* Discontinued series* The un...

By Redlife123z

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This is a sequel for my kindergarten fanfic series. Y/N Pov side After the events at Kid school. You and Jasp... More

Ch 1 Kindergarten hero
Ch 2 Mall
Ch 4 Hotel
Ch 5 Carla messaged
Ch 6 Breakfast
Ch 7 A dear friend
Ch 8 Arguments
Ch 9 Test
Ch 10 First day
Ch 11 Moping up some evidence
Ch 12 Punishment room
Ch 13 The start of progress
Ch 14 Hot chocolate or Hot cocoa
Ch 15 Obedience
Ch 16 Guity
Ch 17 Fire ants
Ch 18 Mom meet
Ch 19 Truth or Dare
Ch 20 Diana
Ch 21 The teach off
Ch 22 Nightmares and Dreams
Ch 23 Breaking rules
Ch 24 Movie date
Ch 25 Under the moonlight
ch 26 The hack to success
Ch 27 Helpful Articles
Ch 28 Operation New Share
Ch 29 Is it worth it?
Ch 30 The secret cover
Ch 31 R.A.I.N
Ch 32 The conference
Ch 33 Santa gift
Ch 34 The court session
Ch 35 Will they accept?
Ch 36 Starting a new journey
I writing a third story
Update/ Roxy

Ch 3 Airport

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By Redlife123z

Kid Pov
It late in to the night. Ok, it was only 10pm. But for me that's late. I slowed crawled out of bed with Phoebe, and in the hallway. I know what your think, Adam what are you doing? You should be in bed right now. But listen, my bedtime is normally at 10:30pm. It just that today mom decided to send me to bed early. Because of are fight tomorrow. Also I used to stay up to midnight back during the time loops. Beside, it's only for a few minutes. And I have good reason to, and that is to ease drop on mom.

I tip toe my way to mom room, and listen though the door. When ever a adult sends a kid to bed early for no reason. It can mean of four things. A) There doing, rated R stuff. You know, the kind that makes babies. Which is definitely not happening, NO inbreeding in this house. B) Arguing, which don't seem to be true. As there was not yelling. Also I would of heard it by now. My room is next to mom. C) Just don't want to deal with there kids. Which my parents did a lot. I of course don't know back then. D) Are having a important discussion. Which was the most likely.

" I just don't know dad. Maybe this trip isn't a good idea. Me and Adam can barely manage are life here. Let lone in a new state. Things have been so heckled lately. After Adam old school shut down. I getting worried that maybe Adam can't handle it. I tried to get him to social with others kids. But it fails every time. Some I compare myself to the other parents, and I feel like the black sheep. I don't know of any other parents who kids are adopted. Moms are constantly showing and telling stories of when there kids were babies. Giving advise to other mom. Meanwhile, I here asking for advice. It just that, lately with the kindergartner thing going around. I feel like, I not as good for a mother to him. As everyone keeps saying I am."

My heart felt like it just broke. Mommy thinks she isn't a good amount mom to me. But doesn't she see, that she complete opposite of that. She the best mother in world. I mean, do you know of a mother would take in a random child. Deal with everything at my kindergarten, and help me fight a principal. With only getting a minimal salary. I wanted to cry right there. But sends I don't want to get caught, I cried in my room instead.

Don't worry mom, I prove your wrong. I guess I have to go on that trip after all.

Y/N Pov
It was 8am and I was getting ready for are fight. Walking down I found Jasper making breakfast. " Morning sis, did you talk to dad last night?" " I did, he said he looking forward to meeting us" I said grabbing myself a cup. " That good to know." I took a sip of my coffee. The tiny sound of little footprints can be heard coming down the stairs. As I prepared me and Adam a plate. " Morning buddy, I surprise that nor your mom or I don't have to wake you up." " Well I didn't feel like sleeping in today. Not like I can anyway." He let out a yawn, and join me at the table. " Well we go busy day ahead of us. So eat up."

We were waiting for are fight in the airport wait room. I was reading a book. Jasper and Adam looked out the windows. With Adam sharing some airplanes facts and knowledge he learned late night. As I reading, a mother and baby pair seat next to me. I place my book down. The mom looked like she was in her 30th with heavy bags under her eyes. She stilled had the pregnancy bump. As the baby looked to be three weeks old. Both baby and her had blonde hair, with green eyes to match. The baby started to cry. She pick the baby up, and swing it in her arms. But once that stop working, she pulled out a bottle from her bag. The baby soon calm down. I sighed, and looked at the cover of the book. Advice of newly mothers.

Ever since I started to take Adam in. I been reading books like those over and over again. But so far, none of them seem to work for me. They all take about, is how after childbirth a mother might feel like they can't be a mother. What to expect after having a baby? How to deal with postpartum depression or anxiety after labor? How to prepare of labor? What childbirth like? How to deal with the baby blues? Tips and tips for raising a baby, and helping them with there milestones. How to balance having a baby, and your life. How to be a stay at home mom? How to be a working mom?

Out of all that, the last one is the one I can use. And I reared at lest five books about this subject ( with this being my six). Seriously, why can't I find a book that fixes my needs. Then again, being a parent though adoption. Is probably not as big, compared to birthing out a human. You do need to go though pain if you plan to go though that way, unlike adoptions. I sighed and continued to read.

Kid Pov
We were now thousands of mile away from the ground. I was lucky enough to get a window seat. We were already a hour in fight. Jasper was enjoying the in fight entertainment, and mom was reading her book. And I was holding Phoebe in my hands. As I was searching for something to watch. Some voice was whispering to me. I don't hear it at first with there being a baby on broad. But after listening in, it sounded like a child voice from behind me.

" Hey kid." I looked though the seat, it was small girl around maybe four. " Can I help you?" " Are you part of the kindergarten hero squad from the news." You have got to be kidding me. Even on vacation, I can't get a break. " No." I quickly turn away from the girl. There was no way, I let the hole ' kindergarten titled' keep me from enjoying my vacation. "You sure? You look very familiar to one of the boys in the group." I glance over at mom and Jasper. Mom had just put on her headphones. And Jasper looked like he was about to fall asleep.

" You must be mistaken me for someone else." " No I not!" Why wasn't her parents doing something. " Well how do you know that." " I show you." She turn her head to what looked like to be her mom. " Mommy, can I have your phone." Wait she isn't? For some reason her mom let her. Who gives a four year old there phone like that? The girl started to search for something. " Seeeeeeeee, I right, you really are kindergarten boy." She shove her arm between the seat. And there, on the phone was my face. With title of kindergarten hero.

" I have so many questions to ask you. I can't believe I on a fight with a kid celebrity" she said squealing. I gonna and looked at mom. Now I could ask her to stop this girl for me. As let be honest, there no way I could stop this girl. But the other hand, a good son. Would let this girl question him. She only four, kid. Four years old act this way. That what most parents would say. My however wouldn't, she would of understand that this four year is making me uncomfortable. And would speak to the girls mom to make her stop. However it would also be weak of me to ask. I mean, I was able to handle a horrible principal. But not a four year old kid.
Can you imagine how pathetic that must be?

A/N Next chapter going to have a lot of stuff in it. So get ready.

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