With All My Love, Angel _ Ant...

By Kiki_SG2021

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Duty, Honor, and Loyalty are the words that Anthony Bridgerton deemed to be his virtues. Yet if you were to a... More

Chapter 1: A Drastic Turn
Chapter 2: Wondering Hearts
Chapter 3: The Dinner
Chapter 5: Falling
Chapter 6: Confused and Conflicted
Chapter 7: What Do We Do?
Chapter 8: The Lie
Chapter 9: Pieces
Chapter 10: The Secret
Chapter 11: Home

Chapter 4: King of the Castle

547 15 1
By Kiki_SG2021

Everyone was stunned to silence when Anthony entered the room but Angel had been even more surprised than she let on. She realized this as she smiled at Anthony and with that tiny act alone it released the grip of his nerves. As he marched to the table taking his seat at the head across from Violet and beside Benedict and Angel. He unfolded his napkin placing it on his lap trying to avoid the stares that he was getting from his family. 

Angel cleared her throat, catching everyone's attention. They all continued with what they were doing previously as if nothing had happened. Yet the family still took a peek toward the new Viscount sitting rigidly at the head of the table. Angel couldn't contain her smile as she looked at her plate taking a tiny sip of her wine. Anthony leaned toward her ear. "Stop smiling like that". She whispered back. "Like what?". She played coy, her eyes held amusement glowing with the light from the candles that surrounded them. "As if you have just won a prize," he said back unamused, yet Angel could see the slight smirk that was quickly replaced with a scowl. 

She was bemused he seemed so vulnerable at the moment yet she could tell that his walls were firmly in place. "Then all should feel sorry for me if you are to be my prize." She whispered to him only to follow her comment with a giggle. Anthony was not amused at least no one would be able to tell if he was, he sat stoically, but he was. Anthony was annoyed at this revelation since he had not thought that her reaction would have moved him thus. Yet it did and he was pleased to know that she was happy. 

Surprisingly enough she was content at this moment, how strange to feel anything akin to happiness when it came to Anthony Bridgerton. Dinner went smoothly and everyone seemed at ease except for Anthony who seemed to constantly be readjusting his position in his seat. He did not seem very comfortable but that could be due to a number of things. That is when Violet decided to address her eldest son. 

"Anthony how have you been fairing?". Her voice at the end trembled as if asking had taken a great deal of effort. Angel looked at the Bridgerton matriarch. Her eyes seemed to hold a haunting look as she concentrated on her son. Anthony seemed to still of all movement as he caught his mother's eyes. He remained passive but loving. He did not want to worry his mother, she had gone through enough it was the very least Anthony could do. "Everything has been accounted for and all matters have been dealt with for the season. I have only just gotten acquainted with managing our books but do not worry our affairs are all in order." This did not seem to satisfy her answer. "No dear, I was asking about you." That seemed to stump Anthony. He had not given it much thought but what came out of his mouth was. "I am well." 

It was not a complete lie but it was not entirely the truth. She smiled at that but you could see a lingering emotion that Anthony could not distinguish. Everyone seemed lively and jovial at dinner. There was laughter after so much time where there was only a grave-like silence that had settled upon the house. Angel had rung her glass bringing all the attention to her. "I would like to make a toast." She held her wine glass up. "I would love to toast to a member that we have all lost, he was a dear friend, a beloved husband, a devoted father, a wonderful godfather. He has not only changed all of our lives but in his death, he has left a mark as well. We will always love and remember Edmond Bridgerton and may he rest in peace". 

Angel could not bare to look into anyone's eyes as she stood in her spot. That is when she felt a hand in hers she looked toward Anthony who was giving her a watery smile. That is when Anthony stood up raising his glass letting go of Angel as he did so. Benedict, Marcus, all the women, and even Violet stood up. All holding back tears in their eyes as they remembered the late Viscount Edmond Bridgerton. "To Edmond and may he rest in peace". Violet spoke as she raised her glass looking at Angel with a loving glance. 

Angel's heart swelled as she watched Violet mouth "Thank you" to her. Her smile only grew wider as she nodded her head. Angel was on the verge of tears from the overwhelming happiness that spread through her chest all the way down to her toes. Even though Angel had not noticed Anthony could not help but stare at her. At that moment she looked exactly as she was, an Angel.

Though dinner went exceptionally well Anthony did not account for dessert nor the sprites and wine that they were to have in the formal drawing room of Aubrey Hall. With the added company of baby Hyacinth, everyone seemed more relaxed. The baby was a nice distraction for the ladies as Anthony, Marcus, and Benedict sat drinking some wine. Anthony's mother seemed livelier than usual. She was smiling as she held baby Hyacinth. 

Angel and Daphne would coo at the baby making faces to have her giggle or smile. It was as if nothing had changed but that was the problem for everything had. No one would ever say it but the absence of his father was clear as day. It stung to think about him, even Marcus had a distant look as he sipped from his glass. What bothered Anthony more was that he could not stop himself from looking over to Angel as if she were his lifeline. He did not want to admit this bond that they had formed. Years of hatred, resentment, and pranks were shattered in a few months. How had this happened?

 Before he hadn't even thought of her only under the context of pest. Now he was looking at her searching for the comfort that steadied his heart. She was his raft that had saved him from the perilous sea that was his misery. The sheer demise of his person had withered and somehow she had brought him back to life. Anthony was stubborn though and as those thoughts crossed his mind he shoved them down for he did not like the idea of someone having so much power over him. Yet each time her emerald eyes found his every obstinate thought vanished and all that mattered was her.

As the event concluded and everyone sought the comfort of sleep Anthony walked back to his office claiming that he was not tired. He had even made a passive dig of the fact that the dinner had taken him away from important work. Angel's eyes rolled as she clicked her tongue in disapproval. 

Benedict was the one to put everything into perspective once Anthony rigidly marched back to his office. "It might not seem so but he had a lovely time. You know how pigheaded he can be." Angel could only smile at him nodding her head. "Yes, but at the very least he could have said something kind." Benedict could only snicker covering up his smile as he looked down at Angel. "Then it would not be Anthony, now would it." Angel giggled her laugh sounding like chimes in the wind wholeheartedly agreeing with Benedict. 

They bid each other goodnight but once Angel reached her bed chambers she could not find rest. She had gotten out of her uncomfortable dress and shoes. Her wild curls lay braided down her back and as she lay there in bed sleep just could not find her. Tossing and turning till she decided to get up and go to the library. But as she walked the halls of the estate her feet did not lead her to the library but to the door of one Anthony Bridgerton.

 She did not even realize it until she looked up at the door. She was a bit confused as to why she had wandered here, she attempted to move her way back toward the library but she felt stuck. Her mind was telling her to move but her body felt paralyzed. She just stood there in front of the door and before she could properly give it some consideration she knocked on it. She heard the word "Enter" before she slipped open the door entering the office. 

Anthony was sitting in front of his desk. He had a bottle of whiskey open and another bottle of wine as well. She raised her eyebrow at him since he had not looked her way. Yet she grabbed a glass from the trolly near the door and briskly poured herself a drink before sitting behind his desk. He downed his drink in one swig before meeting her eyes. 

They were dark and clouded, he was clearly drunk but she did not comment on the fact. Taking a swig of her own drink swirling the contents in her mouth before swallowing the strong liquor.

 He continued to stare at her but she just ignored him as she felt the burn of the alcohol warming her from the inside. Anthony's head was spinning and Angel seemed to be the only thing that was keeping him steady. He sighed at the thought that she was the one thing that truly grounded him. He needed another drink. He got up to grab the bottle but stumbled landing on the floor. He groaned but as he settled from the surprise he could hear soft giggles coming closer and closer to him until he saw her. 

Her eyes were filled with light amusement as she bit her lip trying to suppress the smirk on her face. She helped lift him up and brought him back to the chair. She got him situated before picking up the glass from the floor and closing the bottles to put them away. Anthony just sat there with a blank expression on his face. 

Once she was done she sat next to him waiting for him to initiate conversation. Angel knew that it would take a while before he would say anything but the silence was comfortable. With Anthony, it was always comfortable. 

His mind was always working, a constant in her life. It was infuriating but now that the peace was being upheld she had gotten to know how much he worried. He was a kind man and she admired how much he loved his family. She would often joke that it was his only redeeming quality. He was never amused by that. Yet here she was whiskey in hand with Anthony drunk in the chair opposite her. "Tonight at dinner.." He paused as if the words had escaped him. "It wasn't... Entirely awful." 

She bit her tongue reminding herself that even though they were on good terms he was still an imbecile. "Yes, I thought it was a smash. I am glad that you moderately enjoyed yourself though." He glanced at her with a dubious look. "Did I have a choice?" A Cheshire grin spread across her features. "Far be it from me to stop a man from planning his demise." He shook his head a bit amused by that. "Do you always have a smart comment for each occasion or do you save them for me?" 

She took a sip of her drink puckering her lips. "Do not fret Anthony, my smart remarks are not exclusive but I must admit you do inspire the best of them." He laughed at that. "I suppose some things never change." He slurred a bit at the end and his eyes had a disoriented look to them. "I suppose they don't." She frowned. "Anthony you look awfully tired, would you like to retire to your chambers." He shook his head. "I have not been sleeping very well. I keep...." He paused sucking on his lips, his eyebrows furrowed concentrating on the thoughts. "I can't stop picturing that day, my mother's screams, and the day of Hyacinth's birth. It was.." She got up to sit in front of his chair grabbing his hand and looking up at him. "It must have been awful Anthony. If you need to talk I am more than happy to listen." With his free hand, he stroked her cheek. "You do not have to face your pain alone." She whispered to him. 

Their eyes remained connected as he continued to stroke her cheek finding the feel of her skin comforting and her smell soothing. Angel sat there worried for the man. She had never seen him so heartbroken. When she had seen him cry it was one thing but this was a quite contained sadness that remained. It was terrifying and she did not wish for him to continue to suffer. "Anthony?" She said slowly, he seemed to be in an entirely different world as he continued to stroke her cheek. 

There was a look in his eye though something that she could not place. She had never seen such a look and it shook her to her core. She steadily got to her feet stepping back. Anthony paused in his movement leaning back in his chair taking in the view. She looked absolutely perfect standing there in her nightgown, with her hair loose and the shawl that covered her shoulders. He looked away quickly his cheeks growing pink. 

Angel leaned forward moving a piece of hair away from his eye. "Maybe I should help you to bed Anthony. I'm afraid you might be a bit too drunk to make it up there on your own". He looked at her perplexed getting up quickly to try and show her that he was more than capable of getting there on his own. 

Once he stood up he stumbled again catching himself on the chair closest to him. He felt quite dizzy as the alcohol hit him a bit harder this time as he held himself up. "I believe that you may be right". She shook her head grabbing his arm and wrapping it around her shoulder as they ventured to the Viscount's room.

Once they had entered his chambers she slowly placed him in a chair helping him remove his boots. He was very drowsy but for some reason, he had liked this side of Angel. He had never been taken care of like this before and would have vehemently refused any person's help but for some reason, he could relax around her and he trusted her enough to let her do it. 

She removed his boots, cravat, and jacket, leaving him in only a shirt and pants as she guided him to bed. She managed to settle him under the covers before leaving him to rest. Before she could even turn around he had grabbed her arm. He muttered one word "Stay," he said huskily. Her eyes moved to meet his, they were dark and alluring in a half-hazy state. She shook her head. "Anthony, it would not be appropriate to stay in your room. What would our....". "Please Angel, I don't want to be alone tonight". His eyes were swimming with longing as he stared at her. 

His pupils grew large as she licked her lips nervously. She didn't know what to do or what to say. Should she stay with him? She walked around the bed pulling up the sheet and arranging the pillows trying to keep as much distance away from him. She gave him a look as she situated herself comfortably. She could feel his gaze looking up catching his hazel eyes. "What?". She said surprise laced in her voice but Anthony could tell that she was also nervous. The little squeak that she made at the end eluded to her true feelings. 

He only just realize how compromising this was but he was selfish. Damn selfish, but he just could not muster up a care. He had a deep seeded longing to have her there beside him. Even with the assortment of pillows that divided them. He leaned toward her sliding his hand under the pillows finding a comfortable position to sleep. He grabbed her hand intertwining their fingers before closing his eyes. "Good night Angel". 

She was stunned but faced the pillows that lay in the middle of the bed. He ran his thumb over her knuckles. She smiled turning pink at his actions. "Good night, Anthony". She could hear Anthony's soft snores as she lay there in his bed staring at the ceiling. Her heart was beating a bit too fast for her liking as she felt the warmth of his hand in hers. 

She rubbed her chest at a spot above her heart and even though her heartbeat had steadied she just could not stop her racing thoughts. She peeked over the pillows catching a glimpse of his peaceful face and running a hand through his chestnut locks. For some reason looking at his face calmed her nerves. 

Whether it was because the usually worried man was finally at peace or the fact that just knowing he was there made her thoughts mellow she did not know. It calmed her enough for her eyelids to start to get heavy. Her last thought as sleep consumed her was the uneasy feeling she got. Something had changed and she did not know how she felt about it.

Hi guys! Sorry for posting so late, I hope you liked the chapter. These young kids don't really know what's happening with all these feelings and teen hormones making them a bit crazy. But don't worry hopefully soon something really interesting might happen or maybe it won't, we shall see. 

Thanks for reading!


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