Chapter 8: The Lie

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On the other side of that door, Anthony had popped open a bottle of brandy. Balancing his chair on two legs he leaned back sipping out of the crystal glass. He had gone through the events of the day so thoroughly. He had seen Angel at breakfast, then she had brought tea, then nothing. She had been absent and no one had given him a valid reason as to why. Veronica was very stubborn and deemed Angel's absence was due to a tantrum that she had earlier in the day. In a fury at her statement, she hurried off before Anthony could get any details. He did not believe her since Veronica tended to exaggerate when Angel and her did not see eye to eye. 

He knew it was a big fight since Angel had locked herself away in her chambers. He had wondered if he should go to her to see if he could help her with whatever had happened but he thought better. Blaming that rambunctious thought on his tipsy state, he took another swig of the amber-colored liquors that burned down his throat warming him from the inside. As he contemplated his next move. That's when he heard a knock coming from outside his door. The legs of the chair landed with a thud on the ground as Anthony called out for the person to enter. Not even giving it a thought. 

That's when a small figure slipped through the door clicking it closed before turning to face him. Angel. His thoughts spun as he took a peek at the clock. It was past midnight and even though this wasn't a surprise occurrence, he had not thought that she would appear tonight for their midnight drink. As if it were instinctual he pulled out another glass and poured the liquor for her sliding it across the wood desk as she took a seat in front of him. Naturally, she slumped in a very unladylike manner and downed the entire contents of the glass. 

She slammed the glass back down eyeing the Viscount purposefully. He filled the glass once again. She took up her position in the chair and sipped at the liquor this time around. Silence engulfed the room leaving tensions in the air. Her shoulders were rigid and her lips puckered whether it be in annoyance or from the drink he did not know. He leaned back in his chair nursing his glass as she settled in her seat pondering through her thoughts. 

She dared a look toward him but found herself not able to look away. He held this look of deep concern. It was strange to see it since it usually was never directed at her and something settled in her at the knowledge that maybe Anthony Bridgeton cared for her. She tipped her glass took another sip then placed the glass on the desk. "I needed to speak with you." Anthony nodded gesturing for her to continue. She pushed a strand of hair behind her before she continued.

Her throat became a bit dry. "I spoke to my mother and father today about the idea of leaving Aubrey Hall." Anthony's adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed down her words. He kept his calm façade as she elaborated her story. Getting up she started to pace in front of his desk as she told him the details of their conversation. She explained the fight she had with her mother. The look that her father gave her at her resistance and at her outburst toward the end. She had tried to reason with them she had explained why she could not leave Daphne, Colin, Benedict, Violet, and even... She stopped her pacing once his name almost escaped her lips. 

She looked up at him her face painted pink with embarrassment. Anthony still held some concern in his eyes for Angel as he waited. "Anthony I must stay. Please if you were to say something surely they would listen." He had a pensive look on his face as he placed a hand to his chin his eyebrows furrowing creating a deep line between them. She started to pace again rambling on. "If I stay I can help the girls and now that Violet is more herself she can also help me. We could continue as we are with the games and books. Even us Anthony we can continue our routine. I can bring the tea in the afternoon and our drink at the end of the day. Nothing would have to change." 

Anthony remained as he was but Angel continued to pace not knowing what to do she could only place her hope in Anthony. She had been there from the beginning she couldn't leave them now and maybe, maybe he didn't want her to leave either. "Why." his voice stopped her in her tracks. She turned to him as her hair whipped around her. Her eyes were large and glassy making the green in them sparkle. Anthony only looked at her as he waited for a response. She shuttered out "Why, why what?" Anthony sighed looking a bit annoyed. "Why do you wish to stay?" He said a bit harshly. 

With All My Love, Angel _ Anthony BridgertonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon