Issei: So they're afraid of you?

Y/N: The invasion against the peace meeting was a complete failure and the only thing I did was let Xenovia and Aizen deal with it. Can you imagine what would have happened if I had entered the battlefield myself?

Rias: They're wary of doing something right away because they don't know Y/N's capabilities...

Y/N: Without me around, they're freer to do something against anyone here. What's more, there are also these damn rings of light in the sky...

Looking up at the sky through a window and noting that such things were still there, a muscle near his mouth twitched in what could only be an expression of disgust.

Y/N: I have no idea where this comes from, it's huge enough to circle an entire continent and it's happening in multiple dimensions at once. In the face of the unknown, all precaution is little.

Issei: Do you already have an idea what that thing is?

Y/N didn't look at Issei as he thought, continuously staring at the strange phenomenon in the sky.

Y/N: Just one... but it's just a baseless assumption.

Zangetsu: You know, you should trust your instincts better.

Y/N: That tip coming from you is really good actually. If I was dealing with this alone I would have done something crazy already, but I have people to worry about, I can't just jump in danger.... I hate promises.

Zangetsu: Be more careful with that, King. These people are becoming a burden that might slow you down one day. Bonds encourage us to overcome our limits, but that does not mean that we will become stronger than the problem itself.

Y/N: You're strangely wise when you want to be.

Zangetsu: Blame it on Ichigo, he was always reading that shitty Shakespeare and as part of him, I have to carry it.

Y/N: Lol.

Y/N looked at the group again, and a part of his mind started to question the decisions made so far. Maybe he would have become someone more powerful if he hadn't befriended someone? The path of the antihero seems so damaging from afar... but is carrying the burden of caring really a better decision?

Y/N: After all that, we still have the threat of hollows. The minuses of before are but small things compared to what these things can actually do. If several of them join together to attack at the same time, I'm not sure I'll be able to protect everything.

Though he won't die from the attack.

Akeno: So we're being attacked from 3 different sides. Two of these were completely unknown to us.

Azazel: For that exact reason, we are retreating. Y/N and Aizen have been dealing with Hollows since I don't know when, if you need the information to deal with these things, look for one of them.

Y/N nodded, placing a hand on his hip and giving a more serious look. Unusual stuff, of course, but he needed to show that this was no joke.

Y/N: In general, you can identify one, thanks to the strange masks they wear and the holes located in some random parts of the body. They can regenerate entire limbs quickly, so if you face one, destroying the head is the solution. And watch out for the Ceros, those lasers can, at the very least, vaporize entire cities like it's nothing.

Issei: Vaporize an entire city?! Kokabiel needed the Excalibur ritual to get something similar, and you tell me those things can, AT LEAST, do that with just one attack?!

Y/N smiled again, this time it was a more understanding smile, not really an amused one, he wanted to show that he understood the boy's despair. Destroying an entire city is still considered an absurd feat from the group's point of view, rights only for the strongest in the world.

In fact, it's curious that you hear the guy who manages to destroy an entire planet stunned because of a mere city... Okay, indeed, destroying a planet isn't a big deal either. But well, that's something only Endcontent Issei can do, this one in front of Y/N can't even activate Balance Breaker yet... he sincerely hopes that changes soon.

The sooner they get stronger, the less Y/N has to worry about.

Y/N: Listen, Issei. There's a whole world out there with very different standards and levels of power compared to what you're used to. Destroying entire cities is no big deal when you enter the rank of the world's great powers.

Rias sighed as Y/N finished, following along with trying to comfort the Red Dragon.

Rias: He's right, Issei. World leaders like the Maou can do this much easier. But it's not an impossible feat for you to climb these steps, remember, the Red Dragon was once one of the most powerful beings in existence, and you are its bearer now, I'm sure you can reach that level too... Of course, all of you too.

Seeing the interaction between the group, Y/N let his smile turn into a happier one. It's nice since they can lean on each other, bonds always encourage us to be better versions of ourselves. However, the whole happy scene only bothered Y/N by noticing the lack of presence of a certain important member.

Y/N: For now, get ready. Tomorrow we will start pulling you to become better and stronger. We have a war ahead, our enemies are many and some of them unknown, but retreating and fearing will get us nowhere, so pack your things.

Y/N informed as he turned to leave.

Kiba: Where are you going?

Y/N: Fix some things.

It was the last thing he said before he walked out the door and closed it.









And again here he was, thinking things through, heading toward where he knew Koneko would be. Enough of postponing the deal he made, it's time to resolve that, he can't say if he's going to get it done without a fight, but it's better than nothing.

Thoughts came and went, he also focused on the orb that was on his abdomen. No, Y/N is not that foolish, he had already noticed that hougyoku was present in his body. The feeling is... incredible, to say the least.

He felt as if there was a core that was controlling the energy he had, no longer needing to constantly contain his own reiatsu, make a conscious effort to release power or even recover energy, the orb in his body did all of this automatically.

He is also aware that the orb protects its owner, which is one of the reasons the absurd regeneration takes place. But...

Looking at the place where his right arm would be, he wished he had his member back...

And in a few moments, a light radiated on Y/N, dissipating in a few seconds, this time with a new right arm in place.

Y/N: Oh... You know, little buddy? You are a constant cheat.

He placed his hand on top of the orb in thanks. The ability of the orb is in the power to manifest desires, being in Y/N's body allowed a greater connection between both, he still doesn't know how he can control that power of the orb, but he will look for a way, he doesn't want to end up becoming a butterfly.

Final destination, finally the walk is over. A hand on the door and a little push...

And he had to move out of the way of a large punching bag that flew towards him. It hit the wall hard and then fell to the floor.

Y/N looked at the situation, then at the room, a white and well-lit place, training equipment scattered everywhere, it looked like a gym inside the castle. The red punching bag was the victim of a blow from little Koneko, with some clothes more appropriate for training and combat gloves in her hand.

She wasn't sweaty at all, even though she'd plucked a punching bag from the ceiling. Well, Rooks...

Koneko: Senpai...?

She was confused and surprised, thought about acting, but then backed off a little, a thought seemed to be holding her back.

Y/N: You know, Koneko, it's not good to fight this punching bag, he's not a worthy opponent. Punching bag! Are you a worthy opponent?

The punching bag didn't respond.

Y/N: See?

Koneko: Senpai! You can't just sit close to death, recover and act as if nothing happened!

Y/N: No...? Goddammit, Goku...

He was going to continue the joke, but that slightly altered kuudere look showing emotion of sadness made him stop the thought.

Y/N: It's okay, I've already recovered, I won't ask you to get used to it, but I'm not that easy to kill... Let's skip that... how about... some training? Were you training right? Maybe a moving target is more challenging...

Y/N offered, setting the cane to standby on some wall, raising both of his hands in a sign that he wanted her to attack him.

Koneko didn't seem too sure about that...

Y/N: Come on, I can take a few hits. Besides, you want to get strong, don't you?

And she finally reacted with a more interesting expression.

Koneko: Yeah...

Y/N: Of course! Even more so without needing to focus on your nekomata side! Although that...

Y/N didn't finish, he was silenced by the fist and he had to defend putting his hand in front of him. Her strength was great enough that a small shock wave came through, considering the look, Y/N was pretty sure she had punched him with everything at that moment.

The physical strength of a rook is truly absurd, even someone like Y/N was able to feel the pressure of the impact on his bones. Of course, nothing to worry about, he won't come out of it the least bit hurt, but still impressive.

Another hit, this one seems to have come even stronger thanks to momentum.

Y/N got it, she was angry, and she was going to spend most of her energy trying to punch him now. Well, that way she wouldn't have much strength to disagree with him when the real conversation started.

He needs to say though, she really was trying to hit him. Having her stature helps a lot in maintaining nice agility, even with stupid strength.

With blow after blow, Y/N used the palm of his hand to defend each one of them, sometimes he simply dodged. At this point, he also needed to take a few steps back and sideways just to make sure he was going to escape.

Her kuudere nature is easily taken down when you push the sister button...

Oops! She almost hit that one!

Y/N: You know, Koneko... I've been quiet about this situation for a while as I wanted to respect your space... But...

And he parried another blow.

Y/N: You refuse to show your true nature. Youkai; Nekomata. Even if it hurts you so much, even if it weakens you.

And he got out of the way of another fist, this one hit the wall and left a nice hole, it's going to take a little work to fix that.

Koneko: That's none of your business.

Y/N: Normally I would agree with you, but I'm afraid it's going to be too damaging to just not butt in.

She shivered, it looks like she was finally tired, which would make the listening part easier. Y/N relaxed a little more, trying his best to appear gentle.

Y/N: Koneko... What's your fear? They already accept you for who you are...

Koneko: I'm going to lose control...

So we arrived at the necessary point.

Koneko: Senjutsu... it's a bad power... it corrupts and takes away control, it makes you go crazy. My sister went crazy! She killed her master and fled because of that power!

Y/N smiled, and he placed a hand on her head in comfort.

Y/N: The fear of losing control... hehe, would you believe me if I said that I understand well?

Koneko looked at him, the sad look in her eyes, almost teary with the urge to cry caused by bad memories. She was surprised too, expressing a curiosity that could be easily read by even the most foolish.

Y/N: Do you remember those strange creatures that attacked us during the peace treaty? I live with one of them... inside me. It has immense and savage power, if I use it, I might be able to knock down anything and anyone who even dares to get in my way... But that power is also malicious and corrosive if I use it... I might lose my control and no longer be able to distinguish friend and foe...

With a sigh, he hoped that Zangetsu wasn't offended... no, Zangetsu sure has to stand proud right now.

Y/N: It's a bit like what you expect from senjutsu don't you think? Well, I needed to learn something very important if I want to live with this beast inside me.

He grabbed one of her shoulders and looked into her eyes.

Y/N: This thing, it's nothing more than a part of myself. I can't hold it forever, I can't ignore it forever, because you can't run away from yourself. I've seen great heroes in many stories with aggressive and powerful demons, and they only managed to solve the problem when they stopped to understand their dark sides and became more powerful versions of themselves. We both have a side we don't like, Koneko, but can we try to understand them together, that way we can be better versions... for others?

Y/N showed her a hand in greeting. Koneko took a few seconds, but she hardened her expression, a more determined look before shaking the same hand. The Devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels started their own peace with each other, maybe this is a sign that the time has come to try to have peace with yourself.

Koneko: Right, Senpai! I will master my senjutsu better with your help!

And again a smile, not meant for fun, but a little pride caused by the hope that things can get better.

Sorry for the delay, Kuroka. But I think I can help now.

Y/N: So, shall we continue the training? It's a good opportunity for you to show me what senjutsu can do!

Koneko: Right!

She didn't give him time to adjust and landed the first blow straight to the stomach... maybe he deserved it for teasing her.







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