For Better...Or For Worse { A...

Von CissyItsMe

115K 7.3K 1.6K

Eleven years later, Tinashe and Richard are married and blessed with more children. Tribulations seemed to be... Mehr

~Marriage :
~A New Addition :
~Let Me Grow Up :
~Back To School :
~Can A Girl And A Boy Be Just Friends ? :
~Little Secrets :
~Too Serious :
~Talk To Me Please :
~More In Trouble :
~What's Going On ? :
~Halloween Party (Part.Uno) :
~Halloween Party (Part.Dos) :
~What Happened ? :
~No answers :
~Let Me Explain :
~Kicked Out...Or ? :
~YOU're Out :
~A Bad Father ? (Part.Uno) :
~A Bad Father ? (Part.Dos) :
~Apologizes...accepted ? :
~Come Back :
~Merry Christmas :
~Should We ? :
~You Must Be Lying :
~Dis Tew Much :
~Enough, It's Enough :
~It Has To Stop :
~Gossips, Apologizes And More Drama (Part.Uno) :
~I Am Hurt :
~Plotting :
~This Is Not A Goodbye :
~The Truth Always Comes Out :
~Code Red :
~I Will Always Be There For You :
~New Beginnings :
~Stay Positive :
~Thank You :
~New Book Alert :

~Gossips, Apologizes And More Drama (Part.Dos) :

1.9K 172 84
Von CissyItsMe

•Chapter 28.


"Good afternoon."

Tinashe rolled her eyes and crossed her arms across her chest, "You have three seconds to go before I grabbed your neck and make you regret your pitiful existence." She warned with a very calm tone of voice.

"Listen, I know we don't really like each other, bu-"

"Exactly, we don't like each other at all. So, why are you here ? And how did you pass these idiots once again ? They will definitely not get their money."

"Well, I begged them. I was on my knees and all that. And as you can see I have nothing on me. They keep my bag, sunglasses, little jacket and shoes." She said looking down at her feet. Tina followed her head and effectively, she wasn't wearing shoes, "I told them that I came here to apologize. What I did was so uncalled for. I'm thirty-five years old, I should know better and act more like a grown woman. We passed all that shit. I'm sorry."

Tinashe looked at her wondering if she was hallucinating. She wasn't sure if she should believe her or not. She seemed sincere, but who knows what was going on in her crazy mind, "You are apologizing ? For real ? Really ? "

She nodded her head, "I'm truly sorry and...I have to show you something."

She unfolded her arms and her hands immediately formed into firm fists, "I knew it ! Whatever you planned, bitch-"

"No, no, no, no ! It's a picture." She pulled it out of her white short's pocket as fast as she was able to, "Look."

Tina smacked her lips, "Last time you're cutting me off, bitch ! And do not give me orders ! " She snapped and snatched the picture out of her hand. She stared at it for a moment. And suddenly, she saw a little girl, that she recognized as being herself when she was around five years old. She frowned, "Why do you have this with you ? You're a fucking psychopath, something must be really wrong with your brain."

Jessie sighed, "This is me here." She pointed a girl with black hair and a cute little face, that was sitting next to Tinashe.

Tina narrowed her eyes at her, "I didn't know that you could do that with photoshop. Very good good job though. You're creepy as hell, but you really gave your all in this, I have to give you credit for that. That seems really..." She looked more carefully. Actually, it was real. She then looked up at Jessie a bit confused, "Were we friends ? I can't remember you."

Jessie bit on her bottom lip, "Not really."

Tinashe sighed in relief placing her hand on her chest, "Thanks Lord."

"I was that little girl, who tried to be your friend. I want to be your friend so much, but you weren't too interested into that friendship."

All of sudden, Tina's eyes widened as she realized who was standing before her, "Your name is not Jessie ! You're Johavah Miller ! The girl who was always following me. Oh my God, you were worst than a glue pot ! And one day you stole me a doll. And during a period, you were dressing exactly like me ! Like I wore a blue dress one day and the next you had the exact same and with the same accessories and the hairstyle too." She couldn't believe it. It was crazy.

You never know when the past planned to come in the present.

"Yes...uh...I changed my name when I turned eighteen. But,uh, you were my model. Everybody loved you and you always had the perfect life. I wanted to be you so badly." She confessed with a little voice. She felt embarrassed to tell her that.

Tinashe laughed shaking her index finger and head, "My life is far away to be perfect, but it isn't preventing me to enjoy it. My family is not perfect. Ten years ago, I learned that blood is really not enough to make people a family. Hell, for some people blood means nothing, they just don't care and hurt constantly the one's that they should love the most, simply because they're selfish. No, my family is not perfect, but I'm blessed with exceptional kids and an amazing husband. Richard and I are not a perfect couple. As others, our love is being tested every day and we had always had to fight to be together. And I don't think that you would like to know how it feels to almost lose your child, right ? And I don't think that you would like to go through a complicated pregnancy either. And two people lied to me for a big part of my life about something really important and when I found out about the truth, I was so crushed. There were so many lies. But anyways, all of this to say that nobody's life is perfect. Even when it seems like it, it's not. Behind a smile, someone can hide so much pain. Behind words too. Someone can tell you that they're alright everyday, but at home it's actually hell on earth. You shouldn't base your definition of happiness on somebody's life. Just be yourself and try your best. Make your dreams come true, find your own love, live YOUR life."

Jessie felt so bad, "I know...I'm so pathetic. But now, I'm willing to change. And I wanted to start well by coming here and apologize to you. I only wanted Richard, because it was yours. I wanted everything you have, because I was sure that I will finally be happy. But now I know that it's not right. I met this guy named Marlon and he opened my eyes on the world and everything I'm capable of. I hope he's the good one."

Tinashe looked at her feeling pity for her. She wanted to be happy so badly, but didn't know that happiness begins from the inside. If she didn't feel good with yourself, how will she find real happiness ? Hopefully, this Marlon guy will help her more though, "Good luck with that."

"So, you're accepting my apologizes ? I won't come back here to bother you and your beautiful family. I'm moving out of the state anyways. I'm sincerely sorry." She held her hand hand.

Tina stared at it for a moment and finally shook it. She didn't want to hold grudge for the rest of her life, "You really better not come back here though or I will kill you. You were lucky this time."

"Lucky ? You beat my ass like a pro. It hurt so much."

They laughed, "Yeah and it felt good to lay the punches. Well, nice of you to have came to talk with me...woman to woman. Bye." She handed her the picture back.



"I don't want to get out of this car ! " Yani screamed kicking his seat. RJ groaned gripping the wheel more tightly. He was about to slap her.

"Keep calm, we're almost there." Dorian told him, then turned his head towards Yanisha who was sitting in the backseat, "And you, bitch ! You're getting out of this fucking car, believe that ! "

RJ chuckled shaking his head at his cousin, who was also about to do some harm to her. She kept playing with their last nerves. But finally, they were in front of the hospital and now they just had to get that DNA test, so they could be fixed with that situation. They were praying that the baby wasn't RJ. They were not about to deal with her for the next few years.

Hell to the no !

"No ! I don't want to ! It's his baby ! We don't need to do this ! I hate y'all ! I hate you two stupid boys ! "

RJ sighed lifting his head up, "Dear Lord, give us the strength and please don't give me a child now, please, please, please, please."

"Amen, brother ! Amen." Dorian exclaimed raising his hand towards the sky.

"Amen." RJ repeated.

They then got out of the car and opened the backseat door to get Yani out as well, "No ! NO ! Leave me alone ! " She tried to fight them, but it was so useless since they were two and much stronger than her.

It took them a couple of minutes, but they were finally walking in the hospital, "Dr.Gregoirs ! " RJ yelled searching for the family's doctor.

Maybe he was becoming lucky today, because the doctor immediately rushed toward them. His beautiful blue eyes were instantly traveling rapidly between the three teenagers, "Do you not have school ? Richard Jr, why are you here ? Do your parents know ? "

"We don't have time for this, Dr.G ! Damn ! We need a DNA test. ASAP ! " Dorian said growing impatient. He wanted to be done with it as soon as possible.

The grown and attractive light skinned man frowned, "You need a what ? So, you finally got someone pregnant ? I told you to be careful, Dorian."

Do smacked his teeth, "It's not my case, nigga. Now, can you do your job, please ? "


"Please ! " RJ pleaded pouting.

"Okay, c'mon, follow me." He began to walk and soon they were in his office. He let them come in before to close the door behind him, "First, I have to do a checkup to be sure that everything is alright and that the test won't be too hard on the baby. So, can you two go and wait in the hall ? It won't be too long."

They nodded, "Okay."


"It won't be too long, my ass ! These doctors are always lying." They were waiting in this hall since one hour and twenty minutes now.

"Do, shut up and sit the fuck down. Damn ! You're stressing me out moving back and forth like that."

"Sorry, but I can't stay calm." As he finished his sentence, Dr.Gregoirs came out of the room motioning to Yani to stay in there. He walked where the boys were sitting and sighed scratching his forehead.

"So ? Is the baby fine ? " RJ questioned hungry for some answers.

"Uh..." The doctor sat on the chair next to him. Dorian was still moving like a crazy man. He was very stressed about the all situation. He wanted to be already done with this and to know if his little cousin was about to be a father or not.

"What's going on ? "

"Well...How to say this ? Uh...she...she...I have to run another test on her actually. Something is wrong with her."

"Well, we already noticed. She's acting really funny these past few, uh, months. But we thought that it was the hormones. Whatever, how is the baby though ?Can we do that DNA test or no ? We really need to be fixed on it. I have to know if I have to deal with her for the next eighteen years of my life ! Do you understand ? I need to know ! That's my life we're talking about ! And I'm no-"

"She's not pregnant, RJ." The two teenagers froze. It felt like their heart stopped beating. Their body went to sleep in less than thirty seconds. What did he just say ?

"What ? You...I-sh-we-she-I-Are you sure about this ? She's not carryi-She lied ? " He was shocked, but not too much to be honest.

"That hoe ! That bitch ! That...that...How did she dare to do this ? I'm gon-Oh ! That's it, she's gonna die today. I can't believe that shit ! Why did she do that for ?! " Dorian was furious and needed to punch something.

Dr.Gregoirs didn't know how he was going to tell them the next news with that type of reaction. But it was his job. They had to know and to inform her parents. It was serious. Really serious. He couldn't not tell them. He took a deep breath preparing himself to announce them.

"There is something else. I already saw a couple of her symptoms with another patient, but I'm not sure if it's really it. That's why I have to run other tests on her. And I need you two to call her parents. They need to be here."

RJ frowned wondering what he was talking about, "Her parents ? Why ? What's going on ? Is she okay ? " He couldn't help, but be worried. It was Yanisha after all. His best friend since they were seven years old. And he still had feelings for her despite her strange behavior lately.

Dr.Gregoirs cleared his throat, "She might have a tumor."


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A/N: What are your thoughts ? Eight chapters left :)

PS: Dr.Gregoirs in the M/M 😍😍😍


-Ciss¥ItsM€ 💋✌ 


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