Devil in a slime world (Kamen...

Da Mr_264_The_Boi

10K 130 28

kamen riders and super sentai have won the hero war, both worlds are safe, but it cost one rider, a rider nam... Altro

The devil in my heart
A passing through Witch Hunter
The first hopper arrives in the walls
going from a climax to the end
Complete, Secrets revealed, betrayal of family love
Hear it, See it, My roar to the ninja way, The Live Stream
Critical Drumming
The Great Sengoku royale
The end of a story arc part 1: a battle beyond time
The end of a story arc part 2: a sense of pride and justice
embrace who you are, the muteki rider
Birth, the freezing destruction of the deadmans
Beyond Generations
return, the riot of vail
a new phase, gifftarians
devil in a murder mystery feat. lil vice, dj kagerou, and love dogg
Spinoff: Kamen Rider Century: Birth of Chimera
Thank you Hiromi
From Tamaki
Going to War
vice and vail
Holy Shit
Fox and the Devil
setting up
A Thunderiffic Burst
A Shrill Breeze
ReVice Legacy: Demons
My Dream
Mirage Mirror
Spin-off, Hyper Battle: battle of toei ip, which is better
We Are ReVice
One Final Attack
-battle familia prologue- Kamen Rider Century: Raid of Daimon
Battle Familia
Announcement: Something Fun

a chance to bloom

95 2 2
Da Mr_264_The_Boi

sakura was walking down a road....seeming to have no destination in mind



sakura: so, what do you want me to do?

masumi: I want you to recruit hana to our team

sakura: and how do I do that? she's opposed with my brother

masumi: we get vice

sakura:.....alright, maybe vice and y/n-nii can work together to get her to join

masumi: exactly, speaking of which, I upgraded your driver to use the Hashibiroko stamp

sakura: alright.....

masumi:....god damn, your not sure about this aren't you

sakura; a little

masumi: well, this is where we last found vice....he's

sakura: tokyo?

masumi: yes, we have an agent stalking him, his name is

???: HI HI!

flash back end

sakura: eh?

???: are you the person looking for vice?

sakura; uhh, yeah, who are you

???: my name is gojou satoru

sakura: w-why do you wear that blindfold?

gojou: I could tell you, or I could show you

vice walks past gojou and sakura

vice: hello kakashi

gojou: oh, hello

vice continues walking


sakura: i-isn't that

gojou: yes it is

gojou holds up a beaten up and bruised vice

sakura: H-HOW?!

gojou: welp, I'll leave it to you two now, call me if you need me

gojou walks away

sakura:....I don't get jujutsu kaisen sometimes

vice: uggg, my head

y/n: told you, next time pay for the food


y/n: I-....

vice:....wait I could have just stamped you back

y/n:....we're both stupid aren't we

vice: yeah....seems like it

sakura: vice...y/n-nii, I have a request

vice: oh, hey sakura, whats sup? wanna go to the arcade? I met some guy named ichiban there once

sakura: I want to speak to y/n-nii

vice: yeah...we don't know how to fix that

sakura: I could try knocking you out?

vice: oh ho? a challenge?

y/n; vice don't fight her

sakura: if thats what you want

Vistamp: COBRA!

vice: then let's fight

Rolling ViStamp: Hehehahaha

vice and sakura: henshin

LiBera Driver: Liberal Up! Ah! Going my way! Kamen Rider! Ja! Ja! Ja! Jeanne!

ReVice Driver: Vice Up! Gattsuri! Nottori! Kuronuri! Kamen Rider Revice! Vice! Vice! Vice!

revice: bring it on punk

jeanne gets in a battle ready stance


revice grabs his head in pain

revice: W-WHAT THE HELL?!

revice's visor flashes red before going back to blue

revice:...w-what the heck? a-am I back?

jeanne: Y-Y/N-NII!

revice holds his head in pain again


revice visor again flashes red


revice takes out the rolling vistamp

vice: DAMN IT

y/n: we were close

jeanne: w-what just happened

vice:...can I tell her?

y/n: go on ahead

vice: me and y/n were going from city to city, talking to the scientist, jimmy neutron, dexter, azmuth, everyone, trying to fix what ever happened to us, because y/n is starting to lose alot of weight

y/n: I need food, and bad

vice: so we just want to switch places again


jeanne takes out her cobra vistamp

sakura: maybe masumi-san could help

vice: alright, we're gonna trust ya

sakura: but I need you to help me with something in return

vice: deal

y/n: now wait a minuet vice, remember the last time we accepted someones deal with out thi-

vice: DEAL

y/n:....just like what happened when we lost our first legendary in pokemon mezastar

vice: hey, he said he could beat us

y/n: he had three legendries, we had one and didn't even think to use it

vice: water under the bridge



sakura: so, vice, y/n, heres the plan, we're gonna find aguilera and have you two fight her


sakura: what?

y/n:....vice can you stamp me into her phone so I can talk to her

vice: sure

vistamp: REX!

vice stamps sakura's phone with the rex vistamp, sending y/n into it

y/n; sakura?

sakura: y/n-nii!

y/n:....maybe it's best you do this on your own

sakura: w-what?

y/n: I get it I have been there for you for many years, if thats the reason

sakura: but she'll listen to you, aren't you two, like, husband and wife?

y/n: not exactly, plus she's been missing for awhile, so who knows what she thinks?

sakura; I-

y/ will be there to watch, and if things get ugly, we'll step in, but this is your job, it's time to take responsibility

sakura:...but I have a job

y/n: oh, and where do you work

sakura:.....t-the bath house

y/n: and what do you do?

sakura:...I'm your food taster

y/n: *sigh* sakura, thats not a job, thats just eating food

sakura: I-

vice: he has a point...he won't always be there forever, we could be stuck like this forever


vice: shall we move out

sakura: I-I guess

the two get up and walk away

vice: so, I have an idea, we'll ease her into joining us, sakura you do all the talking

sakura: I guess that might work

vice: I know it will, for it's an original idea by me, vi-

vice gets tackled down by a yellow blur



sakura: AH! AGUILERA!


vice: long story

aguilera looks at vice, gets up and turns back into her human form

aguilera: you, sister-in-law, explained

vice: I'm sure y/n would say "we;re not married"

sakura blushes a little

sakura: w-well, y/n and vice were given the rolling vistamp, it might not have been completed because it swapped the two, so now vice is the host and y/n-nii is the demon

vice: devil, actually, I'm a devil

sakura; eh? how, would lovekov be a devil then?

vice: no she's still a demon, actually, y/n would be more of a satan

y/n: it's times like this I wish we had a church

vice: quiet you

aguilera looks at vice....then had an idea, she grabs the rex vistamp from vice and stamps him with it, materializing y/n

y/n: woah, h-how?

aguilera grabs y/n in a bone crushing hug


y/n; MY BACK!

vice:...wonder how shion and shuna would feel if they saw this

sakura: what is the goblin village even up to right now?

vice: good question



vice: I'll teach you when your older

sakura: but I'm....18 already

vice: sure sure

vice pats sakura on her head

vice: and daiji is a man child

aguilera: gifu-sama, lets go on a date

y/n: wait but-

aguilera drags y/n away

vice: AHH! Y/N-CHWAN!

sakura: y/n-nii!

sakura and vice chase after aguilera and y/n

aguilera: look, an amusement park, let's go on some rides

aguilera drags y/n to a roller coster

y/n:...the fiery-fist-o-pain? hmm, sounds familiar

the cart goes off at a high speed, scaring y/n the whole time, while aguilera had a blast


the cart returned to the base, the two got out, and y/n immediately went to a trash can to throw up

aguilera; your so cute when your sick gifu-sama

y/n: ugg, my head

vice: m-made it....

aguilera: ooo, the tunnel of love, come on gifu-sama!

y/n: wait wait

aguilera grabs y/n and drags him to the next ride


the boat starts moving

y/n: actually this isn't that bad

aguilera: reminds me of when I first met you my prince


aguilera:.....hana is dead

y/n: hana, need to come back to reality....we're not married....I'm never gonna become gifu....all this stuff should be behind us


y/n:....tell me hana....whats the problem? what made you do all this

aguilera: I-I was raised into the deadmans cult....destined to be the queen of the new world, I didn't want to at first....but then we found you.....and...I actually did fall in love with you

y/n was staring at aguilera, seeing her in a new light

aguilera: I...I felt like, you could save me....but just we were both manipulated with something we wanted......or destiny

y/n: I was being told I was gonna become a prince, I thought....I could be a savior if I awaken the gifu powers in me....but then...I created a gifu jr

aguilera:...I....I wanted to be with you, and if I tried to leave...I was told I would never get to see you

y/n:.....I won't lie...I did kinda love you as a kid family meant alot to me....and they used that to manipulate me

y/n was blushing a bit

y/n:...I still do find you cute too

aguilera was blushing in return

y/n:....but we're on two different sides

aguilera:...m-maybe I can....j-joi-

sakura: MADE IT!

both aguilera and y/n jumped



sakura was also blushing


sakura:...I...I rather not share

y/n raised an eyebrow at her response



aguilera: for that...I will kill you


sakura: uh oh

sakura dodges a punch from aguilera

sakura: HENSHIN!

LiBera Driver: Kamen Rider! Ja! Ja! Ja! Jeanne!

jeanne and aguilera both kick eachother off the boat and into the water

y/n: this is bad, VICE!


vice swims all the way over to y/n

vice: wassup bud?

y/n: we need to transform

vice: you worry to much, remember what we said, she needs to do this on her own

y/n:...I-....I wan't talking about sakura



y/n was starting to blush

vice: *sigh* alright....but I'm not responsible if you get a bone broken....HENSHIN!

ReVice Driver: Vice Up! Gattsuri! Nottori! Kuronuri! Kamen Rider Revice! Vice! Vice! Vice!

revice:....kimata ze

revice jumps off the boat and takes jeanne down

aguilera; y-y/n?

revice: no, just vice....doing this on behalf of y/n



lovekov: KUZU!

revice: this is what y/n wanted... that case

vistamp: Hashibiroko!

LiBera Driver: RESTYLE! Rebuddy Up! Ah! Hashibiroko! Dadadadan!

jeanne: I'll take both of you down

revice: bring it on

aguilera just looks at revice


revice: yeah yeah yeah, he gets the credit all the time, and I'm the comedy, now, IT'S VICE TIME!

revice takes the rolling vistamp and uses it to punch jeanne, jeanne takes the punch full on and counters with a slash with her scythe


aguilera attacks jeanne with a couple blast of her own

revice: honey huh?

aguilera: I'm a queen bee, what did you expect?

revice: true..

Rolling ViStamp: Barid Rex! Energy! Painting Finish!

the rolluing vistamps freezes and forms a giant fist, revice punches jeanne with the fist, jeanne raises her scythe to block the attack

lovekov: k-kov

jeanne: stay strong love-chan

lovekov: LOVE!

LiBera Driver: Hashibiroko! Stamping Smash!

jeanne twirls her scythe above her, the faint sound of a beating drum can be heard


revice starts spinning the rolling vistamp

revice: LETS DO THIS!

revice charges at jeanne, jeanne twirls her scythe faster, the two hit each other with their weapons

revice:.....hehehehe, your getting strong.....guess I'll admit

revice drops his arm and gets hit by the scythe, vanishing as soon as it hits


jeanne: Y/N-NII!!!!

aguilera:...h-how could you just...kill him, SAKURA!!!!

aguilera glides at jeanne and grabs her, she then slams her to the wall

aguilera: I will avenge y/ killing you!


aguilera: wait...your still-

LiBera Driver: Hissatsu Shonin! Hashibiroko Liberal Smash!

with one powerful slash, jeanne defeats aguilera


aguilera wakes up in a prison cell

aguilera: my head

masumi: morning hana

aguilera: it's aguilera...wait where am I?!

masumi: your at weekend hq

gojou: you got 

masumi: hana, I have a proposition for you

aguilera: what is it?

masumi: we want you to join us....and in return, we'll get y/n back, but if you don't join us, we'll have to execute you here

aguilera: you and what army?

gojou: I'm all the army needed

aguilera starts to get goosebumps

aguilera: b-bring it on

sakura: wait, please...join us, we can get you with y/n....


masumi: alright, welcome to the team aguilera me hana....

masumi: eh?

hana:....I want to be called hana again

masumi: alright then...hana


vice: welp, my work here is done


vice: what?

y/n: something feels up

vice: and what would that be?

y/n:.....I don't know, something.....just feels up

back at the goblin villiage

george; yess, YESSSS!!! IT'S ALMOST DONE....the blueprints atleast, a stamp to fix vice and y/n's problem

to be continued

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