Chapter 3: The Dinner

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Everyone in the house had entered into a routine to try and create some normalcy for the Bridgertons. The one thing that none of them had anticipated was the friendship that had bloomed between Anthony and Angel. Even Veronica, who had anticipated that something would happen was quite surprised. 

After everything that they had endured due to the lengthy list of disagreements and pranks, the pair had pulled on one another throughout the years. It had not mattered though for they had found a way to mend this childish rivalry. And everyone could see that Anthony was coming around a bit more and they were all in agreement it was because of Angel.

It had been about two and a half months since Edmond's death and the family was still in mourning but it didn't stop Angel from doing her best to cheer everyone up. She had been planning a family meal for everyone at the end of this coming week. She had pulled out all the favorites, A nice roast, chicken, and asparagus and she had the cooks make many fabulous desserts some even having a bit of chocolate. 

She had been so excited to have the entire family together but even though she was excited her heart fell at the fact that one person was not going to be attending. Anthony had been very passive that morning when she had asked him if he would be joining dinner with his family. She had been dropping hints all week trying to persuade him to come and break this streak of solitude that he was self-imposing.

She had brought him breakfast like she did every morning with a nice hot cup of tea. They spent the early hours together chatting. When Angel had brought up the dinner that would take place that night. "Anthony, did you get a chance to decide if you are to come to dinner tonight with the family?" He had barely even acknowledged her. He usually took the time to stop what he was doing to speak with her but she could tell that he was doing this deliberately. She saw his neck twitch as if he was about to look up at her but he kept his head down. 

If she hadn't been looking straight at him, she would have missed his hesitation. She looked down at her teacup, swirling the spoon around the amber-colored liquid. The smell of camomile and honey wafted up to her nose. She was contemplating what she should do to motivate Anthony to join dinner, but nothing had come to mind. Anthony looked up. "I don't think that I will join you for dinner tonight." She had tried to remain calm. "May I ask why?" giving him a curious look. 

He slid his gaze back down scribbling something on a sheet while he answered, not being able to meet her eyes. "I just don't think that I have the time." She sighed with disappointment, it was evident in her demeanor. Her dropped shoulders and the frown that was forming on her face. "I suppose you are right Anthony." He looked up, not believing his ears. Did she just admit that he was right? Had pigs started to fly, he was tempted to look out the window just to make sure. An image of a drift of pigs flying in the sky like birds came to mind. "I beg your pardon?" 

She looked up from her tea cup with a quirked brow. He had this irritating smirk on his face as he leaned back in his chair, his hands clasped in front of him. "Did you just say that I was right?" Angel ground her teeth. Trying to hold back a biting comment. She smiled as genuinely as she could. "Do not give me that look, Anthony. Even a broken clock is right twice a day." She smiled into her tea hiding the pleasure she had, knowing that her comment bothered him. Yet when she looked up that damn smirk was still on his face. 

She frowned. "Oh, Anthony stop it this instance." He chuckled to himself. "I am just surprised that is all, do not fret my dear." She sighed going forward with her plan. "Well, I suppose we will not be seeing you tonight." His smile faded as he moved forward in his chair trying to act as if it did not bother him.

He fiddled with some papers as he continued his work. Angel could only roll her eyes at his subtle escape. He didn't respond, just grunting a bit in reply. "Well, I guess the children will be alright. This will be the first meal sitting together but I guess they will understand." He grunted again, still writing. She got up to refill her cup pouring the hot water into the blue floral china. She grabbed a biscuit from the silver tray.

With All My Love, Angel _ Anthony BridgertonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin