Not Your Edgy Bitch (ROTTMNT...

By Toddels

128K 4.8K 25.3K

Are you a simp for Donnie??? Awesome. Me fucking too bro: Ever since (Y/n) witnessed an oozequito turning th... More

Unexpected Ally
Ninja Stalker
A Spark
Nightly Foes
Dr. Donnie
Not A Café Date
Stay Bitchin'
Heating Tension
Growing Feelings
The Purple Dragons
The Art Fair
Make Amends
Two Geniuses Hand in Hand
The Exterminator Returns

The "Exterminator"

5.4K 191 1.3K
By Toddels

Almost named this chapter "Donnie fucking dies lmao" 💀💀 snsnsnsn (ignore my ass pls—)


I inhale and exhale to calm down.

I am in a fucking predicament.

But one problem at a time.

Donnie comes first before the fucking gross ass mutant out there. That hoe is gonna have to wait to die.

I lift my hand from Donnie's neck and got spooked when I saw his blood on my hand.

"Donnie? Are you conscious?" I ask worriedly.

"Yes. I aren't deaduth yetuth..." he says.

I place a finger over his mouth. "Please stop talking like that. You're scaring me." I tell him.

Wait a second. I open his mouth with my hand and look inside.

There was no blood coming out of his mouth. That was a good sign. Usually when I give out neck wounds, they bleed out of their mouths but Donnie wasn't. There's still a chance he's going to be okay...

He stares at me confused, "W-What are you doing?" he asks tiredly.

"It's not pierced through your neck all the way..."

"Yeah, I literally said that before. The glass looks deep but it isn't..." He reaches his arm to the glass shard and pulls it out of his neck. "ARGH!" His eyes tear a little.

"AH!" I shout and immediately hold my hand to his wound. "W-Why would you do that?! The glass was preventing you from bleeding out your neck! It was like a plug!"

"You think I don't know that?" he says, "I wasn't stabbed stabbed— it just cut across half my neck pretty good and only pierced the flesh. I could understand why it looks like I was stabbed completely. The gigantic shard of glass is intimidating..."

"But then why did you collapse on me like you were dying?! That scared the shit outta me!" I say.

"(Y/n)... I... I think there is poison on the glass..." he places it on the ground.

"What?! Donnie that doesn't make sense— how could the mutant have that?"

"I don't know..." he slowly attempts to lift his arm up but I lower it.

"Stop. Just relax, what are you trying to do?"

"Lower my goggles so I can scan the glass." he answers.

I take my hand and lower them for him, "Good?" I ask.

"Thanks sweetheart..." he says. He looks at the glass.

"Holy shit..." he says.

"What is it?" I ask concerned.

"I was right! The glass has insecticide on it!"

"No it can't be..." I say, "How come it's not killing that mutant?!"

"Must've built immunity to it..." Donnie's eyes widened, "Wait a second— this is the same insecticide that poisoned you! But then that means..."

His eyes trail over to the door, "That isn't just a mutated centipede... that's your landlord."

"What the fuck?!" I shout, "How the fuck— When the fuck?! Wait how are you so sure?"

Donnie looks at me but looks away again, "Uh don't worry about it..."

I cock my eyebrow at him. Okay? I'll investigate that later. "It makes sense though, that explains why the centipede is so fucking big. I don't know how but he must've gotten in here and forced opened my oozequito jar, hence why it was broken. So he mutated with the glass, the poison apparently, and a centipede! I didn't know it was possible to mutate with so many things! The ooze is more powerful than I thought since it was able to bind that all together!" I monologue.

Donnie looks up at me while smiling, "Wow you're so smart..."

I look down at him, "Oh shit, I need to make you an antidote!"

"That's not the poison talking if that's what your implying..." he reassures.

"Oh. I thought it was. But I still have to make you an antidote. Luckily, we are trapped in the perfect place to do so!" I carefully stand up with him and carry him over to a wall to lean him against. "You okay there?" I ask as I lift his tech goggles back onto his head.

"No!" he says while extending his arms back out to me, "Just let me die peacefully in your arms." he whines.

"Oh fuck it is the poison talking— and don't say shit like that!" I complain as I grab a paper towel. I lower myself and hold it to his neck, "Keep that there so you don't bleed out alright?"

"K love." he chimes while holding it there.

I blush a little and stand back up. I remember how to make the antidote from last time so it shouldn't take me that long.

As I'm gathering supplies, the landlord centipede starts banging the door. Well, it was literally throwing itself into the door.

Donnie screams and shouts, "IT'S TRYING TO COME THROUGH BOTH OF THE DOORS!" Shit, he's seeing double now like how I was.

"OH FUCK OFF!" I yell at the creature as I now start mixing serums into a vile. Surprisingly, it stops.

I then see Donnie aim his bo-staff at the door and it turns into a chain saw, "DON'T WORRY HONEY, I'LL PROTECT US!" he yells over the noise.

"DONNIE!" I yell as I rush over to him. "TURN THAT OFF!"


"NO. I will handle it. Turn the saw off right now."

He turns it off and I take his staff away from him. I lean it against the wall and continue making the antidote on an empty shelf near Donnie.

"Aw no fair..." he complains.

I pat his little head while mixing. "I know... you'll get your chance to use it... maybe..."

He takes my hand off his head and nuzzles it lovingly.

"D-Donnie!" I say flustered as I pull my hand away.

He gives me puppy dog eyes, "Pleaseee?"

"Please what?" I question.


I blink a few times. "You??? I don't believe it." I pour the antidote into a syringe. I would've let him drink it but I need this to work quickly because the poison is already in his bloodstream. I hold it up proudly with a smile.

He then leans forward and wraps his arms around my waist to pull me onto his lap and hug me.

"woAH—" I say as I fall down onto him. I blink a few times to process what was going on. Him hugging me felt so nice and comforting. I'm so glad that he isn't going to die. He literally scared me to death.

He rests his head on my shoulder and I blush. It's weird seeing him so touchy and clingy. Honestly though, I wouldn't mind if this were an everyday thing.

But right now, I want the normal Donnie back. I lift my arm up and jab the syringe into his neck without looking.

He whimpers and hugs me tighter. Hearing that pains my heart. I gently hush him, "I am so sorry, but you are not allowed to die. The antidote will help you."

After I finished injecting it in, I pull it out of his neck. I drop the syringe and place my hand onto his wound to comfort it. "You okay?" I ask. I feel him nod his head.

"Don, can you please let me go so I can patch up your neck?"

He doesn't answer and I feel him get heavier on me.


No answer.

Shit. The quick dosage to the neck made him pass out.

I carefully climb out of his grasp and lean him on the wall. I snatch another paper towel and hold it to his neck. Thankfully the bleeding was slowing down.

Would it be wrong if I used duck tape to hold this here? Maybe I should stay here with the paper towel instead.

That bug fucker starts throwing itself into the door again.

Never mind.

I grab the tape, pull off a piece, and press it carefully onto his neck. I wish I had a bandaid for him instead of this ghetto shit.

I give him one final look and smile sincerely. I'm so thankful he wasn't stabbed for real. I could never forgive myself if he were to die. I love him too much...

Wow... I really do.

I gently place a kiss on his forehead, "Stay here lovie." I whisper, "I'll be right back." I stand back up.

Now, how am I gonna kill that bug?

I make my way to the back of the closet and start loading myself up with gadgets.

But I knew it wasn't enough. I scan my pile of brief cases and pull one out. I set it onto the floor and open it.

That bug fucker starts throwing itself against the door again.


It stops.

Huh, so it does understand me.

I start to quickly assemble my machine gun.

It was a "mini gun", but don't let the name fool you, it shoots rapidly and it's heavy— I prefer to hold it with two hands.

I load it and pick it up with both hands. I kick the brief case across the floor and proceed to the door.

I stop in front of Donnie to look at him. I hated seeing him injured, the sight hurt every bone in my body. I sigh, "Please don't be mad at me for what I'm about to do..."

I continue to walk over to the door. I lean my ear against it to listen.

I didn't hear anything.

That isn't a good sign. I pull a tiny marble from off my belt and roll it under the door. I then hear a heavy thud and the scrambling of legs.

There it is.

I force the door open and immediately shut it behind me. The bug takes it's attention off the marble and onto me.

It's soulless eyes staring back into mine gave me complete chills. And to think that it is my landlord didn't make me feel any better.

I swallow my fear and aim my machine gun at it, "Your free trial of life has ended." The tip of my gun starts spinning and fires rapidly at it.

The creeper is quicker, swiftly dodging my bullets and climbing on the wall.

"Eww stop moving and just die already!" I complain. I watch as it circle back around on the wall. I made sure to keep my fucking distance because if it touches me, I might just kill myself.

I finally hit it and it drops to the floor. I can see it start to bleed.

"Ha take that motherfucker!" I cheer.

It takes a few steps over to me and begins to shake aggressively.

Oh shit!

I turn and bolt to my kitchen making a run for it. I flip over my table and jump over it to take cover.

I hear the glass shatter against it. That was a close one. I peak my head from out the table and I don't see the centipede anymore.

Now do you know what's scarier than seeing this mutant centipede? When you no longer see it.

I panic and look around with a shaky breath. I should've known that the glass was a diversion. I'm such a fucking idiot.

I feel something graze the top of my head.


I immediately back away and see the centipede dangling from the ceiling.

I scream and aim my gun and start shooting again. "EW DON'T TOUCH ME!"

It jumps down and begins to corner me.

I still shoot at it but I run out of ammo. Shit. I look at my gun and then back at the bug.

I throw the heavy machine gun at it and it knocks the creeper down. This fight shouldn't take long since it was already bleeding out. I try to run to make distance but it grabs my foot and makes me fall.

"AH!" I yell as I hit the ground. I eye it's leg on me and pull out my knife to slice it off. It flinches as I crawl away.

But it crawls even faster to chase me. I feel it grab my feet and it begins to drag me away.

I kick my feet and struggle to get it off of me. It doesn't let go. "BITCH!" I threaten. My arm moves to grab my bug spray, however, the centipede is whacked across the room by Donnie.

"Donnie!" I yell relieved.

He helps me up, "Why would you try to take on this thing by yourself?! Are you insane?"

"A little." I admit, "I'm glad that you're as good as new!" I change the subject.

He ignores me and makes his way over to the bug and starts fighting it. I notice the centipede seemed more aggressive fighting Donnie than it did with me.

Actually come to think of it... I think it was just toying with me...

Yeah that's my landlord for sure.

Donnie was hella pissed though, every movement he did with his staff seemed so forceful yet calculated. It was kinda hot seeing him kick ass.

My eyes then land on the leftover acid in the titanium box.

I've got another justifiable twisted idea.

I dash over to it and pick it up. This will put an end to this for sure.

I make my way over to the two. "Hey Don, give me an opening!" I shout.

"An opening?" he quickly glances over to me and picks up on my plan right away. "Oh! You got it!"

He pins the nasty bug to the wall with his staff. The stick was extended so he could keep a distance from it.

I walk over to them. The bug squirms under Donnie's staff.

I smirk and hold the acid above it's head, "With the fucked up shit you've done as a mutant and a human, this is 100% deserved." I say.

"Yes, also because we cannot let you roam around and terrorize people..." Donnie adds.

I pour the acid onto it and it screeches in agony as it melts away.

"Liven't." I remark as I fist bump Donnie. We stare at it's remains as a sense of relief washes over us.

"I know that it's too late but it would've been so interesting to experiment on them..." Donnie says as he brings his bo-staff back to his side.

"It definitely would've and I wish we could... but the danger isn't worth it."

"I'll say..." Donnie says as he touches his neck.

I look over to him, "How do you feel?"

"Much better thanks to you..." his face then tints, "Also, I'm sorry about all the... weirdness while I was—"

"It's fine." I quickly reassure, "I did the same to you so now we're even k?"

He nods, "Alright..."

We both cleaned what was left over of the monster.

Except all the bullet holes in my wall were going to be a bit more tedious. There were a lot, whoops.

"Man, I really need to go to the hobby store tomorrow... my landlord is going to kill me when he sees thi— oh wait..."

Donnie chuckles at my realization, "Yep, they are finally outta your hair for sure!"

"Yeah but now I need to find out who inherits the building so I can start paying them instead..." I say while rolling my eyes at the inconvenience.

"Personally, that's more preferable than dealing with your landlord."

"Yeah, I'll definitely sleep better at night now. I do wonder how he got in here..."

"I was thinking the same thing since there is no way he could've gotten past my highly advanced lock system." Donnie makes his way back over to the closet and I instinctively follow him.

"Huh that's odd..." he says.


"There are no air vents in here... so how did they..." Donnie's eyes widened when he remembered that time he went to confront your landlord. He was hiding in that hidden room. What if he had more?

"Donnie what is it?" I ask as concern grows within me.

He walks to the back of your closet and pushes on the wall.

I chuckle at him, "The fuck are you doing now?"

He steps away from the wall and stares at it annoyed. He then places his hands on the corner and tries to slide it open.

It works.

I stood there completely shocked and disturbed. Words couldn't even escape my mouth. Of course the creepy bastard had secret tunnels and shit! That would explain how they knew about all the shit I was up to! It all made sense now. I just never suspected it because it seems so far fetched— I better not be a fucking Scooby-Doo character...

"I knew it!" Donnie says while pointing at it, "They have been stalking you this entire time..."

I feel myself get literal chills, "I... I don't want to think about that..." Man am I glad that they are dead now.

"Ugh something extremely dangerous could have happened to you! I would've figured this all out sooner but I just assumed your landlord was dead..." he says.

I tilt my head, "Why would you think he is dead?"

He looks over to me with a puckered face and shrugs.

"Actually how did you even know to check my back wall for a hidden door?!" I question further.

Once again, he looks at me with a puckered face and shrugs.

"Donnie..." I say irritated.

He starts to say his usual "Don't worry abou—" but I cut him off.

"I wish to use one of my five questions that you owe me. Explanation now." I demand.

He looks at me paled face for a moment seeming to have forgotten that he owed me those questions. He sighs defeatedly, "Fine. After you were recovering from the poison I went to dispose the tampered flowers right?"

"Uh huh..."

"So to summarize it, I went and shoved them down your landlords throat..."

I gasp offendedly, "WHAT?! WITHOUT ME???"

"You already went through a lot at the time so I didn't think it would've been a good idea... plus I found him cornered in his hidden room so it was an easy opportunity I felt..."

I stare at him in disbelief. I guess that explains how he knew about the mutant centipede carrying poison and how he knew off the bat it was my landlord!

"I cannot believe you right now. You did that, and then yelled at me for what I did to the purple drago—"

"You can't compare those. The punishment you gave them was far more brutal than mine. I was simply returning the flowers to its rightful owner..." he says.

"Bullshit!" I say, "And I'm not upset mainly at the fact that you are a hypocrite— I'm upset that you couldn't even finish the job!"

"What?! Why on Earth would I kill your landlord?!"

"Well you obviously intended to since you gave them deadly poison! So deadly that they felt their only chance of survival was to sneak in here and mutate themselv—" Donnie places his hands onto my shoulders and stares into my eyes.

"I'm sorry. But just know I answered you completely honest because I do not want to fight with you anymore okay? Of course what I did was wrong and I take full accountability for it. We both had done some morally wrong things. Yet, arguing about that now isn't going to change any of that."

UGH! Why does he have to be so—

"Don look, I don't want to fight with you either— I thought you were dying a few minutes ago and was scared to death. I have no fight power to debate you. But if you are going to start intervening and trying to solve my problems, you better do it right. Otherwise, let me handle it. Stop playing superhero with me."

He smiles and lets my shoulders go, "Oh I know you are no damsel in distress..." he gently takes my hand, "However, your words and actions won't ever be enough to reassure me that you don't need protection. Sorry my firefly, I simply cannot help it." He places a soft kiss on my hand.

I blush furiously and internally start to panic, "Y-You confuse me so much..." I stammer out.

He chuckles, "I find that shocking given how intelligent you are..."

"Oh stop it..." I plead bashfully.

"I'm serious!" he says with a laugh.

"Yeah maybe I am as intelligent as you deem me to be; hey, those flowers you gave me earlier, am I really your first love?"

"Ah!" He stiffens and averts his eyes after being caught off guard. I can even feel the grip he has on my hand loosen. "You were not supposed to ask that..." he says with a nervous smile. He's so cute it overwhelms my heart.

"Well I just did so..."

"Y-Yeah but you could've at least waited a day or something..."

"You still haven't answered my question... perhaps I should use some of the questions you owe me hm?" I tease.

"Please don't— that won't be necessary. To answer your question yes. Yes you are." he replies blushing.

"Aw really? Do you want to be my—"


"ALRIGHT! Calm down man, geez... I wasn't going to make fun of you, I actually was going to ask you if..." I sigh, "Never mind... can we get out of this creepy closet?"

"Yeah..." he agrees as we walk out, "You know, I should probably head home soon. It's getting late. Will you be free tomorrow?"

"Aw man, I have work Donnie... Maybe afterwards. I'll text you."

"Oh okay..." he says a bit disappointed as he opens my window, "I still can't believe you're only an exterminator, don't you think you're a bit overqualified for the job?"

"Oh Donnie, for people like us, we will always be overqualified for any job we choose." I say as I follow him over to the window.

He climbs out and looks at me from the other side. "I agree with you entirely sweetheart. Although, I still wish you were something more cooler..."

I chuckle and I boop his snout with a finger, "Be careful what you wish for dearie."

A giggle escapes from his mouth. He blushes and smiles stupidly, "Sweet dreams firefly, don't let the bedbugs bite— or centipedes..."

I return a giggle, "Goodnight Donnie."

He gives me one last adorable smile before disappearing into the night.


Help— not y'all thinking I was gonna kill off the main character in the middle of the book💀

BUT WOOHOO ANOTHER LONG ASS CHAPTER DONEEE!!! I can't wait to finish up the next chapterrr,, more dramamamamama

Oh so apparently I accidentally got another job. Now I have two jobs— let's see how well I can manage my time. I don't think it'll really cut into my writing time bc I'm not in school anymore lol

Also some trivia abt this book: the reason why this takes place in season 1 was bc at the time, that's how far I had gotten in the show and I got way too eager to start writing than finishing the show. Mega Donnie simp energy.

But likee to be fair,,, at the time I definitely did not expect so many ppl to read this story. I just did it for shits and giggles TvT but I love you all so much and I really appreciate all the support💗💗💗

Imma try to have at least two chapters up every week. <3

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